Raccoon City Stories III

Story by Chance Prowlers on SoFurry

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#1 of Raccoon City Stories.

A short story to see if I can still write, also done after a day without sleep, so yeah.

Thanks for waiting for me to get out. It's hard, y'know. I suppose you heard, but I can't explain it. When we were at the diner, and those two men came crashing through the window.. The sound of glass breaking, the two guys wrestling eachother. When that one blond haired man bite the other, I lost it. I kicked him off, and started stompinghim in the head. They werejust two drunk teens fighting over something stupid, but to me, it was like I was back there, in that damn town... Oh,the B.S.A.A. want nothing to do with me now. I work with them for years , pass their physical and psychological tests, and turn outto be one of theirbest men on the feilds, a jack of all trades, and they drop me because I had alittle freak out. Yeah, yeah, I know, they just moved me from the field to the lab, but you don't understand what it's like, y'know? You put your life on the line, and where's the love? It was hell in that city, and you never get past that. I still sleep with all my lights on. I still piss the bed from time to time, but I can deal. I can cope, with this world, with this life. I've done it for years. You never fully forget, never completely become eased with your surroundings. I'm always expecting the moaning. The stench, the moaning, and the screams, and even if they never come, it does alot of good when you are out there, on the field. That's where I'm relaxed. Man.. I hate to say it, but it's true. Maybe I'm sick, maybe I'm crazy, but when I'm out there, getting to kill those bastards... It makes a part of me happier. My first time, it was amazing I got out alive, but now I'm in control. It's not just my way of being in power, it's closure. I get to see good being done. This virus slowly getting purged from this planet, and I help people. Back in the Oh Eight Greece incident, I was there. I helped this little girl. Whole family became zombies, she had taken everything edible in the hosue, and put it in her room, and put as much stuff against her door as she could. When I saved her... I put a bullet in the head of everyone she once knew, but when I carried her to the chopper, she hugged me so tight. She was thanking me. I saved a life.. Who can I really save in the labs, huh? Do you know how rare new strands of viruses are? The last thing we got was the T-abyss virus, and then the Ouroboros, but other then that they just sit back and jerk off while waiting for fresh samples of cures to this and that. Huh? Oh, right. As you can guess, I knew I had only a few moments before those things came out. I had to run away now, or I wouldn't get another chance. I didn't waste time, I just ran. I knew those things would go upstairs to investigate, and then come after. That's what I thought I guess. I didn't know atthe time zombies will eat dead things for nourashment, and Rei's body was still warm. I made it down my street, it was Hunts street, named after man who owned to Hunts oriental store. Like I said, we were a street of Asians, and I think I had the most American name on the entire block, beside my dad. It was crossed by Lancaster, and since I had to go deeper into the city to get out, I went left. I know places better by landmarks then I do streetnames and stuff, andit was the same way then, so don't expect a big list of this street and that lane. I turned on the street, and I remember hearing a crunching noise underneath my feet. I had hit glass. I stood there for a minute, just listening, andbleeding alittle from the fall. I needed to hear, to see if I could tell if any sort of creature was after me, if it heard me. Did these things listen? I thought about back in the hospital, how even just making a noise alerted them. If I were a zombie, and I made a noise, would they listen, or is it only if they think something edible is around? The time I spent standing there, I realized I was still bleeding. I wasn't a dumbass, I knew I had to clean it, and lucky for me the scraping came from the fall, with no glass in the scraping. I bandaged myself up there, in plain daylight. If anything had saw me.. My gear was out and open... Ah, I was such a dumbass! That's when I heard the crying. It was a little boys crying, it was comming from somewhere, and this was the moment I realized how terrifying this all was. For a moment, for a single moment, I thought about running in the other direction. Saving my own skin by leaving the kid there, attracting zombies from who knows where. "How pitiful are you," I heard a voice. It was like a military sergeant. "You piece of shit! Going to run off and leave a little kid there by his self, let him get killed. You fucker." I started to move to the noise, and I realised it was comming from the car outside my house. The one that was totalled, and upside down. Do I have to tell you all this? It... It's personal. I don't want to remember this. I... He... No,I guess he was alittle necessary.. Okay, okay.. When I got to the car I crouched down to look inside. There were three things I noticed, one of course was the crying kid, the little boy was wailing at the top of his lungs, the other two were a dead woman, around her late forties, she had been dead for awhile, and then next was a girl, a teenager, zombified, trying her damndest to grabher brother, but her seatbelt was stopping her. He had taken his off, and had gotten into a fetal position as far away from her as he could. I wasn't sure if I should knock, or just try and get him out. The first thing I needed to do, was get rid of the girl. I leaned down, pulled out the gun from my pocket, exhaled, and fired. I killed her, but part of me wished I hadn't used a bullet like that. Now I had twelve. Twelve bullets against a city of the undead. The boy just stared. I bet he couldn't see, couldn't recognize what was going on, but I opened the door while talking, simple things like "It's okay, I won't hurt you," and "I'm not a zombie." Anything I could say to get him to stay as calmas possible while I helped him out. As soon as my hand got close enough, he bit me. And in that moment, I was never more terrified. It was tranmuted through biting, and you just have to have it in your body to give it to another person. So many people have tried to share one last kiss with someone who was infected, and accidentaly infected themselves. I pulled my hand back and cried. The last few minutes had been the most emotional thing in my life. I had seen the dead walk, searched the corpse of a dead woman for ammo, and when I do a good deed, helping a kid, he may as well have infected me. That was it, that wasmy survival experience. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, a small hand, and when I looked up, it was the boy. "I'm sorry!" That'sall he said. I was over there, possibly dying thanks to him, and all he can say is "I'm sorry,"? "Have you been bitin? Did anyone or anythingbite you in the last few hours?" He shook his head fast, and I think he was starting to realize that when I asked this, it was because biting causes infection. His sister, I dunno man. It could have been a case of cooties gone wrong, she could have been bitin the night before, I wasn't going to examin her body, of the vehicle. That's when I heard the moans. We had attracted so much attention, from the crying to the gunshot in the open air. I could only wonder how bad thatechoed. I scooped the boy up in my arms and ran, ran as fast as I could back down my previously intended route. And ran into a sea of the undead...



At first they just stared at me, not doing a damn thing, and then they moved, in this shuffle. They must have come out of alleyways, from buildings, from houses. I saw zombies missing limbs, organs, entrails, a few that were crawling because there lower legs had been nawed off. I was almost to afraid to move, but the boys screams got my legs going. I think he was about four or five, but I'm probably off. Part of me wants to make him as sweet and as young as possible, in my head, so when I look back, it's all the more painful. All I know is he was screaming, pleading with me to move, and I did. I ran the way I came, passed my house again, and went further, this time turning on Dewitt street. I took alleys, I climbed up fire safety ladders, two go across buildings, to climb down other ones. I was bob and weaving through those few I did see, to try and lose the trail of the undead that had seen me. Maybe it only seamed like a sea, maybe it was only a few, but I had to imagine hundreds to make myself haul ass, then it was working. I held the boy like I had just stole him or something, a death grip I couldn't stop, and soon I found myself in a in an alleyway, beside an unlocked van. As I said, I slept till about three, and with my running and such, it was close to sunset, I was exhausted, and this was a good place. I opened and closed the door, making very little sound, and then looked around. It was some sort of landscaping vehicle or something. There was tarp, tape, some rubber hose, two large pillows I imagined were used between jobs or during breaks, a backpack, and some rope. I had a backpack, all I wanted was the damn rope. I put it in my bag, and then got to work putting the tarp up so the inside of the vehicle wasn't visible. Yeah, it didn't seem the safest place, but really the only way in was through the back, and it was safe. I layed my head on the pillow, and immediatly smelled the stink. I was right, they were used inbetween jobs, when the workers were sweaty and wanted a break. There were some covers in the front seat, more like a simple throw blanket, but they would cover the boy and me if he layed against me. "I'm Brandon." He said when we finally got a chance to relax. We were whispering. He knew to be quiet. If we got to loud, they would come. If they came, we were screwed. Finally I whispered back "I'm Jason." It's funny how being emotionally scarred can make you tired. I was so ready to pass out, and to be honest I think I had only been awake for a couple of hours, four at the most. I was about to drift off when the kid started crying. I knew if he kept going, those little whimpers would turn into uncontrolled loud sobs, so I pulled out my Gameboy and showed it to him. His sister had one, but she never let him play, and when I turned it one, and pokemon came on, he was ecstatic. He played that for a little while, before saying he was hungry. I had brought some stuff I knew to eat fast, one of that was cheese and crackers. I pulled out the chedder cheese, the kind that is blocked and comes in that package, and the crackers, and we ate, followed by a soda. I finished first, and decided to check my pokemon, to see how good the kid was. Little fucker had deleted my file, and then saved. I was pissed, but it was stupid. It made him happy, and if I were to bring it up, I would just look like a kid, possibly make him cry, and get us devoured. I had an idea, and took everything out of mine, and the backpack that was allready in the van, andput the pillows in them. No smell, some comfort, it would work. So there we were. I had wasted two bullets, only walked a mile or so, stuck in a van until morning, with a kid who had deleted my level one hundred Blastoise, and all I could hope was that if I were to wake up in the morning, surrounded by those things, I could somehow get that kid out alive. Funny, huh?

I was a slut

This story doesn't have sex. If you're here to fap, there won't be much too really fap to. This happened to me while I was in college, some names, places, and of course species have been changed so... Well, I dunno, so they don't sue, or something. ...

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Raccoon City Stories II

Thanks for the coffee, and the hotel. I guess this thing really matters to you. So where was I? I know what I said, that that was my first zombie, and to me, it was. No doubt about it, there were zombies in the hospital, but to us, it didn't...

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Raccoon City Stories.

I will write more, only if people are interested. I had fun writing it, but I am busy, and don't want to wast time on a story I would love to share, but no one wants to read. Yeah, this is my first feed back story, lol. This characters story will be...

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