Those awkward moments that become great ones

Story by zacky351 on SoFurry

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#7 of Life Goes On Series

Someone you just never noticed sitting nearby can end up becoming a fast friend before you know it.

I can't help but smile as I walk to my next class after lunch has ended. Chris' near constant smile just seems to rub off on anyone I see talking to him and after having been graced with the chance to spend time with him I fully understand why. He just has an air of friendliness and flat out joy practically flowing off of him at all times. I remind myself about the nightmare from ealier in the day just to have it crumble and fall apart before the image of Chris' smiling face makes its way back into my mind. I do think to myself, "What the hell, am I fucking crazy? I just started talking to the guy for the first time YESTERDAY! How can I already be thinking about him this much?!", only to have these thoughts squashed under the stronger ones of, "God, he is so cute. I sooo want to see what he looks like in his wrestling singlet. Uuuuugh, would it be too weird to just show up at his practice? God, of course it would. Guess I can just wait until he actually has a match scheduled."

As I am lost in my blissful thoughts of Chris I have continued to make my way to my next class in the real world. Having become so accustomed to weaving my way through crowds and imprinting mental maps of where I need to be that even in autopilot I make my way with practiced ease. I am drawn out of my mental bliss when I walk into my next class, which is some kind of advanced learning class called AVID by the way (look it up if you really want to know what it is), to see the same pantheress from my computer class sitting in the far right corner near the back skimming through her textbook before class. She glances up from the book and notices me looking in her direction and gives me a smile and a wave when she realizes who I am. After a moment of slight shock I gave her a wave back with what felt like a painfully awkward smile on my face.

After that bit of awkwardness the teacher , a tall slim cheetah known as Mr. Gomez, tells the class to take their seats. I take my seat which as usual is near the back thankfully a good amount of seats away from the pantheress. As I sit I think to myself, "Why am I being thankful to be so far from her? She seems friendly enough. Dammit, I hate being so fucking shy all the time. How was I not feeling this shy and awkward around Chris at all?" The teacher brings me out of my little inner monologue when he announces that we are all to group up with another student for a small project. When most of the students shoot out of their desks to couple up with their close friends I just slump down in my seat and wait to either be grouped up with whoever is left or have myself forced to be a third wheel as per usual whenever some kind of group project came up in one of my classes. As I am slouched down in my chair lamenting my loner status I take a look around and am shocked when I see the pantheress from earlier waving me over to her with a smile. I shrug my shoulders and think to myself, "What the hell. It probably won't hurt anything" as I get up to join her.

When I get close enough she extends her hand out to me and says, "Hi! I'm Fiona." I shake her hand as I sit down and say, "Um, hi. I'm Joey." She cuts to the chase by saying, "Your the guy I saw looking up anime in computer class." I blush a little and nod my head while smiling nervously. She doesn't seem to notice my shyness as she continues, "Oh, thats awesome. No one I hang around with has any interest in anime. I've been wanting to have someone to talk to about anime for a while now. So which shows have you seen and which are your favorites?" My nervousness just seems to evaporate the more she brings up one of my favorite topics. We spend the entire class chatting about anime as we breeze through the project.

As we put on the finishing touches we go back and forth with complimenting each other before I finally say, "Hey, you know what? Everyday at lunch me, my friends and some other people get together in the science room to watch anime. You maybe wanna drop by some time when your not busy?" Her face lights up and her tail does a happy little dance behind her as she says, "Oh, I'd love to. Thanks for inviting me. I'll be sure to drop in whenever I have the chance." I smile as I say to her, "Great, we can go there together right after computer class." Then I chuckle a little as I say, "Just let me know whenever your busy so I don't end up standing around looking like an idiot waiting for you." She gets her own chuckle out of this as she says back, "Oh, then maybe I should throw you some curveballs here and there to keep you guessing?" while sticking her tounge out at me. We both have a few more laughs as class ends. We give each other cheerful goodbyes as we go our separate ways to our next classes.

I spend the rest of the school day happier than I've been in a long time. As I am leaving school grounds to start my twenty minute walk home I think to myself, "Man! I feel so lucky right now! In two days I've not only gotten to talk to Chris, but actually go to his house and sit in his bed with him (Max was there too. Shut up.)! And now I have another person to share my love of anime with! Oh, happy day!" I throw my hands in the air and stick my tounge out in joy not caring one bit who saw me as I walked down the streets of San Jose.


The chapter might be a bit shorter this time around but I think, given the things that happen and how much one can stretch a story before it gets ridiculous, the size works okay for this one. I think this chapter is a pretty good representation of just how awkward I could be or at least felt back then. If you have any gripes, complaints, compliments or suggestions feel free to leave them and I will do my best to work with them.