
Story by Zaftig on SoFurry

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#2 of Foxform

Transitions (Foxform chapter 2) By Zaftig

"That was..... Beyond amazing Paul, but what do we do now?" Emma stared at Paul expectantly, wanting him to chase her insecurities away, to reassure her.

"Well I want to explore the place more but I could not do it alone, now I want to know the place with you by my side, why do you think I pushed for you to stay here the entire summer?" He asked.

Emma laughed, much her old self again and then blushed furiously, "actually I just thought you wanted plenty of time to talk yourself into my undies!" she said only half joking and raising her eyebrow questioningly. It was Pauls turn to blush and he didn't disappoint, an observer could almost think his foxfur was returning on his face as he turned a deep shade of crimson. 'Better take this carefully' he thought to himself as he wondered how to reply; Emma saved him the trouble by walking over to the wardrobe and tapping the doorframe, "How the hell does this thing work then? I mean, I know enough about science to know this is impossible!"

The boy nodded his agreement, "I know what you mean, my best guess is that if you look at the wood this wardrobe is fashioned from it is the same as the ones in the forest, I wonder if it's the same tree, either in different times or, well I don't know maybe two different dimensions?", surprised his friend was rational enough to be asking questions like this again so soon after passing through he knew he had chosen his travel companion wisely. The two left the abandoned wing of the old house and returned to the living area raiding the fridge and attacking the food they way Paul always needed to after a 'transition' as he called it. With trays of food they adjourned to the lounge not tuning in the TV as usual but eating in silence, each lost in his or her own thoughts.

"So when do we leave?" Emma managed between bites whilst demolishing a chicken leg.

"I'm, already packed Em, I've been hoping to make this trip for weeks"

"Got a spare Rucksack for me then? Or shall I not bother taking any clothes with me" She winked at Paul as she said the last watching his obvious embarrassment with amusement.

"We only need food sleeping bags and wash kit, I used to wear these jeans to pass through but I only put them on to make you feel more comfortable, I don't dress when I make the transition any more." Emma blushed a little at the admission but it made sense, the fur covered most indiscretions and the temperature in the world beyond the wardrobe made clothes AND fur impractical.

And so the two packed a second pack quickly and returned to the room with all haste. This time Emma grinned and picked up the full length vanity mirror from behind the door and carried it under her arm toward the portal door, "So sue me! I want to see myself on the other side before anyone else does!" And with that she strode straight into the wardrobe, pack on back and dress mirror slung under her arm.

Paul shrugged his shoulders and stepped through behind her shaking his head, only a female would think of taking a mirror with her! He shuddered and moaned a little as the transition took place leaving him in his Foxform once more, he stepped into the forest to find Emma staring slack jawed at her reflection, as did he, his own jaw almost scraping the grass beneath him, she wasn't a fox, in all his visits his appearance had never changed once, he was consistently a fox, every time and yet here stood Emma a fox on her last visit and yet this time a slim lithe Doe stood before him.

Emma was stunned, stunned by the transition once again, but stunned doubly by her new doeform, petite and yet more curvy than the fox she stood about 5'2" tall wide hips beneath a tiny waist and six breasts, the uppermost pair nestled much where her own had been within her black crop top but another pair sat beneath them perhaps half the size and a tiny pair, much as one would find on a young athlete resting below those just above her waist, all encased in a thick brown fur back and legs and a shocking white belly fur running from her muzzle disappearing into the top of her shorts.

"What the hell?" Paul stammered as he stood there staring.

"Is this supposed to happen Paul? I saw a real deer in the distance as I came through and here I am, a Doe!" Despite her surprise no fear showed in here eyes as she gaped at the mirror before her. Paul stepped the rest of the way through the portal and padded over to her staring the whole time until he stood beside her in front of the mirror.

"So what do I do now?" she asked never tearing her eyes from the mirror, her eyes occasionally stealing over to Pauls body as she examined herself.

"I don't know, this has never happened to me, maybe we should go back and talk this through?" He said, but Paul made no move to return to the human world, he liked Emma's new form and was quite happy that events had transpired this way. Emma made no move toward the portal either, the only thing she did was shift a little and look down trying to get used to the hooves on her hind legs, she had fallen flat on her face when she had come through lucky not to break the mirror and glad Paul hadn't seen. Emma took a couple more experimental steps and laughed "These hooves are weird but kinda fun and I feel like I could run for hours!"

"Yeah those calf muscles of yours have bulked up a little Em you look like an athlete now all hard muscles and short fur" Paul couldn't help but admire her body as she preened in front of the mirror.

"You like this Paul? Shall I stay like this?" She asked as she carried the mirror back to the portal and rested it back in the wardrobe.

"Hell yes!" Paul said a little more enthusiastically than he meant to, betraying his attraction to this new form. Emma looked up in surprise and grinned widely taking a cue from his blushes she stepped toward him and starting to sway her hips to the music in her head humming and closing her eyes giving him a slinky dance.

Emma was blissfully unaware that she was truly arousing Paul, she thought she was just having a little fun until she noticed a bulge growing in Paul's jeans. Pausing only a second before reaching personal decision she moved toward him again swaying her brown hips and closing her eyes coming finally into brief contact with him as he stood stunned before his friend. "What's wrong little fox don't you want this?" She purred as she stepped into him pressing her entire body into touch with him, moulding her hips into his, pressing her breasts against his arm.

Paul stood speechless as his best friend tried her best to arouse him (not that he needed any help, his body was already responding to her subtle swaying hips) "erm.... You, erm.... I've wanted this since the day we met" he finally blurted out unable to hide his need for her any more. She stopped and stared wide eyed at him her eyes torn between the unshed tears of need in his eyes and the conspicuous movement of his sheath filling slowly at her touch. "I have loved you for so long Emma I have needed this and needed you since almost the beginning." The tears rolling down his cheeks as she pressed her body to him the rubbing changing into a tender hug as she two soul mates realized that they felt the same about each other.

For a long time the two young furs stood in their embrace, emotional need pushing away the more urgent but far less satisfying physical lust they were feeling. The moon slid from its subterranean hiding place and filled the sky before either dared to spoil the moment.