THe Four Knight Of Doom Chapter 1

Story by Were Siberia on SoFurry

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Cinnamon Rolls...

The Four Knights Of Doom

Chapter 1

The Demon Walks Among Us

Mark trudged as he moved with goods on his back. It was a crappy job, being a delivery boy, but it paid for his house and food so he couldn't be too angry. He took a look at his village. The woman attended to the children and basic laboring. As the man had left for hunting or ran a store. Or in Mark's case delivering supplies.

Mark was carrying about a hundred pounds on his furry body. He was a tiger with orange fur, but with red stripe unlike the common black that his fellow kindred possessed. He had stunning red eyes, which stunned grown men and, unfortunately, scared the little furs away. He stood at the height 6' 2 which made him taller than most of the other men of these times. He had a decent muscle tone on his body. Carrying heavy packages and deliveries for the last fifteen years will do that to a feline.

"Hey kitty!" Mark heard as he turned to see a snow leopard sneering with two of his buddies who were a crow and a jackal. "Carrying packages again?" The snow leopard or John as Mark knew him taunted.

"What this?" Mark referred to the hundred pounds of salt on his back, "No it isn't a delivery, just stocking up for the winter" Mark joked back.

"But it's the spring" John replied with the dumbest look on his face.

"The education system really skipped you, didn't it?" Mark asked, "You're a full grown man with the intelligence of a child"

"Shut up!" John retorted back picking up some rocks, "Come on boys, if you can hit his head the ale will be on me tonight!"

Mark immediately began being bombarded with rocks. He was able to dodge the ones being thrown at his head, but his body was hit in a few spots.

"Alright Alright. That's enough!" The local guard said making John and the others run away. Mark stared as the crow ran away. He never yelled at Mark and he was half heartily throwing rocks at Mark. A memory of the two of them making out roughly in his bed flashed through his mind. He knew exactly why the crow never did anything.

The town guard a huge giant rhino who was even two inches taller than mark came up to him. "You alright Mark?" The guard or Samuel asked Mark.

"Yeah, nothing too bad, a few bruises at the worst" Mark replied.

"Okay, see you later" Samuel replied as he returned to his duties.

Mark took another look at the village, twenty years ago he had settled down here. It was like his own personal heaven, John and his crew were the only down side in his village.

Mark eventually arrived in the shop that he had been heading to. An owl greeted Mark at the door. "Mark, my boy!" The owl greeted Mark.

"Hey Abraham" Mark replied as he went to the back of the store to set down the supplies.

"Please set the salt next to the chopped meats" Abraham directed.

"Just like last week?" Mark thought to himself as he placed the perfectly stacked salt bags next to the chopped meat table.

Mark left the back of the store and popped his back and sighed in the relief.

"Here's you pay" Abraham said handing Mark's well earned pay. The owl stood at 5'7. He was nearing his fifties and his once snow white feathers were now graying. He used to be a guard, but his knees were struck with a disease that the clergy men couldn't identify. In the end Abraham had to quit being a guard and settle down as a merchant.

Mark took his pay and added it to his coin purse. The coins clinked as they met the few other coins in the tiny sack.

Abraham was one Mark's oldest friends and his best employer to this day. Mark even cried when Abraham had to quit being a guard, the job meant a lot to Abraham.

A huge ringing echoed throughout the entire town. The bell above the church was ringing signaling for all the people, except the guards, that it was time for the daily sermon.

"Time to bask in the lord's love" Abraham said as he blew out the candle in his store that signaled that it was open.

"You're only supposed to light those candles when it's night out and you go on without me, I pray at my house" Mark said chuckling at the old owl's actions.

Abraham stopped in his tracks, "For starters, I take pride in my shop and therefore that candle will always be lit when it is open. Second, you know the village strays from you because of your religious activities. You haven't been to a sermon in ten years!" Abraham exclaimed.

"I have my reasons." Mark replied, "It seems that we learned more about hell and evils of the world, then the lord's love or heaven. I could recite the seven deadly sins and the lords of those sins in my sleep"

"Even so, you're a strong man and an honorable employee. Yet you have never settled down with a woman. What aboutElizabeth? She seems quite fond of you" Abraham pointed out.

Elizabethwas a sweet and fragile lioness. Every time she talked to Mark, in was in near whispers and her face was flushed. Her tail would flicker in excitement, but she always would embarrass herself by saying something rather unintelligent and run off in embarrassment.

"Yeah, I knowElizabethhas quite the emotions for me" Mark replied in a sigh. "But she's too obedient and doesn't talk much"

"That's how a woman is supposed to be" Abraham replied, "Our lord commands it. Plus she's a prize; any man would sell their soul to have her paw in marriage. Also.... There's one other thing" Abraham said the last part in silence.

"Hmm?" Mark said his curiosity perked, "And what would that be?"

"Well I'm one of the few that have notice this. We've been friends for twenty years" Abraham said, Mark nodded in response, "You said you were twenty when we first met correct?"

"Yes I did" Mark replied.

"And yet you look the same way the day we met! It's as if you haven't aged. The other villagers are terrified. Only angels and demons our immortal! And we both know that only demons walk among us" Abraham explained.

"Come on Abe" Mark said using the owl's nick name, "You know me better than any one, do you honestly think I could be a demon?"

"I suppose that is rather silly, you're one of the gentlest furs I have met" Abraham said feeling rather stupid, "But will you at least join me for this sermon?"

"I'm sorry, but my reasons still stand" Mark stated firmly.

"Okay, but don't forget how our religion saved this world from the four knights of doom" Abraham said leaving his store and hurrying towards the church.

Mark knew all about the four knights of doom, about ten thousand years ago four furs of immense powers arose from hell and set the land ablaze. The knights would have destroyed the entire world if it weren't for Samuel, and Mark didn't mean the guard outside.

Samuel was a paladin who was a firm believer of the religion and was blessed by god with holy powers. With his powers he beat the four knights of doom and imprisoned them for all eternity.

Mark walked out of the store and decided that he might as well head home; there was nothing he could do for the next three hours.

On his way to his house Mark heard someone calling his name from behind. Mark turned to see it was Samuel the somewhat chubby rhino was chasing after him.

"Hi Samuel" Mark stated as the rhino bend over catching his breath.

"Hey" Samuel replied with gasps, "You walk fast"

Mark chuckled slightly, "How are you today?"

"Great" Samuel replied wrapping one of his arms around Mark's shoulders. "How are you?"

"Fine" Mark replied slightly confused at the rhino's gesture.

"That's good. Are you well?" Samuel asked.

"Yes, I am" Mark replied.

"You know, I helped you out really nicely earlier" Samuel stated.

"You did, indeed you did" Mark replied.

"Yes, the other guards were just turning blind eye" Samuel continued.

Mark could see where this was going, Vey few of the furs in this village knew about what Mark liked to do behind the curtains. It seems Samuel was now one of those furs.

"That was extremely kind of you' Mark replied squeezing Sam's hand on his shoulder, "Maybe I could repay you for your kindness in Scott's store over there" Mark gestured with his head.

"I would like that" Samuel said with a slight smile.

As Mark and Samuel walked to the store Mark groped Samuel through his thin fabric pants. Which was arousing Samuel quite nicely.

"Not bad, very large" Mark whispered in Samuel's ear. Samuel smiled with the comment upon his "masculinity"

As soon as the two were in the store, Mark went to give the rhino a make out session that he would never forget, but Samuel gently put his paw on Mark's nose.

"I'd rather just get to the fun part" The husky rhino said with a slight blush.

"That eager huh?" Mark asked in a flirty tone. Samuel blushed and nodded.

Mark dropped to his knees and dragged his paws across the rhino's plump belly and took a large whiff of Samuel's endowment. Shivers ran down Mark's spine.

Mark quickly undid the button of Samuel's trousers and a thick, plump grey dick flopped out. Mark took the member and pressed it against his cheek as he kissed the crevices in between Samuel's balls and thigh, causing him to shiver from the pleasure.

Mark gave Samuel's member a few more licks and looked at the fully hard monster. It was about ten inches in length and six in circumference.

"THICK mother fucker" Samuel thought to himself, "Big boy aren't you" Mark said in a sexy voice as he kissed the head of Samuel's member.

Samuel in a bit of playfulness shoved Mark all the way down on to his endowment, "I'm a big man!" He said in a slight menacing voice.

Mark slurped on the monster as he pulled off the entire ten inches, "Of course my faithful village guard" Mark replied as he sucked about half of the member back in and began playing with the massive balls hanging under the massive organ that Mark was now expertly sucking.

Mark knew how to make man writher with his expert oral skills. He put his feline lips over his teeth so there would be no accidents and aimed Samuel's sausage upward so it would rub against the roof of his muzzle as he bobbed on the member. And when Mark wasn't doing that, he was using the silky smooth underside of his tongue to play with Samuel's now swollen mushroom like head. Mark's treatments were rewarded with puddles of pre cum, a taste that Mark loved.

Samuel rested against the wall that he and Mark were close to as he enjoyed his treatment, finally a reward that a village guard deserved! Samuel ran his paw through Mark's long mane as he nearly drooled from the oral treatment that he was now receiving.

After two minutes Mark hard worked up to taking all of Samuel's ten incher in and out of his muzzle. He was deep throating like a champ with no gag reflex and pistoning on the member like a blur.

Samuel knew he wouldn't last much longer and with a loud and obvious grunt he began spewing threads of cum from his monster.

Mark only swallowed the first of the orgasm and then pulled of the monster as he allowed the rest to splash on his face. He kept his muzzle open so he caught a lot of the spunk in his muzzle.

Mark began pumping the member with his paw as the orgasm of Samuel began to die down. Mark milked like a pro and got three more ropes of cum out of Samuel before he collapsed against the wall and let out a long relaxed sigh.

Mark began to clean himself, he had a strong tongue and cleaned off all signs of Samuel's scent on him, so no one would suspect of their "pass time". Mark eagerly swallowed all of the cum that he had collected in his muzzle.

Then suddenly the bells on the church were ringing hastily and the stomping of the guards outside almost sounded like a stampede.

"All guards to the front gate! All guards are to report by mandatory means!" Both Mark and Samuel heard the phrases being yelled out through the village.

Samuel quickly buckled up his trousers and grabbed his spear, "Sorry" Samuel hastily replied, "I would love to stay and play more, but something very urgent is happening"

Mark nodded in understanding and Samuel rushed out of the store. Mark quickly got up and walked calmly to the front gate, curious as to what was happening.

It took Mark four minutes to walk to his village's front gate. At the front of the gate, all the village's guards (about fifteen) were standing their spears pointed at furs on non-anthro horses, while four guards, two on each side of the gate had their bows drawn and aimed at the intruders.

There were fifteen opposite furs, all on horses, that were intruding. Ten of them also had their spears drawn while the five in the back had their bows drawn and aimed at the village's archers.

The intruder's obvious leader, the guard who had gold trimming and the nicest plated armor, spoke in a booming voice, "His majesty demands the surrender and treasury of this village!"

"We live in the Dead Lands!" One of the village's guards spoke back, "Everyone moved to this village because this territory is free of monarch rule. You are trespassing and we are asking you to leave now before this gets ugly!"

The leader of the intruders then spoke up again, "This land has been being conquered piece by piece by his majesty. So far there had been no blood shed, this land will sooner or later be controlled by monarch rule as all territory should be. We offering you to surrender peacefully we will not ask again"

Samuel spoke up, "You assholes need to leave!"

"Is he crazy?" Mark asked himself, these man had mounts, better armor, weapons, and were probably trained.

The leader obviously did not take kindly to Samuel's words and struck his spear out at him, it was a killing blow aiming directly for Sam's jugular vein.

Sam's eyes went wide as he knew he wouldn't be able stop the spear in time. He eyes went larger as the spear stopped an inch short of his throat.

Everyone gasped as they saw it was Mark who caught the spear; he wasn't there a second ago!

"Whoa whoa!" Mark said in a slight joking manner, "Not the best way to make friends!"

"Filthy peasant" The leader said pulling back his spear and stabbing Mark's shoulder.

Mark cried out in slight pain. Blood seeped from his wound in his shoulder. Mark looked up at the leader; a cold look was now on his face.

Mark threw his paw forward; toward the leader. The leader was launched off his horse as though an invisible cannon shot at him. He slammed against the gate and fell thirty feet to ground unconscious; if he wasn't dead he was going to be in a lot of pain.

Another intruder immediately thrust his spear at Mark. Mark caught the spear by the blade part. No blood fell from his paw as it should have. Mark squeezed the blade till it was flat and kept squeezing. Mark withdrew his paw and the top three quarters of the spear was missing. Mark opened his paw letting metal dust fell from his paw. He had squeezed the spear to dust.

"What the hell?" The guard asked his voice had a slight fear in it.

Mark let out a growl as he flung both of his arms at the intruding soldiers. All the soldiers with spears went flying through the air, along with their horses.

The archers quickly let five arrows fly at Mark with eye blinking moments. The arrows got about a centimeter arrow from Mark before they stopped dead in their tracks, just hovering close to Mark's face.

Mark shook his head as if saying "No" and the arrows were torn to shreds as they there was an invisible grinder in the air with them.

Mark held up a paw near his head. He flicked his wrist and a mass of fire lit up, hovering above his paw. He threw the ball of fire at the archers where it hit the ground in front of them and smoldered out.

"Hah! You can't even aim!" one of the archers boasted. Suddenly, the ground erupted beneath with a flaming explosion launching them and their mounts into the air.

The stripes on Mark's back began moving and forming a signal. It was a cross, with a circle on top and a curve, towards his right, at the bottom. The bottom curve then formed a hook. On the outside of the corners of the cross were circles with jagged lines in them splitting the circles into four pieces.

The priest's eyes went wide as he began flipping through his book of scriptures.

Mark walked toward to where the leader of the intruders had landed and felt where his pulse is.

"Alive" Mark mumbled to himself. Mark picked the body up and placed it on his shoulders as though the captain weighed nothing. He quickly grabbed a horse and calmed it down. Mark placed the captain's body on the horse sideways, since he couldn't sit, and used the reigns to tie him to the horse, so he wouldn't fall off.

"Tell your king that this village is off limits and I will be seeing him REAL soon" Mark whispered to the captain. The captain nodded weakly. Mark then smacked the back of the horse, which caused it to start running back to wherever it came from.

Mark turned back toward his village. All of them had shocked faces. Half of the faces were fear and the other half were astonishment. The priest of the church looked terrified, as though he had just watched someone burn alive.

The priest dropped his book in his terror, "It's him!" He croaked out at first, gaining everyone's attention. The priest picked up his book and pointed to one of the pictures, it was the same symbol on Mark's back.

"He is one of the four knights of doom!" The priest shrieked.

Mark bowed down his face in sadness, "My name is Leiagham Chiotos Harkem Xoice. Or in your tongue, He who blocks out the sun and drowns the land in shadows" Mark spoke loudly

"I am the knight of sorcery as you furs call me and I am one of the four knights of doom" Mark said casting an astonished gasp through everyone.

How to pronounce the names in lame man's terms!

Leiagham- (Lay aye ham)

Chiotos- (Chee oh toes)

Harkem- (Hark em)

Xoice( Zoy ce)

Author's Note: I know it's a bit rush and the smut scene was short, but this is just the beginning! Follow Mark's journey. Find out what really happened ten thousand years ago! Is Mark still a blood thirst monster? This story will have explosions, love, adventure, sex, drama, Talking Swords! And a plot so deep that it will blow your mind!