Trouble at the Office

Story by Bullsworth on SoFurry

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A horse has some trouble controlling his libido at work.

This is probably a little long for just some simple solo smut, but I'd like to get more feedback on my writing. Please comment. I know it's pr0ns, but I'm open for any criticism.

Trouble at the Office by Bullsworth

Tyler took long strides, making full use of his stature to move swiftly down the endless rows of cubicles toward his own featureless box. In spite of his size, the chestnut-colored anthropomorphic horse managed to keep his hoof-falls surprisingly quiet and didn't raise any extra attention over the midafternoon office buzz. In his mind, though, Tyler's thoughts were crashing against one another like some kind of natural disaster. He had just excused himself from a large meeting, attended by both his manager and the manager above her, with what Tyler hoped everyone would believe was a bad case of stomach cramps. The horse, however, knew that the problem originated a little lower.

Even in the uptight environment of an office, males of every species could be seen shifting in their seats and making vain attempts to hide arousal whenever a female would come into season while at work. The women understood the trouble this could cause just as much as the men, and they would often take time off work to keep the workplace as civil as possible. In Tyler's case, though, mere arousal could require a little more attention than simply shifting himself around in his pants. Still, he hadn't felt a reaction this strong since his college years. And the vulptuous fox wasn't even in season! Or even his species! He had just happened to catch a glance of her bent over the computer, trying to hook something up to the projector display as her sweet, round rump bounced ever so gently up and--

"No! That's not the kind of thinking that is going to get us out of this mess," Tyler silently scolded himself as he rounded the corner and and ducked into his own cube. Despite all his motion on the way from the conference room, he could clearly feel a sensation like dozens of tiny fingers gently teasing the soft flesh of his ballsac. As that tingling stronger, he sensed that his package was fitting just a little tighter in the boxerbriefs he wore. Honestly, it all would have been a very enjoyable experience if he wasn't trapped in such a public place, where his income relied on his ability to not be a horny, animalistic beast. But the fact was he almost missed the days when this kind of excitement was part of his morning, evening, and often lunch routine. Suddenly, a pleasurable chill ran down his spine, forcing him to suppress a loud nicker. He couldn't help but groan as, immediately following that chill, his tingling orbs expanded outward against his ever more confining underpants. There wasn't much time. Carefully, the equine slid into his oversized leather chair, trying his best to ignore the way fabric was rubbing against his increasingly sensitive genitals.

In his younger years, he always had to keep at least a few condoms handy for emergency situations. Now that he was again in one, though, he couldn't think of any condom stash aside from the one in his bedside drawer. Still, he hadn't moved desks since starting at this place, so there was at least a chance that he'd had the forethought to store one or two.

Tyler hurriedly yanked open all his desk drawers, forgetting momentarily that he should not be drawing more attention to his situation, and scanned their contents. Unfortunately, each proved fruitless, and the horse slouched in his chair as he considered his options. Without a condom, he was sure any attempt to use the bathroom would only result in an enormous mess and Tyler being exposed as a pervert. He couldn't think of any immediate alternatives, though. An office park didn't hold many private places for males, and he needed someplace with facilities that could handle his... level of output. Really, he also wanted the privacy of his home. He needed to get out of here.

For all this reasoned thought, Tyler's excitement continued to build. As he felt his soft shaft slide from its sheath, he pointedly avoided calculating the time it would take him to drive home. Wheeling his chair closer to the keyboard, he tried to think of a quick, not-too-embarrassing excuse for abruptly leaving his work in the middle of the day when his mind was stolen by a powerful surge in his groin. The contracting sensation from within his balls was all too familiar, and Tyler froze, hoping against all his experience that this didn't mean what he knew it did. The horse sighed in spite of himself, distinctly feeling a thick, warm globule of fluid make its agonizingly slow trip from his balls down his entire length, until it finally gushed from his throbbing tip. At least a cup of sticky precum instantly soaked through his underwear and the front of his khakis, resulting in a dinner plate-sized dark spot on top of the growing bulge of his crotch. He didn't have time to make excuses, it was time to go.

He stood up, momentarily thown off-balance by the shifting weight within his pants, and spun around his cube in search of something that could help him make his exit. He grabbed a jacket that had been bundled up in the corner of his desk, forgotten for months, and draped it over one arm, covering the mess that his pants were rapidly becoming. He took his phone from his pocket and held it in that same hand, hoping that, if he kept his eyes intent on the screen, he wouldn't look too obviously awkward as he made the trek to his car.

Tyler took one last glance around over the cubicle walls, probably making himself appear far more suspicious that he needed to, and began making his way to the elevator. As he walked, he was only mildly disturbed by the difficulty his balls had shifting out of the way of his thighs when he took full steps. More worrying, though, was that fact that his crotch was feeling more and more damp. But the horse didn't dare move the jacket to check how bad things had gotten. Thankfully, he managed to get into an elevator in peace and was soon descending to the parking garage level. Despite the relative privacy, he maintained his awkward pose, fully expecting the doors to slide open at any floor to allow in a curious coworker, his manager, or even the damn CEO.

None of those nightmare scenarios came true, however, and Tyler poked his long equine head out through the open elevator doors to scan for anybody that might notice him making his final dash to the car. Finding the coast clear, he sprung out onto the concrete, intending to speedwalk the last distance, and immediately regretted that decision. He doubled over in pain as one sensitive orb got squeezed between his thigh and the now-straining fabric of his boxerbriefs. Gasping for breath, he could only look down at his dropped jacket for several long seconds. Much to his surprise, though, the brief bolt of pain did nothing to hinder his arousal. If anything, the tingling in his balls had grown more intense, and he could already feel the pressure building again. He was going to have to lose his pants soon. If he didn't, it wouldn't be long before he wouldn't be able to get them off in one piece.

After taking a few more seconds to collect himself, Tyler abandoned his attempts at cover and quickly, but much more carefully, made his way down the rows of cars. At last, he reached his only slightly-aging sedan and managed to hurriedly fold himself into the driver's seat, taking special care to orient his balls in such a way that they wouldn't get crushed or sat upon. As he tossed the jacket and his phone into the back seat, he looked down into his lap and found out just how bad his situation was. His khakis were drenched from waistband to knees in precum, and small pools of the musky fluid were already beginning to form in the creases nearest his crotch. Through the soaked fabric, he could clearly make out the outline of his swollen balls and the visibly-throbbing tube of his malehood just above them, all straining to be set free.

"Jesus, it has been a long time" Tyler muttered to himself as he slid and reclined his seat as far back as it would go. Glancing around his new accomodations, he was suddenly very glad he hadn't opted to buy a compact car. Peeling these drenched clothes off his legs was going to be difficult enough in the relatively spacious confines of his sedan.

Not wanting to waste any more time, he quickly undid his pants and pushed the waistband down. With the thicker layer of fabric out of the way, the full force of the equine's own scent hit his nose for the first time, and Tyler was taken by a fresh wave of arousal. Driven by his own musk, he forced his khakis down over his hooves, leaving them crumpled on the floorboard, and eagerly hooked his thumbs into elastic waistband of his precum-soaked boxerbriefs. With one forceful push, he finally revealed black flesh of his tingling, swelling package to the open air.

While constrained within underwear, his cockhead had become stuck against the wet fabric and, as the shaft tried to force its way out of his sheath, his soft cock had managed fold over itself. The discomfort this had caused was probably the only thing that prevented him from getting a full, and glaringly obvious, hard-on. Now unhindered, however, the thick, equine shaft spilled from his sheath like a waterfall of flesh and began throbbing upward to its full 23-inch length. As it climbed up his abdomen and chest, the fat cockhead drooled and spat a dark trail of precum through his chestnut fur. Down below the base of his engorging shaft, Tyler could clearly see the cause of his discomfort on his way to the car. Though his underwear had been designed for common equine-sized packages, they simply had no hope of comfortably containing the contents of the soft sac draped on top of his furred thighs. Each orb had easily surpassed the size of a melon, and as he watched, both were still occasionally surging larger.

The bobbing, spurting head of his stallionhood suddenly re-entered the horse's view. He groaned loudly, flexing his veiny shaft involuntarily as it grew iron-hard. Precum began to spurt more forcefully from his wide piss-hole, the clear sticky fluid splashing all over his snout, the steering wheel, and even the windshield. As he brought a hand up to wipe some a spatter from his eye, Tyler began to think that driving home in this condition would be downright dangerous without someway to contain the spitting monster jutting up from his lap.

His mind flashed with recollection, and he reached across the car and popped open the glove box. A wolfish grin came to the equine's lips as he pulled out the one thing he'd been hoping to find since this whole mess had begun: a draft horse-size condom, complete with the patented "Farm Stud Resevoir Tip". He brought the coaster-sized, square packet to his teeth and tore the wrapper open. Before he could begin to unroll it, however, Tyler was taken by a strong shudder of pleasure. He looked down, past his quivering shaft, just in time to see his already-swollen balls gain several inches in diameter, causing them to now resemble a pair of bowling balls held loosely within the smooth skin of his sac. At this size, their own weight was enough to be uncomfortable resting on top of his thighs, so Tyler parted his legs wide and allowed the two enormous orbs to drop below. He grunted through his teeth as that considerable mass of ballflesh tugged at the base of his scrotum and jostled against the front of the seat.

Precum was now gushing constantly from his flared cockhead. It flowed in thick rivulets down his shaft to drench his fur before soaking into the seat cushion below. Holding his malehood steady with one hand, the horse used his other to roll the condom down the throbbing length. He drew in a deep breath as the latex hugged close against his sensitive flesh, though the fit was somewhat looser than would normally be expected. He had a feeling, thought, that the load sloshing around within his bloated balls would require every bit of that extra space. By the time he'd unraveled the condom down the full length of his rod, the resevoir tip was already looking like an overly-full water balloon, expanding by the second.

Any hopes of making it home faded in the back of Tyler's musk-clouded mind as he reached up to give his cock a few slow strokes. Slick with precum, his hand slipped easily over the translucent latex and was greeting by the familiar feeling of his pounding heartbeart within each bulging vein. He leaned further back in the seat, encircling his aching malehood with both hands so that he could start taking long, full strokes over his entire length. From his fat, gushing equine cockhead all the way down to the thick, throbbing base, his own strong fingers caused Tyler to nicker out loud as they began to pick up a rhythm. He couldn't bring himself to do much more than close his eyes and buck his hips in time.

Lost in pleasure, his body was wracked by another powerful shudder. This one, however, he easily took in stride, not missing a single stroke on his bucking rod. After the shudder passed, he was only distantly aware that he could feel soft carpeting on the underside of his dangling ballsac. Within only a few strokes, though, the horse was unable to ignore the weight of precum swinging from the end of his shaft. With every motion, his rigid cock was getting bent in whatever direction the resiover swung, and the force was begining to get uncomfortable. When he finally opened his eyes, Tyler was surprised that he had even been able to support so much with just his hard on.

A truly enormous blob of the thick, clear fluid hung in its latex balloon, from his cock tip nearly all the way down to his abdomen. He knew that this was already more than that brand of condom was intended to hold even after climax, and he was in imminent danger of of the damn thing bursting. Unable to forgo the pleasure of stroking himself, he tried to roll his hips to the side, coninuing to jack himself, and ease the pulsing mass of his own emissions into the passenger seat. The change in position, however, pulled his heavy balls back against the seat, and the unexpected pressure caused a wave of ecstasy to course through his body. A torrent of precum exploded up his length, and he could only watch as the condom bulged obscenely for fraction of a second before it tore open, splashing everything inside the car with a thick coating of his hot, musky goo.

Precum continued to gush copiously from his flared cockhead, and he eagerly pumped both hands over his slick shaft and the tattered remains of a destroyed condom, ignoring the utter destruction his pleasure was causing. The entire vehicle was quickly becoming inundated in sticky fluid as Tyler grew closer and closer to his climax. His engorged balls rumbled almost audibly on the floorboard, wallowing in a pool of their own making. Feeling buckets of cum churn within those orbs, the equine knew he would not last much longer. He tossed his head back and nickered to the sky like a stallion finally taking his mare. The spewing fountain of pre abruptly stopped, and the horse's sac tried desperately to contract closer to his body, every muscle tensing in preparation for the impending orgasm. His cock visibly distended from the base all the way up to the flare as a tsunami-like wave of creamy white horsecum cascaded into the air and ricocheted off the headliner in every direction. Gallons of the thick seed covered the interior of the car with his first shot, and the second followed just as powerfully before the first had even began to taper off. Tyler himself was instantly blanketed by his own expansive load. His cock continued to buck and spray, with each volumous stream only slight less forceful than the last. He quickly lost count of the spurts as his torrential climax raged on and on, seemingly without end.

Panting heavily, Tyler happened to catch the last few spurts of the thick cream on his hanging tongue just before his fat cockhead splashed into the puddle of hot cum on his chest. As the last of his load drooled out, he felt his balls literally floating up against the back of his thighs in well over a foot of gently sloshing seed. He reached up both hands and wiped a thick layer of horsecream from his eyes and snout. Looking around the interior of his car, a less perverted fur would have been appalled at the enormous mess it had become. But in truth, Tyler was more than a little proud of the destruction he could cause when his pent-up desires were finally unleashed.

As his afterglow began to fade, the sticky equine was jolted back to reality by the time on the face of his watch, which had somehow avoided a complete covering of his potent seed. The news from his timepiece was not good. It was already after 4 o'clock, and the first employees heading out to pick up their kids from daycare would be swarming the garage any minute. Knowing that he'd be unable to drive with his personal ocean of cum along for the ride, Tyler opened the driver's door and released a waterfall of sexual fluids that quickly dispersed across the flat concrete. The vast majority flowed out within seconds, and he reached up to hurriedly wipe his windshield and windows clear, slinging handfuls of still-hot cum out into the rapidly spreading pool. He'd have to figure out what to do with the rest when he got home.

He slammed the door closed with a wet splat and, as he turned the ignition, he was rather glad that the garage did not have assigned parking spaces. His fellow employees would surely be suspicious of where the mess he could see already flowing dozens of yards from his car had come from. Backing from his spot and turning for the exit, Tyler hoped none of them could recognize his scent.