Silver City Aside - Night Shift

Story by Korrado-Xan on SoFurry

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#2 of The Silver City Chronicles

The night-shift on the Silver City just got busier.

c. 2012, Grey K.

The subdued, almost subsonic vibration of the massive engines pulsed like a heart-beat her gleaming inner compartments. The polished bulk-heads of gunmetal and silver and the charcoal of her traction carpeting were subdued by the dimmed light that diffused almost blue through her quiet corridors. The darkness of her artificial day/night cycle was almost half spent, nearing what her human occupants and crew quaintly called "midnight". The second of her shifts was well under-way, left mostly to those who preferred the dimmer hours, the automated maintenance robots and the members of her crew that savored the peace and quiet of the later hours. A gentle giggle reverberated through the maintenance corridor as its source was swept along by his companion.

"Lorensi... We're gonna get in trouble!"

The shorter male's taller, more broadly build companion made a gentle shushing noise as they stopped as a junction in the corridor, his mismatched eyes glancing both ways before he tugged the smaller male along again with him. They ventured deeper into the less accessed compartments of the engineering sections that spanned three decks within the deepest recesses of the aft of the gleaming starship around them. The Silver City was a medium sized ship, neither diminutive, nor massive, as they came. As a fleet ship of an interspecies governmental organization she with a crew comprising around 10 score, comprising dozens of differing species and races, including humans of several pedigrees and many different breeds of feline like the pair that skulked and darted through the dimmed corridors.

The taller of the two was a handsome Vakari male, at nearly 2 meters even, with a lithe, compactly muscled build that was common to his species. His limbs were long, with strong thighs, a narrow waist, broad shoulders and a slightly barreled, chest with a naturally proud thrust to it. Lorensi had long since recovered from the devastating injuries he'd received in the line of duty some time before; his musculature filling back out and his synthetic limbs integrating seamlessly into his body. His bright eyes were mismatched; his real one a bright green, the other a vibrant violet purple, a cleverly crafted artificial optical sensor that could see perfectly in the darkness that surrounded them. His coat of bright amber yellow and white highlighted fur dotted with its oblong, solid black spots was cloaked beneath a loose bodysuit of black as he was off-duty. He still wore a small, matte silver comm unit on his collar-bone, as almost everyone did; on-duty or off. The Vakari's nearly mid-back length hair was dyed an eye-gouging emerald green, nearly matching his non-artificial eye.

His companion was 2/3rds his size; a femininely sculpted younger feline male with bright white fur, slashed with black and dark gray stripes. With his long legs, wide; gloriously shaped feminine hips and a pertly rounded rump, everyone tended to talk about him both to his face and behind his back. He had a narrow waist, a flat belly and barely delineated chest with slender arms and long, extremely clever fingers. The younger feline was considered beautiful in at least a dozen different cultures, even if he was male. His body was cloaked in its usual uniform of black with a half-sleeve of golden, amber yellow below his elbow. As he was still on duty, his thick, wavy raven hair was bundled at his nape, woven into a long plait with a gem-like ornament at its end. The younger male's large, almond shaped eyes were a dark, stormy gray. They were almost black in the dimmed light as he tugged at Lorensi's sleeve, "Lore... I only have an hour for lunch... Where are we going?"

"Shhh... Just in here Hetik my sweet. C'mon."

The tall, spotted male nodded to himself as he spied a door tucked away at the end of a junction, thumbing the panel next to it and making the split portal part before them. The striped feline giggled once more, his delicate features taking in the small, cramped compartment into which the taller male led him, "This is a back-up access junction, why do we want to be in here?"

The bulkheads within the closet sized chamber were simply the plain, matte gunmetal textured alloy plates that normally sat behind the more decorative sheathing of polymer and plas in the outer corridors. The floor was simply textured polymer softened metal deck-plates, scattered with a few storage crates. Lastly, against the far wall sat a single, large control console and monitor with a low padded stool bolted to the deck before it. As they entered the compartment brightened a bit beyond the dim bluish light when the automatic sensors detected their motion. Hetik giggled, then inhaled as with the subdued swish of the doors behind them Lorensi's taller, denser frame pushed up against him. The spotted male's muzzle found the expanse of naked fur above the low, loose collar of Hetik's uniform, nibbling slowly as he rumbled into the shorter male's ear, "Mmm, I've missed you."

Hetik uttered a soft chirruping rumble as he felt Lorensi's teeth tug at his throat, his paws rubbing the taller feline's sides and back on reflex, "I've missed you too. A week and a half of pulling double shifts to upgrade The City's sensor palettes has had the entire engineering staff so busy... But Lore..."

The slender male's alto voice held a faint note of pleading as he shivered, feeling the Vakari's taller, denser form now grinding against his own; the material of their clothing blocking irritatingly the complete sensation. Hetik felt himself flushing, his body warming at the blast of Lorensi's musk filling his nose made him shiver. He gripped harder at the spotted male, trying to form cogent thoughts to rebuff the taller feline as Lorensi chuckled softly, "No butts, other than yours... With you being assigned to second shift, I haven't been able to see you in days..."

Hetik gasped, then uttered a tiny rumble as he felt the spotted male's paws begin to rub and squeeze over his rounded rump through his uniform, "Loreee... I'm on duty! We could get reprimanded for this!"

"I'm Executive officer; don't make me pull rank on you Ensign..."

Hetik's ears flashed red in the half-light, making him tremble and mew as Lorensi's taller, firmer body rubbed harder against his own, "You know I like it when you talk dirty when we're in uniform."

"Yup. So get out of your uniform engineer Hetik, before I have to reprimand you myself. There might be spanking involved if I have to give you a direct order to disrobe."

The black and white striped feline flushed harder, finding himself rubbing back against the taller male on reflex. He gasped as he felt Lorensi goose him, "OH! Uhhhn, Hil or Assistant-Chief Brannigan will kill me if they find out I'm having sex on duty!"

"They won't find out, if you hurry, we've still got most of an hour, a bit more if you say you were helping me repair my synthesizer."

Lorensi's white teeth showed in the gloom as he grinned, pulling his own black coverall open at the seam and letting it slump to just below his hips. The Vakari's tall, leanly muscled body was gorgeous, tight and ridged once again after months of grueling physical therapy. The spotted feline's long, sleek cock was already agonizingly hard, jutting from the juncture of his thick thighs. Hetik groaned, running his long, elegant fingers over the pale spike of the taller male's flesh, making Lorensi growl softly in pleasure. The spotted male tugged restlessly at his smaller lover's uniform, making the self-sealing seam part with a tiny rippling noise. Lorensi grinned, watching his tiger-striped lover's black and white furred body being revealed a bit at a time as Hetik shifted, "Good thing you don't normally wear shoes on second-shift lover."


The more slender feline sighed blissfully as he felt Lorensi's strong paws caress him, stroking through his short, black striped pelt. He stepped out of his uniform, pressing himself against his taller lover, Hetik groaned out loud as Lorensi's fingers found his nipples, tugging them playfully. He tipped his muzzled face back and up, as his Vakari lover was almost a full head taller than he, their lips meeting in a deep, passionate embrace. Lorensi's tongue danced in Hetik's muzzle as he ran his paws down and stroked his smaller lover's hips. He slipped them around and gripped Hetik's magnificent, rounded and wonderfully soft ass. His strong fingers made indentations in the thick padding of the striped male's ass, squeezing it and kneading it gently. Hetik breath shifted to a moan as he felt Lorensi's cock digging against his belly. The taller male's prick was swiftly leaving a wet spot against his flat, featureless stomach. Hetik shivered freshly as Lorensi's hot breath was rasping in his ear, "Put your arms around my neck luv."

Hetik rumbled cutely, nodding as he curled his slender arms around the Vakari's neck. He gave a breathless ooo of sound as Lorensi took a firmer grip on his ass and hefted him upward with a flex of his own back and hips. The striped feline wrapped his legs around Lorensi's narrow hips, pressing himself into the taller male's grip, "Wh-where are we gonna-...?"

"Well, looks like we have a ready-made rutting table right over here!"

Lorensi grinned as he swung his striped bundle around, the slender feline's mass in his arms easily manageable. The Vakari walked both of them over to the wide, smooth faced console, which was just the right height for his purpose. He stumbled slightly as his foot found the rounded bulge of Hetik's comm unit beneath the slumped black mass of his uniform, cursing softly but he didn't hear it crack. Lorensi seated Hetik onto the cool polymer casing, making the striped male shiver as the colder console touched his swiftly flushing flesh. The console lit up beneath the striped male, but both felines ignored the sedately flashing lights it as their lust swiftly built to a head. As they kissed again, Hetik thrusting his slender but extremely nimble tongue into Lorensi's muzzle the temperature of the cramped compartment seemed to rise by degrees. As they shared their muzzles, Lorensi dipped his hips, pressing his straining cock up behind Hetik's compact paw full of testicles. His pale length rubbed the slender feline's velvet furred sac, then pushed deeper behind it. With a gentle wiggle of his hips and a tiny push he found the sweet-spot he was aiming for with a groaning rumble of sound.

Hetik bit back a bark of passion as he felt Lorensi's familiar, tapered glans push against the entrance to his body, then ease into him with a tiny jolt. The striped feline hissed between his teeth as the tiny flare of discomfort jarred his spine, making his tail thrash between Lorensi's strong thighs. He muffled himself by biting into the juncture of Lorensi's shoulder and throat. The spotted male retaliated by giving his slender lover a spank on his heart-shaped ass, and pushing his hips forward another increment, sheathing his tip completely into Hetik's body. Once the initial push was over the spotted male slowed his thrust, letting his long, smooth cock ease an inch at a time into his slender lover, letting his maleness spread Hetik open slowly.

Hetik arched, his limbs twitching as his body gave a buck on feral reflex and be banged the back of his skull on the smooth polymer display behind him. Lorensi brought a paw up, cradling his smaller lover's head and rubbing soothingly, kissing over Hetik's throat and chest, "Easy, easy... Don' get over-excited baby."

Hetik's ears burned red as he nodded, nipping the side of the Vakari's throat with a tiny growl, shuddering as Lorensi's cock hilted into him all the way to the root, "OH! Uhhh... You-you know what it does to me when you call me baby..."

"Mmm-hmm, I can feel it."

Lorensi chuckled, reaching his paw down and giving the more slender feline's sleek cock a squeeze. The Vakari licked his lips, giving a glance downward at Hetik's cute maleness, almost the length of his own, but much more slender, with several rows of tiny, flexible nubs of flesh ringing his glans. Lorensi grunted as he slowly began to rock his hips, feeling Hetik's slender body clench and squeeze around him. He gently stroked his slender lover's cock, feeling the soft, rubber-like barbs texturing his cocktip flexing with each up and down motion of his paw, "Mmm, how did a breeder get to be such a wonderful bottom?"

Hetik moaned as Lorensi shifted his hips, making his long length shift against his inner walls, thrusting himself up toward the Vakari's gripping paw with a blush, "I gave my mother a grand-kitten to dote over as young as I could so my obligation to procreating being fulfilled, I could give myself over to mating as I saw fit."

The tiger-striped male shuddered as he began to jerk his hips back and forth, shoving himself against Lorensi wantonly with the spotted male's harder thrusts, panting louder, "Be-besides... Females don't-don't have your gorgeous cock!"

"If they did, they wouldn't be females."

Lorensi grinned, arching himself over his striped lover harder, letting his lean weight push into the inertia of his thrusts. The Vakari's long, twitching length plowed deeper and deeper into Hetik's wildly clenching body as the younger male moaned and growled deep in his chest. As their thrusts got harder and deeper, their lithe bodies slamming against one another, making the console creak beneath them. Hetik dug his fingers into the flexing expanse of Lorensi's ass, urging him faster and harder, the sensation of his taller lover's cock rubbing over his internal trigger making his own length twitch and drool more copiously. Lorensi growled, thrusting his muzzle into Hetik's shoulder as he felt the striped male's body fluttering and clenching wildly around him, "Nnn, don't you dare cum before I do this time..."

Hetik's rolling gray eyes flickered as he shivered harder, his cock sending a fresh pulse of his warm, slick pre-cum over his own belly, "I can't help it! Wh-when you fuck me deep like this... I can't..!"

The slender male's words were clamped off as he shuddered from his ears to his toes, the burst of tingles that surged from his loins through his thighs and belly making him dizzy, "OH GODS!"

Hetik moaned into Lorensi's throat, biting down on it tightly as his body gave a clench and his sleek maleness exploded all over both of them in a flurry of his milky feline essence. Lorensi groaned deeply, slapping Hetik's ass hard enough to sting as his smaller lover's body squeezed and fluttered around his thrusting prick wildly, bringing him to the edge. The Vakari male squeezed his lover's sleek cock tight, milking it to make Hetik shudder and wriggle desperately, tugging his own length. He uttered a muffled yowl, shoving his prick to the balls into Hetik's thickly padded ass and his body gave bestial, humping grinds as he climaxed. Lorensi shivered, his leanly muscled body clenching taut as his semen pumped into Hetik's milking body, letting it flood to his core. He humped harder against his tiger striped partner, making sure his bolt was buried as deep as he could.

As both feline's bodies were wracked with spasming twitches, tingling in blissful afterglow Lorensi slumped farther down toward Hetik, pressing their muzzles together. With the slender feline making tiny content sounds against his lips Lorensi's already painfully taut balls seemed to fly upward high and hard enough to smack his chin as the door behind them issuing the trilling click of a lock-override being tripped bored into both their brains like spikes of ice. As the door swished open Lorensi bit his lip, knowing his naked ass was visible, balls-deep in Hetik sprawled on the console. A familiar chuckle reached his ears as he attempted to make his both climax and adrenaline buzzed body stand upright, "No, don't get up on my account Commander."

Hetik's gray eyes were as wide as a porthole as he simply froze beneath the Vakari at the voice that carried to him across the cramped compartment. Lorensi's ears burned as he felt a familiar hand on his back, then slide down and pat his naked, spot covered ass, "Do forgive the interruption Commander..."

The neutral faced human leaned around Lorensi's shoulder, gazing down into the petrified visage of the tiger-striped male beneath him, "Ensign Hetik, I believe?"

Hetik could do little more than utter a strangled, mewling squeak, his lower lip trembling. The deeply tanned human male was as tall as Lorensi, with a more muscular build, but shorter limbs and a less pronounced chest. The human male's furless skin was a beautiful, dusky olive tan, and his now highly amused face was friendly, with almond shaped, silvery-blue eyes outlined by his high, Asian cheek-bones. His hair was dyed lavishly in deep cobalt blue and a beautiful purple, hanging down around his face where it wasn't tucked behind his curiously small, rounded ears. Hetik swallowed, trying again, managing a quavering miao, "C-C-Commander Tsukisyo!"

The Silver City's human first officer smirked in gentle good humor as he shifted around till he was standing to one side of the console on which Hetik rested, still looking bemusedly at the rutting felines, "Commander Lorensi, if I could make a suggestion?"

The Vakari's back was beginning to cramp a bit as he craned his head to gaze up at his oldest human friend and on again, off again lover, "Y-Yes'sir?"

The human finally allowed his face to split into a tiny grin, leaning over to where Hetik was sprawled, "The next time, Lorensi, you choose to drag your new boyfriend away from his duty shift, to rut like demented Metarans... And you choose to place his, magnificent ass on an auxiliary power distribution console..."

The smiling male flourished his fingers and depressed several panels on the console beneath Hetik, making it go dark, "Lock it down first? You two were causing power fluctuations on 4 decks and almost made the port drive controller overload."

Lorensi gaped as his ears turned red, his tail curling up against his legs as he looked down at the still trembling Hetik, then up at his superior officer, "Ah shit, Shinai... I'm-..."

The deeply tanned human smirked, giving the Vakari a hard slap on his spotted ass, "Shut-up. No permanent damage done. But assistant engineer Hetik here is on-duty you know."

Shinai leaned against the bulk-head, rubbing his smooth chin, "Now Krayd is in bed, Roan wasn't awoken to deal with the situation, thankfully Dex and the computer managed to get your power fluctuations locked down before they could get out of hand. I was just getting off-shift myself. So I decided to come see myself what the hell you two were up to, though I had a keen idea."

The human smirked as he watched Lorensi straighten his not insubstantial spine with a tiny crackle, Hetik still looking mortified beneath him. He noted with even more amusement, even being discovered fucking in the bowels of engineering hadn't flagged the Vakari's cock. Shinai looked to the two felines, "I ought to punish you two."

Shinai tapped the bulkhead against his back idly with his fingers as he gazed in consternated amusement at the still firmly coupled felines. He watched Hetik's ruddy ears flick and swivel as the younger male wriggled under his gaze. Lorensi didn't seem remotely abashed as Shinai was more familiar with his tall, lean, spotted body than most doctors. The tanned human uttered a gusty sigh, "So what am I going to do with you two? Coupled over an engineering console, covered in fresh jizz, eh?"

The human ran his fingers through his thick, brightly colored hair, smirking as Lorensi grinned gently at him, "You spotted lechers are natural born exhibitionists anyway, so I don't imagine parading you half naked and still sprung through engineering would faze you in the slightest."

He pointed to the striped feline who was still looking as if he wished nothing more than to melt into the console beneath his spine, "Little Hetik however probably wouldn't value getting a dressing down from Hil."

Lorensi licked his salt tinged lips idly, looking at the handsome, smooth skinned human with a harder grin, "We could always... bribe you to keep this off the record?"

Shinai smirked, making his elegantly high cheek-bones arch more prominently, "You're offering your First Officer a bribe to keep everyone else out of this? What would Krayd say?"

"He'd take it, and so will you."

Lorensi shrugged, lifting his paws, one of which was still dripping with Hetik's semen, "Technically we're both off-duty, no one has to know. We could say we asked Hetik to assist us to fix something that took up the remainder of his duty-shift. I doubt he'll be missed."

"His comm unit is turned off currently anyway; I think one of you must have stepped on it."

Shinai looked at the carelessly discarded uniform slumped like a shed skin on the deck. He shook his head, chuckling as he issued a huff of breath, gazing at Lorensi's broad, sharp-fanged grin, "You're taking liberties eh Lore? What about Hetik?"

The feminine feline swallowed as Shinai's almost luminous silvery-blue eyes wandered over his slender body. He wiped at his muzzle gently, managing to smear some of his mingled fluids across his pouting lips, "C-C-Commander?"

"Oh, just call me Shinai, Hetik. Might as well dispense with the formalities here and now with how big Lorensi's grin is."

The handsome human shifted his hips, pushing himself away from the bulkhead with a flex of his athletic body. Lorensi nodded, running his paws with abandon over Hetik's slim form, making him shiver again and clench around his still half-mast erection. The Vakari smiled as he leaned down and licked Hetik's cheek, "Don't worry about Shin baby, he loves felines."

Lorensi winked at the wide-eyed younger male under him, "He especially loves fucking them."

Hetik chirruped gently, gazing at the bare skinned alien commanding officer, his belly squirming gently with nervous warmth, "I-I-I... I've never seen a human naked before..."

"You're a bit sheltered. It's alright. I'm sure Shin would be more than happy to show you."

Lorensi grinned once again, slowly pulling himself from the smaller feline with a tiny pop, making Hetik gasp and squirm gently. The striped male shivered, clenching himself tightly to keep Lorensi's warm fluids from dribbling from his body as he slowly levered himself upright. Hetik gazed up from his seated position on the console at Shinai as the human officer shook his long-haired head gently and shifted his feet, using the movement to kick off his soft, ankle-high shoes. Lorensi was licking his paw clean of Hetik's sticky residue as he rummaged in the hip pouch of his own coverall, still slumped around his upper thighs. The spotted feline found the packet of cleaning wipes he had remembered to bring along before ambushing his slender lover, giving himself a topical cleaning as he watched Shinai make himself more comfortable.

Hetik couldn't help himself as his deep gray eyes focused on the human male, rolling slightly onto his side, making his nicely rounded frame cast into contour against the bulkhead behind him. The younger male watched Shinai as the taller male unclasped the tab at the collar of his uniform, the deep black with the crimson half sleeve on one arm. With his collar opened the deeply tanned human slowly unsealed his coverall, letting it come open along the seam along his chest and belly. Hetik watched the expanse of naked, bronzed skin that was exposed by the widening gap in aroused fascination. Lorensi finally just gave up and shucked his clothing to the floor completely, kicking free of it as he watched the younger feline stare openly at Shinai, "He's got a wonderful body for a furless primate evolved species, doesn't he?"

Hetik nodded, licking his sticky lips as he watched Shinai shift his hips, wriggling the slightly clinging material down past his thighs. The human chuckled, "Krayd likes it when I wear my uniform a little tight."

The bright-eyed human finally got his uniform off, stepping free of it, stretching himself luxuriously, his spine cracking gently as he looked to the two felines. Out of his uniform the human's dusky, deeply bronzed skin was pleasant reddish gold; with his ludicrously dyed hair clashing magnificently with it. Shinai was just slightly shorter than Lorensi without his boots on, with a broader, denser form, more muscularly defined than the lean Vakari, but with a less pronounced chest and a harder ridged stomach. The human male had shorter limbs, but thicker arms and more slender thighs than the runner's build Lorensi had below the waist. His shape was more curved than Lorensi's, with wider hips and a bit more of a flare along his sides up to his shoulders.

Hetik's dark eyes were immediately drawn to the human's pelvis, curiosity and a bit of voyeuristic pique spurring his gaze. Shinai chuckled at the transfixed expression on Hetik's face as he stepper closer to the slender feline, arching his back as he felt Lorensi's still slightly sticky paws run over his back. He smirked, chuckling, "I feel like I'm jammed in a storage locker with two horny felines."

"You have been before, so I can't see how it'd bother you."

Lorensi's knowing grin made the human laugh before Shinai paused, his handsome features pinching slightly, "Before we forget."

The human officer raised his voice slightly, "Computer, lock the door, command override of Tier 5 alpha clearance or higher, erect a baffling field, all comm signals on hold other than emergency calls, and remove Ensign Hetik from the remainder of his duty shift roster on my authorization."

When the comm system chimed and the door gave a loud clunk as it locked the human smiled, "It's good to be second only to the captain some days."

"Well, you are a captain, remember?"

Shinai nodded, looking around, "A little Spartan, you two couldn't have chosen to commandeer a lounge to fuck in? Isn't even a synthesis unit in here. Ah well."

Shinai grinned, then grunted as he felt Lorensi press against his spine, the lean Vakari's warmly furred body, if slightly wet and matted in spots rubbing against him. The spotted male nipped his ear affectionately, "Well, my cock wanted to get played with, it's not much for figuring out angles and creature comforts. Now..."

The Vakari's paws slipped down the human's hips as he hugged Shinai from behind, thrusting them into the furless male's crotch, making Shinai grunt softly. Hetik rolled onto his rounded rump again, scooting to the edge of the console, watching Lorensi and Shinai rub and grind against one another as the spotted male rubbed and stroked the human's crotch. The younger male's interest was piqued as he took to his slender feet, slipping from the console and then into the short stool on the deck-plates, the position placing him almost directly in front of the standing pair. He watched Shinai's curiously smooth, almost completely hairless body, gazing at the human's crotch. He noted that where most males had their velvet furred testicles and sheath of short fuzzed skin the human's cock was naked, save for a sleeve of delicate looking skin that covered his smooth, rounded glans. Hetik swallowed as he saw the human male's cock was larger than Lorensi's, broader and thicker at the base, with its blunt tip, flushed a dark pink against his bronzed skin.

Lorensi felt Shinai's cock peaking quickly, stiffening in his skilled paws. As the pair of them had been lovers for years the spotted male knew exactly where to touch the human male, using those skills to get his prick to a raging tautness in almost record time. Hetik swallowed; the long, thick spike of flesh pointing toward him making him feel almost giddy as his belly shivered. His own flagging feline cock perked back up, straining gently as it bobbed between his thighs. Lorensi chuckled as he saw his younger lover's hips wiggling gently on the stool, grinding his sticky ass against it, "I think he likes what he sees Shin."

The spotted feline grinned down at Hetik, "If he were a female, I'd say he'd be sopping wet by now."

Lorensi bit the side of Shinai's throat as he maneuvered his paws, holding the human male's cock out proudly from his smooth crotch, "So, Commander, are you going to give the Ensign permission to suck your cock or are you going to let him melt where he sits?"

Shinai arched his muscular frame, thrusting his hips toward the seated feline, "Commander? Ensign? Why do I get the sensation you two do kinky things with the chain of command?"

"Well, what can I say? You know I used to like it when you wore your uniform in bed."

Shinai opened his mouth to respond but his words were drown into a groan as Hetik finally couldn't help himself any longer. The tiger striped feline lifted his slim paws and wrapped them around the thudding spike of human flesh and squeezing it almost painfully tight. Shinai hissed through his blunt teeth as he arched onto the balls of his feet; groaning louder with the touch of Hetik's slender muzzle to his thigh, "E-e-eager little thing, isn't he?"

"He likes you. Looks like he'd like a practical application study of human anatomy."

Shinai moaned as Hetik's eager muzzle rubbed against the stiff length of his prick, nuzzling into it, bringing a droplet of pre-cum to the tip of his erection. The slender feline's hot breath was blasting across his bare crotch and cock, followed by the slightly raspy length of his tongue. The bronzed human shivered, biting his lip as Hetik lapped and licked over his length, suckling his glans gingerly, his slim paws still stroking and squeezing roughly. Shinai grunted as he felt Hetik's paw cup, then squeeze his balls tightly, "UN! Easy Hetik..! If you keep squeezing and tugging like that you're either gonna get a face-full of cum or you're gonna yank my dick off at the root!"

"Larani could sew it back on, just roll with him; he's new to human junk."

Shinai nodded, uttering a guttural sound as Hetik's slender muzzle wrapped itself around the end of his cock, engulfing it in warm, slippery velvet. He basked till a slight rasp behind his balls made him stand on his toes again, "NO CLAWS!"

Hetik's ears went bright red as he muttered a muffled sound of apology around the human cock jammed in his maw, loosening his paw around the human's naked sac. The slender feline realized the human's genitals were much more sensitive than some other species', even his own, lacking the thicker skin and coating of velveteen fur. He pulled Shinai's length from his muzzle, tilting his face upward to the human's face as he proceeded to rub the human's cock over his muzzle and cheeks, smearing their mingled saliva and pre-seed, "S-s-sorry Commander..."

Shinai's balls relaxed once more as he nodded softly, reaching down to rub and stroke the slender feline's muzzle, face and ears. The resonating purr coming from the smaller male was cute as Hetik lapped up and down over the human's prick with his textured tongue. Shinai had gotten to love the slightly raspy texture of his humanoid feline lovers' tongues. The sensation which was so different from the smooth, slick expanse of other species' tongues felt good as it tickled the sensitive skin of his cock and balls. Hetik took the tip of the human's pink flushed length back into his muzzle, bobbing his head harder. Lorensi ran his paws up and down the hard ridge of Shinai's belly, sliding his fingers up to toy with the human's nipples, tweaking and tugging them. The feline's breath was warm on the nape of Shinai's neck as the Vakari panted into his ear, "He likes it when you hold onto his ears and thrust."

Shinai bit his lip as Hetik's sucking little muzzle slipped farther down his length, grunting as he gently took the striped feline's ears in his fingers, tugging and rubbing them. He saw the smaller male's expressive eyes slide into slits as he began to move his hips slowly, bucking them, making his now slippery cock thrust in and out between Hetik's lips. The human was breathing harder, his hard muscled body tensing slowly, pushing back against Lorensi as he focused on thrusting into Hetik's eager maw. Shinai moved his hips a little quicker, feeling Hetik's muzzle and tongue squeeze his prick, trying not to jab his length too deeply into the slender feline's muzzle. Lorensi gripped Shinai's hips, guiding him and giving him a less than demure squeeze on the ass, "You can fuck his face harder, he's got a deeper muzzle than it looks."

Shinai nodded absently, gripping the slender feline's ears slightly tighter, bucking into Hetik's warm, drooling muzzle harder and deeper. Almost a full ¾ of his cock was slipping in and out of the smaller male's muzzle with a wanton, wet sucking sound. Hetik tried to relax his jaw, the width of the human male's cock being slightly larger than anything he was used to dealing with, allowing Shinai to thrust deeper. The tiny grunts and shuddering twitches of the human's body let both felines know Shinai was close. Lorensi felt his long-time friend and lover's hard, wonderfully sculpted body bucking and grinding against him, his own belly shifting with his renewed lust. He gave the human a playful slap on his rock-hard, wildly flexing ass as he ground himself against Shinai's back.

The human's mind, bogged down with the wonderful things Hetik was doing to his cock was still acute enough to feel Lorensi's long, sleek cock rubbing against his ass and down between his thighs. He grunted softly, feeling the Vakari's smooth length prod he back of his balls, "And what're you gonna do with that?"

Lorensi rumbled, his paws roaming the human's body more aggressively, "Mmm, well, I could fuck Hetik again, he's wonderfully tight. Gods I forgot what a gorgeous ass you have Shin."

"G-g-gimme a minute... Ohh, almost d-d-done..."

Shinai moaned, feeling his cock twitch tightly, his balls yanking up against the slow, rhythmic kneading of Hetik's paw. The slender feline uttered a tiny, muffled Miao of want, pushing his muzzle down farther along the human's handsome cock, trying desperately to bring him over the edge. Shinai's body arched like a bow, taking him to the balls of his feet once more as his length thudded wildly in the confines of Hetik's superbly sucking muzzle before it went off with a blast of his semen. The tiger striped feline moaned loudly, squeezing Shinai's cock tighter with his muzzle, milking the base of the jerking shaft as he swallowed the gushing burst of seed that flowed across his tongue. The human's length stuttered flurry of semen, while not as voluminous as a morphic male's would have been, was hot and slick, coating the inside of his muzzle and throat. It was saltier and more astringent than he'd tasted before. It had an almost alcoholic after-taste, but he found it pleasant for the burst of deep, musky, slightly chlorine scented pheromones that filled his nose with the human's climax.

Shinai groaned loudly, relaxing slowly, his length still thudding tightly. He let the slender younger male suck hard for a moment, drinking his fill before he gingerly releasing Hetik's ears and disengaging the younger feline's muzzle from the tip of his prick with a blissful sigh. The human's still drooling length hung in the air, bobbing in time with his heart-beat as Hetik shivered, restraining himself from reaching down and playing with his own steadily oozing cock. Lorensi grinned as he watched his younger lover squirming on the low seat, licking Shinai's sweat dappled neck, "You got Hetik all worked up again Shin."

From the way the slender younger male was grinding his rounded ass back and forth against the plas-leather padded seat beneath him he could guess what he wanted. Lorensi guessed that the younger male had sampled the human's sexual prowess and wanted more, grinning expansively as he ran his paw through Hetik's damp hair, "You want Shinai to fuck your ass baby?"

"Was that part of the bargain?"

Shinai's tone was teasingly light as he gazed down at the restless back and forth motion of the younger feline's ass. Hetik's wide gray eyes were slightly glazed as he ran his tongue over Shinai's ridged belly, making tiny uncomfortable sounds as he looked up at the tall, handsome human, "Mmm, please?"

Hetik stood on slightly wobbly legs, pushing himself against the tanned human who grinned softly. The smaller feline was making tiny sounds, his eager young paws rubbing over the expanse of Shinai's smooth body, caressing it as he continued to move his hips, making his own cock brush against the human's thigh. Shinai glanced down, touching Hetik's straining member with a finger, making him cry out softly, "Barbed cock, your new boyfriend is a breeder Lore?"

"Strictly ornamental Shin. Hetik did the kitten thing already, he likes boys better."

Shinai nodded, smiling as he stroked the sleek, soft barbed length digging against his skin, "Looks a lot like Dex's."

Lorensi uttered a scandalized huff, "I still can't believe you and Krayd shared your bed with Dex of all people and didn't even take any holos! Only a handful of people have ever even seen Dex naked. There's a lot of betting pools, but Jak won't answer any questions."

"Ah shuddup."

Shinai shivered as he felt the slender form of Hetik's body grinding against him, "So what're you gonna do if I bend your boyfriend over the console?"

"Oh, I'm sure I can amuse myself, providing Krayd won't mind..."

The obvious question hung in the air between them, making Hetik perk his ears as Shinai shrugged, "He'll be sorry he missed out on the fun."

The human male grinned down at Hetik as the slender feline relaxed noticeably, "So you want..."

"Mmm-hmm... I think I like naked humans now..."

Shinai let his hands wander the slender feline's body, cupping his full, rounded handful of rump and squeezing it, "You do have a nice ass. You don't mind me having it?"

The human glanced at Lorensi who was still grinning, "He might want to find himself a human mate too, if he likes it."

"Like I'd care, I like humans too."

Shinai laughed softly as he felt Hetik tug his cock urgently. Lorensi's tall, lean body rubbing against him from behind, "And I thought I was going to get some sleep after I got off duty tonight. Silly me."

He paused consideringly, "Still, could be worse."

Lorensi smiled, his mismatched eyes taking in Shinai's deeply tanned body as the human maneuvered Hetik to the console, "Now that's the sex and feline crazed commanding officer I grew to love over the years. I was starting to fear marriage might have slowed you down."

"I grew up with Vakari, and you especially. With you spotted assholes there is no slowing down. Now shut-up and get over here."

Lorensi grinned, hearing Hetik giggle, "Yes'sir."
