A Fortune in the Cards

Story by lunar wolf on SoFurry

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hello my name is soul and this is my life, well part of it

(usual disclaimer stuff you i am sure see on other stories i didnt steal stuff from others i mearly let my mind work any collisions in stories and charecters are coincidental and not my fault, if you are offended grow up its a story)

it would be a lie to start at the begining because i dont know it, i was born like normal wolves my mother and father loved eachother very much and they had me. i was a Seer, or fourtune teller, i used my abilities to help my now dwindling suply of friends, my father died while i was young and my mother and i were then outcasts, mom never marying again. now before i spill my life story i'll describe myself to you. i didnt seem to have a main color i had a black streak down my spine encasing my tail until a white tuft hit the end, the only other part of me that was black was my hind paws, my forepaws were brown allong with my arms the colors were the same on my back, white covered my chest so you could call that my main color, anyway brown circled my eyes the top part of my head was black with the exception of my left ear that was brown, my eyes were green and i hope that describes me enough.

well my name is Soul but the pack and other people i happen to meet call me Cards because of my abilities, i can see your aura i cant interpret it but i can tell you if you are lieing from it, my cards and runes, rocks that have symbols on them basically for those who dont know, tell me the future that i try and tell others when they ask but my items i havent masterd they tell me what i need to know and i jumble and slurr a half right prediction. ok that being said i finally got one to come true.

the day started like normal i woke and light my wakeing up herbs to help make my energy flow and encourage me to wake up, my mother had died of heart failure when i was ten so if we think i was an outcast before look at me now. anyway i got dressed like normal grabbing my loincloth and my armband, both made of leather, beads and feathers hung from the arm band decorated in symbols only Seers could read, i moved out of my tent and into another wolf. "what do you want?" i asked looking him over a large completly black wolf named Skyy, he was muscular unlike me he was completly sculpted i mearly was strong enough to look good, he and i were the same height about 5'9''

"i said what do you want?" i asked but he shook his head and apeared to be out of a day dream

"i wanted you to tell me my fortune i want to know who i was to mate" he said plainly. so i grabbed my deck completly not regestering the fact that it was almost mateing season.

i spread the cards out looking them over and the prediction was overwhelmong "impossable" i said taking the cards and re shuffling them but no matter how many times i shuffled and re spread the cards the same cards fell in the same spot iving me the same reading.

"what does it say?" he asked finally bored of waiting to hear something other than my incohearent babbling and the repeated word impossable

"it said that you will mate with Skars" i said hastilly

"Skars?" he repeated "you mean Sara the emotional basket case" he said clearly dissapointed. i moved

"well that dosent mean its correct it just means... who did you want it to say?" i asked but he looked at me

"you" he said rather plainly stareing at me with those deep blue eyes.

i smiled luccally fur hid blushing as i felt my face warm "why me?" i asked.

he pulled me into a hug "i am attracted to you, you are the only one that can see me on the inside" he said "and i can see that you wish to be with me aswell" he said licking over my muzzle.

"but..." my words were cut off as he slipped his hand behind my head pulling me into a kiss. i closed my eyes and shivers flew up my spine he moved lower his hands tugging my loincloth strap off and i lay exposed to his view. he picked me up and carried me inside

"will you have me as your mate?" he asked but i was already starting to undo his clothing in response. i knelt before himlooking at his shieth as i grasped his sac in my hands makeing him whimper as i moved them about

"what does my mate want?" i asked but he mearly whimpered as i played with his shieth exposing his long reddening cock to the air. i licked it and took him into my muzzle his grip on my shoulder tightened as i began to suck holding his body in place with my hands as pre flooded my mouth and i swallowed all of it. he began to try and buck but i held him firm as he threw his head back and howled filling my mouth with his seed. "will you be mine forever?" i asked him and he smiled

"i will my love as long as you are mine."

next thing i know he was laying me down licking at my shieth he looked into my eyes and i smiled "there is oil on the dresser" i said and he moved for a blink of an eye he was back to my side lapping and nipping my shieth exposing my cock to him.

"and now i will take you" he said as i felt cold oil drip over my stiffening cock as he stood over me he slid himself over my shaft makeing me whimper and buck into him he mearly smiled "thats it" he said as he grasped my nipples and licked my muzzle making me squirm as he rode me my knot hitting his pucker and with a grunt he squeezed it into him tieing me with him "now then fill your mate" he said making me moan as he rocked me faster until i couldnt take it anymore i howled and cut loose filling him with my essence. and we lay together him twisting to we were both on our sides until my knot was finally deflated enough to pop out of him. and then it was my turn again he rolled me over and started to play with me again as he lined himself up with my tailhole "and now i take you my love" he said starting to poke into me his lubricated shaft poking in to me with ease. i moaned when he hilted me enjoying each second wishing the feeling would never go away as i felt his knot pop into my rump letting me know we were almost done. as soon as i thought that i was being fondled "we go together" he said licking the back of my neck. and as abrupthly as it startedwe threw our heads back and howled our songs filling the air "i guess your deck was wrong again" he said but i just smiled. i was finally right for a change

lunar wolf