Oh Holy Night... Part I

Story by Talon NightWhisper on SoFurry

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An idea I have had for quite some time now that was inspired by a great RPG called World of darkness, specifically the Vampire: the Requiem part. Vampire has been the source of many stories in the wonderfully dark world of modern-day vampires sitting in the darkness of human cities, controlling who does what, feeding grounds, and how much power a particular Covenent of vampires get in a city. For those who know this world, congrats, you will know this stuff by now, for those who don't....I'll try and explain it as it goes along.

My second story here on SoFurry and I hope to complete this series and post it here but for now, enjoy my cruddy writing and grammar skillz and give me some creative criticism, I need to know how I can improve as a writer...

Five men laughed as they dragged a crying and whimpering girl by her feet into the warehouse. The girl was probably a college cheerleader, no more then twenty years old, her uniform tattered and stained and her bare feet and hands were chafed by the rusty chains and the rough handling she experienced as they dragged her across the cold hard floor of the warehouse. The men then hoisted he up and threw her roughly on a single metal table, situated beside an old and rusted tool case where even more rusted tools, both for machines and for surgery, were piled haphazardly inside. The men bared there fangs in a toothy, sadistic grin as they each grabbed a random screwdriver, hatchet, scapel, or handsaw and neared the girl that was now chained to the table, bound and squirming as she struggled and cried.

The large gates burst open then as a hooded figure stepped inside the filthy abandoned warehouse, crunching the bone of a much more unfortunate past victim before stopping and standing. Whispers could be heard echoing from the shadowy figure as the men looked to one another with questioning looks. "Hey! Who the fuck are you? Dessert?" one of them, the apparent leader, said as they started to advance on the figure with malevolent grins and chuckles.

The Figure stopped whispering and lifted his head up, not enough to show his face but enough to let the others know he was addressing them now, and in a voice that echoed like the bells of Saint Mary's he spoke: "From dust you once came, and to dust you shall return.....amen"

Roughly an hour later, in a dark corner of Chicago, the Figure returned home. gliding across the rooftops as he ran and leaped towards his own hideout: the Abandoned All Saints church. The figure gave one last great leap and flew several feet into the night air before gravity returned and pulled him down. He landed with a soft slap of leather boots hitting concrete before opening the door and entering the silent grey solitude of the old church. He made his way down to the basement and bathed himself in the darkness as he removed his hood and shed his cloak. Pale flesh was exposed to the cold, damp darkness of the basement, marred by the scars of wars long past and battles strongly remembered. The lithe form of the man was a story of strife and hatred in-between mortal men, wounds of spear strikes, sword slashes, dagger stabbings, and arrows nearly missing their targeted vein or organ, crisscrossed along his back and chest and stomach with claw and bitemarks of some beast mixed in with the already gruesome sight. He stood shirtless in the dark as he shook the stray ashes of the monsters he had vanquished before out of his cloak and hood.

"How the young have fallen from the grace of God" he lamented with a sigh as he deposited his knives, daggers, crucifixes, rosaries, and the small black and red bible into their respectful places in the dark surroundings. A crow cawed and flew through a small window and landed gently on the Man's shoulder. "The prince wishes to see you, master. A progress report on his miniture crusades I expect" it said before a large dog stirred from his hiding place and gave a loud yawn "Again? Does the prince not trust your abilities, master?" the hound asked. "The Prince is faithless, both in God and in those around him. He fears that all that he believes is his will fail him, including me" he said simply to his two companions before once again donning his clothes and equipment and rushing out of the door towards the Prince's estate, greeting the cold dark night with a small, silent smile...


The Overlord stood at the top of an old cliff, his giant paws hanging limply as his dark purple eyes scanned the landscape. In the distance one could see the shining Capitol city of Kalah'Karor, the home of the Imperial Knights and the Dragon Emperor,...

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