Onyx's Childhood 3: Beached panther?

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After Meeting his sister once again, Onyx heads off into the wilderness.

PART 3 Of onyx's childhoos series.

Sorry about the not having a folder, but i don't know how to start a new folder, so i upload them right onto the stories section. i'll figure it all out eventually!

Onyx Awoke in A small, rundown shack. Giving a large yawn-mrrowl, he stood up. Rummaging through the knapsack, He Sighed. It had been three days since he had set out on his own from Ra'peya's ship, and he was feeling almost heartbroken. "Alone again..." he mumbled absentmindedly, finding an apple.

Chomping into it hungrily, he stepped out to admire the hot Florida sunrise. It hit the mangroves with a beautiful Red-orange glow, casting rippling shadows out over the waters. He finished his Apple relatively quickly, tossing the core into the woods. Yawning and flagging his tail, He tightened the strap on his knapsack and set off. Fighting his way through the thick mangroves, He hissed and swatted at bugs and mosquitoes that came his way. Eventually He Came to higher grounds, And the Mangroves thinned out into pine forest and Shrubbery. He instinctively stepped around pine needle piles and leaves, his footpaws nearly silent as he moved with predator's grace across this new area.

Letting his thoughts stray, His mind came to his sister, Ra'peya. "Someway, somehow, I'll find you again." He confirmed to himself, somehow doubting she would be so easily found again. Stretching his wings and Rubbing his arm, He realized it was already noon. How long had he been walking? He sat and fished through his Knapsack again, pulling out a strange, wrapped package. He opened it and found some crackers and a small pack of cookies. "Awww..." He allowed himself to purr at the little surprise. Starting to nibble on a cracker, a twig somewhere behind him snapped. Perking his ears and swiveling them as far back as he could, he froze, cracker still halfway in his mouth. He dared turn his head, ever so slowly.

What he saw somehow surprised him. Two large, yellow eyes gleaming at him from between two pine-trunks. 'What IS it?' He questioned himself silently, not daring to make a noise, his eyes locked in silent combat with whatever it was hidden between the trees. Suddenly, the eyes blinked and disappeared. Onyx stayed frozen for a few more moments before allowing an extensive exhale from his nostrils, not realizing he had been holding his breath. Finishing his cracker, he cautiously picked up another.

A large growl sounded directly in front of him. Yelping in surprise, He stumbled backwards, dropping the small package of snacks On the forest floor. He didn't dare go back for them, instead he watched the area. The eyes appeared again, this time followed by a huge, feline head. Then Shoulders, and finally the rest of the body.

"A-A panther..?!" Onyx gasped. Except this one was tan, not black. Staring at it, he admired it quietly. It walked forward with silent ease, it's eyes locked on his. Frozen by it's gaze, Onyx could only breath. It stopped at the package of food and gave it a sniff, Before snatching it and turning on it's paws, disappearing the way it came. Onyx came to his senses and reached out a paw. "H-Hey! Come back! No, that's Mine!" He yelled hopelessly at the trees. Growling in anger, He kicked a pinecone, sending it skittering into the leaves. Narrowing his eyes, He drew his daggers and raced off, following the panther. He wasn't going to let it steal his food.

Letting his anger fuel his feetpaws, He jumped nimbly over a log and sprinted forward, feeling strangely at home in this forest. His footing held over the hard, packed soil. He pushed himself faster, Just catching sight of the panther's tail disappearing through some brambles a few hundred feet ahead. Sighing and preparing himself, he slowed to a walk and crept forward, Squeezing himself under the brambles. They pricked and caught his fur, Snagging his hair. He hissed in annoyance an Struggled to the other side. Standing, He let out a gasp. He was in a huge clearing, Filled with weeping willow trees and pines. To his left was a large lake, Complete with reeds and marsh-grass. A heron swept over the water, squawking as if scared. He stepped forward, looking left and right for the panther, Only to catch glimpse Of a paw-print in the moist, mud-like soil by the water. It was then that he saw there was a small bridge of reeds across the river.

Pushing a footpaw onto it and shifting his weight to test it, he decided it would be better not to test his luck. Sheathing his daggers, he flapped his wings a few times, gaining air. Using the heat of evaporation from the lake, he glided over the bridge, landing lightly on the other side. Pushing his way through the reeds, He came to a huge, rundown building. It was two stories, and had probably once been beautiful. But now it was in ruins. The blue-white paint was peeling, many of the windows were shattered, and the ones that weren't were to dirty to see through. Grass grew up around the porch, and the wood railing was cracked and falling apart. He noticed an old semi truck trailer off to the side, lonely and dis-used. Something wasn't right here..

"I've gotten this far.." He mumbled, padding down the somewhat well-worn path leading up to the house. He saw now the door was ajar, and took a sniff. The air was musty and old, but it had a fresher scent in it somewhere. A scent he couldn't place. It was a powerful, tangy scent. Summoning his courage, He padded inside. Drawing his daggers as quietly as he could, He glanced around. He was in a living-room, Only lit by the brownish light from the dirty windows. Dust swirled around in the eerie light, illuminating An old rocking chair and surprisingly plush-looking flower print couches, arranged in a semi-circle. And on the biggest couch, sat none other than the panther that had stolen his food, with the package of food in it's paws. It stared at him like this was some kind of big game, and began to lick it's paws.

Enraged, Onyx sheathed his daggers and lunged forward, attempting to snatch the food back. It picked up the package in it's mouth and leapt nimbly out of the way, padding deeper into the house. Onyx heard creaks and groans, and rhythmic THUD's above his head. Realizing the panther had found stairs, he followed quickly, turning the corner. Looking up the stairs, He sniffed the air again. The scent seemed to be eminating from here. He grabbed the wood railing and took the stairs to at a time, Reaching the top within a few seconds. Turning the corner, he stopped dead. One huge two-story room went the length and width of the house, with flowers and leaves littering the floor. Beautiful greenish light streamed from the trees into the windows. But what was scariest was Bunches of panthers, dotting this way and that in the room. How did they all fit? Pushing the question inside, Onyx controlled his breathing and looked around. Kittens rolled across the floor here and there, and Lots of the tan-furred felines sat lazily around the room, tails flickering. On the other side of the room sat a huge, monsterous Panther. It was easily the size of a horse! Strange, black markings dotted it's headfur and sides, making it seem like it blended in with shadows, yet stood out at the same time. The panther that had stolen his food was dropping the package at it's feet.

Suddenly, It's eyes locked on onyx. He froze, he felt like he was being looked through, Not looked at. It grunted and it's tail flickered. As if something had been said, two burly looking panthers padded forward, then got behind onyx. Looking nervously over his shoulder, One bared it's fangs and nudged him forward, as if to say: "Get moving." Taking the hint, Onyx stepped cautiously towards the Huge panther. He realized this was probably their leader, considering the size and markings. He came with reaching distance of it, and the 'guard panthers' Took places at either side of it. Suddenly he realized it was silent, except for the birds outside. Looking around, he found that all eyes were on him. He felt a thud next to his feetpaws and looked down to see a huge paw. Looking up at the huge panther, It raised it's paw again, this time pushing Onyx to the ground. He swallowed in pure, unbridled terror, His wings turning dark mahogany red-brown. The panther leaned down and sniffed him all over, Then licked him once on the cheek. It's tongue messed up his hair and made his fur stick up.

He felt weird now. A strange sense of euphoria took him, and he began to giggle. Realizing he was changing, His legs becoming...different. His paws lost their apposableparts, And His anatomy shifted. The euphoric happiness ended, and his knapsack fell loosely from his shoulder. The panther took it's huge paw from his stomach and he rolled over, onto his feet. He was definitely shorter. Looking at himself in a piece of broken glass, he gasped. He looked like a black, winged version of the kittens he had seen playing! What had this panther done to him?! He turned to say something, But all that escaped his lips was a mewl.

The panther stood, Facing him. It's tail twitched, and it's eyes were amused. "Welcome, Kit. I am goldenmelody, I am leader of this tribe. I recognize you are kin, though you are a weird one. Kin of two legged walking? Yes, I knew these existed. But black and winged like a bird that flies? That, is new. You can understand me now because I granted you our form, and the ability to understand our language. Now, speak. Introduce yourself." She commanded, Her voice powerful, almost like a growl.

"My name is onyx." Onyx squeaked. His memoried flickered to the dragons that had ruined his childhood, forced him to grow up. Surely these couldn't be nearly as bad as the dragons? Summoning his rebellious spirit, He stepped forward and his tail twitched in annoyance. "One of your, Your minions stole my food, and I only came back to get it!" He hissed angrily, eyeing the pack that lie on the floor just between the pantheress's legs. She gave something of a smirk.

"You've got spirit, Young kitten. I can see that. You have been forced to grow up, I also see that. You have hardened your heart. You also carry separate claws." She motioned toward the daggers, lying on the pile of his clothes, Glittering in the sunlight. Wait, his clothes?! He blushed under his fur and lowered his tail, Realizing he was naked. Goldenmelody let out a ground-rumbling purr. "If you want the food, Come get it. Use only your paws. Get past me, and you have earned your food." She swiveled her ears back and growled, as if to assert her dominance. The Panthers moved swiftly, forming a loose circle around onyx and Goldenmelody. He shuddered at the challenge, assessing her with a scrutinizing glare.

"Surely you don't think I could win, right? That's why you did this?" Onyx asked her cynically.

"I sense there's something more about you. If I hadn't, you wouldn't be standing there right now. You'd Have been my lunch." She purred, like she'd made a joke. Onyx took his chance then and darted Forward, feigning a sprint between her legs and rolling to the right, trying to duck under her side. She put her back paw in his path. He didn't have enough time to stop, and crashed into it, bowling over himself and onto the floor, face-first. Getting to his paws and twitching his whiskers in annoyance, he tried a different approach. He jumped upwards, swatting her muzzle. She growled distractedly, And onyx used that split second. Landing on two paws, he latched himself to her front left foreleg, hanging on as she shook it vigorously. Timing himself, he waited until she moved her paw upwards, then let go, flinging himself into the air. He rolled himself belly-up and slammed his paws into the ceiling, using the momentum to flip himself over and land on his paws. He landed directly behind her, Darting under her and snatching the Package in his little muzzle, holding his head high with pride. A collective gasp arose from the panthers surrounding him, and somewhere in the crowd, a kitten cheered. Onyx trotted to Goldenmelody's front and stuck his muzzle up to her neck, as high as he could reach. "I win." He meowed around the cookie-pack. She sat down on her haunches, beginning to clean her head with a paw.

"Good job, Kitten. I knew there was something about you. I would be honored to call you kin." She licked his muzzle again, and he grew, his body shifting back to anthro. He covered his sheath with a paw and his wings turned blush-pink. She took notice. "Do not fret, It is natural. I have given you the ability to shift into your natural form, the form of your ancestors. When you feel you need it, Call upon your will and focus on the form you wish to take. This is my gift to you. I also give you the name of Onyxwing, And recognize you as a member of the tribe. Feel free to stay as long as you wish." She stopped cleaning and stood, turning and shouldering a path through her tribe-members, to a shady spot on the floor, where she flopped down and gave an extensive yawn.

The rest of the tribe looked stunned. They stared at Onyx. Slowly, they began to nod in agreement of Goldenmelody's choice, And the circle broke, everyone beginning to go their own ways again. Onyx sat down and Started to eat the cookies, some in pieces from the panther's movement in the forest. After his hunger had been sated, He crawled over to his knapsack and put the remaining cookies in it. Suddenly, He felt a tongue On his rump and gasped, fur standing on end. He reached a handpaw around and covered it, Sitting down and looking behind him. There sat a small panther kitten, Obviously curious. "Hi!" He purred. "I'm crowtail! What you did, that was awesome!" He bared his teeth, a grin? "And how you are like, kin now. That's cool to. But how you are a two-paw walker kin, that's totally awesome!" He looked like he might have a heart attack, wild-eyed in excitement. He stood, turning around and Padding to the stairs, motioning with his tail for onyx to follow. Onyx stood apprehensively, Moving to grab his shorts.

"No, you won't need those!" crowtail's voice piped from the doorway. Onyx dropped them and shrugged. He had to admit, the warm breeze on his sheath DID feel good. Following crowtail down the stairs, He let himself be led to the semi trailer he had seen earlier. Crowtail jumped fearlessly inside and turned to face Onyx. "Come on!" He giggled, and disappeared into the darkness. Onyx hefted himself into the trailer and looked ahead. The only light coming in was from the door behind him, and The rest of the trailer was bathed in twilight. A scent smacked him in the face. He recognized musk, And a powerful, tangy scent. His sheath swelled a little bit and he stepped into the gloom, in an attempt to hide it. Crowtail sat In the very back, his teeth glittering.

"This is the mating den!" He giggled. "Whenever a tribe-member wants to mate, he takes another to the mating den, and they mate!" He looked...happy about this?! It hit onyx suddenly exactly what was going on now. Crowtail wanted to mate with him!

"Excuse me..?" Onyx asked. "B-but, we're only kittens, and you're a BOY." He pointed out.

Crowtail shifted his shoulders in a shrugging gesture. "So? Kittens are allowed to mate. And boys mate together all the time!" He said it like it was nothing. "So, will you mate with me?" He meowed curiously, his eyes glued to Onyx's sheath.

"Um..." Onyx stuttered. 'But he's a BOY.' Onyx thought. 'still, he's kind of cute...whatever.' Onyx made the decision and stepped forward. "Yes, I'll mate with you."

"Great!" Crowtail exclaimed. "Let's get started. Daddy taught me this is how to start." He stepped forward and rolled over, revealing his sheath and small package to Onyx. "You um, Lick my sheath." He flattened his ears nervously. Onyx got on all fours and leaned forward, taking a long sniff of Crowtail's balls. He couldn't deny the scent was enticing, and gave them a fleeting lick. Finding he liked the taste, He licked up to the sheath. Crowtail mewled In pleasure and squirmed, His cock literally spilling from it's sheath. Onyx Licked along the underside of Crowtail's barbed member, feeling it harden with each lick. When it was at a full five inches of cub-cock, throbbing in the miniscule light, Crowtail rolled back over.

"Ok, it's my turn." He pushed a paw against Onyx's chest, urging him to lay sit. Onyx flopped down onto his backside and spread his legs, Remembering when ra'peya used to do this. Crowtail got right to work, licking Onyx's sheath and balls like they were candy. Onyx growled in pleasure and his cock slid slowly out, hardening quickly. "Wow, yours has barbs to!" Crowtail giggled, nuzzling Onyx's member and rubbing Onyx's musky scent against his muzzle. He sat back now, eyeing the throbbing cock between onyx's black legs.

"Now we have um, a choice. I could suck on your penis, Or you could put it inside my butt." He said matter-of-factly. "But I kind of liked the taste.." He mumbled, shifting his paws anxiously. Onyx was happy to oblige and smiled, putting a paw on Crowtail's head and pushing it gently down until it was inches from his cock. "You really want to suck it?" Onyx purred. Crowtail nodded shyly, Then stuck out his tongue to lick onyx's member. Onyx pulled away, turning around to face the outside, watching birds flutter back and forth in the trees. "I wanna be able to watch the birds, Ok? So if you really want to, go ahead." Onyx waited patiently until crowtail padded back around to his front, so that his rump was now facing the outside. He eagerly began to suckle onyx's tip, slowly sliding it deeper into His muzzle. Onyx sighed pleasantly and his eyes glazed over in ecstacy. He watched the birds through half-lidded eyes, growling as crowtail began to bob his head. Onyx fell silent, The quiet sucking noises echoing off the walls. Onyx could feel his pre squirting into Crowtail's eager muzzle with every throb, and began to purr. He put his paws on crowtail's head and closed his eyes, Making his cock throb so it bumped against the roof of crowtail's Maw. He began to suck harder, Bobbing his head faster. Onyx was surprised at how well he was being sucked off, by another cub no less. Crowtail was definitely experienced. How many times had he done this..? Onyx thought groggily, then lost possible thought as he felt the panther kitten begin to deepthroat, His throat-muscles contracting tightly around Onyx's cock.

Onyx could barely hold onto crowtail's head. Snarling, he forced the kitten's head as far down as It would go, Feeling his lips engulf the sheath to, now kissing against onyx's balls. The black kitten came hard into crowtail's throat, Experiencing pure bliss. Crowtail pulled back so he wasn't gagging on seven inches of barbed cub-cock, and let Onyx's load fill up his cheeks before he swallowed, loving every bit. It eventually overtook his swallowing speed and dribbled down his chin, soaking into his fur. After onyx had gone soft, he pulled off and gave it a kiss, then looked up at Onyx.

"You tasted...amazing!" He giggled, licking his lips. He sat back now, exposing his own throbbing cock. "It's your turn now. But I have a special way when I get sucked." He stood up, his cock now pointing downward. "you gotta crawl between my paws to get it." He giggled teasingly, wiggling his hindquarters to emphasize his point. Onyx got on all fours and crawled under crowtail, looking up at the throbbing red cock pointing down at him. Shrugging, Onyx leaned up and took it into his mouth. Crowtail moaned and began to hump furiously, Pounding his cock into Onyx's mouth. It wasn't nearly long enough to reach his throat, but Onyx had no choice but to allow himself To be pistoned into by another cub. Crowtail Moaned again, this time more guttural, More feral. His pre squirted Into Onyx's mouth, which was quickly gulped down. Onyx could tell the tan tribe-kitten was close, and gave his cock an extra-hard suckle.

That was enough for crowtail. With a furious hiss, He came into Onyx's mouth, still humping like a possessed being. Onyx had trouble keeping up with his hot load, but managed it somehow. Letting go of the kitten's member, He received a squirt in the face before crowtail's cock went limp. Crowtail stepped away from Onyx, beaming with pride. "That was so much fun!!" He licked his soft cock clean, then turned his gaze back to Onyx. "um, you wouldn't want to...mark me, right?" He asked hopefully.

"'mark'?" Onyx asked Curiously, Tilting his head.

Crowtail's ears turned pink, and he flattened them, shuffling his front paws. "Y-yeah. It's when you..you go to the bathroom On one you mated with, and that means that mate is yours. And they have to mate with you wherever you want them to, not just In the mating den. It means we're like, together.." He blushed.

"Is that what you want me to do?" Onyx asked, confused. Real mates?

Crowtail nodded slowly. "But Not marked both ways. I just want to have to...you know.....mate you, wherever you wanna.." He looked away.

Onyx considered it for a moment, knowing he could use a companion at his side in further days. But one that could pleasure like he did? "Yes." Onyx decided. "So, we're not mates, like true mates, but you'll go with me where I go, like a partner?"

Crowtail nodded slowly, looking his direction again, his eyes blazing with relief. "I thought you would think I'm weird.." He mumbled, then lie down. "Ok, so you go to the bathroom on me. Not both ways, just pee. That means I go with you. Both ways means we're real mates.." He was trembling with excitement. Onyx nodded and decided to try something. Focusing like he'd been told to, He shifted into feral form. Stepping over Crowtail, He took a few seconds to relax His muscles and the stream of his piss shot from his sheath, Strong and focused. It arched slightly before hitting the cub right between the eyes, soaking his fur. He stuck his tongue out and closed his eyes. Onyx finished quickly, and stepped off his new 'companion.' Crowtail stood also, cleaning his muzzle dry, but allowing Onyx's potent scent to stick. "I'm hungry. I'm gonna go get something to eat." He smiled warmly at onyx, then hopped off the trailer and disappeared into the house, Leaving onyx alone. Satisfied with his new follower, Onyx followed also.

Onyx spent the night in the room with the tribe, waking early next morning to nudges in his side. "Mm..M.....w-what?" He groaned, getting to his paws. He was still in feral form, his wings a groggy grey-color. Crowtail stood facing him, tail twitching. Onyx licked his front paws clean and gazed steadily at crowtail. "where have you been?" He questioned.

"Told you I was gonna go eat. I was hunting." Crowtail turned around to see the other tribe-members waking. His stomach was bulging and Onyx could have sworn he saw it...MOVE. Disregarding the thought, Onyx watched Goldenmelody rise gracefully. She padded to Onyx and nodded curtly. Then she turned to Crowtail. "Hunting?" She guessed, eyeing crowtail's bulging belly. He nodded shyly and lowered his head in respect. She sniffed his head cautiously, then pulled back. Her eyes darted from Crowtail to onyx, then back again. "Have you two been in the mating den?" She questioned. Her tone wasn't angry, just surprised. "

"Yes, Goldenmelody." Crowtail answered first, his tail raising slightly in pride as he risked a glance back at Onyx. Goldenmelody chuckled gruffly, sitting back On her haunches. "You do realize, crowtail, now that you're marked you have to Go with Onyxwing where he wants, and do whatever he wants you to do?"

"Yes, Goldenmelody."

"and is that what you want?" She shot a glance at Onyx as if to say: Seriously?

Crowtail nodded twice, Then flopped down on his side. Goldenmelody shrugged and stood, Padding away to a group of lounging Panthers, who were gossiping about something. Their eyes kept locking on onyx, then turning away. Onyx shrugged and shifted anthro, leaning down and stroking crowtail's back softly. His 'pet' began to purr.

Onyx stopped petting him and fetched his clothes, putting them on and sliding his knapsack strap onto his shoulder. Turning around, He gasped. All the other kittens had formed a circle around crowtail, and were causing a racket with their excited meows. Onyx could make out some of the conversation. "Really mated?! .......Leave the tribe? ................Going to see the world?" Wow, curiosity really did kill the cat. Onyx felt a strange swell Of pride well in his chest, and stepped forward, his wings turning excitement-green.

"Yes, crowtail Is going to come with me when I set out again." All the kittens jumped in surprise and whirled to face him, eyes wide. "Wow! I wonder if I'll ever meet a two-paw Kin that will take me to see the world!" A female kitten exclaimed. Another turned to face her. "Wouldn't that be great?!" And with that, they all ran to their parents to share the news. Soon enough, the whole tribe knew. Someone had left a small pile of foods and ingredients for Onyx to take with him. He put them into his knapsack and Wondered where exactly these panthers had found that food. Pushing the thought aside, he strapped on his daggers and marched up to Goldenmelody. "I must get going, Goldenmelody. Thank you so much for your gifts." Onyx hugged her neckfur awkwardly.

Goldenmelody looked as if she might cry. Nodding once, She spoke. "Promise me you will remember us in later times, And bring our tribe to greatness once again. And also that you will take care of crowtail." She sniffed.

"I promise." Onyx declared. He turned to leave, waving his goodbyes. He motioned to crowtail and set off down the stairs and out the door. He looked up into the bright skies and saw few clouds, white and puffy. Turning to crowtail, He squatted to be muzzle-to-muzzle with him.

"have you ever flown before?"

Tailsie's birthday surprise!

WARNING: CONTAINS VORE(SOFT) AND S/M. READ NO FURTHER IF YOU'RE NOT INTO IT. Onyx stepped purposefully into the post office. He hated coming here, but nonetheless, he needed to send a message to one of his clients. Without being tracked. So here he...

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Onyx's childhood 2, The ship.

WARNING: CUB ACTIONS. DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO DEAL WITH IT. Onyx awoke on board the ship, laying back-down on a warm blanket on deck. The sunlight warmed his black fur, and he sat up. Checking for his knapsack, he realized it had been...

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Onyx: Beginnings

WARNING: PAIN. (it almost brought ME to tears!) BUT This is the story of how onyx became a rogue and a loner, and how his parents died. This is also how he came to harden his heart and shut out those who can't benefit him somehow. "Dead visions in...

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