The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 1

Story by Kennyisnath0 on SoFurry

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Here's the first chapter of my fursona's origin story. I hope you enjoy

Aerix is the character of aerix_spades

Resdayn is the character of resdayn


The Origin of Shadow

Chapter 1

(The Begining Of The Story)

The year is 1143, the location: The land of King Lucien, ruler of the Canid Empire. He has sat upon his throne for the last 50 years, ruling the land fairly and justly. As well as defending his people from war, but recently the Dragon Clans are on the up rise and have gone through kingdom after kingdom, killing and destroying everything in their path. Those they don't kill are enslaved or keep as food for later. But Lucien's time is coming to an end, he can't keep the Dragons from swarming over their kingdom for much longer. Age has taken him, making him weak and now he must choose a successor to take his place. Who must he choose? One of his 2 sons, Jericho, a ruthless, selfish and spoilt child, or the one who he found in the ashes of a Dragon's raid on a village many years ago, Nathaniel. Jericho is the eldest and most likely the one to be chosen. Who ever is chosen must act quickly, or else there wont be a kingdom left to save.

I woke up from a peaceful slumber in my chambers, the feeling of my silk sheets gently holding me. It felt so good against my fur and my skin. Some places felt better than others. But I was tired and didn't want to get up yet so I rolled onto my back and closed my eyes again, but I didn't get a chance to sleep as my Tiger servant named Resdayn opened the curtains allowing the sun to shine brightly through the window and on to my face. I grunted and covered my face with one of my pillows.

Nathaniel: "Can't you let me sleep a bit longer"

Resdayn let out a small laugh before he came over to me.

Resdayn: "No, Because if I don't get you up, no one will"

I let out a sigh of defeat before sitting up with only the bed sheets covering my body. Resdayn blushed as he tried not to stare at my bulge between my legs that was covered by the bed sheets.

Resdayn: "Erm......m-master, you erm.......*

He couldn't say it, so instead he pointed to my crotch. I glanced down with a curious expression and saw I had morning wood.......again. It was a usual thing that happened and it was easily solved.

Nathaniel: "Oh.....this again, well I guess I had another dream about you"

I got up and walked towards Resdayn, naked, as he turned around so he wouldn't stare at my crotch whilst blushing. He's so cute, especially when he was turned on. I walked up behind him and hugged him gently as my hard member pushed against his back.

Resdayn: "Y-you really should get dressed"

He spoke in a small and nervous voice.

Nathaniel: "I could.......or I could play with my servant. You can just use your mouth this time"

Resdayn thought about it, but I knew there was only one answer. He was also my secret lover and helped me out whenever I was in heat. I think he had taught himself to love the taste of my cock, because even though he acted like he didn't want to do it, he actually enjoyed making me happy like this.

Resdayn: "O-ok, let's just do this quickly incase anyone comes in"

I sat on the edge of my bed as Resdayn got down on his knees infront of me, gently placing one of his paws on my throbbing cock. He then started to stroke me softly and slowly, but he began to build up speed. I murred softly as he suddenly began to suck on the tip of my cock. His mouth was warm and moist, Resdayn had gotten better since the last time he did this. I wonder if he's been practicing whilst I've been away. I'm sometimes away from home for a long time and it would explain what he does. Anyway, I placed my paw on top of Resdayn's head and gently push his head lower on my cock as he let out a small, submissive moan. But after that he started to suck my cock properly. Moving his head up and down whilst coiling his tongue around my shaft. I kept moaning and murring as I began to smell something sweet in the air around Resdayn. It would seem that this was making him excited too. His scent crept into my nose and began to make me even more excited, suddenly the only thing I could think about was fucking his tailhole. I couldn't ressist anymore.

Nathaniel: "I can't hold back anymore, I want to fuck your tight tailhole"

Resdayn took my cock out of his mouth and looked up at me.

Resdayn: "Wh-what? Not again?"

I gently lifted him up and placed him on the bed on his paws and knees with his butt pointed towards me, rubbing my hard cock against his butt.

Nathaniel: "You're a naughty Tiger Resdayn, so Wolfie is going to punish you"

Resdayn blushed and pretended to struggle as I lowered his pants, revealing his tailhole. I gently ran my finger between his butt cheeks before I circle it on his tailhole making him whimper and mew. It was so cute and made me even harder.

Resdayn: "P-please be gentle"

I was about to lick his tailhole to lube it up when suddenly the door opened and we were interupted by a messenger.

Messanger: "Oh.....s-sorry, sire, but Lucien has requested to see you"

I let out a sigh in frustration, this was not the first time we'd been interupted and it only got more annoying.

Nathaniel: "Fine......Tell him I shall be there shortly. Tell him nothing of what you saw"

Messanger: "I don't think I shall be telling anyone what I saw, sire"

The messanger left the room as I got off the bed and started to get dressed. Resdayn laid down on the bed and watched me with a disappointed expression on his face. It was obvious he wanted me to fuck him.

Nathaniel: "I'm sorry we were interupted, I'll have to finish this later"

Resdayn: "It's ok......I understand"

Nathaniel: "Father has been nothing but fair and kind to me, he taught and trained me to become a knight, a perfect warrior even though I am not his real son and now........"

I suddenly felt a great depression sweep over me, it consumed my entire body to the point where I just stood still with my head hanging, completely motionless. I think Resdayn could sense my pain as he came over and hugged me from behind for comfort.

Resdayn: "It's ok.......Everything will be ok. You've still got me"

I smiled and turned around so I could kiss my beautiful servant. He may be my servant, but he's also the one I love. My father is strong and proud, but he hasn't been the same since his wife died or so I heard. He's been very distant of of everyone including me and Jericho, but Resdayn took care of me and gave me the attention I needed. He's always been there for me, yet I cannot bring myself to confess my love. But I'll tell him my feelings one day. Anyway, after I got dressed I left my chambers and headed to the throne room where my father was. It was in the heart of the castle and heavily guarded by 12 elite soldiers. The best warriors our kingdom has to offer. Lucien was sat on the throne wearing royal clothes, his fur was old and grey, clearly showing his age. Jericho stood by his side, wearing ceremonial, golden armour. His fur was black with a few blue highlights. He glared at me as I came in, we had never seen eye-to-eye, he saw me as weak and imperfect of royalty because I was not pure born. My fur is grey and white, I am the product of a Husky and a Wolf so I am not pure-bred and therefore have no right or worth to be royalty. Yet Lucien has treated me as if I was his own. I looked around the throne room, it was a large circular room with 4 tall pillars coming out of the ground and placed symmetrically around the edges of the room. Long banners hung on the pillars, imprinted with our kingdom's symbol. I also saw Lord Aerix in the chambers, along with other lords or ladies representing the other factions. The only time the kingdoms gather like this is during times of great danger or peril in which they seek aid from the Canid Empire.

Aerix: "Lucien, all I require is 2 reqiments of soldiers to help keep the Dragons at bay. I have already lost half my kingdom to those creatures. They rape our women and our children become nothing more than food for those beasts. I beg of you, if my father's alliance means anything to you then you will help us"

Jericho then turned his cold stare at Aerix. Aerix was a Feline, they were smaller and weaker than Wolves, meaning my brother saw this as a chance to act proud and smug, as he acted higher than the other races.

Jericho: "How dare you speak to my father in such a manner, what makes you think you have the right to demand such a request. If your kingdom falls so be it, your race does seem to be more fitting as slaves. Especially that slut of yours"

Jericho had a smug grin as Aerix became angry. The Canid Empire was the strongest of all the kingdoms and therefore was given majority control of all the land. They had an army so large and strong that they could destroy every kingdom without any worry. But very few Kings chose this path of bloodshed, although sometimes you got a king like Jericho, smug, proud, stubborn......and ruthless. He was dangerous and if he was given the throne then all kingdoms would suffer.

Aerix: "Why you arrogant son of a......."

Aerix drew his sword and lunged at Jericho as the 12 elite guards drew their weapons and quickly surrounded Aerix as he quickly became face-to-face with Jericho, his blade pressing against Jericho's throat. That was fast, but then again Feline's made fast warriors, perfect for stealth and hit-and-run attacks.

Lucien: "AERIX!!!"

Aerix glared deeply into Jericho's eyes, as Jericho stared back with a smile on his face.

Jericho: "Go ahead, as soon as you even lay a scratch on me, these guards have the right to kill you and my father will have the right to declare war and seeing as I am soon to be in control, I'll personally see to it that you're made into a cum slave"

Aerix slowly stepped back and sheathed his sword.

Lucien: "Jericho, you will hold your tongue. You may be next in line but you do not sit upon this throne yet. You will do well to remember that"

Then to my surprise, Lucien turned his gaze to me.

Lucien: " an equal heir to the throne, what do you suggest we do?"

Suddenly I became the centre of attention as all eyes of every species locked onto me. This was somekind of had to be. But it was an easy choice.

Nathaniel: "Our army stationed here is large and strong enough to protect us from attack, it would not hurt to send a few hundered soldiers to aid Lord Aerix's kingdom"

Then all eyes went back to Lucien for approval.

Lucine: "We do indeed have more than enough soldiers, even the ones on call out to the other kingdoms are not required, and the Felines are indeed a worthy ally. Very well, Lord Aerix, you shall get your aid. General........"

Lucien began to discuss the arrangements with one of the Armie's Generals. Aerix's face lit up with joy as he smiled at me. My brother on the other hand had possible the most hate-filled expression I had ever seen. I honestly thought he was about to kill Lucien then and there to stop this decision.

Lucien: "Lord Aerix, the most we can spare for you are 200 soldiers at the most, they are all fully equipped and fully rested, upon your leave they shall journey with you back to your kingdom and shall remain under your command until death or they are called back, but until we need them back feel free to use them as you wish, but know this. They will only obey you if you are trying to defend your homeland. Do not try and abuse my gift, do NOT take the fight to the Dragons"

The atmosphere suddenly became very serious. My father had always been weary of Dragons, but he would not tell me why. He just told me they were dangerous barbarians that lived in clans, they took what they wanted regardless of the cost. And now it seemed they wanted power and land. Anyway, Aerix bowed his head respectively as my father looked upon me.

Lucien: "And Nathaniel, since you suggested this, you shall be my representitive to keep the soldiers in line. You shall journey to the Feline kingdom with Lord Aerix. Think of it as your final test into knighthood"

Nathaniel: "B-but father, I have just returned from a crusade, I require rest"

Lucien: "Fear not, I shall allow your servant to accompany you. So you will have some time to rest whilst your servant performs most of your tasks"

I bowed my head and accepted my responsibilities. I remaind in the throne room until my father was done accepting the requests of the other kingdoms as a sign of good faith. After that I went to the stables with Lord Aerix where Resdayn was waiting for us aswell as the 200 soldiers my father promised. We rode on horseback to the Feline kingdom in a certain formation, 4 collums of 50 soldiers with myself, Resdayn and Aerix at the front, leading the way. It was then that Aerix expressed his gratitude.

Aerix: "Nathaniel, I am very greatful that you agreed to aid me, you have no idea how desperate I am. And I do apologise for my outburst earlier"

Nathaniel: "It's ok, you've always been there for me and Resdayn. I'm just glad I could return the favor. But it does seem you care too much for your people"

Aerix: "Isn't that what a good ruler does?"

Nathaniel: "I guess. How is your father these days?"

Aerix: "His sickness seems to be getting worse. I don't think he'll make it to the end of the month"

Nathaniel: "I truely am sorry"

Aerix: "It's ok, it's just the way things are. Death is a aprt of life and nothing can change that. But I worry for the kingdom once your brother seizes power"

Nathaniel: "Seizes?"

Aerix: "You didn't see it? He has nothing but rage in his eyes. If you father does not step down soon......."

He went silent, but I knew what he wanted to say and he was right, Jericho was violent and ruthless, he'd do anything to achieve his goals and only war would follow if he sat upon the throne, but if that did happen then I have the right to challenge him for control, but he is stronger, bigger and tougher than me. I wouldn't last a second. But I was being pulled into something as there were eys set upon me, watching me and plotting against me and soon my life would come crashing down around me.

To Be Continued.......