Love In The Castle: Part 2

Story by Gmagma22 on SoFurry

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#2 of Love-Castle series

second part of the series means hotter material!!!

Before she could even move he picked her up and carried her over to where he had been lying just moments ago. Laying her down on the rock bed he moves back to give her a little space, but not much. As she starts to sit up, now regaining some movement after her shock of seeing the king, she continues to watch him as if he were a dangerous predator about to strike. With his magnificent violet eyes still locked with hers he questions, "What are you doing spying on me?"

Defensively she answers, "I wasn't spying! I came into the pools thinking there was no one in here, but before I got in I heard a noise. Curious I went to investigate what the source of it was, only to come around the wall of rock and find you lying upon this ledge."

Not completely satisfied with her answer he asks, "So why, when you first noticed it was your king, didn't you make your presence known?"

"I...I was...uhhhhh...only ummm..." She stuttered trying to come up with a response, as well as stop trembling.

He then gave her a grin that seemed to only worsen her trembling and make her quicken her breathing. He could smell her arousal at his words and was trying hard not to completely lose control of himself; at least not yet. Moving in closer until he was right in front of her he whispered softly by her ear, "You do know what the punishments are for crimes against the king correct?"

She nodded tears welling up in her eyes. He continues, "Although seeing as you are known to be trustworthy I will not give you the death penalty..." As soon as he said this, her face beamed with hope as she realized he had spared her, "Instead you shall become my slave until I say otherwise, understood?" It was not a question, but a statement meaning she had no real choice in the matter.

Without waiting for a response he climbs out of the water, too fast for her to comprehend what he had done, and straddles her pinning her arms and legs with his own. With her mouth wide open, as if to say something in response, he takes the opportunity to bring his lips to hers, forcing his tongue into her mouth trying to explore every inch, locking them in place. After she realized exactly what the king had said and done she became aware of an increasing lack of oxygen. Coming to her senses she notices the king is straddling her, while at the same time holding her arms and legs in place as he passionately kisses her. It was so unexpected she immediately tensed up, but the feel of his lips against hers, the way his tongue was exploring her mouth, it was just too much. She soon was overwhelmed by the pleasure he was creating and gave into it, melting into the kiss.

Breaking off the kiss the king begins to stare at her, "you do know what your duties are as my slave, don't you?" He kisses her again, but only briefly. As he pulls away from her once again she says, "No, but I guess I'll just have to learn then."

"Alright, but you have to listen closely I won't be repeating myself." He says. In response she nods her head in an affirmative so he continues, "First you must do everything I tell you to do," as he says this he begins massaging her breasts with his massive, scaled claws, "Second you must do everything in your power to pleasure your king." He squeezes her breasts hard earning him a moan to escape her lips. "Last but not least, you are to never be loyal, body and soul, to anyone but myself." As he finishes his instructions he removes a hand from her breast and begins inserting a finger inside her red, swollen lips making her cry out in pleasure. One by one he adds fingers until he has his whole hand inside her vagina. While fisting her, he continues to massage her breasts; one with his hand, the other with his mouth. The pleasure builds and builds until it brakes and at that exact moment she screams, drowning out every other sound, causing her to pass out from the crashing waves of euphoria.