Diary of a demon lover 8

Story by LoveofdisneysPete on SoFurry

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Melinda now has to take the oath and do among other things to become one of them, how will the results turn out? Read on and find out.

If you want to purchase the kindle edition click here.http://www.amazon.com/Diary-demon-lover-VIII-ebook/dp/B0084PWUOW/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1340386475&sr=1-1&keywords=Diary+of+a+demon+lover+VIII

Removing his robe he handed it over to the monster that was standing next to me. Taking the robe he left the room leaving us all alone. Turning his attention back to me Derek said,

"One of the things you'll have to do is take the blood oath first."

He handed me a knife with a gold and black handle that he had been holding in his hand.

"With this knife you will cut open your right wrist, your blood with than go into this goblet here."

He said indicating the silver goblet on the table next to his throne. I reached over and grabbed for the goblet setting it down on the floor before he I took the knife and dragged it fast and deep across my right wrist. Crying out in pain I put my wrist over the goblet and watched the blood drip into it. After it filled so far I handed the goblet back to him. Derek looked into the goblet a curious and amused look on his face.

"Interesting, not what I would of expected at all."

"What does it mean?"

I asked him.

"It means your not as human as I thought, your already part of us."

An excitement filled me.

"I am part demon?"

"Yes, very much so."

"Do I still have to take the oath?"

He nodded, and sat back on his throne with the goblet still in his hand.

"Repeat the oath, after me, I Melinda promise to up hold the demonic oath of Hell."

"I Melinda promise to up hold the demonic oath of Hell."

I said thoughtfully.

"Good, now you will pleasure me."

I walked over to the throne and reached my arms out to him. Pulling me up and onto his lap I lowered myself onto his big swollen penis.


I said softly.

"You slid down so nice and easy, now ride my dick, make me cum hard!"

He said firmly.

Bouncing myself up and down on his lap enjoying the feel of him sliding up and down inside of me, my body heated up from the inside out. This was my third favorite sexual position. From the look on Derek's face it was one of his favorites too. Hesitantly I pressed my lips to his. Returning my kiss, his tongue slipped inside of my mouth.

"You're a nice kisser."

I told him, I sincerely meant it.

Pressing myself as close to his body as I could I pushed as hard as I could, his penis slipped even further into me.

"That feels so good, don't stop."

Derek said emotionally.

"You'll cum, I promise."

I reassured him, as I lifted my body off of him some and slammed myself down hard on him. Derek squeezed his eyes shut, his pearly white fangs exposed. I repeated this over and over each time he cried out louder. The last time he came and hard, he came so hard that this thick hot juices covered both of our laps.

My breathing labored I crawled off of his lap and laid my body down on the floor. Looking up at him I winked. He winked back.

"Does that make you happy sir?"

I asked, hoping he would say yes.

"You have pleasured me to my liking. Now the second third phase will begin as soon as you catch your breathe."

Wondering what the third phase was I took at deep breath and released it. So far I was on the right track, who would have thought it would be this easy. What other progress would I make after this?

"Alright let's began the third phase so that we may move on to more interesting activities."

"Sounds good to me."

I said standing back up.

"Now for this next phase you must drink the blood of a demon, this would be extremely painful for any human, you however look as though you'll have no trouble."

He said indicating for me to follow him out of the room and back into the hall. I followed him down the hall and through a gold colored door. Inside was shelves upon shelves with various liquids of various colors, the shelves themselves seemed to go on and on for eternity.

"All these shelves you see here hold different potions for different purposes."

"Are all demons wizards or witches?"

I asked out of pure curiosity.

Shaking his head he replied,

"All demons male and female, monsters included have different talents, abilities, as well as powers. Like human beings, except we are better than they are."

"I see."

Which I already knew, humans suck anyway. At least down here you can find a way to fit in no matter where you are.

"From what Boone tells me you have had no trouble fitting in here."

He said taking my hand in his as well walked down one row turned right and down another.

"I feel at home here."

I told him truthfully.

"Glad to hear it, this is what you will drink."

He said pointing to a potion on the top third shelve.

"Climb up and get it. I want to see your backside."

Reaching out I pulled myself up and onto the second shelve than the third. I reached out for the potion, opened it and drank it down.

"Looks good."

He said staring at my backside, a little big of drool was coming out of his mouth.

My body began to tingle all over it felt as though thousands upon thousands volts of electricity were following through my body. Letting go of the bottle Derek caught it with and placed it on the shelve.

Climbing back down to where he was I began to think of all the fun things I would get to do and be apart of now that I was officially one of them. When I got to the bottom I blurted,

"Want to have dinner together?"

Putting my hand over my mouth in embarrassment he said,

"Actually I was just going to ask you that same question."

My eyes wide in surprise, he chuckled at the look on my face.

"Did you honestly think I was so above everything that I wouldn't ask someone like you out to dinner?"

My face flushed.

"Well to be honest I wasn't too sure. I just thought you might enjoy some time away from being in here."

Taking my hand in his we walked bath to the throne room and made plans for dinner that night. We agreed to meet at the cluster of black rock atBoneParkwhich was about five miles from his castle. Having heard ofBoneParkfrom the others at the party with Lilith I made a mental note of the place. Boone and I should make a point to go there. Saying our goodbyes I went to look for Boone who was waiting for me by a black fountain that had bright hot lava flowing in it.

"Judging by the look on your face things went well."

He said greeting me.

"Yes, and tonight we are having dinner atBonePark."

He looked shocked and surprised.

"Wow he almost never goes out with just anyone, definitely not even his own kind too much. You must have made a very grand impression."

"What can I say I have a way with demons?"

Boone nodded.

"You do have an evil charm about you my dear."

"And you Boone have a nice big erect charm I want to get my hands on."

I said reaching for his penis with my right hand. I rubbed it up with my right hand than getting onto my knees I opened my mouth and sucked gingerly on it. Boone's eyes rolled back into his head.

"Now that is what I am talking about. Work it honey."

I rubbed it up and down some more than sucked at it harder and longer.

"Oh yes, yes."

He cried out in ecstasy.

"Lay down and let me ride you."

Laying his body down on the ground I slid myself down on him and rode him good and hard. Reaching out for my breasts he grasped them and fondled them lovingly.

"Harder, ride me harder."

He said growling at me.

I rode him so hard and deep that this time when he exploded it was like nothing he had ever done before. This time he had cum for a full thirty minutes and he was still hard, so I rode him some more, our hot sweaty bodies rubbing against one another's. We kissed with our mouths, tongues our kisses so wet and passionate that our saliva dripped down our chins. Finally when it was over we laid down on the ground breathing heavily. The demonic pig was watching all this time, in fact it looked as though it was smiling at us.

"What should we do now?"

Boone asked me as soon as he caught his breath.

"Whatever we want."

I said.