Broken in

Story by Fennec Phaux on SoFurry

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I went into the office after all; trying to get it off my mind. It didn't, and all I could do was think about it; which made it progressively worse. By the time to leave came around, nothing had improved. I felt so many emotions at once now, having solely focused on how I felt all day. It hurt me so much inside in a way that I knew I could never convey to anyone. I put my head down on my desk for awhile, tears trickling down my cheeks and pooling on the wood. I wondered if it was because of something I'd done...but I couldn't think of anything...we hadn't had any fights, I'd never hit her or forced her to do something that she didn't want to, always tried to love her and keep her happy. It hurt to an extent that I'd never felt before; I was almost shaking with grief. But worst of all, it all combined to form a massive burden inside, like my guts had been run over. I walked out with hunched shoulders, staring at the ground, and wandered around the city streets aimlessly. One thing I definitely didn't want to do was go home...I couldn't confront her, and even if she did apologise, I didn't know if I could accept it, and take her back. I wished that I hadn't followed this case, ignorance truly was bliss. I paused in a park, and watched the sun setting; blood red and orange light glinting off the glass sky scrapers. It was undeniably beautiful, but it didn't help me. Everything I looked at painfully reminded me of her, making me feel ever worse. My feet led me in the direction of the local bar. It'd been awhile since I'd been there...I'd always gone straight home from work since we'd been together. I heaved another sigh, and walked inside, taking notice of no-one and nothing, and seated myself on a bar stool in the corner, leaning against the wall. The constant rabble of male voices, clinking of the snooker balls, the commentary from the cricket game on the small TV lulled me into a sort of torpor, a state in which I felt nothing. I drunk more and more, and eventually ordered a meal, and took a vague interest in the match on TV. I finished the food slowly, wondering what I was going to do about sleeping somewhere. I didn't want to go home...I could probably spend a night at a friend's place...but after that, I didn't know. I decided to watch the last 15 overs, then I'd go. I didn't want to be too late.

About ten minutes from the last over, someone came and sat down next to me. I tried blearily to focus on the figure. Hours of artificial lighting, TV, and a few drinks made this more difficult than normal. It was a male raccoon; looked strong. I glanced back up at the TV, not wanting to talk. He definitely seemed happy as he ordered a drink. I could tell by the way that he took a breath, and was silent for a moment that he was going to start a conversation.

"Geez mate, if looks are anything to go by; I'd say you're a manic depressive," He started. A faint twinge of a smile played around the corners of my lips, and I looked away from the TV, and at him, "What's the problem?"

"Ahh," I cleared my throat, not really wanting to talk, "M-my vixen's been cheating on me. Found her out this morning."

"Ouch," He replied, "That hurts. M'name's Max Gilchrist."

He proffered a paw to shake, and I grudgingly took it.

"Hey, I know that you...," The name stirred something in my mind, "You went to Kelmscott College, didn't you?"

"Yeah...I recognized you when I walked in. Apart from the sad face, you haven't changed much since then. Y-you want to talk about it? I reckon one of the worst things to do is keep it in."

"Might as well," I had nothing else to do, and in a funny way, it felt like it would help, "You might remember her...she was a prefect for her house...vixen named Katalina?"

"Yeah," he replied, thinking, "Drop dead gorgeous, and pretty much nice to everyone."

"Yeah, that's her. I'd always fancied her...just never had the guts to ask her out then. We met again, about four years ago, talked, and fell in love. We moved in together four months later. I absolutely loved her; there's nothing that I wouldn o go home. He slammed down my bill on the bar, and I reached for my wallet in my hip pocket. Or at least, where it should have been. I realized with a shock that I must have forgotten it...I tried to explain, but he wasn't the type to accept explanations. I'd run up a fair bill too...He grabbed me around my neck, and looked like he was going to beat the value out of me. But he dropped me, and Max handed over the money, shoving his wallet into his jeans. I stared in disbelief.

"You shouldn't have done that! You barely know me!" I exclaimed as we walked out into the street together.

"It's seem like a decent guy, just down on his luck. And I've seen him beat up others as's not pretty"

"Thanks," I said awkwardly, shivering at the cold, "I'll pay you back."

He waved his paw, dismissing the issue. "Look, have you got a place to stay tonight?," He grabbed my left shoulder, "Because I take it that you don't want to go home tonight, right?"

"No, but I don't want to impose myself on you..."

"Please, it's no trouble. I wouldn't offer it if I didn't want to help you. I need some company's lonely there sometimes."

"Well, ok then...but just for the night."

I have to say, as we walked through the deserted streets, that I did feel slightly uneasy, taking advantage of the hospitality of a person I only knew vaguely from years ago.

"Well, here it's not much, but it's home." He said, unlocking about three locks in the door.

I walked in, and watched curiously as he closed and locked that door. I started to feel slightly uneasy again, watching him lock the deadlock, chain, bolt and the normal lock. A few strands of fur stood up on the back of my neck. He must have seen my face.

"Oh, it's a pretty dodgy area...I've been broken into so many times. It's why I can't leave the windows open when I'm gets so stuffy," At that point, I swallowed nervously. I was in a stranger's house, in a dodgy area, and no-one knew where I was. As we walked down the hall, I caught the strong scent of male sweat and semen emanating from one of the bedrooms, "I'll just get the junk off your bed, so you can sleep. You might want to have a shower, and put some clean clothes on," He grinned, "You do sorta smell. Here," He reached into the cupboard, and passed me some clean shorts and a plain t-shirt.

I nodded a thanks, and found the bathroom, taking care to lock the door. I still felt uneasy, but I felt guilty for it. His intentions were good, and there was nothing bad happening. I stripped, tossed my smelly clothes in the corner, and turned the shower on, closing the glass door behind me. As I washed myself down, I thought I heard something. My heart raced for a second, as I looked out through the glass, tail between my legs. I couldn't see or hear anything, and I went back to washing out the shampoo out of my fur. I didn't hear the shower door open or close either. But I did notice what happened next...I was grabbed from behind, his arms sort of caught mine behind my back, pushing me up against the wall. I tried to cry out, but he had his jaws around my neck tightly, forcing my head up, and restricting speech. I managed a half-choked yelp. He turned off the water with one paw, and pushed his chest against my back. I could hear his heavy breathing in my ears. A tear trickled out as I felt him position his coonhood against the entrance of my tailhole. I panicked, not knowing if he was wearing protection or not...I hoped that he wasn't a carrier...I let out a pitiful whine as he slowly started pushing in, and managed a guttural "" But that only caused him to chuckle to himself, repositioning his grip on my neck; his sharp little teeth starting to hurt. I realized, and felt betrayed by it, that I was erect, as he stroked that top of my foxhood. I squinched my eyes shut as he pushed in further. I gritted my teeth at the pain, and knew that there was probably worse to come. He paused, with his head in, and squeezed my now throbbing foxhood a little, extracting a small moan from me. The pain wasn't too bad so far, but I was almost hyperventilating, my body still pushed up against the wall. He moved his left paw, keeping me trapped, but pulled my tail out of the way. He reached back, and put his paws around my hips, and positioned his legs outside mine, up against them. I couldn't move at all. A few more tears trickled out, and another whine at the inevitability of what was going to happen. But there was a small part of me that was highly excited at the prospect of something new...but I was still highly frightened, and much rather not being there. Much like the previous night with Katalina, he rammed it in forcefully. A fearful yelp of pain escaped my throat, and I tried desperately to get out...I pushed off the wall as hard as I could, but he braced me, and lent even more weight on me. The stinging was unbelievable...and he felt so much bigger inside than he had out. It felt like he'd completely split my entrance. He paused for a few minutes, deep inside, but not thrusting, which he spent stroking and teasing my foxhood. He cupped my balls in his left paw, scratching and rubbing gently, and closed his right around my member, squeezing methodically and firmly. I let out a half satisfied moan, and a few drops of pre emerged, staining his paw, and thrusted in his grip a little. I heard him chuckle again, over my shoulder, and felt him withdraw, for his first thrust...I felt that nervous excitement again...somehow knowing that he cared about me. I realized with a shock that I wasn't trying to resist anymore. I moaned loudly, and quivered, as he pushed his hardness back into me slowly, filling me. He started slow, shallow thrusting. I realized that I was moaning, and actually pushing back onto him. He was still squeezing my member and rubbing my balls, but in time with his thrusts. I realized that as my breath rapidly shallowed and quickened, that he must have been concentrating on my prostate gland...I felt an amazing warmth, and it eventually had me barking and shuddering. I heard him laugh again, and moved his right paw up, squeezing my head. It was all that I needed. I was panting heavily, and gritted my teeth as I felt the beginnings of my release. But it felt like none I'd had felt like it originated from where his member was, the pleasure from the heat was amazing. The head of his coonhood had been stimulating me in a way I'd never thought was possible. He tweaked my balls at the precise moment, letting as much flow as possible. At barking yowl clawed its way out of my throat, as I jerked forward, not escaping his firm grip, shuddering and panting as I released my hot seed over his paws. My legs got shaky at this point, and I put my weight against him. I realized with a shock that I was starting to enjoy this...

He waited until I'd finished, and gone somewhat limp in his grip, then growled in earnest, and began deep, forceful thrusting, jolting me up against the wall. I couldn't make noises was all I could do to keep my breath. As he pushed in faster, and more brutally, I felt my tailhole open up a bit more, but I didn't notice the stinging so much as the pleasure it was giving me. He shifted his arms, freeing mine. We both knew that I wasn't going to fight it anymore...I put them up against the wall, supporting my weight. He let out a grunt, and started to lose his rhythm, wrapped his arms around my chest, pulling me closer, and paused at the peak of his thrust, feeling like he was poking my stomach. He groaned, and jerked into me a few times, and loosened his grip, leaning on me, instead of holding me. I couldn't feel the heat of his seed inside me, so I gratefully assumed that he was wearing protection. He moaned, and pulled out slowly, still erect, and walked out of the shower, and to the toilet. I turned around, my back against the wall, and slid down, my legs flat on the floor. I panted, completely exhausted, and reveled in the throbbing heat of my inner passage. I couldn't believe how good it felt once you got over the pain. I looked out of the glass, wondering if he'd be back. What I saw made another nervous chill run down my back. He was taking the condom off, but in a special way. I knew what he was going to do to me, because I'd done it before. He was pulling to off by the top, extremely slowly, while he pointed his hard member upwards, letting as much seed as possible drip back down onto his head. I whined nervously to myself, licking my dry lips. It'd be better if they were wet...

I gulped as he walked back into the shower, a bemused smile played on his lips as I looked up fearfully at him. It was then I realized what a fine figure of a male he was...well defined chest and arms, muscly legs, and a fine example of coonhood, which I looked at guiltily...and caught myself licking my lips again. He took a couple of steps closer, and I sniffed, the closed area of the shower filling with the sickly sweet smell of semen and precum. His. A little drop fell off, and landed on my left leg, making me shiver. I closed my eyes as he moved, and stood over me. The smell of his juices now filled my nostrils, being no more than an inch away. He reached down with his left paw, and scratched under my chin with three fingers, making me lift my muzzle. My tongue slid out, and licked underneath his head tentatively. It was a stark mixture of taste; the sweet pre being the original taste, followed by the sour taste of his seed. His paw moved down my chin, past my jaw, and scratched under my neck, making me open my muzzle slightly. It was all he needed. He pushed his heat against my lips, and slowly pushed it in my mouth, pressing my tongue down. I moaned, and stroked his firm legs softly, trying to lick the mixture of liquids off and swallow them....but his size made it hard. He reached down with his other paw, and tilted my head back slightly. I opened my eyes, and looked up at him. I shivered at the display of dominance that I saw. His groin was right at the end of my muzzle, and his legs either side of my chest, squeezing me. His muscle tones were highlighted in the poor light, and he was licking his teeth, with his eyes closed. I closed them again, and pushed my tongue up against his member, forcing it against the roof of my mouth. I moaned again as he began to thrust slowly, his balls gently slapping under my chin. I reached up, and squeezed his firm buttocks, something which he didn't expect, making him jump. I grinned as I felt his thumbs press up against my jawbones, tilting my head back even further, and with a nervous pang, I realized that he'd opened up my throat. He pushed in slowly, over the back of my tongue. I could feel a gag coming, so I quickly twisted the corners of my lips into a smile, suppressing the reflex, and took deep breaths through my nose. This allowed him to push his head into my throat, as he took advantage of. He only did it three or four times, as the tightness around his head was all that he needed. He grabbed my cheeks, and held tightly, blasting his seed out over my tongue and lips, groaning loudly. I swallowed as quickly as I could; the sour taste was unpleasant in a large amount. He withdrew, drool and seed strings trailing, looking down at me.

He reached down and grabbed my paw, pulling me up, so we were face to face. It was hard to tell what he was thinking by the look on his face. Despite what he'd just done to me, his eyes were soft, and his face still had that caring look. He grinned, and kissed me softly on the lips, rubbing my sides softly. I kissed back forcefully, moving his arms so they were loosely around my waist. I tightened my arms around him, pulling us together. He pushed harder against me, forcing my back up against the wall, making me moan, and lifting my left leg to rub against his, my claws raking his back in a passionate embrace that I'd done many times before. I turned my head on its side, and let his tongue slide into my mouth. For some reason, only now it really sunk in; what I was doing. Probably because I was voluntarily doing it now...he wasn't forcing me to do this. I knew, as his tongue ran over my teeth and gums...that I couldn't go back. I began hoping that this wasn't just a one night stand. He gently nipped the tip of my tongue as he withdrew, catching my attention. I loved his dominance; the fear amplified my pleasure. He squeezed my buttocks, and spoke for the first time since he'd joined me in the shower.

"Convinced you to stay awhile?" he asked softly, stroking my thighs.

I opened and closed my mouth a few times. In the end, I just gave a small nod. He grinned, and grabbed my paw, pulling me out of the shower.

"But I have to know first," I started, stopping at his bedroom door, "Do you only want me for one night?" I leant against the doorframe, as he pulled back the cover on his (single) bed, and replied.

"Well...what do you want?"

I paused, then closed and locked the door, and sat on the edge of the bed. He moved, and sat around me; legs astride mine, arms over my legs and paws around my foxhood, leaning on me. I could feel his coonhood against me. I liked this position a lot.

"I...I," I started in a barely audible whisper, his head resting on my left shoulder, "I don't know yet."

I heard him sigh, as he kissed my neck and the back of my shoulders.

" tell me what you want when you decide.," He paused for a moment, rubbing his muzzle against my back, "You know...I sorta feel bad, taking advantage of you in this state...but I thought that maybe I could help you. And I presume from those barks and moans that you liked it?"

"Yeah, maybe you sure has me confused though," I fidgeted nervously as I felt his member growing, pressing against me, "You really scared me though...but it felt good...and I liked being out of control...a lot."

"I figured. ever been with a guy before?," He asked, stroking inside my legs now. I shook my head. He reached up, and scratched my muzzle, "You weren't bad for a new guy..."

I grinned, and bit his finger playfully.

"You know," he continued as I let his finger go, "I have to be honest...when I first saw you in that bar, I wanted you. It's been a long time since I felt like that about anyone."

I grinned, and rubbed my head under his chin. "You say that like it's a bad thing..."

"Well, if I'd said I was gay, and lusting after you, would you have come back with me?"

"No," I laughed, "Definitely not."

"And d'you reckon you'd have consented if I'd asked you?"


"So I had to mislead you...and force you..."

"Hey, it's ok. I liked it in the end," I replied, wrapping my tail around him, "But why'd you choose me?"

"I didn't 'choose' you; it just happened. But I do prefer canines - "

"So why not the bartender?" I asked, grinning

" - Canines I can control," he corrected, "And I always sort of liked you. I don't know why, or how I thought I could change you like I this," He smiled, and reached up with his left arm, placing it against my chest, and pushing me onto my back, moving out from behind me, and sat next to me, "I guess we just clicked."

"Not at first." I snorted, as he delicately stroked my legs with the tips of his claws.

"No?," He asked, perking his ear up, and smiling dirtily, placing a leg either side of me, leaning over my chest, "Then why did you come all this way? At some point you must have had your suspicions."

"Well...I...," I mouthed wordlessly, trying to defend myself. Maybe he was right. Maybe I had known it all along, and wanted to try it. He smiled, and rubbed my shoulders. I looked down at his erect coonhood greedily, "Maybe...I just didn't think it'd be like that."

I realized then that the time for talking had passed; he started licking under my chin. I put my head back against the mattress, letting him nip, kiss and lick around my neck and collarbones. He lowered his waist onto mine, our members rubbing against each other. I reached up, and scratched his sides, as he leant back onto his knees, above my legs. He grabbed me around my sides, and gently turned me over onto my stomach. I felt another nervous wave of excitement, as he kneeled down on my legs, pinning me under him. He stroked my back, and worked downwards, eventually caressing my buttocks, making my tail flick in his face sporadically. I felt him lean over me, his balls gently dragging across my ass. He reached over to the set off drawers next to the bed, and got out a tube of ointment from the second draw. I grinned as I heard him open it, and applying the liquid to himself. I shivered slightly as I felt some drip onto me, making my fur sticky. I gulped as he pulled my tail out of the way, and positioned himself at my entrance. There was no morbid fear this time, just excitement and anticipation. He lowered himself onto me, legs around mine, his warm body pinning me down onto the bed, brining his left arm under and around my neck, and placing his right arm so I could rest my head on it. Once again, I was in a position of submission; even more helpless than in the shower, but I liked it. He bit my neck again, but this time he only took a small fold of skin between his canines. It was affectionate, even loving, and started pushing himself inside. It seemed so effortless this time, he slid in so easily and almost painlessly. I felt myself pushing up to receive his member. It was far easier to enjoy than before. He finished pushing in, his groin flush against my ass, and let go of my neck, and began licking affectionately. He took his right arm from under my chin, and pulled the doona over us, and placed it back again. I closed my eyes, and braced myself, waiting for him to start thrusting. I waited a few moments, then spoke.

"A nd happiness enveloped me, and all of a sudden, a wave of fatigue hit me, and I fell asleep virtually instantly.

I woke slowly, with that wonderful, ballooning sense of warmth and happiness. My skin was tingling all over. A shaft of sunlight had somehow found its way through the tall city streets, and was reflecting off the white bed sheets, casting a brilliant golden hue over the room. I yawned widely, and realized that he wasn't in me anymore - thinking that sent a shiver down my spine. I still didn't seem myself as...that way. I couldn't even say it. I still felt straight, but inside me, I knew I couldn't go back to the way I was before. I licked my lips and grinned; I could still pick up a faint taste of the previous night's activities. I stirred from my comfortable resting position as I felt a paw stroke my back softly, and turned over on my side, facing him.

"Morning," He said , rubbing my side now, "Anyone ever told you how adorable you look in the mornings?"

"Kat used to." I spoke, realizing that it didn't hurt much anymore. At the mention of her name, he looked down, and the smile fell off his face.

"W-what are you going to do about...about her?" He asked softly, a hint of melancholy in his voice. I turned over onto my back, and sighed, staring at the ceiling. He moved closer, placing an arm around my chest, and a leg over mine; his maleness rubbing up against my right leg. I realized then what he wanted...and what I'd wanted. At first, I only thought that he'd wanted to get into my pants, but I knew now, as he held me, that it was much more than that. His original dominance had dissolved, to reveal a loving, caring guy. He wanted someone to hold, and call his own. I remembered something he'd said before I fell asleep..."When I saw you...I wanted'd been a long time since I'd felt that...". And I realized why I'd submitted like I had...I didn't want to hold anyone anymore; it hurt me so much in the end...I wanted to be held. Thinking that, it made a whole lot easier to accept.

"I...I don't want to go back to her," The words seem to tumble out, lifting a burden off my shoulders, "I...I want to be yours."

As I said those last five words, the change was remarkable. His face lifted, a smile lit up his features, showing nearly all of his needle-like teeth. Seeing that made my heart lighten too; knowing that he wanted me. He moved over me, once again, I glanced down at his coonhood, erect again. I found myself once again with that dirty desire to be used again. He let out a small bark, and diverted his attention to my foxhood, when it brushed his stomach. He slid down, and lowered his muzzle, grabbing it with both paws, leaving only the tip of the head uncovered. I moaned as the heat from his paws warmed it even more. I saw the corners of his mouth twist into a brief smile, before be concentrated solely on pleasuring me. He ran the top of his tongue over my exposed insides, as he squeezed my shaft tightly. That little contact on that extremely sensitive area just about sent me through the roof. I yipped loudly, and bucked upwards, making contact with his nose. He laughed, and took his right paw from my base, and firmly placed it on my abdomen, anchoring me to the bed. I realized then how really strong he was. He squeezed my shaft once more, exposing the top, and dragged his tongue across it ever so slowly, a half choked howl escaped my throat. I bucked again, but was held in place by his paw. He moved down a bit, his lips around the top of my shaft, his tongue running over my tip rapidly. I was almost gasping for air, whining fitfully, as a wave of hot precum flowed over my tip. He let it sit for a minute, before licking it off thoroughly, moaning quietly to himself. He folded his lips over his teeth, and took a grip at the base of my tip, and gently squeezed, bringing more pre out, which he swallowed eagerly. I whimpered as he moved further down my length, until my tip was touching the back of his throat. I admired his ability to take me like that, as he teased me with his extremely dexterous tongue. He pushed it up firmly, squeezing it against the top of his mouth, and pushing his tongue down my length. I was clenching my fists, and panting, eyes squinched shut, and tail flicking around. He moved his head down, so it was somewhat horizontal to the bed, with my throbbing member in it. He looked up at me, and pushed the head down his throat. I let out a load groan, not being able to hold myself any longer, and let out that high pitched bark, before jerking forward, my thick, hot seed coating his tongue, I realized, he must have pulled my back out of his throat. He waited until I'd finished, before swallowing it all. He paused, panting, and let it slide out, shining in the morning light, covered with saliva. He licked the few remaining globs of semen off the top, and licked his lips as he moved up over me, lying down on my heaving chest.

"Like that huh?," He said jokingly, looking up at me as I calmed down and nodded, "She ever tell you how good you taste?"

"Not that I can remember...not that she ever did anything like that...That was amazing..." I panted.

He grinned, and got up on his paws and knees, reaching for the tube of lube that he'd left on the top of the drawer from the previous night. I intercepted his paw.

"Can I?" I asked, looking up at him.

"I was hoping you'd say that." He grinned down at me, dirtily.

I reached over, and picked the tube up delicately. It smelt strongly of semen. I opened the cap, and squeezed out some onto my right paw.

"You'll need more than that..." He said, watching closely.

I grinned, and pushed some more out, enough to cover my palm, and reached down, to his waiting coonhood. He put his head up and closed his eyes as I enclosed my wet right paw around his felt so right; I loved having it wrapped around it...the heat and the small throbs, and the hardness felt great to my palm. I moved it up and down, and used my left paw as well, concentrating on the tip, then working down to the shaft, making sure I'd covered every bit of his member with the clear liquid. He let out a small moan as I trailed a claw up underneath his member, and grabbed his hips, signaling that I'd finished. He grinned down at me, and I started to turn over, but he grabbed my shoulders.

"What? I thought we were goi-"

"Yeah...but face to face." He said, nuzzling my cheek.

Excitement filled my chest as he worked his way in between my legs, and used his right paw to position himself at my tailhole. He pulled me down by my waist a bit, making it easier to penetrate. He paused briefly, smiling lovingly down at me, and pushed in all the way, not fast or slow, just right. I gasped, and arched my back, my shoulders and rear supporting my entire weight. I let out a guttural, low moan, that shocked me with its intensity. He lowered himself onto me again, his head just below my neck. I wrapped my legs around his waist and legs, and pulled him in further. He had his jaws around my neck again, holding me still as he forcefully thrusted into me. I stared at the ceiling, as I moved with his thrusts, greatly enjoying the feeling of the unabridged contact of his member inside me, and balls slapping against me. He amazed me with his stamina; he had me whining and panting for over fourty minutes, at the same, steady pace, before he started to slow, lengthening it as long as possible. I was panting heavily, eyes watering and tears trickling down my teeth form has fantastic relentless thrusting, keeping me hard for all that time as well. The heady odour of male sweat and juices filled the room and my senses, returning me to an almost primal state of pleasure, grunting and groaning, thinking of nothing but what he was doing inside me. Eventually, he paused at the top of one thrust, allowing me to catch my breath somewhat. By this stage, he'd well and truly wet me with precum, and the warmth generated by it and the friction was fantastic. I was throbbing around him, and inwardly urging him to finish it. He pulled out, and pushed back in, his paws pulling down on my shoulders, and groaning loudly, filling me with his thick, hot seed. I moaned, feeling him recede slightly, some more seed being released. His semen felt amazingly warm and thick, filling me inside. He lay on my chest, panting heavily, and licking his lips, sweat dripping off his body. I repositioned my legs around him, trapping him inside. I wanted him in for a while yet. I looked down, and kissed the top of his head, making him look up.

"It's been ages...since I've had it so good..." He panted up at me, running a paw across my chest.

"Are you always that good?" I replied, stroking his head.

"I can usually last a little longer...It's been a little while," He replied, licking his dry nose, "You liked it, huh?"

"I don't know how I avoided it for so long," I laughed, "Truthfully, if you're like that every night, I don't need to be in's fantastic."

" made a mess on me," He joked, lifting up his stomach where my foxhood was, revealing a sticky mess of seed.

"I couldn't help were fantastic..." I moaned, as he rubbed up against it as he lowered himself again.

Our breathing slowed together, and I wrapped my arms over his back, as he put his around the back of my neck. I realized then how exhausted I was, and drifted off to a deep sleep with him still inside me.