What lies in a dragon's heart

Story by zeran on SoFurry

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This is a story about two friends that hide their feelings only in the end to realize that things are never what they seem. I don't want to give too much away but i hope that you enjoy this story and keeps you on the edge of your seat as well as your paws on your groins



I am not legally responsible for any minor viewing or reading this material if you are easily offended by homosexual material then do NOT read this. Further more all characters are copyrighted to their respectful owners in this instance Zeran. please do not re-distribute with out giving credit to author Zeran.



It was another bright summer day and Heath was on his way to his friends house. He sighed again for about the fifth time in the short trip to Billy's home. He was good friends with the silver wolf and longed to tell him that he was some what attracted to him but he feared it might ruin their friendship and he just wasn't willing to do that.

He continued to drive along the familiar roads in his green 94 dodge intrepid. It wasn't the best looking car in the world but in got him from point A to point B which was all he really cared about. The interior was gray with bucket seats. He had black seat covers with large silver dragons on them. The back of his car was filled with various items most of which was junk that he wouldn't throw away.

Heath Finally pulled up to the house parking on the opposite side of the street as the house was closer to the south side of the road and they would be going north anyway so it saved him the trouble of trying to turn his vehicle around. He got out of his car crossing the street quickly and walked up to the front porch.

The house was an older house and little on the small side but very comfortable considering that only Billy lived their and any girlfriend he happened to be on at the time. It was white with green shingles and black shudders. The foundation of the house was made of red brick and the front lawn was always well cut because there wasn't there much to cut.

The front porch had an off shade gray carpet with eggshell white walls. The door that lead into the house was made of a solid wood. Heath knew it would be unlocked but his pet peeve was just barging in unannounced into peoples homes. He knocked loudly on the door even though he knew Billy was in the living room on the opposite side from the way the TV was blaring.

"Come in Heath" was the almost lethargic response from Billy

"Hey guy watcha up to?"

"Nothing much really and when will you learn that you don't need to knock every time you come over." Scolded Billy looking overtop his glasses

"Well you know I don't like to just rush in someone else's house it's just rude."

"Yea ok, whatever man"

"So are you ready or are you keep my bitch ass waiting ho? Don't make exercise my pimp hand."

Billy chuckled at how stupid Heath was being again. He really liked heath and found him some what attractive if not a little overbearing at times. He let his eye's roam over his friends body while heath turned his head from side to side looking over the room again.

He wore a loose fitting silk T-shirt that was a vibrant red with black dragons on it. Beneath that he wore a white T-shirt as usual. He wore loose fitting cargo jeans that fell overtop of his white sneakers. His dark sunglasses were perched atop his head and he was wearing his silver dragon necklace which he never seemed to be without.

His muscles were lean and well defined. His azure colored scales shimmered in the soft sunlight filtering in through the window. Billy knew of the silver scales that ran from his chest to his tail having seen them before when they had went to the sauna together. He stood a few inches shy of six foot and though he often acted klutzy Billy had seen him fight before and knew just how nimble he really was.

His wings seemed to constantly flutter slightly much like a butterfly in the sun. His eye's were a light silver color and seemed to catch every movement. His Claws were a mix of obsidian at the base of the claw and ending in white. A soft mane of light golden brown hair fell to just below his shoulders.

Heath continued to scan over the house risking the occasional glance at his friend. The wolf's fur was a soft silver color with a large white oval covering his chest, stomach, and groin. He was decently built Billy's muscles were larger than his own but he wasn't huge. He could see them bulge and play over each other every time the wolf moved. His eyes were a soft amber gold. His claw were white in color and were kept well trimmed.

He wore a see through blue shirt that had a cobweb and spider design all over it and as usual he wore his wife beater underneath of it. He wore loose dark blue cargo jeans. His thin gold framed glass always sat away from the bridge of his nose as he almost constantly looked over the top of them. He wore his favorite sneakers that were white with a blue strip going around it.

"Well I don't feel like waiting all day for you. I mean after all it is your birthday party I'm driving you to." Complained heath

"Fine, Fine I'm coming."

Billy got up off the couch and walked over to the door holding it open to let Heath out quickly stepping out behind him. He turned the knob to ensure it was locked satisfied that it was he walked across the street to Heath's car climbing in on the passenger side.

"So did you all finally decide where you were taking me for my twenty first birthday?"

"Yea, we are gonna go to a restaraunt first and then head to a couple bars to make sure you get nice and smashed and then we are gonna take off all your clothes buy you a one way ticket on a bus headed to New Mexico." Grinned Heath

"I have I ever told you that you can be a real dick sometimes?"

Heath started the car looked over at Billy to make sure he had his seat belt fastened before fastening his own and driving off.

"All the time but we all know how much you love dicks don't we you silly little faggot." Replied Heath while bring his fist in front of his maw and bobbing his head back and forth.

"Oh shut the hell up. I swear you sound so fucking gay sometimes." Growled Billy

"Hey man just remember you started it." Chuckled Heath

Billy let out a frustrated sigh silently thinking to himself. "God if he only knew how close to the truth he was."

After a few minutes of driving they pulled up to steak house called 'The Junction'. They got out and went inside where a door greeter stood behind a podium. The waitress smiled as they both approach her.

"Reservation for Heath Drakeblade ma'am."

"Party of six?"

"That's correct ma'am."

She smiled politely gathering up some menus "Right this way please."

She lead them to a small back portion of the restaraunt before placing the menus on the table. She reached into her apron pulling out a small tablet.

"Can I get you anything to drink while you wait?"

"Yea let me get two coronas and could you combine our bill."

"Sure thing gentlemen I just need to see your identification please."

She looked at their identification cards before turning towards Billy "Happy birthday sir."

Billy blushed a little meekly replying "Uh, thanks."

A couple minutes went by before she returned with their drinks placing them down in front of them. The gave her their order and waited for their friends to show up.

After about fifteen minutes went by Heath said "That's odd I figured that the others would have started arriving by now."

After waiting another thirty minutes they both decided to go ahead with out their friends and finished their meals. After a few more beers they left the resturant and headed to a club.


When they finally got back to Billy's house it was well past two in the morning.

Billy stumbled thru the doorway making his way to the couch where he flopped down. He watched Heath stumble thru shortly after he had laid down.

Heath walked over to Billy placing a hand on his shoulder gently on his shoulder "How ya felling br'a?"

Billy a low hmmm before slurring out "I'sh elling greash! My bod is all numby and ish spinny"

Heath chuckled quietly to himself. His own body was feeling a bit numb from all the alcohol he had consumed but he was much more experienced than his friend at drinking and knew when to stop. He gently ran his hand down his shoulder and over Billy's chest rubbing over his erect nipples before his hand came to rest on the other side of his chest.

"I'm gonna stay the night if its okay with you br'a"

Billy was almost unconscious but managed a weak nod of his head.

Heath got up and locked the door when he turned around he leaned against the door letting a soft sigh of love escape him. Billy was passed out on the couch his chest gently rising and falling in the rhythmic pattern of sleep. Heath walked into the other room to grab a blanket from the closet.

He gently placed the blanket over his friend bending down to place a gentle kiss on his lips. "One day I swear to ya br'a that I will give you one of those when you are awake.

Heath sighed again before he flopped down on the nearby love seat letting his tail and legs dangle over the arm of it. He wished that he wasn't so weak he didn't really mean to keep his sexuality a secret but he figured that there was no sense in screaming to the world that he was bi-sexual. He had considered on many occasions telling his friend that he was bi and somewhat attracted to him but he couldn't risk losing his friendship with Billy.

He turned to look at his sleeping friend his heart leaping at seeing the serene expression on his face. He let a smile spread across his face when he wondered what kinda of things his friend was dreaming about hoping it was very yiffy. Before Heath had even realized it the sweet warmth of the sleep washed over him carrying him into unconsciousness.


Billy felt himself pushed back against a wall his friends arms sliding underneath his armpits. He felt the warm maw connect with his and the tightly muscled body press against his own pushing him harder against the wall. The tongue slithered and danced in his maw coaxing his own tongue to join in the chaotically swirling dance.

Billy let soft whimpers of pleasure reverberate out of his chest and in response to this Heath placed his large claw on his chest pushing his shirt off of his shoulders letting it fall softly to the ground. The claw slowly slid down his chest stopping over his hard nipples pinching them softly.

He felt the claws softly unbutton his pants followed by the slow sound of his pants unzipped. The warm tongue left his mouth and moved down to his neck as his pants were pushed down to his ankles. He quickly stepped out of the jeans kicking them off to the side.

Feeling the claw move under his white shirt lifting it up off of his body as it went. His breath quickened feeling the soft scales rubbing against his tight abs making its way slowly up to his hard nipples. Another soft whimper escaped his lips as his right nipple was gently squeezed and pulled on. He felt the maw gently nipping at his neck bringing a low moan to his lips.

He lifted his arms letting heath slide the shirt off of his body. He moaned as Heath's maw moved down to his nipple softly sucking on it. His member was fondled thru his tight gray boxer-briefs. It quickly hardened straining against the confining material. However it was quickly released from its fabric prison when a scaly claw grabbed the fabric in his palm and ripped it from his tight body.

He gasped as the cool air rushed across his exposed throbbing member. He felt the maw leave his nipple sliding downwards toward his groin softly suckling on his hard abs. He let out a low moan as the rough draconic tongue slid over the head of the lupine member.

"Oh god Heath please don't stop" moaned Billy

He howled in pleasure as the entirety of his cock was swallowed into the scaly maw. He watched the horned head bob up and down on his member coating in thick strands of salvia. A hand clamped around the base of the thick lupine member just above the emerging knot.

As the head bobbed on the slick saliva coated member the hand slid up and down it pressing against his knot forcing pre to leak from the throbbing member. Billy began to whimper softly as he felt his orgasm begin to build to its crescendo. As his member began to throb in its preparation to release its seed into the dragon's maw.

The maw slid all the way down the member and clamped behind the knot. Sucking fiercely on the hot, throbbing cock trying to swallow it.

Billy yelped loudly feeling his member pushing into the dragons throat feeling it squeeze tightly on his member. "Oh Heath,ohhhhhhhhhhhh"

Billy brought the back of his wrist to his maw biting down on it he continued to whimper softly as his seed shot into the hot maw. He watched the maw pull off of his cock as its seed came to a dribble. The sticky strands stretched from the head of the dick to the maw. Some of the thick strands drooped slowly to the ground others snapped across the dragons chin.

He saw his hot seed pooled in the bottom of the dragons maw as he left it open while pulling away slowly. The clawed hands rubbed against his groin and up his abs and even against his tightly muscled virgin hole.

Billy watched as the horny dragon rolled over onto his back presenting himself to the raging hard wolf. The wolf watched with his maw agape and hand on his hot throbbing meat as the dragon let the seed he kept in his maw pool into his hand. His breath caught in his chest as he watched the had pour the hot, thick seed and salvia over his hole moaning softly as he started to rub the mixture onto his entrance.

"Come fuck me Billy"

Billy hadn't even realized he had moved until he felt the softly scaly claws rubbing his back fur. He slowly lowered the tip of his member to the tight entrance gently pressing against it.

He felt the deep rumbling in heath's chest as he pressed against the soft, tight, hot entrance. He gave a quick thrust breaking through the tight ring. "Ngh, fucking eh your a tight dragon."

He was answered with loud moans while feeling the dragon's hot breath blowing across his fur as his orgasm began to take hold of him. He pushed deeper into the cum lubed rectum feeling his canine member being harshly squeezed by the tight and wildly contracting rectum.

Claws pressed softly on his chest while roughly pinching his lupine nipples. They both moaned softly feeling each others hot bodies rubbing against each other while Billy's thick cock pressed deeply into the beautiful blue dragon.

Billy gasped in surprise as he felt hot dragon seed splatter onto his soft furry chest. He looked down at the jumping dragon dick as it continued to spit out its thick strands of cum some landing on him the rest landing on the silvery underbelly of the dragon. He bent his head down lapping up any of the deliciously sweet seed that came in range of his tongue.

He felt his hard member rub against the dragon's prostrate bringing a low rumbling moan from the dragon. He gently withdrew his member a few before quickly thrusting it back in pressing harder against the dragon's prostrate. He continued to thrust in and out harder each time slamming his knot against the tight entrance stretching it slightly more each time.

Billy howled while Heath took in a hissing breath gripping ahold of Billy's shoulders squeezing tightly. He felt his knot swell locking them together. He laid on top of the dragon feeling the tight rectum filled with hot wolf sticky wolf seed.


Billy snapped to a sitting position breathing heavily. He looked to the love seat expecting to find Heath laying there but was surprised to find it empty.

"Maybe he left before I got up" Billy quietly muttered

He grabbed his head feeling a wave of dizziness and nausea wash over him. He sat for a few moment with his head resting in his palms. Threw the blankets aside and saw that his clothes were soaked in sweat sighing to himself he stripped them all off. He looked at his boxers seeing the large wet spot on the front of them.

"Hmmmm I got a little more excited than what I thought. Oh well time to get a nice hot shower." Billy softly whispered

Heath stood at his friends stove placing eggs, bacon, shredded cheese, onion and a couple other breakfast items he placed the skillet on the stove. He was completely unaware that his friend was awake let alone in the nude walking towards the shower. He caught movement out of the corner of his eye.

Billy staggered out of the living room into the dinning room which divided the kitchen by a half wall. He carried his clothes under his arm as he walked with his head down. He continued to the hallway that had the shower.

Heath stood watching his friend who seemed completely oblivious to his presence with his maw agape. He watched his friend turn into the hallway but not before catching a full view of Billy's thick sheath and tightly muscled butt. Heath blushed deeply before turning back towards the stove.

Pretending like he hadn't really been paying attention he asked without turning around "Hey Billy do you want something to eat?"

Billy yelped in surprise and spun around hearing the voice of his friend. He saw that the dragon half turned his scales a deep crimson at realizing Billy was nude. He moved his bundle of clothes over his groin to hide his wolf hood.

"Damn it Heath don't you ever make any fucking noise." Snapped Billy in excitement.

"Sorry bro didn't mean to surprise I just saw movement and figured it was you. I hadn't realized you were um......naked."

"Well damn it, its my fucking house and if I feel like walking around naked I will especially when I'm about to get a shower."

"Ok I said I was sorry don't need to bite off my head about it. So how are you feeling this morning?"

"Ugh. I'll tell ya after I get out of the shower."

"You want company in there?" Heath joked a smile spreading across his face.

"Shut up you stupid fucking faggot. I swear I so tired of you and your fucking jokes." Growled Billy.

Heath watched his friend turn quickly on his heel and walk to a door down the hall quickly entering it. Moments later he heard the shower turn on.

"Br'a I wasn't joking. I really wanted to join you in the shower." Heath quietly whimpered.

He felt his lower lip quiver and tears start to form in his eyes before he turned back to the stove and started breakfast.

Billy locked the door behind tossing his clothes in the corner. He reached into the shower turning it on to let the water get hot. He walked to the sink grabbing his toothbrush. He quickly brushed his teeth before climbing into the shower.

Heath cracked the eggs letting them slid into the hot frying pan. As soon as they hit they began to sizzle from the heat. He chopped the tomatoes and onion into small cubes before he placed them and the bacon into the pan. After a few minutes he scrambled it all together before he added the cheese.

Billy felt the hot water run down his soft furry chest and over his thick sheath. He let the water massage away his cares for a few minutes before he grabbed a bottle of body wash. He applied some on a wash cloth gently rubbing it into his fur. As he rubbed some over his sheath he found himself unexplainably getting excited. He looked down watching his pink member start to slip from its enclosure.

Billy grabbed ahold of his sheath gently stroking it encouraging his wolf hood to fully emerge. After the knot slipped out he moved his hand up the underside of his raging hard cock forcing him to stifle a whimper of pleasure. He closed his eyes imagining that it was Heath's claw wrapped around his cock instead of his own.

Heath placed the eggs on a plate and walked over to the freezer. He reached in and grabbed a bag of frozen diced potatoes. He poured them into the hot pan adding a little bit of oil to prevent them from sticking. He added some left over onion in with them.

Billy slid his paw up and down his hard shaft his soft pads radiating warmth everywhere the touched the member. He slid his other paw between his legs slowly insert the tips of his claw into his rectum. He began to pant gently moaning out Heath's name as he felt his orgasm begin to come to its crescendo.

Billy's seed shot out splattering against the shower wall in thick sticky strands. He panted heavily as he withdrew his claw from himself. He reapplied the body wash around his groin and hard cock making sure to clean all the seed from his fur.

Heath walked to the bathroom door knocking loudly "Hey br'a breakfast is ready."

Billy yelped in surprise but quickly recovered "O....Ok I'll be out shortly."

Heath was a little surprised to here his friend yelp in surprise and wondered what he had been doing in there. He walked back to the stove picking up the plates and walking around the half wall into the dinning room sitting the food down on the large table.

Billy stepped out of the shower quickly toweling himself dry. He put on a pair of black silk boxers and a pair of sky blue shorts that fell to the middle of his shins. He walked out of the hallway into the dinning room.

Billy walked up to his friend wrapping him in a tight hug "I'm sorry bro I didn't mean to snap at you earlier I was just a little surprised to see you hear."

Heath wrapped his arm around Billy's back "Its ok br'a I understand."

They sat down eating the delicious breakfast. After a few minutes Billy pushed his plate to the center of the table rubbing his belly contently. He let out low murmurs of pleasure before an earth shattering belch.

Heath smiled "feel better?"

Billy looked over at Heath "Much better actually."

Heath looked at his watch and let a sigh "I gotta go but I had planned on running in the morning if you wanted to join me."

Billy snorted "I guess I could what time are you gonna go?"

"Well I was kinda gonna go at six in the morning"

Billy growled "Why so early?"

Heath sighed resting his chin in his palm "How easily you forget my friend that I work night shift therefore that is late for me."

"Oh yea. I forgot about that" quietly muttered Billy.

"Well imma head out I'll talk to ya later."

"Ok bro take care."

Billy followed Heath out to the front porch. He saw his friend climb into his car fasten his seat belt and start it. He soon watched the green car disappear into the distance.


Heath pulled into his driveway turning the key cutting the power to the car. He opened the door with a resigned sigh escaping his lips as he stepped out. He walked up to his small wooden deck that led to the front door. He fiddled with his keys for a moment before he pushed it into the lock and opened the door.

He was greeted by his cat. It was a black cat with a white locket shaped spot of white fur on its chest. It was overweight by cat standards. It meowed its welcome to Heath before rubbing against his leg purring loudly. He gentle pushed the cat away with his foot.

"Go lay down somewhere Jezz."

He walked into the living room flopping down on the couch facing the coffee table where his laptop sat. He lifted it open and pressed the power button waiting a few moments for it to warm up. While waiting for his laptop he walked over to the refrigerator pulled out a Gatorade.

He sat back down in front of the laptop opening up his Microsoft word and selecting the "a dark passion" file. He read through the first couple of lines before letting his claws dance across the keyboard typing rapidly as he felt everything else start to disappear around him.

Heath blinked his eyes a couple of times staring at the screen as if seeing it for the first time. Where there had been only a few paragraphs was now a completed story. He looked at the clock on the wall.

"Wow I didn't even realize how long I had been typing."

Heath saved the document and shutdown his computer. He stood up stretching out his muscles flexing his wings. He headed towards the bathroom stopping briefly my his room to get out a clean pair of silk boxers. He stopped to look at his watch.

"Hmmm I got two hours until I have to be to work and it shouldn't take that long to get there so why rush?" A smile slowly spreading across his face.

He walked into his dark bedroom closing the door behind him as he entered. He stopped at the side of his bed stripping off all of his clothes before he laid down on the king sized bed. He rolled onto his side reaching underneath of his bed pulling out a shoe box.

He took of the lid and dumped the contents of it beside him. He reached over and grabbed the first of only two items. It was a thick red canine dildo complete knot. He brought it up to his snout inhaling deeply savoring the smell that his entrance had left on it from previous uses.

He opened his maw slightly sliding the dildo in it. He started with just the tip softly sucking on it pretending it was his friends lupine cock. He slowly slid more of the toy deeper into his maw until his lips reached the knot. He then began to slide it in and out of maw coating the length in thick wet salvia.

Heath's sheath thickened in delight at the thought of sucking his friends hot lupine dick. He began to moan around the toy feeling his body getting hotter his heart beating so hard he could hear the blood rushing in his ears. He heard his owns sucking noises over the rushing blood and in his mind he heard his friend moaning for more.

He finally pulled the dildo out of his mouth letting the excess salvia droop on to his chest. He reached over and grabbed the bottle of lube that had also fell out of the shoebox. He popped of the cap and squeezed a large glob onto his semi tight entrance which caused him to squirm in delight. He then squeezed a small amount onto his hard, red hot dragon cock.

He moved the dildo down to his entrance while his fingers spread the lube around the entrance and pressed slightly in to his entrance making him moan softly.

"Billy fuck me my love fuck me hard make me your mate my love" Heath whispered to the empty air as he pressed the dildo into his body.

Heath let out a loud roar as his entrance was penetrated by the thick toy. His stomach and chest heaved with each breath as his orgasm started to spread over his body. He roughly grabbed his own nipple twisting and pulling on it as he pushed the toy deeper into himself. His moans came faster and louder as the toy was slowly inched into his body.

Heath's cock bobbed constantly as his orgasm became more intense. He finally felt the knot of the toy press against his entrance with a deep calming breath he slowly pulled it out most of the way.

Heath began to slide the toy in and out of his body while moaning out. "Yes Billy my love that's it take it as your own, take my body please."

His cock's pre flowed in thick slippery globs over his stomach. Heath's claw gripped a hold of the throbbing member slowly sliding up and down the lube and pre slicked shaft eliciting louder moans from him. He heard the wet smacking as he stroked his cock and penetrated his entrance.

He felt his climax nearing its limit causing him to pant out "Oh Billy your fucking me good. I......I can't take much more, tie into my hole."

Heath gave the dildo a final thrust into himself pushing the knot past his entrance with a gnashed teeth grunt causing him to lift his head off the pillow for a moment before letting it slam back down.

He arched his back violently feeling the muscles in the small of his back tighten in such a manner that they threatened to cramp. His toes curled and his calves tightened feeling the powerful muscles roll over each. He clawed at the sheets gripping large handfuls of the cloth in them. His maw hung open tongue sliding out onto the pillow coating it in salvia.

His throbbed for a final time before sending massive globs of hot dragon cum all over his tightly muscled body. With each twitch it sprayed more of the sticky strands some shooting onto Heaths maw. Heath breathed a sigh of ecstasy as his orgasm finally subsided.

He removed the toy from his body replacing it and the lube back into the shoe box. He lay panting heavily letting his body calm down from its excited state. He licked the cum that landed on his maw clean savoring his own salty taste.

Looking over at his clock he cursed silently to himself. "Damn it I only have fifteen minutes until I gotta get ready for work. Oh well."

Heath got off of his bed replacing the shoe box to its hiding spot under his bed. He quickly walked into the bathroom. He turned on the sink sitting his tooth brush and mouth wash next to it. He then moved over to the walk in shower turning the nozzle letting the water warm up while he performed his personal hygiene in preparation for work.

He stepped into the shower letting the hot water run over his scales. Heath moaned softly at the relaxed feeling the hot, massaging water gave him. He let the water flow over his body for a couple minutes before grabbing his favorite lavender hair shampoo and conditioner. He then grabbed his body wash puff ball applying an ample amount of his favorite axe body wash onto it. He lathered his body completely reveling in the sweet scent of the body wash.

After rinsing off he stepped out of the shower onto the towel he placed on the floor before entering. He leaned down and starting with his toes start to dry himself off.

He slowly worked his way up his legs paying special attention to his soft balls and sheath. He worked his way up his chest and face. Then towel dried his soft golden brown hair.

Walking back into his bedroom he took out his white short sleeve shirt that had his security patch on the side. He then took out his black pants that had numerous pockets. It had the two normal front pockets but that is where the similarities ended. The pants held two deep pockets on the sides of the legs and a cell pocket on the front of the left leg's thigh area. The back pockets were slanted for easy access.

Heath sat on his bed pulling on his black combat boots quickly lacing them. He grabbed his piston belt clipping it around his waist. He grabbed a magazine off the night table checking it briefly to ensure it was still loaded before heading out the door.

When he got to his car he withdrew his smith and Wesson 9mm loading the magazine and chambering a round. He carefully replaced the weapon back in its holster re-securing the thumb break. He took a moment to ensure he had all of his equipment touching each piece as he mentally called it off.

"OCAT (pepper spray) check. 2 ASPS (extendable batons) check. 2 sets of handcuffs check. Radio and cell phone pouch check."

Heath climbed into his car trying to get comfortable with all the awkward gear on. He reached over quickly fastening his seatbelt. He backed out of the driveway heading off to work.


Heath pulled into the large building where his office was located. He got out of his car clicking the remote to close the overhead door behind him as he fumbled with his keys trying to find the key to his office door. He stopped at the old beat up white door that's paint was peeling. He opened the door flipping on the light switch as he walked over to his desk.

He unlocked the bottom drawer and took out his duty keys that held almost twenty four keys on it plus the key to the duty golf cart. He picked up the duty cell phone next pressing the power button to ensure it was turned on. He checked the incident reports file to see if anything happened in the past couple of days that he should be on the look out for. Finding only the one he had filled out two weeks ago he closed the file and signed in on the sign in sheet.

He looked up at the calendar on the wall silently wondering. "I wonder if Bret is on tonight? I hope so I hate working with 'sleeping beauty' always so dull when he is on duty."

Heath nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a loud knock on the door behind him. He turn around to see Bret's large bear face looking through the small window in the door. Heath got up to open the door for his friend.

Bret's deep rumbling voice boomed as he stepped into the office. "What's up guy?"

Heath chuckled. "Not much Mr. Bret aside from being scared half to death."

Heath took a moment to look over his partner. The bears fur was rich light brown color which matched his piercing brown eyes. He was about five feet four inches tall on a good day but was well built with large shoulders and thickly packed muscles. His voice was deep and rumbling with the slightest Hawaiian accent. He kept his long black claws well trimmed and sharpened.

Heath knew that Bret was defiantly somebody you wouldn't want on your bad side and enjoyed having him as a partner because he had proved himself reliable unlike Mike. Mike had been given the nickname 'sleeping beauty' because he would sleep in his vehicle in plain sight for anyone to see.

"So what do you think there Mr. Heath is it going to be quite tonight?'

Heath shot Bret a scrupulous look. "Yea right. Lets see here every time you work trouble follows in your wake. When I work something is bound to happen and we are both here tonight so of course something his bound to happen."

Bret let out a loud thunderous laughter. "You're probably right though I don't understand how nothing every happens when sleeping beauty is on duty."

Heath let a low growl escape from his throat. "Because I'm the one who gets all the phone calls when something goes wrong when he is on duty."

"You shouldn't have to do that! You have enough responsibility with just your side of the property."

"Yea I know but you know the boss will never get rid of him and the fact that somebody hasn't jumped him yet is a surprise to me."

Bret let out a low "hmph" as a smile spread across his face.

There was an uncomfortable silence for a few moments as the thought of their boss actually doing something proactive was a very entertaining thought.

"Well I think its time for me to take a tour around the block you take care there Mr. Heath."

"Ok Bret I will talk to you later then."

Heath watched the bear leave before slumping back into chair. He knew that some of the people were expecting to see him walking around soon but he really didn't feel like going out into this heat. With a sigh he heaved himself to his feet and walked out the door of his office continuing until he got outside.

Despite the gray clouds and the strong gusty breeze it was still rather hot. He looked around the large concrete area that lead up to the horse track and soft stone dust. Live racing was long since over and it was quiet but Heath knew that in a couple months it would be crammed full of screaming kids and oblivious and uncaring parents.

Heath walked out onto the large mile long track walking around it to ensure no one had thrown any debris or entered onto his property. As he finished with the track area he continued over to the barn area where the horses were kept when they were not racing. He searched each one carefully ensuring that no one had snuck in to the area to bother the horses.

After seeing all was clear and quiet on his property he slowly thoughtfully walked back to his office. He couldn't stop thinking about Billy. He wanted so badly to tell him how he felt but what would he think? Would he want to stop being friends or worst would he want to physically harm him?

Heath shuddered at the thought of Billy wanting to physically hurt him. No he told himself Billy would never do that no matter how mad he got with him. He sighed as he opened the door to his office knowing the night would probably go by quickly especially since he was supposed to meet Billy in the morning to go running.

He sat at his desk propping his feet up on the desk relaxing in the air conditioning. His thoughts where about tomorrow and seeing Billy in his cute little runners outfit. How many times he had dreamed of pinning the sexy wolf to the ground and ripping the thin fabric off of his body.

Heath had been correct in his prediction of the uneventful ness of the night. Before he had even realized it the sun was starting to make its appearance over the horizon signaling that it was time to go home.


Billy stood stretching his legs as he looked out over the dirt track. It was a sandy half mile track the had an oval shaped grass area in its center. Looking down at his watch Billy gave a nervous sigh as he realized that Heath should be here any moment.

Heath turned onto the road bringing the track and the locker room into view. Then his heart skipped a beat when he saw Billy stretching in his navy blue shorts and gold colored tank top. After pulling to a stop he got out of the car waving a claw to his friend.

"Hey heath bout time you got here."

"Yea sorry to keep you waiting but there was an accident on the highway."

"Well hurry up and get changed so we can get started ok?"

Billy watched his friend walk into the small building that contained the bathrooms, showers, sauna, lockers, and changing area. Once he watched the dragons finely muscled rump disappear past the entrance he returned back to his stretching. Putting his foot on his rump and leaning back staring up at the sky Billy noted how dark the sky looked. After a long inhale of the air he let out a low growl of concern as he smelt the moisture in the air indicating the immanent rain.

Heath went to the locker that he always kept a change of clothes in. After quickly changing he walked outside to find Billy facing the track with his arms crossed against his chest.

"Was up br'a?"

"Can't you smell the rain in the air?" Billy's voice was flat and neutral.

Not really questioning as much as stated Billy turned back to heath looking over his body. The dragon wore a tight black t-shirt with black and red shorts. He noted the large bulge of the dragons sheath thru tight fitting shorts.

Heath cleared his throat noisily "Ummmmm we should get started bro."

Billy blushed deeply and wondered if Heath had noticed him staring. "Yea your right."

They started out running at a slow pace steadily increasing their pace around the quarter mile track. After their first warm up mile they began sprinting down the straight away while slowing down to a creeping jog around the turns. After another mile they went into an all out sprint for the next mile.

Both breathed heavily with exertion their lungs pumping air in and out as fast as they could. Billy felt the first drop splash against his face as they turned at the top of the track heading to the outside. At first he just thought it his imagination or just a bead of sweat but he was quickly proven wrong when the clouds suddenly released the water in a massive downpour.

Billy's first instinct was to take cover so he sprinted towards the small building where the lockers were kept. Billy had always been the faster of the two runners and was first to reach the building. As he stepped onto the tile he tried to stop but the water had made the floor slick and very slippery.

Billy slammed into the wall face first with a loud yelp of pain. It only took a few seconds for him to regain his senses. He turned around placing his back on the wall closing his eyes catching his breathe for a moment. His eyes flew open half a second later as he remembered that Heath wasn't that far behind him.

Heath hadn't seen Billy slide on the slick tiles because he was using his wings to try and keep at least some part of his clothing dry. As he approached the building he saw Billy leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. As soon as his foot crossed the entry way he saw the wolf's eyes fly open.

Heath slide forward as he tried to stop "Oh shit."

Billy extended his paws in an attempt to try and catch the larger dragon but he was too late. The dragon slid on the tiles slamming into the wolf. Billy yelped while Heath grunted as they felt their bodies crush into each other.

Billy slid his paws onto Heaths back with out even realizing he had done so. The wet shirt clung to Heath's tightly muscled body. Billy gulped between his heavy pantings of exertion as he felt Heath's large bulge pressing against his own large sheath. He fought mentally in a desperately futile struggle to not be aroused my his friends closeness.

Heath felt the wolf's paws softly placed on his back and a growing bulge pressing into his groin. He pulled his head back slightly feeling the wolf's heavy, hot breath blowing gently across his maw. He inhaled deeply savoring the sweet mint smell of his breath. Heath closed his eyes reveling in the soft tender touch of the wolf. His eyes opened when he felt the wolf's muscles tighten for a moment before relaxing.

Billy involuntarily flinched his muscles when he felt Heath's lips press against his own. He felt as if his heart would burst out of his chest it was beating so fast. His body shuddered in delight as his deepest wish was finally being fulfilled. He felt Heath pull his lips away bring a small whimper of disappointment.

Heath breathlessly whispered "Billy"

Billy brought a paw behind Heaths head pulling him forward for another kiss after whispering almost in audibly "Oh Heath."

Billy tilted his head to the side opening his muzzle letting the dragon's maw connect with his own. He moaned into the kiss when he felt the thick dragon tongue snake its way around his own rough appendage. Gently slipping a paw under the clingy wet shirt he slowly pushed it up the dragon's body exposing the leanly tight stomach.

Heath pulled away from the kiss lifting his arms up so Billy could slide the wet shirt off of his body. He quickly mocked Billy's movements tossing his wet tank top off to the side. Running his claws thru the wet chest fur of his beautiful friend brought a shiver of anticipation to his body.

Billy leaned back into the wall arching his body out from it as the dragon's claws ran thru his wet fur brushing over his erect nipples causing him to take a shaky breath. He looked deeply into his friends eyes seeing the love for him that was held in them.

Billy softly whispered as he pulled the dragon tightly against his body grinding his fully erect member against his friends. "Heath I....I..I love you"

Heath softly pressed his lips into Billy's in another soft kiss "I have always loved you Billy ever since the first day I met you."

"Br'a" Was all that Billy could manage before Heath pressed him into another passionate kiss. He took a shaky breath as he pulled Heath in even tighter against his body. His raging hard cock straining against the wet fabric of his shorts pressing against Heath's own thick and concealed cock.

Heath slowly slid his claw under the waist band of Billy's shorts slowly pushing them down letting them fall down in a wet heap. He slowly stroked the rock hard lupine cock that was pressing fiercely against his tight white briefs. The other claw snaked its way to his nipple. Softly pinching and pulling on the erect nipple brought forth low rumbling of pleasure thru their locked maws.

Billy moaned thru their locked maws as his tongue slowly wrapped and slithered across the thin draconian tongue and while his member was being stroked thru the tight fitting fabric. His body grew hotter as his pulse quickened. His member started to leak small amounts of pre from the attentions the dragon lavished upon his member.

He finally gripped a pawful of the dragons shorts in his paws quickly yanking them down and his tight fitting sky blue boxer briefs to the ground. Glancing down at the now exposed dragon appendage a shock of excitement ran through his body he had imagined it being a bit longer but not nearly so thick. Standing at an average six inches in length the girth was an impressive two inches wide. Moaning again into the kiss as his member throbbed excitedly at the newly revealed flesh his claws wrapped around that the dragon's hips as he quickly altered positions now pressing the lean dragon against the cool tiled wall.

Heath let out a small noise of surprise and disappoint, first at the sudden change of positions then at the removal of Billy's maw. It was soon replaced with groans of pleasure and toe claws scrapping against the floor as his friend took his dragon hood into his paw. That wonderfully warm and oh so soft paw, pre already dribbling out of his red out meat and down the silky fur. With a sucking breath and low moan he quivered against the only thing probably supporting his shaky knees as his friend quickly enveloped his member into that hot, slippery maw.

Billy's muffled groan only served to make the dragon buck his hips forward as the initial sweet and salty taste of the dick washed over his taste buds. His eyes fluttered as he knelt there light dragging his tongue up the underside of the thick treat. It was his first blow job but he had seen enough pornos to get the gist of what was supposed to be done and the pantings, mewlings, groans, and grunts defiantly indicated he was doing a pretty damn good job at it. Waves of pre seemed to flow out of the dragon's cock which Billy all to eagerly swallowed. It was salty but there was a subtle sweetness to it, so thick and creamy was all Billy could really think about.

Heath placed his claw softly on the back of his friends head as he slowly started bucking his hips in and out of that warm muzzle. To his surprise though each time his dick moved that wonderful lupine tongue seemed to find a spot that made him twitch, or shiver. He knew that at this rate he most certainly last long.

"Damn Billy, I...I don't think I can..." His sentence unfinished as his orgasm washed over him. Thick pearly strands of dragon spunk sprayed into Billy's mouth which he was sucking fiercely on guzzling down every drop of seed the dragon produced and even some that Heath wasn't so sure he had shot out. Within a few minutes the orgasm faded but Billy's lavishing tongue didn't.

Billy couldn't believe how much seed his friend was spraying it seemed too much to swallow at times but it had such a rich flavor like a soft hazelnut mixed with salt. He wanted it all each throb, and spurt only pushed him to swallow faster and harder. His mind spun gripped by the euphoria of the moment and it wasn't until Heath was pushing on his head and trying to pull away with his hips that he realized the orgasm was over and he was now gripped in that accursed dick sensitive moment.

Panting heavily Heath finally managed to pull free from his friend's eager muzzle "Holy hell br'a you were really enjoying it, don't know how sensitive it gets."

Billy's cheeks flushed red as he finally stood up "Sorry, it was just so damned good I guess I got a little carried away ya know."

The dragon could only grin before he looked down seeing a tent so massive and hard that it had already managed to pop up from the tight white briefs. Slow reaching down he hooked a claw around the waist band before gently sliding them down to the floor. Gingerly he fondled his friend's member tracing a single digit from the already exposed not base up to the leaking tip.

Billy shuddered in delight as the claw teased his cock. Looking on with anticipation of getting some replication for the just performed favor he was slightly disappointed to see Heath just staring at it and slowly tracing up and down its length.

It was obvious the dragon was distracted with some inward thoughts but Billy's horniness was raging "Soooo, you just gonna stare at it or you going to suck me off?"

With a distracted hmm, the dragon finally answered "No". Before Billy could respond Heath gripped his friends hand and practically dragged him back into the locker area where he unceremoniously tossed him onto a bench.

Finally Billy managed to utter "what are you..." his sentence ended as realization dawned upon. The dragon pressed his chest to his own as he sat in the wolf's lap. The saurian tail wound itself around his leg as those golden eyes locked with his own. Their lips met once again as Billy felt his member being positioned moments before it plunged into velvety warmth.

Heath's claws gripped into the soft back fur as he moaned with the initial penetration of his rear sanctum. It was bigger than the toy he had used earlier but it was so much warmer too. Sliding in was aided with the pre the wolf was leaking he watched as his friends shuddered and hissed with delight. He had always known he was a bit tight assed but he doubted Billy thought it was literal.

Billy squirmed and pushed up slowly into his friend until his swollen knot reached the tail ring of his friend. His arms tucked under his friends and his hands planted squarely upon his shoulders. With a few moments the dragon rose up off his twitching member fully before allowing it plunge back down again, with each pass it became easier and easier to push in to his knot. Soon he was thrusting up and pulling down pressing his knot tightly up against the tail hole.

Heath knew it was only a matter of time before Billy tied and bred him like a bitch. Each violent thrust into his warm ass brought with it a stretching pain as the knot pushed in a little deeper past his ring. Then without warning he felt it surge into him and instantly he doubled over moaning as his ass involuntarily clamped down after its insertion.

"Gah fuck it's so big. It feels so good though, breed me like your bitch br'a." Heath panted heavily as his claws twitched sporadically against Billy's chest.

Not wanting to disappoint his friend Billy gripped the draconic hips tighter as he began jack hammering his insides. With them tied he could only move it slightly forwards and backwards but it was all that was needed the bulbous knot causing the dragon to moan and squirm as his insides were being pumped full of thick hot stringy cum. After a few moments the azure scaled body collapsed atop him wrapping him tightly in an embrace.

Soft sobs emitted from the dragon as wetness ran down from his eyes onto the soft fur of his friend, subtle tremors ran through him as his cracked voice spoke into the crook of his friends neck "Bil...Billy I am sorry I shouldn't have... I mean I really love you but I just took advantage of your horniness I am sorry."

Billy let a soft growl emerge from his chest "Don't be a fucking idiot br'a. If I didn't want you then this wouldn't have ever have happened. I love you, silly ass faggot."

A small self deflating chuckle slipped in between the sobs as Heath managed to lift his head up slightly to gaze deeply into his friends eyes "Truly?" was the simple yet loaded question.

Billy chuckled as his paw softly graced his friends cheek for a moment before lifting up to lock his muzzle against his friends sharing a deeply passionate kiss for a moment "Well my dick is in your ass, tied, and pumping bucket loads of cum. Which by the way how many pups you giving me bitch?"

Heath blushed slightly as moved his maw closer to his friends his breath softly washing over his friends lips as he spoke "as many as you want, and breed me as much as you want." Ending the sentence with a deep passionate kiss his tongue working into his friend's muzzle tongues dancing with on another.

Many minutes passed before they separated from their impassioned kiss. Heath couldn't help but feel his heart racing as he looked as his. Somewhere in the back of mind he began to worry about just messy it would be when the knot was removed somehow he imagined it like a dame breaking and the lake spilling out. He flushed deeply as he risked a glance back towards his rear.

Billy felt as though his knot had deflated enough to pull out and he misread Heath's attentions to the area as eagerness to have it removed. Slipping his hands under the scaly backside he lifted up and parted the toned cheeks before pulling away as best he could. Vaguely he heard Heath starting to protest but it was too late as the bulbous knot slipped out with a wet plop.

Heath felt the knot with draw and heard the soft splashing off seed onto the tile floor which brought a deep crimson blush of embarrassment to his cheeks "Oh god Billy I'm so sorry." Burying his face into his friends chest trying to hide the embarrassment.

Billy laughed so hard that tears came to his eyes "Hey, hey now it's ok it happens all the time after all knots dam it all up there and it's bound to leak some what after I pull it out." His paws softly rubbing the toned back of his friend.

Heath finally lifted up his head the deep flush still there as he avoided eye contact, the only thing he was grateful for was the heavy rain drops splashing against the metal roof of the building. Finally after many uncomfortable minutes slipped past he managed to look at his friend again whom was savoring the after glow of the moment. He felt the soft paw tips of his friend caressing the side of his face as they both laid there together with feelings, and passion finally laid bare.

Billy cleared his throat "We should probably get a shower so we don't smell like sex, besides I'm pretty sure this counts as one hell'va work out."

They both managed some what dazedly to get up and get showered before getting changed. Heath's mind was racing with many questions mainly though about where they should go from here. Where they in a relationship, or just friends. Oh god he thought, are we still friends. His nerves were defiantly starting to increase his fears.

As they started to re-dress in their semi wet clothes Heath finally felt like he was close to breaking his heart was aching to know what Billy was thinking and he felt like balling up on the floor and crying just to get all these stupid emotions out of him. Finally he turned to Billy who was staring at him, concern clearly painted in his eyes.

"S...so where do we go from here?" Heath stammered out as his eyes turned down cast.

Billy shrugged a smile painted across his muzzle "Well I was thinking west side resturant then my house."

"That's not what I meant, I mean us, what about us?" Heath's voice cracking as tears streamed down his face his body trembling so badly that it was a miracle he remained standing.

Billy stood dumb struck for a moment before his brow furrowed together and a growl ripped out of his throat. His feet carried him quickly into the dragon as he gripped fistfuls of shirt and slammed his awe stricken friend against the wall.

"The fuck is your problem Heath? Does the word love you mean something different in your world or some shit, hell we just finished fucking what the fuck you think that was dumbass?" Billy's words struck out full of raw emotion.

Before Heath could respond he found Billy's muzzle locked with his and anger filled passion emanated from his body as the tongue snaked its way into his maw. He could feel Billy's mock chewing against his maw so intense was the pressure that he worried his jaw might break.

When Heath felt his friend pull away he was still met with an angry glare which brought a blush as he rubbed his arm nervously "Sorry Billy I have just liked you ever since I met you and am just worried about our friendship is all. Just scared I messed it up."

Billy playfully slapped his cheek "Well stop it. I love you." His head found hold onto the dragon's muscled chest.

With trembling arms his hesitation showed for a moment as they hung in the air half way to closing around his friend. With a sudden push he broke through his fears, hesitations, and concerns wrapping his friend into their strong embrace "Fuck, Billy I am in love with you as well."

For many minutes they stayed there holding each other both shedding tears of happiness as all the tension suddenly disappeared. Finally letting go of one another they shared a genuine smile with each other before Heath cupped his lover's face pressing his lips softly against the wolf's. "Well let's go grab that bite to eat shall we?" Heath's chipper tone returning.

Billy nodded walking out of the small building Heath stopped lifting a claw to the sky "Look hun a rainbow has formed. You think it's cause we had-"

Billy cut off his friend "Don't get all fagot on me now."

Heath stared blankly at his friends back for a moment before he saw that mischievous smile flash across his muzzle and his hand extend back towards him. With a quick paced step he moved forward wrapping his claw into his lover's paw. Walking away from the old life of desire into the new brightly future of happiness and love.