Dangerous Company Part 3

Story by FruancJH on SoFurry

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Jake's grand adventure continues down the highway. But will it all come to an end when sirens sound from behind? Find out in this installment of Dangerous Company!

I felt us stop, the sound of the police car pulling up behind us, folowed by a car door opening, and closing. I heard someone approaching and I knew it had to be an officer. "What seems to be the trouble officer?" asked the biker wolf Bon, acting like this was all normal."

The officer grunted and then I guess he indicated me. "Why's he tied up like that? You kidnapping him?"

"Um well you see..." the wolf trialed off knowing he was busted. But I couldn't let this happen, I liked the guy, and despite having been taken against my will, I had started to grow fond of my captor in the short time we'd been together. So I decided to speak up.

"It's fine officer, me and my boyfriend, are just going on a date." I said pouring all of my acting skills into this lie.

"Your boyfriend..." the Officer said pausing seemingly flustered by the very notion of homosexuals, let alone interspecies ones. Hate crimes against homosexuals, might have been illegal but it still didn't mean everyone was comfortable with the idea. Some things just never changed.

Having recovered from his shock the officer laid what he must have thought was a trump card. "Be that as it may, that still doesn't explain why you're tied up."

"Oh well you know, things were starting to get a kind of stale in the bedroom." I said never missing a beat of my act. "So we thought it might be fun to try some new kinks." I said moving around to indicate my bound position. "We're trying out leather and bondage this time, Bon here is taking me to a romantic spot where he's going too string me up and then we're going too..."

The Officer having become very flustered and distressed by this point piped up right then "Uh... Yeah well be safe, and use a condom and... don't do anything illegal." I heard the fast retreat of the policeman's shoes as he made his way back to the patrol cruiser.

"Thank you Officer we will!" I hollered back to where I heard a car door open. We waited for him to drive off, before we both busted up laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh my god, I think he totally bought that. I mean you should of seen his face." Cried Bon between fits of laughter, the feel of his laughter vibrating his chest which lay over most of my back, only made me laugh harder.

"I know right, I can't believe I just did that." I gasped, crying from how much the laughter hurt my sides. When we had both stopped laughing, I couldn't help but throw in a question "Do you actually have a condom?"

"Uh yeah well you see I..." the wolf was suddenly very nervous I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"It's Ok, I want my first time to be real any way, and besides you've got all your shots, Right?" I said jokingly.

"Nope I'm a carrier of all kinds of horrible filthy diseases that I got especially for you." He said grinding up against me sensually. I gulped briefly wondering if I may have made a mistake in letting my one chance of salvation pass by. "He-he, Just joking, I'm clean Jake." Bon said. I felt a sigh of relief escape me.

"Although I've never been with a virgin before," He said sounding a little amused at the notion that I still hadn't lost mine yet.

"Oh just shut up and drive, It's hard to find other people like me without getting ridiculed for it." I said feeling the flush of embraced anger.

"Hey it's alright I didn't mean anything bad by it. To be honest I'm looking forward to it," Said Bon giving my shoulder a pat before starting the engine back up.

When it was safe to get back on the road Bon started the engine and we began to pull out onto the nearly empty roadway once more.

"Uh, Jake?" Said Bon Wrapping an arm loosely around my middle again.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Thanks, for what you did back there. You could of totally turned me in and gotten me locked up for what I'd done." Said Bon Tightening the arm about my waist, obvious affection, and gratitude in the gesture.

"Yeah, well... we've already gotten this far along, and I actually really like you. Besides did you actually think I was going to let you off that easily?" I said letting a mischievous grin split my face ear to ear. "I'm still waiting to find out what this surprise of yours is that you had to kidnap me like this."

"Ha-ha well we're just about there so just wait a little bit longer ok." Bon said, sounding very happy.

We drove for what felt like another five minutes before I felt us pull over again.

"Are we there yet?" I asked my excitement all too apparent in the sound of my voice.

"Well aren't we eager," Said Bon, taking the opportunity now that he had both hands free to run them over my chest and shoulders. I melted back against him relishing in his touch, "We're not there yet but we're close, I just need to untie you and then we can get moving."

I leaned back into him letting out a soft moan as he continued to run his hands over my bound upper body. He started loosing the bonds that held the ropes around my sides in place. After a moment of fidgeting with the bonds they suddenly fell away. I sighed in a bit of relief, and instantly went to rubbing my arms and sides. Taking a deep breath I held it in, and then let it out. "That's better."

Bon pushed my hands out of the way and started to rub my arms for me. I let him, leaning back into his powerful chest, enjoying the feel of his paw pads on me. "Well as much as I like touching your skin like this I'd much rather we were some place where we can both explore so let's go." He said.

Dismounting first Bon then helped me to dismount too. More lifting, than anything else, but I let him. It was just another opportunity to appreciate the strength and power of my kidnapper turned love interest. Seeing that I still hadn't taken off his bandana, Bon reached up and began to lift it. I stopped him placing my hand on his, and easing it back down.

"I don't want to spoil the surprise." I said when he growled at my stopping him.

"Alright, good thinking, this will make it more Romantic anyway." I felt his hand come away from my face and then moving to take my hands and guide them forward. "Here, take my tail and follow me it'll make things fun." He said moving my hands against something soft and fluffy. Smiling I took the soft extension of his spine in my hands.

"Ok just don't go to fast ok? I said, liking this challenge quite a bit. I suppose it was a chance to build trust.

"Alright Jake I promise, and just grab onto my back if you need too." Said Bon, playfully tugging his tail back and forth. With that we headed out on foot, Bon leading us off the road as near as I could tell, and across a lengthy expanse of grass. I didn't have much trouble staying up with Bon's tail in my hands. Whenever I stumbled I could always count on him being right in front of me to grab onto, which I had to do twice. Getting a funny idea in my head I decided to play around with his tail. Taking one hand I placed it further up on his tail and stroked down towards my other hand. I think He liked this because he didn't stop me from doing it again.

"Oh is someone feeling playful?" He asked in an Oh-how-cute voice.

I got a wicked grin on my face at that. "Yeah some one's feeling playful." I said, placing one hand high up and bringing it down again before moving it up the full length of his tail running my hand against the grain of the fur.

"Uh... Whoa, hey." Said Bon Shivers running up his spine. I laughed and then started combing the hair back down the way it went naturally. "Keep it up Jake, and I might have to punish you later." Said Bon, a husky menace entering his voice.

"Is that another promise Bon?" I asked repeating the roughing of his tail a second time. That might have been a mistake, because after the second jolt had run its course he growled, swiping his tail out of my hands, and then grabbing me by my arms, he lifted me off the ground.

"It's a guarantee." He growled, his breath washing over my face as a bit of the fear from earlier rekindled.