Fertile Ground - Chapter 2

Story by Mr-Mau on SoFurry

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#2 of Fertile Ground

Fertile Ground is an ongoing series about two lifelong friends, Ricca and Ray, who grow to love each other when they admit their true feelings toward one another. Each chapter is a continuation of the last and I strongly urge you to read it from the beginning. I'll include a summary at the beginning of each chapter to remind you of past events, but I hope to not spoil any major plot points.

_Summary of Chapter 1

Ricca and Ray live in the same apartment building and compete against each other in most sports. Ricca is a tomboy wolf and Ray is a stallion who is the star of their high school track and field team. They are caught in a sudden storm after playing basketball all morning and take shelter in a ravine to wait out the storm. Wet and cold, Ricca and Ray talk openly of their feelings toward each other as they struggle for warmth. Their closeness leads to an intimate exploration of their bodies._

"Ricca! Where have you been?"

Ricca stood in the door, mud stained and wet from the rain, her mother's eyes looking up and down at the disheveled mess that could only be her daughter. Tansi was overbearing at times, even for a mother, although she tried to give Ricca space to grow and find her own way into adulthood.

"I'm ok mom. Ray and I got caught out in the storm and tried to cut through the ravine. We got stuck there when..." Ricca was going to tell Tansi about Ray's fall but was caught off guard by her mother's arms wrapping around her in a great hug. Tansi fussed over her and frowned at the condition of her clothes.

"Did it rain mud?" Tansi asked suspiciously.

"Ray tried to climb the ravine but slipped halfway up. He's even dirtier than me if that's any consolation." Ricca smiled at her mother trying to ease the situation.

"I'm glad you're ok... bring your phone next time! I called and called until I heard it beep from your room. Even Ray's parents came over to see if he was here. His father looked quite upset."

When Tansi calmed down, Ricca was free to take a shower and change clothes. Her muddied shirt went straight into the garbage, no amount of cleaning products would ever remove those stains. It took the greater part of an hour to clean herself, the dried mud stuck to her fur and was painful to scrub out. Ricca put on a long shirt and gym shorts, finally feeling clean enough to join her mother for a late dinner.

Ricca sat at the table while her mother chatted about the storm and how often she looked out the window hoping to see Ricca. The rice and chicken stir fry did little to peak Ricca's appetite, her mind was busy reliving what had happened between her and Ray. Ricca remembered exploring Ray's body and how he had touched all the right places on her. Food held little interest to her at that moment.

"Ricca, did you hear me?" Tansi's question tore Ricca from her reverie.

"Uh, what were you saying?" Ricca tried to piece together her mother's question.

"I said that Ray called while you were in the shower. He just wanted to know if you were ok."

"I'll call him back after I'm done eating."

"Is that what you call eating? You've been playing with the same grain of rice for the last 5 minutes. What's bothering you?" Tansi looked concerned and reached out to feel Ricca's forehead. "Did you catch a cold out there?"

Ricca brushed her mother's hand away saying she felt fine and finished her dinner taking large mouthfuls just to prove a point. She got up and cleared the table, appeasing her mother's doubts of her ill health. In all honesty, Ricca did feel a need deep within her that couldn't be cured by motherly gestures. Ricca had experienced too much today by revealing her feelings toward Ray and being bold enough to give her first blowjob.

Ricca returned to her room to find her phone buzzing on her desk. 'Message waiting' flashed across the display and Ricca proceeded to read the list of text messages all from Ray's phone. The messages were full of concern and apologies for getting them in trouble. Maybe she should have at least called him before taking a shower to let him know everything was alright. Ricca smiled at that, she was in a relationship now, she should get into the habit of letting Ray know how often she thought of him.

'everything is great. mom is happy that we're ok. had to take a shower, so dirty...'

Ricca pressed send and got up to look herself over in the mirror by her closet. Tansi was right, Ricca looked different somehow. She couldn't stop grinning which made her appear a bit manic. She opened her closet to take out her favorite light blue nightshirt and a pair of grey cargo shorts. The phone buzzed again, this time it was an incoming call.

"Hi Ray," Ricca said as she answered. "I heard your father was upset."

"Yeah he was. No biggie though, he doesn't like not knowing where I am." Ray cleared his throat nervously before continuing. "How do you feel... uh, about what happened?"

For a brief moment Ricca thought to tease him by saying they should stay just friends, but this wasn't a joking matter. Ray sounded a little uncertain and Ricca didn't want to send mixed messages.

"Oh Ray, you know me better than that. I wouldn't have let anything happen unless I wanted it to."

"It's just that you never really seemed that interested in guys at school. I thought you might be..."

"A lesbian?" Ricca finished his sentence with a giggle. She composed herself and continued. "Ray, most guys don't interest me that's true. However, you've grown to be a very sexy young stallion, I've seen girls watching you run and for some reason it made me mad, jealous even. It took me some time to figure out why. I liked you. I'll always like you and nothing's gonna change that!"

Ray didn't say anything for a few moments as he took in her words. The relief was clear in his voice as he said: "Ricca, I'm so happy you feel that way. I've been too shy to ask you anything personal and I worried that admitting my feelings would put a barrier up between us. I've known you all my life, you've pushed me to become the guy I am. I wouldn't want that to change at all."

They talked and talked for what seemed like hours that evening until Ricca heard her mother knock at her door. "I'm heading to sleep... are you still talking to Ray?"

Embarrassed, Ricca nodded to her mother and bid her goodnight before returning to the call.

"Ray, let's talk tomorrow. My mom is getting suspicious."

"Ok, sleep tight!"

Ricca tried to sleep but her heart kept pounding her awake. Thoughts of Ray and his naked body lit a spark deep within her making her shift uncomfortably in bed. Her hand rubbed the firm toned muscles of her stomach down to her mound. A heat emanated from her slit and Ricca felt the spark erupt to fire in her pussy. She reached down with the other hand and felt the wetness leaking down her thighs. Ricca slipped two fingers into her pussy in an attempt to quench that fire building inside but couldn't hit that sweet spot. Frustrated, she moved to her slightly oversized clit and began stroke furiously.

Ricca pictured Ray's cock and how it looked when she licked and sucked on it down in the ravine. His large horse flare filled her mouth completely which Ricca found exciting and dangerous. Her hand moved faster over her nub while her pussy dripped with anticipation. A low buzz from her phone snapped her out of her lust as Ricca turned to pick it up and look at the message.

'can't sleep... r u awake?'

Ricca hit reply to Ray's text and typed: 'awake yes, thinking of you...'

Before she received a reply, Ricca typed again: 'can you get out and meet? bring a flashlight if you can. i'll wait out front.'

Tansi was a deep sleeper and wouldn't be wakened by Ricca's footsteps. She didn't know if Ray could leave as he lived a few floors above her in the same apartment block. Out in the cool night air, Ricca waited for any sign of Ray from the elevators. Minutes passed and Ricca was ready to give up hope when she saw the tall horse make his way out the front door.

"Whew," Ray sounded short of breath. "I never had to sneak out before, it's harder than it looks than in the movies."

"I didn't know if you'd make it. My mom sleeps like the dead, I could have marched a band through my place and not worry."

Ricca took his hand and led Ray away from the building complex. He wore a tank top with flannel pyjama shorts and carried a small flashlight in his free hand. They walked in silence until the light of the apartments faded into the distance.

"Where are we going? I thought you wanted to talk." Ray asked.

"We talked enough on the phone.. let's play hide and seek." Ricca let go of Ray's hand a ran down to the small path leading toward the ravine.

Ray was caught off guard and watched as Ricca's form faded into the night. Ricca turned her head to see Ray slowly starting his pursuit. The path led into trees then down sharply into the ravine. It was pitch black down there, Ricca didn't dare test the uneven ground still slick from today's storm. She angled off the path behind a low bush and waited for Ray to make his appearance.

The dancing glow of a flashlight signaled Ray's approach who stopped short of the first trees. He passed the light through the tangle of bush and tree trunks straining his eyes to catch a glimpse of Ricca's telltale blue shirt. The darkness made everything nearly invisible, Ray didn't see when Ricca's exposed leg shone as the flashlight passed over her. He walked into the trees and hunched low to the ground scanning for Ricca's feet or some clue where she had gone.

Ricca giggled softly as she watched Ray move away from her not knowing how close he was to finding her. Now the hard part, could she sneak up to him? Rising from her spot, Ricca stepped gingerly on the soft ground avoiding twigs and leaves made visible by her nightvision. Ray stood with his back to her making it easy to close the distance between them quickly. A few feet away she reached out and rather just tap his shoulder she made a grab for his flannel shorts and pulled them down in a quick tug. Ray jumped in surprise and stumbled to the ground as his feet got tangled in his shorts.

"You got me!" Ray exclaimed, pulling his shorts back up but was stopped short by Ricca's hand.

"I caught you," Ricca growled seductively. "It's only fair I claim my reward."

The glow from Ray's flashlight cast a mix of shadows across his legs shrouding his crotch in darkness. Ricca could see the outline of Ray's cock in the shadow but craved a better view. She picked up the flashlight and held it over Ray's body as he sat on the ground. His cock and balls reflected the light in a way Ricca didn't think was possible. It was beautiful, she needed his magnificent tool more than ever. The fire low in her belly demanded to be quenched and this was the answer.

Rather than giving in to her urges, Ricca extended her hand and helped Ray to his feet. He slowly pulled up his shorts after Ricca gave him a nod of approval.

"We started something today that needs to be finished and I can't think of a better place than down there." Ricca pointed down the path into the ravine.

They started slowly with Ricca in the lead carefully picking her way through the trees avoiding the rain slicked path that would hinder them rather than help. The flashlight provided a bare minimum of visibility to Ray but Ricca climbed confidently showing him the way. Ray marveled at the way Ricca contorted her body to find the perfect footholds while maintaining her balance enough to support his descent.

Sweat beaded on their foreheads as they reached the base of the ravine. The rain had carved a narrow flow which bubbled as Ricca crossed it in a single step. Branches and leaves still wet with moisture brushed against them as they passed by dampening their pyjamas. Ricca felt her clothes sticking to her reminding her of how she had felt leaning on Ray for warmth earlier that day. Heat between her legs flashed once more and she moved a bit more recklessly through the brush attempting to find the same clearing.

Ricca pushed a branch away from her face and saw the familiar patch of dirt where she and Ray had taken shelter. Ray followed close behind and leaned against the same tree as Ricca set the flashlight down in order to give them a comfortable amount of light.

"The ground is still damp, we should have brought towels." Ray noted with despair.

"I think it's appropriate somehow," Ricca surmised. "Besides, I don't plan on getting my pjs dirty tonight."

Bold as usual, Ricca pulled off her shirt and cargo shorts carefully hanging them up on a convenient branch. She turned to face a slack jawed Ray who made no attempt to follow suit. Ricca snapped her fingers in his face breaking off his blank stare.

"Hey, jackass, you'd better get naked in 5 seconds or I'll march back up the hill!" Ricca threatened.

Leaving nothing to chance, Ray almost ripped his clothes off in a rush. Ricca took care to hang his clothes up on a nearby limb, she didn't want Ray to get in trouble for ruining a pair of pjs during a mysterious nighttime romp. They faced each other bathed in dim light, their eyes drinking in the sight of naked flesh. The cool air made Ricca's nipples harden and poke out sharply from her fur. Ray's sheathe extended and grew to an impressive length before bending down toward the ground.

Ray took Ricca in his arms and planted his mouth on hers and kissed passionately drawing a soft moan from her in response. Ray's shaft found no place to go and snuck it's way between Ricca's thighs threatening to lift her off the ground as he approached a near marbled state. Ricca rocked her hips along his shaft spreading her juices down its length as they continued to kiss, lips parted and tongues thrust into each other's open mouths.

She pulled Ray down to the ground feeling the soft mud give way around her ass. Ricca didn't care, in fact it felt good. Ray settled on top of her and pulled away to catch his breath from their frantic kiss. His cock fell out from between her thighs and smacked atop her stomach causing them both to look down and giggle.

"What am I going to do with that?" Ricca pondered aloud. "It's as thick as my arm!"

"Only the flare is thick," Ray assured her. "The shaft tapers down a bit."

"Scooch up a bit Ray, let me get a closer look."

Ray straddled over her chest, his knees supporting his weight and at the same time presenting his cock mere inches in front of Ricca's face. She reached up and took it in her hands noting its girth before bending it down so the flare was pointed directly at her. Ricca gently grabbed it and squeezed to see what effect it had on Ray who moaned in content. The flare did contract a bit and didn't seem to bother Ray at all which put Ricca at ease should she decide to go further.

Ricca looked up at Ray who had closed his eyes as a smile crossed his lips. She continued to squeeze his flare and used her other hand to stroke his shaft. After a few moments Ray began to involuntarily buck his hips in time with Ricca's slow strokes. She opened her mouth and tried to swallow Ray's flare on his next thrust making his next moan a snort of surprise. Almost 6 inches of Ray's horse cock made its way into Ricca's mouth and touched the back of her throat.

She didn't feel the need to gag so she experimented with the next thrust to see if she could take more of him in. Ray pushed a bit deeper, having lost himself in the pleasure of Ricca's mouth. Her lips almost touched the base of his shaft and she pressed on, more determined than ever. Ricca's free hand snaked down to her pussy where she stroked her clit and slit in wild abandon. Finally, Ray's cock was fully enveloped in Ricca's mouth and throat. The feeling of a hard, fleshy mass scraping her throat was more erotic than uncomfortable and Ricca doubled her efforts to get Ray off.

Ricca flicked her tongue along the bottom of Ray's shaft feeling the his thick veins pulse beneath the skin. She alternated sucking and blowing while looking at Ray's face to see what affected him more. Her fingers found a sensitive spot inside her pussy and Ricca moaned around the mass of flesh in her throat. Ray moaned in return and seemed to enjoy the vibration she caused. Moaning a few more times Ray continued to pound in and out of her throat. She stopped stroking his shaft and reached down to his balls and sensed their fullness. By chance her hand slipped and her finger brushed against Ray's anus causing him to gasp in renewed pleasure. Seeing another opportunity Ricca massaged the outer rim of his anus and carefully stuck a finger in up to her first knuckle. Ray's response was immediate.

"This... is.... amazing! I'm about.... to.... cum!" Ray said through clenched teeth.

Rather than pull his cock out, Ricca kept at it and felt his oncoming orgasm. She pushed her finger deeper in his ass and felt a hard bump and pressed. Ray gasped again and his whole body tensed up. She bobbed and sucked and met his thrusts until the first blast of jizz went down her throat. Remembering the amount of cum Ray produced last time, Ricca pulled off his cock and admired the force of his subsequent jets. His second sailed clear over her head and audibly splashed on the ground. Ricca lifted her head and wanted to feel his seed on her face and taste it in her mouth, she was not disappointed.

A third, fourth, fifth and sixth blast continued to paint her face and upper chest. She lost count after the ninth and continued to stroke his shaft and her clit in unison. The heat between her legs was unbearable, her fingers just weren't hitting the right spot but she did feel a sense of accomplishment as cum dripped off her face and pooled on her chest. Ray looked down in surprise and grinned sheepishly as he could hardly recognize this girl he'd known for years covered in his spooge.

"Gee, um, you could have gotten out of the way you know. You're a mess!" Ray said apologetically.

"You didn't think I would have if I'd wanted to?" Ricca replied and tried to clear her eyes without success. "Can you give me a hand here?"

Ray looked around but couldn't find anything to help her. "There's nothing here, what should I use?"

"Use the insides of my shorts, I won't mind."

Ray got up and took her shorts in hand feeling more embarrassed holding them than he felt coming on her face. He placed them in her hand and she wiped carefully, occasionally licking a bit from her nose as it fell. This was the sexiest thing Ray had ever seen evidenced by his cock remaining rock hard throughout this impromptu show.

Ricca didn't mind getting clothes dirty as she did most of the washing herself. Plus she thought it would feel naughty to walk back knowing that Ray's load was nestled inside her shorts. As Ricca's face was cleaned of cum she opened her eyes to see Ray hadn't lost any of his firmness throughout their engagement.

"Still hard huh? I'll fix that!" Ricca said as she pounced on him knocking him flat on his back.

Once more they locked their mouths together, this time Ray could taste the tang of his seed on her lips but didn't mind one bit. Ricca pushed back and felt his cock rub up on her thigh. She positioned herself so he lined up with her entrance, slick with her juices from her efforts, and felt his flare moisten and glide easily from her slit to her anus and back again. She groaned and let Ray thrust more forcefully between her legs. Ricca was still in complete control, Ray wouldn't enter her unless she wanted him to and as they kissed Ricca tried to work out how best to fit this monster inside.

Ricca stretched out her hand and grabbed the head of Ray's cock after a particularly fierce thrust and squeezed hard. His eyes shot open and he parted from their kiss.

"What are..." Ray started but Ricca shushed him by continuing their kiss.

Ray's thrusts persisted and each time he thrust too hard Ricca would squeeze his flare. In her mind she was preparing him for entry, all she needed was the courage to commit. Again and again he would thrust and she would squeeze until they both felt comfortable with the routine. At last Ricca was ready and at the same time as she squeezed his flare she pushed down on top of him, her pussy opening wide as the flare entered.

The kiss stopped as they became connected like never before. Ricca's pussy was stretched to her limit and tears formed in her eyes as she continued to push down.

"Wait, wait!" Cried Ray. "Just relax for a minute, let yourself go."

Ray's words calmed Ricca as she slowly grew accustomed to the mass inside her. Soon, the fire that had burned within her all night made her take the next inevitable step. Ricca pushed down hard and took Ray's cock all the way to the hilt.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" Ricca yelped, a solitary tear ran down her face.

"Ohmygodareyoualright!" Ray blurted out in concern.

Ricca looked down and saw a slight bump above her pussy where Ray's cock pushed out against her tight confines. The feeling of being full held a new meaning for her at that moment and she dared not move so as to not lose this fleeting sensation.

"You are inside me. All the way inside, it's incredible!" Ricca assured Ray that she was alright by lifting herself up ever so slowly.

"Look Ray," Ricca took a shallow breath, still staring in wonder at Ray's cock swallowed up in her pussy. "Did you ever think you could feel this good?"

"You're so tight and hot. It's better than anything I've tried." Ray concluded.

Ricca pushed down again taking all of him then pulled off a bit faster to determine how it felt. Ray kept as still as possible to let Ricca test her limits. As she thrust down, Ricca noticed that the heat grew when Ray's flare hit certain spots inside her. She sped up and the heat burned hotter sending waves of pleasure to the top of her head to the soles of her feet. Ricca sat up to better control her trusts let herself experience the joy of sex.

Ray met her down-thrusts by rolling his hips slightly and was met with a loud moan of satisfaction. Ricca loved how he let her remain in control yet gave her a little more on each downstroke. At first their trusts were tentative, Ricca only raised herself about an inch off Ray's base before sliding back down. Her confidence increased, she raised herself more and more until she felt his massive flare threatening to escape.

Ricca's pussy squeezed Ray's cock in all the right ways. It was if a hundred tongues licked him up and down with each thrust. Ricca was lost as ripples of joy teased her brain and filled her pussy. She felt his flare press up against her cervix, an impenetrable barrier for Ray's giant member. Each press brought Ricca closer to release.

"I'm so close!" Ricca shouted.

"Me too!" Ray yelled in reply. "I'm gonna pull out." He warned.

Ricca hardly heard him, her whole body was aglow with fire. Ray met each thrust with thrusts of his own and he felt his balls churn with another load ready to escape. He held on for as long as he could while Ricca bounced uncontrollably on top of him.

"I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMING!!!!!" Ricca shrieked, her pussy contracting as a massive orgasm exploded within her. Juices pushed past Ray's cock and soaked his legs and the rain dampened dirt they lay on.

Ray was beyond rational thinking. His cock was trapped as Ricca's pussy held him in a strangle hold of lust. The first flow of cum surged from his balls and out the tip of his flare filling an already too full pussy. Shot after shot found no place to go but out past his cock and onto the sex coated dirt. Ray couldn't pull out if he wanted to, Ricca held him so tightly he worried she'd would bruise his flare if her orgasms continued much longer.

A massive pulse of pleasure passed through Ricca's brain when Ray's first blast of cum hit the final untouched spot in her pussy. If death took her now, she'd die happily knowing that no greater pleasure could ever exist. The throb of Ray's cock as he continued his barrage sent shivers down Ricca's spine. The small bump that represented his flare grew as the space was filled with spooge.

Minutes ticked away as Ricca and Ray maintained a pose of intense gratification. Both of them breathing hard in the night air as they slowly recovered. A final contraction of Ricca's pussy brought them to their senses. Ricca fell forward and rested on Ray's chest as she gathered her breath, his cock remained firmly in her pussy. He took his hand and lifted up Ricca's chin so they could see eye to eye.

"I love you." Ray whispered.

"I love you too." Ricca said quietly, with her whole heart.

Ricca lifted slowly off him, taking care to not make more of a mess than he'd already endured. She felt his cum slosh inside her and wondered what she was going to do. As if on cue, an uncontrollable urge to pee overtook her and she squatted next to a tree. The flood of cum poured from her which surprised both of them. Ricca giggled and Ray once again just stared with his mouth open.

"I know you warned me, but I don't think anything could have separated us." Ricca said soothingly.

"I couldn't move if I wanted to. You are very strong... all over." Ray said with a grin.

They got up and dressed, both satisfied that they could sleep through another thunderstorm if necessary. This time Ray led the way and pulled Ricca up the ravine since she was having trouble finding her steps. She would be sore tomorrow, she acknowledged. Hell, she was sore now! Sore but content, Ricca wouldn't trade the soreness for anything knowing that it was the result of love.

Back in the clearing, the mix of rain, organic matter and the excess juices from Ricca and Ray's love pooled as if drawn together by some force. Various weeds and grasses broke down where the pool gathered and a never before seen sapling shot forth from the ground drawing upon the heat and energy left behind from the night's lovemaking. It grew quickly and strong roots buried themselves in the dirt firmly securing the sapling to this place. At 4 inches tall a small leaf formed on the tip of the sapling. At 7 inches the growth slowed and at 9 inches it stopped completely. Three leaves adorned the stem and appeared to glow with a reddish tinge.

Life, in this mysterious form, sprouted anew.