Fertile Ground - Chapter 5

Story by Mr-Mau on SoFurry

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#5 of Fertile Ground

This is the continuing story of the relationship between Ricca, a wolf, and Ray, a horse, as they try to come to terms with an entity formed out of their love.

Summary of Chapter 4

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Ricca stumbles across Ray in the ravine clearing who has made of sticky mess of himself during a particularly intense self-gratification session. In desperate need of a fresh shirt, Ricca raced back to her apartment and gathered together a few items for him. Upon her return, things get a bit heated between the young lovers and they pleasure each other with a bit of a push from a friendly entity.

'Mistress, are you awake?'

A gentle nudge in the recesses of Ricca's brain roused her from a deep sleep. The entity called Desire was able to contact Ricca or Ray by speaking directly into their minds. It had been a wild week of discovery for Ricca ever since she and Ray sought shelter from a thunderstorm in the ravine behind her apartment. Starting with Ray's revelation of his true feelings for her, to discovering the joys of sex and finally learning that their exploits had created a new form of life, Ricca's life had definitely gotten more complicated. Desire called out to converse with her or Ray on a regular basis primarily to remain close to them and find out more about the world in general.

'Yes, I'm here.' Ricca formed the words in her mind in reply.

'Did one disturb your sleep? One cannot tell the difference between your thoughts when you are awake or asleep. One asks your forgiveness Mistress.'

'It's fine Desire. You know I'm always here for you.' Ricca found her conversations with Desire fascinating. The entity had a unique understanding of the world that was strange and exciting for Ricca. It did not identify as male or female, preferring to call itself as 'One' or by its name. She had spent quite a bit of time talking with it all week, but could not get Desire to call Ricca by name, only Mistress or Creator. Ray told her the same except that it called him Master.

'Thank you Mistress. Desire is curious about the state you call dreaming. What is the purpose of dreams?'

'Dreams are something all furs do when they sleep. It's just random thoughts made into a story by the brain.'

'So dreams do not give you insights?'

'I'm not sure.' Ricca thought about this for a few seconds. 'Most forget their dreams after they wake.'

'One is disappointed that all those thoughts are for nothing. Mistress's dreams are remarkable and make one marvel at the power of your thoughts. Does Mistress wish Desire to remember these dreams and tell them to you should you wish?'

'You can do that? Ok, tell me of my most recent dream.' The extent of Desire's abilities seemed to increase with each day. Remembering dreams might be useful somehow.

'Certainly. Mistress dreamed about Master again. Mistress was receiving oral pleasure and cried out Master's name over and over as you came. It was a pleasant dream.'

'Really? That's so cool! Do a lot of my dreams involve Ray somehow?'

'Yes. Master is present in many of your dreams. Master is present in your thoughts when you wake as well. One is ashamed that one cannot connect your minds.'

Desire had tried to link Ricca and Ray's minds together earlier that week but neither of them could sense the other no matter how hard it tried. The entity's frustration was palpable and could only be soothed by repeated reassurances from both of them. Besides, it didn't seem possible to communicate telepathically without the special energy that existed within Desire.

'We went over this before Desire. You should feel no shame in this. You should be practicing your powers, who knows what you can do?' Ricca yawned, her eyes getting heavy with sleep.

'One senses that Mistress is tired. Do you wish to sleep soundly again?'

Shortly after becoming aware, Desire found that it could trigger the pleasure centers of in either Ricca or Ray's brains causing an orgasm on a massive scale. Eventually, it learned to vary the force of stimulation to produce lesser orgasms. The couple hadn't experienced anything as messy as the first times Desire touched them in the small ravine clearing, but it could give them deep fulfilling orgasms that would tire them out in minutes.

'You know I can't turn down that offer Desire. Go ahead.'

Ricca closed her eyes and got comfortable in her bed as the first pulse of pleasure surged within her. Desire always hit the best places in her; it was like having many invisible fingers stimulate her just the way she liked. The pulses of power had pinpoint accuracy which compelled Ricca to buck her hips lightly. Her clit slid out from its hood and swelled up to rub against her pajamas providing an extra sensation that made her climax build even faster.

'Does Mistress wish to provide one with nourishment?'

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Desire's words were as close to pleading as it could get without making a demand. Both Ricca and Ray had to feed the entity every day by releasing cum at the base of the tree that represented its physical manifestation. While it was an enjoyable experience for both of them, finding the time to meet in the ravine clearing could get difficult if the weather turned less agreeable. The solution was suggested by Desire to keep some container beside Ricca and Ray's bed to collect 'nourishment' at night.

'I do so wish.' Ricca pulled off her pajama pants completely and placed an empty water bottle snugly between her legs.

With Ricca's consent, Desire used its power to increase the amount of lubrication being produced by her pussy threefold. Thin spurts of essence collected in the bottle as Ricca's level of pleasure heightened considerably. She raised her hips so as to not spill the bottle's contents and succumbed to the sensations from deep inside her folds and her fully engorged clit. Ricca bit the side of her pillow to stifle a moan as her climax approached.

'Mistress, I love you!'

Ricca's fist closed around her pillow smothering it to her face before being gripped by the familiar embrace of a piercing orgasm. Her pussy contracted as the thin stream of ejaculate turned into a torrent making it difficult to keep the water bottle in place. Random muscle spasms elicited sharp full body twitches which caused Ricca to kick off her blankets and sweat to roll off her forehead. She panted through clenched teeth riding the avalanche of bliss through to its conclusion.

Being brought to a climax without any outside physical influence made Ricca abnormally tired, doubly so tonight having been wakened by Desire in the middle of the night. She carefully screwed on the cap to the nearly full water bottle and returned it to the side of her bed. A few post-orgasmic muscle tremors shook Ricca as she pulled up her pants, ensuring that she wouldn't rub her tender slit more than necessary. Settling back in bed, her covers replaced, she breathed a deep sigh of contentment before sleep took hold.

Later that morning...

Feeling refreshed and ready to start the day, Ricca exited her apartment into yet another bright and beautiful Saturday morning. She started wearing her backpack again to carry some useful items she may need thanks to her new daily routine. An extra change of clothes were a must in addition to a towel, a washcloth, water and the special bottle containing Desire's meal. Ricca decided to enjoy the sun for a while and absently walked down the street waving to the odd neighbor as she passed.

The number 44 bus whooshed past spewing exhaust fumes in Ricca's direction and she held her nose and mouth closed until the air cleared. The Bronson City transit authority held off upgrading their aging bus fleet year after year to the disgust of fellow drivers and pedestrians alike. Not for the first time Ricca thought to write a complaint letter to the city council to demand that more funds be set aside to at least buy a few buses to replace the worst polluters. The number 44 screeched to a halt at the next stop and 2 familiar figures stepped out.

Ricca recognized Dashel at once, the cheetah's spotted brown and yellow fur was easy to pick out of a crowd. The large dark brown bull could only be Ulysses, Dashel's best friend and captain of the football team at school. They both lived downtown so taking a bus to their high school around the corner must be for a summer team meeting.

"Dash! Uli!" Ricca shouted while jogging to close the distance between them.

The boys turned to see her coming and greeted her warmly. They didn't get many opportunities to hang out together during the summer so they had quite a bit to catch up on.

"Coach is making us take some fitness classes for the summer." Ulysses explained. "Do I look like I need fitness classes?" The bull flexed an arm showing an impressive amount of muscle.

Dashel threw a lightning fast punch hitting Ulysses square in the stomach that made him double over in pain.

"Dude, looks like you haven't missed any meals this summer." Dashel loved to poke fun at his friend's slight gut. Try as he may, Ulysses couldn't get that washboard-type look that Dashel showed off to every girl in school.

"Where are you off to Ricca?" Ulysses said changing the subject.

"Oh, I'm just enjoying the day. Gonna meet up with Ray in a bit."

Ricca tried to casually pass off her relationship with Ray as old news but the boys wouldn't have it. They whistled and gave her a congratulatory high five and generally acted like foolish teenagers for a few minutes before Ricca asked them if they were missing the fitness class.

"You aren't getting away this easy Ricca." Dash warned her. "We need details!"

"We could always ask Ray." Ulysses suggested.

"Oh yeah! See ya around Ricca."

Dash gave her a small punch on the shoulder in approval while Uli just smiled at her as they began to jog toward the school. It took all of Ricca's self-restraint to not blush in front of the guys, besides she wasn't one for that kind of feminine expression and feared they would see her in a different light. Ricca had competed against them far too often at a variety of sports to ever shed her tomboy exterior.

'Mistress, were those boys your friends? The one you called Dashel had strong feelings for you.'

'You could feel them?' Sensing other furs was a new ability for Desire.

'One could tell that both boys are fond of you. Dashel's thoughts were clearer to me since his reaction to your news sparked a feeling of jealously.'

Ricca recalled how often she and Dash battled each other playing soccer and basketball, all those 'accidental' touches seemed innocent at the time but now took on a different meaning. She mentally slapped herself for not seeing it earlier and resolved to nip this problem before it led to losing Dash as a friend. A flash of insight gave her an idea.

'Desire, can you sense Dash right now?'

'His thoughts are fading away, but, yes Mistress, one has found him.'

'How long has he felt this way about me?'

'One is unsure Mistress. His thoughts of you are both admiring and lustful. Does Mistress wish that Desire give him pleasure?'

'No, no, no!' Ricca almost said the words aloud. 'He is just my friend, plus I don't think he'd appreciate it at this moment. Is it possible for you to trigger him the same as you do for me and Ray?'

'One believes so. The Creators' minds are very similar in construction. One assumes that the stimulation I provide to Mistress and Master will work for all.'

Many interesting possibilities opened up for her at that moment, she would have to be careful to not let curiosity take over and potentially invade someone's personal space by exploiting Desire's powers. Ricca made the connection that she could have Desire bring Ray to orgasm whenever she wanted to, and Ray could do the same to her. She would have to talk to Ray and set down some rules before they did something they would both regret.

She glanced at her phone to determine what time it was, the digital display read 9:10 am. Ray should be finished with his morning run and on his way to their usual meeting place down in the ravine. Hitching up her backpack, Ricca continued to make her way to the school grounds and down the well-worn path into the cool tree lined depths.

The sounds of shuffling feet brought a smile to Ricca's face, Ray had indeed beat her to the clearing and was most likely settling himself in to converse directly with Desire. The entity's power and influence increased many fold based on how close she got to the now 6 foot tall tree. Each leaf sparkled with a red inner glow that would pulse occasionally much like the beating of a heart. The trunk was thick at the base, firmly attached to the ground and sprouted many branches as it rose. Ricca tried to determine what species of tree it could be on the internet, but no known species matched Desire's unique combination of characteristics.

Ray sat crossed legged in front of the tree eating an energy bar and sipping on water smiling up at her when she entered the clearing. He got up and kissed her lightly in greeting. She removed her backpack and they both sat down to watch the tree do its dance of light. Ricca noticed the full bottle of what appeared to be milk sitting next to him.

"Desire got to you last night too Ray?" Ricca said while pointing at the bottle.

"Yeah, she woke me up and everything. She nearly ordered me to let her do her special trick, not that I minded too much."

Ray referred to Desire as a 'her' even though it didn't identify as male or female. Ricca thought that the entity had a too alien view of the world to know one way or the other. The light that shone out had worried the couple earlier in the week; the red glow would certainly attract attention at night. Thankfully, Desire's self-awareness made it possible to control the intensity of light and its connection to Ricca and Ray would let them know if danger approached. So far, no one had ventured close to the clearing, even the wild animals seemed to stay away.

Ricca took out the full container of her juices and set it down which caused Ray to chuckle. Even though Ray had intimate knowledge of Ricca's various nooks and crannies, especially her cranny, he was still amazed each time they came here to feed the tree. They had established a routine of satisfying Desire's hunger for nourishment every morning and evening, sometimes they met in the afternoon when the urge took over. Ricca wasn't sure if Desire had an influence on the couple's need to please each other, but didn't really care.

'Masters, if you please. Desire is hungry.'

The lovers shared a knowing look before uncapping the special bottles and began to dump their contents at the base of the tree. Ricca breathed in the scent of Ray's seed; the first tingles of excitement ran through her like an electric shock. The tree's red glow amplified as the ground absorbed the mix of liquids, a frothy combination of white cream and colorless fluid. New leaves sprouted along lengthening branches and the whole tree grew in girth sending out waves of appreciation into Ricca and Ray's minds.

'One is thankful to have such generous Masters. Is one able to receive your wisdom?'

Desire had an insatiable need to learn more about Ricca, Ray and the world in general. It was very young and the only knowledge it had learned came from these daily conversations. Desire could also make itself heard simultaneously in the couple's minds which made it possible for either Ricca or Ray to respond out loud to any question the entity may have. Being this close to the tree gave Desire greater access to either of the teenager's thoughts uncovering hidden meanings behind their spoken words.

Ricca began by telling Ray about the new abilities Desire had developed after a chance meeting with Dash and Uli. They tested the extent of this power by asking the entity to reach out and try to sense Dash's thoughts. After a few failed attempts, the key to making a connection presented itself by having Ricca picture Dash in her mind and directing the power in the approximate direction of his physical body. Desire underestimated the force of its touch and reported that Dash had sprouted a rock hard erection in the middle of the fitness class.

Ricca and Ray laughed at Dash's expense, more in sympathy sharing in his embarrassment rather than taking any malicious satisfaction at his predicament. Further probes into Dash's mind provided several insights into what he considered important, how he saw himself and his secret fears and misgivings. Ricca didn't want to probe too deep, the possibility to abuse this power to invade personal privacy made her wary and told Desire to back off.

Suddenly, Ricca felt warmth envelop her that elicited a sharp gasp to escape her lips. A fire was lit deep inside her inner walls which spurred the production of her particular brand of lubricant. The moisture gathered and slid down her inner thighs that darkened her shorts in an intimate, if not expected, display of excitement.

"Ray..." Ricca began in between breaths. "Did you get... Desire to... do this to me?"

"I didn't mean to Ricca! I was thinking about you and she must have taken my thoughts as a request!" Ray looked and sounded sincere.

'One apologizes to the Creators. One was too bold in interpreting Master's wishes.'

Just as suddenly, the heat inside Ricca was extinguished, the outer signs of her arousal still clearly visible to Ray however the frown on her face stopped him cold.

"We need to go over some rules here. We can't be sending mixed messages to Desire." Ricca said sternly.

"You're right. I'm sorry Ricca."

"It wasn't your fault, love. We need to let Desire know what's appropriate is all."

Over the next half hour the two furs and the entity they had created discussed the nature of their thoughts for one another and how to request the use of its abilities. Making Desire understand the difference between the couples' idle thoughts, cravings and feelings of lust for each other was difficult. The childlike and inquisitive nature of the young entity had them go over all kinds of situations where the use of its abilities was inappropriate. The scenarios Ricca and Ray described led to a gradual comprehension of the difference between a request and a random thought. Finally, Ray suggested that a specific phrase be used to instigate the use of Desire's powers.

"We're all clear on this now right?" Ricca said. "Our requests will only be acted upon if we say these words out loud: 'Desire, please grant me this wish.' And Ray and I will have to get permission before we can make a request to affect each other."

'One will be happy to comply.'

"Ok, that's settled. Now I'm hungry." Ricca's stomach growled in agreement.

"I brought a few sandwiches and energy bars." Ray reached into his pack and handed her a plastic wrapped tuna sandwich.

They set out a towel and sat facing each other enjoying the cool, shaded enclosure of overhanging trees. Ray chatted about how his parents were planning to take a trip the following weekend to visit some friends leaving him alone in the apartment for two days and one night. The thought of being able to spend time with Ray indoors excited Ricca and she proposed they make a special dinner on that night to celebrate. Ray was planning on other things but the dinner idea appealed to his romantic aspirations.

Ricca sat cross legged unaware that her earlier arousal was still visible between her thighs. That fact was not lost on Ray who began to shift uncomfortably as his member grew down his shorts. He wanted to let Ricca finish her food first before making any intimate advances. He let out a deep breath and drank a long draft of water in an effort to calm down.

'Mistress, one senses that Master is very aroused at this moment. Thoughts of lust are pouring out of him. Does Mistress wish that one calms Master?'

'No, leave him be please.'

Ricca stole a quick glance down at Ray's running shorts and saw the clear outline of his cock against the fabric. She smiled and shifted ever so slightly to expose her crotch even more, the heat of desire sprang up anew within her. Ricca's effect on Ray was almost comical; he squirmed in discomfort and tried to hide an adjustment of his member from her with his hand. She responded by lifting her arms and spreading her legs even more in an apparent stretch. Ricca swallowed the last bite of tuna sandwich and drank a bit too deeply letting water drip down her chin and soaking her shirt.

"Oh come on!" Ray cried out in exasperation. "You're doing that on purpose!"

"Of course I am silly! It was just too funny to see you bounce around like that!"

"Why you naughty little..." Ray crawled over and kissed her squarely on the lips.

Ricca felt a hand reach up her loose shirt and grasp her breast. She still wore her sports bra that Ray found too frustrating to remove and he required her help to release the clasps. Letting the bra fall out from under her shirt, Ricca murmured as Ray gently pinched her erect nipples. Taking a more submissive role she let herself be pushed onto her back with Ray's lips locked against her mouth, his tongue snaking around hers as she embraced and held him close.

Mild pulses of red set the tree aglow in tune with its creators' expression of love. Desire took the time to bask in the couple's feelings and thoughts of lust. When it was young and only aware of the need to feed, the entity would use its powers to amplify all sensation of pleasure. Now it could observe and make slight tweaks in Ricca and Ray's minds to ensure the continuous build of pleasure.

Ricca tenderly pushed Ray away and began to take off her clothes. Both she and Ray had ruined their fair share of t-shirts and shorts with their love and learned to take the time to set clothes aside and clear their surroundings of objects they wished to remain clean. Desire maintained their level of arousal throughout this time as a matter of courtesy.

Ricca fell back into Ray's arms and resumed their passionate open-mouthed kiss. They pressed against each other feeling the distinct hardness of Ray's member between them. Ricca's engorged slit leaked and shone with her essence, the need for release becoming more and more unbearable. She started to slide up and down against Ray's firm body feeling the strong and defined muscles on his back.

'Masters, may one suggest a position to try?'

"Please do." Ricca was happy to learn of a new way to give and receive pleasure.

A picture formed in her mind of two bodies intertwined in a manner that Ricca would have never tried unless she read it in a book or saw it in a movie. Ray obviously saw the same picture and positioned himself as instructed. Ricca followed suit and they immediately found it exciting and immensely pleasurable.

Ray supported himself on his knees while leaning back against a particularly tall tree at the edge of the clearing, his body at a 45 degree angle with his cock pointed up to the sky. Ricca sat on his stomach with her back resting against his chest. They clasped their hands together and Ricca lowered herself so that her folds wrapped themselves around the outside of Ray's member. He thrust his hips forward making the shaft of his cock slide between Ricca's thighs rubbing both her clit and outer lips.

This new and untried position opened a whole new realm of pleasure to explore. Even though Ricca wasn't being penetrated, the firm contours of Ray's shaft rubbed her in all the right ways. Ray kissed the back of her neck making her shiver in delight. Ricca looked down and saw an opportunity for her to exploit. Removing her right hand from Ray's grasp, she reached down and stroked the top of his shaft and flare. Ray let out a sharp whinny in reply.

"Stay still... Ray." Ricca breathed. "Let me... do all the work."

A truly wonderful feeling ridge about one third from the base of Ray's shaft sent shocks into Ricca each time her clit passed over it. With Ray not thrusting anymore she could control how often she hit this area each time she bucked up against him. The combined heat from his member and her pussy mingled together to reinforce their sensation of pleasure. Ricca gripped and stroked the mass between her legs making it touch all her special places.

Spurts of pre-cum splash up on Ricca's chest and breasts, several drops made it to her face and mouth as well. She licked around her mouth and nose savoring the tartness of Ray's pre that encouraged her to point the tip of his flare toward Ricca's open mouth. She madly stroked the cock nestled in her thighs, wringing the exposed flare with her pussy soaked hand. More jets made their way to her tongue which signaled his approaching climax.

"I'm gonna cum!" Ray cried out, bracing himself against the torrent of his imminent release.

"So close! Here... it... comes!" Ricca pressed herself to his chest and grew rigid as her climax took over.

The initial stream from Ray's cock coated her jaw and face with its force. Ricca made no attempt to shield herself from the onslaught of his cum. Thick gobs of equine semen decorated her chest and dripped down between her legs to pool where his shaft and her pussy remained locked in an exotic hold.

A vast amount of fluid flew out from within Ricca's folds pushing past Ray's thick horse shaft and onto the bare dirt. Her inner walls contracted together as yet another powerful climax rolled through her. Being able to share this moment with her truest love gave Ricca an intense feeling of satisfaction. This was the tenderest moment she and Ray had experienced to date.

While not as messy as their previous exploits, Ricca was nonetheless soaked with Ray's cum. Mild aftershocks of pleasure shot through them as their orgasms faded away. Ray softly kissed the back of Ricca's neck and whispered:

"I love you."

"I love you, too." Ricca answered.

Ricca sat up and looked between her legs at Ray's softening member. The pool of his semen and traces of her essence seeped onto the ground in long, stringy strands. Cupping her hands together, Ricca scooped up the liquid and brought it to the tree as an offering of gratitude.

'One is happy for you both. The Creators are too kind in providing one with nourishment.'

Not bothering to clean up just yet, Ricca held on to Ray while they relished in the pleasure they had given each other. Ray didn't mind having his seed fall on him and concentrated on providing Ricca the strength and love she wanted to feel. They remained together for a long time.