"Fav Teacher" Chapter 6: New Fur, New Love

Story by CitanOsumi on SoFurry

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#6 of "Fav Teacher"

*waves* Hi everyone, I'm back. Well I'm really sorry about the extreme break from my story, but I had allot of things happen in my life, some really good, some really bad, and I had to deal with them. Then school started up so I haven't had much time to work on my story at all due to having deal with all this stuff that's happened. So I'm really really sorry it's taking me this long to get Chap 6 up. And it may take some time as well before I get chapter 7 up as well due to school. But I'm going to do my best to get the next chapters out soon, but until then here it is, Chapter 6 of "fav teacher". Enjoy

First I'd like to take some time to thank some people. First and foremost, my two best friends Borealis and Cecil. Yep you know those names I'm sure. If it wasn't for them I would have never thought about writing "fav teacher" nonetheless put it up online. So to you guys I give a million thanx and as a fellow writer, keep up the excellent work you guys. Next is to all my other friends that I have made over this summer, I wish I had the time to thank all of you individually, but that itself would be a story. Next is to a specific fan of mine, Revan, for posting a reply to all my stories. And last but not least, all of you, the fans. Having fans is such a wonderful thing to have; it helps inspire me to continue my story, so to each and everyone who reads this. Thank you.

WARNING!!! This story contains male relationships and so fourth...blah blah...you know the rest, I know this isn't your first story like this. 18+ is how old you should be and what not. And if you're here on "accident" ya might wanna take some time and think about yourself.... j/k ^_^ enjoy

And now for the story.

*clears throat*

Recap time!!

Kraden moved in with Citan after having to leave his apartment.

Issac's parents were killed in a car crash and he is currently still in the hospital, but is perfectly ok now. And Citan has allowed Issac to live with him after he gets out and he is.

Ryuu, a black dragon who is a past friend of Citan's showed up and is staying with him wile he is working on a job in town to which he can't talk about.

During the drive home from visiting Issac, Citan fell asleep wile Kraden drove them home and in his sleep said that he loved Kraden, which Kraden said nothing about afterwords...yet. After they got home they ate and later that night Citan was awake and said out loud that he loved Kraden and it turned out that he was right behind him and told Citan that he loved him as well. They spent their first night together and are finally a couple. *sighs* ah true love, its so wonderful.

which brings us here...to!!!!

"Fav Teacher" Chapter 6: New fur, New love

Citan slowly opened his eyes and sat up. And for some reason his waist hurt a little as he sat up, then it hit him and he remembered what had happened the night before. Kraden and him slept together and for the first time and made love. He quickly looked around the room...but no Kraden. "Was it another dream? No, it couldn't have been, it was too real..." "Of course it wasn't a dream Citty" There standing in the bathroom doorway was Kraden, standing half naked in his boxers. Citan still couldn't help but look his teacher...and now his lover over, his well-built body covered in a golden yellow fur. A lush full main around his muzzle and leading down to his chest and the scar running across that chest that he had put on him. Kraden walked over and sat down on the bed and kissed Citan on the cheek. "Time to get up Citty, the hospital called, Issac can come home now." "Really? That's great, I can't wait to...wait...did you call me Citty?" Kraden let out a soft chuckle. "You don't mind do you?" "No, it just caught me off guard that's all, actually I kinda like it" Kraden smiled and got up and went into the bathroom and yelled back into the room. "Hurry and get up, I think it best we get up before Ryuu does, he's still asleep. I checked on him to make sure." Citan got up, finding it slightly painful to walk, but he easily blocked it out and got dressed. "Ummm Kraden?" Kraden came walking back wile pulling a shirt over him and stood next to Citan. "Yes?" "How are we gonna go about this...us being gay...and none the less a couple." "Well we'll just keep it our little secret then, but enough on that now, we gotta get Ryuu up and go pick up Issac." With that they both walked out of the room and Citan walked into Ryuu's room. He sneaked over and stood right next to Ryuu's bed. "WAKE UP!!!" Ryuu jumped three feet in the air and rolled off his bed and slammed into the floor. Citan just stood there laughing. "Ugh...you never get tired of that do you kid." Citan smiled innocently and walked out the room. "Hurry up, gotta go get Issac." They all got ready and set off to the hospital.

"So, I finally get to leave." That thought was the one of the things on Issac's mind as he sat in the waiting room for his friends to pick him up. A bandage still wrapped around his arm and a small one on his forehead where the wounds that haven't healed yet stood. He was lost in thoughts. He finally gets to leave, but not to go home, where his parents would be. But not anymore, there gone. "Mom...dad...gone...there gone. The sudden rush of memories of his parents over took him and he started to cry. "Whets the matter kid?" "Huh?" Issac looked up to see a rather attractive male fox standing over him. He had a soft orange/red fur with blue hair and very bright green eyes, just the sight of him made Issac blush slightly. "Why are you crying?" "I'd just rather not talk about it." "Ah, well that's ok...wait...your Issac right?" "Yeah, how did you know my name?" "We go to the same school, your in my chemistry class, you spilled that stuff over the floor the other day." "Oh, wow I didn't even really notice you" He scratched the back of his head and sat down next to Issac. "Yeah, I kinda keep to myself, don't get along well with others really." "Yeah kinda like me...umm this may sound rude...but whats your name?" The fox smiled and chuckled softly. "Ah it's ok, Ian, Ian Lair." Issac smiled a little and glanced over to the main entrance to see if his friends were there yet, not seeing them there he went back to talking with Ian.

"Well nice to finally meet you Ian, umm another thing. Why are you in a hospital?" "Well actually I came to bring things for you, I was on my way to the desk to give them to the nurse when I saw you crying. Its your chemistry homework." "Oh thanks" He took the stuff and put it in his bag. "So, what happened to ya, your all bandaged up." Issac looked down, not wanting to recall what happened that night. "Please...not now..." "Its ok, maybe another time" Out of nowhere he wrapped his arms around Issac and hugged him. "It will be ok, whatever happened, it will be ok." Issac teared up more but through the sadness he started to feel something else, but he couldn't describe or put a name to it. Ian let go and stood up with a soft smile on his face. "Well I got to get back home, hope to see you in class on Monday." With that he smiled more, waved and walked away. Issac followed him with his eyes until he was out of sight. Still blushing he leaned back and said under his breath. "Man, why do I always have to blush when I see a cute guy?"

Kraden let Citan out at the front door to go get Issac. He came walking in the door and instantly saw him sitting on a bench over against the wall and ran up to him. "Issac!" Issac looked up to see the wolf running at him, the sight of his best friend cheered him up and he got up and ran to him and they met in a soft hug. "You finally get to come home Issac, with me and the others" He nodded softly and smiled. "Citan...thank you...thank you so much." He leaned up and not caring if anyone saw, planted a soft kiss on the wolf's cheek. "You don't need to thank me Issac, I'm just glad I can be here for you, but we gotta hurry, Kraden's got his car out front waiting for us." They walked out the door, Citan's arm around his shoulder and when they reached the car they put Issac's things in the trunk and got in. After a half a hour of small talk and welcome backs from Kraden and Ryuu they arrived back at Citan's house. They unpacked their things and went to put them in the same room Kraden was staying in. When they walked in and noticed all of Kraden's things Issac looked at Citan. "What about Kraden, where will he sleep?" Citan looked over at Kraden, who was staring right back at him. "Er...uh well he'll have to share a room with me I guess, there's only three rooms and Ryuu has the other one." "Well how bout I stay with you then, that way Kraden can keep a room to himself." Kraden took a step forward. "No that's ok, you should have a room to yourself, your still not 100% yet kid, sides I don't mind sharing a room with Citan, he did spend 3 nights at my house so I'm use to him being around." Issac shrugged and set his bag down on the bed as his Citan and Kraden let out a sigh of relief, just then they all heard a grumble sound and they looked at Issac. He blushed and chuckled. "He he, I'm starving, lets get some grub." They all decided to go out and eat to celebrate Issac's release from the hospital, and in Citan's mind to help him get his mind off of the loss of his parents. "Yea, lets go out to eat, your call Issac, where do you want to go?" He stood there and thought for a bit then chose a semi-classy restaurant. "Ok we'll all go in a half an hour, is that ok with you two. Kraden and Ryuu both nodded. "Well let's get Kraden's things into my room then we'll leave. They all spent the half hour moving Kraden into Citan's room and Issac into the now empty room. After they finished they all got into there vehicles and went off for supper.

When they arrived they all got out and walked into the restaurant. Kraden was simply amazed at how classy the place was. "Are you sure we can afford this place? I thought you said it was semi-classy." Issac and Citan chuckled, both having gone here before knew that it's not really that pricey. They went in and sat a table and ate a hearty meal together. Kraden as usual was stuffing his face wile the others laughed at him. He just continued to eat as if he was alone. Ryuu gave him a friendly slap on the back which made Kraden spit out a piece of his food. "Slow down there man, don't want you choking." They all chuckled and continued to talk about little things here and there until the meal was finished. They paid the bill, which to Kraden's amazement wasn't that bad, and left. Citan thought they should try and further get Issac's mind of the past evens so he made a suggesting. "Hey lets go to the lake for a wile, it's a wonderful evening." Issac smiled wide. "Oh I love walking by the lake, yeah let's go!" Citan chuckled a little and they all set off to the lake. When they arrived Ryuu quickly got back in his truck. Citan quickly ran up. "Hey, where are you going? We just got here." "I forgot I have some things I need to take care of for work, I'll see you guys back at your house." He waved the quickly sped off down the road. Citan shrugged and walked back to where Issac and Kraden were sitting next to the water. He sat down next to Kraden, in-between him and Issac. The sun was slowly setting on the horizon, casting an orange reflection onto the waveless water. They sat there staring out over the water, Citan had slowly inched his paw and placed it over Kraden's, when the lion felt to paw on his he looked over and smiled a little then turned back to the lake.

Kraden looked back over at Issac who was drawing circles in the sand with his paw, looking down with a tear running down his muzzle. He coughed and stood up. "Uh... I have to go find a bathroom, I'll be back in a bit." He walked off leaving the two time to talk. Citan scooted over and laid an arm around Issac's shoulder. "Hey, its gonna be ok, I know it hurts, but the pain will pass in time." "It's...just not fair Citan...why...why did they have to die." "I don't know, life's not fair, I would know." He paused for a bit then continued. "But we have to keep on going, no matter what happens. I spent all my life going from orphanage to orphanage, but as lonely and hard as my life got, I always looked forward to the future when things would eventually get better. I was alone for the longest time until Ryuu came along, then I met Kraden and then you. I never thought I'd have so many friends, but just look at me now. And now you have us too Issac. You have your friends, who care for you...who love you." Issac looked up to see a soft caring smile across Citan's face. "L... love?" "Yeah, love. Now I'm not saying like IN love, but I care a lot for you kid, and I promise I'll do my best to keep you safe from now on." Issac, still teary eyed buried his muzzle in Citan's chest, wrapping his arms around him. Citan smiled and held the snow leopard close, resting muzzle on the top of his head. A wile later Kraden came back carrying a small bag. Citan turned his head as he came walking up. "What's in the bag, I though you went to find a bathroom?" He chuckled a little as the lion just stood there, a little red in the face. "Er...it's nothing, don't worry about it. But hey, we need to get back. You too have school tomorrow." Citan looked at his watch and realized what time it was. Issac had fallen asleep in his arms so he picked him up and they got in Kraden's car and drove back home.

When they arrived, Ryuu's truck wasn't there yet so they left the front door unlocked for when he finally came. Kraden took Issac up and tucked him in his room and came back downstairs, carrying the same bag. Citan walked over to the lion and reached for the bag. "So what did you buy anyways?" Kraden lifted the bag out of his reach and grinned. "Close your eyes and hold out your paws and I'll give it to you." Citan was a little caught off guard by the fact that it was for him, but did as he was told. He closed his eyes and held out his paws, a second later he felt two soft arms reach around his neck, heard a small click and felt something around his neck. "Open you eyes." He slowly opened his eyes to find a silver necklace around his neck, with a little pendent hanging on it. "Take a closer look at it." He lifted the silver trinket to see that it was in the shape of a lion. "Kr...Kraden...its bea-" Before he could finish Kraden cut him off. "Look on the back" He flipped the silver lion over to see a description on the back. "To My Citty, I'll always love and protect you. S.K" A small tear rolled down the wolf's cheek as he quickly wrapped his arms around the lion. "Oh Kraden...I love you so much." He wrapped his own arms around Citan and kissed his forehead. "I love you too Citty, now lets get some sleep, you've got school tomorrow." Still in each other's arms they walked up the stairs and into the main bedroom, closed the door, followed by a click of the lock. Sometime later Ryuu's truck was heard pulling up, a few doors opening and closing then silence as the night came to an end.

Citan was waking up to Kraden poking his side. "Hey get up kiddo, ya got school." Citan opened his eyes a little allowing them time to adjust; he then got up and dressed. The two of them headed down stairs only after waking up Issac who was just as drowsy as Citan. They left Ryuu alone, headed into the kitchen where Citan made a quick breakfast for the three of them then they went off to school. After a twenty-minute drive or so they arrived at school. Kraden dropped Issac and Citan off out front and went to park in the teachers' lot. Issac and Citan said their byes and headed off to there own classes. All day Issac was looking forward to Chemistry where he could see Ian again. He looked at the clock every five seconds or so just wanted 5th hour to come. After what seemed like eternity for him, finally it was 5th hour Chemistry. He quickly ran to class and looked around, but to his disappointment Ian wasn't there yet. He walked in and took the far back table like he always did and watched the door. Each time he heard the door open he raised his ears, but time and time again, still no Ian. Then about the 20th time, he walked in....the last person Issac really cared to see. It was Reno. Citan told him all about Reno and how he treated him. He looked back down to his notes only to see a black paw slam down in front of him causing him to jump a little.

"Hey there kitty, heard that you moved in with the orphan boy, how's he gonna manage to pay for the both of you? Having no parents and all..." Issac quickly stood up, a little red in the face. "Shut up Reno! Citan has told me all about you and I don't care to hear it!" He was shocked with himself. Issac has never really defended himself, none the less someone else. The black panther quickly grabbed the scruff of his shirt. "Listen you little punk, I don't take kindly to people who yell at me, especially some little parentless kid like you! Yeah, don't think I don't know about what happened. Your just like Citan, two orphan boys." Tears started to form in Issac's eyes at the comment. "Oh what's the matter? Did I make the little kitty cry? You gonna cry all da-" "Shut your face Reno!" Issac looked over Reno's shoulder to see Ian standing there, with a stern look on his face. "And what if I don't want to? What are you gonna do about it you reject?" Ian smiled a little and began to speak. "What will I do about it? Well personally myself nothing, but him on the other hand will." Ian took a step to the side revealing the teacher. "Reno Smith! You put him down this second and march yourself straight to the principles office! And don't come back, your out of the class." Reno set Issac down, walked past Ian, bumping him along the way and left the room. Ian came up and set a arm on Issac's shoulder. "Hey Issac, you ok?" "Yeah, just a little shook up that's all." "Try not to let him get to you kid, Reno is always looking for someone to pick on, he's just a big punk." Issac nodded a little and sat down back into his seat. He looked at Ian to his shock sat down right next to him. He looked at Issac's face and spoke up. "Oh, sorry for not asking, may I sit with you?" Issac blushed a little and nodded. "Of course."

Class went by and soon the bell rang. Issac gathered his things and turned to Ian. "Hey Ian, can I ask you something?" "Sure thing." "Why did Reno call you a reject?" "Oh, that. Well that's because I'm gay." Issac felt his heart stop for a second. He just stood there staring at Ian, thinking to himself "no way...there's just no way...but wait, this means...maybe just..." Ian looked at him and smiled. "You didn't know? Heh, well your like the only one who didn't know. I'm open about it, so that's why he makes fun of me as well. You know that there's no need to hide it from anyone Issac, especially me." Issac took another step back. "But...how...did..." Ian chuckled as he walked to the door. "I saw you hug that wolf at the hospital...Citan I believe. Well seeya tommoro." With that he walked out the door. Issac quickly looked at the clock and ran off to next period. All thru 6th hour he just couldn't get it out of his head. Ian was like him and Citan, and he was open about it. "I wish I could be that open with myself..." He had Ian on his mind all day until 7th hour came around. He walked in to see Citan already there talking with Kraden. "Hey guys!"

They both turned to face him. Kraden saw the lion necklace around Citan's neck and nudged him a little. "Hey what was that for..." He looked down and saw that the pendant was showing and quickly stuffed it in his shirt. "Hey Issac how was your day?" Oh it was great, I met this guy today and he's just like us..." He quickly stopped and looked at Kraden. Him knowing what Issac meant, pretended to be clueless about what he meant. "What do you mean, like you guys?" Citan quickly jumped in as well. "Oh, he meant with a love of swords...yeah me and Issac talk about swords all the time." With a slight chuckle Kraden nodded. "Ah I see, well you two take your seats now, class is about to start. They sat down and Citan brought it up again. "So who's this guy Issac? You must like him to talk about him so quickly like that." "Yeah, he's really cool, his names Ian, he's a fox." Citan grinned a little. "Do you like him?" With a slight nod and red face Issac continued. "Yeah, Oh! That's the thing thou, he's like you and me, he's even open about it...and he knows we are too. He was at the hospital yesterday when we hugged." "Oh really? Well I'd like to meet him someday, hehe maybe when you two are boyfriends huh?" Issac's face went red and he elbowed Citan's side. "Shh! Not so loud. We don't want to get found out." Citan nodded as he rubbed his side. Class began and like before Citan and Issac trained with Kraden as the rest of the class spared with each other.

After class Issac wanted to go talk with Ian some more so he set off to find him wile Citan and Issac waited in the classroom. He stood out in front of the school and waited for Ian to come out. As he waited he was suddenly pushed from behind and fell to the floor. He quickly turned to see Reno standing over him. "How dare you get me kicked out of class you little punk! I should kick your sorry little as-" "So twice in one day I have to stop you Reno." Once again like before stood Ian. Reno quickly turned around. "I was looking for you too reject, your gonna pay big time as well! "What are you gonna do, hit me? Show your sooo strong and big because you can beat someone up?" "Actually that sounds like a perfect Idea." He quickly took a swing and Ian, catching off guard and hitting the side of his muzzle. Ian caught himself from falling but didn't fight back. "Aren't you gonna fight back reject? Or did I scare you stiff?" "No, I don't believe in fighting, special with someone like you." "Well then your an easy target" He went to swing at him again, but quickly turned and hit Issac as he stood back up, causing him to fall hard into the pavement. Ian's face went from calm to furious. "Don't you dare touch him again!" Reno grinned having found a weakness in Ian and went to kick at him before being tackled hard in the side. There was a scuffle of rolling around the floor before Reno was pinned down against the ground. "Don't you touch my friend again." There with a furious look on his face was Citan, holding Reno down tight. Ian took the time to run over and see how Issac was doing. "Hey kid, you ok?" Issac sat up a little, a small amount of blood coming from his nose. "Yeah...I've been through worse." They both looked over at Citan who had Reno completely pinned down.

"Get off me you punk! You stupid little orphan boy!" Citan just continued to growl down at the panther. "As soon as the principle gets here." And soon enough the principle, a rather stern looking raccoon came running up. "Ok...ok...you can get up now Mr. Uzuki, I can handle it from here." Citan got up, expecting Reno to quickly fight back, but his face was red with anger and of embarrassment. There commotion had drawn in a rather large crowd, who all saw Citan pin down Reno, the so-called "toughest fur in school" He just got up and followed the principle back into the school. Citan quickly walked over to Ian and Issac. "Hey, you ok kiddo?" Issac nodded and stood all the way up, wiping his nose off. Citan turned to Ian. "Thank you Ian, I heard something was going on out in front of school and I just new Reno was at fault. "Oh don't mention it Citan...hey how do you know my name?" "Issac told me all about you, and how you're like us and all." Issac blushed a little and pretended to wipe his nose again to hide his blushing. Ian smiled and set a paw on Issac's shoulder. "Hehe, he did didn't he? Well that was sweet of him, I'm glad I got here before Reno did anything else to him...a menace that guy is." "Yeah, he always gives me trouble as well, because of my parents being gone." Ian nodded and looked at his watch. "Well I have to get going, I have a ton of things to get done today, I'll see you guys around." With that he gave Issac a smile and he smiled back with a red face from blushing, not being able to get over how he started to feel for Ian. This was the second time he's saved him from trouble, and the third time he's been there for him when he needed someone. Ian tilted his head with a slight grin on his face. "You know, our not very good at hiding your feelings Issac. Well seeya guys later" He chuckled and quickly walked off to his car, waved and got in and drove away.

"Come on Issac, Kraden is waiting for us." They set off to the teacher parking lot. As they walked Issac just knew it, he had a crush on Ian...he even started to think it might be love. He muttered under his breath" "Is...this what love feels like?" They met Kraden at his car, got in and drove off to home. Issac stared out the window with a soft smile on his face, Ian on his mind and a warm feeling in his stomach.


Awww Issac's got a crush on the o' so cute fox Ian. Well as you noticed...NEW CHARACTER!!! ^_^ Just my little way of making up for the long break from my stories.

*clears throat*

And now... for the closer another little something special...I give you one of my best friends, K'jinn to do the closer for you guys. *steps aside* take it K'jinn. ^_^

*looks blankly at the spotlight, eyes the audience and taps the microphone*

O_O....uh...testing...1-2...is this thing on? <.< >.>

*cough cough* Umm...Hi, I'm K'jinn, you may more commonly know me as 6-Wing Dragon *cough* Yeah, I was talking with Citan and wanted to a fanfic of his story, so I did, and now he wants me to do a closing, so yeah, kind of unforeseen, but yeah, here we go...

A new foxy boi character as just entered the scene, and has his eye on Issac.

Mr. Sexy-Teacher Kraden has just given Citan a pendent to show true love.

And that jerk ass Reno is being a jerk ass.

Will new relationships transpire? Will anyone accept the fact that there are gay relationships in the school, especially between a teacher and student? Will Reno get what's coming to him? And what of Ryuu? And will there be a new character in the next installment of "Fav Teacher"???? Who knows??????? Find out in Part 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (yet to be named or created; there is no guarantee that any of the following questions will be answered, so don't come crying to us when you're sitting on the edge of your chair and wanting to fall off wondering if Issac and Ian will yiff or not, you'll just have to wait and see, although there is a good chance that it'll happen because that's what this series is about: fur romance and the good things that come with it)

*cough cough* Well there you have it folks, until next time, Enjoy *wonders if this "Enjoy" at the end of intros and closings was started by him or not...*

*steps back* Well there ya go. *Smiles and pats K'jinn* good job pal. Well as he said, stay tuned to find out what's gonna happen next time on...

"fav teacher"

Shout outs to K'jinn for doing the closer and spell checking my story for me. All my friends and all you fans out there. Any praise, comments, hate e-mail, or just want to say hi? E-mail me at [email protected] Well seeya next time everyone!

p.s. once again, sorry for the extremely long break I took. Hope my fans are still out there *crosses fingers*