Rhotu and Varik

Story by Zantesuken on SoFurry

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This is my largest and most ambitious vore story. Over 16,000 words, it's almost mind boggling how much time and effort I put into this on reflection when I wrote it over two years ago.

Rhotu and Varik

A sequel to 'Rhotu and Riley' by Zantesuken

"Blast!" The young fox slipped again, a sharp outcrop of rock slicing through his arm in a burst of brilliant pain. He placed his paw on the small laceration, feeling the small trickles of blood starting to seep from his dusty brown fur. The sensation started to dull, though the wound stung in the salt-laden air beneath the red-rock outcrop. As he traversed through the echoing caverns he wondered about Riley's exploits. They had always shared adventures together and, though several years had passed since their last, there should be no reason for this to change now. Something as dangerous as this shouldn't be undertaken alone, even though the lithe fox carefully kept this idea to the side of his mind, making sure that his concern for safety would not overcome his inquisitive appetite. They had both concluded the caverns of the bay to be empty, it was highly unlikely they had missed anything when they came here as children, for over the years they had compiled maps and filled entire notebooks on them; yet it was still entirely plausible something new could have came to the sleepy paradise. Modern treasure would be so dull though, the fox pondered as the grit and dirt crunched beneath his paws. Not gold or gems or cursed skulls, but stocks and shares or oil or uranium. What would he do with uranium? He certainly wouldn't be able to keep it in his stash at home.

It was thoughts of this nature that swam around Varik's head while mindlessly wandering through the labyrinth of twisting passages. He felt at home here, even though he knew not consciously where he was going. Every so often he would pause, look about in the near-complete darkness and try to familiarise himself with his surroundings. He was shocked that he couldn't find his way around, always priding himself on his excellent memory. He would ignore junctions, simply following the path closest to that of his current direction as if a somnambulist. He failed to notice the countless other cuts and grazes appearing on his legs; his wandering mind was too occupied with exploring possible outcomes at the end of his journey.

Though a great time had passed since his entry, the fox had no sense of it, a trait which had normally resulted in him sleeping through early morning lectures or missing crucial deadlines, so in the time-lost darkness of the subterranean world he had discarded the notion of time alongside his notion of danger and caution. Then, like a small island in an infinite sea, he glimpsed a flicker of light from a great distance. Immediately the fox was alert, his mind cleared and purposeful. His steps increased in pace, ignoring the heavy fatigue which had until now been nothing more than a minor annoyance. The intensity of the light began to grow, and with it the faint whispers of the caverns grew. They became regular, slow, relaxed, as if from some immense creature hanging above his head. A faint golden-orange glow began to immerse the thin passageway through which Varik traversed, giving him the first sight of his battered body since he had began hours ago. He brushed such a trivial matter aside and hurried on towards the source of the light, intrigued as the natural shape of the rock, rough and irregular, smoothed itself out as if under an applied pressure, the sandy floor becoming smooth and even. Soon it was bright as twilight all around him, and just further down he could see a shallow archway leading off to the right. Only a few steps away he noticed an odd combination of scents, one of metal, and one faintly of fish.

As he entered the low vault back of the open cavern he was met with a fantastical cache of gold and precious stone. For a brief moment, his eyes wide and gleaming, he stopped breathing. He stood frozen, unsure of the reality which faced him, could this be real? As if a tense rope holding him back had been abruptly cut, he bolted forward with outstretched arms and leaped onto the heaped pile of coins and treasures. 'Riley you sneak' he thought, laughing loudly has the heavy metal slipped between his digits clinking back onto the heap with sharp, resonant clacks like a typewriter. The loud echoes of falling coins halted his exultant celebration, causing him to sit up in apprehension surveying the expansive cave. Something lay at the far end, a blur of black and white amidst some fiercely burning plinths. As the clacking faded, the same periodic whisper returned, more pronounced than before. It was almost hypnotic, the young fox had forgotten about the immense pile of treasure behind him as quickly as he had found it; his overriding sense of curiosity again was set into full control. With light steps he worked towards the front of the cavern, slinking against the wall, to where the roof began to slope upwards gently. He came against an outcrop some 10 meters from the unidentified object and slowly peeked his head around the mass of rock. The sight shocked him more than the pile of gold.

He managed to suppress an involuntary yelp of fear as he whipped his head back around. For laying amid an expanse of linen was a massive anthro orca, near 2 and half meters in length and proportioned appropriately, with one exception; a smooth beach ball size hemisphere of taut, white stomach flesh. Immediately Varik had jumped to the conclusion that his wolf friend had found his way to this creature's stash of treasure and had swiftly and mercilessly been consumed. But surely such a thing would be farfetched. No creature, no matter how large, could eat something that big relative to its own size. Perhaps he was butchered? Sliced and cut into manageable wolf chunks for easy ingestion. God - but there was no blood to be seen, but there was no Riley either. Perhaps Riley had never found this place, but could there possibly be anything else here in which the wolf would come to see? Varik found himself compelled to take another look in morbid curiosity.

Indeed this orca was huge, easily twice his height, perhaps more. A chest as broad as a doorway and immensely deep, quite definitely enough to fit a squirming wolf inside, or indeed a squirming fox. Pectorals the size of steering wheels between two thickly muscled arms, one which lay to his side and the other resting upon the great, tense dome of its stomach, which even from the great distance Varik was viewing could be seen to be twitching and spasming around its contents infrequently. The fox followed the line of the creature's legs, strong and sturdy to support such a great mass of living muscle, to the tips of the orca's toed feet, smooth and broad. The tail lay lifeless between the trunk like legs, revealing its white underside. The whole orca was wrapped tightly in its shiny, rubber like skin, amplifying the cuts and planes of its muscles and emphasising the power at its disposal. Most of the skin was a luscious jet black, except its chest, abdomen, inner thighs and the under side of its tail which were a radiant white. Just above the orca's beak were two closed eyes; it was fast asleep.

He had to know - could Riley be alive inside that tightly packed bulge? The occasional wobble would suggest so. The thought of his friend being digested made the fox sick, unable to fully comprehend the subjected agony within the heated depths of another's demanding body. With a delicacy of steps he had never thought himself capable, the fox began to edge closer to the sleeping beast. He could hear its slow, content breathing: after having halved his distance he could now hear the faint gurgles and bubbles from underneath the layers of muscle. Within two metres the scent of sweat and musk became prominent, making the fox wince his eyes slightly, for it was as strong as his size might indicate.

Within arms reach of the orca's churning gut Varik was basking in waves of warmth pulsing out from the glimmering skin, and with it more of that odd fish tinted scent. He could feel his heart racing so fast he feared the thumping in his chest would wake the slumbering behemoth. He was sweating profusely; his fur was dampening with it. He knelt down onto the mattress of tough fabric being sure to keep his balance; the wrong move now could mean death. He noticed, now almost on top of the sleeping monster, the round gut and muscled chest were dabbled with splotches, a dirty white with a hint of cerulean blue. He leaned back and turned towards the orca's crotch, shadowed by the grumbling gut. A short, thin slit was placed centrally where the clearly male's genitalia should be. However, full in present view were two large, creamy white testicles the size of oranges, drawn up to the main body snugly. Noticing the pattern of the splotches across the orca's front, combined with his knowledge of trajectories (at least his education was paying off in some way), he concluded that whatever was now packed inside the creature had gone down with great pleasure for the predator. He ate for pleasure? This couldn't be a good thing.

"Do you like what you see, little fox?" The slow, deliberate and low voice send Varik careering backwards, first tumbling onto his back then scrambling back a metre or two. The orca, beak turned casually to his new guest, chuckled at the fox's comic withdrawal. "Now now, you have no reason to fear me." Varik was trembling in panic.

"You... you..." He tried to calm himself down, but was failing fast. "Where is Riley" He managed to force out, starting to focus on his breathing. Long deep breaths. Long deep breaths.

The orca smirked wickedly, hoisting himself up a little, leaning his head and upper back against the wall behind him, tilting his stomach a little off the floor. He raised his languid arm and stretched it behind his head revealing the smooth black armpit underneath whilst slowly beginning to rub the rounded belly. "Do you really have to ask? I thought it would be perfectly clear your friend is currently a resident inside my stomach."

"You bastard!" Varik yelled, teeth bared and paws clenched.

"Calm down, little fox." The orca had a look of amusement on his face, something that further enraged the fox. How could he treat this like something so common? How could he think this was something to be calm about?

"Let him out, you can't do this to another creature!" Varik pleaded in a traumatic rage.

"I doubt that would do any good, for your friend has been little more than meat for well, I'd say an hour or so now? Besides, I think you're more than aware you're in no position to give orders."

Varik's anger rapidly crumbled into hollowness, a deep black pit inside him. He felt a wave of fear and sorrow wash over, his stomach turning. "You killed him..." He felt he was going to be sick. Riley was gone - now just a thick, tender stew of acid and saliva. He was only an inch away - an inch from freedom, an inch of muscle that meant the difference between life and a slow, painful death. Curled inside the orca was his lifelong friend, now replaced by a creamy white salient in the orca's mighty frame. Tears were rolling down his cheek.

"It is no cause for sadness, little fox. Your friend requested this from me and I happily obliged him. He had the most pleasurable experience of his life before submitting himself to something more powerful." The orca was carefully choosing his words, sensing an opportunity. "Come closer, little fox, come and be with your friend. I will not harm you."

The fox had been overcome with an overwhelming sense of loneliness. Riley had always been there for him, and now there was something unfilled in his life. The orca's words had found their way through his numb mind and he felt an eerie reassurance. He just wanted to feel complete as he had moments ago, and looking at the soft gurgling mass of stomach muscle he wanted to go up and embrace it, embrace his friend for the last time. As if taking his first steps again, he slowly began to walk towards the reclined orca, eyes ever fixed on the stomach. He knelt down next to it, the warmth and scent of the orca now giving him a strange comfort, that from being in the presence of a fellow living creature. "Go on, little fox." The orca spoke raising his hand off his belly allowing Varik to place his cheek delicately against the top of the smooth dome.

Varik was now a ghost, a mere shadow of his former, confident self. The immensity of bereavement had not scarred his youthful life until now. Having lost his friend, and now in the process of losing himself, he took some comfort in being close to the soothing warmth of the cetacean, coerced by his exploitative speech. Some part of the dazed fox protested and tried to fight against the desire to turn to the orca, but it was a quiet, pitiful voice that had perished along with Riley.

He reached his arms around and pressed his chest against the warm flesh of the orca, the rubbery texture giving a pleasant friction against his fur. It was taut, like that of a drum, the muscles that normally form the creature's six pack were now flattened, rounded and compressing down upon the digesting meal. There was a strange solidness behind the soft flesh. The fox could feel Riley's body curled tightly inside the sloshing sack, squeezed rigid by the thick muscles on which he rested. The belly would pulse with a wave of peristalsis, crushing down onto the lifeless wolf within. Varik could hear the slopping and gurgling of the stomach juices as they frothed and surged around, and could even hear the faint creak of Riley's bones as they were compressed by unstoppable forces of digestion. "Oh Riley..."

"There there, little fox." The orca raised his hand and placed it over the fox's head, encompassing it. He gently rubbed the fox's ears between his fingers reassuringly, and would lightly press down, causing the stomach to gurgle under the added pressure, all to give to fox a full picture of his innards. "That feels good, doesn't it?" Varik meekly nodded as he listened to his friend reduce to a soup of nutrients. "Your friend wanted to feel it on the inside, to be warm and safe. It's really a wonderful sensation, being bathed in the hot liquid, being massaged by the slippery smooth walls, being surrounded by the wonderfull smell of an orca. He had quite a time in there, I must tell you. I'm sure you will too."

The fox raised his head and turned to the orca's wicked beak. "You're going to... to eat me? Like Riley? Alive?" He stammered.

"Yes." He paused. The fox had a look of bewilderment on his face. "What is your name, little fox?"

"Varik" was the reply.

"Well, Varik, I am Rhotu. To answer your question, yes, I will be eating you. Obviously I haven't the appetite or the room to do such a thing at the moment, I dare say it will be a number of days before I am hungry again. In that time you may try to escape if you wish, though I assure you no good will come of it. When the time comes for you to become my meal, you'll happily squirm down my slick throat and curl up into my hungry orca belly, just as your wolf friend did. Until then, we'll be good friends, as predator and prey. Ok, little fox?"

Varik was tired and feeling ready to accept anything, overcome with shock. "Ok, Rhotu". This response pleased the manipulative predator, years of experience had taught him the art well. Foxes always were so malleable, both mentally and physically.

"Good. Now, sleep, you'll feel much better in a few hours." The exhausted fox slowly began to close his eyes, Rhotu rubbing his muzzle as he nuzzled into the warm stomach which contained the digesting wolf, the stomach that would soon be digesting him.

The warm pillow of the orca's stomach awoke Varik with a loud, ominous gurgle. He raised his head and wiped his muzzle, messy where he had dribbled in his sleep. He looked down at the expanse of white flesh which glittered under a thin sheen of his saliva in places. He had an odd taste in his mouth, salty but with a pleasant tang. He placed a hand on top of the slightly deflated gut, it had become softer, the contents liquidising rapidly as the orca's body went to work on its meal. As he rubbed over the smooth surface his paw felt a crunchy spot. Taking a closer look he realised what the taste in his mouth was, something that piqued his curiosity. He had never felt attracted to another male before, but this wasn't a conventional situation. It was natural to be in awe of such an impressive work of nature, and what better way to be appreciative than by enjoying it physically?

Odd, the fox thought, now fully aware of the situation that Rhotu had eaten his best friend and will be eating him in the near future; he felt no compulsion to run. Of course he'd never find his way to the surface; perhaps it was that which made him so accepting of the situation. But to be eaten whole and alive? He'd never thought about it, let alone thought it to be pleasurable. He began to make a list of pros and cons in his head, trying to untangle the mess of emotions he was feeling.

'Ok, pros first' he thought. 'Not having to worry about getting out of here, that's a pretty big plus. Second, I'll get to be with Riley in some weird sentient-spirit-of-the-earth type way, which isn't quite so convincing.' Then his mind wandered to what the orca had said about what it would feel like to be inside him. He followed the train of thought that a blow job is pretty good fun, so surely putting your whole body inside someone's mouth would be the same feeling but, well, everywhere. But what about being inside Rhotu's gut? This is where the list of cons started to pile up; the smell, the lack of air, the tight space, the acid. Oh, and he didn't really want to die either.

While he was mulling this over Rhotu began to awake. He saw the fox lost in thought, paws resting on the shrunken bulge in his middle. "Are you feeling better, little fox?" He asked, his voice had a deep, calm coolness to it, the volume seemed to come with no effort.

"Yeah, thank you." He replied at ease. It felt as if he had known Rhotu for a very long time, that they had some kind of past. He attributed this to the masculine smell that had been addling his brains through his sleep.

"The wolf is digesting well" He said, giving his belly a few mighty thuds, creating a wonderfully exotic echo mixed with the sloshing of the sack's heavy contents. "Your time may be shorter than I anticipated, though I can sense you have thought this also."

"There isn't much to think about. You're going to eat me and I'm going to have to go with it. I can see how it could be enjoyable, but I'm sure when the time comes I'll just be fighting for my life."

"I appreciate your concerns, but you speak to the point. However, allow me to help ease your mind. Come sit next to me" The orca beckoned and the fox followed faithfully, scooting over so that they sat side by side. Rhotu extended his arm around Varik and drew him into his chest, pulling him muzzle to muzzle. "This will be a taster for both of us." The jaws slowly parted wide, spilling a hot, damp wave of orca breath over the fox. It had the overwhelming stench of rotting meat and a fainter smell of fish -he could smell Riley on this creature's breath. He saw the rows of blunted teeth and between them lay the broad, purple tongue, twitching and pulsing with a life of its own. Strands of spittle arced in every direction, the whole maw awash with the ill-scented slime. He felt a strong, soft hand begin to guide him into the salivating pit, and as the tip of his muzzle slipped for the first time against the bumpy texture of the tongue he whimpered. His muzzle was gently guided along the cusp of the tongue, brushing the tendrils that hung from the roof causing them to collapse in dollops onto his face. He felt the maw stretch a little as it reached the eyes and passed over them, the beak pressing onto the back of his head and forcing him down and along the surface of the tongue. The beak then slowly began to close, until the teeth pressed against the back and front of the young fox's neck, sealing him inside.

As Rhotu exhaled, Varik inhaled the humid breath that gushed up from the throat, as his nose was placed just at the point where the tongue bends downwards tending towards the ruthless pit of digestion. As each wave of hot orca breath was forced into his lungs he tried with all his might to enjoy the smell, but the image of a broken wolf, bubbling and melting would enter his mind every time he grew accustomed to it. The orca began to suckle, saliva splattering against his soaked fur. He began to groan, it was a weird sensation. Organic - produced by another creature and he was being bathed in it. The sliminess was odd; it stuck to him yet flowed freely. It clogged his nose and ears, muffling all sounds of slurping the predator made. He started to feel light headed, and so the constant waves of soft rubbing flesh began to feel good against his messy fur. It was hot and stuffy and stank, but he was starting to appreciate the intimacy the orca had offered him.

The orca had soon had his fill and let the fox's sloppy face slip out of his monstrous jaws. He was pleased to see the fox with a dozy smile through a translucent film of spittle. The fox lapped some of the orca's saliva from his matted muzzle. It had a neutral taste, but was tinged with the odour of wolf and salty sea air. Damn, thought the fox, Riley must have tasted pretty good-

Did he really just think that?

"So little fox, did you enjoy that?"

"That was...weird - I never thought it would feel so sensual, though it was pretty gross."

"Good, then you've nothing to be worried about, for once you reach my belly it will be much the same, although much more alluring."

"I'm starting to see why Riley would have wanted this."

"Indeed, I can see that you enjoyed this more than you would like to admit" The orca placed his hand on the fox's protruding member and gave it a firm squeeze.

"Oh, erh, yeah..." The fox began to withdraw, embarrassed. His body was betraying him, he could not help but be aroused by the treatment he was just given

"No, it's quite ok. In fact, I'm starting to feel much the same way about you little fox, it will make your digestion all the more pleasant for me. Though I'm quite lucky, for eating furs such as your friend gives me quite the libido and I very rarely have a second pair of hands present to aid me."

Varik's eyes widened to the orca's advance. "You want me to paw you off?" The fox asked, a little taken aback.

"Amongst other things, yes. I noticed you have a thing for my musk, little fox, so how about you go and take your fill before I pack you away into my stomach?"

"Where should I start?" Both creatures had grins on their faces - Rhotu's of deviance and Varik's of nervousness. On the side on which Varik was sitting Rhotu raised his arm and placed it behind his head. With his free hand, he once again slipped it behind the fox's saliva slicked ears, and began to guide it down towards the shiny black cusp between his extended arm and his chest.

"How about here." The orca spoke as he lowered the eager eyed fox towards the sweaty patch of his hairless armpit. "We don't sweat much, but I thought this is the tamest place to start. I don't want you passing out before I've had my fun." The fox could see no distinction between where the arm began and the armpit ended, but his nose definitely could. It ran along the slippery smooth surface sucking up the countless little beads of musky sweat that coated it. Varik let his tongue out exploratively and set it to work tasting the patch of damp skin, absorbing the scent of the masculine orca. The smell was electrifying. It was dominating and oppressive, it weighed on his mind as heavily as the orca pressed his spit slick face into the fold of flesh. The fox could only watch in awe as Rhotu began to lower his arm, sealing his muzzle in a press of hot, leathery skin loaded with the male stink that was controlling his mind. He squirmed as he became short of breath, his musky prison becoming wet with his panting breaths. The arm muscles flexed around him, pressing him deeper and deeper in the vice. Just as his frenzy reached its peak, the orca released his grip. Varik rose up gasping for fresh air.

"That was -" He coughed, clearing his throat "- intense" He wiped some saliva from his muzzle, unsure if it was his or Rhotu's. "You're certainly being intimate with me, considering the erm... temporary nature of our friendship." He scratched the back of his head before chuckling softly to himself. "This is ridiculous..."

"How so, little fox? I thought you were enjoying yourself" Rhotu asked with a slight displeasure in his voice.

"That's the problem. Why am I enjoying this? You're going to kill me and yet I feel as if you're my single greatest friend. I should run a mile from you, but I don't, not because I can't, but because I choose not to. It's ridiculous, isn't it?" He spun himself around and fell back, his head propped against the side of the orca's large chest, a thick, rippling arm laying across his.

"Well, your friend understood it very clearly. I cannot think of any act more intimate than the consummation of another, can you? It takes a level of trust, a level of appreciation that can't be otherwise expressed. The little wolf had spent a long time looking for someone to share that appreciation with, I was happy to help him. I expect this is what you feel also."

"You're biased, you've got a meal at the end of it" The fox laughed. He always had a thing for dark humour, but never had it been so close to home. He was an independent guy, he didn't need trust or companionship, he certainly didn't need to be the object of an orca's meal time, but there was something so undoubtedly alluring about him. Would he think the same if Riley was still alive? He couldn't help but think this was just some by product of an emotional kickback. In time he would get over it - but his time was inversely proportional to the hunger of Rhotu's stomach. He should ride with it, let the superior subjugate him, there was no true consent in the situation so he may as well resign himself to it. It was irrelevant whether he wanted it or not: what the causes were or what the solution was, the outcome was going to be fox on the menu. Was there any point fighting? No, he had lost the second he followed Riley into these caves. If only he'd known he'd be following him to the dank confines of a predator's belly he'd have gone home to his life and never looked back, but here he was. Since there was no action to be taken contrary to the orca's will, why shouldn't he kick back and fulfil whatever fleeting desires arise? Something within him wanted it and he could find no valid argument to respond.

"You're thinking again, little fox, what is it this time?" Varik started to push the heavy arm off his chest to which Rhotu obliged. He uprighted himself on his knees and turned to face his captor.

"I think we were in the middle of something" He said with a youthful energy in his voice, somewhat revitalised. The orca smiled a grin not of joy, but of victory. There was a pyrrhic quality to it, a great malevolence that the fox saw and sent a mortal chill down his spine. They both fully understood the situation for the first time.

"You were about to get a lesson in cetacean anatomy."

"I'll be having a few of those I'd imagine." The orca let out a slight laugh. He had not had such amusing company for a long time.

"It is good you've got a sense of humour about it, little fox, we'll see how long that lasts." He paused, there was a slight uneasiness between them for the first time since Varik had awoken. Rhotu resumed his train of thought. "You'll find a nice place to slip your little muzzle just on the other side of what remains of your friend." The fox looked at the creamy white lump, beyond which he could see the lower thighs but not the orca's crotch. He remembered the thin slit he had seen there earlier, and once he had shuffled down along the muscled frame he saw it once again, two faint ridges below his expanded gut, centrally aligned between his legs with a mathematical accuracy. Indeed, it was as long as his muzzle was tall, a little more at least. He had never considered the genitalia of creature's of this type, but he assumed within pocket was Rhotu's malehood. His mind boggled at its potential size or how it would manage to fit inside such an apparently small space.

"You'll find it easier if you get between my legs." Varik paced his paws on the expanse of the thigh closed to him. Tentatively he began to hoist himself over, slipping his right leg between the orca's large, broad tail and his left leg, while the fox's left leg slotted in on the other side. He lowered himself down, his buttocks coming to rest on the warm, smooth and leathery tail underside. He was shocked as he looked up towards Rhotu's beak, the vista before him was inspiring. The top of his broad chest was visible, where the white and black colouring collides in one perfectly defined line, but the rest was blocked by the ever grumbling paunch of orca belly, slowly churning and brewing the sloppy wolf inside. The thought 'Will I last that long?' rippled through the fox's mind, giving him a wild chill of adrenaline. He turned his eyes to the groin; below the slit were the perfectly frictionless testicles, their frothy contents swirling in semi-visible currents beneath the tense skin, and below those, just a where the wide tail merged with the orca's body was a small, wrinkled pucker, perfectly clean and tightly closed. He felt a pulse shoot through his stiffening cock when he noticed how close it was to his slowly moistening tip. Such a dominant monster would surely have not been taken before - just think how tight it would be. Varik's tongue started to creep out of his maw.

"Do not get ahead of yourself; you have other matters at hand for now." The fox shook his head to dislodge the thought of wilding rutting against that beautiful ass and placed his sights again on the almost alien slit before him.

"Err..." The puzzled fox looked up at the waiting orca. "What do I erm, well... where is it?"

"Why don't you get you're muzzle down there and find out, before I do it for you." He was getting testy - Varik clearly didn't want to get on the bad side of the giant whilst he had carnality on the mind. Taking a deep gulp he place his paws on either side of the faint ridges where the muscle was firm and flat and began to lower his muzzle. The closer he approached the more intense the orca's fresh, salty musk grew. It was bright and heavy, an intoxicating mix of testosterone and semen. Soon the tip of his nose lay hovering on the moist boundary. He could see the deep, shimmering red depths through the small gap, and on the lips were stray dabbles of fluid. He took a faint and inquisitive sniff, the power odour electrified his senses and made his cock throb. "Oh wow..." he muttered, having not experienced anything of this magnitude before. The source of such masculinity was inducing a hazy fever of dull pleasure in the fox's musk struck mind, though he was still unsure of progressing further.

He hooked his thumbs a little inside; even just a centimetre or so beneath the surface the heat was stifling. How hot would it be inside his stomach? He slowly pried the tight opening apart to the width of his muzzle but could see nothing inside but a tangle of sticky tendrils and tender, pulsing flesh. The smell was pouring out now with the waves of moist heat, amplified. Even spread open it looked far too tight for his muzzle to fit in, would he be able to breathe? He knew he would have to find out sooner or later, and so with all his summoned courage he prodded his nose into the shimmering fold.

'Oh God'. His first few nosefulls of air were pure undiluted orca musk. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, shivering in a wild and primal pleasure, but it wasn't long before his nostrils were becoming strewn with thick ribbons of orca slime, forcing him to pull out. He whipped his tongue around his slickened lips tasting the countless flavours the orca's manhood had been producing trapped in that pocket of slimy flesh. He felt the tail he was sitting on start to curl up along his back, so that the lower end was resting against his head, just below the flukes. He removed his thumbs from the slick partition and placed them on the thighs for balance the tail started to curl him over. "Err, Rhotu? What are you doing?" He questioned, voice tinged with panic, already suspecting the cetacean's plan.

"Just relax, little fox, you'll enjoy this as much as I will." His muzzle was now lined up against the orca's slit again, nose rapidly approaching the dabbled lips, delicately closed.

"I don't think this is a go-oh...ohmph." The fox's complaining was soon silenced as his muzzle tip began to pry open to musky slits, slipping into the heated depths with little resistance from the slick cavity walls. He continued to mumble in gasps of pleasure and degradation as his whole snout sank into the orca's most private of places. He saw his brown fur disappear before his eyes, almost melting into the creamy white expanse of the orca's groin, until his face was pressed fully against the faintly sweaty gulf of skin, filling his entire view with a darkened white plain of smooth toned flesh.

He could barely breathe; the only air he could get was through the corners of his mouth which lay a little above the tightly conforming seal of the orca's flesh. In the gunk filled hollow before his nose there was a little air, too hot to breath and loaded with potent dosages of Rhotu's enveloping musk, yet he sucked it up through cum-laden nostrils. His fur was awash with the muck, it squelched and slithered around his muzzle, occasionally seeping through his clenched lips and onto his tongue. The taste was bitter; a biting tang developed from maturing for days, even weeks inside the musky crevice, sealed in the heat and moisture to coagulate and thicken to then be pushed down a young victim's throat. He squirmed in primal pleasure as his air supply dropped, letting the tight muscles twinge and rub along his slicked fur. He fought hard against the pressure to creak open his muzzle and send his tongue blindly probing in the hot, wet interior to gain any taste the stronger male had to offer. He felt a rumble through his master and predator, signalling its pleasure. He hurriedly place a paw against the back of the tail and pushed down, encouraging Rhotu to seal him as deep as possible into the suffocating gulf, and with his other began to stroke his own dribbling meat.

With the orca now pushing against him without restriction, the fox's fresh air supply was robbed, the tight orifice moving up just beyond the corners of his mouth, he was now left to recycle the putrid air deep within the creature's pouch. The sensation of being completely enveloped in the gooey, musky slime and muscle was driving the fox wild. As his tongue darted about the small opening, it brushed into something solid, hot and bitter. The orca's cock had finally made its debut and began to press against Varik's sloppy muzzle. He could sense it was much thicker than the passage it was bursting through, for it had parted the walls around his maw. The tip forced itself against the fox's head but Rhotu's tail kept him firm. He tried to pull back as the cock flesh started to fill the space which his vile air had once occupied. He was now holding his breath and struggling to break free of the dank slit, yet Rhotu's massive, heaving body offered no respite. He was suffocating inside an orca's malehood, wresting with a giant creature for life and death and yet he'd never been harder in his life. He yelled and hollered, but the result was a muffled groan and bubbling pre around his cheeks. Then, with a schluck, his nose slipped between the orca's meaty glans and burrowed into the shaft a little as the spire of meat began to push onward.

He could breathe again through his clogged nose, but the scent was different. It was of fresh cum and of urine, the air was blisteringly hot and acidic. The member began to slip free of its home, and the fox could only watch helplessly as the blunt tip stretch the oval slit impossibly into a circle the with of his palm. As it grew, more of its bright, red, glistening length shimmered in the light, drops of slime running down it, dabbling the mighty behemoth's tail base and groin. The tail released its pressure and Varik yanked his head out of the suffocating embrace with a deep intake of fresh air through messy lips.

The fox had to be hallucinating, for as he sat back against the orca's tail the throbbing spire continued to grow until the bubbling tip sat just below his chin, the whole protrusion just short of the length of his arm. It radiated heat in quick pulses as it quivered, a small jet of pre spurted onto his muzzle which Varik reflexively wiped away, quite unaware of how coated his muzzle already was in the pungent stuff. The immense size and smell of the orca's tool caused him to shrink back, his posture weakening before it like one would bow before royalty - he had the humbling thought that if Rhotu wished he could kill him with a swift, brutal knock from that hardening meat.

"How on earth do you hide that thing? It's massive!" The fox exclaimed, unsure of how he would get around to pleasuring it. The notion of slipping it into his virgin tail hole was certainly one he didn't want to explore; that certainly would kill him, but so much as fitting the bulbous, smooth head into his muzzle would be a challenge, if not from the sheer size but from the effort to avoid drowning in the copious fluids it was producing, which had so far made a sticky puddle around the orca's tail.

Varik sat before the throbbing meat simply staring in disbelief, having to double take to assure himself it was real. He had never pleasured a male, and now, his first time, was with high stakes. There was a very real fear of failing to pleasure Rhotu, for while he had so far been benign, he was a killer, a predator, and the diminutive fox suspected it wouldn't take much to reveal the fierce, animalistic side behind the calm countenance.

He took the gooey shaft between his paws halfway up its length. It was hot to the touch, as well as being firm despite its fleshy appearance. Tenderly he leaned in, pulling the tip towards his muzzle and closed his eyes. There was something terribly wrong about what he was about to do on many levels. He wasn't gay, he wasn't submissive, and most importantly he shouldn't be attracted to the killer of his best friend, but all of things became irrelevant as he drank in the powerful, masculine scent radiating from the orca's tool.

He felt the intense heat upon his chin and lips as he prepared to give the imposing creature head. His tongue snaked out slowly, almost afraid of what it was about to encounter. It pressed up against the slick tip, tasting the thick, musky slime that he had encountered in the orca's slit. He had to admit it wasn't a bad taste. A longer lick followed, tracing the sultry curves of the bell-shaped head. The unique flavour danced on his tongue like potassium fizzing on water, and while he felt a sense of degradation at the service of another male he found he was enjoying himself, if just on an exploratory level.

With a novice's eagerness he was soon wrapping his nimble vulpine tongue around the engorged tip, absorbing all the leaking phallus had to offer. He opened his eyes and saw his dusty brown muzzle collating the juices in his fur. Beyond that was the orca's face, looking down contently yet sternly, as if he were a master watching his pupils train. A meaty hand guided the young fox down along the shaft, encouraging him to lap upon the flesh there also. Soon he was quite familiar with the cock's profile and was happily setting his inquisitive muzzle everywhere upon its glistening surface.

He saw a spurt of clear liquid jump out from between the glans, reaching only a centimetre or two in height before splattering back onto the bright, purple tip. His ministrations were having a positive effect, and taking confidence from this, decided to try and fit the hefty meat inside his slender maw. Looking down upon the bulging head, the fox estimated it would be similar to swallowing his own fist. Daunted but not dissuaded from the challenge, he opened his jaws as wide as he could and began to lower himself upon the sensitive spire.

Carefully navigating the meat between his sharp canines, he was soon funnelling the first inch into his already aching maw. So immense was its girth that his tongue was pressed down and held immobile as it entered. Now with the spongy cock head tucked cosily between his cheeks, he let his lips slide over the shaft, sealing a total of three inches of pulsating orcahood inside. He felt he was doing well, yet looking down the impossibly large length he knew that much more would not be feasible. Content with what he had achieved, he began to gently suckle upon the meat, and was rewarded with a glob of pre bursting out of the tip, splattering the back of his throat making him cough before swallowing the tangy liquid down.

Now solely breathing through his nose, he continued to suck and knead the salty flesh between his lips, entirely lost in the heat of the action, no longer concerned with who he was, is, or what he was to become. Instead, he found himself eagerly accepting another inch, drinking down pre that was in full flow.

A loud, rumbling gurgle interrupted their fellatio. It was prolonged and rasping, so powerful the fox felt the vibrations running up along the cock he was impaled upon. Staring at the dome of the stomach, Varik watched curiously at first as the taut muscles shifted and tensed. Then, to his horror, he saw the outline Riley's broken body, still curled in a foetal position after hours of digestion. It was difficult to pick detail out of the vague silhouette, but it was clear the stomach was crushing the remains into a pulp. From the gurgling came a sickening snap, so loud it echoed about the cave. Riley's spine had just been sundered in two after being assaulted for hours, and underneath the brilliant white skin, Varik could see the top half of Riley's body folding in upon his bottom unnaturally, as if his waist had become a hinge. To top it off was a small yet defined burp from the wicked predator.

Varik immediately felt sick. He felt the hot, oozing flesh in his maw and was repulsed. In a blur of motion he pull himself off and clambered to his feet, staggering away from the reclined monster before collapsing before the pool of water. He looked down at his reflection, and he saw a vacant-eyed fox with a muzzle dripping with slime, causing waves to form on the surface of the mirror-like water. What had he become?

His stomach contracted, and he felt the searing discomfort of vomiting rise up. Nothing came, having not eaten all day, yet it did not stop his body from reeling in horror. His grief had collapsed from the blissful, half anesthetised shock into a crippling malaise. He felt the earth spinning under his paws and the roof collapsing about his head. He trembled, tears forming beneath his eyes. He could only keep asking himself: what had he become?

Not unaware of such emotional fluctuations in his victims, Rhotu allowed the grieving fox a few moments of silence to himself while maintaining his unattended erection with his own deft hands. Eventually, the fox turned his bowed head slightly, and, with a hoarse whisper quieted with bitter resentment, addressed Rhotu with one word - "Why?..."

The orca, not an entirely malevolent being, could not help but feel a twinge of pity for this lowly creature so carelessly flung into the terrible extremes of emotion. Not wanting to spend the next few hours with a moping kill-joy, he set about to rebuild the fox's shattered illusion of comfort and faith.

"Now, I thought you were content with our arrangement."

"No!" He shouted, though in his state it was little more than a feeble exclamation. Recomposing himself he continued. "No, not that. Why did you do this to Riley. How could you? He was my...my friend." He blubbered, tears now freely flowing. This was not a simple question for the orca. He had always been a predator, and had considered the consumption of others to be a natural and proper course of action. Perhaps it was the fact the fox was uncomfortable with the concept of being eaten alive, he thought.

"I already told you little fox" The orca replied, as tender as he could manage. "You're friend asked this of me. He wanted to feel part of something bigger, something better than he could ever have been."

"But it's monstrous! He was in agony!" The sentimental fox snapped back, unable to get a grizzly image of his friend squirming in panic inside the digestive chamber out of his head.

"No, no, you're all wrong little fox. Remember the softness you felt with your head inside my maw, the security? This is what your wolf friend felt for his last hour on earth, a pure sense of pleasure and safety, knowing I would take care of him."

The gentle words of the orca calmed Varik initially, but acutely aware of what had happened earlier, he tried to resist. "I won't believe you, you can't trick me into thinking anyone would want to die like that. Sure, Riley wasn't bright but he wasn't a fool, and he wasn't the coward you make him out to be either. He would never lift his tail for anyone, let alone die for a beast like you."

Rhotu felt a twinge of anger from the fox's hateful outburst, yet not wanting to lose a second willing meal he redoubled his efforts. "Trick him? I did not trick anyone. That which you felt only moments ago was the truth of the matter. You felt it and he felt it, only he followed it through to its correct conclusion. You should not be afraid of me, little fox, I only want to protect you, but you must overcome your emotions if you are to see it.

"I know you are hurt. It must be a great pain to bear having lost such a close friend, but think clearly. You think only a coward would decide to take the path your friend did, though I feel he was courageous, a bold and headstrong individual undeterred by his fears and doubts, choosing to do what his heart desired. It is a noble thing, little fox, to give yourself wholly to another. An act of gratitude, of respect, of love so primal it cannot be expressed in words, only in actions. He realised I could give him this fulfilment, to allow him to achieve the supreme exultation of being inside another's body, of being their nourishment.

"I understand if you are cautious or wary, but I implore you to consider my words, for there is only truth in them. I trust that in time you will see I am honest."

Varik remained in silenced, still looking at his reflection in the pool. Confused, he turned to find the orca kneeling just behind him, his immense body sheltering him with waves of soothing warmth. Without thinking, as if controlled remotely, he shuffled over to Rhotu's thick, smooth leg and wrapped his arms around his waist. With his head burrowed into the orca's side he unleashed a torrent of wild, uncontrollably sobbing.

A little taken aback, the orca placed his meaty hands around the mourning creature and soothed him with affectionate rubs. This, he felt, would be the last time the fox would have second thoughts about his fate. After a few moments of this pathetic behaviour, the fox pulled back a little and looked up. "Rhotu..." He murmured meekly.

"Quiet, little fox, just let it out." Was the reply. Rhotu had the capacity for great compassion when it suited him, and if it meant he could charm a second tasty fur into his gut without fighting it was well worth it. Even with the first only half digested he was starting to feel an appetite for the melancholic fox.

They embraced for a few minutes, and when the crying had ceased Rhotu decided it was time to finish what they had started. Carefully prying Varik away from his side, he slowly led him round to his front. Climbing to his feet, Rhotu dragged the fox up and planted him before the still throbbing penis, pointing outwards like an accusing finger. Through blurred eyes the fox saw the pole of purple meat approaching his maw, and, still confused and bewildered, opened his jaws to allow the orca entry.

Initially, Rhotu felt a little guilty for taking advantage of the fox's broken state, but after the first four inches were soundly wrapped in the vulpine's soft, salivating maw he forgot about it. Placing his hands upon Varik's head he began to thrust himself in deeper, reaching the back of the throat with just over a third of his member inside. The maw was bulging with rippling flesh, the fox sucking and lapping at the length mindlessly.

He did not wish to push further; the fox was not used to such acts and did not want to suffocate him. Instead, he slowly thrust what could be ingested in and out, fucking the dazed fox's maw with only a fraction of his tremendous size. The fox could only concede to this manhandling, whimpering as the firm flesh rocked his jaw, now aching fiercely. He did not respond to this pain though, he only continued to suckle and swallow down the torrents of salty, slick secretions being pumped out from the cetacean's throbbing phallus. Somewhere in his mind he thought he was being raped, but somewhere else he knew he had given his consent. Thus, he obediently served the large male, waiting for the climax.

After long minutes of gradually quickening thrusts, Rhotu was ready to deliver his seed to his subdued prey. Feeling his hefty balls clench and his groin fill with orgasmic fire, he pulled out of the fox's mouth and pointed the tip directly between his eyes. Varik knew what was coming when he saw the creature flexing wildly, the thick pole no longer pulsing but swelling as the balls contracted. Submissively, he closed his eyes and waited for the degrading moment to arrive.

The first glob hit him with the force of a paintball, shattering into a splodge that spread flecks of hot semen across his closed eyelids. The was a delay from this first, impressive burst and the next, but when the second came the rest followed after it like a wall of water from a broken damn. He shuddered as jet after jet of thick, slimy orca cum was sprayed onto his face, hitting the already inundated fur with dull 'thwaps'. Rhotu tilted the fox's head back a little, and Varik, knowing what he wanted, opened his already slime coated muzzle to let the dominant orca feed him.

It hit his uvula, his tongue, everywhere. He tried to swallow it all down but let thick goblets of it slip out of his maw and down his neck. It tasted much like his own semen, but richer, saltier and not surprisingly faintly of fish. Soon, the fox's entire head was painted with strands of cooling orca cum, drooling down onto his chest and back. As the flow stopped, Rhotu presented Varik with the gooey tip of his member to lick off the remaining dribbles oozing from the slit. The fox humbly obliged, lapping upon the meat as if a baby of a mother's breast, all the while feeling the creamy load spread through his fur, marking him.

Rhotu began to rub the crown of the fox's head, working his juice into the scalp. "There, don't you feel better now?" The fox was not able to reply, addled with the influx of tastes, sensations and smells. His only act was to continue licking at the now retreating meat. Then, like a father, the orca hauled the fox up into his arms, hugging him into his chest, Varik's messy chin resting on the large predator's shoulder. "I think it's best we both get some rest."

With the fox held firmly in his arms, Rhotu laid down upon the pile of cloth, waiting for the fox to fall asleep before dozing off himself. For Varik, the closeness and security of the hug, pressed tightly yet comfortably in the embrace of Rhotu's soft, rubbery skin was enough to make him forget his woes. Exhausted, he began to sleep, dreaming of pleasant things without caring about what would happen to him when he next awoke.

Varik next awoke alone with his head and upper torso encrusted with dried semen. He groaned and rolled onto his back as if recalling a night of drunken debauchery. Such lurid acts had always sickened his daylight demeanour, but his nightime soul sought them like moths to a flame. This was not the first time he had greeted the day with contempt for its predecessor's content, but now it felt better and worse than before: better because he had no choice in the matter, and worse because he could no longer claim his individuality.

Somehow in his sleep, however, he had been distancing himself from who he was and any sense of self, waking to find only indifference towards his fate. This made both is past and future submissions to the orca more bearable, but he wondered how long this hollow contentment would last. He sat up and glanced around gormlessly, running his paws through his muckied fur, curious as to where Rhotu had gone. The eerie silence of the cave amplified his solitude, the fires burning as brightly as ever, seemingly holding the whole place locked still in time.

He rose to his feet and shuffled over to the pool, kneeling over the tranquil surface to splash some water onto his face. Methodically he began to clean his fur, taking pawfulls of the seawater and rinsing himself. He would have climbed into the water if it weren't so cold, yet the coolness refreshed him and gradually roused him from his stupor. By the time the last flecks and knots were seen to his mind was in full dialogue, sombrely considering all he had borne witness to since his arrival. It irked him that he could not wash the distinctive smell of the orca's maleness away, for he wanted to think alone to himself, yet the ever present musk biased his mind, advocating his role as willing prey.

He paced around paying no attention to his surroundings, lost in thought. Hungry, his stomach growled and his throat was sore with thirst, but these petty distractions failed to concern the focused fox. Arguments bounced back and forth inside his mind like a tennis ball, each thwack of the racket represented an infallible point to settle the dispute, only to be returned with equal resolve. Images of Rhotu's body rose up, to which he would dissect each part and discuss it, taking an abundance of time over the stomach, both outside and in. This naturally led to thoughts of Riley, and these too formed themselves irresolutely into two camps, one of lost innocence and one of lost desire.

Much time passed, though Varik noticed it not, for even if he had some means to tell it, it would mean little. All that mattered to him was how he would face Rhotu. What did it mean to him to be eaten alive? Riley had his reasons, but Varik did not share them. He did not want to die, nor did he want to fight. Resistance was useless, he knew this all along, but mentally could he remain strong and independent until his last breath? A part of him felt he had already lost this, he could not deny he felt safe locked in the orca's arms. The taste, the smell, the sight - all served to allure and attract him towards the mighty beast, but these feelings had not existed before his foolish adventure, and thus he concluded they were manipulations.

But there had to be some truth in them. Rhotu had found something inside him that Varik never knew of, a desire so fundamental it was unknown to its possessor, but one that could be awakened by a cunning predator. He felt the urge to submit and join with the larger creature like a primal instinct hardwired into him from birth. Could he fight it? Probably. Would he fight it?

This was the question that consumed him entirely for many hours, so that when the orca did eventually return, Varik was still thinking, now slumped against a wall in fatigue. Rhotu vaulted out of the pool, landing on all fours with a tremendous crash of water before rising up onto his legs. The fox looked up at him; his soft, rubbery flesh gleamed like a mist of diamonds in the fire light where it dripped with water. His muscles were bulging from the exertion and his breathing was slow and deep. Most importantly his abdomen was for the first time relaxed, and Varik could only assume this was its normal, empty state. After some immeasurable time stewing away inside the grumbling stomach, Riley was finally no more.

Certain that the orca would wish to dispose of him sooner rather than later, Varik was faced with the reality he had been considering for so long. He had made his decision and hoped he would remain true to it, irrespective of what the orca could say or do from this point forward. Rhotu looked right back at the meditative little fur, their eyes meeting. There was a long moment of silence as they both read each other - Varik saw Rhotu's hunger, Rhotu saw Varik's fear, but both saw one thing in common; the ancient bond of predator and prey.

"Your time has come, little fox." Stated Rhotu grandly, to which Varik stood slowly. The orca lowered a hefty hand to his midsection, now fully in keeping with the rest of his body's perfect shape. "Your friend has moved on, and you must now take his place." With this, Varik closed his eyes and held them shut a few seconds, and spoke to himself inwardly. He opened them and began to walk towards Rhotu with small yet surefooted steps, then on with his eyes cast to the floor, and eventually the large male's stumpy toes.

It was clear the fox had submitted, but this Rhotu knew when he was spraying him with his potent seed. It was surprising, however, that after such a long time to reconsider, his prey was still in an accepting state. He wanted to eat him, but first he wanted to understand the odd behaviour that had led the fox to his conclusion. With the two now toe to toe, Rhotu addressed the smaller male, still with his head bowed.

"I see that you have found peace, little fox. I am glad, for I do not wish to cause you any undue distress; we both know there will be plenty of that in good time. Do you finally see that you can trust me?"

The fox slowly turned his face upward, now holding eye contact. He smiled, weakly, yet there was a sly gleam in his eye. "Not one bit." Was the reply. Somewhat taken aback, the orca enquired further.

"If you do not trust me then why do you come to me, ready to be my living meal?"

The fox felt a degree of pride as he felt the confidence of his own argument form at the back of his throat. He had spent so long forming it he was glad to finally play it, as if in some last great act of brilliance, his swansong.

"I know what you want - you want food: live, squirming food. You don't give a damn about me or Riley or anyone else. All you care about is your stomach. If that means you have to sweet talk little furs like me then that's what you do; all the better if I put my arms behind my back and let you have your way unhindered. So let's just cut the bullshit.

"I don't know why Riley did what he did, but I think what you told me has some truth. The desire to be prey, to submit, to give everything you have and everything you are in one gesture to a greater being is something I feel, something Riley felt. But know that I differ from Riley in that I'm not ready to give it all up. I love my life and it agonises me to know it's gone. What you do is cruel and monstrous, but that's not the point. The point is I've got to deal with it, because there's no turning back.

"I won't lie. My body lusts for you. I had never found another male attractive in my life, but you are something different. Perhaps it is because you are my predator, and it would not matter if you were a male or female, or any other creature for that matter. Something inside me wants to be inside you, just like Riley, but I was afraid to admit it. I would never willingly agree to this, the idea disgusts me, the very concept disgusts me; but whether I am willing or not is irrelevant. As much as I hate it, my body is going to be given its desire and you will get your meal. I am your prey, and as such, I can only proceed with what dignity I carried with me into this place. I will not fight, I will not panic, but I will not be fooled into thinking this is my choice. I have no choice.

"Do what you will, I am ready."

Varik had expected tears, but was proud to produce none - his words were true to him and indeed felt neither fear nor shame. His speech soaked into the orca's thick skull, his voice held aloft inside that space. There was no clear response from Rhotu, clearly Varik had surprised him. Indeed, the orca was impressed with the little fox's resolve and presence of mind. Now at least he could drop the act and be to the point.

"You are perceptive, I should have guessed with you being a fox. I am glad for it, for now we can cut to the chase, eh? I've got a stomach to feed." Rhotu wrapped his arm around Varik's back and hoisted him up under his arm, pressing the fox against his body as he walked over to the bed of linen. Now unconcerned with being careful, Varik could feel Rhotu's surging power running through the muscles that bound him, crushing him a little. The icy cold water that had coated his body was now all but gone, only a few droplets remained, hot and rapidly evaporating.

He was thrown onto his back, landing on the thin bed with a thump. "Lay flat on your back" The imposing orca commanded. "I want to taste you before I pack you away." Varik did as he was told, and now with Rhotu towering over him at his feet he felt his heart thump. Now he had seen through the façade of pleasantries he would be spared nothing. He had said he would not be afraid, but he began to feel this may have been overconfidence.

The orca fell onto hands and knees, encompassing Varik like a tent, the small fox's body fitting fully in the alcove created by the arms and knees. He was bathed in body heat, waves of hot, charming musk radiating outwards from the slabs of flesh that surrounded him. The rounded black beak lowered to the tip of his muzzle so that he could smell the stale breath flowing from the nostrils, the hint of digesting wolf faded, now replaced with the scent of a hungry belly. The maw did not open; instead the orca took a deep sniff, inhaling the scents that the trapped fox had to offer.

Rhotu smiled wickedly. "You are scared little fox, with good reason." He said softly and deeply, letting his thick, broad tongue slide out of his jaws and slap against the vulpine's cheek. He sloppily slathered the fox's head with it, letting the muzzle slip inside his steamy maw once or twice in a heated preview of things to come. He wanted to eat this one feet first, and so needed to give him a good tour of his foul mouth while still able to see it.

Content that his prey had seen enough, he began to work down the fox's chest leaving Varik's eyes and nose clogged with thick, ill-scented slime. He felt sick upon first feeling that tender tongue painting his body with slick saliva, but gritted his teeth and endured it, feeling it cool and seep into his fur, making him nice and slippery for his fateful descent. He acknowledged this was the first stage of being eaten, it had begun.

Like a dog in heat, Rhotu began to lap away at his morsel. When he nudged his beak against the fox's underarms, Varik complied and raised his arms, allowing the orca to borrow his snout into the pocket of tangy flesh and fur like a hog in a trough. It was degrading for the fox, but he knew further and greater degradation was to come, and so laid back and tried to ease himself as the predator feasted on his flavour.

His hands were sent to explore the tongue and throat, his nimble fingers being worked around the teeth and then plunged into the tight suction of the gullet. It was tight, but for all its tightness it was slick, and so he knew he would fit inside with a little force. His paw delved into the hot tunnel of flesh, the beak reached his elbow before being released, heavy tendrils of slime webbing his fingers.

His groin was next, and here Rhotu went wild. His tongue was eagerly wrapping itself around the furry testicles and sucking the relatively small sheath into the frenzied motion of the maw. Copious volumes of spit soaked between his thighs, bathing them in a pleasant yet grimacing softness. With such fierce attention on his malehood, the fox could not help but get hard, the sensitive red flesh emerging for the orca to feast upon, all to Varik's shame. Rhotu gave it a few deliberate licks along its full, throbbing length, but not wanting to give the fox his orgasm yet, dived between the legs in search of the dusty tailhole, licking and sniffing wildly at the musky, dark tastes to be found there.

Then Rhotu's favourite part; the paws. Land creatures had such uniquely smelling paws, and this fox's were no different. Now as if a completely different mind, he slowly savoured each pad. Long, firm drags of the tongue along the soles alternately took in the bitter, irresistible flavour. He darted his thick tongue between each toe as best he could, collecting the dirt and sweat that had congealed between them. He would slip the whole thing into his maw and suckle upon it gently, murring meanwhile, before letting it slip back out coated in warm goo. Varik watched this curious foot massage tentatively. It felt good for sure, but this was the final act. Once his (admittedly cheesy) feet had been sucked dry of their rich tang he would be on his way to the belly.

Soon enough Rhotu pulled back, resting on his knees at the fox's feet. Varik looked down along his body to that of his hungry predator's. His fur was matted with cooling spittle, left swimming a cloud of Rhotu's curiously scented breath. His own cock was still rigid, shining with its own glossy film of spit. How could he be excited by this? It was wrong yet his body wanted it. No, he thought, he would not discuss it now; he would simply let it happen.

"You have a wonderful taste, much better than your wolf friend. Your paws especially I could savour all day, but don't think that's going to save you. Roll onto your front, arms at your sides." He barked, the slick fox obeying obediently. He leaned in and smelled the paws once again, now dulled by the scent of his own saliva, but appetizing nonetheless. Without saying another word, Rhotu opened his maw and placed both paws squarely onto his tongue and pushed them towards the throat.

Varik tried not to feel alarmed at this. He had expected it for days so there was no reason to start fretting now. No amount of mental conditioning could brace him for the curious sensation taking hold of his paws, both of serene comfort and frightening intent, and so while he thought he had accepted it, his heart now raced upon the prospect of being eaten. He could not help but wriggle his saliva soaked toes, dancing them teasingly upon Rhotu's bumpy tongue, letting the gooey substance worm between them.

A discrete yet rippling pulse sucked his paws into the throat with a foreshadowing gulp, the first of many required to pack his lithe body away. The fox had to grit his teeth to prevent him yelping, the throat was shockingly tight yet, like everything else inside the orca, luxuriously soft and slippery. Firm rings of bone and cartilage tensed and pulsed around his toes and ankles, goading them into progressing deeper, but without a gulp from their master no such motion was permitted. The orca was quite happily slurping along the fox's shins and knees, almost nibbling at the dusty fur as he drew the savoury flavours from his less than willing meal.

With his abdomen now being lifted off the ground, Varik had to support himself on his front paws a little else have his face mashed uncomfortably into the rock floor. There was a great shame he felt being tasted and slobbered over, as if he had been reduced to an object designed for pleasure. He could do nothing but let the domineering orca have his way with him, and was left whimpering as every inch of his legs was mercilessly probed. For as much emotional suffering he felt though, there was the conflicting physical pleasure from the beast's ministrations. That dull, purple tongue caressed his fur with such loving expertise he could not force his erection to flag. He longed for it to once again be wrapped about his aching desire, but knew this would come with further ingestion. The dichotomy was torture - a battle between his lust and his desire to live.

The next swallow brought the battle closer to its inevitable end, now with the fox's thick, meaty thighs under fire from the lathered tongue, his knees now locked into the throat to enjoy the immobilising constriction within. Rhotu's stubby fingers had set to tenderising the young meal's rump, digging them into the furred flesh and loosening the muscle. He even teasingly began to brush them along the wincing hole, threatening to penetrate it for the first time. Varik moaned as he did; every shred of his privacy and dignity was being robbed from him, until nothing would remain of him at all. This he knew was the ultimate fate of prey, to lose one's identity and become an anonymous bulge waiting to be digested.

A creeping anxiety rose within the half ingested fox when Rhotu plied back the bushy tail and pinned it to Varik's back, leaving the anus completely exposed beneath his drooling beak. A rippling, echoing gulp sent half the fox's thighs into the pulsating oesophagus, but this concerned him little, for his plump balls now rested at Rhotu's chin with his nostrils flaring eagerly less than an inch from the virgin pucker. Now with his beak in place, Rhotu encouraged the young fox to wrap his tail around the maw, effectively burying the predator's muzzle into his dank, flavoursome crack.

The roles had been reversed: Varik now felt as if he was being served, with Rhotu huffing away at his musky scents while lapping at the lightly furred balls with the tip of his tongue. In his new position, Varik had been brought almost vertically flat against the orca's heaving body, his muzzle now however just above the groin, enticingly wafting out its primitive and alluring odours. Seeing the tip of the fleshy cock tip peeking from the slit, he knew he would inevitably be pleasuring the orca as he was consumed. He loathed the beast, resented deeply every aspect of the creature that had destroyed his friend and now sought to destroy him; but with his groin being so sensuously treated and the intimate, fleshy hug around his legs, his lust overtook him, and his elegant vulpine fingers went to lure the dormant orcahood from its cosy home.

His adept fingers elicited a lewd response, the pillar of flesh rising out of the tight pocket like a rocket on take off. He let it grow through his paws, mucking them in aquamarine-tinted slime that carried the mind numbing orca musk. Soon it was slapping messily against his blushing face, radiating its sickening warmth. As if for encouragement, Rhotu brushed the fox's tail aside and pushed him further into his body - not a gulp, but very slow and forceful push - enveloping Varik's sensitive cock and balls in the mattress of slick tongue flesh.

Now Varik forgot entirely about his deadly predicament and begun to hump and thrust, licking the spire of pre-coated meat and squeezing it in his paws. In response to the oral pleasure, Rhotu slowly and softly chewed upon the buttocks resting between his sodden jaws, pressing them between his blunt, yellowed teeth and digging them into the soft, slick flesh, just enough to causing a burning pleasure for the captive fox but not enough to draw blood.

The predator would suckle and lap upon the rich and bitter fox flesh which was leaking torrents of pre-cum for his tasting pleasure. The fox was treated with globs of the orca's own brand too, rolling down the throbbing pole to be collected by an eager tongue. Varik sent and explorative hand down to the sweaty ball sack and fondled the heavy orbs, enjoying their fluidic weight rolling around.

Rhotu suspected that the fox's turn of erotic affection was an attempt to delay his fate. While he appreciated the attention on his tool, the satisfaction of being full of writhing prey was not something to be trumped. He would happily bring himself to climax once the fox was sealed behind his perfect abs, and so decided to press on with his meal.

Varik was thrown into a level of sexual ecstasy he had never before felt in the moment his cock was swallowed into the skin tight embrace of the throat. For as much as the tongue had worked wonders with its soft, twitching mass, the throat was firmer, hotter, slicker and writhed with unnatural, exhilarating motion upon his stiff member. He was perpetually moaning now, the thick head of the orca's cock now in smooching distance of his messy lips. Clear spurts shot up and painted his muzzle, making him feel dirty, used and aroused. He did not fight or even really notice Rhotu moving his arms, lifting the paws from his hefty nuts and bringing them to his dribbling lips. They were forced into the maw, along the tongue and his lubricated abdomen and into the contracting grip of the gullet. He pushed them against the side of his legs willingly, but to his displeasure found he could not move them again to tend to his agonisingly hard erection wrapped in throat flesh.

A great swallow brought him to his nipples causing Varik to notice two things through his lust induced stupor - the flaring cock head was teasingly out of reach of his tongue, and his feet had just entered a fearsomely hot space; the stomach. The heat on his toes; the fierce tightness along his legs and cock; the supple suction of the tongue on his belly - he remembered his situation and found he was enjoying it to an extreme. The orca raised his head and the fox whined to see the tasty cock head zoom far away below him. Instead he was given a view of his young, fit body bulging the black flesh of the throat to an obscene limit.

A gulp brought him into his shoulders and with it came a rush of panicked and erotic thoughts. His paws were dipped into a thick, gooey pool in the stomach that stuck to his fur like tar; the digestive fluid that would claim him. Hot, clammy breath rose up to his nostrils, wafting the scent of fishy breath loaded with rotten wolf meat and fox fur; a smell that would surround him. That which excited him most was the view of his body, wrapped as if in latex inside the throat. Every detail was visible, from his pinned arms to the faint ridges on his abdomen. He was inside it; his own body, bulging the neck of a predator over halfway to finishing his live meal. Then he saw his cock; pressed tightly to his stomach in a slick sandwich of fur and tissue, pulsing, twitching, writhing in exultant pleasure; in orgasm.

His body went numb as Rhotu continued to swallow, not appreciating the special moment for the squealing fox. With just his head remaining outside, he looked down at his spasming meat ejaculating wildly into the press of the gullet. He did not feel his load shooting between the tight walls and his fur, for he was already awash with lubricating spittle. His vision blurred and his hearing faded in and out, his muscles limp in an afterglow comparable to no other. His tongue lolled out of his muzzle dopily, lost in calm serenity. A wall of slimy, purple flesh rose up and wrapped around his jaw; the orca's tongue was caressing him tenderly in farewell. The sickening meaty scent that rose from the spongy organ made the blissful fox wince in displeasure for only moment before accepting it as part of his wonderfully sensual experience. The tongue gently pushed him in, almost working to keep him afloat with gravity dragging him downwards.

With his head now resting inside the maw, Varik felt as if he were in a fleshy, snug fitting suit of armour with the beast's jaw as his visor. He looked out of the maw between the ribbon of tongue curled beneath his eyes and across the dulled teeth and waxy lips. Outside was the world he grew up in, full of promise and opportunity, yet also of pain and sorrow. Inside, he was bathing in tendrils of sloppy spit, breathing hot torrents of rancid breath gusting around languidly, being savoured and tasted by a predator who would transform his living body into muscle, fat and waste. All the hardship of the outside world would reflect harmlessly off his thick suit of organic armour, protected indefinitely by his captor. One last look, he thought, one last breath of sweet air before I slip into my new, simpler world of flesh, slime and stench.

The jaws closed with a slow sense of ceremony, leaving Varik to wallow in the dim red light, exhausted by the continual pleasuring of his body maintaining his tired erection. Rhotu continued to suckle upon the fox's head, reluctant to abandon the unique flavour to memory, slapping his prey with wads of spit and then massaging them into his fur with his flexible tongue. Varik felt his feet and shins poking awkwardly into the stomach, his toes slipping to the muscular folds where the thickest slop resided. He would be inside it soon, entombed forever by the wrinkled, flexing flesh.

Rhotu made sure to make the next swallow deep and resonant to give his prey a sense of subjugation. This, as well as dreaded acceptance, was what the fox felt has his face was tugged into the gaping orifice as if here were sinking in quicksand. His chin slid along the back of the tongue, his ears being kneaded into the gullet, tipping his whole head backward, pointing his nose skyward. He whimpered as his eyes were sucked down, the vice of spit-slick flesh rolling over his muzzle as he vanished into the tube, bending his whiskers forward and sealing over his flaring nostrils with a delicate flex.

In less than a second he had gone from the relatively spacious maw to the suffocating grip of the gullet. Gravity continually pulled him downwards, ever filling the ravenous gut at his feet, but convulsive, periodic swallows would pack him in for the most part, each one submerging him a further few inches into the quivering sack. The poor fox focused mainly on trying to breath through whatever airway was clear, the shifting rings of muscle alternately blocking his nostrils or locking his maw shut.

There was a sense of awe from the power of the muscles that forced him downwards and held him still; a sense of helplessness and bondage from the constriction and lack of air; a sense of degradation from the abusive stench and lewd, sloppy noises that accompanied his descent; a sense of vindication, now being inside the skin-tight tube that boasted his pulsing cock only moments ago. But most importantly was the sense of defeat: he had gone into this experience unsure of how to react. Now, half in the creature's stomach, he had fallen in love with it. His body had won completely over his mind, but his body had lost so utterly to the body of the orca. There was no joy to be had now; only acceptance.

He was not there yet, though. Still with his chest and head in the throat, the stomach was already stretching and groaning under the size and odd shape of the meal it was receiving. It stretched and bugled anyway it could as more of Varik's limp and gooey body was forced inside. Much to the orca's delight, the oblong, sausage like bulge of fox in his throat had disappeared and was nearing its final resting place; his abdomen swelling like a beach ball as he gave a final few swallows. Then he felt his prey drop: his gut immediately rode outwards but was violently contained by the taut abdominal muscles, pushing it back inwards. As the fox inside was forcibly compressed into a huddled ball of slimed fur, the gut bobbed and oscillated as the downward and outward weight of the prey fought against the restoring force of the muscular tension.

Soon the rise and fall of his gut ceased, left with the squirming and struggling of the prey, trying to get comfortable in the enclosed space. He felt a hot pressure rising in his throat; the belch. He let it rasp long and loud, feeling his stomach shrink and form around the wriggling fox, sealing him tightly, ready for the pleasure of digestion to come. He paced over to the linen pile, carefully walking with the new addition to his body, and slumped down against a wall, with one hand rubbing his hemi-spherical stomach whilst his other slowly rubbed his malehood.

Luckily for Varik, he had tussled himself into a bearable foetal position before the inevitable belch had locked his position down. Shoulders by his ears, muzzle in his groin, arms folded across his chest; he was completely immobilised by the taut, firm walls of the bloated stomach. He felt it quiver and tense with unease, preparing for the motions of digestion, but for now he had a few moments of peace to customise himself to his new, intimate home.

A shallow pool of chyme had occupied the bottom of the gut before his arrival; now his back had displaced it, and hence it now pooled around his waist, a fairly runny yet silky fluid that felt like hand soap. His fur was still coated thickly in saliva, which continued to pour from the gullet in feeble dribbles; this was thicker and had a pleasing slickness to it, the lubrication that made his journey possible. Finally there were the thick, gooey secretions of acid, bile and enzymes, heavy and sticky. These coated the walls like tar and rubbed onto his fur, making it warm and tingly. The whole place was a concoction of these three textures, all mixing and sloshing about the bound fox.

The stench was overwhelming. First was the natural scent of the orca's stomach; fishy, salty and acrid. This combination was bad enough, and lingered with the heaviness of rotting seafood mixed with kitchen cleaners. Then, added to this, was the hot, rich scent of stewed wolf flesh. It was meaty and had a metallic taste of iron; the remnants of Riley's body still flowed in liquid form in the pool about his waist. Finally, and most chillingly, was his own smell - fox fur. He was to join this revolting mixture, and so however much it made him gag and wretch, he had to bear it, for it was all he would ever taste and smell for the rest of his life.

The smell he would grow used to, he told himself meekly. The slimes were disgusting at first, but were also a warm bath of oily sumptuousness that he could relax in. The sounds too were soothing, those of Rhotu's lungs and heart in steady, monotonous beat; that of soft gurgling, and that of his predator's affectionate pats. These things were bearable aspects of being alive inside a stomach.

He knew that the crushing instincts of the stomach would begin soon though. Already tightly compressed, he dreaded the effect of the orca's impressive abdominal muscles upon his weak body. So far he had just been given a gentle body wide massage from the hungry gut, but this would not last. The temperature was already rising and the tingling juices were in full flow. The stomach was peacefully preparing, warming up while its contents get a few minutes of relaxation.

Many minutes passed and still there was only the contented gurgling rising up from his sedate prison. He felt fidgety and wanted to stretch out, the eerie stillness left him only to focus on the darkness and the stench. Did Riley have this period of tranquillity? Perhaps this is what Riley longed for, it was meditative, intimate and cosy. It felt wonderful to be surrounded by Rhotu's perfect body, safe and secure, warm and relaxed. Even the revolting odours had begun to numb his sensibilities, now happily breathing in the foggy, steamy gasses without thinking about their vile taste.

Varik lost track of time, every moment inside the stomach was identical, a uniform darkness of random flexing and ominous groans. He wondered why he had been so apprehensive about becoming live food; so far he had enjoyed every moment of it. From the tasting to the swallowing to the bulging of the gut, he held each moment in guilty pleasure, happy to be inside Rhotu's well stuffed belly. He truly had filled his predator, with no room to move and barely space to breath he was a satisfying meal no doubt, and he must have tasted good too, for the sultry odour of fox lingering in the nauseating stomach air began to smell appetising even to himself.

So content had Varik become with his fate that he welcomed the first contraction, eager to finish the process. He had grown very fond of the rich, slick textures and organic warmth inside the stomach, but he knew he could not wallow here forever. His legs were forced further up and his chest further down, folding him in half. His ribs creaked and his spine burned he was compressed even tighter. He groaned as the air was forced from his lungs, slimes being forced into every orifice and every crevice his body offered. Briefly he was held in this painful pose. It finally relaxed; he spat out the foul tasting gloop in his mouth and refilled his lungs with stifling air, glad to feel his joints return to fairly normal dimensions.

That was the first; many more would follow. He could bear it though. Painful as they were, his body was flexible enough and strong enough not to snap in the immense pressure the gut forced upon him. He was proud that he was proving so resilient, letting the stomach do its best to grind him down and crush him to a pulp. It fell into a rhythm, and so he anticipated each squeeze with a fresh lungful of stagnant breath and gritted his teeth as he was contorted into a lump no larger than a beach ball.

Rhotu was impressed also; normally the onslaught of digestion would cause screams or kicks, but the little fox was content to have his joints ground to dust. This one would last hours, he though, and so slowed the hand upon his cock, preparing for the long haul.

The first hour had passed with nothing more than a few tight squeezes. As the second hour wore on, however, the fox was beginning to break. He had not noticed his fur thinning, but he did notice the tingling warmth pricking against his naked flesh. While he had expected the acids to burn, instead they pleasured with an electrical fire that sent shivers along his skin. His cock was ultra sensitive after a few waves of goo had coated it. He could not touch it though, for it was locked in place against his cheek; the only action he felt was it rubbing along his slick, naked skin when the organ contracted.

This was the first time the fox had felt his skin, and had he known it to be so sensitive he would have been shaved earlier. All over he was smooth and receptive like the tip of his tongue or genitals. Now that the predator's juices were free to work upon him unhindered he expected far greater pleasures. The crushing too became more frequent and more powerful. His joints were slowly being worn down in attrition while his bones became to develop fault lines. The submissive fox was all too happy to feel them though, now that his body was supple and vulnerable. Being digested was both exhilarating and sensual, and he longed for his demise to continue.

The result of this was that by the end of the second hour, Varik was at breaking point. His body was on the precipice of total destruction. From the throes of the most intense pleasure he had ever felt would suddenly come the wracking agony he had until now kept at bay. Like an avalanche it all began to collapse, and as Rhotu felt his prey start to squirm and groan, scratch and scream, he began to pump his meat, watching as his stomach contorted around the suffering fox.

It began with his shoulder dislocating. Finally the socket had worn through and simply popped out mid crush. The next squeeze snapped a rib, fracturing after two hours of immense pressure. Varik howled in pain, now panicking as the warmth on his penis turned to a burning. It wasn't submerged in the pool, but he could feel the coat of slime on it eating into his flesh. He tried to wipe it off but he could not move; when he wriggled his broken bones shrieked in pain.

Now the sound of digestion was loud and invasive. His bones began to snap all over his body while spurts of stinking, frothy foam were injected into the chamber. He had to keep his eyes and mouth closed, for any exposure to the air caused them to burn ferociously. His anus felt like it was being stretched by a fist, while his genitals burned as if in solder. He writhed and twisted, trying anything to shift the intense pain from his cock - nothing helped. All that came was more agony elsewhere: his lips swelling, his nipples raw, his knees and elbows shattering.

The electrical warmth on his skin was numbing as his nerves were burnt, but the agony in his groin and face only intensified. He tried to kick, to fight his way out, he couldn't take it. He knew that even if he did escape he would be crippled, but nothing he did helped, only increasing his suffering. He was growing light headed, his body was in shock. No longer able to endure the terrible torture, unconsciousness mercifully took him after two and half hours inside the gut. His last thought was that of Riley in the exact position he was, now the two becoming one in Rhotu.

Sensing his prey lapsing, Rhotu knew the time had come. After 3 hours of holding his orgasm, he finally released, spewing his rich, salty cream all over his sweaty, heaving body, painting his face and stomach in aquamarine tinted juice. He lapped a little of it from his beak, tasting his masculine essence, rubbing it into his furiously churning gut, alive with the monstrous sounds of flaying flesh and breaking bone.

The fox was dead - or unconscious - either way there would be no more struggling from him. Now there was the long process of digestion to turn his fox like body into a nourishing soup to thrive on. For the moment, the orca could peacefully enjoy the full, content feeling of being well fed; his taut gut smooth and round, rumbling and bubbling, flexing and quivering, making a fine meal of another foolish fur that had stumbled into his jaws.