Dog Gone (3)

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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Dog Gone (3) By Roofles

I worked out in the time I had between these 'interviews' as I had began to think of them as. It was easier on the mind to make things sound and feel more...familiar. It was just me going out there on stage again. With no camera's. In a dark room with people interrogating me with guns. Well I wasn't really sure if they had guns but I assumed they did. Either way I was unarmed and they outnumbered me. I wasn't about to fight them...and I was getting off track again.

No matter how I thought things over I found my mind wandering. Drifting around aimlessly. Thinking of my life. My goals in it. What they were planning or plotting. It all just swirled around and around unable to really focus on one thing. Until my mind fell on him.

He had such strong defining features. With a body that would make adonis weep. Heh, that really did bring a smile to my face. Thinking of that man. It brought order to my turmoil raging inside. Brutus was a brute and yet he was so soft gentle. Carefully controlling that strength for me, and only me. It was stupid, silly really. But he really did make me feel like I was someone important. A celebrity rather than some hack of a reporter. Just thinking of him put me at peace, a brief moment of rest before it was shattered by that swarm again.

So many question flooded my mind but it was always was about him, the only focus I had. It was like a hive full of angry bees and a boy was poking it with a stick. One question stun here and another there. Buzzing around all screaming for attention, for me to address and answer them. And I didn't have any answers. Not for a single one.

Was he ok? Did they hurt him? Was he looking for me? Why were they keeping us apart? Was he eating his meals? Have clothes? Was he bathing and taking care of himself? Did he miss me... Was...he even in the facility? Alive?

I had to close my mind. Shut myself away from those thoughts. To give in was to give up and I wasn't about to give up. Time was relative after all. I didn't know the time when they served my meals, through the slot at the bottom of the door. Was it same time each day. Or was it night?. I didn't know if the steps passing my door were the same patrol or a different one. Wether it was five minutes or ten before they passed by again. Either way I forced myself to remember them. Every detail. So that if I had to chance, even if it was less than one percent, I'd be able to take it. And hopefully get out of here. Find Brutus. And no matter where we went as long as he was with me, it'd be home. Away from this place. Safe. And together.

"I put down the newspaper. Folding it neatly and tucking it under an arm. Like most days I was going to take it with me. Even if they didn't want me to come in for work I planned on spending the day out. Not locked away with this dog. In this dank, damp apartment room with a smelly mongrel that rank of filth and needed to shower. I mean when was the last time he bathed?"

I maybe coming on a little strong, I figured looking down at my feet. No matter how many time I shifted or moved I could never find a comfortable place in this chair. One of the leg were shorter than the rest so it creaked back and forth. It was hot in here. Humid and uncomfortable unlike the rest of the building. But I had to focus. To finish this and at the same time make it last until I figured out what to do.

"But when I got to the door about to leave there was a knock. And another. Followed by banging.

"Hurry and open this thing up!" I heard Chuck call from the other side and frantically undid the several locks on it. Opening the door I felt that familiar rush of air fill my apartment with a new summer day breeze. It sickened me. But I was pushed aside before I could even scowl, as I was pushed aside by the large handyman.

Chuck did several jobs for the show. Like we all did. He was like one of those backstage workers during a play. Working nearly everything behind the scenes to make sure everything was tip top shape, up and running. So I called him the handyman always with a toolbelt and boots on. Kind of sexy actually. Then again he was straight and I never go after the boys who fly true.

"We didn't ask."

So Chuck comes barreling in with a large box in his arm, cords trailing behind. "Just some extra stuff," he grunted setting the box down and leaning against it huffy and puffing like the big bad wolf. "For the camera's. I forgot to. Get. It." He groaned as he leaned up popping his back and taking a seat on the couch rather heavily.

Brutus was already up investigating him. I could see his hackle raise up a bit. "Brutus, you remember Chuck. He's a friend. Chuck. Friiiend." I articulated the word, stressing that he might do something and hoping and praying he wouldn't maul him like he did Larry. Even if Larry had manhandled me I rather not have to clean up blood stains from the dirt brown carpet. He already had one taste for human blood, heh. Who knows what he'd do.

He growled softly but didn't press the issue. Taking his place next to me with a rather large paw on my shoulder, staring Chuck down who shifted uncomfortable trying not to meet those eyes. Brutus seemed proud of himself and looked over at me for some kind of reassurance with this. "Good boy, don't maul Chuck." I patted the paw on my shoulder that gripped a bit tighter in turn.

I originally said it jokingly. But the response I got wasn't what I expected from the dog. Strong arms wrapped around me from behind. Picking me up in a rib crushing bear hug as Brutus barked. I mean he actually barked. He shook me back and forth before setting me down. I staggered a bit and if he wasn't still holding me from behind I would've fallen over.

"We've...bounded." I said as Chuck looked at us with a raised eyebrow. The man didn't say anything and just shook his head looking around. "Do you want anything. Oj? Eggs? Bacon?"

"We have bacon?" Brutus sloppered down my front at the thought of more food.

"No you mangy mongrel," I said wiping the spittle from my suit. I pulled my hand away, spreading my fingers trying to hold my breakfast back as it stuck between them; tendrils webbed like spiderwebs between them as it dripped down on the floor. Real disgusting. "And let go of me," I tried to fight against him but the dog didn't budge.

He was grinning and the second I stopped fight he nuzzled against me again, wagging his tail and hugging me close once more from behind his tail wagging happily. "We've really bonded." I said with a shrug to Chuck.

"I didn't say anything," he didn't meet my eyes, prefering to find great interest in the lamp across the room. "You do know those things are still on right." He nodded towards the camera.

"Unfortunetly." I grumbled. "Don't you have a job to do?" I frowned when he just kicked his legs up onto the table in response. It was a small black coffee table I had gotten on sale from an old neighbor. I think he was wanted by the police or something was going to head out of town. I got a real deal for the table though! Swell guy. This one time he made brownies and we laughed for hours at the stars...silly stars.

Chuck shrugged though. "My job is to make sure your on camera is all. Got a beer?"

"It's not even eight in the morning." I held myself back wanting to shout at him. There was something about him that made your blood boil. He just had that air about him. Like he was better than you. Or something. As if it was to much trouble to make the effort to get to know you. But that really was just who he was. He didn't mean any offense by it. Even so it was tough spending long periods of time with him. "And we're working. What do you mean keep the camera on us?"

"Your point?" He looked at the dog. "Fetch." He pointed down the room towards the kitchen. Brutus snarled with raised hackles once more, louder and far more intimdating. If the dog was holding me I would taken several steps back.

"I no dog." He let go with another loud snarl and I wasn't really sure what he was going to do. But he didn't move towards him just glare as he growled, hunching over a bit .

My first instinct was to run away but again his anger wasn't directed at me. So I sucked it up like a man, turned around and gave him a belly a man. It worked with my dog so why wouldn't it work with him. And yes, it worked like a charm. In seconds he was on his back with his leg kicking. "Good boy," I cooed softly watching his tail wag before busting up laughing.

Brutus blinked a few times and jumped back up to his feet with folded ears growling at me. It wasn't the same growl as he had for Chuck. It was almost...playful. "No fair. That's cheating." He growled again but I could see his tail wag after he said it.

I corrected his speach again like I had before. Just small steps and lessons. He was picking up on the cues quickly. Each time he did something correct he'd look over at me for some kind of varification and even the slightest nod would make his world. His tail would wag and he'd smile with his big floppy ears up. And those hazelnut eyes looking at me like a child that had just gotten an A on a test. More proud to show his parents than the fact he actual got one. That's the kind of man he was in the beginning. But he sure did grow up fast.

"Elaborate." The gentleman spoke up. His voice was very...suave, I think that's the word for it. He was obviously well educated and carried himself with pride. And the more he spoke the more I disliked him.

"Elaborate on...what exactly?" I wasn't sure. Maybe I spoke too fondle of him or wasn't explaining it as well as they wanted me to.

"He grew up fast. What do you mean by that?"

I didn't like him. The way he spoke sent chills up my spine. The fake sincerity and friendliness in it left a bad taste in my mouth. But it was when he spoke and just how the others kept their tongues. That she stopped tapping her pencil and I could swear they sat up a little bit more in their seats. He was the one, out of everyone here, that I needed to be afraid of.

"Well when I first got him he was like a child. But even as the days went by he grew up quickly. From a child to a teen to an adult. The way he spoke an acted. His mannerisms. And stuff." I stopped short but my mind kept going. The way he looked at me and spoke when it was just the two of us. How his affection for me began to change from one of a clingy child to something...more. He'd never let me sit or sleep alone. Or just how things between us took a one eighty down a path I'd never saw coming.

"I was going to take him out on the town. Let him see the sights, meet the people. And buy him some clothes. The companies paying for it right? They better." Ok, I kept that last part to myself. When I was growing up I had a bit of a wild streak in me. I went out and gambled and played craps, blackjack and well all the games. I drank and I partied all the time. Eventually it caught up to me and I became a lot more...conservative with my cash.

"Oh right," Chuck fished for something in his pocket before pulling out a card and handing it to me. Brutus took it in his muzzle and offered it up to me. Me and Chuck shared a look before I took it. Neither of us dare say a word.

Scratching the back of his head and behind his ears I thanked him, "Good boy, Brutus. But you don't have to do those things for me. I'm here only to make sure things go well for you. Your not my pet - your my friend." I the time if I meant that. I mean I said it in the hopes of getting him off my leg but I wasn't sure it was true then or not. I didn't expect the effect they would have. Or plan on it. It was subtle but his mannerism even then changed.

Looking back on it I could see that he was taking every word I said to heart. Reading my own manners, 'smelling' my emotions and truly changing himself to match what he must've assumed what I wanted. Able to blend in quickly and be apart of society faster than I would've ever guessed. I knew immigrants who took longer to adjust.

That was almost too plausible; I thought giving myself a few seconds to think it over. I wasn't about to tell them but with everything I've seen and heard, and what had happened it wouldn't be too far off. But I didn't want to think about it. What they could have done to him. It hurt just thinking of the possibilities. Yet that nagging feeling was still at the back of my mind.

Brutus got up off the floor and wandered about a bit aimlessly. "What are you doing?" I had to ask holding back a smile. He truly was..fascinating. His heavy, lumbered steps shook the floor with his bulky frame. Yet each step was accounted for and planned ahead of time. Careful with that raw strength of his that I credited him on.

"So we're going for a...walk?" He turned to look at me with a blank expression.

"Yes. We are going for a walk. A long one at that." I waited for a response. Some kind of reaction but he shrugged.

"Cool," I noticed he was watching Chuck a lot more intently than he was before. No growls or snarls, not even glaring. Like he was mimicing his behavior. "That sounds fun. I enjoy that...I'll enjoy. That." He corrected himself before looking at me with perked ears. The smile I gave him made his tail wag.

"That happened rather fast. The change." He spoke up again and the room seemed to fall quiet afterwards as if everyone was holding their breath.

"Sorry. It had been a little while. I guess I'm mixing things up a bit. I doubt you could remember what you had for last weeks breakfast." I laughed which felt strange in the silence around me. It didn't even seem to break it. That silence remained as heavy and overbearing as ever.

"What day?" He asked catching me off guard.


"What day? For breakfast. What day of the week."

I narrowed my eyes trying to see if he was just playing with me. "Tuesday. Saterday. Thursday."

"Egg yolk and molten brand cereal. I went out to Shari's and got their deluxe with coffee. Two creams. Two sugars. And on Thursday I had half a banana, apple and orange from wendsday breakfast."

I didnt' even reply. The guy was obviously just doing some kind of tactic to mess with my head. I really wasn't familiar with the military and this whole thing was strange as it was. Even the simple conversation I had with him seemed like it was just between the two of us. As if we weren't in a room with several other people. And that was freaking me out. That unnerving feeling as if there was something with many legs crawling up my back.

"So anyways he was acting a bit more...normal, which creeped me out. It wasn't long before we left for the day. Just the three of us. Me, Brutus and camera man Chuck. Who kept quiet and to himself as he stayed a few feet behind us. I knew we'd be stuck with him for the rest of the day. the time I was probably glad to have him along. Being just the two of us would've been awkward and who knows what'd happen.

Brutus walked by my side rather than follow at my heels. He'd point things out wagging his tail but wasn't bounding around like he would have before. Or maybe he did at first. But by the end of the day he wasn't. He started off hyper, energetic but as the day drew on he calmed down. Conserving his energy and really being more...human in nature. It was easier to connect with him when he was like that. Again as if he were just a human in some kind of fur suit.

We got a few stares as we headed into the heart of the city. People stared and gawked. Pointed their fingers or turned towards their mothers cowering in fear and wonderment as we walked along. He didn't seem to notice. Or if he did he didn't care. I was too aware of them watching but again it was something you put up with when you were...well not famous but people knew who you were. Being on tv and all.

Several cars nearly crashed as the drivers focused more on him than driving. There was this one older lady who ran over several garbage cans and ended up nearly taking out a stroller. Don't worry it only had pop cans and beer bottles in it. Though the bum pushing it was startled. When I laughed, only after I saw no one was hurt, Brutus joined in. He waited a second watching me from the corner of his eye before joining in. A bark that came from deep in his chest but the grin on his face told me it was a laugh or the closest he'd ever manage to it which only seemed to make me laugh more.

"Cute," I teased pushing him. I figure he was making fun of me. He didn't even budge as I pressed my hand against his shoulder.

I could feel that tone well defined muscular structure under his skin and fur. It was the first time I thought just how soft it was, his fur. The outer part was coarse but if you wormed your fingers under it it was warm, soft and later on, smelling my fingers, had that musky tinge to it. A strong scent that I would know and come to love.

Brutus returned the favor nearly knocking me into the road. He jumped diving after me. "Careful," I warned as he helped me get my bearings. "Your a lot stronger than I am. I mean I didn't even budge you before and you nearly took me out with a light tap. If I didn't know better I'd be afraid of you..." The words had come out before my pig head could stop them.

He shrugged though but took a step away from me and continued walking. The distance seemed much greater than it was. Even when I caught up he kept an extra step away. And so, in relative silence, we walked.

"As fascinating as this is," the Sergeant spoke up. "Can we skip the la-de-dah and get to the actual core facts?"

"Well we wouldn't even need to be doing this if you hadn't confiscated all the tapes and back ups for the show and did only god knows what to them." I glared before shirking back in my seat as he returned the cold stare ten fold. "Your the one who 'invited' me in. I'm just doing what I'm told." I mumbled shrinking in my seat. Thankfully he seemed to have little to no interest in me.

"And your doing a very good job at it." The gentleman spoke silencing the Sergeant before he could reply further. "And we have watched the video's. But I find it far more vital to hear it from the man himself. Please. Go on."

"...I could tell he was hurt and wasn't really sure what to say or do. So I asked if he was hungry. He shrugged. If he wanted to go to any particular stores he had seen on tv. He shrugged. And so when he spoke again I was all ears, even if it was an odd request.

"Push me again."

I wasn't sure what he was getting at but again I put my hand on his arm and pushed. He nearly toppled over and it was my turn to jump to his side pulling him up. Even using both arms he was heavy. He gave his full assistance and got up as if he didn't need my help but standing tall once more his ears drooped and he had that sheepish smile on his face before breaking into a grin. It really was the gesture that he wanted.

"See. You can push me. It fun." He growled approvingly but his attention went elsewhere. His ears perked up and he was looking over me, at two guys across the street. One gave the other a bro hug, wrapping an arm over his shoulder and heading off...That or they were dating I wasn't sure. Either way the dog did the same giving me a one armed hug and keeping it there.

"Oh, it was a hoot." I rolled my eyes. The arm was heavy and smelt of dog. A strong smell that came off the man next to me in the summer heat. He seemed far too pleased with himself. "We'll have to do it again sometime."

"We will," he didn't really catch onto sarcasm until later. "See we be good friends." Wait. He said that later. He said something else then. But I can't remember.

Or rather I wasn't about to tell them. Some things were meant only for me.

Anyways, we headed down the street getting a lot of stares. I said that already...I tried to explain the sights around us. The statue and why it was there, the public park and the stores. What the stores sold and the public they were aiming to sell too. Explaining billboards and reading poster for him. The different food places which I was sure his nose could smell a mile away. But even with all the sights and smells around us; he only ever seemed to see me. If I pointed somewhere he'd look only to be kind before looking back at me with his big floppy ears up and tail wagging.

I just decided to go into a store rather than show him the sights. He didn't really seem to be interested in them anyways. It was small store and I had been there a few times before. The prices were reasonably... priced and well I was planning on getting a few things myself, billing the company of course. Brutus opened the door even before I asked if he wanted to go in. His intuition was really spot on. Ducking under his arm I got an even stronger whiff of his...smell. I should've made him shower that morning. Sweaty dog armpit, yum.

Brutus followed inside with a satisfied smirk, letting the door shut on our camera man. I had to tell the dog to move his bare foot away from the door. But Brutus kept the door close with his foot as a stopper. He really did seem to be enjoying himself so maybe I did let him have his fun for a little while before calling him on it.

The rottweiler moved his foot but didn't budge. The door wouldn't even open half way as it hit him in the back. The bell jingled several times before I called him on it. He walked forward a bit more, kicking the door back one last time before joining me by the rack of clothes. I ignored Chuck's curses and the store woman who shreaked as she came from the back finally answering the ringing bell.

"I think an autumn would look good," I held the shirt up to his chest. "Let's loose the sleeves though. You must be baking in your fur."

"Not really," he was panting though. Yet he was fully enjoying the attention. Strange but he was sweating. I didn't think dog's could sweat. Well maybe he isn't a dog, I don't know

"I can smell it," I tapped my nose making his ears fold back. "Heh, I'll give you a bath when we get home." It took me a second before I fully understood what I said. Brutus seemed to be in the same boat. He blinked several times before grinning sheepishly. "You know what I meant," I hit his chest. Again he didn't even budge.

"What? You don't want shower with me?" He toyed leaning in a bit closer.

"No thank you. My shower is rather small and I don't think we'd fit- you can not pull off baby blue." I toss the shirt back on the rack before looking at a lime green one. He looked good. If he had a lip ring, a few ear rings and his hair was more flamboyent. The dog sexuality didn't exactly come into question then. Hell, I had plenty of straight friends. And as time went on I really thought that was what we had.

"Even if don't ask, don't tell was recalled it doesn't mean we want to hear about your sex life." And here I was thinking that the sergeant was a sausage pusher.

"Actual. I do," the gentleman seemed even more interested than before. His curiosity piqued. "We have no data on such subject knowledge. Although some have shown signs with each other, it was nothing more than an over friendly brotherhood in the end and nothing amounted from it. I would like to see if something...mounted from this."

"We had nothing more than that too, I assure you. Even with my own sexuality. We were only ever just friends. It'd be weird and disgusting otherwise, he was still a dog. I'd never like that thing." I even believe myself there. The tone, the force in which I said it. It was easy really. Any disdain and hatred I had for those in front of me I put into it. All I had to do was think of them and I could've said anything. I rather be between Brutus legs any night than even in the same room with these pieces of trash.

He teased me some more on the issue. Bringing up flea dips and those hard to reach places. If I didn't know better I think he was trying to seduce me. "You can rub my back, I'll rub yours. Then we'll do the inseams." It of course wasn't going to work or anything like that. Even when he was willing to try the clothes on for the open. Or when he dragged me into the changing room in order to get my first hand opinion....

Brutus was...a dork really. Just having fun with it all. He tossed one of the shirts at me keeping the stall door open, we met in the middle. I wasn't going to be in there when he changed but he was going to keep the door open. It wasn't like there were any other customers although a crowd was gathering out front. Most were too afraid to get any closer. So we had the store to ourselves.

"And this?" He opened his arms spinning around in a similar fasion I had that morning.

"Great. Now take them off." I laughed looking at the shorts he was sporting. They were guady and just plain ugly. Who would ever wear something with spots? Multi-colored perfectly formed spots at that.

"I'm glad you asked," he stuck that broad tongue out at me. Zipping his fly down slowly, opening it up.

"Nice hotdog," I leaned back against the stall behind me. So not staring at him.

"You got a bun for me to put it in?"

"He didn't actually say that did he?" The older woman spoke tapping her pencil quickly, annoyed by this whole thing.

"Possible. I mean its not like I ordered mayo with it."

It was simple enough to pick out outfits for him. He looked good in most things and liked anything I picked for him. He really didn't have taste, but at the same it was the first time he had ever gone shopping. And the look on his face alone was enough for me to drag him out here. Like a child on christmas morning, I didn't think his tail would ever stop wagging. I had a lot to teach him about the simple facts of life.

I should probably leave out the part where I was between his legs. It was hard enough to get him to try socks on. He wouldn't even talk about shoes. So I got a pair of flip flops for him, sandals and other nice summer wear. I still remembered it even after the weeks that had gone by. How bashful about it he was. That I had to wrestle with him, fight to get him to try them on. How I had to get on my the stall to get him to try them. Picking up his feet and placing them in the sandal like fricking cinderella. And I defiantly wasn't going to mention how he put both legs up trapping me between them as he bent down and gave me a soft lick on the nose with two words that still echoed in my head today. 'Hot Dog,' and yes that was the name of the brand of sandals he was wearing.