A Mage's Tale Chapter 1

Story by Lurking Evil on SoFurry

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#1 of A Mage's Tale

Okay, so, this little thing is a combination of two ideas:

"What if, a dragon fucked a mage, and she got super mage powers!"


"What if there was a dragon who was such a boss that he won his freedom in an arena!"

And then mashed the two together. This has plot! Beware! Also, much dragon on girl fucking. Enjoy!

A Mage's Tale

"Silvy, please, be reasonable."

"Don't patronize me sir. You know this is crap!" She gestured to the massive stack of fresh work orders he had delivered.

A magical hammer capable of pulverizing solid marble flew by Rikvar's head.

"Please, everyone knows you're the best Magesmith in a hundred miles." Silvey's eyes blazed with fury. Knowing defeat, Rikvar bowed and made a swift exit. Silvia huffed and plopped herself down on a stool in Jocov's workshop, looking forlornly at the pile of broken magical tools, and list of new items that needed making.

No, her workshop now. Poor Jocov had succumbed to old age a few months ago. She sighed heavily. She didn't mean to take her anger out on poor Rikvar, he was just the messenger, and a few years younger. Silvia Sureblade was a mage. One of the rare few with the gift of creating wonders with their power. But she was an even rarer beast: A Magesmith, someone with the ability to imbue magic into objects of great power. This made her life both interesting, and incredibly tedious. At the age of six she had displayed her first potential of magic.

And her family had sold her to the Coronus mages guild. One of the eight guilds of the realm. As a Magesmith Silvia was set apart from the other acolytes, she was also highly inteligend and did not make friends easily, finding other peers was very difficult. It didn't help that the leader of the guildhall was a complete idiot. He felt that human limitations didn't apply. He was also in the process of running the hall's holdings into the ground.

Silvia had so many commissions and orders for magical implements it would take her weeks to catch up. Especially with the subpar materials that she was expected to work with. In another flash of anger she stormed over to a flowing hunk of unformed metal, waiting to be shaped the rest of the way into the sword that she had formerly been working on when she was so rudely interrupted. The impurities were obvious in the workings.

She slammed another hammer down and the sword bent irrevocably. She tossed it back into the burning coals in aggravation. She traced a few minor cantrips in the air to focus like her master had taught her. She missed him fiercely; it was hell trying to fill his shoes. Hell, she was still a virgin! She could hardly think of a worse situation. Silvia could almost feel her hair turning grey.

She could not have known about the events conspiring to uproot her life.

And so she sat, cursing her luck, cursing her idiot guildhall leader, and wishing she was anywhere other than where she was now. Only time and hard work would allow her the funds to settle down in some quiet town, maybe open up her own workshop. She couldn't deny the resources the guild could supply her with, but under current yoke, her creativity was stifled. Sure she had time to tinker every now and then. Jocov had encouraged and even pushed her, had cultured and nurtured her imagination. Now he was gone though, leaving a poorly prepared apprentice a legacy to live up to. She fell deep into her reverie, reminiscing about better days, younger days, when the world seemed a much bigger place.

She sat there, dozing into a far off place when a loud and obnoxious knock rattled the door in its frame before a loud and boisterous group barged in.

Silvia pulled a stray lock of her long red hair back into her working ponytail. With an arrogant swagger, the bane of Silvia's existence walked up to her work station. Grom was everything Silvy despised. He was broad shouldered and thick headed, his ego swelled by his rich, noble family line. His father a well accomplished wizard. Although his workings were meager, his skill and physical size was enough to set him above the others of his age group. He rested his elbows on her table, knocking over the pile of orders Rikvar had delivered, and shoved his face forward.

"So, is my new sword ready yet?" She gave him the best glare she could but he didn't get the hint that he was pushing her too far. A headache was already starting to pulse furiously in her skull and the thick cologne he was wearing made her want to gag.

"I've already told you, Grom, six weeks if you're lucky." He frowned and stood back up.

"My family is paying good money for this and I expect it to be done sooner you low-born bitch." Silvia seethed, feeling a muscle under her right eye give an involuntary twitch.

"Grom, you have three fucking seconds to haul your spoiled ass out of my workshop before I show you and your friends here how fast you can run crying to mommy and daddy."

"Woah bitch, sounds like you need a man who can tame you." Grom leered at her suggestively. "If you're a good girl I'll bend you over this table." His friends chuckled behind him. A chill of anger ran down Silvy's spine like nothing she had ever felt before. It was so profound, something inside her snapped. She felt nothing but a brewing rage finally reaching overflow. In slow motion she watched him and his gaggle of onlookers guffaw.

Then a stick of cherry wood was in her hands.

The first blow she aimed low under the table. The heavy wood cracked into the side of his knee, staggering him sharply. While he was still surprised she brought the blunt end of it into the side of his face, squarely on the cheek. Both impacts were extremely satisfying as the force travelled up the stick into her arm.

He started to wail and curled up into a ball as he fell. The others started forward in a vicious attempt to gang up and subdue her. She casually reached the stick out and thumped it onto the protruding handle of an iron poker stuck in the hot coals of the furnace. A shower of sparks and cinders flew from the kiln mouth as the rod flipped end over end. The mage girl caught the handle deftly and pointed the glowing tip at the onrushing idiots. Fortunately for them, they halted and chose instead dragged Grom safely out of her reach and out the door. She could already feel the consequences speeding towards her and found herself in total apathy. Nothing could take away the gratification she felt after seeing the look of shock and pain plastered over Grom's face.

She deposited the red hot rod back into its home and turned to start packing up for the day. Nothing would stop her from trying to enjoy the rest, or what little remained of her day. Silvia had spent the last decade, a solid half of her life forced from guildhall to guildhall, her skills just a bunch of numbers on a roster far away to a bunch of people who had never even met her. If she bundled all her belongings together, they would fit comfortably fit on her back.

Silvy quenched the forge fires and put up her tools. She quietly hoped that Grom's wounded pride would be too much for him to report her. Damn but it had felt good! She flexed her fingers into her palm, remembering the solidness of the impact. That same hand reached out to grasp her staff. It was an elegant and powerful thing, expressive of her preferred style, beauty of form and solidity of structure. Unification of form and function was her style.

Some of the younger men created more clubs than staves.

Not Silvy though. It was this very staff that had landed her this apprenticeship. Master Jocov had been an extremely powerful mage, and an even greater Magesmith. His liberal ideals had gotten him shuttled off to a border guild where his philosophy could be stifled.

The level of skill she had exhibited in its construction had earned her not the friendship, but the envious scorn of her peers. In an atmosphere of extreme competition, being better didn't make you friends. Silvy ran her hands over the swirling designs inlaid in precious magesteel around a beautifully crafted oak shaft surrounding a magesteel helix core. That was the real secret that she had kept.

Magesteel alone wasn't very stable and had to be bonded to a surer compound. But of course it was one of the most conducive elements to spell-work and so was highly desirable. Other mage staves or wands had perhaps a three to four percent ratio of magesteel, whereas Silvia had, with her creative core, managed a full third of her construction be of pure magesteel.

It also had the unique property of manaluminesce. A most fascinating by-product of the translucency of the metal that made it emit different colored light based on the mana flowing through it. She had opted for a longer staff as well, extending it to a full six and a half feet. The last foot and a half being reserved for wide magesteel rings at two inch intervals. It was simple, sturdy, but elegant. Form and function. Though she did not realize it, she too was made that way, with both form and function.

Wide hips and a fair waist were well offset by modest but well-formed breasts. She was a late bloomer, and even at twenty years old, still had a ways to go before she filled into her womanhood completely. Being a smith required her to have a fair amount of muscle for a girl, but not grotesquely so. Her mass went into whipcord strength instead of bulk. Her skin was pale, and a smattering of freckles dotted her cheeks still.

When she had first been sold to the guild, quarterstaff based combat training was required, believed to give structure and discipline young minds. After twelve though, it was no longer a requirement as more intellectual based training took the fore. Silvy had never let herself slip, and had kept at it. She was gifted with it. Whether a training staff or her own personally styled stave, it had always been a natural extension of her mind and body.

She was capable in close combat and had the occupation for a mage that allowed her keep up physically with it. Because of the training involved she stayed limber and offset the heavy labor of her smithing. Quite a rare thing in mages these days. Most major guilds relied on mercenary companies to provide the muscle if any group of mages were sent to a battlefield or on an expedition.

Silvia packed up her more delicate tools, hand-me-downs from her old master, and made ready to leave. Lastly, she grasped her stave and ran a hand affectionately over its cool length. As she turned, Rikvar burst through the door again. His eyes were wide with fear, and Silvy heard a strange commotion of voices outside.

"Rikvar? What's the matter? What's happening?" The young mage opened his mouth to speak, but only blood came out and he fell flat into her workshop and lay still. Her eyes fixed on the pair of arrows protruding unnaturally from his back, pronouncing him unquestionably dead.

Silvia Sureblade knew academically, the realities of battle, but had never seen such evidence with her own eyes. Her bag of tools slipped unnoticed from her fingers and she rushed to her fallen guild-mate's side. She hesitated before turning him over. His sightless eyes still held horror at his unjust death.

At the cusp of her workshop, the scent of death and burning buildings filtered in through her nose over the smells of her own forge. The sounds resolved themselves into screams of fear and war cries of the attackers. Silvy's mind reeled.

What band of lunatics would so attack one of the mage guilds? To attack one outpost was to invite the ire of the entire guild. Lawless brigands did not dare attack a guildhall, especially not in civilized lands that the Coronus guildhall occupied! While the guilds did not overtly command the kingdoms of the land, the rulers and people had to abide by the wishes of the guilds if they wished to continue to receive the services offered by the mages.

The young Magesmith pushed such questions to the back of her mind as her fight or flight instincts took over, and the overwhelming fear of death gripped her heart. She was no warrior, no soldier or War mage. While she had the knowledge to defend herself, the conditioning required to overcome her fear and stand to fight was beyond her.

She hesitated on the threshold, briefly considering grabbing her bag of tools. Fear made her leave it, justifying her abandonment of such precious instruments by assuring herself she would come and retrieve it once the attack was over. It was also tempting to stay in her cozy little workshop, perhaps barring the door. But that too she discarded. The young woman had no faith in the defensiveness of the guildhall, it was not designed to withstand attack, nor were there any War mages at such a minor hall.

So she ran, with nothing more than the flimsy work clothes on her back, and her stave clenched tightly to her breast.

She ran out into the corridor, catching a glimpse of other mages running in different directions. Silvy ignored them. She had no particular love for her fellow mages in the hall, having spent little time there, and even less time among them.

The guildhall was from an older time and had been expanded in bursts, leaving many old corridors mostly unused, but had provided many hours of play to a highly curious young girl. Silvy slipped quiet as a shadow into an unused larder cellar. It had an old, rusty gate that was hidden in an overgrown thicket. It led straight to a dirt path going up into the forest at the root of the nearby mountain range. The range had often served as a natural border between various fiefdoms and had served well enough for both traders and the guilds. Of course there were always rumors of monsters in the mountain passes but Silvy had never met anything bigger than a cottontail.

All throughout the day the wheels of chance and fate were turning, coincidence colliding with destiny. An ineffable series of events led up to Silvia Sureblade running up that familiar dirt path, leading her unknowingly to choices that would alter the fate of many through the actions that would follow.

Slowly the sounds of fighting receded to the quiet ambiance of the forest. It was dark but the moon was nearly full and cast its pale light alongside the glow of her staff. The wind still carried the screams, the cries, and the smell of burning flesh and smoke. It goaded her on, her animal fear guiding her away.

There was a light ahead, a small group with torches. Silvia ran a little faster, waving her arms and calling out.

"Help! Help, please! The guildhall is under attack!" Her joy was short-lived though when the torchbearers turned out to be half a dozen soldiers with spears and shields. The young mage stopped short, her pupils shrinking in fear, darting from one to the next. They all wore chainmail hauberks, metal helmets, and both their shields and tabard displayed a purple flower, the symbol of the Nightshade mages guild.

At first she thought they had been some of the attacking soldiers. Upon sighting the symbol, she relaxed her guard, her heart flooding with relief. Surely they had come to help! Or perhaps had been out on patrol and had heard the commotion. Her relief was short lived. The captain of the party stepped forward and lowered his spear.

"Well boys, look what we got 'ere. A little lost mage girl out alone in the forest. Whatever shall we do?" The soldiers behind him snickered in vicious humor.

"Oh gods." Silvy whimpered in renewed terror. "This isn't happening." The soldiers fanned out, quickly encircling her. She held up her staff protectively, trying desperately to recall her offensive spells. Fire, lightning, cold, anything that she could use. Her mind was a blank and her feet felt like lead. A soldier moved suddenly to her left, and she turned as well, ready to unleash the only thing she could think of. The spell to magically hammer steel struck the armored man full force, sending him flying backward into a tree.

Protected by his shield and mail, the soldier was a little bruised but rose again to his feet, just angry instead of cruelly mirthful. While she was distracted, another moved in behind her and tripped her with his spear. Another took the opportunity to rush in and kick the staff from her hands, knowing better than to try and touch it. While yet another landed on top of her, pinning her with his armored weight. Silvy thrashed, kicked, and tried desperately to summon up even an iota of her magic. Two pinned her legs while another sat on her arms.

She felt tears come to her eyes as the one on top of her laughed at her futile attempts to break free. He leaned down to nip playfully at her neck even as she screamed at the top of her voice. The others joined in his mirth.

"Nothin's gonna save you now girly. We're gonna show you a good time though, don't you worry. We're gonna have lots of fun." The soldier's breath was fowl, his teeth yellow and jagged. She nearly gagged, struggling to breathe with his weight atop her. He groped her breasts harshly, pinching through the cloth before ripping off her thick leather apron.

Silvia felt tears running freely down her face as she frantically tried to think of a way to avoid what the soldiers were about to do to her. If she was lucky, they'd kill her quickly after they were done raping her. If she was unlucky... well, the alternative was too grim to contemplate.

Then a hiss, like a red hot blade plunging into water sizzled through the air.

"What in the hells?" The weight abruptly lifted from her pelvis and limbs. Silvia used the opportunity to scramble backwards, and stopped dead, staring at the same thing the soldiers were.

Across the path, staring at them all with silted blue eyes, stood a scarred dragon. It was as large as the largest draft horse, and one of the deadliest creatures in the world. His deep blue, iron hard scales were tough enough to turn aside blades, and his sickle claws could pierce the toughest armor. Long, black, gently curved horns sprouted from his head. A long forked tongue flicked out past fangs that put daggers to shame.

For one tense moment, all who stood on that forest path were still. Then the captain made the mistake of throwing his spear at the great predator. With contemptuous ease, the massive creature caught the weapon its flight, and threw it back! It was flung with such force, the spearhead went through the soldier's hauberk, chest, and out the other side, impaling the warrior to the ground with his own spear.

Before the others could raise their shields, the dragon was among them.

He swept right with a fore claw, messily decapitating one. His long neck snaked forward with the speed of a striking snake, clamping down onto his arm with a jaw that could splinter bone with an audible crunch. The dragon tore off the limb easily, splattering blood across Silvy where she lay. One bright eye fixed momentarily on her, prone on the ground before turning to another of the men. Before the man with the missing limb screamed, another two were dead. One with a chest caved in from a kick that would shame a Clydesdale, while another was dropped with a broken neck from a well-aimed tail twist.

It was quick, brutal, and utterly without mercy. The dragon tore through the men, their armor, their flesh without a moment of hesitation. Silvy had stood no chance against trained warriors who had lived by the sword, but this beast made them look like mewling kittens. While the dragon was busy with the men, the young mage girl managed to break from her view of the slaughter and crawled to where her staff lay.

With one brief shout, swiftly silenced, the last soldiers were felled and the predator turned to her. Blood dripped from his jaw, his chest, and soaked his talons. She rose up; her palms sweating and slippery on the smooth surface of her magic stave.

The blue dragon looked levelly at her, unflinching and unwavering even in its gory state.

"S-stay back." She backed away slowly and the dragon's eyes seemed to glint in amusement at her display. The dragon lunged for her and she fell back on her rump with a scream, shutting her eyes and holding up her staff in a warding gesture. Instead of teeth or claws, she felt a limb wrap around her middle and a sudden pull that nearly knocked the wind from her.

Somehow Silvia managed to keep hold of her staff as her eyes shot open in surprise to see the ground and the dismembered corpses of the soldiers receding. The heavy flap of the dragon's wings, like thick sailcloth snapping in the wind sounded clearly above the rush of the air. She screamed in renewed fear as the beast was obviously was taking her back to its lair to eat her.

The young girl weakly moved in the dragon's firm grasp, afraid to dislodge herself and fall to the ground that was getting further and further away. She was shaking uncontrollably, holding her staff in a white-knuckled grip like a talisman against harm. She was also torn between looking and not looking, unsure which was worse.

She was shocked when the dragon flew straight to one of the nearby peaks and alighted on a ledge to a modest opening in the side of a sheer rock wall. There shouldn't have been a dragon so close to the guildhall or so deep in human lands either. They were very territorial, and were never willing to share hunting grounds with humans.

Inside the cave there was no massive trove of treasure either, only a dragon sized cushion and innumerable pillows, blankets, and other luxurious bedroom décor. The great scaled beast hauled his captive over to the pile of plush finery and set her gently down into the satin sheets. Silvia was too stunned, and too terrified to move as the dragon barely gave her a second glance as it went to a small pool, fed by a tiny trickle of burbling water. It washed the blood from its maw and talons.

Silvia Sureblade felt an odd tingle run through her body as she lay among the lightly perfumed pillows. She felt suddenly... hot? Yes, oddly hot. Uncomfortably so. It felt like she was falling deeper and deeper into the soft, lavish bed. The heat suffused her body, but seemed oddly focused between her legs. She squeezed her thighs together as the warm made her shift uncomfortably. As she sank further and further into the warmth, all her worries, her fears seemed to melt away.

Her staff clattered to the stone floor, forgotten. She writhed in an invisible inferno, quickly taking off both her shirt and pants, sweating in her underclothes. The dragon appeared above her, his now clean muzzle glistening wetly. Her reason was gone, burned away in that heat. She opened her arms in welcome even as she bit her lip and rubbed her legs together. A scaly blue muzzle dipped to nuzzle between her breasts. Silvy grabbed the dragon's horns, giggling a little as the cool wetness tickled her chest.

She pulled off her undershirt and squeezed her breasts together for the dragon's enjoyment. It licked its long tongue around one of her soft globes before moving up her neck to mash its lips against her own. Silvy eagerly kissed back, licking the soft hide around his mouth. He had a neutral taste fortunately, having done a good job washing off the blood. The young woman leaned further into the kiss, deepening the lip lock. His tongue darted into her mouth as he joyfully reciprocated the girl's eagerness.

He placed his large talons on either side of her, pressing his thick pectorals against her breasts. His rough scales rubbed against her pink nipples, softly scraping her areola. She moaned into him, and he churred softly back. In a clearer state of mind she would have been shocked, appalled, and probably soiling herself in fear. But at that moment, nothing was more compelling to her than the pleasure of her body. She could have kissed that great blue dragon for hours, satisfying the urges taking root in her body.

The Magesmith lifted her pelvis upwards, trying to satiate the urge between her legs by grinding against the underbelly of the powerful creature atop her. Ooh how she needed something more. Something more than just his lips. She ran her hands over his face, feeling the ridges and bumps, and the deep grooves of his many scars. For a single, ever so brief moment, her mind was pulled from its deep heat, wondering what kind of life this creature must have lived to have earned so many scars.

She broke the kiss and looked deeply into the blue eyes, panting in need.

"Please... I need more." Blood rushed to her cheeks in a creeping blush. She shyly looked away, embarrassed that she was forced to beg for further pleasure. She didn't want to, it just felt so good, and she didn't want it to stop, didn't want him to stop. Was it her imagination, or did the massive reptile chuckle deep in his throat?

His large head moved down, licking teasingly along the cleft of her breasts before going lower still, tasting the salty tang of her skin. He softly nudged her legs open and brushed along the crotch of her underwear, blowing his hot breath on the outside of her covered sex. He licked at her thigh teasingly. She groaned in frustration, wanting him to satisfy her, but he kept beating around the bush.

She hooked her thumbs through the flimsy underwear and slipped it down her legs, practically flinging the lingerie aside. The girl spread her legs and pushed her hips out invitingly, exposing her bare outer lips, and thatch of curly red hair. The mighty dragon wasn't one to keep a lady waiting and gave her lower lips one good kiss before diving in. His long, serpentine tongue licked her plush outer wetness. A few laps later he slipped himself ever so briefly into her entrance.

His appendage traced up, tasting her sweet flower all the way up to her throbbing nub. She jumped as if electrified when he grazed it, unprepared for the bolt of pleasure it sent up her spine. She gasped as the tip of his tongue began circling her clit, pushing firmly into her hood. Silvy had never experienced anything like this before and the dragon's oral ministrations were infinitely more skillful than any human.

He continued to pleasure her nub, teasing and tasting with a variety of motion, lapping and pressing and rubbing with the smooth unctuous red flesh for a few moments. Silvia was melting, her whole lower half felt tingly and hot. She could have laid there, letting herself get closer and closer to the edge. It was so much better than her fingers had ever felt.

Sometimes, during the loneliest of nights, she would use a special spell to carefully heat up the tip of her anvil and grind herself to climax. But this was so much better. She hissed as the dragon's tongue moved down again and slipped inside her.

Her inner muscles were working overtime, squeezing and trying to draw that long red thing further inside her. If she had something inside her then the burning abated, was soothed. It was as though the heart of her forge had been planted in her belly, igniting her passion. She wanted it so bad she momentarily forgot herself and grabbed the dragon's horns to better move herself. The great blue creature kindly obliged her, slipping himself further into her hot wetness, rubbing the edge of his scaly nose against her nub.

She cried out, gyrating her hips and holding onto his horns tightly for leverage. Silvia happily lavished in the oral attentions of the massive creature, completely lost in the sensations running through her depths as her inner walls clenched and roiled around the invader. Just as she began to feel her orgasm welling up deep within her, the dragon pulled back.

Silvia cried out as the long tongue slipped back out, her pussy clenching in its absence. She was soaked through completely from all the attention. The girl whined in need and quickly covered her mouth as a modicum of sense returned to her, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. Was it her imagination, or did the dragon have a smirk at the corners of its mouth?

He moved up on the cushions, sliding his smooth belly scales up her legs, and all the way up to her breasts. Her heart skipped a beat in fear as such a powerful creature moved so close, then her loins clenched in fear and anticipation as she realized what was to come. Even if she wanted to escape, which was very far from her lust addled mind, she was quite boxed in by the thick limbs on either side of her. He shifted atop her, his member, hard and slick, brushed against her inner thigh.

Silvy bit her lip as she trembled and reached down to fondle the dragonhood questing between her legs, searching for her treasure. He felt so thick! She wasn't sure if he would fit at all. The thought of something so big insider her just added fuel to the fire inside her. She needed it so badly, needed it more fiercely than anything before in her life.

The tip of the huge cock slipped along her slit, up and down, gathering the wetness from her arousal before pushing in, the first inch spreading her delicate flower. Silvy's outer lips wrapped around the massive dragon meat and she drew in a deep breath of anticipation. Just that first bit didn't hurt in the least.

While it was true that Silvia Sureblade was a virgin, her maidenhead had broken on its own many years ago during her vigorous stretching. And of course she had played with herself many times, masturbating sometimes with the handle of a tool. It hardly compared to having a real, breathing creature on top of her.

The dragon was kind, allowing her a moment to prepare and adjust to his girth. After a few deep breaths she pushed back a little, allowing a little bit more to slip inside. He took this as an okay to continue and slid deeper inside her. She gasped again and squirmed as more and more dragon cock speared into her virgin depths. At that moment she was rather glad she didn't have to deal with her hymen breaking at that moment. It made the union all the more pleasurable, even with the discomfort from taking such a large thing inside her.

Silvia wiggled, her thoughts obliterated by the girth of the dragonhood invading her. Just as she thought there couldn't possibly be more, the beast on top of her adjusted itself and continued to press. She groaned as the tip of his member brushed against the end of her tunnel and pressed a little bit harder. She squealed as this sensitive area was stimulated. And still there was more. The girl reached again between her legs and felt that last few inches still outside her.

The fire within her begged for that last little bit, and she whimpered in need. Oh she was so close to taking all of it! The young woman thrust herself hard against his root, trying to impale herself further. The dragon was a little surprised by her eagerness, but had no complaints. At first the going was slow, her tight cunt gripping at the dragon's cock. As he pulled out, her inner flesh dragged along the thick, veiny length. The lips of her flower were stretched thinly around the member, slicking it with her wetness.

Glistening, the dragon rod dipped back in to the girl, nearly pushing her along with the thrust as he fucked her. Again he slid and pressed against the deepest part of her, distending it and letting him get just a little deeper. He worked at her with a slow pace, making sure his member was slick with her juices, building up, pressing just a little harder and a little deeper each time.

Then, with one great heave, pushing her into the cushions and lifting her rump slightly, his root finally pressed against her outer lips as he bottomed out within her. She bit her lip, crying out in ecstasy as her nub grinded against the smooth scales of his crotch. Helpless against the inferno still raging, she wrapped her arms and legs around his mighty form as he rocked into her depths.

Now that she was properly prepared, he increased the depth of his thrusts, pulling out more and more, sliding all the way back in each time. Soon he was slamming in and out of her, every centimeter of throbbing length plunging all the way until just the tip remained, then spearing all the way into her deepest parts. At the end of every thrust, her clit pressed hard into him. She screamed in a frenzy as his pounding increased, stirring her insides with the power of their mating.

She felt the fire in her burning higher and higher instead of being quenched. The inferno was stoked and swelled to titanic proportions inside her as all her pleasure buttons were hit at once. Her g-spot was stimulated repeatedly by the thick ridges along the dragon's length as they pressed against her inner walls. The end of her love tunnel was pounded ruthlessly by the hard tip of the dragon tool. And of course her over-sensitive clit was mushed over and over again.

The heat welled up within as her body slid along the scaled belly of the great dragon, her sex brutalized by the cock violating her depths. She was so wet at that point that the beast had no problem freely moving, thrusting to its bestial content. It fucked her as hard as it pleased, pumping its length hard into the female beneath it. His tongue lolled out of his mouth in pleasure at the slippery pussy gripping his cock almost painfully snug.

At the peak of their rutting, when the dragon was totally lost in abandon, fucking her with every ounce of his might, his flesh ramming in and out, making thick wet noises, Silvia climaxed.

The mage girl had never experienced orgasm so complete, so full body, as what she felt at that moment. The fire spread throughout her whole body, her arms and legs clenching as tightly as they could around the dragon. She screamed into his scales as her inner depths convulsed helplessly around the meaty girth stretching her so deliciously. Her body milked him for all she was worth, and her body would not be disappointed.

Virtually blinded by lust and the carnal vibrations of his need, the dragon spent himself against the girl, loosing himself against her delicate flesh. He had wanted to draw it out more, to fulfill his desires, but the cunt in which he found himself buried was simply too tight, too wet and fuckable to resist. When she came, and those searing velvety pussy lips clamped around him, the sucking of her depths was just too much. With a groaning, half roar of his own, the dragon came shortly after the girl.

Even with the burning within her, the dragon's seed was still hotter. It was like magma was being pumped into her with immense force. The thick volume of cum splashed against the very back of her tunnel, spilling its load deep into her womb. The male seed spurting into her at last quenched the fires she felt with the searing presence of the dragon cum. Her hips tilted up of their own accord, accepting the virile liquid into herself even though she had no eggs for it to find. She rode out her climax as the orgasm raced along her nerves, frying her sensations with the power of her release.

The liquid rested heavily in her belly, giving her a sense of fullness to complete the still stiff dragon cock in her now relaxing cunt.

"Ah, ah, ah." She panted, her limbs slick with sweat as she fell limp, sinking into the bed of blankets. Even as she came down from the high of her ecstasy, she felt no remorse for her actions. She had just had her first with a dragon, a massive scaled creature, and was almost glad of it. Now, it could never be taken by anyone else. Silvia had had little choice in her partner, but better this surprisingly gentle giant then forcibly by those now dead soldiers.

She now understood what it meant to have needed good fuck, for a good fuck she had just been on the receiving end of. An itch had been scratched that she hadn't even been aware of until just then. Her afterglow engulfed her in a welcoming numbness as her entire body throbbed from the mating.

"Oh!" She cried out in surprise as the dragon moved a little, shifting the contents of her well-fucked pussy. "Easy there, big boy." She put her hands to his scarred chest to keep him from relocating.

"What?" The dragon asked. He looked down at her, with as much surprise as her.

"Umm..." She began.

"Oh, dear, I did it again didn't I?" A remorseful look crossed his intelligent features.

"Excuse me?" Silvia was too shocked, and still in afterglow at that moment to question the sudden turn of events.

"No, no, you must excuse me, fair maiden." She blushed at being addressed so formally. Silvia couldn't help it; the dragon's tone was just... so charming! "It appears I have unduly err... thrust myself upon you, as it were. I haven't hurt you have I? Oh I must beg your forgiveness!" The blue scaled creature, who was quite capable of ripping her in half, was now clearly distressed.

The young woman, still full of dragon cock and seed giggled slightly at his plight. He looked at her in a huff.

"Now don't make fun, this is a serious matter. Oh, you weren't a virgin were you?" He slapped a claw to his face as he looked up in mortified shame. "You were! Not only did I have to snatch some girl from the countryside again, but she _had_to be a virgin!" He gave her a critical examination with a reptilian blue eye. "You're not the daughter of a duke or something are you? It would be just my luck for you to turn out to be a princess or some other lady of station."

Silvia unsuccessfully tried to wiggle out from under the ranting beast.

"Why would you think me a princess or some nonsense like that?" She asked incredulously.

"Pardon my being so bold, miss, but you definitely look it." He rose back onto his haunches, scanning her naked body, still joined with his at the crotch. She weakly covered her breasts with an arm and protested.

"I am but a simple girl, no one special." The dragon harrumphed.

"I should like to disagree with that, scant have been the times I have set eyes on such a beauty, or ahem... lain with such a beauty." His cock twitched a little inside her, giving credit to his statement. The dragon took on a forlorn look and turned his gaze away. "I didn't... kill anyone, did I?"

"Yes," She answered simply. And such was the sorrow that creased his eyes, suddenly reflecting a deep sadness, that she was compelled to amend her proclamation. "But, you saved me. The soldiers you killed, they were going to... do horrible things to me, then kill me. They attacked my home and killed..." She lost her voice as she choked on the words.

"I... I saved you, you say? From attacking soldiers?" He perked up, his crest extending slightly. Silvia moaned as the dragon cock at last softened from its swollen girth and slipped from her abused sex. Her delicate feminine parts were a little sore from their earlier pounding. She squirmed a little as the thick male seed slid within her belly, and a little pouring out of her loosened cunt. She covered herself with a hand, embarrassed at being so exposed.

In an act of gentlemanly poise, the dragon turned away and covered her with a blanket. She was completely taken aback by the creature's kindness and humanity.

"Why did you save me?" She couldn't help but wonder. This dragon didn't seem like the same being that she had seen with bloodlust in its eyes down in the woods.

He sighed.

"I heard the sounds of battle, and scented blood on the wind and I had a bit of a flashback you see. I spent many years fighting in the arena before I earned my freedom. Instincts sort of took over, I'm ashamed to say."

"But then how come you didn't kill me too? Not that I'm complaining." Silvia relaxed back into the cushions, oddly at ease in the dragon's presence now.

"Well um... when I did particularly well in the arena I would be... rewarded, so to speak."

"Oh?" She questioned.

"Ooooh..." She spoke in realization. "So in your state of mind you saw me as..."

"A prize... so to speak... yes." He finished for her. With a pained look, he gazed at her. "Please you must understand I am truly sorry for my actions. It was terribly improper; even if I did save you it was wrong of me to force myself upon you as I did." The dragon then shocked her further by bowing deep, laying itself before her.

"If there is anything I can do in recompense..." Silvia laid a hand on the tough blue snout.

"I don't mind. Really. Something... came over me as well. It was a strange... almost heat. Not like an animal heat, but similar. Like I could only get rid of it by... letting you... well, you know." The dragon's frill extended in surprise.

"What you're describing... you're not a mage are you?"

"Why yes, how did you guess?" His blue eyes gazed intently at her.

"That explains it. Dragons are very magical creatures. We practically breathe the stuff. Because of your proximity to me after my fight, because you're sensitive to magic, being a mage, you soaked up more of it than your body could handle. So, you needed to release the excess power, and that translated to your... desires. It was the quickest and safest way of venting all that energy."

"But... I always thought that any mage who mates with a dragon would lose all her power!" The dragon snorted in derision.

"Fah, that's just an old wives' tale. Completely unfounded. It is a little known secret that having sex with a dragon imbues the recipient with great power."

Now immensely curious, Silvia summoned up her magic to produce a little magefire. In her palm, a tiny flicker sparked, then a tongue of flame, so hot it was blue in color, leapt from her hand all the way up to the ceiling.

"Woah!" She immediately extinguished the flow of magic to the spell and the light faded, leaving a bright afterimage across her retinas.

"Told you so." Said the dragon with a smirk. Silvia flexed her hand as it tingled with the power that had flowed through it. "You must be quite talented. It only enhances magic that's already there, or that's buried deeply." She sighed as the thought of her legacy as a mage brought her back to her destroyed guild.

"That's all well and good, but those soldiers were only a few that attacked my guildhall. I don't have a home anymore." Silvia curled her knees to her chest, the warm seed in her womb providing only a scant comfort. She quietly began to weep as thoughts turned to poor Rikvar, dead before her eyes. To her immense surprise, the blue dragon lay down in the cushions next to her and placed a forelimb tenderly, protectively over her. It was comforting, and the young mage girl pressed herself into the dragon's embrace.

"I have to warn the archmages of my guild. They'll do something." She sobbed.

"I'll be happy to take you there. I insist. There is no faster way to travel than dragon wing." He cooed to the girl. Silvy sniffled in sorrow.

"You would do that for me? I don't even know your name."

"My name is Bluevayne."

"I'm Silvia. Silvia Sureblade."

"That's a strong name, Silvia. I'd be more than happy to help however I can." She cuddled closer to the honorable dragon.

"Thank you, Bluevayne. Thank you."