Sky Ocean Chapter 16

Story by Hraefn on SoFurry

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#16 of Sky Ocean

Well here it is! Mrs. Sellow makes her cheeky, perverted, fun loving triumphant return in this chapter. I LOVE her so much...definitely my fave character. Hope you enjoy her in all her funloving lecherous glory! Please rate, and leave a comment if you like! Much love bye!


Mrs. Sellow shut the door to her modest home with a grunt of exhaustion. It had been a very long day and she was truly very grateful to finally be home. With a sigh she set off for her bedroom, casually peeling off her formal stockings as she did so and wiggling her toes in satisfaction. A hot bath sounded heavenly to her right now. Turning the water on, she swiftly removed her remaining clothing and climbed into the still filling tub. Slowly sinking into the steaming depths she let out a sigh of contentment as deep relaxation took gentle hold. As the steam caressed her aching form, her thoughts drifted over to Harvy and how incredibly happy she had been as of late...happier than she'd seen her in years...since before her father left. She frowned at the thought. Hunter had been a decent father, but unfortunately a bad husband. Their relationship seemed destined to end badly and now she was hard pressed to find the reason she ever dated him to begin with. She shook the melancholy thoughts from her head and focused on Gar.

She smiled an earsplitting smile as she thought of the sweet, loving, handsome young raven who had come to mean so much to her daughter. He was an adorable thing, and she had grown very fond of him herself. Ever since their first meeting she'd felt as though he were the son she'd never had...well maybe not... A lecherous grin spread across her muzzle...she definately saw him in ways a mother would never see a son... Gar was a VERY sexy young corvid and she saw nothing wrong with toying with that fact. A giggle escaped as she remembered the many occasions she flustered Harvy with her teasing...but that's what it was, harmless teasing. She was still a frisky little she wolf after all and having a pup didn't change that. Harvy was a lucky a girl for landing such a positively YUMMY mate... It seemed Harvy's giddiness was contagious. Her thoughts about the happy young couple had elevated her mood to new heights.

At long last Harvy had found her happiness and it warmed her heart to no end. Shutting off the water with a lazy foot paw, she allowed it's gentle caress to carry her thoughts away as her day's weariness floated off with a contented sigh... She was ripped from her quiet reverie a moment later when she heard the front door swing open rather noisily. Well Harvy's home... she thought to herself in mild exasperation. What she heard next made her ears perk up however. She could have sworn she heard...two sets of footsteps? As realization dawned on her a wicked smile spread across her muzzle. This is going to be fun... She thought michieviously...

Harvy pranced into her home giggling like an idiot...but she didn't care, she was happy. Gar swiftly followed with a blissful grin of his own. Although they were a new couple and a certain amount of giddiness was to be expected, he had the feeling this happiness would remain with them for a long time to come. As he looked into her warm amber eyes, he was certain that she felt the same. As the young wolf's giggles slowly faded she timidly led her avian mate over to the couch. She paused momentarily and glanced behind her. That was strange...she could have sworn she saw a vague grey blur moving behind her...and she felt like she was being watched... That was ridiculous. She ignored the strange feeling and turned her attention back to the breathtaking avian beside her. Without a further thought she launched herself into his arms, nuzzling at the plumage of his chest and murring in pure pleasure.

Feeling a bit bolder she threw him on his back, straddling his waist as she lowered her hungry muzzle to his feathered throat and begin to lick and nip at the offered flesh with abandon. Gar shuddered with pleasure and let out a muffled groan, causing the hungry she wolf to smile into his flesh. Gradually she worked her way up and stared lustfully into those haunting ethereal blue depths before colliding her muzzle with his beak, which parted instantly to allow her access. Their nimble tongues began a heated, passionate dance driven by wanton lust, desperate need, and pure love. After a lover's eternity they parted for air, panting and gasping as they stared into each other's depths with burning eyes. The frisky she wolf moved on to the enraptured avian's face, licking hungrily at his cheeks before once again gradually lowering her mark.

As she reached the neck of his black tank top she smiled wickedly before deftly slipping beneath the the thin fabric, caressing his well toned feathered torso with roving paws. The raven's breath came in short gasps as his pleasure mounted. The hungry she wolf grinned wider as she hooked her paws around the edge of the fabric barrier and oh so slowly slid it up, exposing that beautiful pearl white torso. Gar's somewhat nervous voice guided her hungry eyes to his own. "...What...about...our homework?" He asked between pants. The she wolf grinned wickedly. "I thought we'd start with biology..." She said with a sultry lick of her lips. The avian shuddered at the response. A SEDUCTRESS...He thought to himself in mock fear. He relaxed under the she wolf's gentle caress and all thoughts of resistence, ild though they were, quickly vanished.

The wolf's nimble tongue eagerly lapped at the feathered flesh before her as desperate paws tenderly caressed the rippling muscles beneath. Gradually the attentions became more intense as the spellbound wolf traveled lower...lower...and lower still... "Planning on having cream of chicken tonight hun? Guess I won't cook then." The young she wolf nearly lept out of her fur as an all too familiar voice filled the air. Nearly convulsing with intense mortification the likes of which she'd never known, she slowly turned around, coming face to face with an all too familiar grey she wolf known to our poor hapless victim as 'mom.' As a ludicrously awkward silence filled the air, the older she wolf's muzzle split into a TRULY lecherous grin... CRAP. "Honey?" Said the senior she wolf in a terrifyingly sweet tone. The younger wolf gupled audibly. "...Y-yes m-mom?" The lecherous grin widened. CRAP. "In the future, could you please enjoy your chicken soup in the privacy of your own room?"

The young wolf paled. All blood left her face and she was quite seriously concerned that she may in fact DIE from embarassment. So shocked and mortified was the young she wolf that she could not even form a coherent response. The older wolf thus continued. "Heavy petting is fine hun but more 'involved' activities are best saved for the bedroom..." That got a reaction from the younger wolf. "WHAT THE HELL?! HOW LONG WERE YOU WATCHING US?!" The older wolf answered non chalantly, as if she were giving the time. "Since you threw yourself onto Gar and decided to have a little chicken snack before dinner." She paled again. "WOULD YOU STOP SAYING THAT ALREADY?! FOR THE LOVE OF GAEA!" The older wolf continued as if she recieved no response. "Really though hun, that kind of unrestrained desperation isn't very lady-like." She said with a teasing smirk. "NEITHER IS SPYING ON YOUR DAUGHTER MAKING OUT WITH HER MATE YOU SICK PERVERT! FOR THE LOVE OF GAEA SAY YOUR HOME! MAKE SOME NOISE! COUGH! SOMETHING!"

The young wolf's deperate tyrade was interupted by a quiet cough. Both she wolves looked down and saw a VERY uncomfortable white avian still pinned down by Harvy's paws, his shirt still pulled up... The young wolf's ears flattened against her head as another intense blush filled her face. She immediately lept off her mortified mate who quickly rose to a sitting position and lowered his shirt. Mrs. Sellow pouted as she turned to address her daughter. "Awww...honey the poor thing's embarassed." Harvy's brow twitched. "AND WHOSE FALT DO YOU THINK THAT IS?!" The older wolf stared at her daughter as if she'd asked the stupidest question in the world. "Isn't it yours?" The younger wolf paled, twitched and collapsed backwards onto the couch with an exhausted sigh. "Why me?" She seemed to be asking the heavens. Gar shot her a worried glance before meeting the older wolf's lecherous gaze. After an awkward silence he gulped. "...Evening mam..." The older wolf took on a perverted grin. "Gar?" She said sweetly. The raven gulped again. "...Yes mam?" The grin much so that it was disturbing. "Nice tongue work babe..." The raven paled, before going rigid and joining the stricken young wolf on the couch... The older wolf smiled dangerously as she left the room. "...Damn I'm good..."

"I can't believe you spied on us mom...Gaea..." The older wolf just snickered. The late afternoon found the trio gathered around the table for a rather awkward meal. "Are you still upset by that honey?" The younger wolf's venomous glare provided the answer. "Oh I'm sorry honey I couldn't resist. You two are just TOO CUTE! It's like a real life T.V. drama and I just had to see the next episode!" The younger wolf stared blankly. "'re disturbed..." The older wolf pouted like a sad puppy. "Oh you're no fun honey! Are you sure you're my daughter?" Harvy grimaced. "Sometimes I wonder..." She whispered under her breath. She paled when she felt daggers staring into the back of her head. "What was that honey?" She gulped nervously. "N-nothing mom!" The older wolf smiled innocently. "Alrighty then sweety!" She said in a sweet cheery tone. Damn...she really is disturbed... Harvy thought fearfully. The older wolf turned her attention to the quiet avian teen. "So how are things Gar?" She said in that same disturbingly sweet tone. The raven gulped nervously. "...Much of the usual really..."

The wolf nodded. "So you and Harvy often frenched before yesterday?" He nearly choked on his food. "Gaea mom are you trying to kill him?!" Harvy shouted in protest. The older wolf snickered. "I'm sorry Gar. I meant how are things now that you and Harvy are finally together?" Gar scratched his neck nervously. "...F-finally mam?" Harvy face pawed while the older wolf chuckled. "Of course! It took you two long enough. Harvy couldn't be anymore transparent. The poor thing, she's so clueless when it comes to these things. But, she's never had a mate before so it can't be helped." The younger wolf's brow twitched. "" The older wolf turned to her with a silly smile. "Yes sweetie?" She said cutely. "I'm sitting RIGHT HERE!"

After a less than comfortable dinner, Gar found himself in Harvy's room where they could finish their homework in peace. The wolf interupted the awkward silence with a loud, exasperated sigh. "Gaea Gar...I'm sorry about my mom...I mean she's always a perv and a pest but she's never been THIS bad before..." He chuckled warmly. "There is no need to worry 'Dire Wolf.' She is just very happy. I'm glad..." She smiled warmly but quirked a brow in silent question. Seeing this, the raven clarified. "I'm truly very glad she approves of me." The wolf stared at him inreduously. " 'Approve' of you? Why wouldn't she Gar? she ADORES you! You're like the son she never had...a son she'd screw into the ground..." She looked up at the raven staring at her in total mortification. As realization dawned on her she paled as well. "Dear Gaea...did I just...say that out loud?" The raven nodded slowly... CRAP... After an awkward pause the wolf collapsed face first into her pillow. "Gaea...I'm turning into her..."

A moment later she felt gentle talons softly caressing her back. Looking up in surprise, she found herself gently pushed back down again. Any protests died on her lips as she began to mur in deep pleasure. The gentle, warm minstrations of alabastor talons seemed to evaporate all worry and stress from her aching form... Some time later when the loving impromptu massage came to an end, the young wolf launched herself into her lover's arms, nuzzling the softly feathered crook of his neck. "Thank you Gar...I love you so much..." The raven smiled passionately. "As I love you my 'Dire Wolf.' " Catching sight of the hour, Gar frowned sadly. Harvy nodded in understanding. "I know Gar...It's getting late. You should get home." Without a word he swiftly closed his beak around her softly furred neck, licking and nipping tenderly before moving on to her muzzle. They met in another heated dance of passion for several blissful seconds before reluctantly parting, and coming together in a tender embrace.

"Good night 'Dire Wolf.' " She smiled into his plumage. "Goodnight Gar..." With that he collected his things and reluctantly followed his mate downstairs, pausing for one final kiss in the doorway before spreading his wings and swiftly ascending into the now darkening sky. Sighing with a mixture of contentment and mild sorrow, the young wolf watched as his form slowly disappeared from view before returning to her home. Half way up the stairs she heard the distinctive chime of her cell phone ringing. Darting to her room, she just managed to answer in time. "Hello?" A very familiar giggling could be heard on the other line. The wolf grinned. "Sammy?" The voice erupted into another fit of giggles. "Who else?" Harvy yipped in excitement. "What's up Sammy? Been a while since you called. I Have a LOT to tell you about." The bobcat squealed on the other line. "You'd BETTER girl! But first tings first. You know what next week is don't you?" The wolf thought for a moment before breaking out in an earsplitting grin. "Spring Break!" She exclaimed ecitedly.

She could practically see the bobcat's distinctive smirk on the other end of the line. "That's right girl! And guess who's coming down for a visit?" Harvy nearly dropped the phone as she let out an excited squeal. "No Way! Awesome! I've missed you SOOO much!" The cat snickered. "Of course you did! Just you wait girl it's going to be a RIOT..."