Chapter 4: Bonds are made

Story by Bloodgod245 on SoFurry

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#4 of Spyro: Light shall triumph

My fourth story of the series. In the last story our hero's went to the crashed shuttle to see if anything could be salvaged. What they found was that Galinoth may not be the only survivor. Galinoth located the signal in Tall plains which spyro had previously visited to rescue Cyril, the ice dragon. Also Spyro and Cynder announced there love to each other.

Chapter 4: Bonds are made.

Our hero's were stunned when they found Galinoth's mate, Naomi in Tall plains.

This revelation had mad Galinoth happier then he had been.

"I'm so happy for you two." Cynder said.

"Thank you for taking care of her cane." Galinoth said.

"Hey, anytime for a friend of Spyro." He replied.

By this time a few minutes had passed and Naomi finally stopped crying and managed to gather her wits about this sudden joy.

"Are there any other survivors?" she asked.

"So far as I know, we are the only ones." Replied Galinoth.

"How many died?" she asked.

"So far as I know 512 were aboard the fury when it was destroyed." He replied.

"Oh god no......" Was the only thing she said before tears began to appear again.

"Is there anything you want me to gather from the escape pod before we leave for the temple?" asked Galinoth.

"The temple?" Naomi asked quizzically.

"The dragon temple where my two friends here live." Replied Galinoth.

"There is the ZPM in the power systems, but im not sure how much power it has.

There is also my body armour and my raptor." Naomi said.

"Ok, I'll go get them." "Cane can you take me to the place where you found her please?" asked Galinoth.

"Sure thing." Cane replied.

"Thank you. Cynder will you stay here with Naomi while me and Spyro go and get her things please?" asked Galinoth.

"Sure" replied Cynder.

After a few minutes of walking they had arrived at the crash site where Naomi was found. After collecting her things and determining the ZPM was nearly at full capacity they headed back. Cane was called away by another member of his tribe so they made there own way back. While they did so Galinoth talked to Spyro.

"Spyro, it's not my place to say this but you love Cynder don't you?" asked Galinoth.

"What makes you say that?" Spyro replied defensively.

"My people can pick up the emotions of others, and the one I read when you're around Cynder is not just friendship, its something deeper" replied Galinoth.

"I suppose I can tell you, yes me and Cynder love each other." Spyro said.

"Just like I love Naomi?" Galinoth asked.

"Just like you two, yes." Replied Spyro.

They made there way back to the chamber when they got there it was quite. They looked into the chamber where Cynder and Naomi were and found that they had both nodded off to sleep.

"Come on sleepy heads we've got to go now." Spyro said.

"I was having the most wonderful dream." Said Cynder

"Me too." Naomi Agreed.

"I bet you were, anyway Naomi can you fly yet? Asked Galinoth.

"I'm afraid not, my left wing was shredded when the pod crashed here. They did let me explore there land, and guess what I found?" she said with a mischievous grin.

"What?" asked Galinoth.

"A shuttle." She replied.

"You found a shuttle?" Galinoth asked.

"Yes and guess what, it's intact. No battle damage, nothing." She replied eagerly.

"Well we can use that to get back to the temple then." Galinoth said.

"That's a good idea then, since she can't fly yet." Cynder agreed.

After leaving the chamber they ventured to the shuttle. It took them a few minutes to get there. When they arrived there they found cane waiting.

"Your off then I suppose?" he asked.

"Yes we are." Replied spyro.

"I wish you well on your journey then." Cane said.

"Again, I thank you for taking care of Naomi for me." Galinoth said.

"No problem." Replied Cane.

After there farewell everyone boarded the shuttle. Galinoth used the ZPM from his shuttle to power this one. When it was connected to the power interface they set of for the temple. If they flew back the journey would've taken hours. But using the shuttle they arrived back at the temple inside an hour.

At the sound of the strange noise the guardians raced outside to see what it was. When they looked up they saw another shuttle bearing our heroes. When the ramp came down they all walked out of the shuttle.

"Welcome back young Dragons." Ignitus greeted them at the temple doors.

"Is this what you were looking for then?" asked Cyril.

"This is what Galinoth would call a "bonus find". He found something more valuable to him then anything else." Spyro replied.

"And what would that be?" Volteer asked.

"He found his mate." Replied Cynder.

"His mate?" Terrador asked.

"Yes, my mate." Replied Galinoth.

What the guardians saw was a beautiful red dragon walking with Galinoth.

Her red scales reflected the light in a way that made her look like the sun itself.

"It's an honour to meet you." Ignitus said

"The honour is mine." Replied the dragoness.

"What is your name?" asked Cyril.

"My name is Naomi of the guardians." She replied.

With introductions over every one decide to head inside the temple and sleep because the journey to tall plains and back had taken most of the day. While the others rested Spyro, Cynder, Naomi and Galinoth were still awake. With thoughts on their minds on how to take there relationships further then what they are.

"Naomi, you know I love you. I think its time we took our relationship further." Said Galinoth.

With excitement in her eyes and heart she said: "So do I"

With the same thought on their mind they began to undress each other whilst passionately kissing. Galinoth's member was getting bigger and harder with every passing second until it was fully erect. When Naomi spotted this it was almost 14 inches long. She knelt down and beckoned Galinoth to enter her. Since it was there first time, he did it slowly and this got moans of pleasure from Naomi.

"Oooohhhh......." She groaned in extreme pleasure.

Then Galinoth started moving in and out of her. This got even more pleasurable for them both.

"Faster' harder!" she pleaded.

Galinoth acknowledged. With every passing second he humped her faster and harder until she was almost screaming in pleasure. With each thrust they were coming closer to their orgasms. And after a few more minutes:

"RRROOOAAARRR". And Galinoth came inside his mate. His member ejecting his seed into her womb. After a minute she came as well with an ecstatic roar. After this they rested a minute until Naomi took Galinoth's member fully inside her mouth and began to suck hard, drawing moans of pleasure from him. Then he decided to lick her cunt. This got more moans of pleasure from her as well. They continued to do this until they both came again. They both licked each others juices until there was none left.

"I love you Naomi." Galinoth said

"And I love you too." Replied Naomi.

"We're now mates forever." Continued Galinoth.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Replied Naomi.

As they were both drifting off Galinoth thought to himself:

Im glad I stopped sound from exiting this room or we'd have woken the rest of the temple. Then he dozed off.

Meanwhile in Spyro and Cynders room things were going the same way.

"Cynder, this may seem like a daft question but...... will you be my mate?" spyro asked nervously.

"Of course I will you silly dragon. I've always wanted to be your mate ever since you rescued me from the dark master." Replied Cynder.

Then their urges took over them. Cynder wanted Spyro inside her so badly and made it clear that she did. Spyro's member was 7 inches long when it was fully erect. Cynder enticed him over with a few hip shakes. When Cynder stopped moving he mounted her. The pleasure was overwhelming for both of then. Spyro was sliding in and out of Cynder slowly at first so she could get used to the sensation.

"Oh.....Spyro.....more......more!" Cynder demanded.

Spyro complied, speeding up his thrusts until they were both completely overwhelmed by the pleasure. Then after half an hour of intense pleasure, Cynder came, her juices making it easy for Spyro to go even faster. And a minute later with a roar of extreme pleasure Spyro emptied his throbbing member inside Cynder. This got moans of pleasure from them both. Spyro left his member inside of Cynder while they rested for a minute. He then withdrew it which got another moan from both of them.

"" Cynder said.

Both dragons were completely drained of energy as this was their first mating.

"It...sure...was." Replied a breathless Spyro.

They managed to crawl into Spyro's bed. Spyro was first on. Then Cynder followed him. She laid down and rested her head on his stomach.

"Good night, my purple knight." Cynder said.

"And good night to you my love angel." Replied spyro.

As time flowed on they both went to sleep knowing that they were now inseparable mates.

This is my first story with yiff in it so I hope you like it!

I know the ending is corny but it's all I could think of because I had a stressful day.

Like I said in my other stories ideas and suggestions are welcome!

Chapter 5 is in the works, so I hope to upload it soon!