The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 2

Story by Kennyisnath0 on SoFurry

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The plot thickens and we find out something disturbing about Jericho

Aerix is the character of aerix_spades

Resdayn is the character of resdayn

All other characters featured are my own.



The Origin of Shadow

Chapter 2

(Hidden Bloodlines and Secret Betrayals)

For many days I rode with Lord Aerix until we soon reached his Palace, the heart of his kingdom. Here he stationed 50 of the soldiers my father gave him. The rest, he made me lead to his front line settlements. But as strong as we were, Dragons were bred to kill and nothing more. Even Wolves had a hard time fighting them, should they unify their race as the rest of us have, then I think that they might even surpass the Canid Empire. I began to think of such things when Resdayn broke my trail of thoughts by riding next to me and gently leaning against me.

Resdayn: "Are you ok? You seem distracted"

Nathaniel: ", I'm fine. I was just thinking about something"

He licked my cheek softly and gave me a warm smile. We rode for many hours before reaching the first settlement and it was sundown before we reached the last, we needed to rest so we stopped at the last village, but I didn't like Resdayn being so close to the territorial borders of the Dragons. Although we had 30 good men left over, plus my own skills with a sword, but I had no practice against Dragons, they wore no armour as they had no need of any. Their scales are as tough as metal and their claws are as sharp as diamonds, plus even the smallest dragon can measure upto 10 feet tall, the largest one on record was a Dragon warlord and was about 19 feet tall. I ordered the soldiers to patrol the Village and protect the villagers whilst me and Resdayn rested in a hut. We lit a fire inside to keep us warm as I removed my armour and placed my sword down. Resdayn wore an undercloth and nothing more as he sat infront of the fire. I sat down next to him, cuddling him to keep him warm along with the fire. I loved being close to him like this. We snuggled together silently as we watched the fire dance about in the darkness. Resdayn closed his eyes and softly purred on my shoulder as I nuzzled him.

Nathaniel: "You're so cute"

I kissed him on his forehead and felt so joyful, like nothing could ruin this moment, but I suddenly felt something........something bad. My ears perked up and I looked around which made Resdayn worried.

Resdayn: "What's wrong?"

Nathaniel: "I don't know"

I got up and grabbed my sword before making my way to the door. I stepped outside and looked around in the dark and saw nothing.

Nathaniel: "Resdayn, stay here, I shall return"

I ventured out into the darkness, searching for whatever I sensed. I began to smell something foul in the air as I got closer and closer to the forest edge when I suddenly realized that the guard had vanished. I looked around to see if maybe I had passsed him, but no, he had dissapeared. So I continued to follow the scent which lead me to a bush. Every part of me was telling me to alert the guards and get back to Resdayn, but instead I looked behind the bush and saw the guard. He had his throat slit and his heart ripped out of his chest. The Dragons were here. I then ran back to the hut whilst alerting the guards. That's when Dragons began to suddenly burst out of some of the huts and attack the soldiers. This attack was organised, too organised for Dragons. Someone had to be behind this, but who and why? I needed to focus, Resdayn could be in trouble. I raced to the hut and burst through the door to see a Dragon pinning down my Tiger and trying to rape him. So I instant grabbed my sword off the floor and stabbed it through the Dragon's back, cutting his spine in half. After that Resdayn leapt up onto me and hugged me tightly as he cried. I held him in my arms and gently stroked his fur.

Nathaniel: "Come on, let's get out of here"

We were about to leave when I was suddenly punched in the face, making me fall to the ground as another Dragon grabbed Resdayn whilst another Dragon came in and held me down on my knees. I struggled and screamed in anger as a third Dragon entered the hut, this one wore more savage clothes than the rest. He had the skulls of his clan's enemies on him, bones of his victims and weapons forged from the same material. This had to be the clan leader.

Clan leader: "Well well, what do we have here?"

He stared down at me as I glared into his eyes.

Clan Leader: "You are Nathaniel, Lord Knight of the Canid Empire, I must say it is an honour.......and this....."

He looked at Resdayn.

Clan leader: "Who is this?"

Nathaniel: "He is no one you need to worry about, please let him go"

The clan leader chuckled and returned his sight to me.

Clan Leader: "You must take me for a fool, you both stink of each other. He's obviously your mate or the one who relieves you of your heat. But I had no idea you were like that. Then again I was also expecting a fight as promsied by the one who sent me here"

Nathaniel: "What? Who sent you?"

Clan leader: "The one who despises you above all others and this way he's sure to get the throne"

My eyes widened in disbelief. He was crazy, but not this crazy, or atleast I didn't think he was, but his lust for power was incredibly strong.

Nathaniel: "Jericho........Jericho sent you?"

Clan leader: "How else do you think we snuck up on you? But you should be more worried about your father.....and your little slut"

He walked over to Resdayn and began to gently touch his body making Resdayn blush and sturggle as the clan leader dragged his claws up and down Resdayn's chest.

Resdayn: "NO! G-GET OFF ME! HELP ME"

Clan Leader: "It's ok, you'll get use to my size.......after the first 10 fucks, that's if you're still alvie after the first one"

The other 2 Dragons laughed and made me watch as their leader began to lick and rub Resdayn as he cried and whimpered for me to save him. That's when it happened, I felt a fury inside me that I had never felt before, like some kind of feral instinct that was raging inside of me. Suddenly a bright red light filled my vision and I let out a scream as loud as I could. My body felt like it was on fire as I blacked out and when I woke up I was outside the hut with blood all over my paws and maw, I was also lying down on the ground with 2 soldiers standing over me.

Soldier: "Sire......are you ok?......Can you hear me?"

Nathaniel: "I can hear you.....what happened? How did I get out here?.......WAIT, RESDAYN!!!!"

I sat up quickly as one of the soldiers put their paw on my shoulder.

Soldier: "He's safe sire, we all are, thanks to you"

Ntahaniel: "Thanks to me?......what are you talking about?"

I looked around me to see a sight I was not ready for. I was surrounded by mutilated pieces of the Dragons that attacked us, they had been sliced, minced, torn to pieces, had their insides thrown all over the place and one had even had all it's scales torn off and jammed into it's throat. It suddenly got to me as I rolled over onto my paws and knees and threw up.

Nathaniel: "Who did this?"

The soldiers looked at each other in worry.

Soldier: "You did sire, don't you remember? You went crazy, it was like nothing I'd ever seen. You blocked their weapons with your bare paws and tore them to pieces with your teeth. Then once they began to retreat you passed out"

Nathaniel: "I remember nothing, it was like someone else had control over me, but I must warn my father"

I got up quickly, put my armour back on and leapt onto the nearest mount as the guards looked at me in confusion.

Guard: "What are you talking about?"

Nathaniel: "Warn Aerix and the other kingdoms, Jericho has betrayed us all and made an alliance with the Dragons, he's also going to kill me father so I must hurry, take Resdayn and all the surviving villagers to Aerix's palace, I shall arrive there within a week, if I don't then I want you to tell General Axtros to gather all the soldiers that you can and rally to Aerix's palace. I want you then to hold out as long as you can"

Guard: "Yes sire"

Nathaniel: "After that, it's upto Axtros"

I rode off as quickly as I could towards my father's castle, I didn't stop and I didn't rest until I reached the gates. After that I jumped off my horse and barged past the guards and charged towards the throne room, I finally reached the throne room and the doors were open. Then I saw my brother walking next to Lucien with a dagger behind his back.

Nathaniel: "FATHER!! GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!!"

They both turned to face me when suddenly Jericho grabbed father's neck and stabbed him in the back, forcing the blade through Lucien's chest, all the way upto the handle. I felt a pain inside me and so much sorrow as I suddenly charged at Jericho with my sword drawn. I was acting out of rage and anger which is why I thought it was a goos idea. Then suddenly Jericho threw me across the thrown room, just by waving his paw. He didn't even touch me. What the hell was going on? I crashed into the wall and fell to the floor.

Jericho: "You really are an idiot"

He walked over to me as I tried to get up, only he pinned me against the wall with his new mysterious powers. I couldn't move as he raised me to eye level.

Jericho: "So I see that Orash was too weak for you. But I will crush you"

Nathaniel: "W-WHY DID YOU DO THIS?"

Jericho: "You're being serious?.........Lucien was weak and you are a mongrel, Candis are the master race so I will lead us to glory"

Nathaniel: "You're insane!!"

He smiled and glared into my eyes.

Jericho: "Maybe so, but atleast I'm still going to be alive after this."

He flicked his hand at me as I was fired backwards through the wall and then another and another and so on until I was fired our of the back of the castle, off a cliff and I fell down a waterfall. My bones felt like they were all shattered, I still couldn't move and for the first time in my life I was afraid, what would happen to Resdayn? my friends? The kingdoms? Would General Axtros be able to stop my brother?..........There were too many questions and not enough time to answer them, as I knew the end was coming I slowly closed my eyes and braced myself for the inevitable.

Nathaniel: "Resdayn........I'm sorry"


To Be Continued.........