Flawed Affections: Chapter 3

Story by foxohki on SoFurry

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---- Flawed Affections, Chapter 3 ----

So this is love making... Oh Kitsunes......

Unable to use my brain anymore, all thoughts fade and seem to liquify as a warm blissful pleasure floods my entire system; a flash of white disrupting my vision for a brief second, all systems fail and then quickly turn back on as streams of warm, thick male essence begins to fire upwards from my heated body and into a wanting female's vagina.

Panting hard to try and cool off, my hugging forelegs quickly slide down along my mate's body so that my forepaws can find her upper rump, where I then push downwards against her upper rear end to stop her yiffing motions; time seeming to stand still as I hold her hard against me to keep her still and the tight, rhythmically clenching walls of her young vixen tunnel continue to move and repeatedly munch on the full length of my maleness as it remains hilted within her, I seem lose myself inside of her both literally and metaphorically; the farthest place that my member's tip can reach within her hugging love hole being shot with wave after wave of eager male seeds, I had never cum so hard in my entire life or felt it this powerfully... I had no idea mating could be like this...

Spewing and shooting Kitsune graced pleasure essence straight up into the warm, wet, loving embrace of one magnificent, life purpose giving vixen, my maw becomes agape at the awe inducing sensation of love and pleasure rapidly coursing through my body, when suddenly I feel the full length of her muzzle lips be pressed to mine as she asserts a full muzzle kiss; a steady clasping vagina quickly changing to that of a sporadic and quivering one, I can tell my newly mated female and love of my life had just achieved yet another orgasm, and my eyes go wide at both the sensation of tight rippling flesh pulsing around my penis and the intense forwardness and feeling of caring that came with her kiss.

All of this was happening so fast, and I could really feel us climaxing in orgasm together now as my being seems to reach yet another epiphany of pleasure and I feel as though I am cumming all over again, and even more intensely than I just had; my testicle seeming to fire every single last seed they could muster up for my vixen, I wanted to her to have them all... I wanted to invest inside her everything that was of me, and to invoke my will and essence inside her so that I could insight love and pleasure to its fullest...

I would have howled if I could, but any verbalizations I might like to give would just be suppressed as I breathe hard through my nostrils and feebly licked back against her aggressively rubbing tongue; I felt as though she was draining all of my love into her form as the last of my white male juices lightly squirts from my tip, and it was the single best thing I have ever felt to have it be happening... What's more is that I felt her simultaneously showering me in her own love from above to quickly return all of the emotion I was giving her as she moves her head lightly against mine and bathes my maleness in a plethora of her happy feminine juices for the second time now; vixen cum soaking my sheath fur, I could feel its dampness seeped into my entire crotch area as she begins lightly humping against me again to loudly engulf the base portion of my maleness with wet sloshing squishes each time it is fully stuffed back inside her quivering vixen sex hole now so very filled do the brim with our love making juices; taking me back and forth within her depths several times before collapsing on top of me and breaking our muzzle kiss to heavily pant and tiredly nuzzle my neck with the right side of her snout, it was as if she were making sure to get every single last drop of white sticky seeds inside her before finally becoming satisfied and taking a moment to rest.

Bringing my forelegs and forepaws upwards along her back, I once again wrap them around her upper chest as I feel my spent member begin to soften and start its retreat back into my sheath.

Tilting my head downwards so see my vixen cutely cuddled up against me, I begin to lick and lick against her head from the very top of her snout and upward between her eyes until reaching her forehead; bathing her in my affection with a tongue as a I feel and smell the musky scent of her sex's juices streaming down me while my penis continues to loosen, it was a loving gesture my mother used to give to me when I was just a kit; never before had I felt inclined to perform it on Vain, but I found myself utterly compelled to do it with this vixen...

Suddenly I feel her tonguing back against my body as a soft, warm dampness begins stroking my lower neck, and the sensation is quickly replaced by the light touch of her front teeth and the feeling of the ends of her muzzle lips lightly pressing into me there and gripping as she makes little suckling motions against my fur and flesh; finding the experience quite odd, but strangely pleasurable and cute as well.

We stay doing this and exchanging our happy mouthings of each other for what seems like an hour or more as time feels as though it has slows down and blurs all around us once more; although I'm sure it was significantly less in reality, and my loving licks of the front of her head gradually become slowly and slower as my will and energy become further and further drained into her while tiredly continuing the motions, and I feel her suckling maw upon on my neck become weaker and weaker as well before vanishing completely.

Finally I stop my lappings of her head as I roll over onto my right side and bring her down to the ground with me so that we are parallel; finding her weight becoming too straining as I adjust to become more comfortable, I now stare at her face and find her eyes closed down and muzzle lips stuck with a grin that seemed to perfectly reflect the one I had. She was so beautiful to me in every way, I can't believe how saddened she had seemed to before... How could anyone not instantly love this vixen? Just the feeling and vibration she gives off seems to resonate completely with everything that I am. She compels me and feel for her in such indescribable ways...

Moving my head closer towards hers, I bring our snouts together as I press the ends of our muzzle lips together once more; needing to feel them against mine just one last time before I let her succumb to sleep and a much desired nap.

Darting my tongue inside her maw I feel her begin to gently suckle upon it just as she did my neck; finding the sensation so very different and nice. Never before had I met someone like her... She was such a strange, different and wonderful creature... The sort of vixen, friend and mate that my heart had been yearning for all this time.

Breaking our kiss with a faint wet pop as her clasping muzzle lips finally release my tongue, I then rest my head on the side of her neck and hug her so tightly with my forelegs before quickly feeling the weight of sleep loosen my grip as it takes me away to an existence that could only be lesser than this......

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

"I love you..." Is the first thing I hear upon waking, and then it is the steady backdrop of flowing water as I regain consciousness and come to by the river where I had fallen asleep earlier; heartfelt words words given to me in a gentle feminine voice, they were quickly followed up by an equally gentle tongue lapping at the right side of my cheek; realizing my cheek fur there was quite damp already, she must have been licking me like that for some time now.

"You!" I bark playfully as I open my eyes to find the vixen of my dreams still here in my reality.

Finding her standing up next to me as I remained laying on my side, I quickly wrap my forelegs around her neck to pull her to the ground as I get up to stand over her instead. "Where have you been all my life?!" I go on to exclaim in my elated state; my body and being still humming and coursing with love as my soul resonates with a sort of new found power and depth.

"I don't know... I've been around... I'm almost a year old now I'll have you know!" She tells me as she lies on her back between my four legs, and then she raises her head upwards to quickly give me a swift lick on the nose before lowering it and looking to the side blushing; I knew she was young, but not THAT young...

"You're not even a year of age?! You're practically a cub!" I tease. "What would other foxes say if they knew I mated with you?! Quickly! Get all of the white sticky seeds out! No one must know of this, and we surely can't allow a mere kit to have kits herself!" I go on to say as I playfully move my left foreleg down between her hind legs to paw at her crotch and motion like I am trying to rub my milky essence out of her.

"Noo-hoh! Stoo-hap!" She laughs and giggles, my right forepaw moving down her body as well now as I kneel between her hind legs and continue to gently paw into her lower stomach and crotch fur and she lightly squirms against me. "I'm not a cub! I'm far from it! And I want your seeds in there! I'd love to have your kits..." She feignedly growls at me and continues to light heartedly complain before sounding very sincere about that last part about having my kits.

"You... You would?" I stop my toying treatment of her to stare up into her eyes in astonishment; it had taken me months to convince Vain to say yes to such a thing...

Receiving a simple nod and a smile in return, I quickly dive on top of her to barrage the undersides of her neck with licks; repeatedly lapping that same tender place of her neck where we had first met and she asked me to take her life, I suppose, in a way, I had taken her life after all... It was now mine to protect and to nurture with love and happiness however I could.

"I love you... I love you..." I tell her between licks as I move downwards from neck, across her chest fur, then stomach and lower belly as I approach her crotch.

"I love you too... So very much..." She replies, and then giggles. "What are you doing? I already cleaned myself down there when I woke uh--uhhp!" She goes on to say, her speech squeaking as my tongue run across the outer folders of her female flower. "I've never... Never had a fox lick me there before..." She tells me between staggered, panting breaths.

Nuzzling right into her sex with the end of my snout and raking my tongue against sensitive vixen flesh to elicit multiple pleasured whines, I then stop my treatment; only wanting to give her a taste of what's to come when next we mate as I remove her delicious flavor from my lips and sit down to smile at her prone, happy form; her legs spread wide apart as she lay on her back with eyes close, she slowly opens them after feeling me stop my pleasure laps.

"You stopped!" She growls in a frisky frustration before quickly getting up and running forward to try and tackle me to the ground; her forelegs wrapping around me as she attempts to heave my sitting body to the ground and make me lay on my side. "I want to lick you down there too and make you feel good! I wanna do more yiffy things with youuuu!" She complains as I remain sitting and keeping myself firmly up, preventing her from moving me much at all.

"You are one terribly yiffy vixen aren't you?!" I laugh at her antics; knowing full well that we'll have the rest of our lives together to play in that way and explore each other's bodies, I wanted to get to know the love of my life more and was still very curious as to what had her so depressed to the point where she was trying to end her life in the way she was.

"Am not!" She laughs as she continues to try and get me to the ground, changing tactics and pushing against me with her upper back and neck as she digs in to the ground with her hind paws. "I just want to love my mate in that special way! Is that so much to ask!"

"You are too a yiffy vixen! Need I remind what I first caught you doing when we first met!" I go on to laugh and tease her.

"Grrrr..." She defeatedly growls at me. "It's not my fault... My body is going through... A change again... I can feel it. The stirrings in my lower stomach... The same kinds of stirrings I felt the first time... And it's that first time when he found me and that happened..." Sitting down before me as she continues to talk, the end of her muzzle slowly moves to point downwards at the ground as if she were entering a deep thought. "I've actually been spying on you and your other mate for a few days now. I couldn't help it, I'm sorry..."

"Shhh... It's okay... I really don't care at all about any of that, there's no need to be sorry." Walking over to her side, I sit down right next to her and lightly lean against her as I curl my tail around her bottom to try and comfort her. "Nothing you could ever tell me could lessen the way I feel about you... I will love you now and forever, and I will always be here for you however it is I can from now on." I continue to say before giving her a lick on her cheek.

"How are you so wonderful, and caring, and kind..." She responds before nuzzling into my neck with the side of her face.

"I suppose it was just all of my time I spent with my old mate, Vain... She was never around and it gave me a lot of time to think and sort through my emotions and what love should be all about. She taught me a lot about love, and she did that be not being a very good mate!" I lightly laugh. "And I guess for that, I am eternally grateful to her in a strange way... But she's not my 'other mate' as you said! She is my mate no longer... There is only you.... I only want to love and mate with you... And I want to make you as happy as I possibly can in this life and to protect you from anything I can, so please continue and tell me what had you in such a sad state before." I tell her and explain, and then pause for a moment to lick her in my special loving way; my tongue stroking the length of the top of her muzzle and forehead a few times. "Now why don't you tell me who this 'he' is and about that 'that' that happened!"

"O--okay..." She hesitantly responds while staring up into my eyes shyly. "But as I told you before... None of it really bothers me much anymore... Now that I have you, I feel like nothing else matters at all. I just want to be with you, I want to love you... I... I love you so much... You have idea how much you mean to me, and I can't even begin to put it into words... I......"

"Shhh... It's alright... You don't have to put it into words. I know how you feel, because I feel the exact same way about you... We can just allow our love to exist and be there, there's need to explain it..." I lovingly laugh as I nuzzle into her neck fur; never before being as happy I currently feel or laughing as much in my entire life as I have since being with her; it seemed as though I truly was a sad fox no longer, and that I could never fall back into that sadness or even come close to it ever again. "I love you too, so, so very much... Now tell me your story, I want to be here to protect you not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. I want to pleasure you and make you feel safe in every way possible, and I will not have my vixen worried or distressed over anything!"

"'Your' vixen..." She giggles.

"Yes my vixen! You belong to me, and I belong to you! That's how it is from now on!"

"I like that..." She giggles again, leaning her body harder against mine as she nuzzles into my neck once more.

"I suppose I should know your name though! I can't believe I haven't asked you for it or given you mine yet! I just suppose it was just of little importance to me... A name, after all, is just a label to give to a fox. It does nothing to define who they truly are... It is used only to reference them. You know what I mean? But what's yours?! Mine is Trinith by the way! Nice to meet you my mate!" I go on to excitably say and explain how I feel about all that; still dying to learn her name nonetheless.

"My name is Vale!" She happily tells me, her tail wagging back and forth against my own as it remains wrapped around her bottom. "Nice to meet you too my mate!" She giggles.

"Okay! So! Who is 'he' and what is 'that' already?!" I enthusiastically ask; dying to know.

"Who in the thaty what now?!" She responds laughing.

"Grrr..." I growl before playful tackling her to the ground and nibbling on her left ear.

"Okay, okay, okay! I'll tell you!" She continues to laugh as I release her and we both sit back up right again; gaining a looking of deep thought on her face once more, I get ready to thoroughly absorb and listen to anything she has to say. "These scars you see on my face and along my body. They were given to me by my father at when I was just the smallest of kits... And I say my father, but I don't think he was even my real father at all... I believe that is exactly what made him so angry and caused him to do this in the first place..." She explains before then laying down.

"I was curled up to my mother in our den when he came home late one night from hunting. He was angry and being very loud, but I was too young to understand what he was barking about at the time... But I do remember what happened so well after that. ..

I watched as he forcefully picked up mommy by the nape of her neck and dragged her outside of our den into the open. I was so scared and could feel the hateful and negative sorts of emotion in the air, and couldn't help but cry as it was all happening... Slowly and hesitantly walking outside of the den after them to see what was going on, a large moon filled my vision as I reached the entrance and looked outwards to see mommy lying limply on the floor; her pretty fur stained red with blood...

A short second later is when I felt the pain... The tearing of teeth digging hard into my flesh, I had no idea what was happening at the time, but later realized it was my father's massive jaw raking against my form... An incredibly deep and agonizing pain cutting through my body from what seemed like all sides, I felt myself fade away and faint as it became too much to bear......"

Enthralled, I continue stare onward at Vale until she pauses, and then lay down on top of the front half of her body with mine to wrap my forelegs around her lengthwise and hug her tightly while lightly shifting my forepaws back and forth along her back; feeling her scars with my pads as I empathize and mentally imagine have them being inflicted upon me instead, I tried my best to take her hurt away.

"I felt as though I had slipped away into another world then... It was like this one, but everything was different and just... I don't know how to describe it... Fragmented and foreign...

Eventually I heard this kind of nice, soft, melodic music and an incredibly sense of calmness and peace came over me, which was then abruptly ended as I heard a stern, powerful male voice I had never heard before speak to me. All it said was: "Live....... He will find you......" After I heard him speak, everything started to calm down a bit more, and it felt as though I was sort of mentally crawling back to this reality here as a distorted world slowly settled down around me.

Well, I came too, feeling very weak, and then shakily stood up and walked over to where my mother lay in a pool of blood where I tried to cuddle up against her; but her body was cold, and I somehow knew, even at that young age, that my mother wasn't there anymore... And so getting back up, I just had an overwhelming desire to leave that place. I knew I had to escape and get as far away as possible...

I realized then as I ran and ran until my tiny paws gave way and I was forced to rest for a while, that my wounds that probably should have killed me, were now somehow healed... But I didn't think much about that the time, and as soon as I was able to, I got up and ran and ran more and more..." She explains before weakly giggling. "I had always thought that that one strange voice I heard was talking about him... My father... All this time... I had thought that my life was meant to be some kind of cursed hell filled with only pain and torment. But realize now that the message I heard was about you..." She goes on to say as she rolls over onto her side and hugs me tightly with her forelegs.

"For him? Why would think that? And how did you survive on your own as just a young kit after that?" I ask; terribly curious to know what happened after that.

"Well... That was something strange, too, that I can't really explain. Whenever I became hungry, I was always able to pick up on the scent of a rabbit. And it was always a white rabbit too! Which was odd considering I've still only ever seen brown ones before! Even to this day! But, anyways, yeah. I would scent a rabbit and it would always be dead whenever I came to it. No sign that it had struggled or been killed, no marks on it at all. But they would be dead, still warm too like it was fresh, and I would eat them.

I would have much preferred my mother's milk, but was given those rabbits instead until I was old enough to catch my own, and then they stopped appearing altogether, even on the days when I felt as though I would starve to death because a few back to back hunts had gone sour......"

"That's so very amazing, Vale! And what about your father? I know there's more too that..." Trying to get her to continue, I watch as a sort of hurt look appears on her face, and then nuzzle into her neck affectionately. "He can't hurt you now... I will protect you from him..." I go on to say; getting a hunch of what might have happened.

"Well... Things went on like that for quite some time until those damn stirring came, and the heat took ahold of my body that calls out to males and tells them I want to mate...

I had to deal with that feeling of swelling and itching inside me for a few days, when finally the male that I would have last asked came to help ease the unsettling sensation; only to replace it with further unsettling horrors...

It was a full moon on that night too, just like how when he had killed my mother and had tried to kill me... My father had somehow found me, and without so much as a word he forced himself on top of my wanting, lust stricken body, despite how very un-wanting I myself was...

Roughly biting into the nape of my neck he penetrated me and harshly took my innocence away once again... I just felt numb underneath him, helpless to stop him..." Bursting into tears, she hugs me tighter with her forelegs. "I am begging to feel those stirrings again and it's only a short matter of time now before I come into season... The moon has been growing bigger and bigger each day... And... And so that's why I had asked you to kill me earlier and why I tried to do so myself in the river... I can't have him to do that to me again... I couldn't bear it...

You probably think my entire story is very silly... You couldn't possibly believe me... I--"

"I do believe you... Every word..." I interrupt. "And it's not silly at all, I'm so sorry for all of that you had to go through..." I go on to say before licking her on the cheek. "I am here now, and I will keep you safe, always... I will protect you from him if he comes, and there is no need to worry... So please... Be happy my beautiful mate..."

Gripping her head with both forepaws, I repeatedly lap at her face in the loving way my mother had taught me once more.

"I know you will..." She tells me while lightly giggling. "When I'm around you I just feel invulnerable in every way... And even if he were to somehow get to me and kill me? I would die with a glowing, happy heart... Just from being able to get to know you and be with you for this short time, I feel as though death isn't even something be afraid of any more... I feel as though that loving bond I somehow formed with you so very fast and easily is one that is unbreakable, irreversible, and I do believe that that is what is really invulnerable and causing me to feel this way through it...."

"Don't say that! Of course he won't kill you! I'd die before I let that happen!" I growl before playfully tackling her to the ground. "But I absolutely know all too well what you mean about that feeling of invulnerability, as I feel it too, Vale..."

"I know I know! I'm just saying! I just wanted to tell you how I'm feeling!" She giggles at me. "And thank you so much... Kitsunes... You have no idea how much I love you or you mean to me, Trinith..."

*To be continued...*

*** Author Note: If any of you out there are depressed or feel unloved yourself... Please send me a message so I can get to know you and do my best to make you feel loved yourself! I don't care if you have any sort of mental, emotional or physical scars afflicting you... I, foxohki, wish to metaphorical lick at them and soothe any pain they may be causing you however I possibly can! Whoever you may be, I will accept you for you who you are and not ever judge or deem as 'unworthy'. I'd like nothing more in the world than for you to open up to me and express who you truly feel that you are on the inside, so that I can then make you feel love, cared for and accepted to that very core of your being. I am offering you a true kind of love and friendship, because I don't want you to have to feel alone or depressed in anyway. Whoever you may be, it is of no concern to me, and you are worthy of this bond I am offering...

So send me a message so we can get to know each other and I can try my best to make you feel cared for! I don't want anyone to have to go through this life alone or to feel like they are unworthy of love... You ARE worthy of love and friendship! I will show you if you let me! I want to have a sort of true, meaningful friendship with you! Any time, my offer is always open and extends out to infinity. ***

A link to my philosophy on love and the precursor to the story once more time just in case I sparked anyone's curiosity about all that: http://www.sofurry.com/view/391213