Sky Ocean Chapter 14

Story by Hraefn on SoFurry

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#14 of Sky Ocean

Chapter 14

Harvy learned something about avians that day...she learned that 'kissing' an avian was always guarenteed to be a deeply intimate act. Namely because avians had no lips. So the only way to 'kiss' an avian involved LOTS of tongue and she was certainly NOT complaining...And Gar had been right about keratin having just as much sensation as skin. He was DELIGHTFULLY sensitive...especially on the INSIDE of his beak. She moaned again as his roving talons kneeded her back gently. Her paws gently caressed his chest and stomach, sliding up and down his torso beneath his shirt. He gasped into her muzzle as she gently raked her claws through his feathers, making her grin into the kiss. She broke away and swiftly lowered her hungry muzzle to the soft downy feathers of his neck. He moaned in obvious pleasure as she gently nipped and licked at the offered flesh. She slid his shirt up, exposing his torso as she traveled downward, continuing her pleasurable minstrations down his well toned chest and stomach.

He continued to tenderly stroke her head fur all the while, illiciting a low growl of pleasure from the hungry she wolf. She began licking around his stomach...then lower...and lower... She paused as she reached his pants. Breathing in deeply she shuddered with pleasure at the scent of his She began to lose herself as feral lust started to take over. Shaky paws began to fumble with the clasp of the raven's pants before being stopped by a white talon. She looked up through lust filled eyes, and was instantly lost in ethereal blue. Gar shook his head. "...We can't..." He said pleadingly. Harvy regained control of herself, taking stock of their surroundings and the current situation. A blush spread and she looked away in slight shame. "...I-I'm sorry Gar...I lost it for a minute there..." A gentle white talon lifts her chin. He smiles lovingly at her. "We have all the time in the need to rush things..."

She returned the smile and tackled him in a hug, resuming her full body kisses. Working her way back up to his beak she parted her muzzle and thrust her tongue within, meeting his in another passionate dance. Parting for breath, she began to tenderly lick his cheeks, murring in pleasure. Giving her an uncharacteristic mischievous grin, Gar tackled the wolf, quickly reversing their positions. She looked up at the grinning raven above her in surprise before lowering her ears in submission, an excited smile on her muzzle. His beak lowered and that nimble avian tongue darted out to lick at the fur of her cheeks before working it's way down to her neck where he nibbled lightly, illiciting a delicious moan of pleasure from the helpless canine. He traveled lower still, saliva slicking the fur in the valley of her breasts. She shuddered at the contact and held his feathered head tight against her chest. His talons began to massage her flanks, slowly working their way to her heaving breasts.

She let out a startled gasp of ecstasy as his gentle talons slipped beneath her shirt...then her bra...caressing her furred orbs in a sensual massage. Meanwhile his avian tongue worked it's way back up to her waiting muzzle and quickly rejoined hers in an intimate embrace. Another loud moan escaped the euphoric canine, resonating within Gar's parted beak. Catching himself before he went too far, Gar gradually began to slow his pleasurable minstrations before disengaging and pulling the still panting young wolf into a sitting position, embracing her in a loving hug. He caressed her cheeks with his gentle talons as he stared into her warm amber pools. "It's best if we don't carry things too far...not yet..." Harvy smiled warmly before leaning in to kiss him once more. "I understand Gar...I'm just so happy...I love you so much..." The smile was returned in kind. "And I love you...'Dire Wolf'..." She giggled at the nickname before gasping in surprise at the slowly setting sun. Just how long had they been...occupied?

Gar nodded in understanding before opening his arms in a familiar gesture. "It will be far faster if we fly." Harvy smiled sweetly before licking his cheek. "What a gentleman..." With that she climbed into his thin yet powerful arms and allowed the raven to fly her home...

Gar gently touched down just outside Harvy's house. She met his eyes and smiled tenderly. "Thanks Gar." She quickly captured his beak with her maw, licking at it teasingly until he allowed her access and her tongue entered to caress his own. After a minute they parted. "Goodnight Gar...I love you..." He nodded sweetly. "And I you..." With that, he swiftly ascended into the now darkening sky and headed for home. Harvy let out a dreamy sigh. She still couldn't believe everything that had just happened. She was finally at peace with her life. She was ripped from her blissful thoughts as a familiar furry paw clasped onto her shoulder from behind. Gulping, she slowly turned around and looked up at her mother who had a TRULY lecherous grin on her muzzle. "SPILL...NOW." CRAP.

Gar silently touched down just outside his trailer. With the swift grace common to all corvids he quickly entered through his bedroom window. With a happy sigh he removed his tank top and tossed it into a corner before bending down to remove his socks as well. His gloves and bracelts soon followed. Afterwards, he silently crept down the hall and glanced at the couch, sighing in relief when he spotted a familiar crow slumbering upon it. Retreating to his room he gently shut his door with a soft click before collapsing onto his bed with a wide grin on his face. He loved Harvy...and she loved him. It felt...perfect. Pulling his sheet over himself he closed his eyes and allowed sleep to carry him off to pleasant dreams.

Harvy gulped in fear as the terrifyingly giddy she wolf known to her as 'mom' loomed over her with a mischievous grin. "...So does raven taste?" The younger wolf stared blankly in mortification. "...MOM!" The older wolf sighed in mild annoyance. "Okay okay fine...start at the begining. Tell mommy everything, GO!" Harvy let out a defeated sigh and began to recant the whole tale...leaving out certain...details...of course. By the time she finished, her mother was grinning so widely she thought she'd suffer permanent muscle damage. The older wolf took on a lecherous expression as she leaned in closer. "...Honey?" Harvy gulped. "...Yes mom?" The older wolf's grin widened. "...What were you and Gar doing at the park until the sun went down?" The younger wolf paled. She turned away and laughed nervously. "...Um...well...we kinda'...just...made out...a little..." The older wolf's savage look was terrifying. "...Is that ALL sweety?" Harvy gulped again and nodded vehemently. Satisfied with her answer, the older wolf nodded before smiling sweetly. "Good. Just because he can't get you pregnant doesn't mean he can screw you into the ground sweety." The younger wolf paled as she stared blankly at her mother. "MOM! What the HELL?!"

The lone raven sighs in deep resignation as familiar blues carry his ethereal form once more. His breath catches in his throat as the unsettling silence pierces his core. No wind, no sound. All is just...still. The fear grows alongside cold dread as his visions shift, swirling into a greyscale vortex of abstract thoughts laced with the poison of terror and agony. His breath comes ragged as realization rises. On the horizon of his psyche he sees a coming storm... He now floats in the cold and silent stillness before an unpredictable and inevitable hurricane... The blue bleeds away into nothing, leaving smoky gray and black abyss in it's stead. Sneering clouds contort into twisted forms as faces bleed through. The images are lost within the veil of his piercing scream as pain not of the flesh drowns his newly awakened heart...and the Sky Ocean...runs red...

Gar bolted upright in bed as his terrified scream pierced the still night. Taking in shaky breaths in desperate, ragged gasps, he fought to control his trembling form. His eyes found the black horizon of the endless night as he breathed the ice from his lungs. Raising a still trembling alabastor talon, he studied the bleached digits as if in silent confirmation of his waking state. "...Shifting forms of long past days, pierce the veil of a broken gaze...Shadows crawl the ancient maze, as light bleeds pain in hollow rays..." With a shuddering breath and a silent prayer to Gaea, Gar surrendered to the night, his senses choked by unseen shadows. "...Dear Gaea I pray...of such shades grant no credence...for my sleeping heart has finally stirred..."

Harvy stretched with a cavernous yawn as a bright and clear morning greeted the pretty young wolf. She giggled sweetly as images from some rather...intimate...dreams flooded her groggy mind. Needless to say they were much more...detailed...considering she no longer had to imagine what Gar's tender touch felt like. She collapsed onto her bed with a rather uncharacteristic happy squeal as she remembered the previous day. GAR...WAS...HER...MATE...she squealed again as it slowly sunk in and silently thanked Gaea that it wasn't all just a wonderful dream. A familiar light tapping at her door pulled her from her giddy thoughts. "Come in!" She called in mild annoyance. The door swung open and Mrs. Sellow's head popped into the room with an impish grin. "Good morning sweety! Sounds like someone had PLEASANT dreams last night!" She said with a teasing wink. Harvy groaned and face pawed before smiling widely. "You know what...I don't care anymore...yes mom...I had some very steamy dreams about Gar last night and I'm happy!"

Mrs. Sellow stared in momentary shock before a wicked grin spread across her muzzle. "...Did he taste like chicken?" Harvy's face paled before she slammed it into her pillow with a groan of defeat. "DAMMIT!" The older wolf chuckled mischieviously. "Breakfast is ready hun! Hurry up or you'll be late for school!" With that she swiftly retreated and closed the door, leaning against the hallway wall with a satisfied smirk on her muzzle. "Oh yeah...I've still got it..." With that she left her flustered daughter to get ready for her day as she finished doing the same.

Harvy let out yet another frustrated groan as she slowly trekked to school. Breakfast say the least as her mother giddily pressed her for details concerning the previous evening with all the intensity of a highschool chearleader. She let out a sigh before splitting into a huge grin as images of Gar flooded her giddy head. NOTHING could upset her today. Gar was her mate. He was IN LOVE with her just as she was in love with him. For once her life felt...perfect. Harvy practically skipped into the school as she fought to control her happiness. She quickly made her way to Mr. Bright's room but froze as she spotted her beloved corvid mate slumped against the wall in painfully obvious exhaustian and distress. Her smile quickly melted into a frown as she quietly padded up to the haggard white avian. She waved a paw in front of his face, taking notice of the rather unkempt appearence of the long beaded feathers which hung before his closed eyes. The rest of his long mane was similarily disheveled.

Even after several seconds there was no response. Feeling worry creep up into her throat she tried snapping her fingers. This too yielded no results. Finally with a smirk she leaned forward and gave his entire beak a long intimate lick, making the troubled avian jump in surprise. His large eyes widened like blue saucers as he stared awkwardly at the grinning black wolf before him. After a brief uncomfortable silence, Gar ruffled the feathers at his neck in embarassment before greeting his mate...pondering briefly just how foreign and yet so...right...that word sounded to him. "H-Harvy...good apologies for my less than presentable state..." She knew he was talking about more than just his ragged appearence. "That's okay Gar. You just had me a little worried..." She trailed off with a nervous sigh, causing the bleached raven to frown sadly before tenderly taking her paws into his talons. "Please forgive me 'Dire Wolf'..." He flashed her a warm, confident smile. "I am fine...I assure you..."

Harvy returned his smile but the look in her eyes told Gar she wasn't convinced. "...What's troubling you Gar?" He sighed sadly, a look of troubled contemplation on his face. "...Ask me again some time..." She sighed, recognizing the words she'd once directed at him. Nodding in resignation she looked away briefly before an alabastor talon gently grabbed her chin and guided her amber pools into ethereal blue. Gar smiled lovingly as he affectionately nuzzled her cheek with a look of deep contentment. Harvy murred softly at the sensation of his soft feathers against her fur, blocking out the shocked wispers from the totems around them. They parted and she gave Gar another warm smile, but dissapointment was also evident on her face. She had been hoping for a kiss. As if reading her mind, Gar leaned forward and whispered into her ear, the sensation mixed with his husky voice sending pleasent tingles down her spine. "...Our love is a beauty reserved for us...and us alone..."

She gasped at the enchanting beauty and obvious sincerity of his words as she nodded sweetly. She briefly found herself lost in his otherworldy eyes again before being rudely yanked back into reality as the warning bell rang. Gar chuckled sympathetically before giving her one last affectionate nuzzle. She sighed in contentment as she made her way into the waiting classroom. Gar released a shaky breath as memories from the previous night clouded his chaotic mind. His eyes glazed over with an icy veil as he pondered the ominous images which ever so slowly bled into his counciousness. Shaking his feathered head vehemently, he stepped forward with a look of conviction. It means nothing...nothing...

Harvy sighed in frustration as she counted down the final minutes before the lunch bell. Gar had told her not to worry but she couldn't help it. Something was obviously bothering him and judging by the distant looks she'd spotted on his face throughout the day, a great deal. Hopefully he'll open up at lunch...I hate to see him like this... She sighed again as the final minute ticked away at an agonizingly slow pace. *RIIINNNGGG!* Finally. She thought with a rush of relief. As Harvy quickly gathered her books and strolled into the overly crowded hall, she was stopped by a very familiar shy, feminine voice. "E-excuse me...Harvy?" The she wolf quickly spun around, coming face to face with a familiar petite blue jay. "Corrie?" She said in surprise as recognition donned on her. The jay smiled sweetly, thankful that the black wolf remembered her. She ruffled her head feathers with a talon as she continued, choosing her words carefully. "Umm...I kinda wanted to you about...Gar..."

Harvy froze in momentary shock. Gar? She wants to talk about Gar? Seeing the wolf's concerned expression, the jay nervously waved her talons in defense. "I-It's not what you think! I uh...wanted to say I was sorry for g-getting between you should have told me you were in love with him..." Harvy quirked a brow and nodded dumbly. "...I uh...I realise it was just a silly crush on my part...he was so sweet about it though...but I knew...the way he talked about you...there was no place in his heart for me..." Harvy stared in stupified awe, remaining silent as the nervous little jay continued. "...a-and so uh...I just wanted to let you know there were no hard feelings...and I don't really know anyone here so I was hoping we could" She finished with such an incredibly cute hopeful twinkle in her eyes that Harvy had to smile.

Chuckling warmly, Harvy held out a paw in friendship. The jay timidly accepted and shook it lightly. The wolf offered her a sweet smile. "Thank you Corrie...that really means a lot to me..." She nodded cutely. "Me too." With that she skipped away happily, leaving Harvy to ponder the unexpected meeting. Huh...Well how do you like that? Shaking her head to clear it, she swiftly padded off towards the caffeteria.