
Story by Jag on SoFurry

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By Jag

Contains M/M Vore x 3, M/M Yiff, Digestion, bathroom play (piss and scat)

Jag, Wings and Steven (c) Jag

Jizzal (c) his player

"This is a stupid game," Jag said with a grumble as he tried to reach down and grab the dice on the Monopoly board.

The black jaguar was in a slight predicament, his lower body sealed inside the hot inside of Wings. The only part of the feline hanging free was his arms, upper chest and head, making it rather difficult to play Monopoly with everyone else. The board game was set up on the floor in the living room. Gathered around the board were Wings, Steven and Jizzal, who had been invited over earlier that day by Wings to hang out. The two of them had started out taking turns playing some Wii games, which drew the attention of Jag into the living room. The three of them got through a game of Mario Party before Steven came home from shopping. The four of them helped put the groceries away before enjoying some KFC that the bunny had bought everyone for lunch. A conversation about classic board games led to Monopoly being talked about and soon after the game was set up and the four began to play. With the four of them being all in a rather competitive mood a few new rules started to form for the game. This caused them to all take off their clothes turning the classic board game into a lose and be eaten competition.

Jag looked as if he was the first one that was going to lose, having only landed on a few properties to buy and not having much money left after landing on Marvin Gardens with a hotel on it. With it being Wings' property the Pegasus took it upon himself to tackle the feline and start with a snack, engulfing the lower half of the feline before stopping, noticing that he still had a few dollars left to spend in the game. Jag seemed good and ready to be removed from the game and get pulled into the warm insides of his housemate. Finally able to get the dice the feline started to shake them in his paw, counting the spaces he needed to be safe. Letting go of the dice the two sides showed six, making the feline grumble again and try to reach down for his piece, which was far out of his paw length.

"Don't worry kitty I'll move you," Jizzal said with a giggle.

The skunk grabbed the money bag piece Jag was using and moved him six spaces, which put the piece on the Short Line Railroad. Wings let out a muffled laugh as he also owned this property. Glancing over at where Jag had been sitting, the Pegasus grabbed the last fifty dollars Jag had and then swallowed around the feline, causing him to yelp and wriggle around slightly, the bulge in Wings' neck moving along with Jag.

"Wings stop it! I don't want to go in there right now."

Steven smirked and slowly got onto his knees, Jizzal doing the same thing. Soon the bunny and skunk smooched Jag at the same time, getting both sides of his head and making him mew softly and blush before another swallow forced the rest of his chest down the slimy tube that was Wings' throat. Jag whined as he waved his arms about, trying to grab hold of either Jizzal or Steven so that he could stop his progress from moving deeper inside. Unable to reach the two of them they both licked the side of Jag's face, causing the feline to fidget even more as he slid downward.

"Guys..." the feline mewed out. "Help..."

"These were your rules kitty," Jizzal said as he licked the side of Jag's face again. "Besides if I were eating you I wouldn't cough you up either."

Jag's head slowly got closer to the steamy Pegasus mouth, which still had held the powerful odor or chicken and mashed potatoes. Wings let his long tongue slip down along Jag's neck, lapping at his underside as he tilted his head back, gulping loudly a few times. Jizzal began to nuzzle Jag's bulge as it moved down the throat of the Pegasus as Steven just smiled and sat back down on the floor, giving a quick count of his money. The feline's arms were soon the last thing outside of Wings' mouth, muffled yells coming from inside his throat as Jizzal rubbed at Jag's face from the outside. The wet, slick swallowing sounds continued for another minute before Jag's hands gripped the lower lip of Wings, one last effort to hold on. Lowering his head Wings looked at Jizzal, who leaned forward and began to delicately nibble on Jag's fingers, causing the feline to accidentally let go. One last swallow forced the kitty down the throat, the remainder of his bulge showing up for a few seconds moving down the throat before ending up in the already round stomach of the Pegasus. Wing looked down at his stomach as it began to squirm wildly, belching loudly in Jizzal's face a moment later as the skunk continued to stare at the lips of the Pegasus. Jizzal murred and nuzzled at Wings mouth and neck for a moment before pressing down on Jag's bulge, making the kitty squirm wildly inside.

"Always squirming that kitty," Jizzal said with a soft murr.

"That's why I love him," Wings replied as he muffled another belch with a hand.

Steven picked up the dice from the board and began to shake them around in his paw, making the two of them snap back to attention and the game. Sitting back down Jizzal watched the bunny roll the dice and move the top hat piece four spaces, which landed him on the Just Visiting space on the board. Grabbing the dice the skunk then rolled and moved his piece, landing on one of his own properties and remaining safe as he came close to the row of houses and hotels that did Jag in. Wings was the next person to roll, making him land on the Go To Jail space on the board. Shrugging to himself the Pegasus moved his piece into the jail cell and then watched as Steven rolled once again. Getting eleven Steven moved past free parking and landed on Kentucky Avenue. Wings began to drum his hands on his bulging belly, causing Jag inside to push back with his paws as insides the acids had begun to slosh and churn him about, causing him to weaken and practically pass out. Steven began to count out the money he owed to Wings for landing on the hotel and handed him the dough, having a good amount still left. Wings sighed as he didn't cripple the bunny enough to get another snack, but watched as Jizzal rolled again and then followed it up with a roll on his own once the skunk had paid him some money as well.

Ten minutes went by and both Jizzal and Steven were getting dangerously low on money. Wings didn't need to worry about landing on the properties owned by the other two, having enough money to spend on paying for rent with houses. Loud gurgles began to resonant from Wings' gut, making Jizzal murr each time he heard the loud squelch of acids digesting the poor kitty inside. Steven played around with the dice in his paw for a moment, thinking of his next move. He had already had to sell off his houses to pay for the last time he landed on one of Wings' hotels and he was currently sneaking up on the red and yellow properties, all with hotels and owned by the Pegasus. Taking a deep breath Steven let the dice go and once they settled on the board they revealed ten. Moving his piece that many spaces the bunny came to a stop on Atlantic Avenue, making him groan as Wings reached over and snatched up the rest of his money. Steven hung his head in defeat and then put his piece back in the box and then looked to Wings as he licked over his lips, drooling slightly in anticipation.

"I'm not getting eaten right now," Steven said as he tilted his head. "Jag's in there and all goopy. You can wait till after he's done."

"Or you can join him, which is what I'm thinking," said Wings with a chuckle.

The bunny shook his head slightly before trying to get up, only to be tackled by the skunk this time, who held onto his legs, making it impossible to get away. Wings slowly got up and moved around to the front side of the bunny, lifting him up slightly and opening wide in front of his face. The smell of KFC was slightly masked by the smell of digesting cat, causing Steven to squirm as he was held by both Pegasus and skunk. With a loud nomming noise Wings engulfed Steven's head in his, sucking on his white body and soaking him in foul smelling saliva. His wet tongue moved across the bunny's face, getting the smell of Jag and chicken in his nose before Wings pulled his head from his maw and smiled.

"Say hello to Jag while you're in there."

Steven's eyes widened as he watched the large pink maw advance on him again, his head being crammed right down the gullet of the Pegasus. A glurp echoed in the room as Wings fought the squirming bunny with a powerful swallow. Steven's shoulders were forced into the warm maw, soon slicked down with drool and gulped down in the same way as his head, Jizzal enjoying every moment of hearing the muffled sounds coming from Steven and the gurgling sounds escaping from Wings' already large belly. Jizzal slowly got onto his knees, holding Steven's legs together as tight as he could and then started to push them forward, making Wings gulp greedily as he was fed by the skunk. Steven was soon waist deep inside of the Pegasus, his legs jerking around slightly in Jizzal's grip, but the skunk continued to hold him, jamming him further down the throat.

Loud yelling could be heard inside of Wings' gurgling stomach as Steven entered the gas filled chamber, already full of fluids and digesting cat. The smell was horrid, all the things Wings had eaten collating together and washing across Steven's face along with the rest of his body as it began to squish into the wet chamber.

"Jizzal! Wings! Pull me out of here!"

The Pegasus snickered with his mouth full as Jizzal pressed one of his footpaws into the soft stomach and pressed down on the bunny bulge. The skunk murred loudly as he pressed his form against Wings' body, watching the last of Steven's form vanish into the slippery maw. A quick gulp forced Steven down the tight throat allowing his body to fill up the stomach along with the remnants of the jaguar. This didn't sit well with him as he tried to force his feet back up the throat as he sloshed about, having to hold his breath as there was little air inside the gut. Wings grunted as he stroked over his stomach, feeling his throat opening being worked on by the bunny from the inside. Pressing his hands down against his stomach he shook his belly slightly and then belched in Jizzal's ear, making the skunk murr loudly and rub his furry body against Wings. Jizzal soon began to move downward, nuzzling at the bloated stomach of the Pegasus, rubbing it with his paws and letting his sheath every so often brush up against the squirming bulges.

"You're so sexy with a belly," the skunk said as he murred loudly, giving the belly a kiss.

"Well you're always sexy..." Wings smirked and belched again, letting the smell waft toward the skunk, who inhaled deeply. "Shall we finish the game?"

The skunk nodded to the Pegasus and then turned and sat in his lap. The two of them began to play once more, taking turns at rolling the dice and landing on each other's properties. Wings still had a considerable lead over Jizzal, who slowly continued to fall behind in cash each turn he took, although his mind wasn't much on the game at this point. He was too busy listening to the gurgling stomach, the bulging form no longer moving and just digesting everything that had gone inside it over the past half hour. Underneath the bulge Jizzal could feel the slight poke against his backside from Pegasus cock, causing his own sheath to swell out as he snuggled against Wings. Soon enough the game began to come to an end, Jizzal landing on one last property and being a dollar short in paying Wings back. Itching the back of his head with a paw the skunk looked up and chuckled to him.

"So I guess I lose too?"

"Well since you only owe a dollar I think there may be a way of paying me back."

The skunk flicked one of his ears and murred deeply, giving a slow nod as he felt Wings shift slightly as he tried to get up. Jizzal leaned forward as Wings got onto his knees, slowly leaning against the furry body of his friend and wrapping his arms around his waist, rubbing at the skunk's now throbbing cock. Jizzal moaned softly as he felt his cock being groped and squeezed as Wings tampered with his privates, sliding a hand up and down his length before cupping his balls in a hand and giving them a firm squeeze. Both of them murred deeply as Wings molested Jizzal some, the silence of the room broken only when Wings flicked his tail and let loose a loud fart. The foul odor wafted into the room, causing Wings to blush some before Jizzal moaned, inhaling deeply.

"That smells so nice..."

Wings smirked as he heard this, leaning over the skunk and grinding his cock up against the skunk's tailhole, his heavy belly resting on the back of the skunk. A bit of pre leaked out of Wings' cock, the Pegasus scooping it up in his hand and rubbing it along his hard, long length as he got ready to push himself inside the tight hole ahead of him. Holding Jizzal by the hips the Pegasus began to work his cock inside him, pushing slowly at first until the skunk pushed backward against the cock, sealing the member inside his hole. Wings moaned softly as he began to withdraw from the skunk, another blast of gas exiting his rump and filling the room with a powerful fecal smell. At the same time his stomach let loose a loud squelch and gurgle, pressing his belly against Jizzal's ears and letting him hear what had become of his two other friends. A low moan came from the skunk as he felt his cock twitch and leak pre onto the floor. Jizzal felt the huge cock slam into him again, which caused him to gasp and then grunt loudly, letting his own bowels loosen up some as he farted around the cock inside of him. Wings moaned feeling this and slammed himself further into the skunk, making him groan in pleasure. Resting his stomach next to the back of Jizzal's head the Pegasus murred and began to hump deep into Jizzal.

"Hear the gurgling Jizzal," Wings said as he breathed in the skunk's ears.


"It's bunny and kitty saying hello."

"Hey guys," Jizzal clenched his tight hole around the cock inside of him. "How are you guys?"

The stomach gurgled into Jizzal's ear once again, making him clench around the member once again. The two then farted in unison, making both moan, Wings pushing inward as Jizzal pushed backward. Soon the sound of Wings' gurgling stomach and farts started to fill the room, his stomach squelching and draining the contents so that they moved deeper into his body, making him lean onto the skunk and hump fast and hard into him. His right hand moved down around Jizzal and jerked at his cock, feeling the skunk's length throbbing at his touch, leaking copious amounts of pre into his hand. This made it all the easier to stroke the slick length as he grinded his cock deeper and deeper into the tailhole. Jizzal soon arched his back as a squelch from the stomach rang in his ear, making his cock burst with seed. The Pegasus began to stroke the leaking member, pumping cum out onto the floor as the tailhole began to clench harder around his cock. Soon Wings pushed himself inside Jizzal, forcing himself as deep as he could go, cum soon spewing into the skunk.

Wings grunted and let out a happy sigh as he leaned back, pulling Jizzal with him as he nuzzled at the back of the skunk's head, giving it a quick lick and murring at the taste. Wings then reached down and grabbed the dice to take his turn. When that was over Jizzal murred and took the dice, tossing them for snake eyes, landing right on another of Wings properties with a hotel.

"I guess I'm Pegasus food now..."

"Not yet. Kitty and bunny want to say hello again before you leave."


Wings nodded and pulled Jizzal off his cock, making spooge leak from his backend, causing the skunk to moan deeply as he felt the seed seeping out of his rump. He clenched tight a few times, trying to keep the warm fluid inside of him, but there was so much that it kept coming out. Wings spun Jizzal around and picked him up slightly, laying him on the nearby coffee table and then turning around, letting his tail flick about in front of the skunk. Wings began to back up, pulling his tail up and out of the way as his cheeks began to spread out, a large brown log trying to squeeze itself out from the Pegasus' ass. Jizzal looked up at the turd murred, licking his lips some as he watched.

"Where's this going skunkie?" the Pegasus said with a grin.

"Well I wanted to eat the kitty and bunny too," Jizzal said with a mock whine.

The large Pegasus began to back up more, squatting down over Jizzal's head and letting out a long grunt as he started to let the log free. Jizzal leaned upward and opened his mouth as wide as he could, taking the large chunk into his mouth as it broke off from Wings' ass. With a quick gulp the slightly chicken, jaguar and bunny flavored log squeezed down Jizzal's throat and into his stomach. Licking his lips Jizzal murred loudly and watched as another chunk touched his nose, smearing a brown stain onto his fur. Once again Jizzal let his mouth open and the brown chunk of his former friends break off into his mouth. This time the skunk chewed up the crap in his mouth, murring deeply as he swallowed and groaned as another chunk fell off onto his head, making him murr and nuzzling into the tailhole, smearing the creamy crap all over his face as he began tried to force his muzzle into the rump, taking small bites of the shit that squeezed out to greet him. Wings clenched his tailhole around Jizzal's muzzle forcing it out as the skunk took a deep breath and moaned deeply.

"Oh gods this is great," Jizzal said as he grunted and stroked his cock.

Wings reply was firing a blast of gas into the skunk's face, little pieces of crap sticking to his face. Wings let himself relax even more, letting his bowels go loose, making a load of crap fall onto Jizzal's lap, making him stroke his cock faster and hump into the air, the brown substance making the room smell even worse, both enjoying it all the better. Soon Wings pressed his tailhole against the skunk's muzzle.

"I need it wiped skunkie..."

Jizzal gave a murr and stretched his tongue out, licking at the tailhole numerous times to get the last small amounts of crap from the hole. He then pressed his muzzle almost into the hole again, licking about and making sure to get every last bit out and clean Wings up nice. Gas leaked from the hole and Jizzal took a quick whiff before pulling his face away from the hole, watching as Wings turned around and rubbed at his half flaccid cock. In a matter of seconds Wings held the cock in his hand, letting a golden stream begin to shoot out onto the skunk, covering his fur in urine. Jizzal groaned happily and leaned back, opening wide and giving the Pegasus somewhere to aim. Wings did just that, shooting the stream of pee into the skunk's maw, who let it fill up before gulping it down quickly, opening wide again to drink more. Filling his mouth up again Wings felt the stream begin to slow, the rest of the pee washing the skunk's chest and wetting his fur down. The trail of piss soon stopped, the last drops raining down on Jizzal's cock, giving the skunk some more lube as he stroked his cock. A grunt came from the skunk as jerked himself, trying to get him to cum again.

Wings watched as Jizzal stroked himself, feeling himself get hard again. Pressing the tip of the cock to Jizzal's lips the skunk opened up and allowed the cock to move inside. Wings slowly started to hump into the warm maw, sighing happily as his cock throbbed and spurted small globs of pre across the slick tongue. Jizzal shut his eyes and stroked his cock a few more times, feeling his lips close tightly around the cock in his mouth before he fired seed up into the air, most of it coming back to land on his lap. Wings groped at his cock a few more times, soon pulling it free of the skunk's muzzle, making him gasp and mrow to himself as he opened his eyes wondering why Wings would pull free. He found his reason when cum fired from the cock, splattering Jizzal in the face and causing him to snicker and lick his lips, tasting the salty mixture. Wings pumped his cock a few last times, rubbing the rest of the cum on Jizzal's nose and lips, making the two of them smile at one another as Wings stomach grumbled loudly.

"Now you get to go inside," Wings said with a grin.

Jizzal gave a soft moan and then laid down on the table, raising his feet up toward Wings, who greeted them with licks. The skunk clenched his toes as he felt Wings breath on them before sealing them into his warm mouth, sucking on his toes. The small feet slowly slipped over the tongue, more and more of the skunk's legs slipping into Wings' mouth as his toes pressed against the tight throat entrance. Murring deeply Jizzal let his toes wriggle around against the throat flap before a quick gulp forced them together and into the slimy throat. Wings reached down and grabbed Jizzal's legs, gulping a few times more as he lifted upward on them, dangling the skunk in the air slightly. The Pegasus then began to wrap the tail of the skunk around his waist, murring as he leaned down and swallowed deeply, forcing the legs of the skunk down his throat as he began to work at his hips, doing his best to wedge them into his mouth. Dangling in the air Jizzal started to sway back and forth before being brought closer to the gut, hearing the growling coming from within, making him murr deeply.

"Someone wants me in there," Jizzal said loud enough for Wings to hear him.

The Pegasus nodded a couple of times as his stomach squelched loudly as a reply to Jizzal as well, the waist of the skunk soon being taken from the outside into the warmth of Wings' maw. The slippery tongue started to lick in between Jizzal's rump, coating it with drool and probing against the tailhole to try and get inside. The skunk grunted and let loose a quick fart the made the tongue slip inside easily of Jizzal's hole, the skunk moaning loudly as he couldn't control himself, spraying seed onto the roof of Wings' mouth as he let his spray leak into the maw, making an extra burst of flavor coat the inside of the maw. The smelly spray wafted into the room slightly, making the two breath heavily as Wings continued to swallow, forcing the still throbbing cock of the skunk down his throat as he began to press down on his shoulders, forcing him deeper. A few loud glucking noises came from Wings as he forced his throat open and crammed Jizzal in deeper, his upper body moving all the way down the throat as his shoulders and head stuck out, his body completely still as he made things easier for the Pegasus. Giving one last firm press down on his shoulders, Jizzal's head was soon the last visible thing outside Wings maw.

"You are so sexy inside."

Wings gave as best a smile as he could before Wings let his tongue move along the backside of Jizzal's head, wrapping it up as best he could and then swallowing once more. Taking his entire head inside the Pegasus sucked on the skunk, grinding his face against the ridges on the roof of his mouth. A second later Wings flicked his head backward and mrooed as he slurped up the rest of the skunk, letting his face slide against the slimy overhead of his mouth, Jizzal giving his uvula a nuzzle before he vanished down the throat. Wings grunted and swallowed several times giving the skunk a pet as he moved downward and soon watched as his stomach bloated out.

"Nothing like a friendly game of Monopoly," Wings said as he muffled a belch.

Tossing himself into his chair the Pegasus stroked at his still moving stomach, wondering how long it was going to take Jizzal to calm down and get converted into poo. With that last thought Wings shut his eyes and was soon snoring loudly.

Halloween Traps

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Pet Food

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Bunnies for Dinner

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