The Rich and The Poor Part 11

Story by Castro Talon on SoFurry

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#11 of The Rich and The Poor

Part 11 of my The Rich and The Poor series. Horray double upload for you my fans for waiting so long! ^^

(Castiel's view)

My body felt completely limp. The weight was there...the feeling was there but I couldn't move them. I hugged the blankets tight to my chest and gripped down at the soft sheets. I moaned in happiness as the comfortable experience of my bed being so amazing this day for some reason.

I never had such a comfortable sleep in my life. My body did ache as if I had worked hard but yet my mind fails me to remember exactly what I did. I've only slept like this after a exhausting day but usually the smell of my house would wake me up.

I hear some birds chirping and flying around...did I leave a window open? I felt a nice breeze of warm wind brush against my naked body making me shiver in delight and chuckle softly to myself.

All these joyful experiences made me slowly open my eyes with a smile on my face as I began to look around at my room. Hmm I just as I thought birds were chirping on my balcony and that's where the wind was blowing...oh well back to the nap...

I closed my eyes again before something me realized....wait a moment...since when do I have a balcony?! My eyes opened up again making sure I wasn't dreaming again but here I was in this fancy room. I didn't dare move my body an inch to make sure this wasn't some fantasy...

I looked around with my eyes...there was a balcony, tons of books on shelves and I noticed a nearly out fire in the fireplace. There was also a nightstand next to where I was sleeping...I-I don't have any of these whats going-?!

As I moved perhaps an inch up I felt a tug pull me back from my waist. I was caught off guard by this tug as I knew it came from another being! I was about to scream before I heard....purring? Wait....oh my...I-Is it really?

My mind went back to last night...D-Did we really do it? It was real? I-it wasn't a dream? It felt real and some part of me wishes it is real but...I-Is Yuuta-?

I turned my head over to look behind to see....a tiger with a big happy grin on his face, a face I knew, his eyes were closed and he was still dreaming happily..Y-Yuuta is holding me....I felt his arms wrapped around my waist and my body was quickly regaining feeling.

Before I knew it I felt another breeze showed the distance between us. I was only about 3 inches away from his chest...his chest that was still warm...I can sense his fur tickling my back which made me shiver in excitement and embarrassment.

I only made a slight movement from my legs and I feel his legs were right next to mine but-

I let out a gasp as I felt something p-press my groin. I looked down shaking like crazy as I remembered that Yuuta and I are naked this whole time. I was blushing bright red all over my body and felt as warm as the fireplace last night as I looked to my groin.

Y-Yuuta's..t-tail is-is....his tail is between my legs and press upward to groin. The tip of his tail was flicking and feeling around my lower abs as I could tell he was enjoying this hold on me...I was literally trapped by him.

His arms around my chest, his tail around my groin, and his legs nearly ready to wrap around my legs made me feel trapped...but yet in a good way. I-I didn't want to escape this hold, I wanted him to hold me forever, to keep me all to himself and not share me.

I have pathetically fallen over Yuuta, I would be flattered that he would get jealous of me just as so much as talking to someone else. I-I want to kept and love him like crazy, for all the years of such hard work to be forgotten by love and obsession.

I laugh a bit in my mind knowing I would be the same to Yuuta, if there was some girl trying to win his affections I would chase her off too. Yuuta claimed me as his own last night and I loved it I-...

c-claimed me as his own...Today was our first day as mates and already I was getting protective of him, liking the idea of being on the bottom and having him touch me so much more. W-Was this what I missing out on all those years of fighting with Yuuta before? What a fool I was to waste such time.

Still I-I was eager to try out being on top next time but I won't rush him, if he liked plowing into me it will make sense that he'll love to be touched by me back. I'm no mere sex slave to him, the chase yesterday proved that to me.

Though I won't deny I need to take things slow. I can't just lay him down and just do it I need to romance and seduce him. Then I must ask him politely and gently treat his body with dignity. Gods I am so greedy...already talking about the next time when we're just waking up from the first.

I thought lovers were suppose to take and think things slowly, like right now I should be thinking about today in school or tests not about the next time we have sex but-I worked so damn hard in school! Don't I deserve some R&R?! I need a vacation and deserve some rest!

So does Yuuta! His body must be aching from plunging into me so hard that he had just an enjoyable sleep as I had. If it were up to me he could cuddle with me like this every night!

Sadly though time and reality would find out and we would have to wake up, eat, and bath and such. I let out a disappointed sigh knowing we were already getting late for school probably. I began to get up but as soon as I moved a centimeter Yuuta pulled me to his chest!!!

O-Ohhh his muscles against my little back! Ohh I was getting excited again. His fur was just so soft and made my little chest hairs stand up in anticipation! I thought I was going to melt right there in his arms.

Yuuta tail thumped against my bare chest and I felt a-...oh my god! A force against my rump! Yuuta purred at a higher tone as his length pressed against my rump and was mere inches away from my second time!

I shuddered and shiver like I was in the middle of a winter storm. But yet my body still felt on fire with embarrassment. I felt like I was Yuuta's property right now, like he owned me...but yet I wasn't complaining.

Wait-No! I-I don't want that! What was I thinking?! Yuuta purring grew louder and I could hear him mumble sweet words of love though I couldn't tell what they exactly were. S-Still as much as its against my body's and heart's will it was time to get up.

I tilted my head back so my hair brushed his muzzle and whiskers as I touched his arms with mine. I had no idea how he would react to last night! Would he be angry with my poor performance?!

I must have seemed so girlish or weak to him, b-begging him to go harder...I felt like a whore yet holding me like this...all the sweet words and dates we had were telling me differently. I felt some source of pride come back into me.

I-I may be the one at the bottom but that doesn't mean I should let that affect who I am! I fought Yuuta for years and put up a great fight according to him! He also said I was an amazing lover and that should make me feel better about myself!

That's right! Come on Castiel just tell Yuuta to wake up! I moved my hand to his soft head and petted his delicate fur gently but hard enough to wake him up.

"Yuuta...its um time to get up." I said as I heard a moan and I tighter squeeze forcing me closer to his chest! Ohh every time he does it it's like I have to fight my desires! My body feels like mush when he holds me but we need to get up!

"mmm just five more minutes." I heard Yuuta mumble as he began to rub my chest with his h-hands and OH! -oh my I-it feels so nice! I-No! Come on Castiel fight back!

"Come on Yuuta we will be late for school." I said pulling myself to get away but Yuuta kept his hold on me.

" We both have near perfect attendances and won't mind if we skip another day for us to cuddle." Yuuta said as he began to nibble my neck as a blush once again appeared on my cheeks. H-His soft gentle lips attacking my weak neck already littered with hickies made by him, true I gave him a few back but he at least had fur to hide them.

It was going to be a real pain hiding these from other classmates...

"Alright you asked for it." I said as he continued to nibble my neck I placed one of my hands on his head and tilted it to meet mine as we kissed sharing some tongue. He once again began to purr as my heart fluttered. Both of us moaned and enjoyed the others taste, I guess this is what pure born lovers must feel kiss so much yet never get sick of it, to make every kiss as good as the first.

Finally I saw my chance Yuuta started to rub around my chest again as this was all part of my plan. Then without warning I parted my lips and got out of the bed in a flash. I stood triumphed over the fooled tiger as he gave me a playful scowl and his tail flicked with annoyance that he had been tricked.

"Hmph! You planed on doing that!" Yuuta complained as another gust of wind reminded us that we were both still naked. He was sitting up on the bed with his tail in his lap and I crossed my arms in pride still...we-we only had sex once and already we were comfortable seeing the other naked. There is so much about love I don't understand...but then again I would like to learn it with Yuuta.

"Of course I did my Prince, nobles are so easy to fool." I said going over to my clothes and a foul scent caught my attention...I-I wore these?! Maybe even just laying on Yuuta's bed just for one day made my sense of smell so different that I can smell like what nobles smell.

I sighed in despair that I was going to have to wear these rags to school again before I heard Yuuta slump back down on his bed and muffled out covering his eyes with his right arm.

"You can go into my closet and pick out some commoner clothes if you want. No one will notice a single outfit of clothing missing in that clothing factory." Yuuta said as I disbelieved him at first...but after opening the door I realized he was actually telling the truth....HOW MANY CLOTHES CAN A PERSON HAVE?!

I swear he would have enough clothes to dress every person in low town! I know he would like to but I'm sure people would notice the farmers wearing noble clothing. After going through what felt like a jungle of clothes I came out with some average looking clothes. The main colors were brown and white, my favorite colors and they didn't look to expensive and didn't stand out to much.

When I was fully dressed I expected Yuuta to have been dressed but he was still there on the bed! That lazy little brat!

It was strange again...yesterday we had sex and now we already act like a couple. I suppose since Yuuta and I are warriors at heart we are very physical with each other and it looks like we hurt the other but its actually our way of saying hello and casual greetings. Still I don't want to sound like some sort of thieve if I ask him to lend me some clothes...just to get some nice smelling and feeling clothes to walk around in so I don't have to worry so much about cleaning them so I could have more time with him.

I looked up at the clock and noticed that we were both late for school by like an hour. And here he is still sleeping and undressed in bed! Ohh I swear Yuuta can get on my nerves as easily as he wins my heart.

I went over to him and gently tapped his tail.

"Come on Yuuta. We need to leave now." I demanded but he only shook his head.

"Are all you nobles this lazy?" I asked

"I'm not going until you get undressed again and sleep with me some more!" He demanded still hiding his eyes in his arms as I came up with another plan. I leaned in and pushed his arm away. He looked up wondering what I had planned but when he noticed our lips getting closer...he closed his eyes and waited for me to connect lips....which I wasn't

I then grabbed onto his tail and pulled him off the bed and he landed on his rump on the floor. Yuuta yelped in sudden pain as he landed on the floor that I couldn't help but chuckle at how funny he looked when he dropped to the floor.

"Get up Yuuta!" I said as his tail once again flicked in annoyance of being tricked but thankfully he stood up and didn't look like he wanted to get back on the bed. He let out a frown that at first chilled me thinking I had done something wrong before his frown...turned into a childish pout.

"Why are so cruel in the mornings?! I went as gentle as I could last night! Are you just a grumpy person?!" He complained loudly as I skin stood up in fright that maybe someone like his father might hear.

I rushed over and covered his mouth with my hand as he once again pouted from me silencing him.

"Ssshh! Do you want the whole castle to know what we did last night?!" I asked panicked as Yuuta's tail flicked my hand away.

"Oh be calm! My parents are away to Jolio and are telling the queen that their probably not going to send any support most likely! I relieved all the servants last night so you and I could talk but...well I much prefer last night than talking." He said ending it with a seductive growl as I blushed again.

"W-Well still I-...I know we had this talk yesterday and....Yuuta. I don't want to be a burden on you. I don't want your parents hating you for loving me, if they found out about this they might-" I said before I was cut off by a sudden tight hug and just like it seemed like all my fears failed to reach my lips.

"Castiel you're not a burden. You're the thing that keeps me going everyday, I will admit if my parents found out right now then your fears would be correct but if I show how lively, how happy and energetic I am and in time tell them that all of my great progress and attitude is because of you they'll surely let you and I be together! But that will take some time, and I'm sad to say finding a bunch of land or a mine will be difficult. Most nobles hold onto those things with their lives but I swear when I hear the opportunity I will immediately jump at it Castiel...I promise you." He said as we forgot all about our childish behavior before and we hugged and kissed.

We may act harsh to the other but that's just our way...but we certainly know when to take things seriously and how to respond to them. But our attitudes change swiftly.

"Yuuta? you plan on going to school naked or something?" I asked with a smirk as we got into a playful shove fight.

I went outside of his room and waited for him to get dress as I did feel the castle is empty, I would usually see a servant or two run around here but this massive castle seem utterly deserted right now.

I heard Yuuta's door click open and he was all dress but still look a bit sad that he had to go to school instead of sleeping some more. His eyes looked like he hardly got any sleep at all and his fur look mangled slightly. He looked at me with still saddened eyes of wanting to sleep more but I decided to have some fun with him.

"Well that's quite the morning face you got there." I teased as we began walking to school.

We arrived at school and everything seemed the same as usual. I sat down at my desk before I felt...a similar feeling. I turned my head towards Yuuta who had his eyes on me the whole time...they were unblinking, staring constantly at me...I knew the look of desire and protection.

Over the days I had gotten somewhat use to his stare and glances but now they feel more different. Maybe because since we just had sex it made me feel weaker or that he had gotten stronger in his desire for me.

I could tell what he was thinking most of the time by his stare now, sometimes he would be happy, in love, protective or sometimes all of them but now he was staring at me for the joy of looking at me.

Yuuta's arm was crossed around his mouth so half of his face was hidden and he let out short snorts through his nose when he was forced to turn his attention to something else. His tail flicked around whenever I looked at him or when I would drop a pencil...he probably wanted to dive down and get it for me, to take extreme care of his lover he's probably thinking.

Still everything seemed the same at school until an occurrence in the third hour. A Dalmatian student tapped my shoulder and tried to start a conversation with me.

"Hey Castiel, did you do last week's homework? It's just I lost my pen and my parents have been busy and-..."He said before he heard a suppressed growl coming from-...oh really Yuuta?!

I turned towards Yuuta to see his tail puffed out and sprung out in jealousy of the Dalmatian talking to me. But yet he kept his eyes on me the whole time....oh come on Yuuta!

"Um-...Castiel? Did you get into another fight with Yuuta or something? He's staring right at you with cold eyes....there not even blinking." He said as I could tell he shivered in fear but I kept my ground.

"Yuuta...well um if he tries anything I'll-I'll let him know who's boss!" I said pretending to be the tough farmer again....says the guy who was on the bottom last night...

The school day ended and as soon everyone had left I found myself in the classroom cleaning up for a teacher all alone. I do appreciate my privacy and I finally get a moment to myself and-...oh great I said hearing the door open softly knowing who it would probably be.

(Yuuta's view)

The school day ended and there was one thing on my mind

There he bed partner cleaning in a classroom all dare those other students let such an angel work! Well since they are all to lazy to do anything he shall be mine!

I went nearly into my primal state of hunting but instead of hunting for food I went hunting for more affection and love. My tail curled up to make sure it wouldn't make any noises or knock anything over as I got on all fours creeping up on my mate slowly.

How dare those people think there worthy enough to talk and touch my mate! That god of beauty has no time for you such peasants and should spend all his time with me! I'm a lowly prince but still more worthy than them!

Perhaps by chasing off all those other people I can finally be alone with Castiel! But still even then I need to catch him...I like playing this hunter and hunted game couples usually do, but Castiel and I take it farther than most.

After school ended I immediately went on the prowl for my...'meal'...looking around every corner and room for him. Finally I caught his familiar scent and had to sneak up on him. I carefully slid open the door and basically crawled towards my mate as he looked oblivious to my hunting style...

I came closer and closer to him until he was within pouncing distance! Then when hes pinned to the ground I will shower him with...'bites' or kisses for this game and 'rip' him open...which knowing my physical desires will actually be ripping open his clothes.

Then as he was picking up a few books and stacking them I let out a roar and dove at him!...only to be stopped by a book to my face and his holding onto me! The next thing I knew I was pinned to the wall with the books dropped all around us and Castiel was giving me a playful smirk.

"Looks like the hunter got hunted" He said with a smirk before we pulled the other into a kiss and we slipped our hands inside the others clothes and felt around the others body...he may win this fight but he doesn't have the endurance to stand my teasing and touching it seems!

Still ohh how much I enjoy his hands playing around with my body, for him to touch and play with my chest as if I was his toy. Castiel couldn't even bare to lift his arms or motion his lips much mid way through as I continued to touch and kiss all over my mates body.

I couldn't believe that we were mates now, enemies and such different people yet tender, caring, gentle lovers when in the bed. It makes my heart flutter at the thought of such beautiful, passionate, and forbidden romance.

I care nothing for politics or wealth just give me my Castiel and I'll be the richest person in the world, give me his kisses and body and money could never buy anywhere near the happiness I get from that! It's like his kisses are pure gold and I only find myself, the greedy noble, wanting more.

We kissed in the classroom longer and I was just about ready to have at him on the tables and desks but he pushed back saying even though we're alone we still shouldn't take the chance. My tail slumped down in sadness of the lack of sex but in my mind I knew he was right.

Jeez already I'm about ready to have at his body again! I think there must be a problem a problem with me...or maybe tigers in general!

"mmm Yuuta" Castiel moaned out, even though we couldn't have sex in the classroom doesn't mean we can't do anything at all.

"mmmuuuurrr Yes Castiel?" I purred back still attacking his lips with mine making both us unable to talk for awhile.

"I've noticed we're getting really physical with each other...well more so than it just me or have you noticed?" He asked as I placed my head against his chest feeling his heartbeat and strong chest with my cheek and whiskers.

Physical? Why no don't be silly, now take off those clothes and let's have sex right here. My mind said sarcastically as I knew Castiel noticed our increase of touch.

"Yes I've noticed....does it bother you?" I asked

"Not at all...but I must make a confession. I really don't know anything about tigers and how they behave and such. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing as a lover but I would like some reference to prepare myself for anything traditional know?" He asked as my tail flicked.

"Yeah I understand...lets go to my libraries in my castle and find something love, you know I would do anything for you. Don't ever doubt yourself Castiel, just by kissing me, touching, and loving me your doing all I ever need you to do." I said as Castiel's heartbeat rose again.

We took the other by the hand sending shivers of sweetness through my soul, a human and a tiger lover holding hands...aww I wonder if only my stupid social position wasn't known what comments we would receive from on lookers.

"Oh look at those cute couple."

"Wow so good looking!"

"They were made for the other!"

We would hear but more realistically it would be.

"How did that tiger ever get that handsome human?!"

"That human could do so much better than that tiger!"

"Lucky tiger..."

I giggled to myself in my mind knowing I was the luckiest person in the world to love and protect the most handsome one in the whole world.

I still felt a twitch of strangeness in me...that only months ago we wanted to beat the other into the ground but now if so much as a fly had landed on Castiel I would be first to swat it away and kill it. I would defend Castiel no matter what and with no concern of my own well one will touch my mate except me.

We went outside and snuck back into the castle even though it was slowly looking like the guards didn't even care who entered the castle. The servants have also noticed my happy attitude most days and asked me if I had met someone special in my life...I can only giggle and say "maybe"

Even if they do gossip my parents wouldn't likely notice unless it was a noble or knight talking about it and very rarely do nobles care what servants and 'lower' people have to say. But not me, I love listening to my Castiel speak his honey words and watch his lips move. It only makes my lips quiver in desire to kiss them.

Castiel deserves to be a noble! Curse the idea of having to wait for the best chance to make him my public mate! Father would have a heart attack if he found out I was dating a low town boy. I don't care about the problems of course, he simply doesn't understand real love and I love my Castiel no matter what he calls me, but surely after my parents see how lively, happy, and joyous I am they'll be so happy to hear it's because of Castiel! They'll just have to accept him as my own! I know it but sadly just like when I was waiting for our first time in bed...I had to let time pass.

We entered the library and Castiel started to read books about mythology and ancient creatures, I read that book long ago and I do admit it was curious but when I was pretending to read something was something more...personal.

I hid a small book within a large book of laws that was about half the size of the larger book. I-I must admit I am curious about why I am so lustful towards Castiel, already I think of the next time to bed him, I want to bed him tonight and just like the-the....climax of last night I feel my primal state just wanting to grab him, throw him on the bed and have at his glorious body again!

Oh just thinking about it sends shivers up my spine! It might be rough but Castiel said he could take it and I know he would love it just as much as me. Still I had to know if this was just very physical love...or something all tigers go through.

I looked down into the smaller book hided by the bigger one. The smaller book titled "Tiger Mating Habits" and I read it with a blush but a determined mind and face. I-It might be embarrassing but I want him to be prepared for anything! Castiel is off reading his own thing and I only need a glance at what the book says.

Hmmm....oh! Here it is!

When a tiger has claimed a mate it will be driven by that mate. Nearly all the tiger will think about will be that mate and how to ravish the other in pleasure. Tigers are very physical beings and even though they do enjoy gifts and sayings of love...they would much prefer a trip to bed than a trip to a restaurant.

Um...W-Well...I-...I couldn't help but blush and shake in embarrassment as my mind was saying ' in the bed would much be preferred than a dinner date.' Oh stop it Yuuta! You can't go to hard on Castiel otherwise he'll think your intentionally going rough on him! Still the desire! There must be more! I want to mate with him again! Maybe tigers like just a bit more sex than the average creature!

Number of times they want sex....Number of times they want sex. I said in my mind as I flipped the pages still embarrassed out of my mind that I was doing this. Okay! Here!

As previously stated Tigers are very lusty, they always want to touch and have physical romance with their desired mate. Young Tiger mates are the worst as they are new to the experience and cannot help themselves from wanting more and more from their mate. While most creatures mate maybe once or twice a week Tigers mate....

I swear I wanted my jaw to drop open and break off! T-That many times?! H-How many times could a person want to have sex like that...but then again if its with Castiel-NO! T-This is too many times! I need to treat Castiel gently in order for him to love me back! Thank the gods that he didn't see this I would die in emba-

"Hey Yuuta what do you got there?" I heard Castiel say and on reflex I shut the larger book with a loud thud.

"NOTHING!" I screamed knowing that was probably the worst thing to do.

"You're not acting like its nothing...come on show your mate what your really reading." Castiel said trying to take the book out of my hands. I grabbed onto the larger book wanting to keep its contents away from Castiel! I-If he sees that he'll think all tigers are lusty whores!

"NO! I SWEAR THERE JUST A BUNCH OF BORING LAWS!" I said as we got into a pulling match.

"Let me see it!" Castiel demanded at first playful then getting a bit more serious!

"No! Its nothing that would interest you! I can't let you see it!" I said before I felt the book feel l looser and Castiel was looking sad and depressed.

"Y-You can't let me? I-I though you said you'd do anything for me. How could you lie to me like that." Castiel said still having his hands on the book but he looked away and his eyes were near tears. My tail that was once sprung out in embarrassment slumped down thinking I was hurting my mate.

"C-Castiel I never meant to say-" I said before the book slipped right off my hands and into Castiels who had a smirk on his face! T-That little-!

"You faker! You are cruel!" I said acting like a child as Castiel opened the book right to the page where the smaller book was. I tried to pounce on him but he kept me at bay with one of his hands.

"Ah! Wait I swear its just a boring little Michael journal. You'd never understand it!" I said with Castiels hand in my mouth as he scanned through the pages.

"Really Tiger mating habits? What are you hiding you little......p-pervert...." Castiel said before he eyes went wide and he opened his mouth in shock...and a bright red blush came across his face....oh no he saw it!

"Ah wait I swear I wouldn't-!" I begged as Castiel was still frozen by what he saw.

"I-I had this feeling that you wanted to mate again...b-but this many times in a week?! On average?!"

I slumped back down in despair as I knew there was no point in hiding it.

"Y-Yes I wanted to mate again and I was just curious that maybe we tigers mate a bit more than other looks like I was more right than I thought."

We both had an awkward silence as we both knew this was an embarrassing moment in our new matehood. Hours seemed to fly off before Castiel broke the silence.

"A-Are you um...planning on beating the record or something?" He asked a very blunt question which made us blush even more. At the bottom of the page there was a note saying what the record of the most times a tiger has mated with another.

"N-N-NO! I-I was planning to be more passionate about this! I-I mean true I have the desires and I hope with age and time I will mellow down but like the book says I can't help it! I love you Castiel." I said as Castiel looked like he was shaking in embarrassment.

He lips began to quiver as he had trouble placing the words into a sentence.

"W-W-Well um I-I s-s-suppose i-if you really need to we-we could do it more often. As long as were safe." He added as my tail sprung out in joy and my body shuddered in desire to do it right now.

Another silence had come between us but this time it was less awkward and more adjusting to what the other had said. In time our blushes went away and our shy and nervous attitudes went away.

Then when all the embarrassment had went away I felt my old self again...just because we get these awkward moments doesn't mean we shouldn't try to be ourselves and have fun fact...time to pay back for that little trick he played to release the book.

"Well if you insist my mate!" I said lunging at him and I picked him off the ground. Even though for a man to lift another man off the ground was embarrassing for both I couldn't help but adore Castiel's playfulness.

"H-HEY! LET ME GO YOU BIG LUMP! YOU STUPID CAVEMAN! LET ME DOWN!" He played shouted lightly pounding my back with fists as we both giggled.

"No way Castiel, we're both going to my room and we're going to shatter that previous record on the book...all in one night." I added as Castiel blushed knowing it wasn't true but the attempt still made him feel weak. I opened the library door with him still pounding away playfully at my back with his fists as we both giggled like fools.

On the floor with the embarrassing page still showing it said.

Tigers are said to want to mate at least 20 times a week....30 being the record.

Of course I was just teasing Castiel when I said about breaking the record, I don't know why I just love seeing him blush. I adored the shade of red his cheeks turn as it reminds of his blush when I bed him. Oh that night still sends shivers up my spine and makes my fur stand upright.

As much as my body protested we still had to be extremely careful about bedding him here, if my parents caught us right in the middle it would much worse than just coming out with it in a controlled environment. Still I know my parents need some more time to catch my happy moods.

I can tell they look at me with some wonder at why I'm happier most days but I need them to absolutely fixed at finding out why and even then I can't tell them the truth. I need to tell them its nothing and then when I say 'you sure you want to know?' and 'you won't get mad no matter what it is?' if they gave me the approval I would reveal my happiness from the source of my new mate Castiel!

Hehe the thought of their acceptance towards Castiel makes me blush like a girl.

Even though my parents are still away at Jolio I still must be careful with my affections with Castiel, no doubt servants would talk their head off if they found out about this. I will admit I did love Castiel for the reason of how forbidden it was...I was never a big fan of romance books until I had Castiel as my boyfriend.

The two of different yet so true in love makes my heart dance. Yet it saddens me when he has to work. I still play that stalking game with Castiel and when I see hims struggling with his fields I can't help but whimper in despair. Oh why does he need to work? What possible reason should such a beautiful person like him have to overexert himself in such hot conditions?!

One day though when I say him saw him pulling out some tough weeds and when he tripped from his pull I just couldn't take it! I came out of my hiding place and marched up right onto his fields. He spotted me coming up to him and he couldn't believe his eyes to see me there with a displeased look on my face.

I think he feared he was the one who did something wrong. But just look at his excellent body being stained with dirt and sweat! I can't allow my mate to be tiring himself on such things like farming! He's done this for years and no deserves a rest or at least a helping hand!

"Y-Yuuta what are you doing here?!" He said a bit loudly looking around to see if anyone was seeing this and thankfully no one was.

I looked around myself just to make sure before I bent down and hooked my right arm around the back of his knees and hooked the left around around his armpits carrying him like my bride. My hands were covered with his sweat that still smelt so nice to me as it was nearly similar to his arousal scent.

I lifted Castiel and started to carrying him over to his house and he only blush and got embarrassingly angry. He was both loving and hating how I carried him like a girl but strangely he didn't fight it much .

"Y-Yuuta what are you doing?! I have to pull out those-" He argued before I looked down at him with my tail in a stiff firm position. I wasn't going to stand for my mate working so much harder than me I thought to myself in a brave and noble tone.

"I'll do it, you've worked enough. When I put you down you can put on your shirt, I'll give you some gold to get a nice cold drink and rest while I pull out the remaining weeds." I said firmly as Castiel gave a weak struggle.

"Y-You idiot! What if someone is seeing us! I just got a bit tired is all and-" He said blushing like crazy that I was caring for him so much before I pressed my lips down to his and his struggling stopped and he savored the kiss. I did too obviously as my tailed flicked from the sweet caring kiss.

"No you must rest, I'll do the work for today ok?" I said as Castiel lowered his head and said


I will admit farming work is tough but thankfully from reading books about it I knew what I was doing and with my hooded robes my identity was still hidden from others. Castiel went over to the bar and ordered drinks like I asked and he just sat back for the rest of the day.

He was clearly new to this experience of just sitting around and doing nothing. He looked around his house for a moment to see if there was anything else that needed work but a playful growl from me told him "No, you must rest!" And he sat back down.

I know Castiel is use to work all the time but he must rest that body! I want him to be as relaxed as possible when I mate him for another time! I should be the one doing all the work as I am a prince who's relaxed all the years before and should do my best to make sure my wonderful mate doesn't have to do anything that hurts his body!

There was no doubt in my mind that I was now overly protective of Castiel. I will defend him from other people, creatures, and now work! Its like all I ever want him to do is feel my love for him. I want him to feel completely relaxed when I love him up.

For me to work for my "meals with Castiel" makes the both the work and the love all the more special and sweeter. Even though if I was still just sitting around doing nothing while Castiel works his lips and touch would still feel amazing, but this was to show how much I loved him as a a mate.

The next day I could tell Castiel was also thinking about our next time in bed as walked together to my gym. Despite my protest for him to just sit down and do nothing, he still wanted to keep up his physical appearance and teased me with a kiss to my chin.

"I must look great for my mate shouldn't I?" he said as my desires submitted to his wish...fine...but he won't push himself! Just to only keep up the body he has now!

(Castiel's view)

Jeez do I have to ask permission to breath while I'm at it Yuuta? My goodness I do appreciate the attention and care but really not everything in the world is going hurt me! Honestly I think if one leaf hit my head he would burn the leaf and cut down the tree while he was at it shouting "How dare your leaves touch me mate!"

I let out a sigh wondering how sometimes I put up with Yuuta's over possessive and protective attitude.

"I'll be by the weights if you need me Castiel" Yuuta said slowly taking off his shirt and revealing his muscular body to the gym.

My sight was fixed on Yuuta and my heart began to rapidly beat against my chest...right it was because he was both loving and down right sexy...

Midway through our workout we decided to practice our kicks and punches. Yuuta refused every time when I asked him to go first because he didn't want to possibly hurt me. I will admit I love how much protection he gives me and it does make my heart flutter...he's so gentle in normal life but yet when we mated. A red blush arrived to my cheeks as I knew he was holding back most of the time, meaning if he were to have his way he would have been going hard at the beginning.

So gentle in private, so mysterious and protective in public, and so rough and fiery in bed. I-It was almost like the perfect mate in my mind. Still blushing as Yuuta and I gazed adoringly into the others chest I started out with some light kicks and he took the blows with the practice pads.

Sweat began to form on my body minutes in but I kept a good pace with my hits as Yuuta took the blows. My mind began to wonder, yes I do like what Yuuta is doing to me. I love how possessive and loving he is of me and I most definitely like the kisses, touching, and bed time.

It all reminded me of the reason why we mated in the first place. I was concerned that I wasn't good enough for Yuuta and even though the bed had silenced me and put new prospective in my mind I still couldn't help but think I wasn't good enough for him.

Yuuta and I already had a discussion about my performance last night and I told him I was sorry for not being able to keep up. He, of course, being the loving mate said it was the best gift he had ever received and would love to have more as long as its with me.

Oh Yuuta you alone could only make me blush and feel so weak as this. When you compliment me I can't help but hold my body in an almost girly way and giggle. This though only makes you admire my body more and its an endless cycle until we eventually bed the other again.

T-To bed the was nights ago and I still cannot figure it all out in my mind. I know Yuuta must want me to do something! I was willing to be at the bottom for the first night and I allowed him to go as rough as needed but yet somehow, something was telling me I wasn't doing enough!

I feel so little compared to Yuuta and he must get a little frisky when I do nothing but blush and-and act like a girl. I can't deny I am a man and I more physical desires than emotional and Yuuta gives me both while I on the other hand feel like I only give him emotional.

T-The books I read did say Tigers liked physical romances...maybe Yuuta doesn't do many physical things with me for fear of hurting me still. The thought of it made me sad like the time in bed, I don't care if Yuuta hurts me with aggressive love because I know he'll be there to apologize and heal me up when I need it.

I feel so greedy when I'm the one getting all the love and lust while I hardly give anything back. I mean sure I blush and kiss back but I feel like I simply don't do enough still! I-I must love back with all my strength! I must try! I cannot allow myself to be too drowned in Yuuta's love that he receives none back!

I looked at Yuuta's chest again and gave a sly grin...obviously he was working up a sweat and also liking my sweaty chest but I think you deserve to do more than look Yuuta...

"Hey Yuuta want to switch?" I asked as we took a quick break and Yuuta's tail flicked.

"Thank you but no Castiel, I mean sure I can tell you were holding back a little but I don't even want to try and hurt you I-"

"Oh come on Yuuta! I know you want to train with a sparring mate rather than a punching bag! Do you think I'm that weak now? After all I don't want your body to be getting flaby or unattractive...I mean looking at you right seem a bit...heavier. Hm maybe I could go find someone else to date while you try to-" I said before Yuuta took off the boxing pads immediately with his fur sticking up in shock.

"Never, you are my mate and deserve the best! You're right! I must keep in shape for my lovely mate after all! I will train but I swear I will not hurt you Castiel!" Yuuta said stepping back to let me put on the pads as he began a few punches and kicks.

I know it seems strange that lovers would train like this but even despite my somewhat girly attitude I am still a fighter and must keep in shape. Still it was funny to see my boyfriends fur stand up in shock after a little tease of me leaving him. I think even he knew I was joking and probably was just doing this to shut me up for awhile. Thats right fall right into my love trap my sweet little tiger...

I took a few of kicks blocking them with the pads as I timed each one waiting for my chance. Then when I was sure when I had the timing right I loosened my hold on the right arm pad and waited for another kick.

Yuuta's muzzle had some sweat dripping from it and his fur was giving off a nice manly smell. I kept my gaze on his chest and legs as I saw the chance! When Yuuta kicked I let the pad drop to the ground and caught the kick with my arm and wrapped my arm around it making him unable to take it back!

Yuuta could only open his eyes wide to what I was doing before I rush forward making him step backward to fast and he had no choice but to fall to the ground! It was like a fight but I had a different type of match in mind. When Yuuta landed on the ground I laid right on top of him so our sweaty chests would rub against the other and our groins bulged against the other making him purr in confused pleasure.

He must have been both happy and shocked that I would be physical all of a sudden after so long of being more emotional. I want to give him back my body and I knew I was going to enjoy this as much as he was.

Then before Yuuta could ask what I was doing I pressed my lips against his receiving his breath and tongue as he purred and I moaned. Indeed a match was taking place but the ring was in our mouths, the contestants our tongues and both are victors no matter how the match turns out.

Yuuta placed his hands around my back and began to rub it feeling my muscles and my sweat made it all the more easier for him to arouse me while I touched and rub his pecs. I could feel the goosebumps behind his upright fur as began to lightly claw my back. I let out a gasp of slightly pain but mostly pleasure but thats all it took for his tongue to wrap around mine and try to keep it down so he could explore my mouth. But my tongue fought onward despite the saliva rushing into our mouths.

Yuuta tried to roll me over so he would be on top but I placed my hand down on the canvas so I would stay on top. It became a match of true lovers...who could kiss and love the other before one submits. I think 15 minutes flew by and neither of us took and hold an advantage of the other.

My hair was a mess as Yuuta tried to play with it half way through the makeout match and the sweat dripping from my forehead made it stay that way and it appears to be the same case for Yuuta's fur. Our bulges screamed for the other as I swear they were about to break through the shorts we were wearing.

We parted lips breathing heavily from a nice 'training' routine as I rested my head against his chest and he gently rubbed and patted my red claw marked back. I took in his manly chest scent and my nostrils flared from the strong smell. I chuckled as I said.

"Call it a draw?"

"Draw" Yuuta said in agreement.

A few more days flew by and Yuuta's parents were more...preoccupied than usual. I mean sure their nobles and we are hiding the relationship but one day I caught a glimpse of Yuuta's father walking by as I hid away from him around a corner. He looked focused...thinking hard about something and I thought almost there was no reason to hide from him. It looked like I could have walked right past him and he wouldn't have given any heed to the low town person in his castle.

I hope Yuuta can convince his parents to let me be with him. I-I just need to have Yuuta, I love him so greatly. I have given him enough happiness I hope, I mean Yuuta keeps on saying that if he keeps acting so happy and lively that his parents will notice and wonder why. He must keep them so on edge that they wouldn't care that I'm low town born and let me be with him no matter what little wealth I have.

Yuuta has also be burying himself in looking at noble possibilities. He's still looking looking for something to buy so he could give the deed to me and I could be considered a noble. He did find a few but they are so far away and getting a message there will take time not to mention how it may be all for nothing if someone else claims it first.

Yuuta such a devoted and noble could you love me? I know we had this talk before but I still feel so unworthy of you, but I am honored to have you as my lover. I must obey any wish you ask of me, I must!

I made a little wild dream wondering at the chance what it would be like for his parents to ask a favor of me? I mean the low town me and they would still be clueless to their son's secret relationship with me. If I could convince them enough with my skill and personality I might have Yuuta to myself sooner but still I shouldn't be the one to ask them. If anything they must ask me or they might suspect something.

Right now all I can do is love up their son. Its been only a week since....since....our first time. A sudden beat in my heart told me something. Again....I-I must have him again. That's the best way to cheer up Yuuta, the best way to make him happy! For our bodies to bend at the others will. I hope my acts of aggressive loving have been enough to excite Yuuta enough for-for another trip to his amazing bed.

Ha knowing him he'll jump at the chance to have me again but yet...something in the back of my mind was pushing against my wasn't aggressive, it was more like it was trying to remind me of something. I tried to move on with my day but yet there was still something so annoying about this thought.

I watered my plants thankfully before Yuuta arrived to 'relieve' me of my work. I do love his dedication but I must learn that I still must work once in awhile.

What though is this thought? It was trying to tell me something about the first time we did it, something we missed...lets see he did forgive me and say he wanted to bed me too. I then thought about-....about.

Then it hit me...M-My mind was telling me that maybe I should ask Yuuta...that I should be the one to go into him and be on top! My body began to tingle and shake from the imagination of it. I was worrying that I was going to far ahead of the relationship.

I mean we only just mated and I don't want to seem demanding of him to take another leap in the relationship but Yuuta said he would do anything for me! I can't honestly imagine myself being able to hurt Yuuta or go as rough on him as he did to me.

I mean its been a week...h-how long do couples go without sex? W-We should have sex again its only right since Yuuta is a tiger and that the book said tigers mate 2 times a day. This waiting must be torture to him. M-Maybe I should look around a bit more, maybe even get some advice some girls and guys.

The next day at school was a struggle, not the actual classes but to ignore Yuuta's protective gaze and to get alone time to talk to other people. I managed to get a small recommendation from a mid town student to go to the library and search up romance books.

Sure I could of gone to Yuuta's magnificent collection of books at his castle but would he really leave me alone enough to read them? Next thing I know he'll be the one annoying me what I'm reading and I'll be the one embarrassed as crazy.

Nearing the end of the school day I went into the library thinking Yuuta would go home on his own. I looked at the lines of books trying to focus my mind before I sensed....a presence. It was the presence of a child like attitude and that of a lover...Like there was really any wonder in my mind who it was.

I turned my head and I felt the presence trying to hide away from me in the corner. His breathing was hushed but obviously he wasn't that good at it...because his twitching and flicking tail was sticking out .

"Yuuta...I know you're there" I said going back to my search of books before he let out a pout and irritated stomp.

"You're no fun anymore in the hunter and hunted game! You always know when I'm coming after you!" He playfully complained as I chuckled at his attitude.

Putting aside the little game he went up behind me and pulled me into a tight hug pressing his chest against my back. I dropped the book I was reading as I felt his hand underneath my chin and he tilted it so our lips could meet.

Thankfully no one ever really comes to the library at this time so there was no worry of being caught. Yuuta is obviously no fool even though he acts like one most of the time, if someone was around he would have kept himself from loving me...that or he would have dragged me somewhere else to love me with no other people around.

I've noticed something though...Yuuta gets in so many kisses, hugs, and touches a day. Its like whenever we both have even just seconds for it, he makes it happen. There were like short teases everyday, a kiss lasting only seconds, a hug for a several moments.

My mind went back to why I was here in the library in the first place. Yuuta is a tiger and he is very lustful yet dedicated at the same time. Without sex these small teases must be the only thing keeping him from going crazy with desire for me.

I'm trying to figure it out in my could I, a human farmer, drive such a noble tiger prince mad with lust. Just looking at our bodies you think it would be the opposite and he was be bored of my efforts to love him but its the exact opposite, he's the one always going after me and I love every moment of our forbidden passion.

We parted lips and we looked at the other with unbreakable passion, I-I was the lucky one in the relationship no matter what Yuuta says. Yuuta can give me anything from gifts to making my heart beat fast from compliments.

I-If he really loves me back though then-then he'll let me touch him back and-

"So Castiel what are you doing here?" Yuuta asked with his cat like grin

"Oh you know just searching up some books." I said before Yuuta...gave a slight scowl.

"But you can have the bigger and better library at my house." He said before I remembered why I had to be here.

"Oh umm well I just wanted to um-" I said as Yuuta's scowl turned into a watching stare of no forgiveness. He waited for an answer and I couldn't think of anything but-...a sly grin came to my face.

"You know Yuuta I would really enjoy a nice drink while in the library if you would be so kind as to get one for me." I said as Yuutaeye twitched thinking I was trying to make him leave.

"I want to know why you're here and not in my castle library. I won't get you a drink until you-" He said before I put on a sad face and lowered my head.

"O-Oh...I-I see. I'm sorry Yuuta...its just with all this work on my fields and studying at school I really don't have the time to go to your superior castle library. If you had lived close by I sure would have but its so far away...not to mention the walk there and back would be so tiring, then it would be only poor little me on the fields working like crazy just to barely feed myself. I-I had thought that my perfect boyfriend would be more than happy to get a me, what I thought deserved, a nice cool drink but clearly I am so horrible and not worth-" I said getting teary as Yuuta's tail puffed and he dashed out the door to get my order. I chuckled to myself as I also knew I had to hurry.

Not long after I found the section of books I wanted but I had no idea which one to pick. Yuuta would be back soon and I had to hurry. Knowing him he would probably wonder about which books I would choose and ruin the secret so if I run like a madman back to my house and back I might be able to get back without him noticing.

But still I had to choose the right book but every second will no doubt count!

"Lets see I think the book I should chose is..." I said to myself softly before I forgot all about being correct grabbed a ton and carried them with both of my arms. I could only hope they would tell me something about what to do for sex.

I rushed out of the school and dashed over to my house hoping to beat Yuuta's arrival. I think I was making good time as it would take him awhile to get a drink and walk the back to school so I think I should be safe.

When I arrived to my house I quickly placed the books on top of my bed and quickly ran straight back out. Look at me running for information how to have better sex...I'm such a hopeless fool...but yet I can't help it! I had to beat Yuuta back to school!

I ran back with all my speed and leg might. My lungs felt on fire as people looked at me curiously wondering why I was running to and back low town so rapidly. I couldn't care what they thought though, if Yuuta saw me leaving I would be in big trouble!

As I ran back to school I entered through the front door breathing heavily from the run...I wonder if maybe I broke all my past records from that? I can't hide the fact that I am tired but hopefully I'll get a few seconds to rest up and-

"Castiel" I heard a low growl from behind and I knew immeidately how it was....oh crap...

I turned my head slowly with a nervous, terrified face as Yuuta's cat eyes were looking down right at me and in his hands were two drinks that were already getting warm. Oh no!

"Y-Yuuta! Oh well you see I-" I said before a louder growl made me whimper and silenced my lies.

"Where were you? I was waiting for minutes!" He demanded an explanation from me as I back away to a corner.

This all seemed like a half tease, half angry situation to me. I don't think Yuuta was really angry at me but I know for a fact that he doesn't like it when I run away from him without telling him.

"Oh you see I-I...Um...I went home to drop off some books I got." I admitted hanging my head in shame.

I still let out tired breathes from the run here and Yuuta only kept his glare on me.

"Why would you? Were those books private?" He asked still growling lowly.

"Um yeah I didn't want you to see and-...I'm sorry" I apologized as if I were a kid to a parent.

There was a moment of silence before Yuuta placed the drinks on a nearby bench inside the school and went back over to me with his arms crossed.

"You know I ran as fast as I could to get the drinks...and when you weren't here I got a bit annoyed but I felt that you would come back. Even though I will admit this wasn't a terrible lie I still demand compensation." He said loudly clenching his hands on his biceps and all I could was shudder and whimper.

"H-How?" I asked wondering completely what was going to be asked of me.

Yuuta leaned forward with his same glare and bent a bit down so that his mouth was near my ear. I closed my eyes almost expecting a loud shout or roar but instead was meet with a seductive purr and whisper.

"I demand compensation....with your body..." He said as I opened my eyes and blush a crimson red.

I wanted to say something but soon after the whisper my mouth met his and he caught my tongue in his tongue's trap. Our hands explored the others body again as if they had never done it before. I let out soft gasps as Yuuta broke the kiss and started to nibble my neck again with my already bite mark littered neck. I was thankfull enough that the other farmers don't see them when I'm working or that gym class has been easy in school lately so there was no need to change my clothes.

I only had 3 outfits that could hide my marks but I can't wear those forever. OH! A sudden more powerful bite mark given to me by Yuuta's incredible mouth broke me thoughts as I though only of him now. Ravage my neck Yuuta! Bite down and claim me as yours!

Yuuta slid my shirt down so that my left shoulder and upper left chest area was exposed to his kisses and bites of love. I wrapped my left arm around his lower back and the right one behind his head pulling him closer to my exposed vulnerable body.

Oh I was his prey! This mighty predator of the jungle caught me and now I'm his sexual meal! Both of us were clearly getting lost in the bliss of the moment as Yuuta ripped open my shirt tired of it covering the rest of my beautiful body he muttered out as he began to suck and bite gently on my nipple.

I let out whimpers and gasps as my back went against the school wall and I slid slowly down it landing my behind and Yuuta slid down with me to his knees. Yuuta placed his hands against the wall from wanting to push against my tender with too much force. He was absolutely adoring my chest as he licked my abs and actually nibbled them as if trying to eat me.

I tucked my hands underneath his own shirt and tried to match them force of each bite, suck, and nibble with scratches, pats, and rubs. Yet as much as Yuuta enjoyed my returned touching he clearly only wanted me to be the one in pleasure as he grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head on the wall. This forced my body to stretch in a new way for him and he quickly went back to more nibbling and kissing. Yuuta's tail curled around my waist and squeezed tight like a belt and I let the texture of his smooth, fluffy tail sooth me.

Minutes flew by and almost all sense of time was dropped of my body was bombarded by the superior males love and affection. I was his prize, his trophy, his boyfriend, his lover, his mate whatever I was I was his!

But just as I was at the climax of the second time, not even on a bed this time, he just suddenly stopped when he placed his hands on my pants but yet didn't pull down. His eyes that were screaming lustful thoughts suddenly snapped back into reality and he stood up offering me a hand which I took much to my heart and body disappointment.

"I-...I'm sorry I got too ahead of myself. Castiel I know you read the book and that I should have more self control but when I'm around I can't help but think of that time in bed!" He said looking down.

I was complimented from his words...that he still has such maddening lust for me. Am I really being fair to him though? Yuuta's given me such love and care that I haven't seen since my parents, if his parents would allow him I know he would also shower me with gifts and wealth and here I was just taking it all..never offering anything back except a few teases that are so cruel to a lover that wants me so badly. N-No! This is wrong! He's given me so many things and if wants to bed me 2 times a day then-then its a fair deal!

Pushing my confidence forward and smacking away any doubt I had to ask him.

"Yuuta...I-I want to bed you again." I said as Yuuta's tail puffed out and flicked at my blunt question.

I-I'm not the real romantic one in the relationship! I told myself, how could the poor farmer whos barely even been around women know how to flirt? Still I must say whatever I mean with spirit and confidence to let him know I am his.

Yuuta stared at me and I could see through his healthy orange fur...he was blushing like crazy...

"I-I-I um-I mean I know you are eager but I might go horribly rough again and-"

"Yuuta...I told you I trust you with my body. C-Can you trust me with yours?" I asked as he was slightly puzzled by what I meant but needless to say he nodded his head firmly.

"I will only ever be yours Castiel." He said being the blunt one now and it felt like we had switched attitudes.

"Then tomorrow, I'll treat you to a nice dinner. I'll wear the best clothes you gave me and later-...we'll 'sleepover'" I emphasized meaning sex.

I grabbed onto Yuuta's hands and rested my head against his shoulders. He rested his cheek on the top of my head and our bodies were right against the others.

"I want to show you how much I love you Yuuta. I want to know every part of you as much as you know me."

"Castiel..." Yuuta said acting as if I almost gave a long speech of love but even I knew it was short and blunt.

"I love you, I love every part of you. Your smile, your charms, your flirting, your teasing, where have you been all my life Yuuta? Why couldn't I see you were the lover of my dreams before? I love everything you are Yuuta" I said as we held each other close and we started rocking side to side slowly as if slow dancing.

"I feel exactly the same Castiel...I feel in love with you and that perfect body of yours..." Yuuta said as my heart fluttered.

When I got home I started to go over the books I took before and read through them looking for how to act in front of 'prince charming' or 'the one' Oh Yuuta you are both in my mind. I scanned through the books before I found a page that...stood out to me. The reason why is what it calls the dangers of going out with certain this one it was for prince charming.

Though the prince may act noble, loving, and caring there are a few things a lover should be aware of.

Should be aware of? Like what? Constant affection? Complete attention and over protective? Those wouldn't bother me at all. In fact that would be a plus for me...for him to just give me all the love in the world. I read on thinking the book was probably going to go on with nonsense.

First make sure he is a actually a prince and not just some jerk wanting a quick thing. If the relationship as lasted more than the first time it very well may be possible that he wants you.

Yep just as I thought its been awhile and Yuuta is still with me! Silly book with its-

be warned that doesn't mean he may love the 'real' you.

The sentence made me freeze...m-may not love the 'real' me?

The prince is a greedy kind of boyfriend. He takes and takes and even though sometimes it feels like he gives you something back, he may actually not. The thing to be aware of the prince is that he may love just your body. He might care if your a farmer, blacksmith, noble or a criminal. The prince will want nothing more but to love up your body.

L-Love body?

This relationship might last long or short depending on the other. If he or she keeps their body in shape the prince will keep at it until as long as it takes. The prince loves going exotic things and forbidden romances. The danger for lovers like this is that if you rest for too long, if you let your body get out of shape he might simply get bored and leave you for another muscle house.

L-Leave me? Y-Yuuta might leave me? For another muscle house? T-That doesn't sound like him! My heart was pushing aside the words but my eyes were focused on them. I-It was like part of my mind was thinking about the possibility that Yuuta might only love my body.

T-That can't be right! He gives me such love and affection and he-...he compliments my body...I gave him my body and clearly I must have impressed him or else he might have left- Wait no! This book is false but...j-just to see is there anyway to be sure?

I scanned the next few sentences which contained more haunting similarities between me and Yuuta before I finally found the make sure paragraph.

The best way to tell if the prince loves you or the 'real' you is to simply ask him to let yourself be in charge of the bed. The prince is not use to being below someone and if he breaks out in tears or pushes you away it is a warning sign that he might only love your body and not the real you...

It was like the book had known what I was planning tomorrow. I wanted to say the book was wrong but when I read the almost exactly the same...every book, nearly every paragraph and sentence...i-if Yuuta loves me-the real me! He would allow me to be mated to him! I-I just have to know! Tomorrow when we go to his room I must demand that I be the one on top!

I-I know you Yuuta, you really love me, the 'real' me! For me to be the one to go into you will be like nothing to you except the proof that you love me as much as I love you. Why am I worrying? Yuuta chased me when I was going to leave Riften and that sounds like love to me...but then again he might have only wanted me body to stay-No! Its not that! It can't be that! He agreed to let me treat him to dinner tomorrow! That must already be a great sign he's ready to be mine!

I laid down on the bed and started to go to sleep. The temperature was a nice and cool, crickets were chirping outside making a lovely melody as I slept and the night was clear with no clouds and the stars and moon made a romantic peaceful setting....

So why was I waking up every so often during the whole night?

(Yuuta's view)

It was agreed that the date would be tomorrow as there was no school. Castiel also said he wanted to treat me to the date as he had the 900 gold still and when he tried to offer it back to the people he borrowed the refused. Thats my Castiel, so noble, so kind, so perfect.

How can I not help but fall in love with him? Oh true his body was so nice but that was only a nice bonus about him! It was his determination, his strength, his bravery that I feel in love with! Best of all he was my mate!

That sexy body of his was now my mate. I can't help but gaze at it every time I see it, when I get closer I can just feel its heat and it pulls me into kissing, licking, and nibbling it. Castiel's chest is now littered with little nibble marks from me yet I want to cover him in more! As much as I want to come out in public with our affections we still had to keep it secret. The bite marks were a message to any other fool who dares think such a beauty wasn't already taken.

The marks were a permanent mark that I was the one who loved him, I was the one who bedded him, I was the one to touch and be touched by him. Oh Castiel, my love, my life, I want you to look at those marks and always remember me as your mate!

The whole day went by so slowly. It was cruel for fate not to speed up time! I wanted to just enjoy my mates dinner plan then have another amazing experience in bed. But still father time is cruel to me and I must wait hours before I have my second time with Castiel.

For most of the day is was just preparation for tonight. What to wear, what to bring, what to say, and how to make tonight so romantic that Castiel will beg to live with me! What a great day that would be, instead of having to run miles to Castiel's house he would be within throwing distance and I could have at his glorious body anytime I want!

The thought of this makes me purr and for me to hug myself like a helpless romantic fool...which I was for Castiel. I find myself always having to make my bed again as I always lay down on it and pretend Castiel was on it with me.

I have noticed an odd occurrence parents are hardly ever around even though they are back in Riften. I see them in the morning and their back sometime in the night. I asked a servant what was going on and he told me that my father was focused on certain foreign issues.

When I asked what he said the threat of a Kregian rebellion and other things. I wanted to pay attention but honestly I can't say I was concerned. In the past I would have payed complete attention to the servant but then again I never had the lover of my dreams then so it only makes sense that I care more about my mate rather than petty issues and politics.

The servant added in that father was talking to the captains and the teachers at school but didn't seem shocked with anything...he actually seemed quite pleased. In that case either he found out and he doesn't care, which would be so great!!! Or more likely he was just checking up with my grades. Most likely the second one.

My father acted like this ever since his trip to Jolio but my father didn't have the stern war face. He would have been polishing his armor, making speeches, and practicing his sword techniques with me if that were the case. The servant only suspects that the queen of Jolio might have said something to my father that got to him somehow. His didn't look displeased or angry, he was just focused with a soft smile another servant added in as I shrugged at this news. If it were that important father would have told me oh well I have to go to my date now!

The restaurant was located in mid town going up to high town so it was pretty fancy but not overly so. I was thankful Castiel would chose a place like this too, high town restaurants have too much decorations and themes that they don't focus on the meals at all.

Honestly these were small meals that were almost insulting to me. If I didn't have a stocked kitchen at home I think almost all nobles would have starved. Mid town restaurants focus more on the food and with this one being closer to high town this had a perfect balance of decorations and food.

I walked over in my best mid town outfit I could find and I made sure not even a speck of dirt touched it. When I arrived to the restaurant I saw my beautiful mate leaning up against the outside wall looking so dashing with the mid town outfits I gave him days before. I understand Castiel doesn't like to receive things often but he did ask for better clothes and I was more than happy to give my best ones to him and to clear out that clothing factory in my closet.

Castiel spotted me and he smiled...he-...looked like a dashing hero, my hero. I had a sudden daydream that I was in a princess outfit all of a sudden and Castiel swoop me down as salsa dancing looking right into my eyes and saying.

"You look so beautiful my Yuuta" He said in a charming voice that stole my own away.

Amazingly I managed to have the willpower to get rid of my own daydreams on my own with no help or interruptions. Castiel and I stood in front of the other and we shared a kiss.

"You look amazing as ever Yuuta." Castiel said as I blushed.

"Oh you always look so much better than me Castiel." I said blushing like a girl"Do not!" Castiel playing said back as we gave the other playful shoves.

"Do to!" I said back before we went into the restaurant.

It was fortunate that Castiel combed his hair in a new way that made him look like a completely different person. His face was cleaner than ever and he had never look so good before in my life! Then again there was hardly anyone around which means we have much more alone time than we thought.

We were seated at a two person table staring at each other before given out menu's. Castiel ordered one of the best wines on the list! I mean sure he wanted to impress me but he should keep that money in case of emergencies!

"Castiel you don't need to buy-" I said before he silenced me by placing his finger on my lips.

"Only the best for you Yuuta. I want to show you how much you mean to me." He said as my lips quivered wanting to do nothing more but lay him on the table and have at him right there as if in some sex story...patience Yuuta...patience.

I ordered the salmon while Castiel had lobster and it was best meal of my life! It was cook to perfection! Castiel and I dug into our food like wild animals but along the way joked and teased the other with compliments and memories of the past. We shared our meals with the other.

He feed me as if I was some baby and my tail curled around his leg mid way through the meal to show how much fun I was having with him. An hour past before our hunger was gone but there were still bits of food on the plates.

"Ohhhh that was the best meal of my life...I'm so full" I said rubbing my stomach before Castiel gave me a sly smile. My tail flicked as did my ear when I saw the smile. Before I could say anything Castiel leaned over the table and-and he licked my muzzle!

I only closed my eyes as my muzzle was ravaged by his tongue and lips before he planted a nice kiss on my lips. He leaned back down on his chair with a smirk.

"You had something on your face...and your napkin was no where in sight." He added as I looked around and-...hey where was my napkin? I looked up to see Castiel holding up a red napkin which was my own...he planned that one out.

As a little revenge I placed my thumb and finger near one of the bits of salmon I had left and I flicked a small piece of it right onto Castiel's shirt.

"Oh Castiel your shirt is ruined. I think you should take it off and let me clean you up just to make sure." I said before licking my lips with my tongue .

Castiel gave a chuckle at my comeback and smiled back with a...seducing look. We both got lost in the others eyes again before he spoke again.

"C-Come on lets get out of here some more in your room." He said as I got up and headed out the door with him.

I don't remember much next. I remember taking his hand, walking back with him giggling about things that were nice and flirty. Then I was at my castle door, we looked around for anyone and then after that...we found ourselves in my room.

It was all prepared like I had planned. Castiel sat down on the bed and I sat next to him. He placed his hand on mine before we grabbed the others cheek and pulled the other into a deep kiss with tongue. Eventually we both laid down on the bed kissing and rolling on top of the other every so often to give the other a fair chance of letting the other play with their body and lips.

Time flew by and it was only when Castiel kissed my own chest did I noticed that we were both shirtless. I-I can't believe we are going to do this for a second time! The lust of the other made time fly by before our bodies had already given into the teasing and it wanted me to claim him as my mate again.

Not breaking our passionate kiss I moved my hands down to his pants before he-he suddenly push away which made my tail flick. W-Was something wrong?

"Yuuta...I-I need to ask something." He said as we removed our socks.

"Yes what Castiel?" I wondered what he wanted? I would be willing to anything for my mate of course and if he asks to be gentle again I would hopefully be able to better this time and-

"Yuuta...c-can I be on top tonight?" He asked as my-my heart fluttered at the question.

Castiel? On top of me? My mind went in complete disarray for a moment before my heart took over. It was speaking to me again like the first time I had Castiel. "Yuuta...remember what I said. Let him go inside of you. He is your mate but you are not his" It said to my mind as I sorted it out.

O-Of course! I should have seen it before! Castiel treating me to dinner, getting more aggressive with his teasing, he even added hints of his desires in our talks together. My heart was right, I had claimed Castiel as my own but I was not his...but I wanted too....I hope.

I-I can't deny I-I was spooked by this sudden idea to be on the bottom but if Castiel did it I must do it in return! It was only fair to him. I was his soon to be mate dammit! No amount of pain or fear will keep me from him...I think.

Castiel trusted me....he trusted me the first time with his body and I must do the same. My heart began racing but I calmed it down with reassurances. Castiel placed his hand on my heart and he placed mine of his...we-we were both racing at the thought of this!

H-His was so fast! I have never heard a heart beat that fast and loud! Castiel really desires me...he really wants can do this Yuuta! You know you can!

We froze there for awhile listening to the others heart beat with unbreakable passion for the other. I would have never guessed in my wildest dreams that I could be mated to Castiel. Ignore my rivalry of him in the past I just never felt that worthy of him, I felt like I had an easy going life compared to him. I thought it would have taken an incredible amount of effort to even grab Castiel's interests for even a second but here we were on my bed.

The candles I lit along with the fireplace made an excellent dim yet romantic setting for my mateship to Castiel. My fur shakes with anticipation and nervousness as I close my eyes and try to hold back my animal desires.

I nod my head to Castiel as I gripped down on my blankets ready to take the pummeling of touch and love Castiel will no doubt attack me with. I expose my neck to him and he took immediate advantage of it by biting down on it and I let out a purring moan.

He continues his relentless attacks of bites and kisses on my soft neck and I took it all gladly. We both motion our bodies in a swaying manner to seduce the other with flexibility. Castiel stopped swaying and decided to hump his groin area on mine sending shockwaves of ecstasy through me that my mind could not handle.

S-So this is what Castiel went through during the first time? W-Wow...I-I'm already shaking and purring like a baby while he managed to keep a clear goal in mind. Ohhh but as bad I was compared to him I still wanted more of this feeling, this feeling of being dominated heart was beating rather faster than it was telling me otherwise.

It felt like my tiger instincts were telling Castiel should only be my mate. That it was unnecessary for him to mate me because I had mated him before. B-But its only fair that I be his-...but am I even ready to be plowed into? I mean I heard it could be extremely painful.

I hate pain...I may have trained my body like crazy to withstand it but whenever I had the option I choose to avoid it. There was only slight pain in my neck, shoulders, and nipples that Castiel kissed, bit, and nibbled but I was already...having second thoughts.

My heart and mind were in a deadlock, one thought it was fair for Castiel to mate me while my mind thought it shouldn't be done. I laid down submissively on the bed as Castiel started to strip my pants off.

A cold shiver of panic ran up my spine as I was left speechless. Castiel started to strip his own pants off until we were both in our undergarments. Castiel tossed the clothes near the fireplace and sat down on his knees at the edge of the bed were my legs were hanging...exposing my-my groin area to him.

Y-You're not ready Yuuta! Y-You can't-No you must hold on! Castiel gave you his body and now give him yours! B-But I would be so much worse than him, surely he would understand that I would rather be-Stop it! Even though Castiel doesn't have much to give he still it all for you! He's hardly asked for anything from you until now!

My mind was in complete chaos before I felt Castiel's breath on my groin. For a moment my chaos was forgotten and flooded over by pleasure. I let out a purr as I actually began to take off my own undergarments much to my minds protest.

It was like my brain and soul were fighting over my body and all I could do was listen to their commands. Sometimes the brain won other times the soul won. I-I should want Castiel to mate me but why am I so panicked?! I thought I would be happy to receive his seed and length but I'm terrified of being committed to-to....No I must love Castiel-I know I love Castiel! I must endure-I MUST!

I felt Castiel's warm lips kiss the tip of my length before trying his best to take it all in his mouth and he was doing quite well. I gripped down tightly on the bed trying to resist the heat going through my veins but it was no use.

Castiel's tongue wrapped around my throbbing member and tasted every last bit of it. I let out suppressed howls of bliss as my length was bombarded by Castiel's attempts to make me cum. My fur stood upright as I submitted to this feeling.

My tail wrapped around Castiel's leg and I could actually see a smile on his face as he motion his head forward and back sucking my length in an amazing way that forced some of my doubt to go away...t-thats right...Castiel is amazing. Only he could ever make my doubt and fear go away.

I enjoyed this incredible feeling the I gave him a week ago and I could see why he would want to be mated to him mid way through...but yet...

This feeling lasted a couple of minutes before I felt my length getting cold and I saw Castiel looking up at me with a kind smile. I hardly felt my length leaving his mouth, it must have gone numb from the ecstasy until now. My length was covered in Castiel's saliva and the room reeked of our arousal to the other.

Castiel never took his stare off of was heart stopped and knew what he was thinking now..h-he wants to do it-n-now. Castiel grabbed into his own length and stood up gently stroking his own length and I froze right there...w-was I ready?

I couldn't move a single part of me as I felt his hand reach my side and he flipped me over. My mind was screaming in protest no too but I couldn't move anything! My body is screaming no! I-I can't I'm not ready! I won't be able to withstand the pain!

My tail flicked and twitched about as much as my body was doing in suspense. Its fur was literally twice the size of its normal look, it wrapped around my waist strangely and squeezed tight against me hoping to suppress the coming pain.

W-Why was I hesitating like this? Castiel is already my mate...I thought it would be be so much easier than this! How could he have gone through with this in his mind?! D-Did he just completely let go of his fears? I-Its worth a try.

Here I was with my face into the blankets with a hard tight grip with my hands and I even bit down on them too, anything seemed necessary to suppress the pain coming. He is your mate Yuuta! You must endure you must...but you are already mated to him you don't need to do this!

My tail hole was right in Castiels sight as was my rump that was also squeezing tight as if rejecting Castiel. I felt like a mess and we haven't started yet, w-was I nothing but a whore to him?! Having to lay down in this vulnerable position to sooth his needs?! How could he do this to me after I-...Well he probably wondered this in my position last week.

I took in unsteady and uneasy breaths before I let out a gasp as I felt his hand touch my rump and he started to rub it gently with his hand...g-getting your sick pleasures of having me so weak you-No Yuuta! Endure! Endure!

I felt another hand reach for-...w-what?! Why is he grabbing my tail?! Its my most sensitive part! A secret place of honor for tigers and the Michaels! I looked back with a broken beaten scowl as Castiel held my tail in his hand before bringing it up to his face and he-ooohhhh

All my fears and humiliation was pushed aside when I felt him kissing my tail. Each individual hair bristled and went numb to Castiel's touch...ooohhhh kiss it Castiel. Love it up like me.

"You such a lovely tail of the many reasons why I am in love with you. I promise to treat you gently like you do with your own tail during this okay?" He asked me as my honor and pride stepped in again.

But my heart and soul quickly began to fight against them and it was battleground of control in every part of my being. Castiel wrapped my pride and joy around his neck like a scarf and adored every moment of it. He had the face of happy content as if this was his most special piece of clothing having my tail wrapped around his neck.

Again I would have loved this idea, this feeling of being treated passionately and romantically by Castiel but why am I scared? Castiel is treating me so nicely but why does he have to cause me pain later?!

"Are you ready Yuuta?" He asks as I jump in shock of the question. Say no, Say yes! It will only hurt you Yuuta it won't be romantic at all! No it will feel like the best thing in your life! It would be a great dishonor to everything you ever believed in! Castiel gave you his trust Yuuta!

I want this I know I want this but I'm not ready! I-I can't! I have to end it here I-I

There was no time to think it out more before I heard Castiel leaning forward and his chest was teasing my back with gentle soft touch.

"Yuuta?" He asked wondering if I was ready since I couldn't answer him. He's waiting for your permission Yuuta! Think Yuuta! What do you want to do?! Is this what you really want?! I froze until only my head and lips remained.

A victor was clear in my mind...

I nodded my head up and down and whispered out softly.

"Y-Yes" I said swaying my rump side to side like a common harlet.

I could sense some regret and pity from Castiel as he knew what I was going through right now. He placed a very gentle grip on my waist and it felt like my heart dropped. NO! Don't let him defile your body Yuuta! You are too pure to be corrupted! You can't let a human farmer touch you like this!

I then sensed Castiel leaning forward and I could feel the heat getting hotter at the spot it was going to land! NO-NO! JUST ENDURE! I gripped down on the viciously thinking I was literally going to rip through them as the heat at my rump only got hotter.

I let out panicked breaths, I was nearly on the verge of crying. My mind was hoping it was tears of joy and love but these felt like panicked tears....scared tears.....the ones I experienced when I was training...when I was forced to train more with my father....

"Just relax Yuuta. Take in deep breaths and relax your muscles. You'll hardly feel a thing...I'm going in now." Castiel said softly trying his best to reassure me but I knew his plan! I-It was likely to weaken me up for a unforgiving pounding later! Castiel I-

Then as if being struck by lightening I felt his-his tip! Right on my hole! I-I didn't like it! I bit down my teeth and let out a submissive howl. Castiel went slowly inside of me and my body squeezed tight! My tail puffed out at the new and hurtful feeling!

I-I knew it! He's only going to hurt me! I want to be mated gently! I-I don't care what he says hes going to do it hard against me! I-I can't trust him with my body its not right! I'm too noble, too pure!

My tail listened to my mind as first contact with Castiel's tip. It flung out of his loving scarf and pushed him away. I felt like a little child again as I flipped over hiding my hole breathing heavily and letting out whimpers that made me sound like a new born.

"No, no, stop, stop." I whispered out about ready to cry as my innocence took a hit.

Castiel looked at me shocked and confused that I pushed him away after agreeing I was ready. I stood there for awhile and came closer to me b-but-!

"Y-Yuuta I know it hurts at first but-."

"N-No! I-I can't! I-I don't want to be touched like that! I can't....I just can't...please don't touch me! Please" I said begging him not to.

The words looked like they struck Castiel like arrows. He looked like he was in pain...pain that I had rejected him the pleasure he had given me....what he gave me....wait....what am I doing?

Just as quickly as I had gotten scared I realized how unfair I was. Castiel submitted himself to me in hopes of one day having me do the same in return...I mean sure it was the week right after his but I shouldn't have lead him on that it was alright with me. I-I should have just said no I-...

I looked at him at him...his head was hung low and his hair covered the top portion of his face. I could only see a frown on that beautiful body. Most people would have focused on the body but my sight was fixed on his frown and his covered eyes.

Castiel just stood there for a moment as wave of regret and humiliation hit me...h-how stupid was I acting right now? I-...I am a greedy bastard. I felt horrible, I had no idea what to do except come out with the truth.

"C-Castiel?" I asked as he still kept his face hidden. I-I wanted his eyes on me as I confessed I simply was ready.

"Castiel?" I repeated before it looked like my words reached him and he looked back up with a confused face.

"O-Oh its alright Yuuta. I must have rushed you right? I'm sorry I just got to excited and ahead of myself." He said coming over to me and with my body still being an idiot it moved aside thinking Castiel was still going to plow me.

I was stunned at the-the happy innocent smile Castiel was giving. I thought him, I would think everyone, would have taken the rejection hard and either curse me or run out. Castiel just sat next to me like we were not even having near sex a moment ago.

"I know that feeling and it was painful. It was foolish of me to think you would be ready so quickly. Can you forgive me?" He asked as I was completely confused by all this...he...he's asking me for forgiveness?!

I was wondering if this was all a ruse to let my guard down and at any moment he would yell and scream hatred but he only kept his smile...a smile that was hiding something else. A fear....I knew this smile as I have done it too.

Yuuta I said to myself. Was he really going that hard on you? Would a sex crazed human would have asked you if you were ready and you said yes even though you weren't? Would a sex crazed human have complimented your body as he was about to being? It asked me as now I was the guilty one...I've been a fool...a stupid fool.

"C-Castiel...I-I'm sorry" I apologized as Castiel actually chuckled.

"Yuuta I was the one asking for forgiveness. You have nothing to be sorry for." He said as his kindness...his kindness was what was hurting me.

How can he...a human who worked so hard, believed in a better future for so long finally be within its grasp just be okay with it being rejected from him? Rejected because I was simply to afraid...

I couldn't say he was forgiven because he was not to blame here no matter what he says. There was a long pause and neither of us spoke. For felt like I was disconnected from Castiel. Castiel broke the silence thought with an odd question.

"Yuuta...should we know...continue? Would you still want to...have me?" Castiel asked as the scent in the air that went from arousal to drama and tears to slight arousal again.

I wanted to just come out saying how foolish I had been quickly as Castiel can love him and hurt me he had seduced my mind with the idea. Like the coward I was, instead of saying no I said.

"Y-Yeah" I said before Castiel laid his back on my chest and we were in a sensual position of love. His rump was pressing against my groin but there was more regret...more sadness this time than in the first. I still couldn't say my fears to him though.

I started to nibble his neck again but they I was doing just for the heck of it but Castiel still moaned as if they were as passionate as the rest of them. Still when we picked up rhythm I found myself getting into it...looking back on it I wish I could have taken back the things I had said as I sadly loved him up.

"Oh god you have such a nice body Castiel. I love that body of yours." I said over and over again as I went into him with my length.

A month has flown by and the day that I gave up was still one my mind. It was haunting me in my sleep that I wasn't strong enough to take him like he did to me. But yet it only gets Castiel forgot the whole thing.

Some part of me knows he still remembers! He's just hiding it but I wouldn't dare come out to accuse him of it. I love him to much to cause a scene with him. I love listening to him talk, watching him do his daily chores and him blush when I still flirt with him.

I may be a poor bed mate but that doesn't mean I have to a bad boyfriend completely right? Castiel is my soul mate...I know it, he never gets mad, always ready to smile and chase away my fears when I'm with him...even though right after he leaves the come back.

It shames me that I haven't given him the pleasure I have had every single week for the last month now.

Its shameful to almost felt like I was just mocking Castiel with this but we actual had a schedule for when to have sex. He was the one who came up with it and I was actually more saddened than aroused to hear that because he always talked about still being on the bottom...d-dammit Castiel...why aren't you angry? Why don't you curse me I'm doing right now?

I go to the gym but I quit mid way through my exercises. Just enough to keep in shape, my memories still haunt me that night...I gave up that night...Castiel took it all before and has done so for the last month yet I haven't been able to do it once.

He still has the happy smile and the energy to get out of bed while I just lay there like I was dying of sickness and regret. I was thinking a lot about us about our relationship. I knew I loved him, I was having no doubts about his love for me. I was having doubts of what he sees in me.

I felt like the evil prince in the story books...takes advantage of the poor farmer every time he gets but wouldn't the farmer be sad and frowning? Wouldn't the farmer cry as the prince touched him still? But no Castiel and I still hang out, we still party and study and drink like old times...he looks like he hasn't got a care in the world for his honor...why doesn't he care?

One of the main reasons I feel in love with him was his sense of honor...if he were a tiger he could have easily been mistaken for a Michael born. But no...he fought on with a lesser name and fought so hard that....that it defeated me.

The rivalry before us wasn't just who was stronger but who could endure more, who cared more about their pride. Maybe he felt like his pride finally wasn't worth anything when we mated. But wouldn't the other family name be happy to see the other crushed and abandoned?! But no...the thing that gets me and my family honor is that his just gave theirs up like it was he was nothing. It was like my family took it as an insult that they gave up so suddenly.

He made such an impression on me. Such a mark that all my bites before seemed microscopic compared to the memories he left on me and my pride...of course he endures more...if he had quit on me half way through I would have been miserable but yet he keeps working like nothing happened...why don't you care Castiel?

I knew in my heart, I said it to the past me, the present me, and the future me...Castiel was the better between us. The better fighter, the better warrior....the better mate.

I once found the strength to ask Castiel about the night but he simply just brushed it off and side tracked my mind with seducing ideas...and like the sex crazed tiger I was I did. It only further insulted my mind to see such a proud person like Castiel submit so easily and be perfectly fine with my innocence intact!


But as the days flew by so did my worry. It quickly just went back to the routine life of Prince Yuuta Michaels. My fears an regrets thought still a stain in my mind and heart were slowly disappearing. Perhaps Castiel was truly fine with me always on top.

I honestly wouldn't care if he just suddenly took advantage of me one night. After each time we did it in my bed room he would look at me as if wishing to do it...and I would only turn away shyly as he only smiled and rested next to me. I would hold him so tightly to me and I wouldn't let go.

His back against my chest was the only way I knew to let him know that one day...someday I will let him touch me back! Castiel has noticed my cuddling at nights and says its like the perfect blanket...that he loves to be held by his...mate.

But as I said...I had this whole month to heal and I did. I actually let Castiel beat me in a few things at school just my way of showing he was softening me up to. We still had romantic dates we still talked everything was as it should be.

The only thing out of order was my father still...he was still focused on something after the trip to Jolio and as the days passed he slowly began to get back into his own routine. I wondered what he was doing for the last month and a half but I had other things on my new fantasies to try out.

How can I deny I am still crazy for him. I want him in all sorts of ways and I want to try out every single way to make love to him.

But one day at school...Castiel didn't arrive as did a handful of other low town and mid town people. It was very odd considering most people would be done with Planting Season...maybe there was an occurrence affecting only the farming community?

I looked into my locker and no notes. Even though lately its been Castiel who gave me the most notes I still tried to write him one every day or so. It was kind of concerning, maybe its just nothing...besides tonight is a good night...its sex night.

Its that time of the week again and I'm always excited for it. I loved this planned out little timeline we have and I was already melting into it. Not to mention the sex! Oh I needed it every week, I couldn't help myself. Tigers are suppose to have this 2 times a day and I must save it all for once a week! Though torture for my body during that week it only makes the sex all the more pleasing the one night. All the more romantic and passionate.

After school I had the choice of either going to low town or back to my castle. Hmm well I must dress up either way so I must return to my castle before I visit Castiel. I walked by the townspeople and everyone...well the mood felt if everyone was on edge for some reason but no panic.

Maybe something bad really did happen like a lord died or a disease in the crops in an neighboring kingdom. Hopefully not, but even if so I would gladly lend my life savings to Castiel to help him through.

Of course I am still overly protective of Castiel still. I can't stand the sight of seeing him in any pain (a reason why I felt guilty still of that night as I was the one who created the pain) Once he cut himself with he was helping a woodcutter with a tree and I immediately started kissing and licking the wound to make it heal with love.

I apologized like crazy thinking like he was in his deathbed from the small injury and he kept reassuring me that it was nothing. I still give him gifts and even try to sneak in some coin for him but I always get a note in my locker containing the exact amount of coin with a message saying "NO"

I understand he still likes to work but lately he's gotten back into it and he sometimes over works himself. I try to help him out but he tries to chase me off with kisses and affection. Every once in awhile he flexes his body like giving me a show...of course not that I was complaining or seeing any problem in that.

Oh back to tonight Yuuta! Ohh I wonder what we should do? I've read up on many things that sounded so sensual and exotic to me. Eating whip cream off the other, role playing, and sensual are just to name a few but today I feel like something...rough...

I did read up on this thing called bondage and I admit I am interested in it. Not to major of course. I have a nice chair I could chain him up too. I started to purr thinking of all the possibilities I could put him in and I thought of the perfect one!

It would start out with him in some leather tight undergarments and his hair was a mess and he was sweaty heavily like coming out of a fight. He struggles as he is chained up to the chair and his arms are useless.

Then I walked in with my own leather outfit the exposed all but the most private of my areas and I have a evil cat like grin on my face. He stares at me angry for something but all I do is walk causally and seductively over to him.

"So your the peasant who lead a revolt against my kingdom. They told me you defeated many men before you were captured and I can see why...such a lovely nice body." I would say touching his chest purring as he struggles to move out of the way but has no choice but to love the feeling.

"Yes only because you are unfair to your people! Your taxes are extremely unfair and no one can pay them! I'll never submit to you!" He says back as I chuckle and bend down to his face with the same smile.

"Oh is that so? Well if you cannot pay me in gold I'm sure I could find...some other way to extract payment." I say licking his chin as he gasp but growls.

"W-What hey! What are you doing?!" He demands in tied up position

"Collecting..." I say before I bend down to kiss and nibble his nipple making him gasp.

I would just have at his chest with all my desires. I would come at him so much that he beings to love the feeling. Eventually I strip myself nude from him and stand proud with my body in front of him as he looks up admitting some defeat.

"I-....I was a fool to think my body could challenge yours" He says submissively as I growl and purr.

"Oh yes you its time to claim my victory. But don't be so hard on yourself." I say releasing his chains from the chair but his hands are still bound. I strip his undergarments off and throw him to the bed.

"I knew you would try something like this and I wanted you to get the best body as possible for when I do this...and I am more than pleased with the results." I add before just ramming that beautiful body of his. I sometimes go rough while other times I go gentle and sweet. In the very end with both of us sexually satisfied and exhausted. I end it with a kiss and stand above him again.

"That was I do hope you can pay next weeks tax increase." I say as I giggle to myself in real life of how both funny and amazing all of that sounds. Yes its perfect! We are doing that tonight with out a doubt!

I walked happily into my castle but I was greeted by a servant who said.

"Lord Yuuta. There was a boy named Castiel who wanted to talk to you in your room. He's in there now" She said as my heart and body fluttered!

Oh yes he's already here! Oh this will be perfect! I walked up the stairs joyful out of my mind that I was going to have him again! Nothing will ruin this day nothing!

I walked to my room and opened the door happily.

"Hello Castiel my love I do hope you aren't planning to have a lot of sleep tonight." I said teasingly

But instead of more teasing or a embarrassed gasp or scream...I was met with silence. I had my eyes closed when I walked in and said that and for a moment I thought the servant had lied to me. I opened my eyes and looked around.

He wasn't on the bed or reading a book. It took a moment but I spotted him at the balcony. His arms on the railing and he was looking down at Riften. At that moment I knew-I just knew something was wrong. I stepped forward and my tail that was sprung out in joy dropped in worry.

"Castiel whats wrong?" I asked before he turned his head slightly to acknowledge my presence. I walked towards him before I noticed a long paper on my bed along with a smaller paper test alongside it. I picked up the long one and read it and-....

It was like a nightmare had become real. Like the break up note before I had to think this was a dream! A mistake but-but it was real! I-It had the seal of my family!

It was a draft paper. being sent-

I looked up at Castiel who wasn't looking at me still and I froze in terror. I prayed to god this was some cruel joke for something I had done but I-I could just sense this was real! T-This was the worst thing that could ever happen!

"W-What-Whats going on?! What does this mean Castiel?!" I asked panicked with the paper in my hands shaking like in an earthquake. Castiel sighed and turned around slowly.

"I've been drafted to go to war against the Nebian Kingdom"