Mutants (Chapter 4)

Story by Deidee on SoFurry

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Chapter four of my Mutant story. Getting intense here now.

Ryker left the tent after the strange meeting with Kent and Madeline. Within a few minutes he came to a fire surrounded by a bunch of other people, talking and having fun. He thought it was kind of strange since the man he just dealt with seemed like a maniac in the making. At the fire he came across Desmond who stayed by his side after reuniting. The two mingled with the others around, getting to know a few of them and seeing the powers they had. He was amazed at what some of the others could do, but also unnerved as to how powerful they could become if they used their powers right.

As the night drew on, the two males were escorted by Alice to a tent which was to be theirs. Inside were two cots adorned with sheets, pillows and quilts for the night. She looked at the two before pointing to the pit in the middle.

"If you two decide to have a fire, make sure it's controlled. Armond already gave up on helping others with the fires they made." The cat said with a small giggle. Desmond looked to her and then to Ryker.

"Don't worry, we won't get too wild in here." Desmond said as he bit his lip. Ryker smirked slightly as he shot Desmond a look which Alice saw. Her eyes grew wide in understanding.

"A-Alright, well, have a nice night you two. We'll see you in the morning." She said with a shy smile before ducking out of the tent. At that moment, Ryker zipped the tent shut before looking to Desmond with a grin. Desmond blushed hotly before wrapping his arms around the wolf's neck. Ryker's paws slid down to Desmond's lower back, causing his small tail to sway. Grey eyes met brown and blue, the jackalope biting his own lip before leaning up to kiss the wolf. In turn, Ryker's paws slipped lower, groping Desmond as the boy let out a soft moan.

"Ah! Ryker... Here?" Desmond asked, looking up at Ryker as the wolf looked down questioningly.

"What? We're not doing anything, really." He smirked as he playfully squeezed Desmond's backside again, provoking another sound of pleasure.

"Ugh, you're such a tease." Desmond said giggling and shaking his head while he leaned up to kiss Ryker once again. The wolf hugged the jackalope tight to him, arms keeping him safe.

"You're just realizing this?" Ryker mused after he broke the kiss. Desmond shook his head again and he nuzzled into the wolf's neck. His scent blocked out everything that his mind could sense, giving him a sense of serenity. Ryker's paws continued to run up and down Desmond's back, keeping him close with soft kisses to the top of his head. The two slowly settled down after pushing their cots next to each other and soon fell asleep.

The cots were hardly as comfy as the bed they had back in their apartment, but it settled for where they were. Desmond curled up into Ryker's back, staying close through their slumber. However, there were eyes watching them as they slept, presence hidden behind the many powers among the camp. The owners of the eyes waited for the moment when the two would cease touching for their moment to strike. As quickly as they had planned, the figures snatched up the jackalope while the wolf slumbered heavily in his sleep, the rest of the camp silent except for the sounds of the fire crackling in the night.

The jackalope struggled silently, trying to scream and cry out for help as his captors carried him off towards the fire. He felt the whole situation taking place again as the blindfold was taken off finally. Desmond sat on his knees between a small circle of people, Kent being one of them. The others were people he had seen before but never engaged. After taking them in he soon realized he couldn't hear their thoughts. Something, or someone was blocking them. He looked at them, confused as Kent let out a chuckle.

"Look at that. He's catching on." The tiger smirked while he pat the girl next to him on the shoulder. "Meet Delilah. She's quite the catch. Her power is to null one mutants power. Sure, it could be better, but she's still a rarity." At the remark of its possibility being better, Delilah shot him a glare.

"Shut up. What are we doing with the stupid kid?" She asked as Kent smirked evilly. He looked to the small girl at his side as she grinned.

"Yessir." She said, the grin still in place as she slowly walked towards Desmond, brandishing a knife. She looked at the jackalope, grin still in place as she cocked her head. "I've already seen the faces you're going to make, so this won't be as fun." Her voice chimed dementedly.

Suddenly she started to pick and cut at Desmonds horns, causing him to writhe in pain. His screams were kept silent by Kent as another male used his own psychokinesis to keep the jackalope from struggling too much. The small girl carved wickedly at the jackalope's horns, cutting at the roots as if they were a tree.

After the grueling first hour, one horn fell to the ground. Desmond's furry cheeks were dampened with the tears and blood dripping down his face. The mixture dribbled onto his boxers, sliding down the sides and front of his thighs.

"Good job, Madeline. He's almost presentable." Kent smirked as he knelt down in front of the jackalope. Desmond kept his eyes closed, head hung low as he felt the pounding in his head where his extremity was removed. "So... What are you? You have immense power, yet Madeline sees no threat from you. You confound me." Kent said as he started to walk around the wounded jackalope. Drool dripped from Desmond's mouth which was agape from all his silent screaming. Suddenly a pressure was pushed into the hole as Desmond arched back in pain, seeing Kent with a hot iron handle, pushing it into the hole where the jackalope's antler was once rooted. The air grew thick with the smell of burning flesh, hair and bone as Madeline threw the antler in the fire.

"Quickly, the next one. He'll soon awaken." Madeline said, looking to Kent who only smirked.

"I feel like I know you... And hate you..." Kent growled to Desmond as he squirmed and seethed on the ground. Kent's paw wrapped around Desmond's other antler and he slowly started to tug. The tension didn't stop as Kent kept pulling. "I heard it's called something like deja vu..." He smirked as he tugged a bit harder, making Desmond sob harder in silence. "Who knows... Maybe it was a past life... We'll never know... But know this, rabbit." Kent growled louder as he leaned in, tugging even harder on the horn, his mouth right by Desmond's ear.

"I will find out what you are... And I will have it." The tiger sneered and tugged his hardest on the antler, ripping it free from the jackalope as he gave the boy his voice back. The sounds of high pitched sobbing and screaming could be heard as Kent stuck the iron into the new hole he made, searing it shut.

Ryker awoke to the ungodly smell of something foul cooking, looking around the tent. He felt beside him for Desmond but caught only cold air. The faint sounds of screaming and crying were heard in the background. Panic took over his body as he threw on some pants, charging out of the tent. His eyes narrowed as he saw figures standing around a lump on the ground. Suddenly a few of the figures disappeared as the rest turned to him.

"Ah, the star of the show, I presume." Delilah sneered as she turned her power to Ryker. He came up closer to the group, seeing that it was Desmond that was the focal point to their circle.

"What have you done?" The wolf growled, snarling at the four who stood there still. Kent sat on a log, watching the fire as he poked it with the antler of the boy he just tortured.

"Something that needed to be done. You know, dehorning is necessary. He could have really hurt someone." He goaded as Ryker's eyes lit up in shock. He shoved through the other mutants there, rushing to Desmond's side as he heard his sobs. He slowly picked the boy up, noticing that his horns were indeed gone, replaced with the smell of burnt flesh. The jackalope's face only showed pain and fear, the grey eyes looking up into the wolf's. That's when he suddenly felt something. It was like someone else was in his head. He raised a brow at Desmond as the boy's eyes still watered. Then slowly, he felt Desmond's paw touch his cheek, stroking it gently.

"I'm sorry Ryker... But kill them all... Please..." Desmond pleaded, his sorrowful look taking its toll. Ryker slowly let Desmond back to the ground as he turned to the closest person.

"Wait..." Madeline said aloud, confused. Kent looked to her as Ryker's powers took full form, orbs of electricity formed around his paws.

"What is it, Madeline?" He asked as she shook her head.

"It's... Changing..." She said as her eyes soon grew horrified. Kent raised an eyebrow as he looked to where Ryker was.

The wolf took on the first contestant who had the power of fire. The lynx threw balls of fire at Ryker who knocked them away with his power. Then in an act of desperation, the cat started a stream of fire at Ryker. His body was completely covered in flames before he stopped them, throwing the male into the fire pit itself. The guy screamed as he struggled, trying to extinguish the flames himself as they ate at his body. Ryker now moved on to Delilah, who was panicking, Kent already on his way to her side. .

"My... My power! Why isn't it working?!" She screamed out, backing up into a tree. Kent almost made it to Delilah before she was suddenly thrown into a different tree, a chain of lightning connecting her to Ryker's paw. She squirmed and screamed as the electricity pulsed through her body, overcharging and frying her. Kent spun in a circle, throwing a large gust of wind at Ryker as he continued to electrocute Delilah against the tree. The wolf looked to the oncoming wind, bracing against it as he stood his ground.

"Kent! Run!" Madeline yelled to him as she took off into the forest. The tiger didn't heed her advice as he spun in a circle, arms outstretched aiming a small twister at Ryker. The wolf smirked and started to spin himself, the twister taking the wolf into it. Kent smirked in victory as he watched the twister start to suck in parts of the camp and tree branches around. The smirk faded when he saw that the twister grew, getting faster while lightning started to form inside it. Ryker stepped through it, unscathed as he pointed at the tiger.

"Here, kitty kitty." He beckoned cockily as Kent let out a roar, charging at Ryker. The two disappeared into the tornado, trading blows as they flew around the vortex. Debris flying around became weapons as they tried to murder each other with fervor. Ryker ended up striking Kent with a broken piece of wood from one of the tent poles while Kent bashed Ryker's cheek with a solid punch. The two battled on inside the tornado, both using their powers for support.

Desmond stood up, holding his arms as his hair fell in front of his face, watching through the matted black tendrils as they flew around with the winds. His stance faltered a bit through the pain still pouring through him. He bit his lower lip, trying to focus through his blurred vision. He could see the two figures fighting in the storm as the jackalope reached out an arm.

"Ryker... Finish him..." He called out to the storm. A few seconds after there was a deafening howl that even a fleeing Madeline heard. The tornado subsided as the two figures fell to the ground, Desmond hobbling over to see what happened.

As he moved by Kent, he felt a paw wrap around his ankle, causing the jackalope to fall with a yelp. He rolled over, looking at Kent who had a wooden stake pierced through his hip. He growled as he held out his arm, his paw facing Desmond and he immediately started to choke him.

"Stupid... Rabbit..." He growled as Desmond choked for air, clawing at his throat while he struggled. The jackalope glared at the tiger as the figure was suddenly lifted up into the air, arms and legs spread. Desmond gasped, gulping in needed oxygen, coughing and rolling to his side to curl up into a ball again.

"He's a jackalope..." Ryker growled as he pushed the tiger up against a tree, glaring at him. Kent let out a chuckle and coughed, taking in the wolf's beaten exterior. Blood sprayed out from his lips in his attempt to speak.

"There's no such thing..." Kent glared as he looked from the wolf to the newly-made rabbit. "Thought it could have explained his powers." He coughed, looking up at the tree he was pressed against. Ryker glared, slowly pulling his hands away from each other, tearing the tiger apart before looking down to Desmond. He felt the rush he had start to fade as he moved to his partner's side.

"Desi!... Desi, can you hear me?" He called out, pulling the boy into his arms. Desmond looked up at the wolf who was just as battered as he was. He gave a small nod and felt the wolf's arms wrap around him tightly. They stayed there, resting amidst the half destroyed camp as two figures approached them. Ryker looked over his shoulder, glaring as he held out his arm, stopping the two from moving. Upon a further look he saw it was Alice and the bunny that Desmond was talking to when he left earlier that night.

"What do you want...?" Ryker growled, Desmond cupped Ryker's cheek, turning his gaze down to him. His grey eyes shined up at Ryker's as the wolf heard another voice in his head.

"It's alright... We're here to help... We had to evacuate everyone before we came back to help... I could sense them plotting something like this... But I never-" Chloe started in his mind before Ryker let out a howl.

"Get out of my mind!" He yelled, bringing the two closer. Alice gasped at the sight of the two boys battered and bleeding, Chloe shaking her head.

"We were too late... I'm sorry Ryker..." She said as she looked to Alice. "Aly, get us to the base. Quickly. They need healing..."

Mutants (Chapter 5)

Alice and Chloe managed to teleport the boys to the new camp; a small grouping of abandoned apartment buildings. Ryker and Desmond were carried by others who rushed them to the infirmary. There they were placed on two small beds next to each other as...

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Mutants (Chapter 3)

The tiger walked away after his talk with Ryker and Desmond. The others slowly got to their feet, walking back around the campgrounds to attend to what they were previously doing. Ryker looked to Desmond, who glanced up at him. "I have a bad...

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Mutants (Chapter 2)

The door to the apartment was forced open by the powers of the still enraged wolf. The jackalope stayed behind him, about to close the door before the wolf shut it with a slam. Desmond's paws slowly lowered to his sides as he looked down to his feet....

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