Chpt 10- A Night in Canterlot

Story by Lunar Stargazer on SoFurry

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#10 of MLP: A Hero's Rebirth

It was nearing nightfall when both Tom and the Alicorn princess decided to leave. The two climbed onto her chariot and took off into the fading hour of sunlight. The two pegasi headed high into the air and headed back towards Ponyville.

"Change of plans my good sirs. I would much rather return to Canterlot." Tom then looked to Celestia. "If you don't mind that is."

"Why would I mind." She then looked to the two guards pulling the chariot. "To Canterlot."

The two pegasi turned westward back to the capital city. By this time, Tom wanted to learn all he could about his past life. He needed to know just who he was and what was the purpose he was brought here for. He adored Twilight and was honored to have her as his instructor but there were just some things he had to find out on his own. When Celestia looked over to her human she could see he was in deep thought.

"Something on your mind?"

"Hmm? Oh I was just thinking, instead of finding out who I was or am as the case maybe. I just thought what better way to recover my memories quicker then to read about them."

"That is a very good way to go about it however reading about your own exploits I believe will not have any effect. Those accounts are written from another pony's perspective of your actions. Some details might have been left out, may it be do to time or lack of evidence."

"Well then you could tell me."

Celestia shook her head. "I could only be of help for the times we were together. There were times when you were sent out on missions of diplomacy and others of aggression. Those times I know nothing about because I was not with you. I know it is hard not knowing whom you were but it is the only way for you to know for certain about yourself."

Tom sighed. "Yeah I guess you're right. Still it was a thought." Celestia then leaned gently against his side and placed her head under his chin. Tom wrapped his arm over her and held her close. The two soldiers pulling the chariot saw this display of affection but said nothing. They were not about to question their princess's actions. She was wise beyond understanding so they figured that she knew what she was doing.

The sun was already set over the horizon when they landed just inside the caste courtyard. The two lovers dismount and walk up the path into the castle where they were met by Luna.

"Ah good evening little sister. I trust you slept well?"

"Indeed we did dear sister thank thou for asking." She then looked to Tom. "Will thou be staying with us again our dear friend?"

Tom nodded. "Yes I figured I would alternate between Canterlot and Ponyville. This way I would still keep in contact with my friends in both places. At least this way nopony feels left out. Besides, it's a longer flight to Ponyville anyhow, Twilight knows I left with Celestia so she won't worry. That is I hope she won't."

"Hath thou received thy invitation to the Gala in less then a week's time?"

"Indeed I did. When Rarity found out about it she became hysterical and told me I just had to come by her shop so that she could make me a suit to wear. I am not one to be wearing a penguin suit so I asked her to just make a vest for the top, something tasteful but not too over the top."

All three friends laughed at the thought of Tom being dragged off to be fitted for a suit.

"At any rate, sister might we be inclined to borrow your stallion for a bit?"

Tom and Celestia looked at each other before looking back to Luna. "Of course you can Luna, he is just as much my closest friend as he is yours." She then nuzzled Tom cheek and spoke in a hushed tone. "I'll be waiting for you my stud."

Celestia then trots off back into the castle, leaving the night princess and him alone.

"So princess what was it you wanted me for?"

"We have need of thy help. Their is a patch of flowers that hath not bloomed."

Tom was not sure what he could do but he would give it a shot. He nodded in acceptance and followed Luna closely as she lead him around to the side of the castle. On the side just next to the north tower were a small patch of flowers that were closed up.

"How long have they been like this?"

"A forth night it would seem. Sister and I have thought of ways to make them bloom but nothing hath worked thus far."

Tom gently too one of the budded flowers into his hands and lightly ran his fingers over them. His mind wondered what kind of flower would not bloom even in daylight. Then the thought occured to him.

"They are night blooming flowers. They need the light of the moon and stars to open. There are some types of insects that help these flowers thrive."

"But we have tried that and it did not happen."

"Did you make sure that the moon was just overhead?"

"Ye... no."

Tom chuckled and shook his head. "Well there is your answer. We have the same type of flowers on Earth. They are nicknamed 'Midnight flowers' because they won't open unless the moons rays are just right."

"We see, we will have to wait and confirm this statement.."

"Well I hope it goes good Luna. I should be heading in, your sister is waiting for me."

"One more thing our dearest friend. We wish to know something."

Tom shrugged. "Ask away Luna."

"Our sister. Her heat will be coming in soon and we thought it would be proper to tell thee. We believe that our sister as strange as it may sound wishes to have a foal with thee."

Well this was a bit of a shock. He had only been in Equestria for little less then a week. He realized that he was at one point Lunar Star and that he loved Celestia deeply but a foal? Was that even possible?

"Are you certain of this Luna?"

The Alicorn nodded her head. "Quite certain."

Tom rubbed his head and gave a nervous laugh. "Huh a kid you say? That's a new one. When is her heat?"

"In three weeks time."

The two friends conversed for a time longer on the subject.

Tom waved the dark Alicorn and walked back around to the front of the castle and inside. Using a spell Twilight had taught him he made himself invisible if he didn't move. So he ran the risk of being spotted if he made even the slightest movement. Still it served its purpose as he made his way through the dark corridors, evading the guards. "Gods I feel like I'm in Medal Gear Solid."

It took him a little bit to enter the hall with Celestia's bed chambers in it. When he looked he saw to guards standing watch. "Course right." Using the flight spell that had not yet wore off he flew above the two guards and floated above them. "Hmm.. how to get them to move." His mind then returned to the day he and Luna spooked Celestia when they were small. But seeing a ghost might not work with a unicorn standing there.

"I got it."

Using his magic he created a copy of himself coming up the hall as soon as he was spotted, both guards turned and tried to stop the illusion. But it walked right past them and through Celestia's bedroom doors. The guards instinctivly followed and opened the doors, allowing Tom to float right in.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"We are deeply sorry your highness but we seen a figure come in here."

Celestia was puzzled. "What figure?"

The guards went about what had happened, when they got to discribing the figure Celestia knew who it was. "Do not concern yourselves, it was probably Luna just playing a prank. Now return to your post." Once they had left and shut the door, Celestia looked up overhead.

"That was not a nice thing you did Lunar."

Tom drifts down from the shadows and lands before her. "How else was I to get in. Incase you didn't notice Tia, there were two guards at your door, they would have locked me up without a word."

"You could have easily gotten out of there if you wanted to."

Tom shook his head and walked to the fire place. "I could have perhaps. But where would the fun be in that?"

Celestia soon joins him by his side and leaned gently against him. Tom could not help but feel her love and that of her sister. The two along with Twilight and her friends had helped him through this rough time. "My life has changed so much in these last few days then all the years I spent on Earth. Truly whatever force brought me here, I am thankful."

"As am I. I had often wondered what our lives might have been like where the fates been kinder.

Tom shook his head. "Things happen for a reason Celestia. We can spend all our lives trying to figure out why things happen the way they do and never find out."

Celestia then nibbled sweetly upon his neck and smiled. "Well why worry about it now when we know our fate tonight."

Tom chuckled softly. "You insatiable you know that?"

Celestia giggled as she turned around and ran her tail under his chin, making her way to the bed. "With over a thousand years without you, I am making up for lost time."

Tom chuckled and turned to watch the princess remove her jewelry and again being the royal and proper pony she is, set them in their places on her dresser. Tom had removed the shirt that Rarity had made for him and placed it to the side of the bed. He removed his boots and pants, only left in his boxers now he climbed up onto the bed before he was pushed onto his back and sat upon by the princess. He smiled to her.

"So princess you have your prisoner, what do you plan to do with him?"

"Oh you are no where near my prisoner. However there is something I wished to do." She rose up off him and turned around before once again laying upon his body. Again using the same spell as before she casts it so that no pony could hear them but as an added precaution she made sure to lock the door.

All the while the white mare's puffy lips sitting right in front of the humans face. With an evil grin and leans up and runs his tongue from the base to the tip just near her tight pucker, this made her arch her head up and elected a gasp and moan from the mare sitting above him. Celestia trembles from the pleasure her human lover is giving to her. Not wanting him to feel left out and eyeing the bulge under his boxers, the princess nuzzled his boxers down past his thighs and seen as his erection sprang to life.

She eyes his cock at first, examining it as she continues to shudder and pant from the human's tongue lashing to her now moist sex. Without taking another thought on the matter she runs her tongue up from the base of his shaft right to the tip. This made Tom squirm a little to which Celestia grinned but then moaned out as he pulled apart her puffy lips and ran his tongue along the pink inner flesh. Not wanting to be out done, the mare lowered her head and engulfed his member into her muzzle and started to suckle upon it, lightly bobbing her head.

This made Tom's efforts even more pressing. What started out as a night of passion soon became a game of 'who could could make who cum first'. Still it was all in good fun and that's all that mattered right?

Celestia lowered her muzzle further down the human's cock till her nose touched his sack and she pulled her muzzle back up slowly. Tom on the other hoof dipped his tongue into her wanton flower and licked the very inner sanctum of his lovers sex. Each continued to one up the other, all the while their moans and cries of pleasure echoed into the room.

Soon enough however the princess could not take anymore of her lover's tongue bathing and released his cock from her mouth and moaned into the night. Her head arched up and her wings went stiff. She could not help but moan out his name as she came. Panting softly she looked over her shoulder to her love still face buried with her dripping sex.

"Oh Lunar you sure know how to show a mare a good time."

Tom chuckled. "Was there ever any doubt, but I must say you don't seem at all ready to surrender just yet."

"Hmm maybe if drilled me for a time I might just consider defeat."

Sliding his way out from under her, Tom propped himself up onto his knees behind Celestia and rubbed the tip of his cock just passed her outer lips to which the princess gave a shudder. She looked back over her shoulder to him and half -lid her eyes, giving her more of a sultry look.

"If you don't put it in I will do it myself."

"Oh ho is that a threat." Before he could react he felt a grip wrap around his memeber and give it a firm squeeze.

"That's a promise."

Not wanting to forgo any longer he obliged the princess and pushed forward, sinking his hard cock deep into his lover's body. Celestia had again moan out into the night but was caught by her lovers lips. Their kiss muffling most of the groans and grunt from their union as the human began to slide back and forth within the confines of her moist inner walls. Upon breaking their passionate kiss the two lean there foreheads against one another and pant heavily.

Because she had came earlier, Celestia was more sensitive this time around and it felt like her body was on fire. She loved ever moment of their love-making. It just set her spirit ablaze like nothing else could.

"Oh yes Lunar. Oh please don't stop."

Hearing her request, he didn't. He continued his long hard thrust in and out of her dripping snatch. Every so often coming in contact with her cervix which made the princess moan in ways he never thought about. Her soft velvety walls caressing his shaft. The rippling of her muscles near made him cum then and there but he groaned to stop himself which made his cock throb all the more and lightly spread her wider, elected a gasp from the mare.

Slaps of flesh connecting with flesh rose into the air but the noises were soon increased as Tom sped up his thrusting motion.

"Oh yes, harder, deeper."

Again he was happy to oblige her and did as she asked, making his thrust that much harder and hilted against her so that they were that much deeper. Each deep thrust making the princess whinny with delight.

It did not take long however till Tom could feel that familiar tightness that came with an orgasm. Celestia could feel it too because her second was coming on and fast. The more her lover pounded her, the more closer she drew till she could not hold it anymore and moan out into the room.

"Oh Lunar!"

Her warm fluids coating his shaft and pushed Tom over the edge as he too came deep within there mare before him. Nothing could ever beat this, nothing. Celestia quivered as her stallion filled her with his essence and laid on her side. Tom pulled free from her and laid beside her. Celestia pressed back against him, spooning him. Tom used his magic and drew the cover up and over them to hide there act along with his nakedness.

"Sweet dreams my sun goddess."

"Sleep well my dark knight."

It was not till hours into the night that Tom awoke once more. He looked about himself and saw the sleeping Celestia before him. Smiling to himself he kissed her cheek and slowly slid himself from the bed so was not to wake her. He moved to the front of the bed and grabbed his boxers, putting them on. He then walked out to the balcony that was connected to Celestia's room. He looked up into the starry sky and sigh, folding his arms over his chest.

"My memories may not have fully returned and the thoughts of my Earthly home still linger within my mind but..." He turned and looked at Celestia. "I fell at peace here, Like I have finally been brought back home." He then looked up to the night sky. "I'm not sure whom you are or if you can even hear me but I want to say thank you, Thank you for bringing me back home, where I belong." He then walks back into the room and climbed back into the bed behind Celestia and allowed sleep to take him once more.