Bear Boutique: Chapter 4

Story by wesley_bracken on SoFurry

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#5 of City of Bears: Series One - Bear Boutique

A new store has opened in the mall, and for three young men who stumble into it, their lives will never be the same.

With a stranger's help, Luke makes a few modifications to make him more attractive to Max.

City of Bears: Bear Boutique

Chapter 4

by Wesley Bracken

Luke spent a couple of minutes walking around the front of the store, amazed by the wide variety of products that lined the racks and shelves, from floor to ceiling. Most of the clothes were arranged by style, and aside from the large amount of denim, wool, and flannel, there were some odd sections scattered throughout, such as business wear, army gear and even a collection of costumes. There was even a toy section of all things, as well as a small electronics selection, though he'd never heard of any of the things he saw, or recognized any of the brands. Every once in a while he'd look back to the curtain, hoping that Max might change his mind and come back out for a little fun, but as the minutes passed, he figured that he was going to have to make the first move. After all, Luke knew that the guy wanted him. Hell, every time they'd been near each other Max had been sporting a massive hardon, but for some reason the guy had freaked out and run off. Figuring he was probably just shy, Luke ducked behind the curtain into the back to go and find him.

He remembered Max telling him that the back section of the store was stocked with some specialty items, but nothing could have prepared him for the long racks full of leather and rubber gear, or the shelves lined with dildos, whips, paddles and anything else a guy could ever want in a dungeon. If these were the kinds of specialty items Max was stocking, then Luke was willing to bet he was pretty heavy into kink, which he didn't mind. He just wanted to get close to him and...smell him again. Dang, something about him was just

"Invigorating? Dominating? Sensual?" a voice said from behind him. Luke whipped around and found himself staring at a mirror and his reflection in it, although, for some reason, his reflection wasn't mimicking his movements. It was just standing there on the other side of the glass, his hairy arms crossed over his chest, grinning at Luke's slightly spellbound face.

He took a step closer to the mirror, and his reflection didn't move. "Ok...what's the deal? Am I hallucinating or something?"

"Oh no, nothing like that," his reflection said, "I'm just a...friend. Someone here to lend a helping hand when needed. I had hoped that Max would take better advantage of the situation, but apparently...well, never mind that. What you want is to get into his pants, right?"

"Well, yeah. I guess..." Luke said, still unnerved to be talking to himself.

"Then we have our work cut out for us then. We need to get you better outfitted for our task first, however," The reflection mused, "Now, what would Max be unable to resist?" He stepped beyond the frame of the mirror, only to appear in another one on the other side of the room, next to a shelf labeled "tattoos & piercings." "This might help us make a better impression, and show him that we mean business," the reflection said, then looked over at the still gawking Luke, "Well don't just stand here, come put this on! I can't do it myself after all."

Luke came over slowly, and started looking at the shelf. All of the boxes said they were tattoos, but there wasn't a studio or anything that he could see. Still, he figured they had to work somehow, but there were so many to choose from. "Which one should I pick?" he asked.

"Well, you want to serve him and become his thrall, right? That's what his musk has been telling you all along--his alpha scent."

"Alpha scent?"

"Oh you humans don't know anything," the reflection said, shaking his head, "Look, Max is an alpha born. That means, he has a natural ability to make men want to submit to him, and serve him. If he cums in you, then you'll become bonded to him for anywhere from a few hours to a day depending on how much you received. If you remain bonded to him for long enough, eventually the changes become permanent, and you will become his property in mind, body and soul, needing your alpha's cum to survive, and obeying his every command. That is what you want, isn't it?"

Luke didn't think that was what he'd signed up for. All of this was just getting a little to weird for him, "You know, I actually had better be getting back to the building site. I mean, if I'm not back on time, the foreman will ream my ass again," he said, tried to turn around, but found his feet stuck to the floor. In the mirror, his reflection was copying him again, or rather, he was copying his own reflection.

"Nonsense," his reflection said, "This is exactly what you've been wanting. Everything will make sense in a moment, trust me." Unable to stop himself, Luke walked over to a shelf and took down one of the boxes, ripping it open, "This should be perfect," the reflection said.

Still bewildered by what was going on, Luke looked in the box and found what looked like a rubber body suit inside. Still controlled by his reflection, he pulled it out and unfolded it, the thin material covered with a large tattoo design. The primary color was a steel grey, but he couldn't discern the pattern exactly, though from the size of the suit, it looked like it would cover his whole body, from his ankles to his neck. Still unable to stop himself, he stripped off all of his clothes, leaving them on the ground in a pile, found the opening for the suit and started pulling it on. "Hey, stop," Luke said, "I'm not so sure about this."

"Oh don't worry, everything will be just fine. You do want Max's cock up your ass, don't you?"

"Well...yeah, but what about all of that stuff you said about alphas? I don't really want to be his slave."

"They're called thralls, and trust me, you do, you just don't realize it yet. That's what I'm helping you with, right? Showing you that submitting yourself to Max would be the greatest moment in your whole life."

Luke sputtered a bit, trying to regain control of his renegade limbs, but both he and the reflection pulled on the suits, the motif coming clear when he had most of it on. Around his ankles and wrists were tattooed very thick and heavy looking steel manacles, and a variety of chains, big and small, were connected to them, running and crisscrossing all over his body. Across the top of his chest was the word "THRALL" in bold lettering, and he could see in the mirror when the reflection turned around that the words "ALPHA PROPERTY" were spelled out similarly across his back. It actually looked really hot, but he wasn't about to admit that out loud. The suit sealed up the front, the two rubber edges merging seamlessly with one another. As soon as the seam was sealed, the entire suit began to constrict around him and lightly burn his skin for a few moments. When it was finished, the rubber had vanished, leaving the tattoos burned upon Luke's skin. He scratched at one of the chains on his arm, but it was real, and there didn't seem to be any way to get it off.

"Wait...What did...How..." he muttered, still reeling a bit. None of this should be possible. He shouldn't be able to talk to his reflection, and he shouldn't suddenly have a bunch of tattoos all over his body. I mean, he did want to have sex with Max, sure, but he wasn't so sure it was worth it anymore.

"Of course it's worth it." The reflection said, answering his thoughts, "Think of how great it would be to be Max's thrall. The only thoughts in your head revolving around how to best pleasure your master, your entire being dedicated to his cause. From the look of that cock of ours, it's turning you on big time. his reflection said, "After all, you've always been interested in being someone's slave, haven't you?"

Luke felt confused and bewildered, like things were changing in his head every time his reflection spoke. But he was really into the whole master and slave scene, or at least, he wanted to be. He'd always been too chicken to try it for real. Still, some of the guys on the building crew who'd fucked him had offered to role play with him a bit, but he'd never taken them up on the offer. "Yeah, I guess. But I'm just scared...a bit."

"Well, I can assure you that Max doesn't want a scared little cub, he wants a big man who knows he wants to be a thrall," the reflection said, bounding from mirror to mirror again, eventually landing on the other side of the room, "So how about we make you a bit more experienced?"

"Wait, come back! How in the hell do I get this stuff off me?" Luke said, following the reflection as best he could, picking at the tattoo across his body as he did, "I mean, what if someone sees me like this? I thought it was just for fun, not something permanent!"

The reflection stopped and smirked, "I thought this is what you wanted? Well, if not, it'll be what you want soon enough. Now come over here and try this on. I'm sure it'll help clear some more things up." Luke came over to where the reflection was, and saw in the mirror that he was standing next to a rack of leather gear. Luke tried to back away, but the reflection attached himself to Luke, and forced him to walk over to the rack, where he pulled out a harness and started strapping himself into it.

The harness was made of thick pieces of leather, around three inches across, and the reflection cinched the straps tight across him, a little too tight for Luke's comfort. He'd never felt so constricted and bound before, but the feeling was turning him on. The final strap dropped down and was attached to a cock ring which looked a bit too small for Luke's new equipment, but he found himself forcing it on over his semi hard cock anyway. When he'd managed to slip it into place, he couldn't figure out why it had taken so much effort. He only had a four inch cock after all, and balls a little smaller than average. A more dominant guy might have wanted a bigger tool, but Luke didn't mind since he was a total bottom anyway. It wasn't like he needed a big piece of equipment down there. With all the straps secured and double checked, the reflection walked Luke over to a display of accessories, picked out a three inch thick metal collar and fit it around his neck.

"Now, how do we look?" The reflection asked, positioning Luke in front of a mirror.

Luke had to admit that he looked hot, but it didn't seem quite like him. The wide leather straps were almost too large for his body, it seemed, and the collar was a bit heavy, but hey, he wasn't going to complain, if it meant he could get Max to shove his big cock up his ass. Luke now had one mission in life, to find the man who could dominate him entirely, controlling Luke like no other could. The guys at the construction site knew all about his desires, and had actually come up with a game to play with him. Whenever one of them was feeling horny, they'd hook a leash to the collar he was always wearing, and then he had to obey every order they gave him. Sure, it was hot, but it just wasn't enough for Luke. He wanted to be owned, a mindless slave existing only to serve, and if anyone could give to him, it would be Max, a real alpha.

"Yeah, that looks damn hot," Luke said, slowly stroking his small cock, "I bet Max would want to fuck me now." With one hand, he reached back to play with the buttplug he kept lodged in his ass, but found there was nothing there. His hole was empty, and he cursed, wanting something to fill him up.

"Looking for something?" his reflection said, "Why don't you give one of those a try?" he said, pointing to a shelf stocked with a massive amount of dildos. Licking his lips, Luke went over, wondering which one to choose, there were so many. "I think you should try The Expander myself. That should help a lot, I think."

Luke shrugged, and looked around the shelf. He'd expected something named the Expander to be something on the large side, but instead it was a tiny thing--probably three inches long and only a little thicker than a finger. "This?" Luke said, "I think I can handle something a bit bit bigger than this."

"Oh? Then put it in hot shot, and see what happens."

Luke smirked at the challenge, lubed the dildo up with some spit and worked it into his hole. It slipped in easily, but as Luke kept pushing, he found that there was always more to insert, and that he could feel it...growing thicker, stretching his hole wider and wider. Soon, it was about as large as a normal cock, and Luke began thrusting it in and out, stroking his cock as he did, the head of the dildo slamming against his prostate and then going further in as it kept growing. "Fuck yeah, that's the stuff, get that fucking thing in there. Fuck my slutty hole!" Luke said, unable to help the stream of dirty talk cascading from his mouth. Before long, he had to shift his grip on the rubber, as it surpassed cock size and began to take on the width of a fist. Still, Luke thrust it in and out of his hole, stroking his slick cock faster and faster until he came with a loud groan, shooting his spunk all over the floor, then getting down on his knees to lick it up, the five inch thick, foot long dildo still planted in his ass. When he finished, he stood back up and left it in, smirking at his reflection. "See, I told you I could take something that big. Hell, the guys on the site have started double fisting me now just for fun."

"I stand corrected," the reflection said, "But I think we still need one more thing to finish you off. How does a post-sex smoke sound to you?" He bounded across the mirrors to another corner of the store, Luke following behind him, walking a bit funny with the massive dildo crammed in his ass. In that corner of the room was a selection of tobacco products, but Luke didn't recognize any of the names or brands, and he'd never even smoked before, though he did love having a lit cigar shoved up his hole. "Which one should I try?" he asked, and the reflection pointed to a box on the shelf.

"Try a burly bear. They're good for guys just starting out, like you." The cigar was on the short side, but decently thick, with a good taper that fit in his mouth naturally. He gripped it awkwardly, unsure of what to do with it. "Here, allow me," his reflection said and took control. After snipping the end off, he lit it and took in his first breath of smoke. The scent was loamy, like the smell of damp wood burning in the middle of a forest, and it immediately relaxed Luke. He settled in on a nearly stool, remembering how nice a cigar was after sex, or any time really. He'd been a heavy smoker for years, and was rarely seen without one clamped in his maw. He usually preferred ones a bit larger than this, but the flavor was so smooth, he could have smoked it for hours and not gotten tired of it.

With his other hand Luke worked his spent cock, letting out the occasional low groan of pleasure. Wanting to get another look at himself, he shifted the stool over so he could look in the mirror. His reflection was smoking too, but looked different--hairier, but also...bigger. Not that Luke had been a small before this, but now that he thought about it, the straps of the harness were feeling a bit tighter than they had, and in the mirror they seemed better suited to his large frame, or rather increasingly large frame.

After a few minutes of watching himself smoke to big cigar down about halfway, Luke was certain that he was changing again. His well trimmed beard had grown much fuller, probably a couple of inches long, while his hairline had receded quite a bit, revealing a swath of forehead he hadn't seen before. His body was definitely hairier too. It was thickest on his chest and forearms, but his pubic bush had also grown substantially, making his already smallish cock look even smaller. But hell, that was the only thing on his body which was the least bit small. His muscles had grown further, bulging out in an almost ugly and uneven way, but of course, that's what happened when the entire construction crew uses you as a beast of burden all day long, at least when they weren't fucking his hungry asshole. Luke had begged the crew to make him their communal slave, which meant hauling around anything heavy they could find for him, and satisfying any man who needed it throughout the day. He'd also go home with a different guy each night, servicing them all night long in whatever way they pleased. Luke had never been happier--all he needed in life were orders to obey, and some big bear's fist or thick cock up his hungry ass. Still though, he'd never found that perfect master. The man who could truly destroy his mind, leaving him as nothing more than a empty vessel for their own desires and wishes.

He was so horny, that he probably could have blown another load, but he reluctantly took his hand away after rubbing out the butt of the cigar in a nearby ashtray. After all, he had an alpha to serve, and Luke wasn't going to take no for an answer this time around. In fact, he was a bit famous for being such a domineering bottom. If he wanted someone to fuck him, he would pin them down and ride their cock whether they liked it or not, and most of them became quite willing before too long, he thought with a grin.

"Yeah, I think we're about ready," his reflection said, "Let's go show Max what he's missing."

"Damn straight," Luke replied, and headed over to the office door. He jiggled the handle, but it was locked.

"Here, allow me," his reflection said. He moved to a mirror across the room which Luke could see the door reflected in. The reflection pulled a key from...somewhere, and unlocked the door. Luke didn't have any pockets on his new get up, so he didn't know where it had come from, but shrugged, figuring it wasn't exactly the weirdest thing he'd seen all day. When Luke tried the door again it opened freely, and he strode into the room, finding Max a few feet away, sitting cross-legged on the floor, deep in meditation. So deep in fact, that Max didn't notice the intruder until Luke shoved him backwards so that he was lying on the ground, eyeing the massive bulge in Max's dress pants. "Here, sir," Luke said, pinning down Max's legs with new strength, "Let me take care of that for you." He began sucking on the alpha's cock through the cotton, and the sensation was so overwhelming for a for a moment, Max just lay there, unresisting.

Max realized what was happening mid moan, kicked his legs away from the large tattooed bear who had suddenly materialized in his office, and backed away, trying to figure out what in the hell was going on. Luke pursued him across the floor until he backed Max into a corner and pinned him down again. "There's nowhere to run, sir," Luke said, "Why don't you just relax and let this humble slave take care of everything?" He leaned in to kiss Max, but he twisted away, and Luke settled for running his tongue along his neck, feeling the large man shiver with pleasure beneath him.

"No...Don't, you don't understand what will happen if this keeps going," Max groaned, halfheartedly pushing Luke away, "I can't..."

"I know you're an alpha, Max. That's why I want you. I want you to own me, control me, dominate me, do whatever the fuck you want with me! Wouldn't that be so fucking hot? I know you want it, I can feel it..." Luke said, running one of his fingers along the bulge in Max's pants. "I've been looking for a master like you all my life, and I'm not about to let you go now."

Fear and panic gripped Max's heart as Luke said that. he didn't want to be a master--he couldn't dare bring himself to force himself upon another being like that. But that wasn't it, and he knew it. The beast in him, the alpha would be perfectly happy pushing Luke over and fucking that furry ass of his. No, what Max was terrified of was being entirely responsible for another being. How could he possibly deal with that burden?

Unbidden, a memory came to him of one of his talks with Tristan, shortly before the young bear had run off. "Have you ever realized that you worry too much?" he'd said with that nasty smirk on his face, "maybe you should just let go and enjoy yourself for once? Why don't you let go and have some fun?"

For a moment, Max sat there stunned, and then rage began building in his chest. Unfortunately, it was just too much for his mental defenses and blockades, and they crumbled under the sheer force of emotion pouring from him. He grabbed Luke by the neck roughly and pushed him over so he was face down on the ground, helpless. "Is this what you fucking want?" Max growled, "Because you're gonna get it, you fucking bitch. You're gonna fucking get it!"

"That's what I want to hear, sir!" Luke said, "Fuck this naughty bear's hole!" He started grinding his ass into Max's crotch. Max wasn't quite sure what he doing, but he was just so tired of worrying all of the time, he couldn't take it anymore. He needed to fuck, and he needed to fuck a hole right now, Tristan and the rest of the world be damned. He undid his pants and shoved them down around his knees, letting his rock hard and very eager cock stand out. He'd thought it was massive before when he saw it earlier in the forest, but it was at least a foot long when fully engorged, and thicker than a beer can.

After hauling the massive dildo out of Luke's ass, he pushed the head of his cock up against the gaping hole, his precum already leaking and running down Luke's crack, but Max hesitated. He had swore to himself that he would never do this. His entire self was structured around his belief that what he was about to do was a horrific atrocity. He was afraid--had always been afraid. He was tired of the worry, the fear, and the self-loathing--yet still he held back, clinging to the primal idea that to destroy the free will of another would be to destroy himself.

Luke however, was tired of the stalling, so he pushed back, the fat head of Max's cock popping into his used hole. Max gasped, and felt his cock begin leaking even more precum, the pleasure radiating from his groin to the rest of his body in large waves as he helplessly began shoving more and more of his shaft deep into Luke. "Yeah sir, yeah. That's what your slave wants. Get it up there! Get it...up...there..." Luke said, but it felt as though his mind was clouding over. His ass had actually grown numb all at once...well, partially numb. He didn't feel the pain of being violated by Max's massive member, but every bit that slipped in sent massive amounts of pleasure throughout his body. It became harder and harder to think about what was going on, as his mind slipped further and further away.

"That would be the alpha cum, beginning to course through you," Luke's reflection said from a mirror in the office, "It's one of the most potent drugs in existence. If you think the precum feels good, just wait until you get the real thing. You won't be able to live without it." He laughed, somewhat evilly, and through the haze, Luke wondered whether this had been all that great of an idea. "A great idea? No, no it probably wasn't but it suits me just fine," the reflection said, and shifted into a new form, a bulky bear of a man with black hair and an obsidian bear claw hanging from his neck. "You humans are all the same, so easy to manipulate and control with the promise of a little pressure. But thank you for your help. I couldn't have gotten Max loosened up without you, and I'm sure you'll be happy, even if this isn't what you wanted. Anyway, enjoy your own thoughts while they last, they won't be there for very long, I don't think." The reflection laughed again, and disappeared, the mirror reflecting Luke again normally, Max behind him working his massive cock in deeper. In the alpha's eyes, all thoughts of mercy and compassion had disappeared--all that mattered was fucking the ass before him and cramming as much of his cock up that hole as he could.

Fear cut through the growing euphoria, and Luke started to crawl away from Max and the huge cock buried in his ass, but Max grabbed him by the thighs and hauled him back, pushing his cock in further. "Where do you think you're going? We're just getting started, thrall," Max snarled, and began fucking Luke good and proper, working his cock deeper with every push, precum leaking from Luke's hole every time he pulled back.

"I...please, I..." Luke managed to slur, none of his words wanting to come out of his mouth like he wanted them to. He concentrated, and managed to put together a few words, "I can' this. Something...wrong."

"Oh, nothing's wrong slave. Nothing is wrong at all. In fact, everything is great, don't you think?"

Luke tried to disagree, but as soon as the notion came to him that Max might be wrong in his assessment, all of the pleasure in his system suddenly turned into nerve wracking, stomach churning pain and discomfort. Luke did his best to resist vomiting, wondering what was going on. He must have been the one who was wrong, he realized, everything is great--the greatest it's ever been. With that, the euphoria returned and Luke sighed. Everything was great. He pushed back into Max's cock a bit, thinking how great it was to have such a magnificent and powerful man fucking him. He was better than Luke in every way, and still he wanted to fuck him. Pride swelled in his heart, that an alpha had chosen him to be his thrall, even though he was so undeserving. "Thank," Luke heard himself slurring slowly. He felt so good and it was all thanks to his alpha.

"Yeah pig, you're mine now. I bet you didn't know what you were getting into, but you're fucked now, isn't that right?" Max said, "How does it feel boy, to have this fat fucking alpha cock up your ass? It feels damn good doesn't it?"

"Yes...Sir. Please..."

"Yeah, this is the only cock you'll ever want up your hole again, I think. Nothing else can ever make you feel this way. In fact, I bet the only way you'll ever be able to cum is with your alpha's cock buried deep in your ass."

Luke tried to respond, but the feelings of lust and joy had only grown stronger. Unable to hold his head up any longer, he slumped his face to the floor, his ass still high in the air as Max pistoned deep into his wreaked hole. Drool seeped out of the side of Luke's mouth as the drug began shutting down parts of his brain. The only person that he could remember with any clarity was his alpha--everyone else was a pale shadow by comparison. His other concerns no longer seemed to have any importance--the job he was an hour late to, his strange reflection, his friends, nothing mattered except satisfying his alpha. A few spurts too late, he realized that he was cumming, and that he was cumming hard, unable to even stop himself. He hadn't noticed because he no longer derived any pleasure from his orgasms. The only thing which could bring him any pleasure him now was Max's cum. That was all that mattered to his drug addled brain.

Max let out a series of grunts and snorts, followed by a loud roar which Luke swore shook the walls a bit, as Max unloaded into his ass. Suddenly, the feelings of euphoria intensified far beyond anything Luke imagined possible, and there, he had a sudden vision. In it, he was a thrall, living only to serve his master and bring him happiness and pleasure, and only that way could Luke be happy. He would serve his master. That was his purpose, his only thought and single goal. If he could not be with his master, he would surely die. A moment later, Max collapsed on top of him, breathing heavily into Luke's face, and even his breath was the sweetest thing Luke had ever smelled.

Max let out a massive sigh of relief, and then realized what had just happened. Cursing at himself, he rolled off of Luke as fast as he could, "Oh fuck! How could I...Fuck fuck fuck!" he said, pulling his pants back up.

Luke immediately sprang up, eager to help, grabbing helping tuck in his alpha's shirt, "Please sir, please. I can do it for you. Let me."

"God damn it! Get the fuck away from me!" Max roared. A deafening silence ruled for a moment, as tears welled up in Luke's eyes, and he took a step back from his master.

"I'm...I'm sorry sir, I was just trying to help. You can beat me if you want, I deserve it, or I can do it myself. Here, I'm sorry," Luke said, looking for something to use to beat himself, spotting a belt hanging on the wall, he grabbed it and began whipping himself across the back as hard as he could.

"No! No, don't." Max said, grabbing the strap from him, "I'm not mad at you, please, don't hurt yourself."

"But I displeased you master. I just want to make you happy. Can I suck your cock sir? I know you'd like that," Luke said, dropping to his knees, "Please sir, can I suck your cock? I love you sir, I love you so much. Thank you for making me your thrall sir, it's all I've ever wanted. Please, can I show you how thankful I am?"

"Look, just be quiet," Max said, and Luke immediately shut his mouth. It was strange, seeing such a massive, domineering bear kneeling on the ground like that, a look of childlike innocence in his eye as he pleaded. Pride welled up in Max's breast at the realization that he now owned this massive man utterly, but he quashed that idea as quickly as it rose, and turned away, regaining his calm. At least he'd only gotten a single dose, he thought. Luke would be fine in a day or so, as long as Max didn't lose control like that again. He swore at himself again for being so stupid, but then again, that's exactly why he confined himself to a cave, so temptations like this would never arise. "Look, I need you to stay here, alright? It's really important that you don't leave this room."

"Yes sir, I'll stay here sir. But can I suck your cock, sir?"

"No. No never again, alright?" Max said, and watched Luke's eyes tear up again.

"But...but why sir? Did my ass displease you? I just want to make you happy sir, please, you're all I can think about. I...I need your cum sir, without it, I don't know what I'd do."

"No, it wasn't that at all, it's just..." Max said, looking for the right words to say, but he knew Luke wouldn't understand anyway. "Look, I just have some work to do, alright? But you might be able to suck my dick later, if you're good, and don't leave this room until I come back."

Luke's face lit up with joy, and he nodded eagerly, "Yes sir! I won't leave this room for anything, I swear!"

Max shook his head, and left the room quickly, just wanting to get away. God, if he could get his hands on Tristan at the moment he'd fucking throttle him, he was so angry. He walked back out to the front of the store, and tried to calm down as best he could. All he needed to do was get through the rest of the day, and everything would be alright, at least, he hoped it would, but at this rate, he had a feeling that the day was only going to get rougher from here on out.