Dog Gone (1)

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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Dog Gone (1) By Roofles

In a world much like our own with a culture almost identical to that of humanity, does history truly begin to unfold. Reaching space and walking on the asteroid circling the planet, exploring other planets with advance machinery remotely controlled from home; to the point where genetics having advanced to the stage where it was possible to foretell possible birth defects even before the child was conceived. Where artificial limbs were invented and medicines of all kinds were available to 'developed countries.' History truly wouldn't be changed until this day.

So in order to make this easier to understand we shall say that this universe is the milky way that we know and love and the planet is very well earth. In order to not confuse the two we shall call this earthB. And on this world the people go about their daily lives and only questioning the existence of other life as idle conversation, not putting much thought or effort into finding out if it were true or not.

None would have expected it to be under their feet this entire time. In the early summer months of 2017 it turned out humans weren't the only Sentient race on the planet. It started off as rumors and on conspiracy websites. Things people talked about as just oddities or to have something to talk about. But as the days went the small talk began to come up more and more until it was an everyday thing. Full discussions broke out into public debates. It wasn't until one came onto live television that things really began to heat up.

Again people said it was a conspiracy. A hoax. It was a suit or an outfit. That it was computer animated but most people began to believe then and there at the startled expression of the host. Me.

" say you just crawled out of the woodworks?" I spoke slowly, blinking more than I intended too. Even with the small coffee table separating the two of us I was on edge. I could feel the beads of sweat trickling down my brow and throughout the whole interview I found myself dabbing my forehead with the handkerchief in my suits pocket. I switched legs again, resting my weight on my other side as I put a leg over the other as it spoke. Time and time again I looked over to the staging couch. I could only imagine the pleading look I had in my eyes. Trying to get some que to play off of. Some hint or direction. He only looked back with a similar expression of desperate confusion.

"Well, in a sense. Yes." It's voice was gruff and it took a second to form each word with it's mouth. The tongue curling and rolling about it's maw opened and unmoving as the words growled from its throat. Being so close, only two arms length away, I could see it spoke more with its diaphragm than its mouth. "One day we came to and the doors were unlocked. So we just left."

"And when you say the doors were locked?" My eyes slowly moved back towards it as my coach kept pointing desperately at him wanting me to return my attention to it. I swallowed loudly, laughing a bit nervously to calm the unnerving feeling I had ever since it came out on stage. I truly thought it was just a hoax and we were going to play off of it. Just some gag real for kicks and giggles, playing off the popular topic. And yet here it was.

"The cell doors." It spoke flatly, leaning towards me. I flinched back as it reached for it's glass. Bringing it up to its lips it lapped at the water with closed eyes. It's grooved, very long broad tongue easily scooped up mouthful of water and drained half the glass with a few simple laps.

"My audience and I are probably wondering," 'just what the flying fuck are you,' I forced myself not to say. "What you mean by cell doors."

It looked at me coldly. It's brow lowering as those hazel brown eyes glared. I could see the fur on its neck rise up as it spoke, a snarl coming to his tone. I shirked back in my seat my heart racing and could hear the fuss those around me were making. I wouldn't have been surprised if they were calling the police right this very moment. "We came from cells. A prison of concrete walls and metal doors. Windowless and isolated even from each other."

If it hadn't done what it did next I don't think my nerves could hold. And I doubt I would be here now. It's ears folded back on it's head and a soft whine escaped it's chest. "Sorry. I did not. Scare you." It's voice cracked and the English it was already having trouble with, broke in and out. "Cell. Not fun. Talk about. I no. Scared of."

I had to admit it took me by surprise. The only accurate way to call it was a biped dog, this thing sitting next to me. Something out of a poorly written science fiction novel or old late night tv show. The rich black fur covered it's whole body. Patches of brown stuck from the top of it's suit (the suit was provided by the station as it had been naked before),under the muzzle and on the sides of it as well. So animal. But I think it was the eyes that gave it away. They were a rich hazelnut that even in its ferocity held a sad peace to them like it had now. Puppy dog eyes, who could resist? Said the spider to the fly...

"Me? The audience and I aren't afraid of you!" I tried to sound positive, upbeat and make a joke out of it but I couldn't even fool myself. "Why! You came out here voluntarily," I stressed the word as the higher ups wanted. "And we couldn't be happier for that. All we want is to get an insight into who and what your kind is." And with that the rest of the interview went mildly well.

'His' ears perked up and if I didn't know better I would've sworn his tail was wagging. I dubbed it a rottweiler. It had to be some kind of canine, a dog. I wanted it to be a rottweiler. I had one when I was growing up and it made things easier as the show went on.

So the rottweiler sat on the edge of it's seat and didn't take it's eyes off me...not even for a second as I asked one question after another. Other than it's lingering eyes on me things was really beginning to turn around and I could feel myself relaxing. Though two things happened I wish never did.

It was during the last commercial for the show, a rather long commercial break at that, when I was heading back to the stage... where he was waiting. Security was on scene still, but at that point I felt invincible and didn't feel as if they were needed. However they both were as large as the muscular dog and I didn't want to risk angering either one by telling them off; being on good terms with everyone on the show and behind the scenes I didn't want to ruin the reputation I had built up working there.

"We'll be starting in roughly a minute." Tom, one of the co-producers said. I nodded and shooed the powder girl away. She was his niece and was only an intern. Sweet girl but could be a very large announce. As she followed me onto stage I heard a low growl from the dog.

Our 'guest' was staring at her, his lips quivering as that snarl continued to rumble from it's chest growing faintly louder over time. "Get off the stage." I muttered feeling goosebumps form on my arms as both of us stared at our guest in fear.

She was nearly frozen with fear and if Tom hadn't quickly gotten her away I half-expected the show to be cut short. The seconds she was gone and my focus was back on the dog I found him beaming with energy again, tail wagging and all. It hadn't snarled at me and had seemed to have forgotten the whole thing, still I had taken a step back. A strong paw gripped my wrist and fear gripped my heart as it leaned over and with a broad, soggy tongue slurped my cheek.

I stood rather stunned. No words came to mind as fear welded me to the ground. It had large almost puppy dog eyes with the tip of it's tongue sticking out of the end of it's muzzle. Tail still wagging aimlessly. "Brutus," I named him the second mistake. He hadn't a name and I couldn't have well have just called him a 'dog' so I named him... after the very dog I once had... It was about then that he couldn't pull his attention away from me, now that I think about it. "What was that?"

The dog cocked it's heard to the side with raised ears innocently looking at me as if nothing had occurred. It didn't say a thing. Just looked at me, befuddled as to what the issue was.

"Why did you...threaten Misty?"

The large, strong paw on my wrist slowly let go and it pulled back sheepishly. "You didn't want her to be here." He stood up a bit more proudly his voice deepening as he spoke. "You didn't like her. I don't like her."

"I...never said I didn't like her." I spoke slowly. She was annoying, loud and clung to me worst than this dog ever did. I was stuck with her and the worst part was? She was the co-producers niece! The show was already struggling and there was talk of getting a new host. If I hadn't gotten her smitten with me I doubt I'd still be there.

The large dog tapped it's nose with a large grin which sent shivers down my spine. I just then realized how close we were to each other. If he pounced now I wouldn't have a chance before security could pull him off me. And with that look in his eyes... I defiantly didn't like what kind of pounce it would have been.

"I can smell it," Brutus said matter-of-factly.

"Ah-hem!" A voice cut through the thoughts running through my head. I turned around to see Tom pointing at my seat not even seemingly aware that his niece was threatened only moments before. Ratings were everything to him. A real weasel of a that was an insult to weasels, he was far more slimier. Like a slug.

"Right." I mentally slapped myself as I said that on live television. "Let's take out seats. OUR, seats," I corrected, motioning to the chair he had sat in before. I mentally kept telling him to sit but he didn't move. So, taking a step back, I took my seat without turning my back on him.

Brutus waited for me to sit and for me to motion him again. Instead of the seat across from me, he took the one usually reserved for the co-host we didn't have. Sitting in it, Brutus leaned back tossing it's bare paws up on the table. The whole thing only seemed to go down from there. He boasted about himself, tooting his own horn (figuratively speaking thank gawd) and spent the rest of the show showing off with a cocky attitude. Flexing his muscles and chest. I couldn't even get a word or two in as it went on about random facts about the daily lives they had and all the activities he liked to do or wanted to do.

It was only because the show was supposed to inform the world about them that I let it go. I didn't want to interrupt him as he flexed his well developed, muscular and toned forearm in front of my face. The jocks during school weren't as full of themselves as this dog was.

So as the show was coming to a close I offered my hand like I did every night, just glad to have it over and done with. "Well, as sad as it is our show is coming to a close. Thank you again for coming on. And stay tuned for -," my voice caught in my throat as that broad, warm, sticky tongue licked up my face. From my chin all the way across my forhead...."

"And what happened then?" Sergeant Dobree asked a bit skeptical to what I was saying. I glared coldly.

"As i was saying... The next thing I remember is falling backwards over the chair, toppling over my own two feet and laying flat on my back looking up at the circling with stars dancing before my eyes.

I think they cut the show there as a technical error. All I really remember is seeing it on youtube over and over again. I think it got a few hundred thousand views or something...Anyways, Brutus leaned over the chair looking down at me with a rather amused...I think he was amused, look. His tail was wagging slowly.

Security was on the scene and, a bit shaken up, I was escorted off the stage. Oh wait there were three things I wish didn't happen that night, I remember now. You see as I was getting escorted off stage I could hear a growl coming from behind and things got a bit violent. The tight grip on my arm was pulled off roughly, bruising my arm and made me curse. The sound only seemed to fuel the bloodlust in the dog as he pounced on the guy. Tackling him off of me and onto the floor. Leaping up the next second and was by my side, holding me tighter than either Chuck or Larry had, the security guards, had."

I shook my head, rubbing my temple. "I was tossed up and confused and wasn't sure what had happened until I felt the soft fur on my cheek. Pressed tightly against the dog as he snarled at the other security who backed off slowly. The second he didn't seem to be a threat anymore the dog was back to his normal self, wagging his tail with that almost stupid look in those eyes. His eyes kept darting over to the security, growling every now and then though.

I pulled away. Brutus didn't even try to stop me. Taking several steps back I looked at the security guard on the ground. Blood. There was actual blood and he was holding his shoulder. Did...did Brutus bite him? I wasn't sure...I can't really remember. And the other guard was still keeping his distance.

"We go home now?" Brutus spoke lightly as if he didn't just maul one guy and scared the other one shitless.

"What? No. No. No." I said looking at him. That fear that had built up throughout the day was screaming now. Laughing in my face telling me 'told me so' about this whole situation. And the only thing I could think of was just how wrong this all was. I wanted to shout at him. Tell him there was no 'we' involved in any of this.

"Whoa, you guys are moving in?" Tom was there beside me in a flash and things happened faster than I could recall. He didn't touch me possible out of fear of being mauled too but he did block my escape. "That sounds great. You don't have anywhere else to stay and I'm sure Doug would love to have you stay at his place. You guys really bounded." At that the dog shrugged his shoulder but his tail didn't stop wagging.

"The hell you doing to me!" I snapped at him keeping my voice as low as possible. "It can't just follow me home and have me keep him! It just attacked Larry!" My voice was hushed but at the corner of my eye I could see those ears perk up. If it heard me or not it didn't show otherwise.

"The show is tanking. Your about to be replaced. And a reality show with one of these guys would save us all!" I could almost see dollar signs in his eyes. "Just think of the ratings... And if you don't do this. Your fired."

"And with that I had him staying at my place."

I rubbed my arm not looking at the table before me. Even with the spotlight on me I couldn't make out any of the people behind it in this pitch black room. Other than Sergeant Dobree who was looking at me with that bored expression. It was obvious he didn't want to be here.

"And you just let him move in? After that incident? One in many I should say." A female said next to the Sergeant. She was flipping through a folder most likely reading over the case report again. "You just let one of them move in with you even after seeing the violent nature they have?"

"I didn't really have a choice." I snapped before pulling back. "Sorry. It's just if I lost that job I'd be homeless. I was already struggling with paying my bills and was in a big heap of debt. I'd be screwed if I lost that job an had no one to turn to. So I agreed...only after he offered me a very nice bonus."

She tapped her pencil on the desk before them, seemingly not satisfied with my explanation but accepted it. "Alright...Continue, Mr." She looked at the file again having forgotten my name even before I had began. "Coldsteen."

"Right. As I was saying...Brutus moved in. He didn't have any bags or well...anything. The only thing he had on was the suit we gave him at the station. Like most of them, as that report in front of you most likely says. They were naked. Stripped of all their possessions and preferred it that way.

Getting him home was awkward enough. My car was cramped for me, let alone the large brute who insisted on riding up front. A van followed us to my place. The only relief was how late it was getting. Most the neighbors were already in bed and thankfully even all the noise we made hauling the camera's and equipment in no one came out to investigate. It was a lot easier than I thought with Brutus's help. It was...interesting. Whenever I tried to carry something he would quickly run over and pick it up or take it instead.

It took some convincing and large snarling dog to get Tom to back off with some of the camera's. None in the bathroom or my bedroom. I could live with the other ones.I wasn't in any mood to be messed with by the end of the night. Tired and overworked, in a situation where my very life would be on the line was a very tiring thing.

I was worried about my new roommate but the large check I had in my pocket helped me get over that. I'd keep him in one of the back rooms or something...I really didn't know but I needed that money and didn't have a choice in the matter. I just was too tired to deal with it anymore that night.

The dog followed me around like a lovesick puppy as we were setting up. No matter what room I went to he was there at my heels. He had his paws tucked into his pants having long since stripped the tux top suit off. Discarding it into a trashcan for all I knew. The belt and the fly were opened up and he was strutting around with a bored expression. Randomly sniffing things here and there as we went and at one point I was afraid he was going to take a leek at the corner of my couch.

"Bathroom is down the hall on the right." I said coldly and his ears fell quickly heading off down the hall trying to act nonchalant about what he had been planning. His tail was tucked under his legs as he went.

Most the camera's were set up rather obviously - not having the equipment on hand to make them hidden. So I was making mental notes of where I could sit and stay out of the camera's eye. I'd rearrange my furniture a bit...or maybe make the mutt do it. Put him to work. Either way though as the night went on and I was seeing Chuck off all I wanted to do was take a good, long nap. Chuck made sure to let me know if I ever needed a hand with any problem he'd be there for me. That was good to know I had to admit, looking over my shoulder and seeing said problem standing in the doorway. Waiting for my return.

The dog had one of my beers in its paws."

"You mean hands." The female from before corrected with a stern tone.

"Ah...yeah, hands. He had a beer in one of his hands. And he was watching them go. So then with that I went to bed and that was that. Weeks later-,"

"Whoa. You have somewhere to go?" Another male spoke up from the end of the table, amusement in his voice. Somehow I knew he was smiling, enjoying this far too much. "You invited one of these things over,"

"I didn't invite him. He was forced on me."

"Sure, forced...anyways, you invited him over and your telling us nothing happened?"

"Well..." I chewed my bottom lip trying to think it over.

"I headed back inside. He kept watch at the door until I was in, shutting it behind us. So I felt trap like a rat and did my best not to think about it as I headed to the bedroom.

It wasn't until I was tossing my pants on the chair that I realized I was giving a show. Taking a pillow off my bed I chucked it at him. "This isn't no peep show." I regretted saying it but nothing happened. Or rather he didn't do anything. Just let the pillow hit him in the face and fall to the ground still watching me with a rather bored expression as he leaned against the door.

"You going to bed." He stated. It sounded like a question, should've been a question but it wasn't a question and that annoyed me.

"No I just like stripping down and changing clothes for no reason." I rolled my eyes.

I turned my back on him as I quickly pulled my pajama bottoms up. I never used the top but was regretting the fact that I threw it away that night. I wasn't comfortable with him watching me sleep so I decided to shut the door.

Brutus didn't budge and against my better judgement I placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back. He took a few steps back. "You can sleep on the couch. Or where ever. Just not in here." I tried to keep strong but I was tired and just wanted to sleep. In my crummy apartment. By myself. He didn't protest and I soon found him on the other side much to my relief.

So I shut the door...wishing it had a lock before retiring for the night. I sunk under the covers and pushed all thoughts from my mind. I was just glad sleep came so easily. I think at that time I was worried, uncomfortable with him being there. But as the night dragged on and I found myself getting up as the wind and rain beat against my window the dark room did seem rather...lonely. I needed to use the restroom and opening my bedroom door I nearly found myself tripping over the lump in the middle of the hall.

The pillow I had thrown at him was tucked under his head and as I opened the door he looked up at me without a sound. "Restroom." I explained as if he had asked regaining my footing and trying not to think of the naked torso I nearly fell on. He didn't say a word, his ears standing up a bit on the sides of his head as he watched me go.

After washing my hand I found him waiting outside the bathroom. Standing there like a foreboding gargoyle at some ancient cathedral. Just watching and waiting for something to happen. It was eerie having him stand there waiting for me. But living in the old downtown area wasn't exactly safe so it was nice to have a" I stressed the word not wanting any emotion or feeling to seep into the word. They didn't seem to notice so I went on.

"So anyways I headed back to bed."

I left out the part where I had left the door open. Or how as the night dragged on I scooted over in my bed as the large dog rest by my feet. I made sure to tell him not to try anything funny but again he didn't say anything just look around the room with his head up.

Brutus laid his head down. I could feel the strong firm neck rest on one leg as his heavy head rested on the other. I wasn't afraid or anything. It was just I had my old buddy back. My old dog from years ago. I closed my eyes willing myself to sleep, seeking the saftey of slumber. If something was going to happen I wouldn't be able to stop him anyways. And somehow that thought eased the tension in my chest.

It was cold in the room, even under the covers. And I wasn't about to tell them that I woke one more time that night. Feeling the warm furry body slipping behind me or resting against me. The strong arm that wrapped around my shirtless waist as he scooted up closer next to me, nuzzling my face with the side of his muzzle...before resting it in the crook of my neck... As his furred, warm body pressed behind me and kept me company I desperately needed for the night.

Brutus later told me that he could smell such things and was just going off the cues my scent was giving off. I don't really believe him on that though. He's just a horny mutt...that I wish was here now.