Fertile Ground - Chapter 6

Story by Mr-Mau on SoFurry

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#6 of Fertile Ground

This is the final introductory chapter of my ongoing series "Fertile Ground". Where it goes from here is not known yet, but all the pieces are in place to take it new heights. I am truly pleased with the outcome of the story to date and can't wait to see how readers like it. Thanks for sticking with me as I developed my writing skills. This is just a beginning.

Summary of Chapter 5

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Desire develops a new ability when Ricca meets two of her high school friends. Dashel, a spry cheetah, and Ulysses, a bull and football team captain, learn about her relationship with Ray and both outwardly appear to be happy for them. However, a flash of jealously from Dash is picked up by Desire and the entity is able to reach into his mind to inform Ricca about his hidden feelings for her. When she meets up with Ray in the clearing, the couple goes over some basic rules with Desire so that they don't exploit these powers to cause embarrassment or harm to others.

The staccato rhythm of Ray's hooves hitting the pavement provided a consistent beat to measure each breath as he ran his Sunday morning route. Training his lungs to take deliberate mouthfuls of air was just as important as the strengthening of his muscles. Ray's coach spoke of reaching a 'zone' where the lungs, legs and body would perform at their peak capacity without conscious thought. So far no amount of concentration or self-motivation ever made Ray think he'd entered any type of zone.

Coach Cook, or CC as the running team called him, was a hard-nosed stripped tiger whose icy stare made even the toughest jock cower before him. Seldom impressed by any amount of physical effort, the tiger had trained the track and field to contend at the highest levels of competition. Ray was both the team captain and one of the best endurance runners in the area. Heading into his junior year of high school Ray wanted to win at least one of the major marathons held throughout the running season. Last year he placed third in 2 marathons and set a school record for time at the final race of the season, finishing a close second.

Ray's phone beeped a warning indicating that he was on the last mile of the route. Stepping up his pace, he tried to maintain a sprint all the way to the end. Beads of sweat dripped off his face and his close cropped mane was matted to the back of his head and neck. Each gulp of air filled his burning lungs while he legs ached with every stride, Ray's entire body begged for him to stop and rest. He pushed through and ignored the silent, but insistent, protests of his muscles as the school loomed large in his view.

Beeeeep beep.

The two tones signaled the end of his run and Ray slowed to a stop in his usual resting place behind the school and under the trees that hid a small ravine. He reached into his pack and pulled out the cool bottle containing a mix of water and protein powder. Drinking small sips so as to avoid cramping up, Ray looked around to see if anyone else was around. The school grounds were normally empty at this time of day, but Ray wanted to make sure he wasn't being followed. He was going to need a little extra time with Desire this morning.

Ray crept down the steep path to the bottom of the ravine and made his way toward the clearing where the soft red glow of Desire's tree shone faintly in the morning light. The tree sparkled a silent greeting as he came close and lowered his pack to the bare dirt.

'Good morning Master! One is happy to see you again!'

Desire's peculiar way of speaking directly into his mind still amazed him from time to time. Ray thought of the entity as a 'her' based on how she conversed with him and stimulated him on a daily basis. Ricca referred to Desire as an 'it' which seemed a bit too impersonal in Ray's opinion, but he didn't hold it against her as they were both still trying to come to terms with this new form of life.

Ricca had texted him this morning to inform that she would be late making in meeting him. Ricca spent Sunday mornings making breakfast with her mom and she wanted to take a bit more time to talk about her relationship with Ray. He was glad that Ricca could be so open with her mother; Ray had only told his parents that he and Ricca were dating but nothing about the finer details of their relationship.

"Hello Desire. How are you doing today?"

'One is content. One is practicing to focus one's energy in new ways just as the Creators requested.'

There was an interesting mix of childlike delight and strict formality present in Desire's words. Ray tried to get her to call him by name with no success, Desire preferred instead to call Ricca and Ray as 'Creators' or 'Masters'. Considering how intimate he got with this entity, Ray felt conflicted by her one sided formal speech. Maybe in time Desire would relent and be comfortable enough to speak more casually.

"Did you find out anything interesting you can do?" Ray inquired and sat down in front of the tree.

'One is unsure, Master. One reached out and touched the minds of small creatures in the forest. They feared my presence and ran away. Their thoughts were too simple to be of any use.'

When Ray learned yesterday that Desire could sense other furs, specifically the cheetah, Dash, he wanted to explore the extent of this ability by asking her to practice and refine its use. Being able to contact small critters was exciting news indeed, but otherwise proved to be limited in application. Apparently, Desire needed an approximate location of a mind in order to make contact. Ray wanted to test it on his parents but Ricca convinced him of the need to get permission first from furs they knew. Since they didn't want to let Desire's existence be known just yet, Ricca and Ray had to be satisfied with random tests and letting Desire practice at night.

"That's great Desire! You can find them without knowing where they are?"

'It was difficult to find anything resembling a mind. One had to search for a long time to even find a creature worth touching. Many small, mindless entities exist by instinct alone and one cannot access a mind with such little complexity.'

"I think you're talking about insects," Ray presumed. "There must be lots of bugs around here." An alarming thought came to his mind. "Desire, do any insects feed on your leaves or your bark?"

'These insects also stay away. One must emit some kind of dangerous aura. Master, is Desire evil?'

"Not a chance!" Ray said reassuringly. "You are the best possible thing Ricca and I could have asked for. Never ever think that you are evil, because you are not!"

'One is grateful to have such a kind Master. Can one provide you with pleasure this morning?'

"That's why you're good. You know what will make me happy."

Ray proceeded to take off his sweat soaked t-shirt and running shorts. He found a comfortable place to lie down and said the words that would unlock the use of Desire's powers on him.

"Desire, please grant me this wish: make me cum!"

Ray's mind exploded with a powerful sensation of pleasure. Over the past week, Desire would affect him differently each time she would bring him to orgasm. She was experimenting on him as much as he took pleasure from her. Today, it occurred to Ray, appeared that Desire was pushing the upper limits of the brain's ability to be aroused. Her affect was plainly visible.

Ray's member shot out from his groin and grew engorged in record time. What impressed Ray was the combination of gentle caresses on his member closely followed by firm and emphatic manipulations all by an unseen force. To an outside observer, Ray lay mostly still, stirring occasionally to buck or thrust slightly, with his cock pointed up at the sky like a tower reaching into the clouds. Drops of pre trickled down to the ground as Ray's flare throbbed in anticipation.

Beep... beep... beep... beep...

The mood shattering tone of Ray's cell phone rang out in the clearing. He reached for it and saw that the caller ID read: Coach Cook. For him to call on a Sunday morning must be important.

"Desire, you have to stop. This call is important."

All sensation of pleasure left him as quick as it had come. Ray was frustrated that he'd have to put off his release for a few minutes and answered the phone taking a few breaths to calm down.

"Hey Coach Cook. What's up?"

"Ray, I'm calling a meeting at school today for you, Sam and Erika. Can you make it? It's very important." To call the endurance team together could only mean that coach wanted to enter them into a marathon. The competition would not be school sponsored but would give them a chance to race against professionals.

"I'll be right there Coach. When do you need me?" Ray absently stroked his shaft.

"As soon as you're able to Ray. I need to go over a few things with you first."

"Ok... um... I'll probably need to take a shower first."

"Do it here Ray. This is important." The tone of Coach Cook's voice demanded action.

"Be right there, CC." Ray sighed and hung up the phone.

'Does Master need to go? Desire can provide you pleasure later if you wish. Mistress will be on her way soon to feed me.'

Ray resigned himself to be frustrated for the moment and hurriedly dressed himself, stuffing his softening member into his shorts with some discomfort. He took one last look around the grove for anything he may have left behind and bid the tree farewell with a wave. Picking his way through the brush and back onto the path, Ray trudged up the ravine wall and out into the sun bleached school grounds.

A compact car in the parking lot was the only indication that the school held any life. Ray stifled a laugh every time he saw the small grey car that wholly unsuited coach's tall frame. The front doors of the school were still locked and Ray had to pound his fist on the window for a few minutes to get his coach's attention. The doors opened and a large tiger loomed over him sticking out his hand in greeting.

"Glad you could make it here so quickly. It looks like my training plan hasn't been forgotten." Coach Cook shook Ray's hand squeezing hard enough to make him wince in pain.

"I've been running every day coach, sprinting the last mile just like you said." Ray gingerly removed his hand trying not to show how much it hurt.

"Good for you. Sam and Erika should be here in 20 minutes. Take a shower and meet me in my office in 10."

There was no way that Ray could wash off the sweat and dry himself in 10 minutes. He'd probably have to wear a couple towels during the meeting which wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that he was still slightly aroused from Desire's touch. He took yet another deep, calming breath and jogged to the boy's locker room.

Fortunately, there was a pile of neatly folded clean towels in the cabinet next to the shower stalls. Ray draped his clothes on a bench to dry and stepped to closest shower nozzle pressing the button to let warm water flow over his black coat. A soap dispenser attached to the wall provided him enough of a lather to clean away the bulk of his sweat. He avoided contact with his groin just to be safe.

'Master is in some discomfort. One can provide you a quick release if you wish.'

Ray wasn't quite sure what Desire had in mind and didn't really have any time to enjoy himself.

'I'm sorry Desire. I don't have much time in here.'

'Please Master. One only needs two minutes to stimulate you appropriately.'

He knew that Desire could hit all his most sensitive parts, but Ray wasn't sure of her estimate. Ray would normally last at least 10 minutes under her manipulations, time he did not have to waste. However, her abilities have sharpened with practice since last week and Ray did need some sort of relief. Weighing his options, he relented and said: 'Desire, please grant me this wish: make me cum quickly!'

Ray's arms shot out to hold himself up as a concentrated blast of pleasure struck deep in his mind. His cock inflated to its fullest and stood wavering in front of him while the warm water cascaded from its tip. The warmth of the water barely registered in Ray's mind; his cock was wrapped in an otherworldly material that felt like an amalgamation of velvet and soft bristles which seemed to suck and blow along his length with special attention paid to his tender flare.

What shocked him even more were the feelings of stimulation on his inner g-spot. An urgent and persistent tickle within his body was rapidly bringing him to an intense orgasm. Ray clenched his teeth together to keep a moan from escaping his lips. His muscles tensed as his hips began to buck forward against what appeared to be an invisible opening around his cock. The pleasure center in his brain vibrated in near over-stimulation, his vision grew dark and was replaced with a familiar glowing red tree. At the edge of his vision, Ray saw the outline of Ricca's body sitting where he had sat earlier that morning. He cried out her name, begging her to face him and eventually she did. For an instant Ray touched Ricca's mind, a whole new way of thinking burst into his brain and he felt Ricca's love fold over him like a soft blanket being draped on his shoulders.

The first jet of cum heralded the start of Ray's release and his vision returned to look upon the narrow confines of the shower stall. As gratifying as all of Desire's induced orgasms were, this one had momentarily connected him to Ricca, mind to mind. So shocked by this fact he hardly noticed the surges of fluid shooting out from his member, some hitting the wall below the shower head. It was a normal amount for Ray, not the torrent that usually resulted in an unwieldy mess. It had been 2 minutes since Ray uttered the phrase that permitted Desire to work her particular brand of magic.

"I... saw Ricca!" Ray said aloud as his member softened.

'Mistress is here with Desire. Mistress claims she heard you.'

Ray wanted to ask more questions but instead turned his attention to washing his pools of cream down the drain, the evidence of his orgasm was scoured from existence. There was no time to waste, regardless of how intrigued he was at this startling development. He turned off the flow and grabbed a towel to wrap around his waist; thankfully his member had retracted to its least noticeable state. He used another towel to dry himself as best he could and slung it over a shoulder as he made his way toward Coach Cook's office.

"10 minutes on the dot, thanks for not keeping me waiting long." Coach said as he entered. "Take a seat, Ray. I have an opportunity for you."

The tiger handed him an entry form entitled "Tri-County Eric Jones Charity Marathon" with Ray's name already filled in. The race was scheduled to occur in just under a month. Coach explained that the marathon would attract some of the best runners from the east coast and he could use the result to determine the team's progress. Ray's specific duties would be to motivate and train both Sam and Erika on a daily basis. They both agreed that coach's particular style might be more disruptive than helpful during the supposedly 'school free' summer months.

A soft knock at the door cut their conversation short as Coach Cook yelled out permission to enter. A black panther stood at the door whose fur almost matched Ray's inky coat. Behind her leaning on the wall was a short red-furred fox, his fluffy tail twitched from side to side in mild annoyance.

"Erika, Sam, please come sit down." Coach pointed to the remaining chairs in his office.

"Hey Ray. Still showing off that hot bod of yours?" Erika's teeth shone out from her black furry face. She teased him mercilessly about whatever seemed to bother her that day.

"Leave him alone, Erika. I heard he's off the market." The fox senior smiled knowingly at Ray. Sam's network of friends made him a repository of information about what was happening at school, especially if it concerned who was dating who.

"Ok kids, you can talk later. Ray and I have something for you to consider." Coach Cook brought them up to date about the upcoming marathon and his intent to let Ray take a more active role in their summer training schedule. He incentivized their performance in the race by promising to buy a pizza dinner if they exceeded their personal best times. It was the last thing they needed to hear before eagerly signing up to the race.

Ray filled out the rest of the sign up form and thought about what had happened to him in the shower. If Desire could link their minds it would mean a whole new way to learn about Ricca's inner thoughts, her feelings and what she wanted from him. The brief insight he'd gotten from her faded away like the memories of a dream after waking.

"Wakey wakey Ray!" Sam punched him lightly on the shoulder. "I don't think the form asks for a sample of your doodles."

Ray blushed and handed the form over to Coach Cook. Erika and Sam had left the office and were waiting for him in the hallway, no doubt to ask about him and Ricca. He hitched up his towel to ensure it was secure and walked out to meet them.

"Spill the beans, Ray. Everyone knows about you and Ricca but no one knows who asked who out first." Sam's network appeared to spread news quickly with no regard for personal privacy. Ray would have to give him some tidbit just to satisfy Sam's need to stay informed.

Ray told them about taking shelter from the thunderstorm last weekend, except he didn't mention that they went into the ravine rather they stood in one of the school's entryways. Cold and wet, Ray and Ricca held onto each other for warmth before he admitted his fondness for Ricca. She happily returned his feelings and they kissed passionately to seal their relationship in the bonds of love.

"Awwww! That's so beautiful!" Erika wiped away a tear and gave him a big hug.

"If it was any other guy with any other girl, I wouldn't have believed you. You lucky... stallion!" Sam turned from him and looked as if he was wiping away tears as well. The news of his and Ricca's relationship would indeed spread quickly, not as idle gossip but in admiration that the two life-long friends found love.

The two running mates took their leave and left him alone in the empty hallway. Ray walked back to the locker room, his coat mostly dry now, and put on a fresh shirt and pair of shorts. He sat by his locker and texted his training routine to Erika and Sam, making a few minor adjustments to suit their running strengths. He also sent them his normal running route and asked them to meet him at 8:30 each morning to go over their daily plans. Satisfied with his first leadership decision, he left the locker room and made his way back home to grab a quick lunch.

Back in Desire's grove...

Ricca sat in the small ravine clearing eating an apple and sipping on a berry juice box. She had 'fed' the tree by pouring the contents from the special bottle she used to collect her nightly flow of vaginal essence brought about by Desire's touch and her constant lust for Ray. Before her, the tree glistened in a soft pink glow; it appeared that altering the color of its leaves from their usual red was another new progression of the entity's abilities. It was clear that Desire was in contact with Ray at this moment since Ricca couldn't converse with the being as she normally would each morning. Only when her and Ray were together in the grove could Desire speak simultaneously to both their minds.

So she ate, sipped and waited for the opportunity to speak. Clouds dotted the sky and the air in the ravine was cooler than out in the open sending a chill down Ricca's spine. The low pulses of pink that illuminated the clearing brightened unexpectedly as if an additional source of electricity dialed up Desire's wattage many times. She looked up from her drink and had to raise a hand to shield her eyes from the outburst of light. Ricca's ear twitched as an imperceptible whisper of sound crept into what felt like the back of her head. She turned her gaze from the too bright tree and strained to make out the word that echoed between her ears.


The voice was clearly Ray's, however that wasn't the most amazing thing. A whole mind existed inside hers filled with new thoughts and feelings, many of those thoughts were about Ricca. The familiar feeling of gratification swelled from within and made her flush as blood rushed to her erogenous zones. These thoughts and feelings could only be from Ray; somehow Desire had connected their minds, something it had tried in the past without success. As suddenly as it had began, the connection was lost leaving her feeling empty and alone. All traces of pink light had disappeared from the tree.

"Ray? Ray! I can hear you! Can you hear me?" Ricca cried out for her lover, grasping at the air for the one who made her whole for a few precious seconds.

'Mistress... Master is saying that he saw you and felt your thoughts. One is confused...'

"Desire! You were glowing a pink so bright I couldn't look at you. What did you do?"

'Master needed a quick relief so one provided precise stimulation to his pleasure centers. One did not try to connect your minds at all. One will need to reflect on these events.'

With that statement, the tree went silent. Ricca sat confounded at yet another impossibility was made possible by this marvelous creation.

At Ray's apartment...

Ray's father, Butch, sat across from him at the dining table reading a magazine while eating a light salad. Father's apparent contradictions in body and diet didn't make sense to Ray. Butch was a large brown stallion with a gut that appeared to grow and shrink regardless of what went in his mouth. This week it was salads and nutrition shakes, next week it might be fast food and beer, but whatever he choose to eat, Butch's overall size stayed within a narrow margin. Ray tried to get his father to do some light exercises with him and was met with a stern look and staunch denials that it would do any good. Ray would keep at it though, like any good son who wanted the best for his father.

Lucy, the off-grey mare, sat beside Ray finishing her meal of soup and crackers. She made a fuss over Ray when he got in for lunch telling him that he should have called to let them know he was going to be late. Ray explained that Coach Cook had called an urgent meeting and how the endurance team was finally going to compete against professional runners in a few weeks' time. Lucy was delighted to hear the news and promised to cheer him on during the race.

"Son, are you gonna finish that?" Butch pointed at the lemon tart on Ray's plate.

"Hon, your diet!" Lucy shook a finger at her husband as he snatched up the tart and swallowed it in a few bites.

"It's alright mom. Dad needs a little sugar now and then. He's been doing so well on this diet, just look at how much weight he's lost!" Even though Butch hadn't shed any pounds he still reacted like it was no big deal.

"That's right son. Pretty soon I'll be out there and beating you in races at this rate!" He slapped his gut with an open palm causing it to shake and Lucy to cover her mouth to stop from laughing.

"Sure dad, anything you say."

Ray's experience in the school shower tickled the back of his mind, many questions about what had happened and if it could happen again were silently asked over and over with no response from Desire. He received a text from Ricca stating that Desire had gone unresponsive after she asked it about the brief mental connection shared between Ricca and Ray. Apparently, the idea that an unknown byproduct of the entity's abilities could be used to connect minds confused and frightened Desire to some extent. Ricca rightfully asked Ray to back off and leave Desire alone for the rest of the day while it figured out what to do next.

While Ray agreed with Ricca about how to handle Desire, what he couldn't let go of was how different he felt with her mind open to him. He wished to experience that connection again, just to be able to explore her mind and to share the love and lust they had for each other. That would have to wait, or maybe even never occur again, depending on what Desire figured out in her self-contemplation. Ever the optimist, Ray looked forward to when he could touch Ricca's thoughts again.

"Ray dear, your father and I are going to the store this afternoon, is there anything you need?" Lucy asked.

"Um, I don't think so mom. I'll text you if I think of anything. I'll be out with Ricca."

"I always liked that girl Ray. Your mother and I are proud of you."

"Thanks dad. I always liked her too. I was just too shy to admit it."

"You should have seen how your father asked me out the first time." Lucy began telling the story of how she met Butch. It was a story Ray had heard countless times, but he didn't interrupt as it was meant for Butch more than him.

He sat and listened for a while, clearing the plates from the table and putting them in the dishwasher. The look his mother and father shared warmed his heart, he was glad to have parents that we so loving and free with their emotions. Once the story came to an end, Ray excused himself and left the apartment to meet his love, his heart ached to have been apart all morning.

Ricca was at the basketball courts and not in the ravine choosing rather to get some exercise and put a little distance between her and the contemplative tree. Ray saw her run, shoot and make a basket as he rounded the corner of the school and jogged up to her waving all the way. She dropped the ball and ran into his arms, pulling him close and planting a fierce kiss on his lips that knocked him back a few steps. This is what devotion is, thought Ray, this is true love.

"I missed you so much!" Ricca said when they parted. "It's been so lonely here without you!"

"Ricca, this morning was amazing! I heard you in my head, I felt you in my heart, and we were one being for a moment there. Do you think it's possible for it to happen again?"

"I don't know, Ray. Desire's tree isn't glowing anymore and it hasn't talked to me since this morning. I think it got really scared. Desire is still so young we forget how immature it is and how little it knows about its powers." Ricca bit her lower lip to keep from showing how frightened she was.

"Don't get too upset," Ray nosed Ricca's short muzzle tenderly. "I'm sure Desire will recover sooner than you think."

Ricca smiled at his words and kissed him again. She pushed off him and ran toward the basketball, picked it up and passed it to him.

"First to 11, loser has to do what the winner asks for the rest of the day."

"You're on Ricca! Prepare to lose!"

The game was as physical as they were in the past. Ricca used her speed and flexibility to great advantage pulling ahead 2-0 in a short time. Ray tried his best to stay in front of her and use his size to deny her shots and grab the ball as it rebounded from the rim. What was different about this game was how Ricca and Ray would use their hands to tickle and grab at each other when defending, lending an extra thrill to the game as it progressed.

At 8-6 in Ricca's favor, they took a break to drink some water and clear the sweat from their brows. Again, even the break went differently than in the past as Ricca used the towel to wipe Ray's brow for him and Ray returned the favor going so far as to make a grab for her chest. She slapped his hand away playfully and got up to continue the game.

The playful touches continued making both Ricca and Ray miss easy shots and lose the ball more often than ever before. At 10-9, Ricca needed only 1 point to secure the win so she put on her game face, determined to win no matter what. She faked to her left, then right, and then dribbled around a crossed-up Ray on her way to an easy layup. She jumped but was caught out of the air in Ray's muscular arms before she could make the shot. He tickled her sides mercilessly and she cried out in laughter unable to finish the game.

"No... fair!"

"That's what you get for being so good!" Ray's tickles continued unabated.

Mustering up as much strength as possible, Ricca ignored Ray's fingers and shot the ball up and into the basket. It rolled around the rim threatening to miss, but fell through with a shout of joy from Ricca's mouth.

"I win! You lose! I am the greatest!" Ricca danced in his arms, flailing her limbs in celebration.

"Ok, ok. Calm down." Ray set her down and knelt on his knees in front of her. "What does Mistress ask of... one?" Ray's mimicking of Desire's way of talking made Ricca laugh and also reminded her that their friend was still in distress.

"Let's head back to the grove, Ray. Maybe if we're both close Desire will feel us and snap out of whatever it's thinking about."

"Lead the way, my love."

Ray felt Ricca take his hand and they walked toward the ravine happy to be close to each other. Ray carried both of their bags as he was asked to and resisted the urge to scratch his back as sweat beaded and ran down his spine. It was a short journey into the ravine and down to the special clearing. Hardly any words passed between them as concern for their friend began to show on their faces.

"What if..." Ricca started.

"Don't even think it." Ray shushed her. "Desire will be alright, just you wait."

Ricca buried her face into Ray's shoulder and held him tight trying to stifle tears of worry. Ray soothed her head with his hand and spoke calming words to assure her that everything will be fine, despite his fears of the worst. If Desire had burned out her powers and couldn't communicate with them ever again, Ray would feel as if a part of him had died. He reached out to the tree with his mind, repeating the calming words he said aloud to Ricca like a mantra of healing begging for some sign of life from the entity.

Ricca pulled him to the ground and looked up at him, her eyes dry of tears but full of need.

"Ray, take off my clothes."

"As you wish."

Ricca's clothes were stuck to her sweat slicked body making it a challenge to remove them. But Ray went slow and peeled off her shirt and shorts carefully setting them aside before turning his attention to her undergarments. The once perplexing sports bra was now familiar to him and he freed her breasts in short order. Ricca's boxer brief style underwear made his hands shake in anticipation for what lie beneath. Ray stuck his fingers under the band and pulled down ever so gently, gradually revealing Ricca's lighter colored pubic fur, and below that, her puffy, moisture glossed nether lips. A womanly scent filled Ray's nose causing him to swoon in arousal and blood rush toward his groin. He let Ricca remain in charge and didn't make any attempt to hurry her along.

"Ray, clean me."

"As you wish."

Ray took out a fresh towel from Ricca's pack and began to wipe the sweat from her body. He started with her face and neck and made his way down her back, avoiding her butt entirely. Using a dry section of the towel he turned his attention to her chest and brushed away beads of perspiration by moving in small circles across her stomach and upper chest, making sure to not come into contact with her now heaving breasts. Ricca was breathing in gulps of air as her heart raced uncontrollably, her excitement level rose higher each time she felt Ray's touch.

When her chest was clear of sweat, the only option available to Ray was to move on to Ricca's supple breasts, her nipples were already stiff and pointing out in the cool air. He cupped each mound of sensual flesh, paying special attention to clean the underside of each breast as that area was particularly sensitive to Ricca. She gasped and squirmed under his touch, not in protest but in arousal and lust. She would soon need more than his touch to be satisfied.

Ray lifted her leg and wrapped the towel around it while rubbing his hands over her tense muscles. He kept glancing at the fluid dripping from her folds trying to keep his arousal under control, not wanting to ruin this joyful moment. As he began to take her other leg to repeat the process, she stopped him and looked into his eyes.

"Ray, make love to me!"

"As you wish!"

His clothes were tossed aside carelessly and he embraced Ricca to his still sweaty chest. They kissed as if the cure for illness existed deep within each other's mouths, their tongues wrestled in wonton passion. Ray's painfully erect member was trapped between their stomachs; the opening on the tip of his flare spread a thin line of pre on Ricca's belly as if tracing a hidden picture under her skin. Their mouths locked together, each breath was taken in great inhalations from the side of their lips. Tears of joy ran down Ricca's cheeks, and tears of regret that Desire was not also with them.

Impatient with their progress, Ricca pushed Ray to the dirt floor of the grove and straddled him, maneuvering her opening above his rigid shaft. The couples' previous exploits required a slow and easy penetration into her depths; however, no thoughts of caution entered either of their minds today. Ricca plunged down on Ray's cock, engulfing it almost to the hilt. A cry of pure desire rang out between the trees as Ricca accommodated Ray's girth comfortably. They lay frozen in time as pleasure surged from their groins and into their minds.

Ricca shuddered as Ray rolled his hips making his cock stir inside her eliciting more moans to escape her lungs. She rose up and thrust down feeling the veins and ridges on Ray's shaft slide against her walls leading to a quickening of her breath and a rising urge to spring up inside her. It was more than Ray could bare, that feeling of being squeezed and the far too perfect snugness of Ricca's pussy. As much as they wanted to ride this wave of pleasure forever, the couples' climax would crash over them far too quickly in spite of their best efforts to delay.

"I love you!"

"I love you, Ray!"

Their shared words were as true as when they first uttered them. Ray sensed his balls rise into his crotch, a sure sign of his orgasm as any. Ricca's insides burned and demanded to be quenched by Ray's seed. Like a key opening a lock, they found release and something clicked deep in their brains.

Ray's own climax hit hard as he hilted his member in Ricca, jets of cum filled her to the brim. Then, he felt an entirely new feeling, an unknown side to his orgasm that must be what Ricca was going through. He felt a fullness within him, a fire that exploded as surges of fluid coated an area just below his stomach. It was overwhelming, it was beautiful, and it was what how life was meant to be experienced, a shared feeling of love and oneness.

Ricca sensed a similar presence, except it was from the other point of view. She felt the blasts of cum escape from in front of her, her whole body rigid with this release. As she savored her inner fire being quenched, she was awed at what Ray must be feeling: his member encased in her contracting folds, the draining of his balls, and the flow that escaped from his tip. His orgasm was wholly different than how she felt, but was just as satisfying.

Fragments of thoughts passed between the couple, thoughts of love, thoughts of gratification and thoughts of absolute trust. They couldn't sense each other's minds as clear as this morning's chance occurrence, but a sense of closeness was shared in their beings. Ray stared into Ricca's eyes, gaining a new appreciation of how much she loved him, and certainly she knew how much he loved her.

A soft pink glow illuminated them.

'Ricca. Ray. I am whole.'