An invitation to go out/ Another small peek into my fantasys

Story by zacky351 on SoFurry

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#8 of Life Goes On Series

Things have been happening in my life so much faster than they have in a long time. And they just keep getting more and more interesting. I wonder if I'll be able to continue to keep up without screwing myself over. Well, only one way to find out. :)

"I just got started with it, but I already think Chronicle Crusaders is pretty damn good. Thanks again for lending it to me the other day." I get a great big smile on my face as Chris gives me one of his costumary man hugs after thanking me. The only thing that could make me happier at that moment would be if he were to give me a full bodied hug (maybe even a little peck on the cheek), but I was content with more realistic standards. As he pulls away his eyes widen and mouth opens a bit as he gets an idea and says, "Oh, I know. How about as a thank you I treat you to a movie tomorrow?." Just when I thought things couldn't get better! Before I can respond he continues with, "Yeah, me and some friends are gonna go see Stupidly Dangerous Stunts 2 and I think it would be cool if you came along." I try my damndest to not let the dissapointment show on my face when I say, "Uh hmm, sure. That sounds like it'll be fun." His smile widens and tail sways faster as he goes on to say, "Awesome, I know that Max will be there for sure, but everyone else is kinda up in the air." I nod and say, "Cool, I haven't seen Max in a little while and I'm sure any other friends of yours will be a ton of fun." He grins and says, "Oh ho, you got that right." He takes a glance at the clock and says to me, "Huh, time sure flew. The bells gonna ring in a couple minutes." He stands up and grabs his pack as he says, "Well, I'm gonna head on out and get to class a little early." He gives me another big smile and a wave before saying, "See ya tomorrow."

----The next day during computer class----

I'm just sitting there looking up anime as usual when Fiona, who had arranged it so she could sit next to me so that we could hang out during class from now on, says to me, "Sorry I've been too busy to go to lunch with you yet." I give her my best reassuring smile and a shrug as I say, "No worries, just come when you can. No pressure." She lets out a relieved sigh as she says, "Great, thanks. I promise I'll have time to come along next week for sure. Count on it." She says the last bit with a silly thumbs up and tongue out combo. We both burst into laughter at her exaggerated expression and go back to some normal chit chat before class ends.

When I arrive at the science room there aren't many people around as is usual when I get there. I sit down near the front and pull out an older volume of Visor 23 to reread. As I flip through the pages I think to myself, "I wonder what the movies gonna be like? I've never cared to watch the show and of course didn't see the first movie, but I do know that it is about some random guys doing stupid stunts that are sometimes dangerous (as the title clearly states :P)." I quickly forget the topic in my head when Chris walks in with his usual great big smile. He comes up to give me a high five and says, "You ready to see the movie later?" I slap his hand and give him a big smile of my own when I say, "Of course, can't wait!" He gives me a big pat on the shoulder as he says, "Awesome. The others are going home real fast after school to get some things done. You gonna be busy before the movie too or you wanna come hang out at my place for a little while before we head out?"

I could not have said, "Oh, no. Not busy at all. Lets go to your place." any faster or more excitedly. Either because I'm lucky or more realistically because Chris is just that oblivious he takes my enthusiasm as excitement for the movie. "Great. We can chill out and relax before we go see all those guys wreak havoc." I meanwhile have started to lose myself in fantasyland as I think, "A free movie and some alone time with Chris right before!" I'm sure I have a big shit eating grin on my face as the image of us sitting together in his bed (Alone this time. :P) pops into my head.

It starts with us just chatting as usual. I then picture us making some snide remarks at each other, getting a rise out of one other which results in some playful shoving. This in turn escalates into mock wrestling. We tumble around on the bed for a bit, him letting me think I have the the upper hand here and there only to easily topple me back over. He then flips me onto my back and sits on my stomach before grabbing my arms to pin them down on either side of my head. I'm panting a little with exhaustion as he looks me in the eyes and says, "You give?" I let out a few more pants before saying, "Yeah yeah. Just get off me you big lug." As I try getting up he doesn't budge. I give him a questioning look as I say to him, "What gives? Let me up." He just stares down at me not saying a word. I get a bit nervous as I ask, "Um, Chris? What's the deal? You feeling alri..." Before I can react I feel his lips pressing into mine.

My eyes shoot open in shock and my mind reels as I just lie there, too stunned to do anything. He has a deep blush and looks very nervous and ashamed as he pulls back and says, "Oh god. I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. Oh god." I sit up with a big stupid grin on my face before saying, "Huh, what?" He sees this and gets a surprised look on his face as he says, "Wait, you didn't mind that?" I continue to grin as I look into his eyes and say, "Oh god, not at all." His expression goes from surprised to a seductive grin as he says, "Oooh, then you wouldn't mind if I did that again?" Now it is his turn to be caught off guard as I pounce on top of him and mash our mouths together. He is quick to recover and sits us both up as we continue our kiss. Soon I feel his tongue pressing against my lips, seeking entrance. I gladly open up snaking my own tongue out to play with his. We wrestle our tongues around just exploring each others mouths for a while before I moan out, "*Huff* Mmmm. Chris." in the ecstasy of the moment. He isn't far behind as he moans as well and says, "Mmmm. Ohhh, Joey. Joey. Joey!"

"Joey! Hey, Joey! Anybody there?" I jump in my skin a little as my eyes focus in on Chris waving his hand and snapping his fingers with a concerned look on his face. He sighs in relief when sees my eyes moving. He chuckles a bit as he says, "*hehe*Jeez, thought I lost you there for a second. I haven't seen anyone space out like that outside of my math class for a while." He tilts his head as he asks, "You do that often?" I rub the back of my head and give him a nervous chuckle before saying, "*ehe*Um uh, not that often. Only really happens when I'm excited about something." His smile comes back as he says, "Yeah. I'm really pumped about the movie too." He laughs and nudges my side with his elbow as he says,"*Hehehe* But I guess I'm not as excited as you are." I just continue chuckling nervously and rubbing the back of my head. Feeling grateful that Chris seemed to fit the stereotype of an oblivious jock. We spend the rest of our time just chatting about random things. When lunch ends we say our "see you laters" as we go our separate ways again. I feel like I have the biggest smile I've ever had on my face as I walk to my next class. Looking forward to seeing a movie with someone I really like for the first time.


Another chapter where I feel its a bit short. The things that have been coming to me to put into the story do still seem interesting (at least to me), but don't go on as long as they seem to in my head. If I'm just thinking too hard about this and shouldn't worry so much about chapter length please let me know. Also feel free to include other suggestions as well as any comments or complaints. I hope you have enjoyed this chapter and look forward to where I am going next with the story.