Hearts Fairy

Story by Eliza Skipper Heart on SoFurry

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I wrote this for my sister before she fell ill. This is only a piece of what I have to share. If you would like me to continue to post it I will. This isn't even all of the first chapter, but I would love some feedback on this story.


Hearts is not a fairy. Don't let her apperance fool you, she is part Dragon. With places on her skin filled with scales and her long green hair, you wouldn't guess that she was part human. Hearts' real parents left her for dead on a beach. They found out Hearts could manipulate their minds and control them. When she was two days old when her parents left her to die. She was carried out to the sea. She died. Just as a shark was coming to consume her feeble body an Elder Sea Dragon found her. He revived her and gave her a wonderful gift, the ablility to fly. As she got older, she could control her wings. She could make them disapate along with the scales she had recieved from the Elder Dragon. She could look human, minus the green hair. But after 20 years of not using her wings, she couldn't make them appear. Her sister had come to shoot her.

Chapter 1: The Beginning

The memory of her father dying left her mind years ago. A couple of days after the Sea Dragon found Hearts, Pirates appeared. They had heard of the Sea Dragon, his scales being worth millions. The Dragon tried to fly with Hearts in his hand, but one of the pirates shot him down. The Dragon fell from the sky, using his body to shield Hearts they hit the beach and knocked the baby unconsious. With the Dragon dead, she was left defenseless. As the pirates started to cut away at the Dragons most valuable skin, Hearts awoke with thundering cry. The captain of the ship took her in his hands and put a blade to her neck. Because of the beauty he saw in the child, he was unable to kill her. To him, she was a normal baby with unique green hair.

As Hearts grew up, her face began to look like that of a young madian. Her friends said that she was so beautiful that she looked like a fairy. Everyone called her Fairy, instead of Hearts. The Captain of the pirates adopted Hearts. She loved her newly found father, only because she could not recall the past. The Captain, Silias, already had another daughter, Skipper. He found Skipper much like he found Hearts. Skipper was dying from lack of blood. He found her and gave her his.

Over time the girls competed for their Father's love. It seemed like Hearts was always the favorite. After years of Magic training and combat training, Skipper grew more upset and angry with Hearts each day. They trained with each other, so naturally they know each others weaknesses. Hearts weakness was that she had a kind heart. Skippers weakness was that she was so cold hearted and cruel. Hearts knew this and tried to help her sister, but with Skipper's short temper and evil heart, Hearts almost died.

Come Christmas, Hearts' Father returned from a 6 month trip. The girls were delighted to see thier father. When she hugged him, her scales appeared for a split second. No one noticed, except Skipper who was lingering about. On that day, for reasons we cannot fathom, Hearts disappeared, on her 21st birthday.

Four years had passed since Hearts ran away. She hasn't been able to conjure her wings or scales since they last appeared. She lost all contact with Silas and Skipper. They didn't even look for her. She felt alone and sad. No one wanted her, no one cared.

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