The Second Cycle: Chapter Five
#6 of Guardians: The Second Cycle
An old acquaintance is met and an underlying plot uncovered.
Guardians Awakened:
Chapter Five: Cye
Alyx leaned against the door frame of the bathroom and watched Sain, who was on the lying on the bed face-up with her tail stuffed into herself. He watched her still as she pumped it in and out of herself unaware he was watching as the stripe of silver fur upon it became slick and matted with her juices.
"Just couldn't wait could you?" He chuckled softly as she started and looked up at him.
He crossed the room quickly and ran a hand over her belly sensuously, he smiled as she murred and her eyes closed, her tail slipping out with a soft slurp.
"You were taking far too long lovey." She growled up at him softly as he started to massage her front side slowly.
"Mmm, I'm sure. And you didn't keep me waiting at all." He poked the tip of his member against her thigh to make a point.
Sain laughed, "I know you like it. Long and slow, that's all you're good for." She teased as her tail twined around one of his legs and pulled him off his feet and into the bed with her.
Alyx chirruped as he fell and grabbed her into a tight hug, "Would you prefer quick and rough tonight?" He growled into her ear seductively.
Sain shook her head, "I think I'd prefer you to just do whatever." She sighed softly as he nibbled on her ear, "You're so much more fun when you surprise me." She purred.
Alyx grinned, "And if I just decided today was too much and went to sleep?"
"Well, I've still got my tail." She huffed, "But I doubt that's the case."
Alyx didn't answer he simply set to work nibbling and licking at Sain's neck.
"Mmmm... I thought so," Sain murmured softly as Alyx climbed on top of her rolling her onto her back.
Alyx reached a hand down to gently tease her folds with a finger. He sighed softly as her slick sex parted with very little resistance, "I guess I did wait a little too long after teasing you love." He murmured giving her a soft kiss.
"Are you gonna keep me waiting longer?" She answered with a low growl.
Alyx laughed quietly and brought his shaft to press against her wetness gently. He huffed softly as he slid into her warmth slowly, "Yessss..." He hissed softly as Sain started to purr quietly.
When he'd hilted her completely Sain smiled, "That's much better." She murred quietly as she rolled her hips in a tiny motion.
Sain chirruped as suddenly Alyx pulled out quickly and rolled her onto her belly. Realizing what her wanted Sain climbed to her knees and hiked her tail up for him. Alyx eyed her rump and slit with a lusty growl before he all but pounced her quickly finding her entrance and shoving himself deep inside again. He set up a quick pace making Sain grunt every time he hilted her, she moaned softly as he bit down onto her neck with a quiet growl.
Sain let her shoulders drop down to the bed as her pleasurable bits were assaulted by her lover above her. She wrapped her tail around his waist eagerly as he continued to pound her with his enthusiastic humps. She could feel her first orgasm rising as she reached her mind out to tangle with his, not something they often did, as the pleasure almost always knocked Alyx senseless. Sain grunted feeling her folds parting around his shaft and the thick pleasure within as their pleasure centers became aligned again.
Alyx groaned at the mental tackle as his mind was assaulted with the pleasure of two bodies, his frantic shoving faltered for a few seconds as his brain tried desperately to register what had just happened. He closed his eyes with a long drawn out moan as he resumed his pace, they were both close and a earth-shaking orgasm was definitely coming. He let out an involuntary chirrup as Sain flexed her inner muscles around him the added resistance spiking his pleasure. And with that, they both lost it, in what could only be described as a thunderclap, their orgasms started.
Alyx froze, releasing his seed deep within Sain with a mewl as her walls clamped down on him tightly, he knew he was about to pass out and he held onto and savored the electrical pleasure for as long as he could before his mind blacked out from the intensity. Sain growled loudly her entire body shivering as she realized Alyx had already passed out, she purred at the feeling of his warm seed spraying deep within her for a few precious seconds before she came down off of her orgasm.
Alyx was a limp deadweight atop her as she rolled to her side gently plopping him down onto the mattress. She pulled off of his shaft and moaned softly at the rush of fluid from their coitus. She rolled over to face him and kissed his insensible form gently, she smiled to herself as she wrapped a wing over the pair of them and closed her eyes.
"That never gets old." She murmured quietly before succumbing to the sex-induced sleep.
. . .
Alyx murred softly as he opened his eyes, he glanced around slowly taking in the morning sunlight pouring into the small apartment, before he looked down at Sain pressed up against his side sleeping peacefully. He smiled and leaned down to kiss her forehead gently, wondering if this is what heaven was like. He folded a wing over his mate and curled around her slightly to wait until she woke, happy just to study the precious expression across her muzzle.
He sighed and thought back to last night, nothing spectacular, just good sex and a hell of a lot of cuddling. He murmured to himself softly, his testicles felt bruised within his abdomen, he might have come one to many times actually last night; so it was spectacular; sex with his mate always was, but it was nothing out of the ordinary for them. His mind drifted aimlessly as he licked softly at Sain's face making her purr before she stretched slowly coming awake.
He started as there was a knock on the door. Sain's eyes opened and she looked curiously up at Alyx as the knock came again. Alyx sighed deeply and kissed Sain softly before standing up and walking to the door. He shifted into a human shape and wrapped a towel across his lower body as he reached the door and cracked it.
"Yes?" He queried. As he looked out the door his mouth went dry as he recognized the uniforms of the local military.
The man who'd knocked on their door squared his shoulders a little,
"We're searching the area for a set of fugitives and you've recently rented out this room sir. Due to recent occurrences we're going to have to search it."
Alyx sighed and looked back towards Sain,
"Put some clothes on love. We have guests."
Sain made a face and shifted into a human form as well quickly putting on some clothes and kicking their rifle under the bed.
Alyx looked back out at the soldier, who now looked a little embarrassed,
"Can you at least give me a second to put on some pants?"
"Of course, I apologize for the early visit, but we can't quite schedule these searches. You understand right?"
Alyx nodded,
"I know exactly what you mean."
He turned from the door as Sain threw a pair of pants at him. He caught them and put them on quickly, pointing to Sain's little pistol. She grabbed it and put it in her pants quickly. He turned back to the door and unlatched the chain. He invited the soldiers in with a sweep of an arm.
"If I'd known we'd have guests I would have made tea, so I apologize for the lack of hospitality."
The man waved the excuse away as he and two others stepped into the room, another human and... A blue dragon,
"No worries, we don't make these convenient on purpose."
Alyx nodded and shrugged,
"So what do you want to search? Our bags? We haven't even unpacked yet." He smiled and flashed a look at Sain who laughed.
Alyx looked back at the three and watched the dragon carefully who was sniffing at the air. He looked knowingly at Alyx and Sain and then whispered in the ear of the first man softly. Alyx stiffened as the man looked back at the dragon who nodded slowly. The man did a double take between Alyx and the dragon, before he saluted quickly to Alyx and Sain.
"My apologies! I had no idea who you were! We were just searching the area for that killer on the loose; we didn't mean to intrude on your..." He trailed off. "Uhm..."
Alyx waved the apologies aside picking up on what the dragon had told him,
"No need to apologize, it's only fair we're treated like civilians while on vacation."
~~Smart man. I know what you two are, so don't worry. By the way I told him you two are MI6 agents; not military or anything that would be a bit hard to pull off with these soldiers.~~
Alyx glanced at the dragon who flashed a smile. Alyx also noticed the generals' stars on his uniform.
"Do you still want to search us? I can tell you there is a sniper rifle under the bed, c4 in our duffel bags and a pistol on her." He gestured at Sain, "But that's all of 'suspicion' we have in here."
The soldier nodded and thanked Alyx backing out of the room slowly.
The dragon waved him away.
"You all continue on ahead, I'll catch up later. There's something I wish to discuss with these two."
The other two soldiers Saluted and back out of the room shutting the door. The general sighed and unstrapped his sub-machinegun and tossed it onto the bed rolling his shoulders. Alyx and Sain eyed him cautiously.
"It's been a long time since I've seen others of my kind." He smiled and nodded to the two, "Well, I guess I only smell you, you don't look like dragons." He sat down in one of the chairs and relaxed completely his wings even lowering in a sign of non-aggression.
Alyx and Sain both relaxed a little and they both shifted into their own draconic forms. It was Sain who spoke next.
"Who are you?"
The dragon shrugged,
"I am Cyrila'Nothis Ravaroth. Most people call me Cye."
"Ravaroth?" Alyx trailed off as a flash of his older memories hit him. Ever since the day they'd blown up the factory he'd remembered a good chunk of his lost memory, but there was still sometimes when it would flash-back like this. Him and Cye as younglings, playing at the beach together, both growing up and constantly having contests, Cye's marriage, their parting ways as Alyx left for other lands.
"If I'm not mistaken, you're Alexyn'Zeltharian Ranas." He noticed Alyx's wince as he remembered his full draconic name, "That is who you are right?"
Alyx worked his mouth a few times,
"If you'd asked me two years ago I'd said no. But that is, my name..." Alyx trailed off and sat down heavily on the bed.
Cye smiled,
"Long time no see, Al."
Sain looked between the two and then back at Alyx,
"Who is he? What am I missing?"
Cye looked up at Sain and his smile grew wider,
"I see you have his colors, you must be his mate." Cye laughed and extended a hand, "Like I said I'm Cye, long-time friend of Alexyn's."
Sain didn't shake his hand but looked at him oddly,
"Alexyn? His name is Alyx."
Cye shook his head,
"In full draconic it's Alexyn." Cye shrugged, "Old world names were confusing and long, much easier to shorten them."
Alyx nodded slowly coming out of his stupor.
"Yeah, Sain. Alexyn is my full first name. I'd forgotten up till now." He shook his head, "Damn the GC project and what it did to my head."
Cye looked over at Alyx, "GC project?"
Alyx waved it away as Sain sat beside him and put an arm around him, she answered. "Military program. They tampered with his memories."
Cye cocked his head, "Do you remember the old world Al?"
Alyx half shook his head, "Vaguely. I barely remember you honestly." He was silent, "How's your mate? I do remember being your best man at the wedding."
Cye's countenance darkened instantly and he looked down, his black mane obscuring his face.
Alyx sucked in a breath and nodded. "I see. You have your old colors back." He was quiet again for a moment, "How'd you end up on Earth? Of all the places you coulda went; why here?"
Cye grinned and looked back up. "I wanted some excitement again after Shea died, and I figured I might be able to meet some of my old friends again." He chuckled, "So far I've only found you, which was luck really, you still smell the same shapeshifter."
Sain piped up, "Wait. You're both the same age?"
Cye glanced at her and nodded, and looked at Alyx questioningly as she began to laugh.
Alyx shrugged. "We're old in her eyes. She hasn't even reached her twentieth century yet."
Cye looked at Alyx for a moment and then guffawed, "What!? She's more than thirty-eight thousand years younger than you and you're mated to her!?" He laughed harder as Sain quieted and looked at him, "Wow, that's." He broke off and started giggling again, "Next you'll tell me she's an Earth-born."
Sain nodded slowly, "And what's wrong with either of those things?"
Cye went silent. "You're serious?"
"Yes" They both answered at the same time..
"Oh." Cye went silent and looked down, "Sorry. Thought you were joking."
Alyx shook his head, "You're a general in the Army here?"
Cye looked down and laughed, "Yep, although I'm retiring in a couple weeks and going back home to the old world. This place is sickening actually. So much anger and hate on this planet. Exciting at first, but the appeal wears off pretty quickly for me."
Sain looked at Cye hopefully for a moment and then back at Alyx, ~~We could accompany him. I've wanted to see our home world since the day I hatched.~~
Alyx shook his head, ~~Only if we've finished here. Granted, I do like the idea.~~
Cye butted into the mental conversation. ~~You two need some more practice shielding your thoughts, being around humans and their creations have dulled your abilities Alyx.~~
"Eh, hell." Sain cursed, "So much for a private talk."
Cye shrugged, "So what've you got to finish before you can come with me eh? There are a lot of good dragons who'd love to see you again Alyx."
Alyx groaned and leaned back, "How much time can you in spend here before the military wants you back?"
Cye grinned, "All fuckin' year if I want. I may be a general, but I don't actually do much. I've got seniority enough so could tell the high command 'I quit' and they wouldn't give me any bullshit over it."
Alyx was quiet for a moment, "Long story short, I'm killing the man responsible for the slaughter of my old team. Although, how it got to this is rather twisted, even I'm not quite sure how this happened."
Cye went silent for a moment, "Your old team? Revenge I assume?" He closed his eyes, "Something to do with that Gee bee project or whatever?"
Alyx chuckled, "The GC project, or the Guardian Corps."
Cye bolted upright eyes wide, "The Guardian Corps!? You mean that team that got themselves blown to hell recapturing a WMD storehouse!?"
Alyx half nodded, "I don't know if it was a WMD storehouse, but I guess that's what the media said? But yes, I was the leader of the GC's. The 'storehouse' was actually a trap designed to kill us. It worked mostly."
Cye shook his head, "Two dragons, a wolf, and a horse where all I heard survived, they were all over the news none of them looked like either of you."
Alyx shook his head, "Me and Sain where in the explosion... Actually I caused it."
"You caused ..." Cye trailed off, "What!?"
"I wonder what happened to Greg, Gleets, and Duke." Sain muttered to herself.
Sain waved vaguely, "Three others who we know got out of the building."
Cye was quiet for a moment, "I did hear about a transport being blown to hell on the same day not far away. Maybe they were on it?"
Sain shrugged, "Two dragons, a horse and a wolf?" She looked over at Alyx.
"Swanson, Rex, Ruze and Vance." He nodded and started to say more but Cye interrupted him.
"How did you cause the explosion?"
Alyx sighed slowly. "Okay, the Guardian project was an experiment to imbue soldiers with powers. And I got this." Alyx raised his hand pointing it at one of the pillows on the bed and willed the pillow gone. With a firecracker pop and a blue flash the pillow vanished.
Cye started to exclaim something but Alyx held up his other hand to silence him and willed the pillow back. With another pop it appeared right above Alyx's head and landed atop it.
Alyx shrugged, "You're guess is as good as mine man."
Cye's mouth was agape and he worked it up and down a few times before finding his voice, "What the hell!?" Then he noticed Alyx's tattoo on his hand, "Dude you're hand looks like a spot light now!"
Alyx looked down and watched as the tattoo faded back to its original black, "Like I said Cye, I have no idea." He shrugged.
Cye shook his head and pulled a cigarette from one of his pockets, "That's definitely interesting." He lit the cigarette on his breath and took a puff, "So that's how blew the place to pieces?"
Alyx nodded.
"Then could you perhaps bring it back in the same manner?" Cye asked.
Alyx looked stunned, "I never thought of that, although it wouldn't serve any purpose."
Cye picked the pillow up off the ground and examined it, "You could smuggle an entire arsenal of weapons with you assuming the teleportation or whatever didn't damage it." He turned the pillow over, "It'd be a better way to hide the TKIV under the bed." He grinned.
Sain laughed, "You smell the cosmoline don't you?"
Cye shook his head, "The power the Finnish use has a very distinct smell and as you apparently haven't taken time to clean the barrel out since it was last fired." He trailed off with a grin. "When was the last time it was fired by the way?"
Sain shrugged, "Yesterday. We were ambushed in our hotel."
Cye interrupted her, "The Motel Seven?" He asked and when the pair nodded he whistled taking another drag on his cigarette before blowing it out relaxing a little, "That place was fucked up when we got there. Found two bodies both had been killed with a 7.62x54 to the head. Nice shot." He grinned.
Alyx shrugged, "What else can you tell us about it?"
Cye sighed, "Well nothing was really known about the receiving end of that fire-fire until just now. We found the Finnish brass in the hotel but that was it... Well and some undergarments." He grinned at Sain, "Sexy panties by the way." He laughed at the two's simultaneously voiced consternation, "The M2 that opened up on you was registered for use in Iraq by the UN but went missing after an IED took out the squad it'd been released to. The RPG-7 was an original Russian made launcher from the cold war. Both men were Hungarian. That's all I know." He shrugged.
"Lovely." Alyx murmured quietly, "Any ID on the men."
Cye shook his head and pulled out a crumpled sheet of paper, "No it's like they never existed. But they both had notes on them; I copied them, but unfortunately my Russian isn't up to snuff."
Sain reached for the sheet which Cye surrendered happily to her. She sighed softly after reading over it quickly, "It reads like a shopping list, but it's definitely a code for something." She shrugged handing it back to Cye, "I don't have a clue; if it was encrypted I could do something, but a random usage of code words like that..." She trailed off looking unhappy.
There was a knock on the door followed by one of the soldier's voices from earlier,
"Sir, there's something you need to hear."
Cye sighed softly and stood ushering the soldier in, "Where are the others?" He asked quietly.
The soldier waved vaguely towards the east side of the building, "In another one of the rooms sir. They found something... Suspicious. " He trailed off his hands visibly tightening on his rifle. Which Alyx noticed was silenced. He didn't remember a silencer on the rifle before.
"What'd they find?" Cye asked curiously noticing Alyx had carefully picked up Cye's discarded HK7.
"This." The soldier calmly said pulling his rifle up in a smooth quick movement and pulling a shot off into Cye's chest.
Cye staggered back with an exclamation that was quickly drowned out by the report of the small 4.6 bullets from the submachine gun Alyx had picked up. He fired three times, once in the chest and twice in the head and the soldier crumpled to the ground with a shockingly quiet thump. Alyx eyed the blood splatter on the door behind the man distastefully as he dropped the gun back down onto the bed. He walked over to Cye who had slid down into a sitting position on the wall.
"You okay?" Alyx asked quietly.
Cye looked up and nodded with a pained expression, "It was just a lead bullet. Didn't penetrate my scales though." He winced standing and then looking down at the purple stain that was growing on his shirt, "Aw fuck, nevermind." He peeled his jacket and shirt off exposing his musculature. His build was larger than Alyx's but not as defined as he poked at the hole in his scales at his chest with a wince, "It's not deep, I think I can..." He yelled as he pulled the wad of lead out with a small spurt of blood, "Shit... Yeah..." He leaned his head against the wall panting softly.
Alyx just shook his head and turned back to Sain, "Got any kind of first aid kit?" He asked quietly as he started to rifle through what the soldier had on him.
Sain nodded and grabbed one of their duffel bags pulling a small green pack out and quickly getting over to Cye to stop the bleeding and patch him up best she could.
"My lieutenant... He shot me?" Cye murmured quietly.
Alyx made a pleased sound pulling a .44 magnum out of the soldier's backpack, and then he pulled out a piece of brown paper with Russian on it. "Hey, you might wanna see this." He tossed the paper at the other two before scavenging what ammo he could find for the revolver from the man's pack. He cocked his head to one side listening, "Scratch that, get him good to go, I here sirens... Again." Alyx sighed, grabbing one of the duffel bags him and Sian had collected and pulling the Rifle from under the bed, "We need to leave."
Alrighty, that was interesting and by the seat of my pants, maybe a little rushed. >.< I hope you couldn't tell. Anyway, if you guys have enoyed the story thus far let me know about it. If you haven't, let me know why! :D