Coming Out: Part 2

Story by coke on SoFurry

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I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to go with this and if I do keep going I know that not every section will have sex in it (sorry). I do know that there's one more portion I want to add to this but it may be a little slower in coming because I'm not really sure where I want to go with it.

Like I said in Part 1, this one will be more playful since it's 140% fiction. (SPOILER ALERT) This is pure fantasy but I do think I may have just figured out my way to propose and the design of the ring I want, if I ever get a guy worth keeping my whole life. If someone wanted to maybe sketch up that portion, I wouldn't be opposed to seeing it. ;)

When I awoke he was still holding me, I tilted my head up to see him looking at me. "So, How was your trip?"

"Exhausting, but I did manage to get you something special."

"Oh yeah, what is it?"

"Well, it would probably be better if I just showed you. But it's in my bag."

"You'll just have to tell me about it because you're not getting up."

"Oh yeah? I seem to remember me picking you up pretty easily a little earlier this evening." He then lifted me up as he stood up and carried me over to where he sat his bag down. He got down on his knees and started rummaging through his bag. As he was down there I walked up behind him and started rubbing his shoulders. He let a moan out as he relaxed under my touch, still digging into his bag he finally pulled out a small cardboard box. Shaking free of my grip he turned to me, still on his knees and presented it to me.

"What is it?"

"Open it and find out."

Slowly, nervously, I opened the box to reveal white tissue paper. Pull on the tissue paper revealed a small statuette. A dark brown castle spire stood wrapped in a shimmering red dragon. Glass like wings spread wide above the crowning roof of the spire revealed a set of claws holding two concentric circles of a shiny metal. "This is gorgeous."

"You like it? Take a closer look"

Doing as he said I took a closer look at the dragon and the treasure. I looked at the claws holding the circles in place and realized that instead of being wrapped around them, the circles were merely snapped in place as if the claws were only for storage. Inside the smaller one there was some sort of scratching or engraving. That's about the time it dawned on me that they weren't just circles of precious metal protected by the dragon, they were rings. A matching set of rings, smooth on the edges but looking like a series of crosshatched or braided strands of white gold. In the gaps made between the bands and the braids were set blood red Rubies and midnight blue sapphires. The smaller one, I could see was engraved with the initials D&J, looked like it would fit my finger perfectly. Reaching up his hand Drake took the statue allowing me to pull free the rings. He then set the statue down and took the rings from my hand.

As he placed the smaller one on my finger "Jay, will you marry me?"

With new tears streaming down my face I couldn't bring myself to talk but managed to nod in the affirmative. Standing up I placed the larger ring on his finger and then placed my arms around his neck pulling him into a deep kiss. I felt his hands move slowly down my back and reached down to my ass. As soon as he started to squeeze my cheeks, with a slight jump I wrapped my legs around his waist, and once again he was carrying me. He walked slowly, deliberately towards the bedroom never breaking our kiss. Upon reaching the bedroom he only broke our kiss long enough to lay me down on the bed and remove the rest of his clothing. He kept the ring on and slowly started to crawl his way up the foot of the bed, kissing my body starting at my waist and making his way back up to my face. Once he reached my face he kissed me on the lips again and again, slowly rotating us around to where I was laying on top of him. We continued to make out for what seemed like hours while he ran his hands up and down my back then finally rested them on my thighs. I sat up resting on his hips. His hands moved from my thighs to my belt and he deftly removed it and undid my jeans. I took off my shirt while he did this and then laid back down on top of him and kissed him again. This time while we were making out instead of running his hands down my back he slowly pushed my pants down below my butt and started massaging and spreading my cheeks.

Slowly standing up on the bed with on foot on each side of his body I slowly removed my jeans and underwear. Now standing above my amazing boyfriend, no wait my fiancée, I looked down on the most amazing body that no human could ever come close to matching. A strong muscular chest led down to a washboard stomach, his entire body covered in short black fur with the exception of a white diamond that formed just below his neckline and ran down to the spot between his pecks. I turned around and started to sit down on his chest, placing my balls right on that point. Leaning forward I reached for his pants and began to undo them. Pushing his pants and underwear down below his balls he deftly kicked them off without disturbing me as I began to work my tongue into his furry sheath. Shortly after pushing my tongue into his sheath I felt his hot breath on my back side. Knowing what was coming I willed myself not to cum right then and there as his own long tongue snaked up my ass crack, focusing all of his attention on my puckered hole. I continued to use my tongue until finally I was rewarded with his cock starting to work itself out of his sheath. He still slathered my backside with his tongue and I was beginning to find it hard to breath. As his cock extended from his sheath I took the red hot poker into my mouth. With my free hands I started massaging his massive balls and sheath. As his cock extended I felt him pull my own body up his chest until he was able to get my cock into his mouth. I was still sucking on my juicy red lollipop when his knot extended fully. I quickly grabbed onto his knot as he sucked my cock into his warm mouth. I suckled on his cock, swallowing as much of the sweet nectar as I could. Finally unable to contain myself any longer I unloaded my own juices into his waiting mouth. Several large streams jetted out of my straining cock and down his eager throat. Instead of dropping my cock from his mouth and enjoying the sensations of my mouth and hands on his; he kept me in his mouth continually running his tongue around it. My super sensitive cock was never allowed to go soft as he began working on my second orgasm of the night. Me still fully aware of his first as it continued to pump into my mouth. Eventually I felt his knot begin to shrink in my hand and I tried to keep his cock in me as long as possible. He wouldn't let me follow it too far because he was still sucking and licking at my now throbbing member. Once my lips could no longer reach their prize I buried my face in his stomach as the pressures of a second orgasm raced through my balls. I exploded into his mouth for a second time, nearly passing out from the pleasure.

After allowing me to come down from my second orgasm he grabbed my arm and started pulling on it, twisting me around to where we were both facing the same way. Wrapping myself around his strong body I rested my head on his strong chest. Hearing his heartbeat in my head was very relaxing and before long I found myself dozing off for the second time that night.