The Cold Wastes

Story by Mattspew on SoFurry

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Here's some sci-fi cyberpunk furry smut for you nerds :)

Might make the next one. I'll need some influence first, not going to write it if no one's going to read it.

Zaluu panted heavily. He was well trained, but never had he ran this far and long before, and never in such weather. The snow leopard was glad that the frozen water was falling from the sky, it helped obscure his body. He had never triggered an alarm before, never in his whole life. He shoved his paw into the left pocket of his white cargo pants; the package was still there. He was relieved to know that this was not all for nothing, but his body still ached from the biting cold. He knew he would not last long out here. He had been running for a few hours in the northern Siberian landscape, sprinting from the Federation's capitol. There was no cover here, just a few trees dotting the land that Zaluu could see. In the distance, there was a tree that stood higher than the rest. Its branches reached far and low, enough to keep the trunk protected from the snow. This was the best that Zaluu would be getting; hopefully the sentries would not see him. He ran the stretch of land, roughly half of a mile, crashing through the branches of the great pine. As he suspected, the interior was dry, and surprisingly not as full of the tree's arms as Zaluu would have expected. The leopard sighed, relieved that he could rest his cold body. He dodged the branches, and upon finding a clearing, sat against the trunk of his temporary shelter. As he relaxed against the strong wood, he watched his breath fade into the higher levels of the tree. Safe, at last, at least for the time being. His hand wandered to his left pocket again, dragging out the package with it. It was a small envelope, labeled in Russian, carrying what felt like a miniature data storage device and a slip of paper. He stared at it for some time. He was risking his life to bring this to the local resistance, and yet he cannot even open it to see how it could help? Better to not ask questions like that. If the higher-ups want it to be unknown to the public, which included couriers such as Zaluu, it is probably extremely important. And why send in a small army which would get murdered in less than a minute to retrieve it when one could send in a single sneaky courier who is damned good at his job? The choice was obvious, but Zaluu still did not like it. At least he was being paid a very large sum of credits for this assignment. He heard something. Off in the distance, he could hear the whine of hover bikes. He leaned forward, looking through the foliage that surrounded him. Three Federation scouts riding towards the tree! Zaluu cursed silently and pulled his pistol and its suppressor out of its holster, screwing the tube to the end of the firearm quickly. He aimed towards the trio, but did not fire. They slowly approached, their black and gray uniforms becoming more and more visible. The roar of their engines deafened Zaluu's sensitive ears, and they crept back in discomfort. They were upon him now, but to the snow leopard's surprise, they shot like rockets past him. He maneuvered around the trunk, keeping them in sight until their silhouettes were invisible in the dropping ice. He chuckled slightly, realizing that they had not found him, but were still looking for him. Now that he had some time on his hands, he would make sure that they would not find his shelter. He took off his white backpack, unzipping the main compartment as he put it down on the ground. He pulled out a mobile heat transmitter and an invisi-globe. He clicked on the lamp-sized MHT, and he noticed almost instantaneously that the air around him was increasing in temperature. Resting it in front of him, he clicked on the invisi-globe and said "One and a quarter meters." The ball beeped in compliance, and started humming softly. If someone was outside, all they would see is a dull, blended camouflage, and all thermal emissions would be hidden. Zaluu and the space around him was now, for the most part, invisible. He laid the invisi-globe by the MHT, and reaching again into his pack, grasped a small cell phone. He clicked it on and punched a few keys on the interface: 'Package retrieved. In snow storm, will be in Hong Kong in three days.' He sent the message to his superiors. Hopefully they will receive it through the interference of the soon-to-be blizzard. Zaluu knew this would happen; the storm has been getting worse over the past two days. He might have to stay in the safety of the tree for a while.

MREs never were Zaluu's idea of a filling dinner, but it was all he had. Steak and mashed potatoes, imported from the United Cities of America, from the other side of the world. They smelt fresh, but the taste of the rubbery beef and stale potatoes proved otherwise. It kept his hunger at bay though. He sighed, closing his eyes as he analyzed today. His entry into the president's home was easy enough, just entering through the top and shuffling through the air vents until he was in the presidential office. The package was under the desk, but there must have been a sensor inside the envelope, because as soon as he left the office, he heard alarms sound all around him. Only a few people saw him, and luckily, they were not carrying firearms. They were dressed in suits; they must have been diplomats coming to pay the president to spare their respective countries. Other than triggering the alarm and needing to run to escape the sentries, the mission was successful. Now all that Zaluu needed to do was bring the package back to the Hong Kong Monorail so he could deliver it to the resistance representative. In the meantime, however, he would need to stay here until the storm lightened in its ferocity. The snow blew harder than earlier in the night sky, and although the MHT kept the area fairly hot, there was still a slight nip in the air. He exhaled, noticing that no cloud rose from his mouth. He listened to the winds blowing through and outside of the tree. That was the only sound in the snowy wastelands, much unlike the rest of the world. It was very hard for Zaluu to imagine a place as desolate as this. Most of the world was covered with massive cities or huge power stations. The northern regions of Siberia were of the few places on Earth that had almost nothing in its borders. Out here, Zaluu was alone. The snow leopard felt a tingling in his loins. He had to urinate. His paw reached into his backpack, which now rested at his side, and pulled out a urinary filter device. He placed it outside of the bag, careful to not let it drop. His paws unzipped his pants and brought them to his knees, exposing his genitalia to the open air. He grasped the UFD and pulled a hose out of the top. He pulled off the cap and rubbed the end of the tube to make sure it was smooth and soft. He brought its end to his sheath, slowly slipping it inside. A soft but long moan escaped Zaluu's maw as he felt the rubber pipe go into his body. It was two centimeters inside his manhood, and he released the pressure in his bladder. He rested his head back as his urine raced through the long tube and into the UFD filtration system. His mouth hung open, tongue lolling out, glad to be feeling one of the more simpler pleasures in life. He had not had a chance to release himself during the whole day, as he was unwilling to show any sign that he was approaching to the sentries that surrounded the Federation's capitol. This was a chance that he gladly seized. The last of his waste had left his bladder, and he felt a slight tug from the tube as a vacuum sucked the rest of his urine into the bottle. He pulled out the pipe, replacing the lid and carefully pushing the hose into the UFD. When the bottle came in contact with the lid, it clicked as the filtration system started breaking down the chemical make-up of the piss. He bent forward, grabbing his jeans waist line, and was about to bring it to his own waist when he felt his stomach get poked. He sat back against the tree trunk and looked down. His feline member stuck out of his sheath, glistening in the light of the MHT. He must have become excited while enjoying the release he had just experienced. He exhaled softly. No one was around for miles, no one would catch him if he decided to do something about this growth. He smiled to himself, it had been years since he had considered doing such a thing to himself. His left hand grasped his spiked manhood, clawing the tip softly with his right paws forefinger. Zaluu chuckled as he felt himself thrust into his hand slightly. His claw circled around his spiked head, making the leopards mouth gape in a silent gasp. The hand that held his shaft now moved to his scrotum, softly caressing along his testicles, squeezing both of them every few seconds. His right paw wrapped its fingers around the feline obelisk, softly jerking it towards the tree's canopy. A soft squeal moved from Zaluu's throat into the warm air, and wet pre-ejaculate leaked onto his digits. He squeezed his balls longer and more often; he always liked how it felt when strong hands gripped his testes. He moved his hand along his shaft faster, smiling lustily as his paw rubbed against the barbs that decorated his penis. He kicked off his pants and spread his legs, revealing his nether regions to the tree's air. His left hand moved downward, past his sack and to his anus. He teased himself, caressing the pink hole with his soft finger pads. Quickly, he dipped one of his fingers in the small pool of pre that formed in his other hand, bringing the dripping digit back to his hole, lubricating and preparing the sphincter for entry. The leopard meowed quietly as he felt his finger slowly penetrate deep into hisself. Biting his lower lip, he jerked his cock faster, simultaneously fingering himself. He could feel his climax coming, and although surprised that it was coming so quickly, he gladly embraced the idea of the culmination of his masturbation. He could feel it coming, closer and closer. His anus clenched tight on his finger, the pleasure influencing every part of his body to prepare for ecstacy. Suddenly, like a bullet from a gun, his seed shot ferociously from his shaft, coating his canvas hoodie with thick strings of semen. He yelped an unrestricted gasp as he felt his come pulse out through his urethra. He stopped stroking himself, enjoying his intensely gratifying afterglow. A minute passed by, and he slowly parted his hands from his body, his ass clenching tight as his pervasive finger left his innards. All this enjoyment had left him thirsty, as could be felt from his dry throat. He snatched the UFD, and pulled off the top of the device. With the filter removed, it was just a cup, so Zaluu brought the rim to his lips and chugged what used to be his liquid waste, but was now crisp, clean water. The cup left his mouth, and he sighed, satisfied with how he spent his evening, and in a lust-fulfilled stupor, fell asleep against the trunk, not bothering to replace the lid.


"He's still alive. Should we kill him?" "No. He could be part of the resistance." "He could also be part of the Federation." "Not likely. No Federation man in his right mind would go to the middle of the tundra just to have a wank when he could just go to the local biological center. Then again, nor would anyone in their right mind. But either way, he's not wearing a Federation uniform." "I guess we'll be taking him back then?" "Not much we can do other than that. Poor lad'll freeze to death, look at his heater; it's almost out of power. Get a sack and put all his stuff in it. He looks like he's in a really deep sleep, so I'll just carry him onto the truck." "You're going to get cat come all over you, mate." "Yeah, well, I never fancied this jacket anyway."