The Union II: Tension

Story by Balto123 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Union

For those of you opposed to M/M sex, I urge you to look away now. For the rest of you, I hope you enjoy Part II of my latest story series "The Union"!

It was snowing heavily behind the french glass windows, the blizzard dulled somewhat by the thick glass. The occasional harsh whistle ruffled the red silk curtains and broke the sombre silence of the room Dimitri Sarkov was sat, the blizzard outside the last thing on his mind.

The candlelight of the room gave the white wolfs eyes an almost unearthly glow, the flames glistening over the row of medals pinned to the chest of the red uniform jacket he was wearing. Jacket aside, he was wearing a pair of tight black trousers and jack-boots, one leg crossed over the other with his heel sinking into the thick shag carpet underfoot. His paws were crossed in front of him on the giant black topped table that dominated the centre of the room, papers and other assorted items covering its surface, all of them baring his personal signature. His eyes flickered over at the other occupants of the room.

His eyes were immediately drawn to the figure sat the closest to him on the left side of the table, and he couldn't help his brow from furrowing slightly as he spotted Nicholas's jaw twitch the slightest bit as he made eye contact. The Beta's black fur almost shimmered in the candlelight, and next to the smart attire Dimitri was sporting the black wolf was dressed in a sombre grey suit that hung limply from his shoulders. One black paw hung over the table top, tensing occasional as he felt his Alpha's eyes upon him. Dimitri couldn't help but smile inside at the Beta's discomfort. Dressed in the formal uniform of the Alpha, he had the advantage for once over the arrogant black wolf.

The figure sat directly next to Nicholas caught Dimitri's attention the most, by the fact that he was a clear foot shorter than the grey suited wolf. Dimitri's nose wrinkled slightly as the sickly aroma of the cigarette clasped between the figures teeth wafted over towards him, and he couldn't help but be amused at the grimace on Nicholas' face as he bore the brunt of the acrid smell permeating into his fur. Sebastian Grayle had a nasty habit of smoking the most horrible tobacco's, and Dimitri had borne the brunt of the fox's habit frequently over the years he had been in his company. Already the room was thick with the light blue smoke drifting from the tip of the cigarette holder between the fox's lips. Grayle's brilliant violet eyes were never still, flickering over every inch of the room for any sign of something out of the ordinary, the glow from his cigarette burning throughout.

Apart from these two, the remaining occupants of the room were made up of canids of various species, but all of them unmistakably canid. Three wolves each dressed in dark suits, several different breeds of dog, and at the far end of the table a lone coyote dressed in a hideous purple outfit completely by a black peaked cap that clashed hideously with his mottled fur. All together, these canids all made up the single most important regime in the entire Union- The Grand Party of the Imperial Canidae Union. Together, these men made up the very fabric of the nation, with Dimitri at its head. And it was here in this very room of the Imperial Palce that the latest crisis meeting was being held, something Dimitri had long ago become resigned to.

Finally breaking the silence, Dimitri cleared his throat and stood up from his seat. immediately, all eyes turned towards him.

"As you all know...we are dealing with a situation that has serious repercussions for all of us should it not be dealt with as soon as possible".

Dimitri caught the smug expression on Nicholas's face out of the corer of his eye, and had to fight back a growl from escaping the back of his throat. The Beta thought he had the advantage from earlier in the day, but Dimitri had a surprise for him.

"Under my instruction," Dimitri saw Nicholas's smile fade instantly. "I have order my Beta Nicholas to increase the number of troops in the Kosov region to quell the violence from spreading further. I must stress this absolutely that this is merely a temporary measure, until I can be sure that the situation has been calmed. I don't want this to be seen as a heavy handed measure, but for one there are very few options open to us to ensure further bloodshed does not occur".

Dimitri sat back down in his chair, careful to avoid the poisonous glare from Nicholas. He had managed to regain his composure in front of the party by making it appear that the order to send in troops had been his idea from the start, instead of the Beta having forced his hand. And from the expression on Nicholas's face, he knew it as well that, at least in front of the party, Dimitri had gained the upper hand.

Dimitri turned to face Sebastian, and had to suppress a shiver when he realized the fox had been staring at him the whole time.

"Sebastian...would you care to inform us what your people have uncovered".

The fox got to his feet, removing the cigarette holder from between his teeth and placing it onto the table. Despite his diminutive size, the fox drew the attention of everyone in the room with an almost magnetic pull.

"As you are all aware, the situation in Kosov has been escalating for the last several weeks." the fox's sultry tones sent a shiver through Dimitri, and he had to fight hard to keep his composure. "My people working within the region have managed to uncover some rather...interesting information".

The fox's eyes burnt as a small smile spread across his muzzle. "From the information my sources have related to me, it appears that the violence in Kosov can be drawn back... to the Young Canid Movement".

Okay, Dimitri thought, this was news to him. This was the first time any mention of the Young Canid's had been brought into the equation, and Dimitri found himself sitting up from his seat as he awaited Grayle to continue.

"My reliable sources have been working closely with the leadership of the Kosov region, and from the information they have gathered it is clear to me that there is a direct link to the turmoil that can be lead back to the Young Canid's. Further more, they believe that it is a plot to spread the violence into further regions in order to destabilize the very fabric of the Union."

Dimitri felt his heartbeat increase. Although he highly doubted the methods Grayle's 'sources' had used in order to achieved this information, he couldn't help but be drawn in by the fox's way of talking. Grayle had always been a master of instilling ideas into peoples heads, and under Alexi's regime the fox had been in his prime. Even now he was still a powerful speaker that the majority of the party had complete confidence in, despite Dimitri's misgivings. Still, it would take more than a fancy speech to convince Dimitri of the truth behind the fox's words.

"With respect Sebastian," the coyote at the far end of the table spoke up. "Can you be so convinced of the reliability of your sources, given that this is I believe the first time the involvement of the Young Canid's has been brought into consideration?"

"Yes Sebastian," Dimitri got to his feet. "Though I do not doubt the reliability of your associates, I would perhaps need more convincing on this possible break-through before we took further steps".

The fox's eyes narrowed the slightest bit, and Dimitri felt that chill once more creep up his spine. There was something he didn't like about the fox's eyes, the way they seemed to burn a hole in his head. It never ceased to amaze him how much power the fox seemed to radiate with, and how much influence he seemed to have. This despite the fact that fox's were normally the most looked down upon in society and how very rarely they achieved high rankings in society. But Grayle was the exception, a fascist of the highest calibre who got results, and who Alexis had had the highest confidence in. As head of security, the fox had been well suited in achieving the rank he still kept to this day.

"Of course, Alpha." Grayle replied in his usual silky tones, bowing his head the slightest bit. "Of course I will be absolutely certain of the validity of this information before I would suggest you take action". The fox sat back down, but it was clear to Dimitri that he had hit a nerve. Grayle did not like being put down in front of the party, and for anyone other than Dimitri this would be a very dangerous move to make. The cigarette was once more returned between the fox's teeth, and a fresh cloud of blue smoke enveloped Grayle's muzzle.

Dimitri turned back to face the party. "Whilst I have the utmost...confidence in Sebastian Grayle's sources," Dimitri had to choose his words carefully. "I would never the less prefer to take minimal steps in containing the violence in Kosov until we are absolutely sure of the possible involvement of outside influences. For now, we will continue to monitor the region for any signs of further violence, and should the situation escalate we will then take the necessary measures. Dismissed".

Dimitri settled back into his seat as he watched the party members get up from their chairs and make for the door. Nicholas was the last to leave, and Dimitri caught the glare in the Beta's eyes before the door closed with a snap.

Exhaling deeply, Dimitri rubbed his eyes and cracked his neck to relieve the tension. He had managed to regain the upper hand from Nicholas and keep his composure in front of Grayle. But, he thought with a sigh, how much longer would that last? And how long could he push his luck before things started turning nasty?

What Grayle had said had unnerved him, despite the fact he refused to be sucked in by the fox's act. If the Young Canid's were behind the turmoil in Kosov, then that put a completely new slant of things. They were a nationalist group united towards radical reform in the Union, whatever means necessary, and if they had finally achieved a foothold in Kosov, the possible repercussions were enormous.

Under his father, the Young Canid's had been unable to gain the support of the people and therefore the threat they posed had been easily contained. And then under the short time Alexis had been in power, they had been hunted down and ruthlessly suppressed, mostly by Grayle and his bunch of sadists. But over the years that Dimitri had been in charge their support had been increasing in the further regions of the Union, and the threat they posed was now giving him cause for worry. Should Kosov go, it would only be a matter of time before the bordering regions would be under threat, and a peoples revolt would all too soon be baring down on the Imperial Palace.

"And all under my watch" Dimitri muttered under his breath, and let his head sink down until his brow was pressed against the cool surface of the table. It all lead back to him, it always did. Even if Grayle was lying, he had succeeded in unnerving Dimitri to such an extent that the personal victory he had achieved back from Nicholas now seemed meaningless. Once again his position had been undermined, and even wearing the uniform of the Alpha couldn't make him feel any more like the leader he was expected to be.

Lifting his head back up, Dimitri almost jumped out of his seat when he was confronted with the sight of someone stood in front of him. The figure immediately bowed its head and stared down at the floor with its ears pressed to its skull.

"I...I'm sorry Alpha. I...I have a...message for you".

Dimitri felt his heart calm down when he realized who it was who was stood in front of him holding a sealed envelope in his paw. Wearing a white shirt and bow tie, was a young canid with light grey fur. One of the many servors who attended the various menial jobs within the palace, sidling past mutely through the corridors avoiding eye contact whenever possible. Dimitri allowed himself a small smile at the submissive stance of the boy.

"What's your name, boy?"

The canid looked up, but still refused to make eye contact with him. Dimitri noticed that he was trembling slightly, and did his best to make his expression as comforting for the boy as possible.

" name is...S...Sergei, Alpha". The boy lowered his head again, the letter still held out in front of him towards Dimitri.

"Thank you Sergei. You can go". Dimitri took the letter from the canid's outstretched paw, and watched as the boy hurriedly made his way out of the room, closing the door behind him with a sharp click.

Dimitri never ceased to be fascinated by those like Sergei. The lowest of the low in the social order of the Union, and for a very good reason. They hadn't always been the way they were, a mismatch of various races of canid inhabiting the numerous low ranking serving jobs within the nation, not even having a name to call themselves with. Indeed, not many generations ago they had been the ruling race of the planet. A race called Humans. Over the years as technology had improved, Sergei's ancestors had tampered with their genetics in order to attempt to impose themselves to cope better in the environment their planet through at them. But over the generations their gene pool had become corrupted with the various different genetic patterns they had tampered with, until eventually there had been very little left of their original forms. Now there were very few of them left, but they did have their advantages. Dimitri couldn't help to note with a naughty smirk how cute young Sergei had looked in his server uniform. Perhaps he could convince Hunter to wear one at some point...

Shaking this thought from his head, Dimitri turned his attention to the letter in his paw. Ripping through the envelope, he removed the letter and spread it out onto the table.

"Don't forget what I said, Dim. Don't be up late tonight, or you don't get your surprise. All my love, Hunt."

Dimitri inhaled deeply, and checked the grand clock on the wall. It was already close to midnight, and judging by the amount of paperwork spread out on the tabletop, he wasn't getting out of the room in a hurry.

Whatever Hunter's surprise was, it was going to have to wait.

Sebastian Grayle was sat cross-legged in a hard-backed chair, the thick red smoke from his latest cigarette wafting in front of his eyes as he watched in amusement as Nicholas paced in front of him with a look of intense rage on his face.

"How dare he! Insult me in front of the entire party, show me up completely! That little runt has pushed me too far for too long!" the Beta growled.

Grayle continued to watch the wolf's pacing with his vivid violet eyes highlighted by the thick crimson smoke. Finally, he removed the holder from his lips.

"Something has to be done".

Nicholas ceased his pacing, and looked at the seated fox in attention. "Yes, but what?"

"You know what". Grayle flashed his teeth, and motioned with his finger for the wolf to come closer.

The fox smirked as the Beta kneeled in front of him, ears lowered submissively despite the expression on his face.

"I'm tired of submitting to that whelp. He's nothing but the runt pup, and yet I'm forced to show respect to him!" Nicholas vented as the fox's paw dropped down inbetween his ears.

"Aren't we all, but don't worry my little pup. I have already taken care of it".

Nicholas allowed Grayle's paw to push his head down between the fox's legs, ears still down against his skull as he felt the fox's sharp little claws dig through his fur. A soft whimper escaped his throat as the fox's other paw pulled down the zipper containing the package within. Within seconds, the wolfs maw was encased over Grayle's swelling foxhood. Grayle's paws kept the wolfs head pinned down, claws digging into his skin and ruffling the black fur against the grain. A sharp twist, and the fox's digits were dug tightly inbetween the wolfs headfur. The thick acrid stench of the fox's cigarette once more clasped between his teeth masked the scent of fox musk creeping into the wolfs nostrils. The wolf curled his tongue around the thick length digging into the back of his throat, intent on bring Grayle to orgasm. The dominant fox shoved his hips forward, impaling himself fully in the warm maw of the subby wolf beneath him. Biting down on the holder between his teeth, the fox slammed his knot home, anchoring the thick lump behind the wolfs teeth and stretching his muzzle almost to breaking point. Thick fox cum spurted down Nicholas's throat, tickling his tonsils and filling his sense with the heady aroma of the fox above him, his muzzle painfully stretched. His belly full of fox cream, Nicholas could do nothing but inhale the musk of the fox's balls pushed right against his snout, whimpering softly as he felt the fox's paw rub over his ears.

Grayle smirked as he listened to Nicholas's simpering whimpers. He wasn't planning on releasing the wolf from between his legs any time soon.

"Now, listen carefully Nicholas. This is what I want you to do..."

Dimitri was slumped over the tabletop, his breathing deep and level. In his clasped paw was a pen that continued to leak ink onto the piece of paper under him.

The wolf didn't hear the door of the room softly open, and a lone figure silently move towards him.

"Tsk tsk. I should have have been more persuasive, Dim".

A smile on his face at the sleeping wolf's content expression, Hunter scooped Dimitri up in his arms, being careful not to wake the younger wolf.

Dimitri's surprise would have to wait until morning.