We'll Bang Okay? (A story for Sammy Stowes)

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A story for Sammy Stowes on Inkbunny. An amazing dude who does amazing drawings.

"Oh God, it's so terrible!"

"My ears! They burn!"

"Make it stop! Make it stop!"

"Will you two shut up! It's not that bad!"

"You're stare was holden' ripped jeans skin was showin' hot night wind was blowin, where you think you're going BABY!"

"IT'S KILLING USSS!" Chance hissed out, his older sister sighing loudly and turning off the radio. "Stupid shits don't know good music." She said angrily, placing her hand back on the wheel. A regular morning, with Jennifer carpooling her brother and his friend to school.

"Swearing's bad!" Sammy said, taking off his seat belt and reaching up to the front of the car and getting a doughnut from the box. Jennifer looked at the hand and playfully snapped at it, Sammy squealing loudly and pulling his hand back.

"It's not bad when you're an adult." She said shrugging, waiting for the light to change.

"You're sixteen.."

"And you are in Elementary, so compared to you, I'm an adult." She said, right before the light changed. Chance and Sammy both opened their mouth to make a retort, but were stopped when she flicked the music back on.

"But here's my number, so call me maybe!"

"OH GOD not again! The pain! The pain!" Chance cried out, putting his hands over his ears, as did Sammy Stowes, the two making overly dramatic gurgles of death and torture till the song was over. Sadly for them, Jennifer changed the station and found the song again. By the time it was done, both boys had perfected pretending to be dead, and they had made it to the school.

"Okay, Mom and Dad are going to be at that thing tonight, and Sam's parents are going to be there too. I'm going to ricks house, so you two need to take the bus home. Chance, got your key?"

Chance held up his necklace, a key, and a Pokeball, and the Millennium puzzle hanging off it. "Heck yeah I got it." He grabbed his backpack and lunch, and closed the door, waving his sister off, who quickly drove away.

The two kittens watched her drive away, Sammy rubbing his tired eyes before he turned around. "I like that song." He said walking, Chance nodding in agreement. "I do too, it sticks with you, y'know?"

The rest of the day was slow for the two. At least until recess. They met on the field, staring at one another, wearing there gym uniforms. Giving a bow, they walked backwards a slight distance.

"I thought I killed you.." Sammy said, holding up his water gun, the grassy plane seemed to go silent, while everyone around them played. Chance held up his water noodle, holding it like a samurai sword. "This time, blind swordsman, I shall place a bullet right through your head."

"And I shall cut you in two." Chance said, holding the noodle tighter. Sammy had one of his own, though it stayed holstered by a belt he kept latched around his sweat pants. They both had water guns, and water noodles, but it wouldn't be as cool for either of the kittens if they started off with the same weapon. "No more talk, let us do battle! FOR TEH HORDE!" Chance cried, rushing the other.

Sammy pressed the orange trigger on the gun, water jetting out, though Chance held the noodle that it blocked the blows. "For Emperor Palpatine!" Sammy cried, shooting at his friend while making lazer noises. "Pew pew pew!"

"I don't like STAR WARS!" Chance cried, swinging at Sammy who ducked and moved behind him, Chance spinning just in time to deflect another shot of the liquid pretend lazer.

"Well I don't like WOW!" Sammy cried out, backing away from the Water Noodle Samurai, who quickly went back to his battle ready stance. Chance looked at the other with a puzzled look. "The horde, it's from world of Warcraft."

"Oh, all I know is Jenna says it when she plays that game. LET US CONTINUE!" He cried, dodging shots of water as they continued on their fight. Finally the two met, though by that time, Sammy's gun was empty. His eyes grew wide, and reacted fast, pulling out the water noodle he carried, it pressed against Chances, the two staring at one another with the intent to kill. Sammy managed to parry each blow, eventually going on the offensive, managing to swing the sword out of Chances hand.

"No!" the Water Noodle Samurai called out, pulling out his gun and shooting at the man before him, who cut each bullet down with his sword. "Y-you've mastered the art of..."

"The sonic Vibration technique? Your master taught me a few tricks before I slit his throat!" Sergeant Stows said, holding the sword as if it were a rapier. The samurai looked to his sword which lay on the ground, then to Stowes. Lifting his gun, he shot again, this time keeping the Sergeant on the defensive while he made his way to his sword.

The Sergeant Of Death was clever, and started to advance, swiping at the Samurai, he barely missed, slashing at the large control system, causing a flashing red light. "THE SELF DESTRUCT SEQUENCE HAS BEEN ACTIVATED" A robotic voice said, Sergeant Stowes laughed insanely. "This is perfect. We both die here, and with the rebellions hero gone, soon they will all putter out!" He turned, facing the huffing samurai.

"I-if I die.. Then... I'll be more powerful then ever.. I will cease to exist.. But, my friends will fight.. No one can protect your precious President when I'm gone!" The samurai rushed, as did the Sergeant, their swords clinking and clashing, sparks landing as their swords met. The warning was counting down, people running past them to the escape pods. The rebels had won, the base was going down, but rather or not the Samurai would come out alive was a different story.

A sword finally swiped, hitting flesh. The sergeant held his chest. He would live, but it hurt. Oh God did it hurt. "Y-you struck me.." He cried out, looking at the Samurai who smiled at him.

"I would say this makes us even." He said, breathing out, getting his confidence back. The two met again, the blaring noise of the warning canceled out the echo of clashing swords. Eventually, however, the battle came to an end, with one finally stab, the swords hilted into flesh, blood flowing to their hands.

Both warriors looked at the other. In one final attack, they had managed to stab one another. "It is.. For the best.." The sergeant said. "Neither of us.. Could truly live.. if.. if.." He coughed, blood running down his cheek, which he quickly cleaned with a handkerchief.

"If the other was dead.." The samurai finished for him, both closing their eyes and falling to the metallic floor, laying in a pool of blood, they waited for the explosion, or their death, whichever came first.

Natalie looked down at the two cats, both laying with water noodles underneath an armpit, eyes closed and tongue lolled out. "You two are dorks." She said, there eyes popping open before they filled the silence with giggles and laughs that could be heard anywhere in the playground.

The rest of the school day went as usual, with the two talking about the next adventure between Sergeant Stowes and The Samurai. "Dude, we died though, and we've already come back to life, like, eight times." Chance said, drawing in his notebook during English. The last day of school, no one was doing anything.

"Well, we could just restart. We have all summer, and next week is the after school trip to the park, everyone's bringing water guns, and we can act like they are all on a different side."

"Yeah, but they are still going to shoot at us. Remember last year? With our water noddles we didn't get touched. Now everyone wants to try and get us wet this time.. I don't think I'm gonna go.."

"Okay," Sammy said "Think about it, Sergeant Stowes and the Samurai wake up in an alternate dimension, because the explosion was caused by the crystal energy. Okay, so, they wake up, and the whole army is after them both. The two must work together, to make it back to their own world." Sammy leaned closer to Chance, pocking his side. "It'll be fun! And we can, uhm, say everyone else works for the army.. Remember at the end of Kingdom Hearts two? When Sora and Riku avoid all those lazers? that'll be us.." Sammy blushed harder, and Chance looks down.

Sure enough, it had happened again, a bulge in the other felines sweat pants. "Again?" Chance asked, raising his hand. "Teacher, can me and Sammy go to the library? We wanna say goodbye to Miss Fletcher before she leaves early, and Sammy's gotta turn a book in."

The two get up, Sammy holding his backpack over his member, the two walking out of the room. Sammy sighs and gives the other feline a smile. "Thanks Chance.. So, er, the bathroom, I guess."

"Yep.. Hey, if your sweat pants give you a boner, why do you wear them?" Chance asked, closing his eyes and walking based on memory.

Sammy looked around to make sure no one was around to hear, blushing hard, he looked back at the cat and sighed. "Because they feel good, and they're warm.. You know how good it feels, to be under the sun, that's what these babies feel like."

They entered the bathroom and chose the back stall, the large one for disabled people, which accounted for no one in their school. As soon as they were in, Sammy sat on the toilet, pulling his pants down. Chance got on his knees in front of Sammy, hands feeling at the others penis, rubbing, playing getting a feel for it. It was an agreement they came to when they first started getting erections, and learned about masturbation. When one got hard, the other would help him out.

"Okay, just relax." Chance cooed, his purring growing louder. Sammy closed his eyes and waited, feeling soft lips touch his tip. "Wh-whoa.." He huffed out, just the small touch made him even more excited. Chance giggled at the effect he had on his friend, his lips opening, sliding around the head of his friends cock. With his mouth vibrating, it made Sammy's cock tingle, the effect that Chance wanted on him, when the other placed his hands on Chances head, letting out a soft moan, before taking in a gasp of breath. They had to be quiet, while they were in school.

Chance finally started, his tongue licking under the head of Sammy's cock, paws exploring his body, mostly his thighs, stomach, and youthful balls. He loved to feel, especially Sammy's body. The muscles as the twitched with his expert tongue, how they seemed to tighten and loosen with his licks and suction. His hand finally rested on Sammy's thighs, as he moved his lips to the head of Sammy's cock, small fingers circling around the kittens cock and pumping them, alternating between slow and fast.

Sammy was in heaven, his toes curling when his friend sucked him like a straw, getting at a thick cream, and relaxing when Chance slowed down. He knew all the right buttons to push, and soon he was gripping Chance's ears, begging, moaning for more. Hard suction, a faster stroking. He didn't care if someone walked in, he just needed the skill that his best friend had.

"Chance.. Chance please.. Oh.. F-fuck!" He cried out, his vision dulling as his muscles clenched, blasting his youthful seed into his friends muzzle in thick, large globs that left him spent, tired, and huffing for breath. "Chance.. Chance..." He mewed, his body going weak.

Chance sucked the kitten dry, continuing to play long after the other grew soft and it started to hurt. Finally, Sammy pat his head, and he knew his friend was getting to sensitive. He stood, licking at his lips for any excess cum, and grinned. "Man you're tasty!" The blond feline said to his friend. "You sure know how to make good white stuff." chance said, proud of his friend who felt to tired to say anything back. "Wow, that took a lot out of you. Here, I'll go return your book."

Sammy looked up, his face still red and still breathing lightly, his after glow leaving his mind blank, and even as his friend talked, he didn't hear a thing. When chance picked up the book they had discarded, he remembered there cover story, yet he was to tired to care. By the time Chance got back, he had recovered, his sweat pants down to his ankles, he pointed his penis to the toilet bowl. Chance came up behind him and held his cock in position, steering his urine as he peed.

"You like doing that, huh?" Sammy asked, his voice meek. Chance just nods, chin bumping into the others shoulder.

"Are you kidding? Seeing you so worked up and how it tastes.." Sammy smiles and looks at his friends. The feline was a year younger then he was, having been moved up a grade. While Sammy could get hard easily, and produce seed, Chance was still "shooting air" as he called it once, which made them giggle.

The two were in each others faces, chance blushing hard, he leans in, kissing Sammy. Yeah, they stuck each others wieners in their mouths, but they had never kissed before. That was something adults did, something couples did. Sammy's eyes went wide, and Chance pulled his lips away, his face turning from a look of love, to regret.

"I-I'm sorry.." He whimpered out to his older friend. "Please don't be mad, I.. I just.. Wanted to kiss you.." He whimpered out, Sammy shaking his head. "No no, I'm not mad." He said, Chance nodding. Sammy pulled his pants up, and they walked out of the stall and back to their classroom, their teacher none the wiser of the events that had just transpired.

"RANDOM SHOOTER 20XX!" Sammy cried out, holding the box up. "Come-on dude, it's two players, and it's got three more guns then last year! THREE! MORE! GUNS!" Sammy held the box in Chance's face, who swiped it aside and held up his own game.

"No dude, we're playing GENERIC JRPG 37! It's one player, but it's really, really good! And it only takes two hundred and thirty hours to get to the good part!" Chance reached to open his NintenplaystatioBox, taking out his game, at the same time as Sammy.

"Comeon dude, my house, MY RULES" "I'M THE GUEST"

"Wait wait wait, I know something much better we can do.." Chance purred, his hands resting on Sammy's thigh. Sammy blushed hard, his eyes shifting from the paw, which had started to rub, to Chance's coy face. "L-like what?"

Thirty minutes later both cubs were in the living room, Chance in his red undies and Sammy in his red sweat pants, singing into hairbrushes while Jennifer's iHYPE played.

"Your stare was holding, ripped jeans skin was showing, hot night wind was blowing, where you think you're going baby!" The two sang, their butts bumping against each other as they playfully danced.

"Hey I just met you!" "And this is crazy" "But here's my number!" "so call me-" "I'm hungry." Sammy said, his voice above the music. chance turned the iHYPE off, removing it from the speakers. "Okay, well, we can order a pizza, dad left me some money.. Well, he left Jennifer money, but she's not here.. Or.. I could make us spaghetti.. with hot-sauce.. And cheddar and-"

"Pizza!" Sammy said quickly. Chance was a great cook, but he had the tendency to either make his meals too spicy, or load them up on weird ingredients. The tabby would nod, leaving the room and searching for the phone. Sammy sat on the couch and turned on the TV.

"At Junes, everyday is customer appreciation day, come see for yourself and get in touch with our products." The woman on the commercial said, Sammy sitting upright.

"Every day's great at your Junes!" He sang along with it, the commercial coming to an end. He could hear Chance singing along as well, before he started to talk and order their pizza, a large split in two, with his favorite toppings on one side, and Sammy's on the other.

Sammy watched TV blankly, his paw slowly rubbing at his flaccid cock, causing it to stir. Both boys also spent a lot of time masturbating, but today was different. Chance came back after he had hung up, and surprisingly sat in his slightly taller friends lap. "So..." Chance said, grinding his rear against Sammy's stiffening cock, causing it to stir. Sammy blushed, laying his hands on his friends hips. He realized that Chance had taken off his undies sometime when he had been ordering the pizza. They weren't new to seeing each-others naked bodies. Even before Chance was bumped up a grade, the two had been friends through their parents, and often did things like sleep together and take baths with one another.

Chance could feel the lump in Sammy's sweat pants. Grinning, he placed his thumbs on the elastic, pulling them down. "So.. Y'know, I was thinking.. We have a good thirty minutes.. And, well, this is crazy, but I was thinking it was just enough time to-"

"Please! Sammy whimpered, thrusting upwards when his cock was finally pulled free, it slipped in between his friends cheeks, hot-dogging his cock. Chance blushed, and Sammy gave a relieved sigh. "Oh man.. Hey Chance, get on the ground, like a dog." He commanded, getting an idea.

Chance looked back and nods to Sammy, showing his approval, he sat as the older cub commanded, Sammy crouching behind him, and pressing his hips to the others rear. He did it again, pressing his kitten cock in between the mounds of his friends rear, and started to move slowly. It felt good, hell, if felt fantastic! Eventually, his cock started to press against Chance's tailhole, the older fox getting an idea. "Hey Chance.. Can I try putting it in deeper?"

Chance looked back the best he could, noticing Sammy's pleading face, the one he used when he really, really wanted to do something. "Oh.. Don't you think that'll be gross?"

"I'll just wash it off later, okay, I'm gonna do it." He pressed against the virgin tailhole till eventually his head sunk in, getting a surprised gasp out of the kitten underneath him. "O-oh God Chance this feels amazing!"

"Y-yea, well it kinda hurts! Could you take it out?" Chance said with an irritated voice. Sammy sat still, and eventually Chance shook his head. "Never mind, it doesn't hurt anymore.. Maybe if you go slow, then it won't hurt." Sammy pulled his sweat pants down to his ankles, and starts to edge his self further in, till his groin was mashed against Chance's ass, both cubs purring from the newly discovered pleasure.

"This is so good.. I wonder.." Slowly, Sammy pulled his cock halfway out, before pressing back in, causing both cubs to let out a high pitched moan. "Chance, Chance, it feels great! Oh, I gotta let you try this when I'm done.." He said, now moving a little faster.

Chance's claws dug into the carpet, his upper body sunk to the floor as he was claimed by his best friend. "R-really? O-okay, when you make that white stuff, I'll do it.." He mewed as he felt the older kittens member press against something.. Like a button that sent pleasure through his lower region. "W-wait, Sammy.. Move like you did a second ago.." he said, the other looking down confused, before moving a few times eventually hearing a loud gasp from Chance. "K-keep doing that.." He said, Sammy nodding and fucking the other slow, making sure to hit the area, again and again, before speeding, knowing how to move.

Eventually, Sammy got bolder, and bolder, his cock moving faster, and harder, till the sound of flesh hitting against flesh echoed in the room, sweat dripping from his headfur. Chance was right beside him on this, his moans being just as loud as sound of their nether regions mashing against the other. Finally, Sammy slammed in, harder, but slower. His toes curled, his muscles felt weak from being in a squat position. Chance could feel this, and he moved, Sammy having to move with him, till his ass was high in the air, using his toes to move higher. Sammy could stand now, and barely uttered a thanks before he started to ram into Chance just like before.

Finally, Sammy cried out, his eyes squinting, vision going black, toes curling alongside his fists as he came harder than he thought he ever had in his life, his body trembling before he finally fell out of his friends, one last pump of youthful semen blasting on his friends anus before he fell to the ground, exhausted.

He huffed, gasped, coming down from one of the best afterglows of his life. Eventually, he opened his eyes, to find Chance laying above him, on all fours, his cock close to Sammy's face. The feline didn't need to be commanded or encouraged, he took the head into his muzzle, and started to suck like a newborn on a tit.

Chance moaned, obviously the more vocal out of the two, and said a silent thank you when he felt a paw against his tailhole. Sammy was just exploring, but it made the oral feel all the better for Chance when he felt two fingers slid into his hot and wet anus. Sammy felt the effect he was having, now that Chance was fucking his muzzle, and started to move his fingers faster, feeling his seed inside the cat. He had heard the word fuck before, and never really understood what it meant, but now he knew. He had just fucked his best friend, and now his friend was face fucking him. He realized why it was such a dirty word.

The only way he knew Chance had cum, since his were dry orgasms, was by loud moan, Chance produced, followed by what felt like twitches in the cock that was currently in his muzzle. Slipping out, Chance laid beside his friend, the cum starting to seep from his anus and to the floor. Sammy nuzzled up to him, both cubs sweating, gasping, and experiencing something that felt stronger than any other time they had played with each other.

"I think.. We just found our new favorite game.." He huffed out, Chance nodding in agreement. He looked down at the younger kitten, who looked up at him. Blue eyes.. They looked like they made their own light they were gorgeous. Why had he never noticed the little details he was now? Slowly, Sammy leaned in and kissed Chance, who kissed him back. It wasn't just a simple peck, eventually their tongues explored each others maws, every tooth touched, every area explored. They were finally brought back to reality by the doorbell.

"Pizza!" The two exclaimed, gathering their clothes and throwing them on. Sex makes you hungry, and the two were ready to devour something. Sweat pants were put back on, shorts pulled up, and the two walked (Well, one awkwardly walked) to the door, giggling and holding hands.


It is at this time I would like to thank Sammy Stowes for being awesome. I looked at his stuff,but never all that much till he posted a small three part.. thing, about being a cat. The song, which I didn't know existed, was awesome, and after hearing it I decided to message him. I've kept away from the topic of sex because in one of his journals he mentioned he doesn't like introducing his self to new people and they ask him for sex, or an rp, or how large his penis is and blah blah blah.

He's an exceptional dude (Yes, I do say dude about as often as Chance) that has been a blast to talk to, and one day while we were talking, I mentioned one of my greatest wishes, and he's going to make it come true. I'm so excited, and I couldn't think of a way to let him know that, beside one of my crappy stories. I think it was bad, but I do hope all of you, especially he, likes it.

I would like to thank Jewel, for her song You Were Meant For Me, I've listened to the song while I wrote

I would like to thank Persona 4, for being an awesome game (Some of you will get why I'm thanking it, others won't get where I referenced it."

Carly Rae Jepsen for her song "Call Me Maybe" When I was writing this story, I wanted an intro I thought was funny. It was that time I thought of the song (which I actually like) and imagined Chance and Sammy dancing in their undies, er, one in their undies, the other in sweatpants, when I had the idea. I decided I wanted them to do something silly though, and so I thought that the intro to the story I have is much better.

I want to thank Sammy again.

I want to thank Omurice, for being delicious.

I would like to thank Gamer Poop, for the title (Youtube Mass Effect Gamer Poop, if you really want to know)

And I would like to thank you. I was on Sofurry a few days ago, and I noticed that I had reached 40,306 views on my stories. Reading that number made me so happy, to know that somewhere, along the line, someone read my stuff. It's been amazing, since my first story, hearing your words of encouragement, and constructive criticism that has made me better.

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