Fertile Ground - Chapter 4

Story by Mr-Mau on SoFurry

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#4 of Fertile Ground

The continuing story of Ricca and Ray takes a step into the unknown. The young couple find themselves affected by a force more powerful than anything that existed before and find new ways to express their love for one another.

Summary of Chapter 3

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Ray wakes up the day after having spent the night outside with Ricca consummating their relationship. He planned on running 8 miles in accordance to his track and field training regimen. Ray ran his planned route and remembered how he lost his virginity to Ricca causing his sheathe to extend making it difficult to continue. Ray decided to seek relief down in the ravine where he and Ricca had shared their love.

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Ricca pushed aside a branch as she exited the clearing and made her way back to the path through the ravine. She clung to the basketball she had brought pressing it against her side trying desperately to focus on helping Ray and not the burning heat rising from within. Ricca climbed up the slope of the ravine, noting that the dried out path provided much easier footing. When she saw the small opening in the trees leading to the street, Ricca gave her head a shake in an attempt to clear her mind. 'Get it together girl,' Ricca thought to herself. 'Run home, grab a clean shirt and towel, and help Ray.' With a renewed determination, Ricca jogged to her apartment still not quite believing what she had just witnessed.

Earlier that day...

Birds sang outside Ricca's window rousing her from a deep sleep making her aware of a dull ache between her legs. The pain radiated down and stiffened her legs making it difficult to stand comfortably. She wouldn't have traded the soreness for anything knowing that Ray had been the cause. Ricca stood, carefully stretching out each leg and bending down to touch her feet, eventually feeling limber enough to walk, albeit slowly.

"Sweetie, are you up yet?" Tansi called her through the door.

The smell of cooking eggs and waffles filled Ricca's nose making her aware of how hungry she felt.

"Coming mom! I'll be right out!"

Ricca tried her best to walk as normally as possible into the kitchen. She was sure Tansi had no idea that Ricca had snuck out to be with Ray last night, however it didn't hurt to be careful just in case. Her mother regularly cooked a large breakfast on Sundays using the meal as a chance to talk with Ricca about her plans and to enjoy her company. They were as close as a widowed mother and daughter could be; Ricca was able to share private thoughts and secrets with Tansi fearing no reprisal or judgment in return.

Pouring a healthy amount of syrup onto the waffles, Ricca cut out big pieces and devoured them as if she hadn't eaten for days. Tansi perked up an eye and watched as Ricca threatened to bite the end of the fork she used to shovel food into her mouth.

"Hungry?" Tansi asked sarcastically.

"Gah?" Ricca managed to say, her mouth full. Ricca swallowed then answered sheepishly: "I mean, yes. You know I love your cooking mom, this is my way of saying thanks."

Tansi wasn't quite convinced. Ricca had been acting strange ever since she was caught outside in a thunderstorm yesterday and Tansi resolved to find out why.

"Ricca honey, is something bothering you?"

"I feel great mom!" Ricca replied between forkfuls.

"Really now, you can tell me. Did something happen to you during the storm yesterday?"

Ricca paused, not knowing what to admit to her mother. She couldn't hide her relationship with Ray forever, so Ricca proceeded to reveal how she and Ray had finally confessed their feelings toward each other as they took shelter from the rain. Not wanting to go into too much intimate detail, Ricca blurted out that Ray kissed her and said he loved her.

"That's so cute!" Tansi exclaimed, genuinely happy for her daughter.

Relieved at her mother's positive reaction, Ricca chatted freely with her as they ate. Since Tansi had made the food it was up to Ricca to clean up which she did without complaint each week. Today, however, was made difficult due to the lingering discomfort that remained between her thighs. She kept shifting from foot to foot in an effort to find a relaxed standing position, failing miserably. Ricca persevered and completed washing, drying and putting away the flatware. Her mother prattled on about this and that all while keenly aware of her daughter's discomfort but decided not to confront it. The confidence inspired by Ricca's earlier admission was enough to satisfy Tansi's suspicions for now.

Finished with her chores, Ricca returned to her room eager to talk to Ray. She guessed that he would be out running somewhere as that was his normal Sunday routine. Deftly navigating her phone to find Ray's number, Ricca called heard him answer on the second ring.

"Hi Ricca!" Ray greeted her warmly. "You're up early."

"Just getting ready now. Thanks for the great sleep last night."

"You're welcome, I guess? How do you feel?" Ray inquired.

"Satisfied and sore." Ricca told him. "I'm gonna try to get out and shoot some baskets to limber up. You're out running right?"

"Yeah. You'll never guess who stopped me."

Ray told her about his chance meeting with Maggie and Heather, two high school bimbos that made Ricca irrationally angry just by thinking of them. The co-leads of the cheerleading squad were the object of lust for every guy, and some gals, at school. She didn't feel exactly threatened by their inevitable attempts to seduce Ray; all they had were looks and an easy reputation. Ricca's anger faded thanks partly to Ray's calming voice and some disparaging jokes about the whole squad.

Ricca looked over to her bedside clock seeing it tick over to 8:38 am. She wanted to catch Ray out before the end of his run but needed to take a shower first to freshen up. A sudden twinge of leg pain reminded Ricca that she wasn't yet fully recovered from Ray's exploits last night. She wanted to get some exercise and told Ray that she would be at the basketball courts in half an hour after taking a shower. Ray bid her farewell and Ricca blew him a kiss through the phone and hung up.

The hot stream of water delighted Ricca as she stepped into the shower. She wasted no time in lathering up as consistent hot water was rare given the size of the apartment complex. Ricca poured a bit of conditioner onto her short auburn hair and let it set in as she washed the rest of her body. The steamy air seeped into her muscles providing a little relief to her discomfort. She bent down to wash her legs and noticed small flecks of mud flow into the drain. Ricca had forgotten that her butt and backs of her legs must have been coated with the stuff after having lain down on the bare dirt last night. Taking care to put an extra effort into scrubbing the mud off she decided to sit down in the tub for better leverage.

Once seated, Ricca raised each leg and savored the added rub down of her sore legs. Shifting to a better position she paid special attention to her ass and was surprised to see the water turn dark as the dirt washed away. A particularly vigorous scrub of the washcloth brushed up to her pussy which gave her a slight jolt. Ricca looked down and examined what had caused such a reaction. The source was obvious to say the least, her pussy lips were red and swollen, not in excitement but inflamed nonetheless. She remembered the feeling of being stretched and over-full when Ray's flare and shaft pounded her last night. Ricca reached down and gingerly felt around with her fingers to make sure there was no significant injury. Thankfully, as tender as the area was, her fingers produced no sharp pains; rather she was beginning to get a little excited.

An abrupt blast of cold water hit her and interrupted any thoughts of self-gratification for the moment. Wasting no time in rising out soap and conditioner, Ricca finished her shower in record time. Grabbing a towel from the rack she rubbed briskly in an effort to warm up and wrapped another towel around her head. She opened the bathroom door and walked back to her room, dripping all the way. Tansi would normally be admonishing her to be more careful and dry herself completely rather than leave wet footprints all over. Ricca's mother was distracted by the morning news radio program in the kitchen so no warnings were said that day.

Ricca opened her closet and pulled out her usual summer attire that included a t-shirt, sports bra, boxer-brief style underwear and sweat shorts. Now mostly dry she threw off the towels and ran a brush through her hair letting it fall where it may unconcerned for how it looked. Style was lost on her, Ricca was too practical to be drawn into a battle of fashion that so occupied most other girls at high school. Standing in front of the full length wall mirror, she admired the sleek form of her body. Her piercing green-yellow eyes scanned her reflection; her youthful c-cup breasts perky and well-proportioned to her slim hips and toned butt. Ricca's light brown fur provided good contrast for the off-grey spots marking her chest, legs and back. Some guys and girls at school had told Ricca that she looked exotic, almost foreign, thanks to those spots which set her apart from other wolves.

She pulled on her clothes making a final adjustment to her sports bra that gave her the necessary support when she played soccer or basketball. The disadvantage to having such a tight bra was the compression of her breasts down to a mere a-cup to the casual observer. Ricca had worn these kinds of bras ever since her breasts started to grow during puberty and never thought to change to a more feminine brand. All a change would do is hamper her athletic performance and garner unwanted attention from superficial guys.

Glancing at the time on her phone, Ricca estimated that Ray would be finishing his run in a few minutes. Ricca picked up the well-used basketball from its perch at the foot of her bed and headed out the door waving at her mother as she passed.

"Wait dear!" Tansi said, stopping Ricca in her tracks. "Do you have your phone on you?"

"Yes mother. It's right here." Ricca replied pointing to the holster at her side.

"Ok, have fun and bring Ray over for lunch if he's available."

Ricca smiled at her mother, grateful to have someone so understanding and supportive of her new found love. She promised to call to let Tansi know if Ray would join them for a meal. Tansi then shooed her out the door and told her to have fun and enjoy the day.

The sun shone brightly in the cloudless morning sky, the air not yet heavy with humidity making it a perfect day for light exercise. Ricca bounced the ball as she jogged down the block and out to the road which led around to the nearby school. Suddenly, she felt something tugging at her from deep within the recesses of her mind which provoked her to stop and look around in confusion. Looking to her right she saw the wild growth of trees and a path leading between two houses down into the ravine that separated the residential zone from the school grounds. Ricca shrugged her shoulders in resignation turning toward path and walked into the ravine realizing that her recent experiences must be drawing her to this place.

Mid-way through the ravine Ricca heard a stifled moan in the direction of the clearing she and Ray had experienced all their passionate moments together. Curious by the sound, she picked her way through the underbrush in silence not wanting to come across and scare a feral animal. She peered through the trees trying to see what or who was ahead as more sounds floated through the forest. A sharp moan and snort made it clear to Ricca that Ray must be ahead, maybe in some kind of distress.

Reaching the edge of the clearing Ricca stood amazed at the scene playing out in front of her. Ray lay sprawled on the bare dirt, his lower back arched and cock exposed to the air, was in the midst of a massive orgasm. She saw his finger deep in his ass and right hand gripping the base of his cock as the first jet of cum shot up 10 feet into the air, splashing audibly in a heap around him. Mouth agape and not quite believing what she was seeing, Ricca watched as powerful blasts of cum continued to shoot out of Ray's cock in all directions. She knew that Ray produced copious loads but this was something else entirely. Ray's shirt, legs and ground where he lay were coated with his seed as his orgasm subsided.

"No. Fucking. Way"

Ricca sprinted back to her apartment desperately trying to ignore the moisture building up between her thighs. Ray needed her help and she wasn't going to let him down. She used the time to come up with a plausible excuse to tell her mother, eventually deciding to tell her that Ray had forgotten to bring a spare t-shirt and was soaked with sweat after his run. The excuse worked and Ricca was able to grab an oversized shirt, her towel and some water before Tansi could ask too many questions. She left in a rush and ran back to the ravine items in tow.

Ray was busy wiping himself off with his hands as Ricca entered the clearing, his shaft hanging limply from his crotch. Handing him the towel and bottle of water, Ricca stood by watching Ray take handfuls of water to wash himself then used the towel to dry off. Ray turned away from her in embarrassment when he got around to his shaft, balls and pouch. Ricca then noticed that his back and ass was covered in dried leaves and clumps of dirt mixed with cum.

"Ray, you're covered in dirt. Let me help you out."

"Ok, if you want to..." Ray said hesitantly.

He pulled off his soaked shirt and handed it over to Ricca who turned it inside out and proceeded to wipe his back. She admired his muscled frame as she rubbed between his powerful shoulders. Ray's inky black fur coat made each sinew and tendon stand out as white capped waves would against the blue expanse of the sea. The rippled contours of muscle thrilled Ricca as her hand slowly stroked down his back. Ray jumped in surprise as Ricca pushed aside his braided tail and made her first tentative dab at his ass.

"Calm down Ray," Ricca said reassuringly. "I have to do this, you're filthy."

Ray let her continue without voicing any complaints. He was thankful for her help; if she hadn't come along how would he explain his condition to his parents, let alone anyone who happened to see him returning home. Comfortable with her touch, he bent down to clean his legs not realizing how much Ricca would see in this exposed position.

Ricca drank in the sight of Ray's firm ass, catching a glimpse of his tail hole and the underside of his ball sack through his legs. She decided he was about as clean as possible under the circumstances and dropped the worn shirt to the ground. Reaching down with her right hand while still holding Ray's tail with her left, Ricca brushed a finger across his furry sack. Ray's reaction was to stand up straight trapping her hand between his thighs. Not quite done teasing yet, Ricca tickled the area behind his balls just shy of his anus resulting in a sigh of pleasure to escape from Ray's lips.

"Ugh, that feels great Ricca but I'm still worn out from before, sorry." Ray apologized and relaxed his legs releasing her hand.

"I couldn't resist Ray. You kinda asked for it."

The wetness pouring from Ricca's slit threatened to show through her sweat shorts, but didn't mind that Ray needed a bit of time to recover. He put on the fresh t-shirt and found his shorts remarkably clean as he slipped into them. He turned to face Ricca wondering how to thank her for the help. Ray didn't have a chance to get any words out as Ricca planted her mouth firmly on his and they both sank into a deep, passionate kiss.

Ray's large hands clutched Ricca's ass, gently caressing it and pressing her close against his chest. He gave her butt a squeeze finding it firm and toned with muscle which he obviously liked immensely. Their kiss continued, Ricca having wrapped both arms around his neck and delighting in the feeling of his capable hands. The first signs of her arousal dampened her sweat shorts causing her to buck her crotch against Ray's upper leg. After a minute or so they had to relent, both breathless from their efforts while holding each other close.

"Thanks for your help." Ray finally managed to say.

"You're welcome big guy. I couldn't have just left you like that."

Ricca stared intensely into Ray's bottomless blue eyes, losing herself in his expression of pure devotion and love. She inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of his sweat and traces of his seed. If it was possible to bottle up this intoxicating musk, Ricca would wear it every day. She also caught the familiar scent of her juices slowly becoming aware that her underwear and sweat shorts were sopping wet in anticipation.

"Uh, I think I have a problem here." Ricca confessed.

"What's wrong?" Ray said in alarm.

"My shorts are wet." Seeing Ray's reaction she assured him by stating: "No, it's not your fault. Well, not entirely. You've gotten me excited down there."

Ray followed her gaze and saw the problem: a dark spot of moisture was plainly visible against her light grey sweat shorts. As if on cue, her aroma filled his nose followed by the heat of her pussy on his leg.

"Oh, um, ok..." He stammered. "What do you want to do?"

Her response was to reach down and pull off her shorts and underwear in one smooth motion.

"Ah, that's better!"

Ricca took charge by drawing Ray into a loving kiss and taking his right hand away from her butt and onto her burning crotch. Ray happily gave in to her lead finding her legs open and pussy eagerly awaiting his fingers to do their work. The heat between Ricca's thighs seemed to invite his touch; her opening slippery with nectar that coated Ray's fingers with each soft stroke. So intent with satisfying her need, Ray's shaft remained tucked away in his pouch and his flare grew slightly as the only sign of his arousal.

Between their frenzied kiss and Ray's probing fingers, Ricca's knees began to buckle and failed to support her weight. Ray caught her with his free arm and carried her away from the congealing mess he'd made earlier. He skirted by the small sapling in the center of the clearing, its leaves giving off a slight reddish glow. The sight of this sapling sparked Ray's curiosity but didn't want to leave Ricca's embrace to investigate.

On the other side of the patch of bare earth, Ray and Ricca lowered to a kneeling position, their mouths still locked together. Ray's fingers deliberately traced her nether lips increasing the flow of fluid lubricating Ricca's entrance. Heavy moans escaped Ricca's lips between breaths finally breaking off the kiss as she loosened her grip around Ray's neck. She leaned back providing a better angle for Ray's fingers to continue their manipulations.

Her thighs open wide and arms supporting her upper body, Ricca gave in Ray's three pronged attack on her pussy. His index and ring fingers stroked her engorged labia while his middle finger thrust into her with shallow strokes. A pressure was building inside her begging for release, the force of it hit a part of her brain reserved for only the most basic of feelings. Lust and pure pleasure penetrated her very being making the outside world fade away by comparison. Ricca closed her eyes and focused on the relentless assault Ray's fingers were performing on her most private of places. In her mind's eye Ricca envisioned a small tree with glowing red leaves pulsing in tune with her mounting desires.

Ray looked up from his work, distracted by something pulsing at the edge of his vision. It was the sapling, almost a foot and a half tall now, glowing red in the eerie mix of light and shadows of the clearing. Its leaves swayed as if moved by an unseen breeze. Ray's fingers stopped as he stared incredulously at this wonder.

Ricca opened her eyes in frustration ready to give Ray a piece of her mind for teasing her that much. Seeing that his focus was not on her, she turned to find out what had distracted him. Her jaw dropped as she saw the same tree as in her vision, glowing the same shade of red and dancing in an unfelt wind.

"What the hell?" Ricca began.

"It's amazing!" Ray exclaimed.

"What kind of tree is it? How can it move like that?"

"I don't know. It wasn't this tall when I came here this morning. It's growing faster than anything I know of."

Momentarily forgetting their passion, they crawled toward the sapling not wanting to get up and risk disturbing this event. The red pulses slowed, and then stopped. It ceased to sway and stood as still as the rest of the growth in the clearing. Disappointed and uneasy from these events, the young couple clung to each other for support.

A drop fell from Ricca's over stimulated vagina and soaked into the ground. The result was immediate as the sapling grew an inch in front of their eyes. Ricca looked down and gathered a bit of her juice onto her finger then reached out to touch the base of the sapling. The red glow returned in one great pulse and the sapling sprouted another small leaf in response.

"This can't be real!" Ricca said shaking her head in disbelief.

"Ricca, look at what happened. There is no other explanation."

"But why here?"

Ray looked around the clearing recalling the mix of his seed and Ricca's essence that must have soaked into the ground over the past 2 days. That must be the only source for this mysterious tree.

"We must have caused it." Ray decided and explained the connections he made in his mind.

"Is it dangerous?" Ricca asked.

"I don't think so. Why would it be?"

Acting as if prompted by their apprehension, the sapling permeated a sense of calm and affection toward Ricca and Ray. It shone a soft, almost gentle red and put the couple at ease.

"Lookit that!" Ricca said tenderly. "Does it know that we're here?"

The sapling glowed bright red in reply.

"I think that's a 'yes'." Ray acknowledged. Speaking out to the sapling Ray asked: "Are you here because of us?"

A single pulse was the immediate response.

"Ok," Ray continued on. "What is your purpose?"

"It can't answer that, it doesn't even know..."

A concentrated feeling of desire entered into both of their minds, re-invigorating Ricca's flow of juices and making Ray's shaft extend and flare expand faster than he'd thought possible. Rapid pulses of desire built up inside them in tune with the red glow from the small tree.

Wordlessly Ricca and Ray removed their clothes and pushed their bodies together in pure lust. The flow from Ricca's pussy increased twofold and droplets of pre-cum saturated the fur on their stomachs where Ray's cock stood tall. Too aroused to talk or kiss, Ricca stroked and squeezed Ray's cock and he reached down and stuck three fingers into her, thrusting in deep and forcefully. They moaned together, crying out in pleasure each passing minute until neither fingers nor hands could satisfy.

Ricca pushed Ray onto his back and got into a 69 position, his cock dancing in front of her eyes and her juices dripping onto his chest. They took a moment to gather themselves and dove in, Ricca licking up and down Ray's shaft while fondling his sack while Ray pried open her pussy and stuck his tongue in as deep as it would go. Both of them were focused on each other's pleasure trying to keep the building passion building within them for as long as possible.

Meanwhile, the sapling was attempting to reach into the lover's minds to trigger the various pleasure centers in their brains. All it wanted to do is give pleasure and receive nourishment in the form of sperm and female essence. It hungered constantly and was lonely when its creators were absent. The one-of-a-kind tree could only affect a small area and lost track of the couple when they left the clearing. It was gradually becoming aware of its surroundings and could reach out a bit further with its force discovering the walls of the ravine. Content with its growth, it doubled its efforts to stimulate the young couple while yet another leaf sprouted from its thickening trunk.

Ricca was only able to concentrate at the task at hand; her entire focus was on this beautiful cock and trying to draw out the substance that was her reward. Up and down she licked using her right hand to hold it and her tongue to paint Ray's member from its base to the tip of the flare. Her left hand groped at his furry sack, feeling his balls give way in her fingers. Spreading her mouth wide, Ricca took the plunge and devoured his cock feeling the flare make its way down her throat. She felt absolutely no anxiety as he thrust forward; she breathed through her nose easily enough instead turning her focus toward an attempt to wrap her tongue around his shaft.

Ray's entire world was centered on Ricca's delicious pussy and the flow of nourishment that seeped down his face. In the clear light of day, he could make out all her unique intricacies and found that her clit protruded as if calling out for his tongue. Ray's broad tongue shot out and licked her from her tail hole to her clit in long, deliberate passes. He used his hands to keep her spread open for easy access. Ricca's hips started to buck uncontrollably making it difficult for Ray to maintain contact, but no amount of movement would distract him from this task. He shifted between giving her long licks and closing his lips around her clit and sucking sharply. If the flow from her pussy was of any indication, his actions were producing the right results.

Feeling that she was losing control of herself, Ricca settled on bobbing her head up and down Ray's member and flicking her narrow tongue over as much flesh as she could. Sensing her orgasm close and not knowing exactly how Ray was doing, Ricca unleashed her secret weapon. Releasing his cock from her right hand she reached down and found Ray's puckering tail hole, likely still aroused from his masturbation session earlier. She stuck a finger in deep feeling around for the tell-tale firmness of his prostate. Ricca pressed it a bit harder than was necessary over and over again eliciting gasps from between her legs.

Ray's mind was near to bursting as his most erogenous zones were stimulated beyond his understanding. And yet he managed to hold back, waiting for the first signs of Ricca's orgasm to submit to his needs. He found that thrusting his fingers into her folds while sucking on her clit made her buck even more wildly. Surely she was close now. Ray tensed his muscles, holding on using pure strength of will, while frenetically thrusting in and sucking Ricca's pussy.

The small tree, an aware entity in its own way, used its power to provide a pleasure feedback loop for the creators. They would cum together, releasing a torrent of nutrition which it desperately needed. The red light filled the clearing, the pulses coming too fast for the eye to see making it appear like a continuous source of light.

"I'M CUMMING!" Ricca shouted.


The couple turned and pointed their genitals toward the source of light. Ray lay on his side pumping his cock with his hand as Ricca knelt on her knees, legs spread wide, humping her hand in reckless abandon.


The word was heard deep in their minds, unlocking the door to their lust. The lovers screamed together as their orgasms took over. What occurred next defied all logic.

A shower of clear fluid sprayed from Ricca's opening, a solid stream that didn't lack in intensity over the course of her orgasm. Milky white semen blasted out from the tip of Ray's flare sailing through the air beyond the confines of the clearing. Powered by the tendrils of energy the entity fed them, the couples' orgasm was otherworldly. Fluid continued to flow from Ricca's pussy in an amount that would have normally put her in danger of dehydration. Ray's member did not produce normal jets of cum, rather it mirrored Ricca's stream except it was colored white.

Their juices fell on the ground making sounds much like rain from a thunderstorm. They mixed together in a sensual soup of matter, the ground unable to absorb it all and it formed small puddles in various recesses around the clearing. Ricca and Ray's faces were locked in a display of absolute gratification, unaware of the amount of liquids they were producing. Ricca's nether lips twitched and opened as fluids shot out in lessening spurts. Ray's orgasm began to resemble something more normal for him, medium sized jets of cum flew a few feet out in front of him. Quite a bit of cum landed directly on the visibly growing tree as branches sprang forth from the trunk adored with fully formed leaves.

Exhausted and empty from their orgasms, Ricca and Ray fell back on the ground unable to move. They breathed hard in an effort to regain their senses. Ricca's fragile cunny looked inflamed but didn't compare to the swollen mass of Ray's member. His cock had softened and rolled lewdly on his stomach, the whole length of it noticeably raw and tender. The lovers' deep breaths turned into soft laughter and they reached out to clasp their hands together.

'Masters. Creators. I thank you.'

The words came fully formed into their minds and the couple turned to face the young tree.

"Was... that... you?" Ricca asked between breaths.

'Yes. Your gifts have given me strength. You are my masters, my creators, my dearest friends and I'll always be with you for as long as you exist.'

"What should we call you?" Ray recovered enough to ask curiously.

'I am yours. I am the manifestation of your pleasure. I am Desire.'