Chatty tiger

Story by Timrahil on SoFurry

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#6 of My days with Alex

Our wolf and tiger has a little chat

G'day ya'll! Life's getting back to normal again for me, and I've had plenty of time today to work on chapters for MDWA. So to celebrate I thought I'd put up the latest one tonight. It's a little bit on the short side, but too make up for it I will post the next chapter tomorrow (7th june)! As always, remember to vote, comment, fav and all that good stuff! :) Have fun!

The air around me reeked of cum and musk and I panted and let myself gasp in the afterglow of my orgasm for a couple of moments. My shirt was stained and messy, my paw was covered in my wolf cum and I guess things might have gotten just a little bit messy on the couch. Of course, it wouldn't have been the first time and was certainly not gonna be the last.

As I slowly came back to reality I remembered the messages and I was quick to lap off the white stuff from my paw and, having no tissues or anything, I pulled off my already stained shirt and used it to wipe up any remaining mess. I was eager to see what Alex had to say so I just threw the shirt on the floor when I was done wiping up the mess and then quickly turned to my laptop.

I moved the mouse pointer over to the small chat box and enlarged it a bit to make it a bit easier to read.

Alex Leigh: Hi there Robert, wazzup? :)

I smiled to myself, glad to hear from him again even though we had talked earlier today. I went on to read the second message.

Alex Leigh: You there?

My heart thumped a bit as I realized I had left him waiting as I was busy... pleasuring myself. I had been thinking about him though, so I think that, in a sense, it was alright.

My fingers hovered over the keyboard as I thought about how to respond.

Robert Taylor: Hi! Sorry to keep you waiting, was a bit busy.

I waited eagerly for his response, hoping that I wouldn't have kept him waiting for too long and he maybe had forgotten about the messages he had sent.

I heard the familiar sound of having received a message.

Alex Leigh: Hey! :) Its alright! What were you doing?

Hmm... well, I didn't know if I should tell him truthfully or just make things up. I mean, I don't think he would mind me telling him that I was busy jerking off while thinking about him! But it would seem a bit... awkward, I thought.

Robert Taylor: I was doing some stuff

I hoped that would be good enough and that he wouldn't inquire too much about it. I didn't want things to be a bit too weird, what with me acting a little bit like a horny teenager and having to jerk off just because I thought about the man I found incredibly hot.

Alex Leigh: What kind of stuff? :P

Man he seemed curious, much like my brother had been. I spent a few moments thinking, whether to just get it over with and tell him the truth or not.

I settled for the truth. Or, I guess, a version of the truth.

Robert Taylor: X-rated stuff

My heart thumped as I again waited eagerly for his response, hoping he wouldn't find it... weird. Of course, we had already had impromptu phone sex today, so I guess it would be alright. I just... really, didn't seem weird to him.

And there I was again, worrying probably too much about what kind of fur I seemed to be in his eyes.

Alex Leigh: Oh yeah? Want to tell me more? ;)

I groaned a little bit to myself, having hoped he wouldn't ask. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised though. He seemed to like to talk about sex and stuff anyway.

Robert Taylor: Well if you really want to know, I was jerking off.

I took a deep breath as I sent the reply, hoping that his response would be a positive one.

Alex Leigh: I figured as much! Bet it would have been nice with an extra set of paws? ;)

I chuckled a bit and couldn't help but to smirk at his response. It was nice knowing that he was fine with what I had told him, and now that he even seemed to be coming on to me again I tossed whatever worries I had aside.

Robert Taylor: Oh yeah, would've been much better with an extra set of paws. Preferably tiger ones!

I smiled a bit to myself, already quite enjoying talking (or rather chatting, I guess) with him again, even though we were just perhaps being a bit silly and flirting at the moment.

Alex Leigh: Oh? If you had asked I could've come over ;)

I think my heart skipped a beat as I read those words, his offer having had the right effect on me. Some tiger company certainly would've been nice. It was getting a bit late though, and if he'd want to come over now then I probably wouldn't get any sleep...

Robert Taylor: I'll keep that in mind, if the offer still stands later!

Alexi Leigh : Of course it will ;)

Well this was certainly a nice development. The tiger I had been obsessing over for the last two days offering to come over if I wanted him too? I'd have to take him up on his offer at some point.

Alex Leigh: So what you up to now when you're no longer giving yourself some self pleasuring?

I chuckled a bit at his choice of words. I reached for my glass of water and took a sip before responding.

Robert Taylor: Not much, really. Except for chatting with a handsome tiger of course!

I decided to try flirting just a little bit more with him.

Alex Leigh: Well that certainly sounds like a nice way to spend a Tuesday evening! :)

He was right, it was a nice way of spending a Tuesday night. Of course, it would've been even better if we were talking face to face rather than through facebook chat. This would do for now though.

Robert Taylor: What about you?

Alex Leigh : Oh, not much. Having a nice chat with you and watching a movie before going off to bed. :)

I smiled to myself again. I guess the movie must've been pretty boring if he decided to check facebook.

Robert Taylor: What movie?

Alex Leigh: The thirteenth warrior. The one where Antonio Banderas fights alongside Vikings. :P

Robert Taylor: I know that one. Thought it was pretty bland, to be honest.

Alex Leigh: Well I found it in my collection and I don't remember seeing it before. It's ok so far. At least Antonio is nice enough to look at! ;P

Robert Taylor: I thought he was better in that Zorro movie though. And while he looks alright, there are others I'd much more prefer to feast my eyes on!

Alex Leigh: Like who? :P

Robert Taylor: Well, you for instance!

I couldn't help myself but to make that comment when he asked. It was true, though. I'd gladly feast my eyes upon him again!

Alex Leigh: You're gonna make me blush if you keep flirting like this! :P

I smiled to myself and my tail wagged happily behind me as I started typing again.

Robert Taylor: Shame I'm not there to see you blush then! You're cute when you blush!

I imagined that he was probably blushing a little bit right now, and I really did wish I could've been there to see it and maybe kiss his blushing cheeks... or do something along those lines.

Alex Leigh: You don't look too bad yourself when you blush! Actually, you don't look too bad in general ;P

Well, this time it was my turn to blush... which I guess was his plan. It was really nice having him tell me he liked the way I looked. Of course, he had told me that before. But... well, it was just nice hearing, or rather reading, it again. I guess it was just nice to know that my feelings towards him were, at least as far as looks goes, mutual. And I guess it was also just nice to be complimented by him.

Robert Taylor: Better than Antonio?

I decided to play along for a little bit.

Alex Leigh: Uh-huh ;P

I felt my cheeks keep heating up. Hell, I felt a certain heat within my whole body as I read his words. You know, that kind of feeling you get when you talk to someone you like and they tell you just the right stuff.

Alex Leigh: You could be my Zorro, to save me in distress ;)

I couldn't help but to laugh at his silly comment.

Robert Taylor: I don't think I'm nearly as athletic and good enough with a sword to be able to pretend to be Zorro.

Alex Leigh: Oh I don't know, in my experience you're pretty good at using your "sword". ;P

I raised an eyebrow and smirked at this even sillier comment.

Robert Taylor: Oh... well if we're talking about that "sword", maybe I'd at least do alright!

Alex Leigh: Oh I'm sure you would do better than just alright! ;)

I'm not sure if it was his intention, or if it was just part of his general flirting, but I couldn't help but to, once more, get reminded of the past weekend and it made feel a slight familiar stir in certain places. I was pretty spent though, and I didn't expect that stirring to actually lead anywhere.

Robert Taylor: Talking from your own experience?

Alex Leigh: You know it ;)

Always with the smileys...

Alex Leigh: Might have to get some more experience though before I can give an even better opinion :P

Well, he basically just said outright that he'd like to meet and... have sex, again. Of course, I didn't just want it to be about the sex...

Robert Taylor: Well, if we do meet up again I hope we would do more than just have sex.

Alex Leigh: Of course! I'd love to meet and hang out with you again! If we would end up in bed, that would just be an added bonus. :)

I guess that's pretty much how I felt, too. I mean, sure, we had been flirting and been implying things and even had phone sex and stuff, but when it came down to it I really wanted to just spend time with him. To get to know more about him.

And he seemed to be feeling more or less the same despite all the sex talk.

It made me feel better than I had in some time.

Robert Taylor: Well, would you... want to hang out again anytime soon?

I couldn't stop myself from asking. Chatting with him right now really made me want to meet him again, and even though I had already told myself that it was getting too late to meet up tonight, that didn't mean we couldn't meet up some other day this week.

Robert Taylor: If you have some free time, and of course want too!

It took a little while before he responded, and I admit that it made me feel a bit uneasy.

Alex Leigh: Sure! I'm free all nights this week. We could meet up any day after work! :)

My heart beat a bit faster when I read his response, and I couldn't help but to feel a feeling of success. The tiger, whom had been clogging my mind and trail of thoughts, wanted to meet up again! And even so soon as any day this week!

Feeling eager, I started typing again.

Robert Taylor: How about tomorrow?

Alex Leigh: Sure! We could go on a dinner after work! :)

Now that did sound really tempting, and it was an offer I definitely couldn't deny. Another dinner with Alex would definitely be something I'd be looking forward too.

Robert Taylor: Sure! I'd like that! What time do you get off work?

Alex Leigh: Around 5 p.m. You?

Robert Taylor: At 4 p.m.

Alex Leigh: Want to meet up around 6 then?

Around six sounded nice. Wasn't sure if he'd have time to get changed and do whatever preparations he wanted to do though.

Robert Taylor: Would an hour be enough for you to get ready? I mean, we haven't even decided on a place to eat at yet.

Alex Leigh: I could find a restaurant if you want. :)

Well, it would be nice to see what he could come up with.

Robert Taylor: Sure!

Alex Leigh: And we could meet up at the city center. It's only a ten minute walk away for me, so I'll have enough time :)

I didn't know he lived that closed to the city center. In fact, I wasn't quite sure where he lived. It made me a bit curious, but I decided that I'd save the question for tomorrow. If we were going to some place not too far away from where he lived, we'd maybe even end up in his place anyway...

Robert Taylor: Well, I'd say we have a deal then!

Alex Leigh: Yay! :)

Well, suddenly I got myself a date. And it felt pretty damn good, too. Not just because I was meeting up with the tiger that had occupied my mind, but just too actually go out on a date again felt good.

We kept on chatting till the movie ended and after that we wished each other a good night. I was brushing my teeth and I felt a little bit giddy about meeting up with him again. It had been a long time since the last time I went on any kind of date, so long in fact that I wasn't quite sure right now how to act or what to expect. I was sure though that Alex wouldn't mind too much if I ended up screwing up just a little bit. He didn't seem the type, which I was grateful for.

With a smile on my face I went to bed. It had managed to get pretty late and I wasn't too sure if I'd be able to get all hours of sleep that you normally needed. Right now I didn't care much though. I had a date with Alex, we had spent some time chatting and sharing a good time, he had made me laugh and I was sure I had done the same to him...

Life was good right now, and when I finally fell asleep I only had good, tiger-related dreams.

And there we go again! Hope you enjoyed it and remember to comment, vote, fav etc :)Next chapter will be posted tomorrow, stay tuned! Toodles!

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