vampires of the vacant Lot part 1

Story by Zecon19 on SoFurry

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This is a story still being written and rife with grammar issues and what have you.

I hope you like this and if you don't I'm sorry.

I'm trying to make this fun!

Dang it!


This story is product of Draconic Rage Productions

aka. Zecon Draconious Zimorian


Chapter 1

The vacant lot

            My heart is pounding. At last the day is drawing to a close and the rays of twilight fill my small store with its dieing light. I stare impatiently at my grandfather clock as my last customer walks idly about and inspects a collection of books on display. In times like this I lose my frail patience.

"Miss. Grigs? The store needs to close in a few moments, and I need to start putting things away." I say with a touch of polite impatience. I stroke out my black work-skirt in irritation and begin to pack away my supplies to emphasize my urgency.

The lady turns with a smile and I can hear her thoughts tumbling around as she tries to process what I just said. I sigh in frustration as they muddle themselves all over again.

"Well that's good to hear my dear. Young women your age need to be more responsible and alert these days. No one knows what might go wrong with hooligans running amuck all over town. My... my grand children never listen to me, and I fear my youngest is getting a bit wil...."

"It is time to go Miss. Grigs." I say in a low tempting voice. Her expression becomes blank as my words take hold.  "You will leave now and go home and have some tea and cakes." The last word twists the impression home and I watch with satisfaction as she turns to the door, dropping a book on her way out.

"Yes that is an idea," she murmurs. "Fine green tea."

As she leaves I dash around my counter and lock the door, flipping the open sign to close and sigh heavily.  I begin to franticly close down my shop and can't help but feel guilty. I hate to use my power to push people out, but tonight can't be helped.  He was waiting for us tonight, as a member of the elders circle, I had to come.  No excuse in the world will make him forgive you for missing his meetings, except death or torture.

My hand waves around as spells weave themselves through my mind. Money, pens, and papers, start to dance in the air as they place themselves where they are supposed to be. Shutters and blinds fall shut and collecting dust evaporates into nothing. Books reline and reposition themselves on their proper shelves. The book the old women dropped hops back into place.

My eyes take in the wonder of the magic taking hold of the store, a marvel that still dazzles me.

            I walk around with a small grin as I enter a large corridor. As I proceed down the hall I take a moment to take in the sight and smell of my store. The halls practically reek of books, freshly baked cakes, and coffee. The ceiling is high and arched. The candle lights dim glow gives the corridor a romantic, calming, appeal. Walls are painted with the color of cream and the cherry wood floors gleamed. The walls were decorated with paintings, done by my hand, of landscapes, towns, and anything else that came to mind. Stone statues of white marble warriors decorated the corridor. Their fearless posses brought a smile to my lips as the reminder of the not so smiling models that I used to carve them came to mind. In the whole, the store brought me pride that I thought I would never feel in my life, and it is that pride that keeps me and this place going day by day.

Scanning my surroundings, I walk to the end of the hall where my study lay. I come to a large iron door, designed to open only on my command. Placing my hand on the door, I feel it give away as it disappears into nothing. I hurry down the dark hall, my speed increasing as I begin my transformation. The darkness of the stairwell is lit by my energy as my body compresses and I take the form of a red owl.  Diving down the remaining steps, I burst into my large study.

The study is circular and filled with ancient articles and histories about the race that hunts in the night. It is my duty to protect the secrets of all of the written documents that lay here. The room's walls are covered by ruff grey stone and large cases of ancient books lining every wall. The ceiling held a single chandelier with inchanted candles who's flame never died and lit the entire room with a faint white glow. A large desk is situated in the center, covered by letters and work that I file now and again. In the far corner lay my destination, the large stone fireplace with its black gargoyles that stare at me as I fly toward it.  I enter and shot up the stack. Laughter escapes my mind as I burst forth into the twilight of the setting sun. I swirl around in the last rays of light, enjoying the warmth that lands on my feathers. My owl body takes to the sky as the sun finally sets behind the mountain ranges.

As I rise higher and higher, I notice the miles of roof top chimneys and smoke that stare back at me. Grinning at the sight and at the now darkening sky, I veer off to the north. Speed increases as wings flap effortlessly, and my beak releases a joyful hoot as the sky finally darkened to reveal the stars. Roof tops disappear from view as I  fly over the town walls and enter the canopy of the forest. Branches flash quickly beneath me as I fly by.

A sudden movement catches my attention as a large blond wolf runs into view beneath me. I recognize Duglan, lord of the highland people, master of sword, and right hand man to our king. He laughs up at me clearly challenging me to a race. I oblige by swooping in and nicking his hindquarters. He gives a barking laugh as our speed increases. Trunks and bushes flash around us as we race through the woods. A black cat comes into view followed by the sound of running hoofs. I turn my head to watch as the cat joins us along with a slick black horse, both easily catching up and keeping pace with our speed. The four of us ran (or in my case flew) until all else is a blur.

What seems to be an eternity of running ( or flying) abruptly ends at the feet of a large great grandfather tree. Deep in the heart of the forest, away from the prying eyes of the town folk, the four of us halt in our mad dash. I rest on a branch on a small sapling next to Duglan and the four of us wait. The Black horse's breath comes out in steady huffs, and his golden eyes glow in the light. The cats green eyes narrow patiently and she even took the time to clean a paw. The golden wolfs jaws open to let out a stream of soft pants as he grins up at me. I stare at him the way all owls do, wide- eyed.  A sudden fissure ignites the air around us and chanting immerges from the forests dark interior. We brace ourselves as a red light envelops us and a tunnel appears in the middle of the great old trees bark; huge, dark, and menacing. In amusement I hear the sound of the creatures in the forest moving. I take flight and enter the passageway followed by the other three. The passageway suddenly becomes crammed with forest creatures as they scramble to get inside. Bats, birds, wolves, and more, race through the opening and into the dark underpass. I allow a moment of sheer glee to fill me as I fly through the gateway into the next world. Red dim lights flash around us as we find ourselves racing down a street and the underpass was sloping up and around. Now the interior took on the form of an underwater tunnel that cars use to go from one place to the other. soon we are met by a light that signals the end. Animals burst forth into the other side and the creatures transform into vampires, screeching their joy as they fly around the wide open space of the vacant lot, a world parallel to our reality. As we four slow and stop at the exit into the vacant lot, we watch as the others take seats on various light poles, mainly the larger ones that varied in sizes and shapes. These particular poles made a circle around the meeting spot of the elders.

            I land on the ground next to Duglan, and wait. The other vampires finally cease their cries and settle down. As one unit the four of us walk through the thresh hold. Since I am much smaller in my owl form I have to hop faster to keep up with my larger four legged comrades. Finally, Duglan lets out a deep laugh and gestures with his head to hop on. I sigh and hop on his golden shoulder; at least I did so to lesson further embarrassment. I look around, as we pass the archway of light poles. It never stopped amazing me how our creator and master, could come up with such an odd place. A large vacant lot with different light poles, varying in size and make, fill a large chasm made up of a never ending parking lot. That was all this place was, a large vacant lot with no other things attached. Well nothing but light poles that is. The sky was constantly filled with dim glowing stars, and a moon that moves in time with the one back home. There is no sun here.

Turning my large head, I look at the middle of the light poles that circled the meeting place. This was even odder, for all the lives our King had seen, he chose a very disarrayed setting for us to sit in, in the center of all the light poles, sat a large array of furniture, positioned there for no purpose at all. Dressers, small tables, chairs of different size and quality, Book selves (with no books), empty bags of luggage, etcetera.

            I believe it was the King's sense of humor that allowed him to create such a bizarre gathering place. Even though he was the very first of our kind, the oldest, as well as the most powerful, he did get bored of the same old formality.  This I believe is his way of shouting it out.

As we approach the haphazard meeting area the elders stop and I hop off of Duglan's shoulder. We transform at the same time and begin to go to our own favorite chairs.

"Uhg!" grunts the Red Bullet as he flung himself down into his favorite ,wooden, rocking chair. It is the one that squeaks nosily as he rocks in it and looks as old as he didn't. He was the black horse, and as a vampire, he has the appearance of an old day's cowboy. He is six foot three, slender yet masculine, with white skin and black shoulder length hair that looks untamed. He has a face that can be described as rakish and roughly handsome. His nose is straight, mouth thin and firm, and high cheek bones. His pointed ears hung heavily on either side of his head thanks to his favorite brown hat. He wore a simple black, leather coat, buckskinned pants, and black leather boots. He also wore his two trusted guns, killer one and killer two, he called them. Both customized Colt single action army revolvers made of the finest black steel. Their ammunition tipped .40 bullets are able to penetrate the toughest hides.

 His clubbed tail sways lazily about as he dug out his smokes, the man was constantly smoking, not that it mattered, smoking doesn't kill us.

"I can not wait for his Excellency to arrive. I have such interesting gossip for you all." purred Madam Dandy as she settles herself in a comfortable, worn, cushioned seat. Madam Dandy is the most beloved vampiress in the Kings female ranks. She is very beautiful and youthful, having been bitten when she was only nineteen. Dressed in her old day Victorian style dress, bodice, and petty coats, she looks so overly dressed and flashy to me. It is hard not to tell her that styles have changed since then, but oh well. The dress (and all that implies) is black, lace with red ribbons. Her long, glossy, black hair pilled high on her head twisted and tightened so not a single strand came out. It looks artfully charming with the added onyx stones that glistened as she moved. It also looks very painful.              

Her face and figure could be said came from a good collection of genes. She is slender as a reed and has a bosom women often fight for. She stands (well not at the moment but you know) at six foot one and is as graceful as any feline. High cheek bones, small upturned nose, full red glossy lips, lime green cat like eyes, and white smooth skin attracted males far and wide. Next to some, none could account for the duchess's wealth, power, and beauty. She sits as tall and graceful as a queen, in court, even though she looks a tad ridiculous doing so in a place like this.

"Aye lass, we will all do well to wait even though none of us are ever late." said Duglan, as he steps into his chair, a large well worn wooden chair with Celtic designs. Duglan, as I said before, was lord of the highland people. He has been the kings friend for centuries, never leaving his side and always there if needed. Even with all his pride as an Irish vampire, I believe some of the king's silliness has rubbed off on him.  At this moment he wears a tee shirt saying: "I'm drunk, Irish, and proud of it!" Not to mention the fact that he wares his customary red and green kilt, with tan hiking boots. The man doesn't even bother to ware underwear for god's sake! He sits open legged through out the entire meeting and I keep getting a constant peek of, "what should lay hidden". Not that I overly mind, but I do get embarrassed when others, even the king can sense my sudden arousal with every flash Duglan gives me. I've learned to keep my eyes away from him while we are meeting here, but some times my eyes stray in the wrong direction. Duglan never allows me to live it down nor does he attempt to put pants on. However Duglan is not without his own perks in looks. He is around six foot four and bulging with muscles. His face is muscularly handsome, with high cheek bones (You can tell cheek bones are ridiculously high these days, chuckle chuckle.) straight pointed nose, bright blue almond eyes, and enticing lips. His long golden hair is horribly restrained in a messy pony tail that makes him all the more wild in appearance. But for all that the man is still a horrid tease. Even now as he settles in the chair, he leans far in it and parts his legs to give me a nice eye full. Oh gods! Is that stupid kilt shorter then usual!? Yes it is, and I have to reframe from squeaking as he gives me one of his lecherous grins.

"One day I'll get you for this you tyrant!" I threw my thoughts at him with malice attached. My face is getting redder as I stare at the offending package peaking at me from his kilt.

"Oi lass, that is definitely the day I am sourly waiting for."  He purrs, and awards me again by thrusting his hips up further. His eye brows wiggle.

Madam Dandy giggles.

Red Bullet plucks his tongue in annoyance.

The audience chuckles lightly.

Groaning, I turn away from the devilish vampire and take my own seat in a nice red lounge chair. I had to remove an empty parcel from my seat before sitting down.

Oh I forgot!  I might as well tell you what I look like, to give you an idea of who's talking. I am the only one in the whole group that looks like a run down punk teenager. (Even though I did start the day with a white work shirt, black skirt, and black flats. At night my clothes changes when I change.) At this moment I have on baggy blue jean pants that pool above my black boots. I wear a black cowboy hat, given to me by red bullet, which tilts slightly on my head. I have on a black leather jacket with a large red dragon on the back of it. I have spiked leather bracelets on that could do some serious damage, and a red and black watch on my left hand. I have one earring on the left ear and red and black sunglasses on my face. Unlike the other vampires that are thin, white, tall, and graceful:  I am chubby, short, graceful (yet clumsy), and silver skinned. Not to mention my eyes are the one thing that the others fear me for. While others have golden, lime green, baby blue, or dirt red eyes, I have golden-red eyes. A pare of eyes that glint like rubies, and hold a great deal of light and energy.

 In short I look like a short, animalistic, phyco freak.

I sigh as I look at my comrades and make that comparison once again, thumping my plump, club, tail against the chair in annoyance.

Then the air stills and I feel a presents as a deep voice intrudes into the already silent lot.

"Good no one is late," Then he appears from the darkness and stands in the middle of the meeting area, "Not even me."

I feel my breath hitch once more as I take in his glorious form. He stands at six foot two. His silver white hair, braided at this time, runs down his back to the back of his legs. He has pearl white skin, and harsh yet handsome features. Long straight nose, thin black lips, slanted eyes, pointed chin, the works. He even had a black goatee accompanied by thick, black, eye brows. But beyond his already, hot looks, is what he is wearing that draws the attention of every being with eyes. Tonight the king surprises everyone by dressing like a Goth student. He is covered in black leather that hugs his slim, yet muscular form. Ribbons of leather hugs his forearms, chest, and a great amount of it fell like a cape around him. His eyes are covered by dark black sunglasses that conceal their color. His ears are pierced and have bats dangling from them. His boots are shiny and had hints of faded red decorations on them. All in all he is a gothic, beauty.

He grins at us and takes his seat in a tall black chair with red cushions, his tail swishing lazily, from the other side of the seat, as he takes us all in. We all sit and wait for him to speak. I can feel my own tail jumping in anticipation.  

As his eyes over look his elders I know he is sending private little messages to each one, for every elder he looks at gave some sign of understanding by some type of body movement.

Red Bullet a node.

Duglan an inclination of his head.

For Madam Dandy, she twitters about in her seat when the King's eyes settle fully on her. I could not help but roll my eyes at the movement. 

Surely the woman can refrain from fluttering in her seat like some caged bird.

But even as my eyes roll back toward the group I am rewarded by the full impact of the king's stare. I stare back with wide eyes that are hidden behind my glasses. His grin turns more devilish as his thoughts reach me.

"I see you are once again dressed in that intriguing attire, Zecon." His thoughts roll over me like hot silk, and I could not suppress the shudder that snakes its way down my spine. It feels so good when he touches you with his mind, like being submerged in comfortable hot water.

"Yes sir," I said with a child like obedience, my hands clasp each other and come up to cover my mouth, "There extremely comfortable and fashionable in my mind."

He licks his lips and asks, "And how do you think of my new attire, Zecon?"

I grin behind my clasped hands and say, "Very sexy sir, you would make a wonderful striper."

The prince of darkness throws back his head and laughs out, startling every one. My grin widens at the sound. The fact that I can always make him laugh, it was an odd gift I have over him. His laughter low and sensual made several woman in the lot shudder and moan out. Even madam Dandy started twisting harder in her own seat.

"Wonderful, Zecon, very wonderful! I was hoping you would like it, I thought it was time to change my appearance from my usual tee and jeans." I know that behind his glasses his eyes are teasing.

"Very good sir, I believe the change suits you. The outfit makes you look so hot that the woman would melt just by looking at you."

"Well I guess that is good." He says as his head tilts to one side, "But what do you want to do with me Zecon?" The sensuality of his voice made me fell warmer then I thought possible.

I blush and say, "I think your nose could tell you that sir."

His grin widens as he leaves my mind, not forgetting to leave behind a soft type of caress before he does so. I don't know why he does that, but it feels so good.  

 (Ohhh....Yummy, yummy.)

            His attention slides back to the group and he begins to speak, "My friends, welcome again to the vacant lot. I trust your day has been profitable?"

We all nod at this and smile at our good fortunes, the king was the one who made it happen anyway.

"Very good," He says, sitting up straighter, "Then let us get down to important business. Now as much as I would like to hear how your days went I have more pressing news to announce before we begin."

Many of the onlookers gasp and shuffle closer from their perches on the light poles. It is considered an honor to hear news straight from the king himself.

 In a voice that is said to come from the very era in which he was born, the king speaks using an old dialect. "The nights have grown colder, the moon's glow dims. A dangerous and unholy thing will come to pass. I have checked with my resources and found something quite disturbing. My friends the hunters have come once again to Eligwood."

Gasps are heard from all around, whispers of fear and malice are heard through out the lot. The looks on the elders' faces become still and masked, even madam Dandy, lost some of her usual flutter. I have never seen such a thing come across them before.

The king holds up his hand and silence greets him. "The only way we can figure to protect ourselves from theses, unholy crusaders, is by simply watching what you do. No more drinking from throats, satisfy your thirst by drinking from the Doolb trees from now on. Wait until we give out the signal that the coast is clear. No more major meetings like this one until further notice. Do not do anything that will give you away in front of the elves in town. Understood?"

A chorus of agreements rages forth. I sit staring dumbly at them all, I had no idea what was going on, since I have only been a vampire for about a year now my understanding of this announcement only served to worry me about its deeper meaning.

"Alright the meeting will continue now. But we must be quick."  He turns his attention to Duglan. "My friend how is your business going? Anything knew happen?" His smooth voice is casual as if he didn't make an announcement a few moments ago that we could all be in danger.

Duglan smiles and shifts in his chair to cross his legs. I sigh in relief. "Not much lad. Except for the fine batch of brandy that you gifted me with a week back, things are going smoothly as usual." His face suddenly brakes into a mischievous look and he chuckles.

"It sounds as if you have something to share that sounds more intriguing then brandy D." The king murmurs.

"Oh aye! A load of em, you see just the other day....."

And so we all took turns to tell a story of our affairs from the last several weeks. We meet often, every three weeks or so, and share a bit of interesting gossip or news that we witnessed or were a part of. The king doesn't mind our mindless babble and seems quite taken with it.

Duglan speaks of a few interesting affairs that got a casual fit of giggles from the onlookers and a few snorts from Red bullet. His stories are always of drunken fights, or sad affairs, or whatever he heard from the bar tables. He owns six bars in the area, all located around Eligwood. The bars are a cover up from the elves, where his real business was to take in stray vampires and care for them. He, and a few other vampires from the royal guard, protected the border of Eligwood from any enemy onslaught as well. He also had a good position to hear any useful tales that were important for the survival and safety of our clan.

Red bullet is next to speak. Red owns several cattle and horse ranches in the area. Not to mention four weapon stores and two shooting ranges. His businesses were always profitable and never lacking. That mainly thanks to the kings blood stock and good eye for weapon engineers. Red's businesses were a front as well. His cattle were usually used to feed overly zealous vampires who were just born and could not yet drink the Doolb trees nectar yet. The horses were used for search party emergencies, and the weapons were mainly for hunting dangerous vampires that were lose. Not that we really needed them, but for common curtsey on our part to keep our identity even more hidden. Better to shoot the enemy then raise suspicions on tearing it to peaces with your bare claws.

Red is very enthusiastic tonight about his horses. He entered his black in a race and the black left the others in the dust. He is so proud he is thinking of setting up a party.

I laugh at Red, it wasn't hard not to. At his age, now going on two hundred and twenty five, he is the type that could easily have been a great grandfather or dad. In my case he is an adopted grandfather. He always looks after me and cared for me when I was confused and hungry during my first month as a vampire. I would always love him for being there for me and taking my crap.

We laugh at his finishing statement of carving a thing of cake to look like a big horse. Madam Dandy is next and begins to tell us about the latest fabric that she acquired from the far north. Madam Dandy owns a few fashion stores around Eligwood that sells the latest and greatest designs to date. Silks, satins, and more come poring from her shelves and leave in the form of dresses, hats, sashes, or what ever else. Like Duglan and Red, her store covered the fact that her work shops cover secret crypts of the older vampires who have gone into sleeping. A vampire thing when an older vampire feels the need to rest for a few hundred years. They go to the crypts and sleep in silken coffins. This rejuvenates their mind and spirit.

As Madam Dandy tells us of the newest design of the fabric a chill suddenly sweeps up my spine. I straighten and glance about. I notice that one by one the other members have the same reaction.

Duglan inhales and straightens in his chair, his muscles tight and his expression blank.

Red stiffens and inhales deeply on his smoke, dragging it dangerously to his lips. The ashes fall and skater on his clothes. His eyes become hard.

Madam Dandy flinches and goes deadly still, her eyes becoming harsh and her lips thin into a line. She looks as if she sees something detestable.

The king himself losses a bit of his smile, slight as the movement is, he does not like the interruption any more then we do.

I know this feeling all to well and I am confirmed when she appeared. In a form of a white swan she descended from the blackness of the sky and floated down as if she were an angel (Ha! Angel my rear tail quarters! She's nothing more then a spoiled, rotten, mean.... Oh sorry). In a fluid movement she lands gracefully beside the king and I hiss silently as she flutters and changes back into her true (bitchy) self.

In her vampiric form I guess she could be called lovely. Her facial features catlike with vibrant golden eyes, full red lips, high cheeks, perfect chin, slashes of black eye brows, purple eye shadow, and taunt white skin. Her body is willow thin and her bosom full. She wears a black slick number that hugs her form from neck to feet. Her throat and bosom were indecently exposed. Her blond hair flares out like a silk cloud as she moves her hips sensually for all to see.

Duglen's legs tightened more into a secure cross-legged position. Undoubtedly his flirtatious nature only extended to me. This makes me smile inside, however (with her around) nothing makes me smile on the outside.

"Oh how rude of me." She purrs as she glides to our king's side. "I didn't mean to interrupt." She bends forward, her breast threatening to spill from their loose confinements. I stifle a gag reflex. I turn a pleading eye to Red. His face is hard and he looks as if he wants to shot her in that very instant.

Unlike our King, we all knew her flaws. It is just a mystery why the others hate her so much. I knew my reasons.

Only a few months into my rebirth as a vampire and I was asked to see the king in his privet gardens, already named elder before a counsel a month before I imagined that it had to deal with an upcoming meeting. I made my way to the castles gardens and waited for a few moments. The king arrived and proceeded to tell me that he was giving me my first gift as an elder ( the store that I own now) when that harlot came. She interrupted us and practically melted into him, telling him that he was needed for a more dire business. Something to deal with one of his generals. The king nodded and left, telling me that he'll call me later to finish with the details. When he was gone she and I were left alone. I would have gone but she turned and sneered at me, saying, ' I have no idea why our beloved king would want an over ripe pig as an elder.' Then she vanished with a laugh. Now mind you I do not mind the insults of my weight, but she took it to far at every chance that we meet. She would insult me at every turn. Not to mention she embarrassed me at every gathering, makes me look like an idiot in front of half of the kingdom, and that one time at the banquet she... oh sorry. Yes! To be continued some other time.

I tighten my claws on my seat and keep my focus on the others, but my eyes betray my curiosity as they shift continuously to what Lola (that's the harlot's name) said and did.

"Please forgive me my king; I do hate to be late." She is practically oozing sensual charm. I hiss under my breath.

"I hope you will not do it again, Lola." The king says smoothly. "You just interrupted Madam Dandy. She was about to enlighten us on the new fabric that has just arrived at her store. It is supposed to be very grand." His voice held no indication of feeling.

"Oh yes indeed." Fluttered Lola, (I hate it when she does that!) her eyes slid over to Madam Dandy, "Please continue." Her movements, as well as her voice, are both equally smooth as she fluidly sat on the kings armrest.  His arm slides around and holds her around her waist. She sits there as if she owned both the king and the seat of power. My fangs lengthen and my instincts rear their ugly heads.

"Down Zecon." The king's voice rang in my mind, soothing and warm. "I don't want to risk embarrassing you."

"Forgive me. I just can't...I'm sorry." I felt shame flood me and I turn away from the perfect picture they made.

His laugh ecos in my mind. " Easy love. You know Lola is my Concubine. She can be rude..."

" No kidding." Thought without thinking.

" But she does have her good points." He says smoothly

" I can only imagine sir." Is my sour answer.

" Are you calm now?"

" Do I have a choice?"

" I love it when you get feisty." He chuckles.

" Oh lets get on with it!"

" You better be glad I'm in a jovial mood. I may have you whipped."

" As long as you do the whipping." I tease, feeling better.

" Oh, in that case..."

" Don't you dare."

He chuckles and looks at Madam Dandy. " Please continue my lady."

Madam Dandy sniffs delicately and begins. " I was saying my lord, this new product is soft and inexpensive. It is made of natural fibers and so easy to use and mold into any fantasy design..."

"What colors do they come in?" Lola interrupts checking her nails.

I swear I could hear Dandys nails grow in rage. "Mostly pastels, a few shades of red, and golds." She replies dully.

"Oh is that all?" Lola simpers as she leans closer to the king, stroking his head as if he were a dog. I feel my lip pull back in a sneer.

"Yes that is all." Madam Dandy ends it there not seeming to want to continue.

Ah crap.

"Zecon you seem to be next." The king turns his saucy smile at me as every one else does as well. I gulp.

"I don't think that is necessary my lord. I just run a book store, nothing more. Nothing exciting." I say as politely as I could, trying to ignore that women petting him like that.

"I insist, Zecon, there must be something?" The kings words were said with a hidden warning.

I sigh, " The only thing I have to say is that the latest book 'Venture of the Dragon king' Is doing very well. Better then the biblical novel of 'The Goblin prince'. I also had an incident in the children's section where a child used the bathroom in the toy box."

Several chuckles drift down from the lights surrounding us.

Lola sneers at me.

Red chuckles, "Bet it was a mess to clean huh kid?"

I give him the smallest of smiles, "Quite. I don't know what that kid ate but there was all sorts of hidden surprises in that box." I smile evily and turn my eyes to Lola, "Other then the toys."

Laughter exploded as my imagination caught hold in their eyes.

" Such vile talk! Is there nothing civilized that you could speak of Child." She says it with such distain that I had a mix feeling of smirking and rage. I choose to smirk and say nothing. My sight becomes a slight red haze the longer I stare at her.

Her face flushes pink in rage and I smirk further.

"Ladies please, ease up." The king chuckles, "I think that is all for today. On a serious note, no one try to leave through the entry way of the tunnel tonight. Teleport. Do as much teleporting as necessary. Don't get caught or it is the end of us all." He waves his left hand in dismissal.

A few vampires vanish from the lot, others start to swoop down to talk to the other elders. I sigh and glance unwillingly at Lola. She's doing it again! Sitting practically on the kings lap and kissing him with a sickening passion that makes me ill.

I stare for a few moments with a cold feeling in my stomach and an acidic taste in my mouth. Disgusted I turn and run directly into Duglan.

"Oy lass, what's the rush? Not leaving us to soon now are ya?" his eyes are teasing but held a note of understanding as well.

"Well yes actually I am. I want to get home and get some sleep in before tomorrow. I know I am the creature of the night but when my job is mostly in the mornings there is not much time to sleep either day or night." I answer with a tired smile. The day had worn me out, and I haven't had my daily dose of Doolb yet. Hunger was in me.

Duglan saw this and he leans over me. Feeling a warmth rush through me as his body presses closer I almost faint in shock when he says, "You look right hungry puppet. Mind if I feed you?"

My entire face feels red hot, and I start to shake. A casual question like that means a lot more then you think, especially if it is asked in such a seductive way.

"Well now I...I don't know I... I guess, need to shut up." I close my mouth with a click. Oh I sound so stupid! Oh gezz now every one else is staring! Great.

Duglan chuckles and says, "Not to worry puppet, I have more then enough for an entire banquet!" his arm wraps around me and pulls me closer to his face. His lips caresses my face and I moan out unintentionally. My hands come up to his chest as my body thrusts up against him. A few onlookers chuckle and some even gasp in anticipation. As his lips travel down my face and I feel his arms encircle me, pulling me closer. The hunger pounds through me, causing my fangs to lengthen and my mouth to salivate.

As I find myself leaning in to bit Duglans throat my eyes open and I look over to where the king sat.

He did not look happy.

His eyes, still covered by glasses, bore into me and Duglan. The intensity of the stare, though unseen, can be felt in the way cold water brushes up on unprotected skin. Frigidly cold water at that.

In fear I tear myself away from Duglan.

" I'm sorry!" I say and vanish.

I reappear in the forest in the form of a red wolf and breath deeply. It is not unnatural for vampires to show that kind of affection in front of others and I wasn't all that embarrass about it, but I did fear the unknown feeling that I had when I saw the kings gaze fixed on me. Even covered, the anger from his eyes scorches me. But why would he care if I am interested in Duglan or not?

I shake myself and tell myself not to worry now, I had work to do in the morning and unfortunately I work by myself.

From my position I am only twenty yards from my cabin in the mountains. I allow my senses to flare out into the night and take in all that is around me. The smells, the sights, the sounds, eco and sing to me like a choris. I smile my wolfish smile at the power I have as a vampire and allow the bad thoughts to melt away. As I make my way to my cabin I think back on what I used to be.

Once I was a chubby Halfling elf with no friends. I had the ability to talk to people easily and come up with friendly chat, but it never lasted. I was always alone and depressed with my life. I had no real money, my family was in a dire crisis and my life seemed to be going down a hell hole. Spiraling fast. That all changed with the coming of a tall stranger. From that day on my life has never been better, though it still is lonely at times.

I sigh at the thought of that day, the memory of him coming to me in my darkest hour, of him appearing from the mist like a ghost or some angle of death. His presence, his touch, even his smell lay imprinted in my mind.

Then his bite.

I shiver and giggle at the reminder, oh that was a good memory.

" And what is so funny my dear?" comes a low seductive voice.

I gasp and turn to face the intruder. In the darkness stood a form of a man. But only one would have a voice that compelling.

" Master." I say as well as I could in my wolf form. " What is it that you need? I...I thought that you were taking care of Lola." I throw that in as a bait knowing he'll grab it for the fun of it.

The vampire king steps forth from the shadows and into the pale moon light. I give an inner sigh, gods does the man ever look anymore luscious.

He smiles at me and with a second step changes into a large white timber wolf. His eyes that were once hidden behind black glasses were now exposed. They are a haunting silver gold color. They shimmer and dance as if they are alive. His muzzle split to gift me with a mocking grin.

"Lola needs to learn that she only has so much hold on me. I feel up for a little walk. So tell me little one." He purrs. "Would you give this old man the honor of seeing his young elder home?"

I smile. ( Ha in your face Lola!) For some reason I feel so much more at ease with him while we are alone. I do not see him as a king or a god, but only as a man in need of company. Descent company ( nonslutish, friendly, not going to jump on your bones company).

We walk silently through the woods and I could feel my heart beating wildly in my chest.

" I noticed that Lord Duglan came in wearing less of a kilt then usual today."

I blink. Where did that come from? I thought he would attack me about Duglan's kissy attack on my face. " Well yes my lord, I thought...."

" Zecon, you know better." He said with a smile in his voice.

I cringe, when we're alone he prefers me to call him by his given name. Few were given that honor.

 " Yes Linkz, I thought it odd myself. The man is a complete flirt. He comes in wearing shorter and shorter kilts, and opens his legs to me nonstop." I chuckle. " I fear he may catch a cold."

"You like it. His teasing." He said with an odd note in his voice.

"Well a little," I admit with a wolfish wine, "I am a woman you know. I have not had the pleaser of a males touch before Linkz. And I am getting to a point were I crave it more then anything. You can't really blame me for getting exited with a good glimpse of male pride right?"

He glances at me and I could sense inpatients in him.

"You could just ask me to find a way to deal with the problem you know."

I chuckle, "Sir, I believe you have more then enough problems on your plate then having to worry about me being satisfied." I look up and take a sniff; we were nearly to my house. "Besides Linkz, I think I can handle it pretty well on my own until I find someone."

He grunts and I found myself chuckling. He tries to hide it but he is extremely possessive. Why of me of all females is the oddest thing that I still try to figure out.

As we near the house I ask him the question that has plagued me.

"Sir why do you dislike the attention that Duglan gives me? Am I doing something wrong or..."

He stops and looks at me with his mixed matched eyes.

I stare and lick my jaws as nervousness grips me. He fallows my tongue until it slips behind my fangs and answers, " There is nothing wrong with Duglan. He is a good man and the finest friend and warrior I can ever hope for. You know I find no fault in you and that I love your company greatly." He sighs, " I just don't think you and he belong together no matter how short the engagement is. He can be a bit of a pervert and can sometimes be an irresponsible one at times. He does well by you but I think you can do better."

I cock my head to the side. Better? How can a fat thing like me do better?

"Well... I will not question your way of thinking Linkz and I will do my best to please you. I just don't understand who you intend for me to wait for when no one else seems to give me the time of day most of the time."

His eyes roll, "Child sometimes I wonder if any of my teaches even reaches that brain of yours."


He chuckles, "Nothing no worries."

We continue and finally make it to my small cabin. I trot a few feet ahead and turn around with a wave of my tail.

" Would you like to come in?"

"No thank you my dear." He replies tiredly. "I would love to join you for some of your fruit punches and cakes, but alas my seviw is expecting me. And I mustn't keep them waiting long. They get very knaggy."

( Seviw are like wives in a sence. Chosen to breed, or given as a gift by greedy nobles. He has twelve, all have lovers on the side, and no children have yet to be born that are technically his.)

I smile and nod my understanding. Then he turns and trots back into the forest, becoming one with the night, and fog. I watch him go with a sense of loss. Then turn and enter my small looking cabin.

It is nothing to look at from the outside. Wood logs make the sides and roof of the cabin, a few glass windows to bring in light. A small wooden shed in the back to hold gardening tools, a small garden to ( well) garden in. Even a few bushes surround my shed.

I transform after I step inside the cabin and glance about. Inside things are much more spacious then what it would appear on the outside. There were many neat little rooms that were all made of wood. High beams were decorated to look like flying dragons. The wooden floors were dark and polished. The walls were made of wood and gleamed in the faint light already lit inside. The house is slightly decorated with dragon statues and dragon everything else. I have elegant yet simple furniture, dishes, and so on. All etched with a dragon feature. You can tell that I love them.

I hear a sudden commotion and am immediately bombarded by animals; Cats, ferrets, small dogs, birds, bats, rats, rabbits, and half of the other creatures of the forest that live in my home. I fall to the ground on the impact of a gray owl, and immediately swamped with wet kisses, soft nips, and poking paws. I laugh out and swat at them as I try to regain my compositor. Getting up ( and taking half the animals with me) I walk to the kitchen and wave my hand about. The cabinets explode open, poring forth bowls and animal food. My pets cry out in delight as food is dumped in bowls of different sizes and shapes. As they attack their meals, I left the kitchen to hunt for my bath. I had a long day and I wish for my hot tub. I love my hot tub! It lay with in a green house garden that is attached to the back of the cabin. The animals live in the garden yet never touch the water, a little spell helped there.

I smile as I walk in through the doors and into the garden itself. I look up through the glass and saw the moon looking down at me. I sigh and swipe my hand through the air. My clothes disappear and reappear in the laundry basket in the basement. I walk slowly to my bath and gingerly step in. I sigh once more as the hot water curls itself around me.

As I lay here I try understanding what the king, Linkz, was saying about hunters. It had to be the ancient hunters, vampire hunters, heretics who believed in killing our kind because we were evil and from the deepest pits of hell. If only they knew the real story behind our kind. But any way, what mattered was lying low for a while and watching what I do in front of my customers at the shop.

I frown suddenly when I realize that I haven't feed as of yet. I hold my hand up and conjure the fruit of the ancient Doolb tree. The fruit appeared, ripe and full of red goodness. I smile at it as I feel my fangs lengthen even further in anticipation. I open my mouth slightly and sink them deeply into the fruit. As I drink I allow the taste to fill me. Sweet, heavy, filling, and oh so good. I chuckle as I continue to feed from the blessed fruit.

When my bath ends I use a spell to clean the tub and teleport to my privet chamber. I dawn on a red silk night shirt and fling myself into my four-poster dragon bed. (Love dragons!)

I tuck myself in and look at the clock. Only a few more hours until sun rise. I only get a few hours sleep as is before work, so I sigh and tuck myself in. Hopefully tomorrow will be very promising.