The Line (Roger and Julie part 8)

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#8 of The Line (Roger and Julie)


This is a story about an older male and a much younger female (cub) who happen to be related.

There are a great deal of sexual elements.

Consider yourself warned.


Part 8

"You are so tense," Jenny told him as she rubbed his shoulders. The injured one still hurt a bit, but he could deal with it, "Good thing you called me."

"Just what the doctor ordered?" Roger asked.

The rabbit pressed in close to him from behind and embraced him. He could feel her nipples through her blouse.

"Oh, I'm much better then that." She told him.

"I hope you're not addictive."

Jenny kissed him on the neck. "Too bad." She purred in his ear. She pulled up his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. She slowly ran her paws over his head and down his back, raking her manicured claws through his fur. It sent a tingle up Roger's spine.

"You need a break from that little girl." Jenny advised him. "You need a real female that can give you what you want."

"And what do I want?"

Jenny giggled and walked around in front of him, dragging a paw on his shoulder while she did so. She was naked now, except for her pink panties. Her fur was white and speckled with brown. Her ample breasts displayed proudly, pink nipples erect and begging to be pinched and suckled on. The wide, cub bearing hips swayed seductively as she moved. She straddled him, putting her weight down on his groin. She started grinding slowly and rubbing her paws over his head and stroking his ears. He liked that. He liked it a lot.

"I think we can figure that out." She told him as she pulled his face into her bosom. Roger rubbed his face between her tits. She smelled alluring, delicious. He put his paws on her rump and massaged the soft flesh and teased her fuzzy tail. He licked a nipple, then the other. She tasted like vanilla.

I was so sure she didn't care for me. How could I have misjudged so badly?

"Why are you treating me so well?" He asked.

"Because you're mine." Jenny told him and pushed him back onto the bed and climbed on top. She pressed her chest against his. Rubbed the tip of her nose against his. "Do you want me?" She breathed. He didn't have a chance to respond before she kissed him. Roger wrapped his arms around her and returned the kiss. She was so warm and soft. He reached down and slipped a paw under her panties, the pads on his fingers caressed the warm folds of her vagina.

Jenny pulled back and began to unfasten his pants. She pulled them down, noticed his lack of physical arousal, and looked at him with hurt on her face. "What's the matter? Don't you like me?"

"No, it's not you. It's the pill." He told her apologetically.

"You don't like me." She accused with a sneer.

"It's the pill, I swear."

"You like her." Jenny growled. Her pleasant voice had been replaced by a low grinding one.

Something is really fucking wrong here.

Roger looked at the doorway and saw that his niece was standing there watching them. She looked disappointed and sad. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. Jenny grabbed him by the shoulder in a powerful grasp. His injured shoulder screamed in agony at him.

"You're mine!" Jenny hissed at him with the abrasive voice. "She can't have you!"

Roger pushed at the rabbit, trying to get her off of him. She was deceptively strong and he felt overwhelmingly weak and small.

"YOU BELONG TO ME!" Jenny looked vicious and cruel. Roger grabbed her by an ear to pull her off but the long ear tore away from her head. It squirmed in his hand like a serpent. He dropped it in horror. It slithered off the bed and across the floor. He clawed desperately at her face to get her away from him. The skin on her face peeled away like fur covered latex. There wasn't flesh underneath, but another furry face. A masked ferret face that he recognized easily.

It wasn't Jenny on top of him. It was April, his sister.

NO! You're dead! Don't do this to me! You're dead!

Roger looked around desperately. Julie was still standing in the doorway. Still watching. Her expression was unchanged.

"You took me." April told him with a wicked, toothy grin. She began to dry hump his crotch. "Now you want to take her." Something writhed and wiggled between her fangs and fell onto his chest.

It was a maggot.

"I won't let you have her!" The skin around her left eye seemed to boil. The eye popped out and dangled by the optic nerve. Earthworms and maggots followed the eye out of the socket, falling down onto Roger. They crawled into his fur, biting and burrowing at his skin. She opened her maw and a torrent of carrion beetles crawled out. Some of them marching out onto her fur and down her body, some of them falling out onto Roger in their enthusiasm to leave April's carcass. They scampered onto his face, trying to get into his eyes, mouth, nose and ears. He clawed at his own face to get them away. Chunks of his flesh came away in his paws.

This isn't happening! It's a fucking dream! It's just a fucking dream!

"Join me." April said as she grabbed Roger's muzzle with both paws and forced it open. The beetles swarmed into his mouth and down his throat. He could feel the pain as they made their way through his stomach and into his intestine.


All of April's pelt was starting to boil with the movement of a million insects beneath. Her remaining eye was eaten out. The skin started to decay and split The carnivorous little creatures began to pour out and cover Roger, he could feel them all over his body. Crawling and biting. Even as her carcass was falling apart she continued to grind against him. Noisily crushing insects between their bodies and leaving bits of her flesh on his. Her entrails spilled out onto his abdomen and the insects horded in to devour them. Shortly there was nothing left of his deceased sibling but her skeleton. Her skull grinned down for a moment before the entire skeleton collapsed on top of him, some of the bones clattering to the floor. The insects were trying to invade his body even further, their ravenous appetite was unsated by his sister's body. Chewing at his eyes, his ears, his nostrils, even his anus. The pain in his gut worsened.

Through all of this Julie was still standing at the doorway. She looked so far away. Roger reached for her. He could see the skin of his arm starting to boil like April's had. He still couldn't speak. Julie cast her eyes downward and turned away. As she walked into the darkness the door was slammed by an unseen paw.

_ NO! _

Roger awoke confused and breathless. He was hot but he was shivering uncontrollably. He had a blanket on him. No, not a blanket. The afghan his grandmother had given him. He was also still sitting outside the bathroom. He had nodded off almost as soon as he sat down. Roger clutched his gut.

My stomach is killing me!

It was actually lower than his stomach. He was having serious intestinal distress. What's more there was a pins and needles, crawly, prickly feeling in his right leg. Falling asleep on the floor had cut the circulation off and the blood was painfully returning to his extremity.

Shit! Even part of my ass fell asleep. Speaking of shit.

Roger threw off the afghan. Thankfully the bathroom door was open and the room was unoccupied. He wasn't sure where Julie went, but he had more pressing matters at the moment. He stumbled onto his hind paws, but the right leg was being uncooperative, he couldn't put weight onto it. It would take a minute or two to become usable again, but he wasn't sure he had that much time.

No way I'm going to crap myself standing in the doorway of the bathroom. Clench and hop.

He grabbed the towel rack on the wall and used it for balance as he bounced into the bathroom on his one good leg. He shut the door behind him and felt something hot and fluid shift in his bowels. It was quickly making it's way to the exit.

Gotta move faster. No time to lock the door. Just get your ass on the toilet.

He hopped to the toilet, every hop making the situation more dire. He unfastened his jeans as he neared his goal. Jerking his jeans and underwear down to his thigh in one swift motion, he spun around, snatched his tail out of the way and plopped down. Not quite hitting the seat center, but close enough. Not to mention barely in time. His bowels evacuated hastily and with zero modesty. The tattle-tail tiles on the floor and walls loudly echoing the reports of his shame.

What the _ fuck _ did that little pill do to me?

Roger groaned and put his face in his paws. He could feel himself trembling. The nightmare was still fresh in his head, gnawing at him. Once the physical issue in his digestive tract had been dealt with, the emotional impact struck him full on. He could still feel her cold touch, the weight of her body, and the clamoring of creatures on him. Worst of all, the accusation in her eyes. He knew it was a dream but he couldn't stop it from feeling so real. More then that it drove home the fact that she was gone. That he would never see his little sister again outside of memories and photographs. Any unfinished business they had with each other would remain unfinished. He had always thought there would be time. That he had time to apologize for what he did and maybe she would forgive him. Maybe he could live without the guilt. Maybe they could be a family again. That chance was lost forever. A stuttering sob escaped his maw.

He sat over a bowl full of his own filth and wept like a cub. Fully aware of how undignified it was, but unable to care. He had spent the better portion of his life trying to stifle the guilt of what he had done and what his family had kept hidden. He never could bury it completely, but he had gotten to a point where it was tolerable. Recent events have brought it back to the surface to sink its teeth into him. He thought he could ignore them, but they would not be denied. Even in his sleep he couldn't ignore them any longer.

You crossed the line, Roger! Do you know what you did to your little sister? DO YOU? You _ RAPED _ her!

"Shut the fuck up, Dad." Roger quietly told the empty bathroom. "Just-- shut up."

After a few minutes he gathered himself. There was still a dull, numb, tingling in his right foot, but it had nearly passed. He could wriggle his toes so everything was fine. He got cleaned up and pulled his jeans back up. The pamphlet that came with the pills had warned of possible blood in his stool. He didn't want to, but he took a peek in the toilet. It looked okay as far as he could tell. A half loose, half chunky mess, but okay. He flushed.

Please go down.

Everything went down fine after a worrisome bit of hesitation, so he didn't have to make the mad dash to the other bathroom for the plunger. He used a liberal amount of air freshener before washing his paws and leaving the bathroom.

Roger picked up the afghan. Folded it in half, then in half again before draping it over his arm. The vibrator was lying on the floor as well, he picked it up and stuck it under his arm. The sunlight was streaming in through the side window of the bedroom at a steep angle. It was getting late. The clock/radio next to the bed glowed five forty-eight. Julie was probably getting hungry again.


There was a sickening drop into his stomach. He didn't know where she was. The last thing he remembered before falling asleep was how angry she was.

What if she decided to leave? God _ DAMN IT, _ Roger!

He swept out of the master bedroom. He opened door to the bedroom/office. She wasn't there. The inflatable bed was flat on the floor, all the air was let out. Checked the hallway bath. Empty. The third bedroom was empty as well, the exercise equipment sitting idle and ignored. He went into the living room and breathed a sigh of relief, the tightening in his stomach came undone.

Julie was curled up on the end of the couch sleeping. Her knees drawn up to her chest, her nose tucked down, her tail pulled up between her legs and clasped loosely in her paws. She had changed back into her long "Hello Beetle" tee. Her shoulder and upper arm was visible due to the oversized neck on it. It had ridden up while she was sleeping and he could see that she still wasn't wearing any panties. The television was on, but the volume was very low. The conversations and canned laughter of the sit-com rerun were just a dull murmur.

If she can hear it that low then she has way better hearing then I do.

She looked so small and harmless. It was hard to believe that she was tuning his life inside out. Roger carefully set the vibrator down on the end table. The box it came in was there too. Julie had returned the contents into it before falling asleep.

Roger sat down on the floor in front of her with the afghan in his lap. He rested his head on the armrest and watched her sleep. She gave a tiny moan and readjusted her position without waking. She pulled her nose out from where it was tucked in and Roger could see her face. He couldn't help thinking how beautiful she was.

I won't let you have her!

Roger winced. April's voice from the dream still haunted him. He had experienced nightmares involving his sister before, but never one that extreme. He supposed it was small consolation that the "giant two headed parental figure" wasn't in it. Maybe he'd finally grown out of that particular mental imagery. Though an insect ridden decaying carcass of his sister trying to fuck him didn't seem like a step in the right direction.

The ferret started nodding away as he watched his niece, but he shook it off. That nap on the floor helped some. The headache that had been nagging at him all day had faded, and that gritty feeling behind his eyes was gone. Unfortunately his buzz was also gone and he still wasn't completely rested. He didn't have time to sleep anymore. It was dinnertime. Julie would be hungry when she woke up. They still had to deal with her little problem. Somehow she'd have to get over her distaste of the idea. If she didn't he'd be forced to take her to the hospital, and that would be traumatic for her. On top of all that Steve was expecting him to show up to work the late shift. Roger simply didn't know how he'd be able to--

Roger felt a soft paw on his face and his eyes batted open in confusion. He had unexpectedly dozed off again. Julie was looking at him and stroking his muzzle tenderly.

"Did you know that you snore?" She asked him with a weary smile.

"I didn't mean to wake you up." Roger apologized.

"It's okay," Julie said casting her eyes downward, "I think it's cute." Then she furrowed her brow with a shamed expression. Roger was caught by surprise when she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"I'm sorry." She told him. "I didn't mean to yell at you."

Roger put an arm around her and rubbed her back gently. "That's alright, I can handle it. Anytime you need to yell at somebody I'll be here, deal? Just go easy on my doors."

Julie giggled. "Deal." She agreed and pulled back from him, not releasing his neck, but far enough that they were nose to nose. "I wasn't the one that broke the bathroom door anyway." She told him tauntingly.

Roger narrowed his eyes and wrinkled his nose at her in mock annoyance. She returned the expression. The older ferret chuckled softly then drew his lips up in a snarl, revealing his fangs. Julie mirrored him again. He smiled comically then let his face fall into a frown and she did the same. Roger raised an eyebrow and let out a thoughtful grunt. Once again Julie mimicked him.

Alright, try this one.

He stuck out his tongue and rolled it, unrolled it, then rolled it again. Julie looked a bit astonished, but she stuck out her tongue and tried to do it only to find it impossible no matter how hard she tried. Roger snickered at her vein attempts and his niece gave him the mock annoyance look again. It was her uncle's turn to be surprised when she suddenly licked him on the tip of the nose in retaliation.

"Come here, you." He said grabbing her and dragging his niece off the couch. Julie shrieked gleefully and fell on top of him laughing. Roger felt a pinch of pain from his injured shoulder when she landed, but didn't let on that it hurt. She straddled him, sat up on his stomach and pressed her paws into his chest to hold him down.

"I gotcha!" She declared triumphantly.

Roger smiled up at her from his vulnerable position on the floor. "Yeah... you do, don't you?" It suddenly hit him that he could smell her estrogen very clearly and the raging in his pants would need to be tamed again soon. The pill was starting to lose its effect and that primal desire was starting to take hold once more.

It was Julie's turn for vulnerability. Something she saw in Roger's face must have set her off. She took her paws off his chest and looked away bashfully. For a moment she looked like she didn't know what to do with her paws so she hugged herself. Her eyes darted around timidly as she avoided Roger's gaze.

Roger rested a paw on Julie's thigh, "Honey, is something wrong?"

Julie looked down at herself, her face looking conflicted and anxious. "Do you love me?" She asked quietly.

Her uncle rubbed her leg tenderly, "Baby, you know I love you."

Julie was close to tears. She slid off his stomach and sat on the carpet with her back to him. "Would you still love me if I did something bad? Something really, really bad?"

"I will love you no matter what." Roger was getting concerned. He sat up behind her and put a paw on her shoulder. She shied away from him a bit, but didn't reject the paw. "What's wrong, Julie?" She didn't say anything right away, but Roger could feel her emotional turmoil as she trembled.

"You wouldn't--" she swallowed hard, "You wouldn't look at me like that anymore if you knew."

Roger could feel anxiety fluttering inside. Before he had left the doctor's office earlier Dr. Ellis felt the need to tell him that she had the distinct impression that Julie was hiding something. A "gut feeling" the doctor had said. The old gibbon was pretty damn good at what she did, and he had never known her to be wrong, but Roger had really hoped that this time she was.

Roger pulled his niece in close and hugged her tightly across her chest. She fought it a little but Roger didn't let go. "I will always love you." He told her quietly. "Nothing that you say or do could ever change that."

Julie let out a stuttering sigh. Roger was pretty sure that she wasn't going to tell him what was on her mind. Not yet. He couldn't even guess what it was, but he could tell she thought it was something earth shattering. He nuzzled the side of his face into the messed up hair on her head. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." He said.

"You're on T.V."

Roger was confused. What she said didn't quite register with him because it was so wrong and out-of-place. "What?" He asked.

Julie looked at him. There was excitement in her eyes, whatever secret she was hiding was forgotten for the moment. Then she turned back to the television. "That's you isn't it?" She asked.

Her uncle looked up at the television. His pride and joy. A fifty-five inch flat screen. For a moment he thought maybe he was still dreaming. The image on the screen was somewhat unfocused and grainy, but it was definitely him. He was standing over the two canines from the restaurant earlier that day. The Roger on the television the had the two males down and was obviously yelling at them even though he couldn't hear it. The camera that had taken the video was positioned above them.

The security cameras! SHIT!

Roger hunted around and located the remote. He rewound the DVR and turned up the volume. The sit-com had ended and the evening news had started while Roger and his niece weren't paying attention. He found what looked like the start of the story. The familiar face of Lance Tendsman, the main news anchor and all-around-great-looking-macaw, read his cues with a solemn face.

"Our top story today: Two schoolcubs were attacked and badly injured at a local fast food restaurant this morning by a middle aged male ferret. Reporter Trish Wong was at the scene earlier today to cover the story."

The image switched to a pre-recorded video. A female panda stood in front of the camera with a microphone. The backdrop was the front of the McDonald's only a few miles down from Roger's home. There was an awkward moment of the panda merely looking at the camera without saying anything. Finally someone muttered, "Rolling." off camera and Trish went into her spiel.

"What could be more safe and innocent then a Saturday morning breakfast at your favorite restaurant? That's what local residents thought this morning when they entered this McDonald's on Main Street this morning hoping for some nourishment to start their weekend off right. Sadly, that innocence was shattered by a savage attack of two young cubs."

"It happened right here." Trish indicated to the restaurant behind her and slowly began to walk across the front of the store with the camera following, "At around ten a.m. this morning a male ferret entered, ordered his food, and without warning or provocation attacked two cubs from the local school. Witnesses say he then left with a female accomplice, recklessly driving over this median," The panda pointed to the ruined sod and twisted bushes that Roger had left in his wake, "while making his escape."

"Accomplice?" Julie asked looking confused. Roger shrugged in bewilderment as he watched the newscast unfold like a symphony of stupidity.

The image flashed to a random witness, a female guinea pig who looked barely out of high-school, "I donno. I was like, right there, and he was like, you know? Pounding on these guys. And, you know? He was like: "\ **beep* * you! \ **beep* * you!" and, you know? Kicking the \ **beep* * outta them. Ya know?"

A second witness appeared, this one Roger recognized as the father of the family of lemurs who's table he had borrowed. "I wanted to do something about it." He told the camera bravely, "But it happened so fast and we were on the other side of the dinning room. I have pups too, and that could have been one of mine."

You lying sack of shit, you practically stepped over your pups to get away .

Yet another witness that Roger recognized appeared. The talkative female badger that had been in line with him. "He seemed like a nice young male... very quiet, but thoughtful. I didn't see what started it, but I did see one of the cubs pull out a knife on him." Roger noticed that her statement appeared to be edited. Maybe for time constraints, the badger did have a gift for gab, but probably to sensationalize the story. They did appear to be trying to condemn him as a violent wacko.

The image switched back to Trish. "I spoke with a police officer earlier who was the first on the scene. He declined to be interviewed on camera but did say this: 'We found no trace of a weapon on the scene or in the videotape evidence.' Channel five did manage to get a copy of that videotape. Please be aware that this is very graphic."

Grainy black and white video off an overused recording media played on the screen. As is common for security footage there was no audio. For some reason they started the video after Roger had already subdued the two. There was a voice-over of Trish telling the audience that the wolf's name was Tony Halton and the fox's was Darrel Wenterson. How the encounter started wasn't shown. All that could be seen was a ferret holding down two canines. From that camera angle the paw that the fox had pulled a knife with was obscured by Roger's body. When Roger crushed the fox's nose it looked like he had done it for simple spite.

Actually, that is kinda graphic. I don't remember there being that much blood.

Back to the panda. "Both cubs suffered substantial injuries. Tony suffered a broken index digit and wrist. Kennith's nose was shattered and he's expected to undergo reconstructive surgery. We did managed to interview the two cubs in a hospital later."

The pups appeared on the screen. Tony's arm was in a sling and Darrel's face had a comical amount of bandaging. "The guy was insane." Tony told the camera. "His eyes were all bloodshot, I think he was on drugs or something. He was just way too strong for such a little guy."

"He must be on steroids." Darrel offered with a nasally voice.

"Some of the witnesses said one of you had a weapon, is that true?" An off camera voice asked.

Darrel gulped visibly and looked at Tony. The wolf shook his head. "No. Neither one of us had a knife." He said.


The story wrapped up with Mrs. Wong giving a similar, but incorrect, make and model of Roger's car and imploring the audience to contact the police if they had any information at all on the identity of the assailant or his accomplice. Roger turned down the volume.

Just my luck that today was a slow news day.

He looked down at his "accomplice" that he held in his arms. Julie had a bit of guilt on her face.

"Baby, go get me the knife." He told her.

"How did you...?" Julie started to ask, but saw that her uncle was in no mood. She got up and retrieved her hoodie from the bedroom, fumbling in the front pocket as she walked back to him. She pulled out the silver and black stiletto switchblade and gave it to her uncle.

Roger turned the knife over in his paw. There was an intricate imprint of a silver dragon on fake black rayskin on one side, and a pocket clip on the other. He pressed the button on the side, which also served as the eye of the dragon. Nothing happened. It wasn't a traditional switchblade at all, just made to look like one. There was a tab on the back of the blade so he could use his thumb to open it. Once he started it the blade snapped the rest of the way out on it's own. An auto-assist blade. Switchblades were illegal, but since this knife needed to be started manually it was technically not a switchblade. The button on the hilt only disengaged the lockback of the blade so it could be closed.

"I'm sorry." Julie said. "I don't know why I took it, I just thought it looked pretty."

Roger had to admit it was a good looking knife. The stainless blade had an etching of a dragon on both sides. It didn't feel like a cheap knife either, it functioned well and had a keen edge. Darrel had probably dropped a good thirty bucks to buy it. Since the fox had clearly intended to jam the knife into Roger's thigh, he didn't feel bad for his loss.

"It's okay. What's done is done." Roger said. "Next time you see a knife on the ground just let it be."

"Alright." She agreed. She shuffled her feet for a moment before asking. "Can I keep it?"

"What do you need a knife for?"

Julie shrugged but looked hopeful that her uncle would be accommodating. There were lots of reasons to deny her request and to do otherwise would likely be seen as neglectful on his part. On the other paw, when he was her age he had owned a number of pocket knives. Even a real switchblade before they were made illegal. There was no reason to expect her to be any less responsible just because she was a female. He closed the blade and gave it back to his niece who clasped it happily in both paws.

"Just be very careful with it and don't take it to school."

"Okay." She agreed, looking relieved that she didn't have to hide it anymore. She put it back in the hoodie's pocket and draped it over the arm of the couch. Then she sat down in her uncle's lap and watched the muted newscast. They had started covering sporting events.

"Are we in trouble?"

"I don't think so." Roger said as he shifted her so that her butt wasn't directly on top of his groin. "That video was pretty low quality, and if the police knew it was me they would have been here already. In a couple of days something else will happen and everyone will forget about it."

I hope.

Julie giggled, "My friends at school are gonna freak." She sighed longingly. "I can't wait to go back on Monday."

Roger grimaced. "Um... yeah, I have to talk to you about that. You can't go back yet."

"What?" She turned to look at him, the disappointment growing in her eyes. "Why not?"

"Well, you saw what happened this morning." He told his niece as he indicated toward the television. "If you go back to school you'll be surrounded by males that might react like that, or worse. It's too dangerous for you and unfair to them."

His niece looked like she wanted to cry, "But... that's not my fault! I want to go back, please! I want things to start to be normal again!"

"I know, honey," Roger said, "I promise you will be back in school as soon as possible, but we can't keep ignoring this and hoping that it will just go away."

Julie looked at the end table and saw that the vibrator was there. She wrinkled her nose and let out a little groan of pained contempt. "I can't..." she regarded her uncle with deep blue eyes, "That's not..." A tear escaped her eye and soaked into the fur of her cheek. She clasped the front of his shirt and asserted angrily: "That's not how it's supposed to happen!"

It pained Roger to see her like that. "I-I'm sorry." He stammered.

The young ferret buried her face in her uncle's chest. "That's not how my first time is supposed to be." She explained. "It's supposed to be real. It's supposed to be with someone I love."

Julie looked back up at him. She looked very meek. Very vulnerable. In the gleam of her eye he saw it again. The same dangerous request from earlier in the morning. The longing for his affection, the desire to taste him, touch him, feel him, experience him. To drop all barriers, all pretense of civility, and give in to the urges that nature had so rudely instilled in them. To cast aside words and tell her how much he loved her with actions. All of this would start with something as innocent and simple as a kiss.

Somewhere inside Roger he could feel his father's voice. His rage that refused to diminish. It clutched at him with wicked, barbed claws. Why won't you stay dead, old man?

Roger turned his face away from her's slightly. "I can't." He told her quietly. "I'm sorry."

Julie put her face back in his chest and sobbed softly. Her uncle wrapped her up in his arms and stroked her head comfortingly.

"You're right, though." Roger told her, "It isn't real, so it doesn't count. I must have masturbated hundreds of times before my first time."

Julie sniffled and wiped her nose with the back of her paw. "Hundreds?" She said doubtfully.

"Well, maybe thousands."

The kit pulled back from him to look at his face. She couldn't seem to decide if he was serious or not.

"Hundreds of thousands?" Roger offered. Julie had a sour look on her face and her uncle realized the joke fell flat. He sighed.

"Look, baby, I'm not trying to hurt you." He told her. "I would never tell you to do anything that was dangerous or would be painful. It's just that if you don't do it there won't ever be a first time. Please trust me, Julie, you have to do it."

She hugged herself again. "I'm scared."

"It's okay to be scared." Roger said. "I'm a little scared too."

Julie looked at the vibrator for a moment, finally she turned back to her uncle. "I don't want to do it alone. Will you help me?"

I _ REALLY _ shouldn't.

"Yeah, I'll help you."

The Line (Roger and Julie Part 9)

Part 9 An old memory suddenly surfaced in Roger's mind: "Listen up cubs!" The drill sergeant, a short, but powerfully built wolverine, had bellowed to the assembled recruits on the first day of basic combat training. He had doubtlessly seen _Full...

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The Line (Roger and Julie part 7)

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* This is a story about an older male and a much younger female (cub) who happen to be related. There are a great deal of sexual elements. Consider yourself warned. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* ...

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The Doe and the Wolf Pack

A young doe was being chased though the forest by a pack of wolves. Suddenly the deer stopped, turned around and said: "Shame on you!" Startled, the wolves stopped the chase. "Shame on you!" The doe repeated. The wolves looked at each other...

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