Vacation in the snow

Story by Solei on SoFurry

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This is my first story! Please, do me a favor and send me a review including constructive criticism to [email protected]

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All characters in this story are fictitious- they were not modeled after any individual character. Any similarities are strictly coincidental.· · · · · ·

"How was your day?" the vixen called out as the skunk trotted in the front door of their two story suburban home. "Hell. How was yours?" The vixen giggled, hopping off her computer to meet the skunk in the entryway. "Not bad... Got a little housecleaning done. It's a shame you couldn't get today off."

Tarah wasn't the most slender of vixens, but not fat by any stretch of the imagination. She was slightly over the ideal weight for her species and size (5'4"), and quite content as such. Her husband thought it made her more cuddly, after all. Mat was rather tall for a skunk, standing just under 6' tall, and was almost exactly the correct weight for his size and species- a fact he was quite proud of.

"Yeah.." Mat replied, still getting over the 'work funk' as they came to call it- the feeling one gets after spending long laborious hours doing very little in the grand scheme of things. "Well, it's Friday.. and we've got all of next week to ourselves, right? You got the rest of next week off, right?" Tarah smirked at the skunk. "Of course I did, silly.. you know that.. I told you that last week, after I got it." She wrapped her arms around Mat and hugged him close, kissing gently under his muzzle, and murrring contently. Mat grinned, wrapping his arms back around her. "Great! Then let's get packing! The sooner we leave, the sooner we're up on the mountain!"· · ·

They packed and got into their car, heading up to the ski resort. It wasn't too long a drive- only 4 hours... but with the anticipation of going to the resort for the first time, it seemed like much longer then that. They arrived and checked in just in time to see the sun set.

The resort was gorgeous. The pine trees grew thickly on the mountain, and around the cabins that surrounded it, giving everything a more private atmosphere that the couple quite liked. They took their car right up the gravel road, and up the side of the mountain until, after what seemed like hours, they parked in the small driveway behind their cabin.

"Here we are!" The skunk proudly proclaimed, but the vixen was already three steps ahead of him. She hopped out of the car, grabbed her luggage, and carted it up the stairs to the cabin. "Whoa! Slow down there, hon! We've got all week!" She grinned down at him before returning her concentration to the keys she held in her paws, trying to get one to sit right in her mittenned paw. "I know.. but I've been reading about this place for so long.. I just can't wait to see it!" She finally managed to get the key in the lock, and unlock the door. She grabbed her luggage, walked inside, and froze as her muzzle hung agape. Dropping her luggage, she stared incredulously at the immaculate interior of the cabin. "Wow." Mat followed, standing behind her with his luggage, and mirrored her expression as he looked about.

The cabin was huge- Much larger then the pictures had made it out to be. It was everything you would expect a cabin to be- wood floors, large windows looking out at the mountain, roaring fireplace against the wall... but it had a few touches of the new age to keep them from experiencing withdrawal, such as dimming track lighting, a large plasma TV downstairs, and a hot tub just outside on the deck. The ceiling towered at least 15' above them in the A-frame cabin, and the floor they stood on was the second, which ended at a balcony of sorts from which one could look down to a cozy-looking family room downstairs, where the TV sat. The kitchen was just above it, elevated slightly higher then the main room floor. It was, in all senses of the word, perfect. Tarah was the first to pick her things back up and venture downstairs to the bedroom to put them away. Mat soon followed suit, following her down the stairs as he looked around. "Wow." Was the only word that managed to pass his lips. Downstairs was just as amazing as upstairs had been, but with a thick woolen carpet underfoot. The bedroom was down a hallway, just past the bathroom. It was also sized to fit the rest of the house, proportion wise... the bed was an over sized king. Tarah threw her things in the dresser, and flopped back on the bed, murrrring contently as Mat did the same.

Tarah giggled. Mat turned around to find a gorgeous vixen laying on the bed before him, wearing nothing but a smile. "Wanna try out the hot tub, sexy?" He grinned. That sounded like a great idea.· · ·

Tarah grined at Mat, murrring happily as she stayed warm in the cold winter weather, mostly submerged in the steaming hot water of the hot tub... she slid across the side over to her husband, and snuggled up warmly to him. "Hiya, love... You looked lonely." Mat smiled warmly to the vixen, wrapping an arm around her gently and relaxing for the first time in weeks. "Thanks, hon... I needed this. ...all of this." She purrrs warmly and nuzzles his cheek gently. "I know, hon... those long hours at the workplace can leave a guy stressed out... it can build pressure... and every once and a while, we all need a little.. release..." She murrrrs lustily, her paw roaming from his chest down to his sheath as she licks her lips... "Mmmm.... definitely..." Mat grinned as almost instantly, his sheath began to fill out... Tarah gently started stroking it, snuggling up lovingly against her naked partner as she continued to tease him to full erection.

"I missed you today.." She blushes softly as she nuzzles his cheek, feeling his member fill her paw quite quickly.. Mat smiles warmly to her, nuzzling back and bringing a paw up through the water to cup a breast... "Oh?" He leans in, licking up her cheek to her ear, nibbling gently there before whispering, "how so?" into her ear... She shivers, squirming as she teases the skunk, moaning softly as her nipples perk up.. "I... couldn't stop thinking about you... I.." She gasps as he tweaks one of her nipples. "You what?" He grins, teasing her lovingly, bringing his other paw down to tease her other nipple. "I.. ohh...." she moans out, trying to speak but seemingly failing with each attempt... "I.. couldn't.. help it... I.. played with myself... almost all day.." she blushes deeply, shivering and moaning out as her husband resumes his continuous onslaught on her most sensitive of areas...

He grins, bringing a paw down from her nipple, slowly teasing it's way to her sex... she spreads her legs for him, whimpering, squirming in lust and need, and gasps as he slips a finger inside her. "Is my beautiful little toy in heat?" He licks his lips as he nuzzles along her muzzle, loving the scent she gives off when she's so filled with lust... "Y..Yes..." was the hesitant response as she grinds her sex helplessly against his fist, trying to pull more fingers in, and moaning out, barely able to see straight through the pleasure...

Mat grins down at his little vixen toy, sliding another finger inside her... "You know if we play too much, you might get pregnant, right?" Tarah, moved beyond speech with the entrance of a second finger, moaned out her pleasure before responding... "Y...yes..," The skunk murrrrs lovingly to his wife, nuzzling under her muzzle and licking gently at her throat... "Do you want to have children, love?" The vixen shivers, and nods without hesitation. "Yes... and.. it's not just the lust talking..." She blushes hotly. "I..I was really hoping.. we could..." She gasps! As he slips a third finger into her, and begins to pump them slowly. "Shhh..." He grins as she writhes in pleasure... "We can... and we will." He continues to tease her as he positions himself in front of her, and kneels down on the floor of the hot tub. Slowly pulling his fingers from her sex, he pulls her down to him, holding her just above his cock, letting the tip part her sex slightly. Tarah moans out in need! She presses herself back against his member, pulling it in just a bit... but the skunk pulls her back up, smiling.

He listens to her whimper for a moment... then pulls her down, while simultaneously thrusting up into her, nearly hilting inside her. She MOANS, pressing back against him needly, and grips him tightly as her sex convulses around him, already near orgasm... gasping and whimpering lustily, he presses her against the wall of the tub, pressing his muzzle to hers and kissing deeply...

Just as the vixen begins to feel her orgasm coming on, the skunk takes a deep breath, and pulls her underwater with him, still thrusting quickly, and breathing some air into his lover's muzzle. Her eyes widen, and she tries to fight her lover, squirming, trying to get away and up to the surface again, but finding herself powerless against him... which arouses her more then anything. She orgasms quickly around her husband's cock, moaning into his muzzle as he pulls her back up to let her catch her breath, still thrusting deeply into her. The convulsing walls of his wife's climaxing sex pushes the skunk over the edge as well.. he presses DEEP inside, and moans out loudly as his first shot of seed flows into his love. Tarah gasps at the feeling of her lover's seed flowing freely into her, and shivers as her orgasm slowly subsides.. she pants, catching her breath and blushing as her husband's orgasm continues a moment after hers. She wraps her arms around him, glowing and murrring in the warmth of her afterglow.. "Oh murrr..." She blushes to her husband, who's cock she remains impaled on. Mat looks down at his beautiful wife, still catching his breath..

They remain in each other's arms, snuggling warmly against each other, until the skunk's member slowly softens and returns to it's home in his sheath. Mat kisses his vixen lovingly as they relax in each other's arms. "This is going to be the best vacation ever." Tarah smiles up to her lover, and kisses him deeply in agreement as they both sink back into the water.