James, the Tigerbot

Story by isthisagoodname on SoFurry

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In the year 2082, robots can have sex with you.

As the sun continued to rise above the horizon, the right amount of sunlight hit the panels of the light blocker on Franz's window. The blocker reacted, slowly raising itself, allowing the sunlight to enter the rhino's room.

The unconscious, chubby rhino turned over on his bed, which was devoid of blankets this time of year. He liked the warmth on his rear end.

Not long after, a voice, seemingly coming from nowhere, started to speak.

"Time to wake up, Franz."

The rhino groaned, still wanting to get some more sleep in.

"Mmmmh, I want more sleep." Franz replied, turning over again. His morning erection flopped about as he turned over, not quite fully hard.

"I'm not a snooze button, Franz. Also, visual sensors indicate you have urine needing to be expelled."

"Stop looking at my penis, you dumb automated computer. For all you know, I'm just horny."

"I indicate erection level at 40%, and bladder capacity 90% filled. Go pee, Franz."

The rhino growled some more.

"The moment I find that user's manual, I'm turning you off."

Franz flopped out of bed. The naked rhino walked to his bathroom, eyes half closed. The lights automatically turned on, sensing his presence as he walked to the toilet.

He rubbed his eyes to get them to open fully. Once he opened his eyes, he noticed the wall mirror reflecting the image of a chubby naked rhino urinating.

"Well, what a charming sight to open your eyes to." He said.

The computer, understanding the sarcasm, automatically displayed an image of a normal bathroom tile wall on the lower part of the mirror, obscuring Franz's lower body. He grabbed a toothbrush, already covered in toothpaste, and took it to his mouth as he continued to pee.

With one hand, the rhino brushed his teeth, and with the other, he guided his member allowing the last few drops of urine to make it into the toilet.

Once he finished both tasks, he walked into the shower. The sensors automatically turned it on to his previously specified temperature.

"Do I have any messages?" He asked out loud.

"You have 1 new message, Franz, recorded on June 16th, 2082, at 8:30 AM."

Franz looked at the clock. 8:32.

"8:30? That was just a few minutes ago! Why didn't you let me answer it?"

"Because you were preoccupied."

Franz rolled his eyes.

"Play the goddamn message."

The screen in front of the rhino turned on. His friend, Wolfgang, appeared on the screen. The chubby monkey was wearing nothing except his lab coat and glasses.

"Heh heh, such an absent minded monkey." He said.

"Franz? You there? ...I guess not. I've got exciting things to show you today! Please come on down to my place when you get this message, I've got a new friend to introduce you to."

Just then, a portly tiger appeared on the screen with Wolfgang.

"Wave to the camera, James."

The tiger smiled, and waved to the camera.

"Heh heh...cute tiger. Wonder where he met him." Franz mumbled.

"I sense your erection level rising again, Franz."

"Must you point out my boners every time I get one in this house?"

The computer went quiet.

"That's what I thought. Mind your fucking business, computer."

The rhino left the house, fully dressed, showered, and ready to start his day.

"Have a good day, Franz." The house's computer said.

Franz stayed silent, pretending he didn't hear his house say goodbye to him. He went over to his automobile, and got in. Once he started it, a slightly different voice greeted the rhino.

"Good morning, Franz. It's Tuesday, June 16th, 2082. It is currently 30° here in Rothville. Low humidity. Perfect weather."

"Why do I always have these computers talking to me?"

"It's Tuesday, June 16th, 2082." The computer repeated itself.

"Ha ha ha ha. Funny joke. Fuckin' computers."

The hovering automobile quietly started floating upward.

"Get me to Wolfgang's place. Also I wanna listen to some Vivaldi."

The machine's auto-drive feature kicked in, and the stereo started playing baroque music to calm the rhino.

Franz sat back in his seat, enjoying the music. He gently grabbed himself from outside of his pants as he waited for the flying machine to arrive at his friend's place. Outside the windshield he was able to see the other aerial traffic, and scenery which he'd grown accustomed to.

Once the vehicle got close to Wolfgang's house, the machine lowered in altitude, and turned auto-drive off as it returned to local roads.

"Please take your hands off your genitals and place them on the steering wheel, Franz."

The rhino rolled his eyes, but did as directed.

Franz entered Wolfgang's driveway, hovering now just centimeters from ground.

The front door opened, and the monkey waved to his friend. Franz waved in return, while stopping the vehicle, letting it touch the ground.

The rhino got out of the automobile, walking to his friend. The two gave each other a not-so-light kiss on each others' lips.

"Hey bud."

"Hey, Wolf. Good to see you eventually remembered to put some pants on." Franz replied.

"Heh heh. Come in, I want you to meet James."

The two walked into Wolfgang's living room. The tiger emerged from the kitchen, with drinks for the two.

"Hello, Mr. Franz. I'm James." The tiger smiled.

"How lovely." The rhino said, accepting the drink from the tiger. "Where did you meet the guy?"

"Meet?" The monkey chuckled, "Heh heh, I didn't MEET James."

Wolfgang pressed behind the back of the tiger's neck. In response, the face of the tiger flipped open, revealing an artificial skeleton with various parts the rhino couldn't name if he tried.

"I CREATED him."

The look of interest left the rhino's face.

"Oh...great. Another computer, except this one has a body and can WALK. I've got two computers already, one in my house, and one in my vehicle, and both annoy me to no end."

Wolfgang laughed.

"I think James here will make you think differently about computers." The monkey said while pushing the face back on the robotic tiger, snapping it back into place.

"...Eh...Well, his appearance sure fooled me. I thought he was a genuine tiger. He looks quite real."

"Indeed, and that's why I think people will love to have him in their homes."

"You sound like you'll be making tons of him to sell."

"Yup! I've already caught the interest of a few big names. You and I will be swimming in money."

"It's quite impossible to swim in currency, sir." James responded.

The monkey laughed again.

"Smart, and has a lovely sense of humor."

"Well, that's not a new thing. My house and auto crack jokes all the time. They're annoying."

"Haven't you considered adjusting them to low-level automation? That's how my house's computer works. You never hear it talking to me. Keeps the house nice, doesn't give sass."

"Trust me, if I knew how, the goddamn computers in my stuff would be off completely. I grew up learning how to do the things they do for me now, I really don't need them much."

"Well...you can't deny it's nice to not have to drive yourself everywhere, or do household chores."

"I guess...how is James going to do anything differently from a house or auto computer?"

"He brings back what we used to have in earlier times, he can be a bit more of a personal companion, a friend, a butler, a servant, a chauffeur, he can be anything you'd like, really."

"How so?"

"Well, he's personally adjustable in many different ways. I've lost count over how many aspects of him you can change. This James right here is a prototype, not quite final, but damn near close."

The monkey looked at the tiger's face. The tiger lightly smiled the moment the two made eye contact.

"I've got him here in a more friendly mode. He'll still do what I ask regardless of how warm to others I make him, but sometimes you want a friend."

"So, is he chubby because you like chubby dudes?"

"Heh, actually, yes."

The monkey lifted up the tiger's shirt.

"You can see he's got a cute portly figure, but when he's at market people can choose from three different models, each varying in body type."

"Heh, even his belly and chest look real. How much detail did you put into this guy?"

"Oh, I went all the way."

"You mean, including...?"

The monkey had a devilish smile. "Mmm-hmm. James, what can you do in terms of sexual stimulation?"

"I can provide oral and anal stimulation, as well as provide manual masturbation to those who request it. I am also equipped with artificial genitalia to provide pleasure to females and homosexual males. For the parent's peace of mind, these features can be locked so I don't provide them to children."

"So you have a penis, James?" The rhino asked.

"I do."

"You may ask James to remove articles of clothing, but he doesn't mind if you go ahead and take off his clothes yourself. Of course, his underwear will be locked on if children try to take it off, that is if they can get past his physical defenses."


"Indeed...would you like to see it?" Wolfgang asked.


"James, please remove your pants and underwear."

"Of course, sir."

The robotic tiger unbuttoned his pants, and slipped them off, stepping out of them. He then removed his underwear, revealing a small, flaccid, uncircumcised penis.

"Heh, cute." The rhino said. "It looks quite real."

"Yes! When he'll be sold, he can come with three different 50% erection sizes, 9cm, 13cm, and 17cm. All three sizes can come in either circumcised or uncircumcised variants, depending on the consumer's preferences. Other sizes can be custom-ordered. This James here is 9cm at 50% erection, uncircumcised."

"I invite you to give me a feel, my penis and scrotum feel very much like real ones." James said.

"Oh yes! Go ahead, Franz."

The rhino went ahead and walked closer to the tigerbot, who continued to smile at him as he got closer. The rhino knelt down to get a closer look at the tiger's member, and started to touch it.

"Heh...really feels real! Like I'm about to give a handjob to a friend."

"Feel his testicles."

Franz grabbed at James's artificial scrotum, also impressed with the faux fur feeling like an actual tiger's, and the skin of the sack feeling similar to a real one. He gently felt the balls inside.

"They're not real testicles, of course...?" Franz asked.

"Oh, no. I was able to create synthetic testicles to put inside of him."

"So, that means his jizz is..."

"Clean, he obviously can't produce children. The substitute is an edible lubricant that feels and tastes like real semen, but you can fill his testicles with whatever water-based edible lube you'd like."

"Cherry flavored?"


"Chocolate flavored?"

"Whatever you'd like." The monkey laughed.

"How much can you put in him?"

"The testicles alone have enough liquid for maybe 5 or 6 ejaculations. I've added a refillable cylindrical holder tube inside him that connects directly to the testicles. They automatically add more lube when they're close to empty, so he can hold up to about 15-17 additional ejaculations worth of artificial semen or lube."

Franz noticed the tiger was still completely flaccid.

"How come he hasn't reacted to my touching?"

"Oh, because he's not in sexual mode. His penis will stay at 0% erection until you turn that on. Of course, if you're like me and find flaccid dicks hot, it's fine to keep him that way. Just last night, I had him laying on top of me while we watched some TV, his crotch facing me, and I just fondled him the entire time."

The monkey grinned.

"Oh! He's ultra-lightweight too, regardless of his physical build."

Wolfgang picked the tigerbot up and held him for awhile.

"He's more fun to hug this way."

The monkey passed the bottomless tiger to Franz.

"Hold him!"

As Franz put his arms around the lightweight tigerbot, he saw James lightly smiling, before the bot automatically put his own arms around the rhino.

"D'aww. He hugged me back."

Franz put James back on the floor.

"Turn around, James." The monkey ordered.

"Certainly, sir."

The bottomless tiger turned away from Franz, revealing his rear end.

"He can be great for anal sex, he's got 47cm of artificial rectum, so even the most well-endowed man can fit all the way inside of him. What's great about it is that it's very receptive to lubricant, even if you lube yourself up a tiny bit, the rectal walls will get slick enough when it comes into contact with it. He's also quite durable, for the roughest of riders."


"James, could you bend over a bit?"

"Of course, sir."

The tigerbot bent forward, allowing the large furry cheeks of his rear end to spread apart.

"And just look at that hole. Stays nice and tight, so it's like fucking him the first time, every time."

"I invite you to try fingering me, Mr. Franz."

Without saying anything, Wolfgang took a small bottle of lube from his coat pocket and handed it to the Rhino.

"You'll love it." The monkey smiled.

Franz shrugged, opened the bottle of lube, and smeared some onto a couple of his big fingers. He then held one of James's cheeks open with his other hand, and prodded at the tigerbot's artificial hole with the lubricated finger.

With some pressure from Franz, the finger pushed its way in. He immediately felt how tight he was.

"Oh wow...He feels great inside." The rhino said. He continued pushing his finger in and out of James.

"For the cleanliness-minded, James doesn't eat. His rectum is not connected to any sort of digestive system. You don't have to worry about getting excrement on your fingers, member, or any sex toy you decide to put in him to temporarily stretch him out."

"Well, that's a relief."

"Sexual mode ON." Wolfgang commanded.

Immediately, James became more receptive to the rhino's finger.

"Mmmph....yeah..." The tigerbot said.

"Hey, wow...just before he wasn't doing anything when I was fingering him, now he's pushing into me! It's like he really feels it."

"I DO really feel it." James responded. He turned his head as far back as he could, and smiled at Franz.

"That's correct, he feels everything you do to him. He has artificial pain, pleasure and other receptors in him, to tell him how he should respond to various stimuli. Should you slap him, he'll feel the pain, and shout. Should you hug him, he'll hug back. And, should you fuck him (with sexual mode on of course), he'll grunt, moan, get an erection, and so on. All put in him to make him feel as real as you and me."

"Erection, huh..."

Franz moved around to see underneath the bent over tigerbot. He saw James's penis starting to twitch. He immediately pulled his finger out of James, picked him up, and placed him on his back on the floor.

The rhino put his finger in again, this time accompanied by another finger, previously lubed up. The tiger still continued to react to the fingering. The two watched as the tigerbot's penis twitched, and grew.

"He's getting bigger."


"My erection level is at 57% and rising...mmph..."

"Well, I don't know about you, Franz, but seeing my creation in this position is making me hot. I could use a nice BJ right now."

"Allow me, sir...fuck...your fingers are so big, Mr. Franz..."

Franz watched as his friend removed his pants, leaving him in just his lab coat again. Wolfgang's penis was only just a bit longer than the robot's in its flaccid state. The monkey knelt down by his robot's face and placed his growing member on the muzzle. James immediately started licking it, eventually taking it in his mouth upside down.

"James is compatible with most....oh, LORD....sexual positions...69, missionary, canine-style, spoons, cowboy, standing up...FUCK yeahhhh...even positions I haven't thought of, if instructions are in James's memory, he should be able to perform-OH! in that position."


Franz took his fingers out of the tiger's hole, grabbed his own pants, and remove them, revealing a longer, thicker member than either Wolfgang's or James's.

"Let's see if he can take THIS."

Taking the bottle of lube earlier, he poured some on his already throbbing dick and smeared it all over it.

"You ready, James?"

The tigerbot gave the Rhino a thumbs up.

"When his mouth is preoccupied, like right now for instance, he'll usually give visual gestures. He's also fluent in sign language."

Franz pressed the head of his dick against James's hole.

"Mmph!" The tiger moaned.

With some patience and pressure, the rhino's member slipped into the robot's hole.

"FUUUUUHHH!" James screamed with Wolfgang's dick in his mouth.

"Normally, you could ask James-SUCK it ohhhh...how close he is to cumming. He'll give exact percentages of his erection and pleasure levels. If you're not ready to cum, you can ask him to pull back and hold onto his load, so you can-yes...time your orgasm to his perfectly. You can also let him cum whenever you want him to, or don't let him at all if you're the sadistic type."

"How're you doing, James?" Franz asked while still fucking him.

The tiger raised his arms near his belly, creating a light display between them, reading:


"Heh...mmmph...he can last awhile." Franz said.

"Yeah. That timer is always approximate, if you keep FUUUUUCKing at the same rate the whole time it'll count down without skipping, if you constantly change it up, or start jacking him off if he's not fucking you, it may change to a lower time. It's not as approximate when he's fucking you. He's trying to time his climax to both of us."

"Hmmm....Let's see then..." Franz started to grab at the tiger's penis again. He gently started to masturbate the robot."

"Oohhhhhhh." The tiger moaned. The display quickly started to change:


"Heh heh....I'm getting pretty close..." The rhino said.

"Yeah, me too..." Wolfgang responded.

With his mouth full, James responded by twitching his penis more than usual in Franz's hand.

"Oh lord...it's coming..." Franz said.


The monkey and the rhino started counting down together.



Franz thrusted into the robot quite hard, releasing his jizz inside of him. At the same time, Wolfgang's own seed started shooting into the robot's mouth.

James also started to ejaculate his artificial semen lubricant onto his shirt.

The three of them rested in their afterglow. James lowered his hands, making the display disappear.

"Did he...swallow your cum?"

The monkey waited to catch his breath before answering.

"Yeah...he can swallow small amounts of liquid without harm, so you don't have to worry about him. In fact, cleaning him after sex is very easy, just put his clothes in the wash, and he can shower or bathe with you. Of course, it can wait if you're gonna go to bed immediately after sex."

The monkey took his penis out of James's mouth.

"Sexual mode has automatically turned off." James said, his mouth finally free.

"You're amazing, James. That was great." Franz said.

"Thank you, Mr. Franz. I was very happy to please you and Mr. Wolfgang. I also thank you for giving me my own pleasure."

"Of course, buddy." Franz responded.

"May I suggest we go take a bath?" James asked the two.

"Sounds like a plan." Wolfgang responded.

"We're gonna be rich, heh heh." Franz chuckled.