SWAT Kats-Take A Chance On Me: Chapter 9

Story by Sour_Wolf on SoFurry

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Take A Chance On Me

Chapter 9: Someone, Anyone, Listen To My Prayers

Chance brought Jake out from the hanger, the smaller and wounded kat in his arms, out of his uniform and resting peacefully as he was carried upstairs to his room. Chance turned the light on before going over to the bed and laying Jake down, he looked onto his mate and reflected how happy he was to know Jake was alive and breathing. His sides were bruised up a bit and he got a nasty bump on the head, Chance left the room and went to the bathroom to retrieve the medical kit before returning. He kneeled down beside the bed and opened up the kit, taking out some ointment and bandages. Chance applied the ointment onto Jakes bruises and spread some over his cuts before wrapping them up; the he moved onto Jake's head and bandaged that up easily as the golden colored tabby lifted Jake's neck up with his paw. Chance made sure it wasn't too tight around his noggin, when it was tied together he lowered Jake's head back onto the pillow before standing up. Chance felt a sharp pain on his leg, right above his knee, he looked down to see a small puddle of blood on the wooden floor and a gash on his right leg. He must have gotten that when the inside of the TurboKat started to spark up and a piece of metal flew across his leg. Chance turned around and left the room, going down the stairs and into the kitchen to fix himself up so he won't leave a blood trail in the house, he sat down on a chair at the table cleaning his wound with a damp cloth, it stung badly to the touch. After applying the ointment and bandage, Chance slowly got up and went to the fridge to grab himself his favorite Raspberry MilkOff he loved s much before retreating to the t.v room to watch some Scardy Kat. Luckily, the show had just begun when Chance sank into the couch and relaxing himself, putting his foot up on the little table in front of himself. He smiled as his favorite character got himself caught in bad situations, Chance laughed as he put his drink on the table, slowly Chance felt the light alcohol hit him, it took a lot to get Chance drunk but his favorite drink always seemed to do the trick when he wanted to relax. He looked outside and noticed it was about night time already, Scardy Kat had ended and the news was about to come on with Ann Gora highlighting about the events that happened earlier today with MegaKat. Of course Feral will bad mouth the SWAT Kats for doing his job, but he knew Dark Kat would have ruled over the city by now if they hadn't showed up in time. Chance had gotten up to head to the kitchen and get himself another drink, he though for a moment he head something coming out of Jake's room. The tom must have woken up by now with a craving for something delicious.

"I wonder what we should have for supper" Chance said looking inside the fridge, he grabbed himself another drink before closing the door and turning on the light in the kitchen, he had to shield his eyes for a moment so he could adjust. Chance was about to take a swig of his drink before he heard the scariest sound he could imagine coming from Jake's room.

"CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANCE!!!!!" Chance dropped his bottle as he looked outside the kitchen up at the stairs; loud crying followed his cry for his mate. The bottle fell to the floor shattering, he alcoholic liquid spattering on the ground as the glass bounced before staying still. Chance was stunned by what he heard; shaking all over like he was in a bad dream that he couldn't get out of no matter how hard he tried. The burly kat wasted no time as he sprinted up the stairs, forgetting about the stinging pain he was feeling in his knee as he finally made it up to Jake's door as he, once again, kicked the shit out of the door making it fall to the ground. Chance rolled inside the room and stood in front of his lover as he got up from the ground and looked down at Jake who was sobbing uncontrollably, Chance put his hands on Jake's shoulders as he knelt down facing his love at eye level.

"JAKE!?!! What's wrong buddy?" Chance asked shaking his lover for a minute, Jake just wrapped his arms around Chance's neck and hugged his lover tightly as he continued to cry into his shoulder blade. Chance just held onto his lover close to his body, feeling Jake's tears soak into his shirt along with Jake's grip on his torso getting tighter and tighter. Chance looked onto the side his lovers head and began to lick it a little, comforting his mate a little as Jake's calmed down a bit and started to choke and sniff on his own air while nuzzling into Chance's fur.

"Chance...." Jake cried into his fur, it was hard to hear since his cry was muffled a bit while his head was buried. Chance just kneeled there holding his mate close to his own body; he didn't know what was wrong with Jake and was scared shit-less for him. He had thought that Dark Kat had found out who they were and attacked his love while he was resting. Jake put both of his hands on Chance's chest, laying his own head on them as his cries softened. "I'm so sorry Chance"

"What is it Jake, why are you sorry?"

"Chance, earlier today I found out something that I wanted to tell you earlier..but....but" Jake sniffed as he buried himself deeper in Chance's embrace closing his eyes. Chance held onto Jake's shoulders as he pulled his lover away from his chest and looked him in his amber eyes, now puffy red and still shedding tears.

"Jake, tell me please" Chance softly said, his grip loosening to make his partner more comfortable. Jake raised his arms and placed his hands on Chance's, then sunk them down to his stomach. Chance was confused as he felt Jake's belly and rubbed it a bit, putting a quivering smile on his lovers lips.

"We went out on a dangerous mission today......." Jake gasped as he took a deep breath. "I didn't tell you this afternoon......I found out that I was going to be carrying your kitten....or kittens" Jake looked up to see Chance, the tabby had a shocked expression on his face, eyes widened and mouth half way open like something had just caught his tongue. Chance just looked down at his hands still placed on Jake's stomach, it was warm, soft and well toned as a matter of fact. His fur seems to smell and feel so good for some reason.

"Are.....are your sure?" Chance asked looking back at his lovers eyes.

"I'm really sure, when I woke up I remembered and thought about the fight I had with Dark Kat...I didn't think about it when I was in uniform. Now....and now....I feel so scared for my babies" Jake narrowed his eyes as he hugged Chance's torso with a death grip, Chance comforted his mate by patting him on the back softly, he was still shocked at what he was hearing. Chance found the idea of being a parent nice, but hadn't thought about it much really. He also knew that Jake would have to stay home when the SWAT Kats were needed, Chance continued to pat Jake on the back before noticing that his mate wasn't moving much.

"Jake....?" Chance asked, he hears some light breathing coming from his mate, the poor thing cried himself to sleep. Chance held onto Jake as he laid him back down on his bed slowly, one of Jake's arm was across his chest as the other laid straight down his side. Chance placed a pillow underneath Jake's head and covered him up with his sheet before standing up looking down on his mate. He looked so lovely sleeping, his eyes were a bit puffy from all of his crying, dried up as tear streaks showed on his fur. Chance took his hand and brushed Jake's hair as he turned around to leave the room, again he would have to fix the door he knocked down. Chance turned off the light in Jake's room as well as the hallway light before entering his room. He didn't bother to turn on his light, he could get to his bed without the aid of illumination, Chance fell onto his soft mattress bouncing a couple of times when he landed. Chance reached for the head of his bed and grabbed his pillow, bringing it to his chest as he hugged the soft feather filled pillow and smiled to himself. He had always planned to someday have a kitten or more with Jake, but never thought it would come up so soon. Even though they haven't slept in the same room since the incident between them, they still cared for one another deeply, now that a new chapter in their lives was about to be written Chance couldn't help but let a smile dance across his face. He started to drift slowly to sleep thinking about being a father to a young kitten.

~ Early the Next Morning ~

The aroma of bacon and eggs filled the kitchen air as Chance stood in front of the stove creating what he liked to call, "The Best Smile Ever" breakfast for Jake, his love probably still feels horrible with going into battle knowing he was going to give birth in another 9 months, it probably scared the living daylights out of his lover when he remembered, Chance thought. He couldn't express the same feelings as Jake did since he's never been a situation like that before, it must have been horrible for his mate to know the life inside of him was in danger. Though Jake was in the beginning stages of being pregnant, he still had his slim figure and hot body that Chance loved, in more ways than one. Chance smiled to himself as he poured some milk and salted the eggs a bit in the hot pan, while listening to his cd player on the kitchen counter, it was playing some light rock music that Chance liked. Moments later, the toaster popped up two golden flaky pieces of toast, hot and ready to be served, Chance moved away from the stove after turning the heat on low to grab a small plat to put the toast on. He set the plate at the table where Jake always say, grabbing the small butter knife and butter, beginning to spread it onto the toast as it go a bit soggy in the middle. Chance stood up as he looked at the presentation he made. A glass of milk with another glass of water next to it, some grapes sitting in a small bowl to the upper left of the place mat, the newly made toast to the upper right, the fork and spoon on a folded napkin to the right of the empty plate in the middle. All that was left was for the eggs and bacon to keep the plate company, Chance went over to the stove and picked up the hot pan from the handle to walk back to the table. He used the spatula to scoop the delicious creation onto the plate, the fluffy eggs mixed with the bacon sent shivers down his spine. He had never really paid much attention to detail when making food, but he was really excited for this morning, Chance placed the pan in the sink and turned the water on, he saw the steam rise as the cold water touch the pan's surface. Chance turned around to see that the sun was giving the kitchen enough light on its own, it had fully risen from the ground and pushed away the clouds of night time.

"Perfect" Chance sighed to himself as he removed his apron and quickly tossed it in the closet, he wouldn't be caught dead in something like that with someone watching. Chance started to head upstairs and peeked into Jakes room, and by peek he just stuck his head in due to the broken door still sitting on the floor from last night. He could see Jake sleeping on his side trying to pull the light sheet up on his body more as he shifted some. Chance tip-toed over to his sleeping lover and crawled into the bed with him, spooning him as a matter of fact, but Jake didn't stir in his sleep when he was laying against Chance's body. (How do I wake him up??) Chance thought, then he got an idea. Chance grabbed onto Jake's shoulders as he churned some saliva in his mouth for a moment before getting close to the back of Jake's head and licking it from the neck up. Jake's eyes suddenly opened up as he yelped, the sticky wet feeling of his fur sent shivers down his spine, Jake sat up rubbing at the spot.

"CHANCE! You know I hate that!" Jake said groaning as he sat on the edge of the bed smoothing out his wet fur, Chance got o his knees and crawled over to his love, planting a kiss on his cheek before getting off the bed.

"I couldn't resist, you know that" Chance smiled, he took Jake's hands as he helped his lover up on his feet and lead his towards the kitchen. Jake yawned on their way down the stairs and smelt something delicious coming from the kitchen, one they got there his eyes widened as he saw the lovely food on the table prepared nice and neatly. He couldn't believe how professional it looked, and yet it was made by Chance! Chance pulled Jake's seat out and directed his love to sit down, he did feeling his chair and himself being pushed closer to the table. Jake marveled at the food that was before him, not soon later did Chance sit directly across from his mate with similar food placed on his place mat.

"Jake" Chance smiled looking into his eyes, so lovely and deep. "I just want you to know, I will always be here for you like I promised. If you wish to have this kitten as I do, then.....I don't even know how to express how happy I would be" Chance said picking up his glass of milk and holding it in the air, his arm coming more than half way across the small table, Jake imitated his actions with his cup and brought it up. They glasses made their high pitched sound as they made contact, Jake had a big smile on his face and blushed slightly.

"Are you sure your up for it Chance? Having a kitten is a lot of responsibility you know" Jake joked as he took a sip of his milk, the cool creamy liquid rushed down his throat, quenching his thirst.

"As long as you'll be there to help me out, it should be easy" Chance laughed as he began to chow down on his food, he even amazed himself on how good it tasted, Jake did the same and loved every bite he took of the feast prepared at the table. The had finished their meal moments later, Jake sat back in his chair rubbing his stomach a little, giving a small laugh as he though to himself. Chance got up from his seat and knelt right next to his mate, putting his hand on Jake's stomach. "So.....when should we head to the hospital to check it out?" Chance softly said as Jake purred lightly at the touch of Chance's hand.

"Why not today.... after Church?" Jake said, Chance shot a straight look at his mate. "You haven't been there in a while, and I know how much you want to go......so why not? I'd like our kitten to be as determined and faithful like you are Chance" Jake said cupping the side of Chance's face with his hand, Chance closed his eyes and purred deeply.

"Your the best Jake" Chance said getting on his feet again and helping his love stand up, they both went upstairs to change into some formal outfit, Chance put on his black pants and long sleeve blue shirt, he didn't tuck it in and didn't button up his cuffs. Jake put on his silk green shirt and tan shorts before stepping out of his room. Chance came a minute later grabbing Jake and pulling him in for a kiss. "You always out dress me" Chance laughed, Jake shook his head as he smiled and went downstairs to the door, taking the keys in his hand.

"I'm driving today" Jake stuck his tongue out, Chance quickly ran down after him and out the door.

"No WAY!!! That's my baby!!" Chance yelled as Jake got inside the truck locking the door as he got in, laughing at Chance who was pounding on the door.

~ Around 10 am ~

Church service in the small farm community on the outskirts of MegaKat city was large, all the residents who lived there loved to go there. It was more than a religious thing for the small town; they would also socialize with one another when service was over and talk to neighbors near and far. A lot of the city folk came as well, those who wanted to make the trip down to the country side. Chance and Jake pulled into the parking lot of the Church, they had come a little earlier than expected thanks to Jake's driving, Chance wouldn't admit it though and just got out of the car with a grumpy attitude.

"Now don't be like that Chance, you just need a little more time behind the wheel to get use to it" Jake laughed as he got out of the truck, he looked at the other end of the vehicle to see his mate wasn't there, he must have went in already Jake thought. Jake looked around the parking lot to see a lot of kats pulling in and talking to one another as they walked to the large Church building, it was nice to see the friendly country air changing people. Jake turned around himself and started to head to the door of the Church, there were small crowds of kats outside talking with one another; they all knew they had some time before the service started. Jake was stopped by someone tugging at his tail, Jake looked behind himself and saw Anna, Chance's youngest sibling.

"So, just gonna walk right by me without even a "Good Morning"??" The blond shekat snickered as she went to give her Brother-In-Law a hug, Jake smiled and returned with a hug of his own. "So what brings you here Jake?"

"Chance and I are here for the service, he's missed so many I thought he should come today" Jake said as Anna took his arm and they started to enter the church. Jake thought it was gigantic; the red carpets matched the brown seats and alter. It looked like someone could hold a concert inside of here; there were some kats who already found their seats while others stood around talking to one another like they kats were doing outside. Jake noticed a particular kat in the waaaay back of the third row, a large kat in a black tuxedo wearing some fancy looking shades......then it hit him, it was Cliff! Jake covered his face with his free hand acting like he was scratching the side of his head while he and Anna continued to walk. Anna looked at Jake confused but brushed it off, she thought he was nervous about being in a holy place.

"You're so silly its cute" Anna smiled as she found her mother, and Chance was sitting next to her reading a book. Rita stood up to give Jake a hug and Chance did the same with his sister.

"Ooooh honey, its been such a long time since we've talked. How are you doing with yourself after......you know" Rita whispered.

"Just fine, just healing emotionally now but everything is just fine between me and Chance. Nothing to worry about, and we have some exciting news when we have some free time to tell you" Jake replied, Rita nodded and took his hand as she led the two back to their seats and sat down. Moments later the Church bells started to ring and the kats form the outside started to fill the Church instantly, the priest and their alter kats came out, everyone stood and prayed in silence as the herbal smoke seeped out from the ball and chain. The priest stood up at the alter and began to give the opening prayers. They were about an hour into the service when everyone had went up to take the body and blood of Christ, once they did they went back to their seats and bowed their heads to pray. Jake sat in his seat and waited for Chance and his family to get back, they bowed their head when they sat back down. Jake looked around and saw a couple of heads still up, he felt a little glad he wasn't the only one not praying. But Jake felt a cold chill run down his spine as he felt a pair of tiger eyes stair at him directly, it was Cliff.....but why was he here in the country side?? Jake turned around when he thought he made eye contact with the brute, Cliff looked at the corner of his shades and smiled to himself.

"Hey now, theres a familiar face" Cliff groaned, no one sat in the back where he was, there was some slurping sounds coming from his lap. A white furred kat was giving him a blow-job during the service!! He stopped swallowing Cliff's member for a moment.

"Did you say something?" He licked his lips and gasped for air, drooling at the sides of his mouth. He looked around to see if anyone had seen him, he felt a large hand behind his hand as he was shoved back down onto Cliffs member.

"Nothing that concerns you, don't worry" Cliff moaned lightly as he felt the warm suction on his member again, he threw his head back and thought about Jake when they were first going out. He was a cocksucker for sure Cliff thought. Soon later, Cliff moaned as he came inside the mouth of the young kat, who swallowed all of Cliffs seed, choking in the process unaware Cliff was going to shoot in his mouth. Service was over as the priest gave the final blessings as he and the alter kats left and went outside, soon all the kats started to migrate back to the coffee room for some snacks or back to their cars to head home. Chance held Jake's hand as they went outside, some kats gave them a dirty look and whispered to one another about how they were acting in public, Jake head some of what they were saying as he lowered his ears. Rita and Anna justed brushed them off as they headed towards their cars as well.

"Now Chance, your coming to the cookout next weekend right?" Anna asked as she got into the drivers seat of her car, her mother had already gotten into the passenger side as she waved her baby and Jake goodbye.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world" Chance yelled as he noticed Jake looking a bit uneasy as people gave his love some mean looks, he said his final goodbye before walking besides his mate. Chance wrapped his arm around Jakes side as they headed towards their truck. Jake could see Cliff and the young looking kat standing near their ride, Jake just sighed as they got closer and closer.

"My my, so how have you two kats been lately?" Cliff asked as he smiled seeing them.

"You know, here and there and then some" Chance said, he wasn't too happy to see the tiger, ney, he wanted to rip him to shreds. Both the kats went inside their ride and began to drive off, leaving Cliff in the parking lot with the young kat. Cliff's eyes were narrowed, he was never brushed off by anyone and felt disrespected by Chance.

"Should we be heading home now?" The young kat asked, he was felt a hard slap on the face by Cliff, knocking him to the ground. Cliff looked at the shivering little kat before walking to his car.

"Just hurry up!" Cliff huffed walking away from the crying white kat.

~ Later That Night ~

Jake went downstairs to get a glass of water, he wasn't so tired as he though before. After drinking 3 glasses he put the cup into the sink and went back upstairs. Jake saw a light coming out from Chance's room, so he decided to see if Chance was still awake. Jake peeked inside the room to see Chance on his knees on the side of his bed, facing the door with his hands cupped together and his eyes closed. He was silent for a while, but his lips were moving on their own, Jake thought he was praying to himself. Finally, Chance spoke up more and Jake could hear what he was saying.

"Make me a channel of your peace,

Where there is hatred let me bring your love,

Where there is injury your pardon Lord,

And where there's doubt true faith in you.

Lord grant that I may never seek,

So much to be consoled as to console,

To be understood; as to understand,

To be loved as to love with all my soul.

Make me a channel of your peace,

Where there is hatred let me bring your love,

Where there is injury your pardon Lord,

And where there's doubt true faith in you."


Chance then got up from his spot and climbed into bed, when he got comfortable he turned off his lamp and the room got dark like night. Jake went to his room sniffing and brushing a tear from his eye; he too crawled into his bed and slowly fell asleep.