My Nyteshado

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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Something for my herd stallion

My Nyteshado

I feel sorry for you all out there.

For you don't know,

The sweetness that is Nyteshado.

My stallion is sly in the light,

Dangerous, strong and smart

He hides his golden heart.

If ever he gifts you with this golden delight

Your life will be changed, enriched forever.

Fulcrum of love to life's great lever.

Lifting one high within desire

A burning sun of devotion,

Gentle flooding your soul with emotion.

Sometimes I take it for granted, sometimes I loose track.

That even in my darkest hour, herd stallion has my back.

I guess what I'm saying is I'm luckier than you.

I live in his herd, resting in his heart.

Drifting in the mist, wishing never ever to part.

I love you Nyte for checking on my breathing, in the mid of the night when I'm having a nightmare

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