Ch 1: Memories of Last Night

Story by jdizzle on SoFurry

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#1 of The College Life

-Hi, this is my first story of any kind so go easy on me ok. Thanks-

The sun shone in through the open drapes into a cluttered room with books and papers everywhere. A loud yawn breaks the silence of the room as a lump on the bed shuffles and moves under the covers.

"What time is it?" said the covered fur. "Oh no! I am late again! Professor is gonna kill me!"

The covers flew off the bed to reveal a 19- year old black wolf. As he rushed getting on his clothes and making sure he did not stink for class, he ran out of his room like a flash. These were the times when Jake was glad he went to a small college.

When he made it across the campus and into the building where his class was held he had to stop to breathe. He panted and looked into the classroom taught by Dr. Giuseppe, a stern, grey stallion. Jake hated this class...History was the past so therefore it should not be brought up again. Jake opened and shut the door quietly as he made his way towards the back of the room and sat down next ti his best friend, a husky named Matt.

"You're twenty minutes late!" Matt whispered "What the hell took you so long"

Jake slumped his shoulders and looked at the husky. "You know, some of us are not morning people!"

"Yeah and those furs choose evening classes, dumb ass" Matt said handing Jake the notes he missed.

Class droned on for another half an hour before Dr. Giuseppe let the class out. As Jake was leaving he noticed the stallion looking at him and motioning to come over. Jake sighed but relented as he padded over to the teacher's desk.

"Jake, these tardies are unacceptable. If they continue you will be lucky to get a C in this class" said the professor.

"I know sir" Jake said shifting his foot uncomfortably "But I keep up on the notes thanks to Matt and I plan on getting a new alarm clock to wake me up"

"Make sure you do" the stallion said smiling "I do not want to have to fail such a smart student because he was out partying all night"

Jakes ears turned red, that was the only way anyone could tell he was blushing under his black fur. He got his stuff and ran out of the room as fast as he could. Last night he had been over at his friend Blake's house. The snow leopard had a nice place and always threw the best parties. He met him soon after he got into his second semester at Pawsen University, he was a little immature but other then that he saw a lot of himself in the cat. They talked out a lot but being that he was still in high school they never really hung out till one of his parties. Last night was incredible, Blake had set up two kegs in the kitchen and there were a lot of cute furs there.

Jake knocked on the big oak door which made him small even at 6'1''. The door opened and a tall buff tiger glared down at him. "Well, what do you want?" the tiger said. Jake stumbled with his words intimidated by the tiger. The striped beast look annoyed turning to leave but just as he was closing the door Blake stopped him.

"Hey Charlie!" he yelled at the tiger "If i am gonna pay you to be security of my party, you have to let my friends in!"

The tiger glared and then stepped aside letting the smaller wolf past. Jake padded into the nice house taking the view in. The ceilings were high, with art along on the walls. The living room was very open and a ton if furs had already arrived. Everyone from the jocks on the Pawsen football team to goth furs who dyed their fur black. Jake tried to stay away from the jocks because they often got bored and violent when drunk and the goth furs automatically assumed he was like them because of his fur. Jake pressed through the crowd into the kitchen where he saw Blake doing a keg stand. His shirt fell over his head but he held it for a full minute!

"Pretty amazing huh?" said a golden retriever who suddenly appeared right next to him.

"Yeah, I think I should just stick to drinking right side up" Jake said looking at the canine beside him. "I don't think we have met before, I'm Jake" he said extending a paw.

The golden retriever smiled and took his paw. "I'm Brian" he said with a slight smile.

"Well how do you know the crazy snow leopard over there Brian?", You ask

The dog smiled as if remembering some memory "I met him at a club one night. How about you?"

"Well I kind of almost ran into him with my car last year and when I apologized we talked for a while" Jake said kind of sheepishly for a wolf.

"Oh, well hopefully you are not driving tonight" the dog winked "because then it would mean you did not have enough fun"

Before Jake could ask what he meant the golden retriever disappeared and came back with to cold beers. Jake could not help but let his eyes wander on the dog. He had a sort of rocker appearance but it worked nicely and his body seemed to be really taken care of. Jake took one of the cans and popped the tab listening to it fizz before sipping some. He caught Brian looking at him out of the corner of his eye and smiled as the dog blushed being caught. Jake had not really explored that side of his sexuality but he wasn't against the thought. He had often looked at males in the locker room and had even fantasized about his old gym teacher.

"Nice party huh? Jake said trying to take the dog's mind off of being caught staring.

"Yeah, Blake usually goes all out....and he expects the same usually from his guests" the golden retriever said with a grin.

Brian slammed his beer and encourage Jake to do the same while he went to go get more. Jake might have been a big wolf but he was a light weight drinker and was already buzzing off his first beer. When Brian brought back a thirty pack Jake thought he was joking, but two hours and 4 bathroom trips later the thirty pack was gone. Jake felt alright because he knew Blake would let him crash there for the night if he needed to. He looked over at Brian who seemed to just light up whenever their eyes met.

"You want to dance?" Brian said taking Jakes paw and tugging lightly towards the dance floor.

Jake grinned "Sure pup" he said letting Brian drag him through the furs while he watched his tail wag back and forth.

The music was loud but Jake didn't mind because it had a beat and soon Brian and him were dancing together to the music. Jake gripped Brian from behind and brought their bodies close. At first, Brian looked shocked and then he relaxed and danced within the close contact of his new found friend. They kept on dancing like that as some furs started to stare. Jake looked down and saw Brian grinning so he just kept dancing loving the heat coming from the canine. After about five more songs they decided to take a break to get drinks and relax.

A voice came out of the crowd behind them, "Now that the tail raisers are done. We can really dance!" The hackles rose on Jake's neck and he barked, "You couldn't even handle us you punks!" Brian took his paw and quickly led him to the kitchen where Blake was playing cards at a table.

"Blake I think I should get this wolf back to his room before you have a fight on your hands" Brian said half serious, half grinning out of amusement.

"All right Brian but how many have you had? I do not want you driving if you are drunk." Blake said looking from Jake to Brian.

"I am fine" Brian said "but this wolf here is a little drunk" he said smiling at Jake.

"Take care Jake and I will make sure those guys are kicked out after you leave" Blake said as he nodded at the wolf and then nodded to Charlie who was sitting next to him.

Brian shuffled Jake out of the house before tackling him to the lawn and kissing him. Jake resisted but then kissed back running his paw over Brian's shoulder leaning into it. When the kiss finally broke they looked into each other eyes for what seemed like hours before they got up and left the party. Brian seemed to be totally sober when they padded over to his gold mustang. Jake took a moment just to soak in the picture of the car. It had a metallic gold paint job with two silver racing stripes going across it. The two furs got in and made their way towards campus.

" you go to Pawsen, Brian?" Jake asked trying to kill the time.

"No, but next semester I am. I signed up early so i can choose my roommate but no one I know needs another roommate." Brian said frowning slightly.

"Well, right now I have a single, but I see no problem in rooming with you next semester" Jake said as they pulled into the parking lot near his dorm.

"I will think about that. I just met you so I want to get to know you before I make any rash decisions." Brian said.

"Fine by me pup. I will hopefully see you next week at Blake's house. I will be looking for you" Jake said with a smile as he opened the door. When Jake went to step out he found himself pulled back in the car and back into a hot embrace with Brian. He already felt something for this golden retriever and hoped Brian felt the same way. He got out of the car after giving Brian his cell number and telling him to call him tomorrow at 6 so they might be able to go to dinner or something.

"See you later Brian!" Jake said waving as the car backed out.

"I will definitely call you tomorrow wuff! Good night!" Brian barked as he drove off.

Jake padded into his room and stripped to only his boxers keeping his phone by his ear as he flopped on his mattress and passed out.

-What waits for the canines in the next chapter any ideas?