Diary of a demon lover 6

Story by LoveofdisneysPete on SoFurry

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This is part six of Diary of a demon lover if you wish to purchase the kindle edition click here.http://www.amazon.com/Diary-demon-lover-VI-ebook/dp/B0080T6VR4

Boone smiling broadly at me pulled me close to him and kissed me on the cheek. Looking deep into my eyes he said,

"It's not just me; it's a lot of demons, monsters and evil beings that are happy to have a woman like you here. Your truly one of us now, no going back now."

No going back?

I thought to myself.

Why would I go back now? I have everything I had ever wanted right here. There was no way I would ever, ever want to go back to Earth.

"I thought I was going to the orgy house?"

Boone picked up one of my wontons and ate it, savoring every bite, swallowed than replied,

"Would you mind holding back on it just yet?"

I shook my head.

"Thank you, because this nice friend of mine would love to have a couple days with you, it would mean a lot to him."

Picking up my clothes I walked over to a near by bathroom that had a shower, I had never noticed it before, than again I had penis on the brain. Boone intercepted me.

"Just keep the clothes off for now."

He winked at me.

"Samuel will be here shortly."

I took another bite of wonton and watched the door in anticipation. Soon I would be having another wonderfully sweet sexual encounter. Never in my life did I think sex would come this easy, or that I would keep having fun every second of my life. No way was I going to leave now.

The door opened and in stepped a well dressed demon in a red tuxedo and matching pants and shoes, he smiled at me his pearly white fangs shinning in the light, this thick way long brown hair caught my attention, little did I know at the time that underneath his clothing was a strong muscular body that just ached to be oiled, rubbed and rode till I couldn't ride any more.

"My name is Samuel; of course you already knew that."

He said extending a hand out to me, I took the hand and was pulled towards his body into a tight sweet embrace. Boone watched us his eyes soft and happy with a tint of jealousy in them. He cleared his throat and excused himself.

"Good, let's get started."

Samuel said taking off his clothes as fast as he could. Throwing his clothes any place he could he took my hand and walked me over to the bed.

"Bend over now!"

He demanded.

Doing as I was told I bended over the bed. Pushing my legs apart slight I felt a big swollen penis push into me. His clawed hands grasped my hips. Grasping onto the bed covers tightly as he plowed back and forth into me, my vagina hot and wet, dripping wet with desire. Listening to his groan and growl with an animal lust both evil, tempting and wonderful at the same time, as beads of sweat formed on my forehead, underneath my breast as my body temperature raised Samuel's hands seemed to always want to grab at. Finally he pulled out and made me lay down on the bed where he pushed my legs apart, grabbed a fist full of hair in one hand while covering my mouth with the other, his penis pushed hard into me, so hard that my cervix felt as though it was about to burst open, I loved every second of it, I didn't want it to stop, not for one second. Going at me even harder my body felt like it was on fire. Removing his hand away from my body he said,

"Get on top of me."

Pushing me off of him gently he laid down on the bed and held his hard penis with the other.

Sliding down onto his penis with an ease that surprised me even considering how big he is and how small my hole is, riding a penis became like old hat to me, it was easy, fun and felt so good. It was obviously making him feel good; the look of pleasure on his face said it all. That is when he grabbed me roughly by the neck with his right hand, squeezing hard he said,

"Let's play a little game shall we?"

Doing my best to nod my head "yes" while his hand was tightly around my neck he continued,

"You will call me "Dad" and you'll be my daughter. Daddy's going to sexually molest his daughter."

Letting go of my throat I smiled back at him and rode him harder putting my hips and back into it.

"Looks like daddy's girl has been fucking around, she's too skilled."

Samuel said acting out the role playing we were doing. Role playing always turned me on and got me hot, especially this kind of role playing. Reaching out for my breast he massaged them gently than he twisted my nipples hard.

"Are you daddy's nasty girl?"

He asked me.

Leaning in I tongue kissed him laying myself on top of him my hands grasped his face and I kissed him more passionately than ever, as the kissing grew hotter and more passionate our kisses became even messier, our saliva dripped down our mouths and chins. Grasping both my butt cheeks he pulled me closer to him, his penis slid further into me.

"Hold onto daddy honey, things are about to get messy here."

He said as he pushed back and forth into I rested my head on his chest.

"Ohhh, please."

I begged him, a tinge of emotion in my voice. This felt so good that tears were streaming down my face. His heavy breathing sounded peaceful and accelerating at the same time. This moment was one I would never forget. The bed squeaked and creaked underneath our weight and hard sexual activity, could care less though, As long as it lasted as long as it could, that was the only thing I cared about at the moment.

"Here it comes."

He said as he shot a long, hot thick stream of cum into me, it filled all of my insides and dripped out between my legs and onto him. Another stream shot out of him and into me this one much longer and thicker. So it one would think it was cake frosting. Lying down on top of him I rested my eyes. Samuel was still cumming.

"Wow, this feels so incredible, never done that before."

That is when I asked him the question I wanted to ask before we had sex.

"Am I your first human woman?"

Taking my face into his big strong hand he studied my face at first than answered,

"Yes you are, and after this experience, you're going to be the only one."

"So that's a good thing than?"

I asked him, unsure of myself for the first time sense I got there.

"That is ridiculous, of course that's a good thing, and you're a great fuck."

I smiled proudly at that, for the first time in my life I felt prettier than any human woman alive on earth, down here I was a treasure, a celebrity of sorts. It seemed as though every where I was going so far here in Hell, at least one or two people wanted me.

"Want to get dressed and eat something?"

He asked me.

I nodded. I was quite hungry by now. Carefully climbing off of him I stretched my body leaning backward and forward. Standing next to me he held my hand.

"Watch this."

He said snapping his fingers. A sapphire blue light engulfed both of our bodies a wet coolness was felt all over my body, the smell of shampoo and soap filled my nostrils. It was like I had taken an instant shower with a shampooing. The light than faded away leaving both of us clean from head to toe, even my long black hair was clean and looked as though it had been thoroughly brushed.

"That was fucking awesome."

I said getting backing into my clothes.

After we were fully dressed we went back out to join the party. A group of five demons which included Boone and Lilith clapped as we came out of the room.

"Way to go Samuel."

Boone said patting him on the back like a father would a son getting his first "A" in math.

"That made me proud."

Lilith said hugging me.

"So what are you two going to do now?"

She asked the both of us.

"We are going to get something to eat."

Samuel said looping his arm through mine.

"Than afterwards who knows."

To be continued.........